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A total of 133 ancyrocephalid species found on Nearctic freshwater fishes have been named. Of these, 103 are now considered valid; 14 and 16 have been declared previously as synonyms or species inquirendae, respectively, and Urocleidus rarus Mizelle, 1940, is designated as a species inquirenda in the present work. A cladistic analysis, based on 13 binary and 4 multistate characters and 32 apomorphic character states was carried out. Generalized forms of Entobdella, Gyrodactylus, and Tetraonchus were used to generate a hypothetical outgroup taxon. Thirteen terminal taxa emerged. Of these, 3 (the articulating bar group, Ligictaluridus, and Onchocleidus sensu Wheeler and Beverley-Burton, 1989) have been recognized previously as monophyletic; 3 (Aethycteron, Lyrodiscus, and Salsuginus) were shown to be monophyletic in the present study; 3 (Leptocleidus, Macrohaptor, and Tetracleidus) are monotypic genera; and 4 were identified as unresolved assemblages that contain a number of species considered to be incertae sedis as well as those assigned to the following genera: Aristocleidus Mueller, 1936, Urocleidus sensu Suriano and Beverley-Burton, 1981, Cleidodiscoides Mayes and Miller, 1973, and Cleidodiscus sensu Beverley-Burton and Suriano, 1980. The resultant cladogram was 40 steps long with a consistency index of 0.80. The monophyly of the ingroup is supported by 5 synapomorphies. Comparison and mapping of the parasite cladogram with/onto a family-level cladogram of hosts indicated that the present data provided no unequivocal evidence of cospeciation. Some possible origins for the Nearctic ancyrocephalids are discussed, and the need for further taxonomic studies on the Holarctic ancyrocephalids to explore the possible sister-group relationship between the Nearctic and Eurasian faunas is emphasized.  相似文献   

Tetraodontiformes includes approximately 350 species assigned to nine families, sharing several reduced morphological features of higher teleosts. The order has been accepted as a monophyletic group by many authors, although several alternative hypotheses exist regarding its phylogenetic position within the higher teleosts. To date, acanthuroids, zeiforms, and lophiiforms have been proposed as sister-groups of the tetraodontiforms. The monophyly and sister-group status was investigated using whole mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequences from 44 purposefully-chosen species (26 sequences newly-determined during the study) that fully represent the major tetraodontiform lineages plus all the groups that have been hypothesized as being close relatives. Partitioned Bayesian analyses were conducted with the three datasets that comprised concatenated nucleotide sequences from 13 protein-coding genes (with and without, or with RY-coding, 3rd codon positions), plus 22 transfer RNA and two ribosomal RNA genes. The resultant trees were well resolved and largely congruent, with most internal branches being supported by high posterior probabilities. Mitogenomic data strongly supported the monophyly of tetraodontiform fishes, placing them as a sister-group of either Lophiiformes plus Caproidei or Caproidei only. The sister-group relationship between Acanthuroidei and Tetraodontiformes was statistically rejected using Bayes factors. These results were confirmed by a reanalysis of the previously published nuclear RAG1 gene sequences using the Bayesian method. Within the Tetraodontiformes, however, monophylies of the three superfamilies were not recovered and further taxonomic sampling and subsequent efforts should clarify these relationships.  相似文献   

Examination of littoral fish Blennius pholis and Cottus bubalis caught at Aberystwyth and Porth Cwyfan, Wales, U.K. revealed 2 species of coccidia. Eimeria dingleyi sp. n. Oocysts spherical (16.1-19.2) to subspherical (13.9-14.2 X 18.8-20.0) micron, with thin walls; sporulation outside the host to produce ellipsoid sporocysts; endogenous phases in epithelial cells throughout intestine; 26 of 58 B. pholis infected. Eimeria variabilis (Théohan) Reichenow. Oocysts spherical (11.9-14.6) to subspherical (9.2-10.9 X 13.9-14.3) micron, sporulation in lining of pyloric ceca and rectum; previously unrecorded schizonts and gametocytes present; 21 of 25 C. bubalis infected. Electron microscopy revealed that the oocyst wall of E. variabilis consists of a thin membrane whereas the sporocyst wall is thick and 3-layered. Typical oocyst wall-forming bodies were absent from the macrogamete. Cytochemical tests on the endogenous stages of E. dingleyi and E. variabilis indicated that in general they resembled other coccidia in their chemical constitution.  相似文献   

A data matrix is presented of 210 morphological characters (mostly osteological, some external) for 20 extant taxa of the ten Recent families of tetraodontiform fishes and 36 fossil tetraodontiforms. The oldest of these are from the Upper Cretaceous (95 Mya); most are from the Lower to Middle Eocene (50–58 Mya). There are two outgroup taxa (a zeiform and a caproid). A cladistic analysis of this matrix for only the extant taxa produced two equally parsimonious trees that call into question the monophyly of some of the previously accepted major higher-level tetraodontiform clades. Inclusion in the analysis of the large number of available fossil taxa helps to resolve relationships between family level clades. The new phylogenetic hypothesis, together with stratigraphic and biogeographical data, is used to discuss scenarios of the origin and evolution of the major clades of the order.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139 , 565−617.  相似文献   

Dogwoods evolved in two main lineages, a red-fruited line in which the inflorescences have basal bracts, and a blue-(or white-)fruited line in which the bracts are rudimentary or lacking. The 15 “red-line” species are mostly well marked, whereas “blue-line” species—numbering roughly 50 if some newer treatments be accepted—are mostly hard to tell apart. Red-line ovules are tenuinucellate, blue-line ovules crassinucellate. Dividing the red line separates cornelian cherries from the showy-bracted species; dividing the latter separates dwarf cornels from big-bracted dogwoods. Adding in the blue line there are thus four subgroups, which differ with regard to inflorescences— and with regard to iridoid glucosides, among other things. I downplay further subdivision (into opposite- and alternateleaved blue-line groups, for instance) and focus on few traits because I aim to trace the subgroups backward in the fossil record, to decide the direction of evolutionary changes, and to infer the causes for divergence. Unlike pollen, leaves, and wood, fossil dogwood fruits can often be assigned to one of the four subgroups and sometimes to a species group within a subgroup.Dunstania (based on fruits from England’s early Tertiary and here transferred toCornus’s cornelian cherry subgroup) or something close to the dunstanias gave rise to modernC. volkensii of Africa and four related species found today in California and Eurasia. Fossil fruit-stones of the blue line, like their modern counterparts, can be subglobose, compressed and asymmetric, fluted, or topped by a deep depression. Such a deep depression serves to link a fossil to the extant speciesC. alternifolia andC. controversa, but other features of the blue-line fruitstones, overlapping and less constant, cannot be used to prove a fossil’s tie to groups within the blue line. Evidence of several kinds makes the blue-line dogwoods oldest and connectsCornus to the nyssoids:Nyssa, Camptotheca, andDavidia. Commonly called Nyssaceae after 1910, when Wangerin got their traits wrong, the nyssoids are surer relatives ofCornus than any of Wangerin’s (“Das Pflanzenreich”) cornaceous genera.Mastixia, however, may be the actual sister group because it shares withCornus 1-celled 2-armed hairs that nyssoids lack.Cornus, nyssoids, and mastixioids (modernMastixia and its closest fossil allies) are here regarded as the true Cornaceae. Other genera once thought to be cornaceous are doubtfully to not at all related. As is now widely known, discordant features makeCorokia andKaliphora (for example) out of place in the Cornaceae, butAucuba andGarrya (for example) are neither easily excluded by a listing of their traits nor easily included by construction of branched diagrams. The novelty that brought about the radiation of true cornads was, I think, epigyny, followed fairly quickly by the hard endocarp and singleseeded locules. Mastixioid fruits of the late Cretaceous were dry or leathery and smaller than their successors. This suggests that early members of the family spread abiotically or by means of animals that ate whole plants. Bigger, fleshier fruits came later through interaction with evolving frugivores. The cause of early radiation withinCornus probably was interaction with insect predators and pollinators. One species of the blue line escaped competition for spring pollinators by switching to fall flowering and thereby kept some traits that other dogwoods lost. Though birds are now the main dispersers of the dogwoods, rodents likely play a minor role, and monkeys likely played a major role when compound fruits evolved. Though gynoecial reduction was the rule in dogwoods,C. (Dunstania) multilocularis’s multiple seed chambers reflect an evolutionary increase. I postulate that modernCornus’s 4-merous flower with 2-merous ovary has a strong developmental tie to pairing of the leaves and branches.  相似文献   

Vietnam has the highest number of primate taxa overall (24-27) and the highest number of globally threatened primate taxa (minimum 20) in Mainland Southeast Asia. Conservation management of these species depends in part on resolving taxonomic uncertainties, which remain numerous among the Asian primates. Recent research on genetic, morphological, and acoustic diversity in Vietnam's primates has clarified some of these uncertainties, although a number of significant classification issues still remain. Herein, we summarize and compare the major current taxonomic classifications of Vietnam's primates, discuss recent advances in the context of these taxonomies, and suggest key areas for additional research to best inform conservation efforts in a region crucial to global primate diversity. Among the most important next steps for the conservation of Vietnam's primates is a new consensus list of Asian primates that resolves current differences between major taxonomies, incorporates recent research advances, and recognizes units of diversity at scales below the species-level, whether termed populations, morphs, or subspecies. Priority should be placed on recognizing distinct populations, regardless of the species concept in use, in order to foster the evolutionary processes necessary for primate populations to cope with inevitable environmental changes. The long-term conservation of Vietnam's primates depends not only on an accepted and accurate taxonomy but also on funding for on-the-ground conservation activities, including training, and the continued dedication and leadership of Vietnamese researchers and managers.  相似文献   

Effect of salinity on oxygen consumption in fishes: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of salinity on resting oxygen uptake was measured in the perch Perca fluviatilis and available information on oxygen uptake in teleost species at a variety of salinities was reviewed. Trans‐epithelial ion transport against a concentration gradient requires energy and exposure to salinities osmotically different from the body fluids therefore imposes an energetic demand that is expected to be lowest in brackish water compared to fresh and sea water. Across species, there is no clear trend between oxygen uptake and salinity, and estimates of cost of osmotic and ionic regulation vary from a few per cent to >30% of standard metabolism.  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》2015,34(5):817-820
迄今为止,中国已知黑粉菌269种,这些物种主要在我国北方和南方获得,对于华中地区,还需要进行进一步的野外采集工作,随着研究的深入,还会发现大量的黑粉菌物种。  相似文献   

以稻米品质温度敏感型的早籼稻品种嘉早935为材料,利用人工气候箱控温试验和实时荧光定量PCR技术,探讨了不同灌浆温度(日均温分别为22和32 ℃)处理下胚乳淀粉分支酶(SBE)、淀粉去分支酶(DBE)和淀粉合酶(SS)的10个同工型基因(sbe1、sbe3、sbe4、pul、isa1、isa2、isa3、Wx、sss1和sss2a)的相对表达量差异及动态变化特征.结果表明: 淀粉合成相关功能基因对水稻灌浆期高温胁迫的响应表达方式存在明显差异,而且因同工型的类型而不同.在高温处理下,sbe1和sbe3的相对表达量显著下降,二者属于SBE类基因中对高温胁迫较敏感的主要同工型;DBE基因中,pul属于高表达的同工型,而且其对高温胁迫响应比isa1、isa2和isa3敏感;在Wx、sss1和sss2a中,sss2a的相对表达量显著低于sss1和Wx, 但sss2a和sss1对高温胁迫响应比Wx敏感,因此二者可能也是高温胁迫对胚乳淀粉结构进行调控的重要位点,尤其在水稻灌浆的中后期发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

Interest in mangrove rehabilitation has increased rapidly since 2003, as has awareness of the damaging effects of natural and anthropogenic pressures that contribute to mangrove loss, which is estimated at 1–2 % per annum. The major pressures are from urbanization and other development in all areas and forestry and fisheries especially where communities depend on mangroves for their livelihood. However rehabilitation success has been uncertain, reflecting gaps in integration between human and ecological components of the rehabilitation system. In particular there are government level issues of gaps and inconsistency in policy and failure in application. Some rehabilitation efforts have had limited success for several reasons including: having insufficient information, using inappropriate methods, not involving local communities, or not following all the steps in the processes that have been identified in the literature. A multi-disciplinary and integrated approach is needed to assist future planning and this needs capacity from a variety of areas in government, research and community. The review concludes with hope for a future where governments work with communities to develop policies and strategies for rehabilitating mangrove for resilience to changing environments.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), which has been examined in a variety of plants and animals, is widely promoted as a useful bioindicator of exogenous stressors in habitats, whether of natural or anthropogenic origin. Wildlife managers and researchers often use a specific group of organisms as an indicator of the health of a given habitat. The purpose of this review is to demonstrate that FA can be an effective fish biomonitoring tool by presenting a vote counting meta-analysis of 81 fish FA studies published between 1966 and the first half of 2009. The vote counts were analyzed with the G test for independence to determine whether the probability of observing significant morphological asymmetry is determined by character type, exogenous stressor type, or fish order. The information obtained from these papers and their analysis is then used to outline areas in which FA studies can be improved: (1) carefully considering character choice; (2) distinguishing between asymmetry types; (3) determining the level of measurement error in between-sides character variation; (4) determining baseline FA levels in populations; (5) increasing the number of laboratory studies which corroborate field observations of FA; (6) conducting true replications of studies to validate previous findings. Only with more critical experimental design and data analysis can FA be used as a powerful tool for assessing environmental degradation.  相似文献   

For a long time, systematists have subdivided the genus Pinus into Diploxylon and Haploxylon according to morpho-anatomy and the number of needles. Nevertheless, divergent views remain regarding the structure of these two subgenera, mainly at the section and subsection levels. We propose to clarify some of these uncertainties by studying 45 Pinus taxa of different origins. Our results, based on morphometric and biochemical (flavonoids) parameters, complement those obtained from classical anatomical and morphological studies, and also modern macro-molecular markers (proteins, DNA). We confirm the subdivision of the genus into Pinus = Diploxylon versus Strobus = Haploxylon and the further sectioning of the first subgenus into sections Pinus and Trifoliae. Moreover, we specify the different subsections, whereby the contents of the methylated flavonol isorhamnetin coupled with needle morphometry play a significant role (subsections Pinus vs. Pinaster in section Pinus, Australes + Ponderosae vs. Contortae in section Trifoliae). Given that isorhamnetin proceeds from quercetin by the irreversible action of an O-methyl-transferase, this methylated flavonol becomes a dynamic marker in such way that the taxa rich in isorhamnetin can be considered as more “derived = evolved”. In addition, there exists a highly significant negative correlation between methylation index and number of needles. Consequently, the pines from the Holarctic Strobus group (with five needles and low isorhamnetin contents) can be considered as “ancestral”, in reference to a Laurasian origin of the genus. In the subgenus Pinus, the Nearctic group (=section Trifoliae) remains near the ancestral base. On the other hand, the Holarctic subset “densiflorae” is connected to the other members (mainly European) of the polyphyletic subsection Pinus, in particular with series “sylvestres”. Because of their very high contents of isorhamnetin, the Mediterranean pines result from an accentuation of this evolutionary trend (=subsection Pinaster). In fact, the pines growing under hot and dry climates (Mediterranean region) are highly evolved compared to those from cold and/or wet regions (Eurasia and North America but also, to a lesser extent, the south-eastern USA and East Asia). Our dynamic propositions based on plant phenolics data complete those from more modern macromolecular (DNA, proteins) studies.  相似文献   

The field of plant molecular systematics is expanding rapidly, and with it new and refined methods are coming into use. This paper reviews recent advances in experimental methods and data analysis, as applied to the chloroplast genome. Restriction site mapping of the chloroplast genome has been used widely, but is limited in the range of taxonomic levels to which it can be applied. The upper limits (i.e., greatest divergence) of its application are being explored by mapping of the chloroplast inverted repeat region, where rates of nucleotide substitution are low. The lower limits of divergence amenable to restriction site study are being examined using restriction enzymes with 4-base recognition sites to analyze polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified portions of the chloroplast genome that evolve rapidly. The comparison of DNA sequences is the area of molecular systematics in which the greatest advances are being made. PCR and methods for direct sequencing of PCR products have resulted in a mushrooming of sequence data. In theory, any degree of divergence is amenable to comparative sequencing studies. In practice, plant systematists have focused on two slowly evolving sequences (rbcL and rRNA genes). More rapidly evolving DNA sequences, including rapidly changing chloroplast genes, chloroplast introns, and intergenic spacers, and the noncoding portions of the nuclear ribosomal RNA repeat, also are being investigated for comparative purposes. The relative advantages and disadvantages of comparative restriction site mapping and DNA sequencing are reviewed. For both methods, the analysis of resulting data requires sufficient taxon and character sampling to achieve the best possible estimate of phylogenetic relationships. Parsimony analysis is particularly sensitive to the issue of taxon sampling due to the problem of long branches attracting on a tree. However, data sets with many taxa present serious computational difficulties that may result in the inability to achieve maximum parsimony or to find all shortest trees.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue secretes a large number of physiologically active peptides that often share structural properties with cytokines, and are therefore collectively referred to as "adipocytokines". Some of these are almost exclusively secreted by adipose tissue. Leptin, adiponectin and resistin are specific fat-derived hormones that affect fuel homeostasis and insulin action, and may also be involved in hematopoiesis and immune functions. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by chronic self-starvation and severe weight loss, mainly at the expense of adipose tissue. Starvation-induced depletion of fat stores is accompanied by alterations of circulating adipocytokines. Plasma leptin and likely resistin levels are decreased in anorectic patients, while plasma adiponectin levels are increased. These alterations may have potential repercussions in the pathophysiology of anorexia nervosa. Thus, low leptin and high adiponectin may separately or in concert contribute to altered hematopoiesis and immunity, enhanced insulin sensitivity, neuroendocrine disturbances or osteopenia in anorexia nervosa.  相似文献   

Patterns of food evacuation in fishes: a critical review   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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