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Early and late IgG of rabbits immunized with herpes virus showed, respectively, 8-fold and 2-fold enhancement of neutralization endpoint in the presence of complement (C). Kinetic curve experiments employing an appropriate amount of virus revealed that both neutralization and sensitization followed first-order reaction, and each IgG possessed a certain range of concentration where neutralization was negligible while sensitization was marked. Dose responses of neutralization and sensitization velocities demonstrated that the C enhancement of late IgG was about 7-fold and that of early IgG more than 20-fold. These facts suggested that the IgGs contained two different entities of complement-requiring (CRN) and non-requiring neutralizing (N) antibodies at different proportions, only the former being responsible for sensitization. The different CRN: N ratios obtained by the endpoint and kinetic methods may mean either that the two antibodies differ in avidity for the virus or that the number of critical sites per virion for CRN antibody is greater than that for N antibody. In this interpretation, sensitization by CRN antibody as well as neutralization by N antibody is thought to result from attachment of a single antibody molecule to the viral critical site. Alternative explanations, ascribing the mechanism of neutralization to steric hindrance of critical sites or to multiple hit of those sites by antibody, were denied by analyses of the present data.  相似文献   

A microplate serum neutralization test for estimation of complement-requiring neutralizing (CRN) antibody was established as the first step for simplification of typing of herpes simplex virus (HSV). When guinea pigs were immunized with type 2 HSV, the late sera could mostly differentiate the types of HSV better than hyperimmune rabbit sera, the CRN titer against the heterologous type 1 HSV being much lower than the homologous titer. Sera of guinea pigs immunized with type 1 HSV showed about the same level of cross reaction against type 2 HSV as did rabbit antisera. Guinea pig sera having minimal levels of cross reaction were selected, and their high dilution (1:160) and complement were added to serial 10-fold dilutions of virus in the microplate titration of virus infectivity. Selective reduction of virus titer by either antiserum could determine the type of HSV. No equivocal intermediate case was found among a number of stock strains including many fresh isolates. The typing result coincided with that determined by a modification of Yang et al's method based on virus titers obtained with Vero and primary chick embryo cells. The typing based on plaquing in chick embryo cells sometimes failed to identify type 1 HSV.  相似文献   

Despite a central role in immunity, antibody neutralization of virus infection is poorly understood. Here we show how the neutralization and persistence of adenovirus type 5, a prevalent nonenveloped human virus, are dependent upon the intracellular antibody receptor TRIM21. Cells with insufficient amounts of TRIM21 are readily infected, even at saturating concentrations of neutralizing antibody. Conversely, high TRIM21 expression levels decrease the persistent fraction of the infecting virus and allows neutralization by as few as 1.6 antibody molecules per virus. The direct interaction between TRIM21 and neutralizing antibody is essential, as single-point mutations within the TRIM21-binding site in the Fc region of a potently neutralizing antibody impair neutralization. However, infection at high multiplicity can saturate TRIM21 and overcome neutralization. These results provide insight into the mechanism and importance of a newly discovered, effector-driven process of antibody neutralization of nonenveloped viruses.  相似文献   

The envelope surface glycoprotein C (gC) of HSV-1 interferes with the complement cascade by binding C3 and activation products C3b, iC3b, and C3c, and by blocking the interaction of C5 and properdin with C3b. Wild-type HSV-1 is resistant to Ab-independent complement neutralization; however, HSV-1 mutant virus lacking gC is highly susceptible to complement resulting in > or =100-fold reduction in virus titer. We evaluated the mechanisms by which complement inhibits HSV-1 gC null virus to better understand how gC protects against complement-mediated neutralization. C8-depleted serum prepared from an HSV-1 and -2 Ab-negative donor neutralized gC null virus comparable to complement-intact serum, indicating that C8 and terminal lytic activity are not required. In contrast, C5-depleted serum from the same donor failed to neutralize gC null virus, supporting a requirement for C5. EDTA-treated serum did not neutralize gC null virus, indicating that complement activation is required. Factor D-depleted and C6-depleted sera neutralized virus, suggesting that the alternative complement pathway and complement components beyond C5 are not required. Complement did not aggregate virus or block attachment to cells. However, complement inhibited infection before early viral gene expression, indicating that complement affects one or more of the following steps in virus replication: virus entry, uncoating, DNA transport to the nucleus, or immediate early gene expression. Therefore, in the absence of gC, HSV-1 is readily inhibited by complement by a C5-dependent mechanism that does not require viral lysis, aggregation, or blocking virus attachment.  相似文献   

Anatomy of herpes simplex virus DNA. V. Terminally repetitive sequences.   总被引:32,自引:21,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Native DNA from four strains of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) circularized after digestion with the lambda exonuclease, indicating that the molecules were terminally repetitious. In two strains, the terminal repetition was evident in nearly 50% of the DNA molecules. Maximal circularization was observed when only 0.25 to 0.5% of the DNA was depolymerized by the exonuclease, suggesting that the minimal size of the terminally repetitious regions is in the range of 400 to 800 bases pairs. More extensive exonuclease treatment resulted in a reduction in the frequency of circularization. To determine whether the terminally repetitive regions themselves contained self-annealing sequences that were precluding circularization of more extensively digested DNA, the terminal fragments from HinIII restriction endonuclease digests were isolated, denatured, and tested for their ability to self-anneal. The results of hydroxyapatite column chromatography and electron microscope examination of the terminal regions are consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

About 1% of Raji cells showed sensitivity to herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection when tested by infectious center assays or immunofluorescence tests, and the percentage did not change during cell passage. The addition of hydrocortisone to Raji cells persistently infected with HSV-2 caused a marked increase in virus production and in the number of HSV-producing cells. In the case of HSV-1, it was shown that the addition of hydrocortisone was required to maintain persistent infection. These observations suggest that control of replication of HSV-1 and HSV-2 in these cells is regulated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Late IgG and IgM from a rabbit immunized with herpes virus were tested for ordinary neutralizing (N) antibody, complement-requiring neutralizing (CRN) antibody and in addition CRN antibody detectable by overnight sensitization at 0 C (s-CRN antibody). Heat stability tests showed that IgG s-CRN antibody was slightly less resistant to heating at 70 C than were N and CRN antibodies, whereas all three activities of IgM were quickly degraded at this temperature. Dose-response curves with varying amounts of complement (C) or anti-antibody revealed a marked difference between IgG s-CRN and IgM s-CRN antibodies. While 1-hr sensitization at 37 C was insufficient to detect IgG s-CRN antibody, it had the same effect as overnight sensitization at 0 C for IgM s-CRN antibody. When sensitization at 0 C was prolonged to 3 days, unexpectedly high endpoints exceeding 1:10,000 were obtained even with IgM. consequently, enhancement by C was several hundred-fold with IgM in contrast to 5- to 10-fold enhancement of IgG s-CRN antibody, which was similar to that after overnight sensitization. Also IgM obviously required more C than did IgG. These results suggest that IgM of late serum is slower reacting and more C-dependent than IgG s-CRN antibody. Tests with early rabbit sera indicated that the s-CRN antibody detectable by 3-day sensitization reaches a high level before the appearance of N antibody.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoprotein B (gB) is an integral part of the multicomponent fusion system required for virus entry and cell-cell fusion. Here we investigated the mechanism of viral neutralization by the monoclonal antibody (MAb) 2c, which specifically recognizes the gB of HSV type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2. Binding of MAb 2c to a type-common discontinuous epitope of gB resulted in highly efficient neutralization of HSV at the postbinding/prefusion stage and completely abrogated the viral cell-to-cell spread in vitro. Mapping of the antigenic site recognized by MAb 2c to the recently solved crystal structure of the HSV-1 gB ectodomain revealed that its discontinuous epitope is only partially accessible within the observed multidomain trimer conformation of gB, likely representing its postfusion conformation. To investigate how MAb 2c may interact with gB during membrane fusion, we characterized the properties of monovalent (Fab and scFv) and bivalent [IgG and F(ab')(2)] derivatives of MAb 2c. Our data show that the neutralization capacity of MAb 2c is dependent on cross-linkage of gB trimers. As a result, only bivalent derivatives of MAb 2c exhibited high neutralizing activity in vitro. Notably, bivalent MAb 2c not only was capable of preventing mucocutaneous disease in severely immunodeficient NOD/SCID mice upon vaginal HSV-1 challenge but also protected animals even with neuronal HSV infection. We also report for the first time that an anti-gB specific monoclonal antibody prevents HSV-1-induced encephalitis entirely independently from complement activation, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, and cellular immunity. This indicates the potential for further development of MAb 2c as an anti-HSV drug.  相似文献   

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