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The nonindigenous Barbary sheep population (Ammotragus lervia) of the Sierra Espuna Regional Park (Murcia, Spain) suffered an outbreak of sarcoptic mange between 1991 and 1995, which contributed to a population decrease of 86%. This study presents the results of two population surveys conducted in 1994 and 1999 based on the fixed point and itineraries method (FPI) and the excrement count (EC) method, as well as data from demographic estimates and clinical observations conducted by the Regional Administration of Murcia. Results of surveillance for mange are given between 1992 and 1995, because no animals were observed with sarcoptic mange in 1999. Prevalence of mange peaked in 1994 and then declined. During the regression phase of the epidemic, there was a higher infection rate in males (21.9%) than in females (16.6%) or young animals (5.1%). Males over 5 yr old were the worst affected age group, followed by subadults of both sexes. Few animals had generalized lesions of mange (7%), and most individuals (72%) had lesions of moderate severity. The most common locations of lesions were the neck, head, and back. The density of Barbary sheep in the Sierra Espuna Regional Park increased from introduction in 1972 until it peaked at 13 animals/km(2) in 1991, the year when the first case of sarcoptic mange was detected. After 2 yr of the mange epidemic, the average estimated density was 1.7 animals/km(2) in 1994, which increased to 5.0 animals/km(2) in 1999. The average group size also increased from 7.9 to 19.2 animals/group between 1994 and 1999. The sex ratio, expressed as the proportion of females in the total population observed, decreased from 0.61 in 1994 to 0.49 in 1999. The reproduction rate (kids per females per year) was essentially stable (0.59 in 1994 to 0.65 in 1999). Between 1994 and 1999 the population aged, with the number of young animals (<18 mo of age) decreasing from 45.3% to 36.6% from 1994 to 1999. In the same period, the proportion of males increased 21.4% to 32.6%. We believe sarcoptic mange acted as one of the regulating factors of population density after 1991 and that currently, although no sarcoptic mange lesions were observed in the 1999 survey, there is a demographic imbalance in sex ratio, age structure, and density.  相似文献   

正季节性繁殖是动物适应环境的具体表现,也是动物维持其种群发展的重要策略。生殖激素和动物的繁殖活动关系密切,协调实现繁殖后代的机能(赖平等,2012),如配子的发生、成熟与排出及受精、妊娠、分娩与泌乳等性行为活动。例如雄性甘肃鼢鼠(Myospalax cansus)血清中睾酮(程志兴,2009)和黄山短尾猴(Macaca thibetana)血清中孕酮含量(夏东坡,2007)在交配期间显著升高,  相似文献   

Mange mites represent a serious problem in livestock farming due to their worse effect on animals health, reducing milk and meat production. The status of mange mites prevalence was unknown from the livestock present in Malakand Division, Pakistan. Hence, the present study was conducted to determine the prevalence and risk factors assessment of mange mites in livestock of Malakand Division, Pakistan. Villages and livestock herds were visited for data collection and sampling for one year from September 2017 to August 2018. The diagnosis of mange infestation was carried out from skin scrapings collected from symptomatic animals. A total of 1437 animals were screened (240 sheep, 658 cows, 340 buffalos, 199 goats) from selected localities of the Malakand Division. The overall prevalence was 2.37%, with the highest prevalence in buffalos (5.0%) and lowest (0.42%) in sheep (p < 0.05). The locality also significantly affect the prevalence of mange mites in livestock, with a higher percentage (8.14%) in the Ouch area. The prevalence was higher in winter (3.78%) than in summer (1.07%). The prevalence was high (p < 0.05) in young animals (≤1 year) (4.7%) as compared to adults (>1 year) (1.15%). Gender was also a significant risk factor for mange infestation. The infestation was higher in females (2.85%) as compared to males (0.64%) (p < 0.05). Herd size of less than ten animals had a significantly high prevalence rate (3.69%) compared to >10 animals (1.89%). Animals having an infection history >15 days infected more than animals having infection history ≤15 days. This study documented for the first-time epidemiology of mange mites in livestock of Malakand Division, Pakistan. Further studies involving molecular characterization of mange mites will increase our understanding on the spread of mange mites in Malakand Division livestock.  相似文献   

In a 20-year-survey, 9364 dairy cattle in 324 herds kept under a zero-grazing management, 1252 beef cattle in 46 herds grazing all the year round, 3347 sheep in 134 herds (only 26 are grazing herds), and 872 goats in 47 herds (only 20 are grazing) were examined. The mites collected from cattle were identified as Chorioptes texanus only, and those from sheep, goats and gazelles were identified as C. bovis. Chorioptic mange was not diagnozed in grazing beef cattle, ibexes and housed animals (as compared to grazing herds), and in rams and billy goats. Holstein-Israeli bulls kept in insemination centres were not clinically infested, whereas four Charolais bulls were infested with chorioptic mange. Infestation rate was higher in older animals than in younger ones. Hoggets and young goats over 10 months and heifers over 13 months were found clinically infested with Choriopic mites. Lesions were not usually extensive and occurred mainly in predilection sites. The ocular form in sheep and the groin form in goats are very uncommon and apparently are reported for the first time. Chorioptic mange was recorded generally throughout the year. In our study seasonal distribution could not be demonstrated in cattle, while in sheep and goats the highest infestation rate occurred in February to March and the lowest in August and September.  相似文献   

Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were determined at monthly intervals in intact and ovariectomized squirrels maintained in a constant 14L:10D photoperiod at a temperature of 23 +/- 2 degrees C. LH was undetectable (less than 0.9 ng/ml) in plasma of intact females at all times of year. Females ovariectomized (OVX) at 9.5 months of age in March showed substantial increases in plasma LH in May and June but LH was undetectable between July and November. Females ovariectomized at 13 months of age in July first manifested detectable LH levels the following January and February (6-7 months post-ovariectomy). Very few adult females trapped in May and ovariectomized in August had detectable LH levels within 2 months of ovariectomy; however, females ovariectomized the following February had detectable LH titers 1 month later. Long-term studies of individual OVX squirrels indicated peak LH levels between March and June, 1980, relatively low or undetectable titers between August and December and elevated LH levels between January and March, 1981. The results are suggestive of a circannual rhythm of LH secretion which appears restricted to one season of the year and occurs independently of steroid feedback from the ovaries; ovarian steroids only modulate the levels of plasma LH during the brief annual period of hypothalamo-hypophysial activity. We suggest that onset and termination of LH release are mediated by central nervous system circannual clocks.  相似文献   

Epizootics of scaly leg disease caused by infection with the submacroscopic mite Knemidokoptes jamaicensis (Acari: Knemidokoptidae) in migratory American robins (Turdus migratorius) from a residential area of Tulsa (Oklahoma, USA) are documented during the winters (December through February) of 1993-94 and 1994-95. Estimates of 60 to > 80% of the birds in several different flights arriving in the area had lesions consistent with knemidokoptic mange. Epizootic occurrence of K. jamaicensis also is confirmed incidentally in American robins from Georgia (USA) in 1995 and 1998 and in Florida (USA) in 1991. These are the first confirmed epizootics of scaly leg attributed to infections with mites specifically identified as K. jamaicensis in North America. Severity of observed lesions in American robins ranged from scaly hyperkeratosis of the feet and legs to extensive proliferative lesions with loss of digits or the entire foot in some birds. Histologically, there was severe diffuse hyperkeratosis of the epidermis which contained numerous mites and multifocal aggregates of degranulating to degenerating eosinophilic heterophils; there was mild to severe superficial dermatitis with aggregates of eosinophilic heterophils and some mononuclear cells. Based on limited data from affected captive birds in Florida, we questioned the efficacy of ivermectin as an effective acaricide for knemidokoptiasis and propose that conditions associated with captivity may exacerbate transmission of this mite among caged birds. While knemidokoptic mange apparently can result in substantial host morbidity and possibly mortality, the ultimate impact of these epizootics on American robin populations presently is unknown.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the common opossumDidelphis marsupialis Linnaeus, 1758, inhabiting an agricultural area in the Venezuelan Andes was studied by live-trapping for 18 months (from July 1998 to December 1999). Trap success was slightly higher in the less humid months. Most females captured breed during the least rainy period, with two different birth peaks: January-March and April-June, a minor reproductive event occurs from August to October. Reproductive activity ofD. marsupialis appears closely associated with precipitation.  相似文献   

Red squirrels have undergone a 30% contraction of their range in the last 10 years in Ireland, a decline attributed to the introduced grey squirrel. Large regions in the west of Ireland are free of both species of squirrel, due to the isolation of forests there and their relatively recent planting. The potential of these forests as translocation sites for red squirrels was investigated to ascertain the possibility of increasing the range of red squirrels in Ireland. Nineteen red squirrels were moved into Derryclare wood, Co. Galway using a soft release into enclosures, and their subsequent survival and settlement in the wood was monitored, using trapping and radio-tracking. The successful release of 94.7% of squirrels from the enclosure, and 68.4% survival to the start of the following year’s breeding season were in excess of the target survival rates of 75 and 50%, respectively. Five of the females were found to be lactating in May 2006, and seven offspring captured in August 2006. A squirrel was observed in a follow-up visit in October 2007. Radio-tracked red squirrels tended to remain in the general vicinity of release, incorporating supplementary feeders as part of their home ranges. Squirrels also fed on the natural food available in the wood, with feeding signs readily observed in the wider woodland. The techniques used proved very successful in survival, retention and future reproduction of the translocated population. Timing of release may be an important consideration for future translocations with survival better in summer-released animals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of ectoparasites in transmitting Bartonella infections in wild Richardson's ground squirrels (Spermophilus richardsonii). Richardson's ground squirrels were trapped, examined for fleas, and tested for Bartonella bacteremia once monthly, at six sites, from April to September 2004. After the initial trapping session in April, burrows at three sites were treated with deltamethrin insecticide. Richardson's ground squirrels trapped on treated sites were less likely to have fleas and had fewer fleas than squirrels on control sites in all months following treatment. We found no difference in the prevalence of Bartonella infections on control and treated sites in May, immediately following treatment; however, significantly fewer squirrels were infected with Bartonella on treated sites in June and July. We conclude that ectoparasites are a main route of transmission for Bartonella infections in Richardson's ground squirrels.  相似文献   

Unbiased estimates of sex ratios that reflect local abundance of adult insects are practically difficult to obtain because many gender‐specific behavioural adaptations differentially influence the catchability of males and females in commonly applied sampling procedures. Historic data on outbreak populations of spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana Clemens (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), the major pest of conifers in Nearctic boreal forests, include dozens of sex ratio observations for 10 different sampling procedures; these data illustrate the importance of understanding the reproductive ecology of adults to contextualize sex ratio assessments. Sex ratios of resident adults (assessed by rearing field‐collected pupae to adulthood or fogging host trees with insecticide) were not different from 1:1. Sex ratios of in‐flight adults collected using Malaise traps or light traps deployed in tree canopies were consistently male‐biased, which presumably reflects the higher level of flight activity for males relative to females. Sex ratios of moths captured outside the forest canopy (presumed migrants), in contrast, were consistently female‐biased, a trend which is expected because females seeking oviposition sites are more likely to undergo migration than are males. The sex ratio among adults that died from natural causes (collected on drop trays) was not distinguishable from 1:1. In pre‐outbreak (endemic) populations, sex ratios estimated by light trapping were much more strongly male‐biased than in outbreak populations. This surprising result should, however, be interpreted with caution because little is known of reproductive ecology in endemic budworm populations.  相似文献   

Throughout 1 year, from October 2003 to September 2004, 88 visits to the landing site of a small urban fishery (APREBAN) in Rio de Janeiro city were conducted and 816 specimens of Rhizoprionodon lalandii were analysed. The sample, mostly females, was composed of two cohorts: young-of-the-year were abundant in spring and summer and adults predominated in autumn and winter. Gravid females were most abundant from April to June, whereas post-partum females composed most of the catch in August to September. Adult males were present all year although were more abundant between February and July. No neonates were captured during the study and most embryos collected measured slightly below the reported total length ( L T) at time of birth ( L 0) for the species, suggesting that parturition may occur slightly outside the main fishing grounds or that neonates were not captured in commercial gillnets set at this time of the year. The mean L T at maturity ( L T50) for males was 578 mm and females matured between 620 and 660 mm, although a precise estimate of L T50 for females could not be determined. The total length ( L T) and total mass ( M T) relationship     was calculated for both sexes and showed no significant differences. The mean condition factor increased steadily from February to July followed by a steep decrease in values relative to females in August and September, suggesting a pupping season. The present study area can be classified as a coastal juvenile habitat and a probable mating ground for R. lalandii .  相似文献   

Seven common wombats (Vombatus ursinus) were exposed and two of these were re-exposed to Sarcoptes scabiei var. wombati (Acari: Sarcoptidae). For wombats exposed for the first time, five exposed to 5,000 mites on their shoulder developed moderate to severe parakeratotic mange after 11 wk compared with two given 1,000 mites that developed mild clinical signs of mange after 11 wk. For re-exposed wombats, one of two given 5,000 mites developed mild parakeratotic mange and the other developed severe parakeratotic mange. Initial signs of mange were erythema followed by parakeratosis, alopecia, excoriation and fissuring of parakeratotic crust and skin. Erythema usually became apparent within 14 days after exposure (DAE) or within 24 hrs of re-exposure. Parakeratosis was visible 14-21 DAE and alopecia first occurred 35-77 DAE. Clinical signs increased in severity over time and lesions spread slowly from the site of exposure. Mangy wombats scratched excessively, lost weight, and exhibited a significant neutrophilia compared with control wombats. Treatment of mange with three injections of ivermectin, 300 micrograms/kg, 10 days apart led to complete resolution of clinical signs. However mites were not entirely eliminated until wombats received a second regime of treatment.  相似文献   

The social and spatial organization of urban fox groups prior to and during an outbreak of sarcoptic mange was compared with predictions derived from the resource dispersion hypothesis (RDH). We investigated the availability of three key resources. Neither daytime rest sites nor breeding sites appeared to be limited in availability. The availability of food deliberately supplied by local householders was examined by questionnaire surveys. The daily and weekly amount of food supplied was greatly in excess of the minimum requirements of a pair of foxes, but was consistent between territories. The availability of this food source increased markedly as a result of more people feeding the foxes. In agreement with the RDH, group size prior to the outbreak of mange increased from 2.25 animals (N=4) to 6.57 animals (N=7). Before the outbreak of mange, two territories were divided. Increased scavenge availability on smaller territories may have promoted these changes. Excluding these spatial changes, territories were very stable between years. After the outbreak of mange, group size declined as a direct result of mange-induced mortality. Surviving animals increased their ranges only after neighbouring groups had died out. Ranges did not increase in size in response to a decline in food availability. Nor were the increases in range size associated with the relinquishment of parts of the existing territory. These postmange changes are contrary to the RDH. Three factors may have promoted these changes: the elimination of interstitial space, the forced dispersal of young or future division of the territory. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In preparation for hibernation, golden-mantled ground squirrels (Spermophilus lateralis) must deposit sufficient amounts of lipid during the summer to survive winter hibernation. We conducted an experiment from May 1998 to February 1999 to examine the effects of caloric restriction on the body composition (lipid and fat-free mass) and hibernation of golden-mantled ground squirrels. Ground squirrels were either provided with food ad lib. (controls) or with only enough food to maintain a constant body mass throughout the experiment (calorically restricted). Changes in body composition were followed using total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC). Implanted data loggers that recorded body temperature were used to determine when ground squirrels entered their first torpor bout and the lengths of torpor bouts. Body composition did not change in the calorically restricted ground squirrels between May and September, while both lipid and fat-free mass increased in the controls. However, from September to February, calorically restricted ground squirrels lost only fat-free mass, not lipid mass, but controls lost both lipid and fat-free mass. Calorically restricted ground squirrels entered their first torpor bout about 4 wk after controls, but the torpor bout duration (or length) during hibernation did not differ between the two groups. These results show that ground squirrels maintain body composition during caloric restriction, and the limited quantities of stored lipid have an effect on when hibernation begins but not on torpor bout length.  相似文献   

Three red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were experimentally infected with Sarcoptes scabiei isolated from a naturally infected wild red fox. A fourth red fox served as a control. The first signs of sarcoptic mange became evident on the 31st day post infection (dpi). The signs gradually increased thereafter and between dpi 49 and 77 characteristic lesions of hyperkeratosis developed. Two of the infected foxes developed severe sarcoptic mange, and one of these animals died on dpi 121. The third fox developed a chronic hyperkeratotic lesion on its back, at the site where the mites had been applied. On dpi 127 the surviving foxes were treated systemically with ivermectin, and within 4 weeks the skin lesions had healed except on the pinnae of one animal. Antibodies to S. scabiei var. vulpes were demonstrated in the infected foxes by an ELISA with which seroconversion was seen around 4 weeks post infection (wpi). Western blot analysis of sequential sera of the infected animals demonstrated antibody activity consistently after the 2nd wpi. The fourth, non-infected, fox did not show any skin lesions throughout the experimental period nor any specific antibodies to S. scabiei var. vulpes. kw|Keywords|k]sarcoptic mange; k]red fox; k]serodiagnosis; k]ELISA  相似文献   

Ninety-one red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) found dead in the UK between January 1994 and August 1998 were necropsied at the Institute of Zoology (London, UK); their oral cavities were examined visually, and in eight cases, radiographically. Four red squirrels, which had evidence of oral disease when necropsied as part of a mortality survey, also were examined. A low prevalence (prevalence = 0.033, SE = 0.02, n = 91) of oral disease was found in free-living red squirrels. In only two cases was oral disease the probable cause of death. Attrition of the check teeth (three cases) and overgrowth of the incisors (four cases) were the most common lesions found. Partial anodontia was recorded in one squirrel.  相似文献   

Beginning in the fall of 1998 and extending into the spring and early summer of 1999 there was a large epizootic of squirrel fibromatosis in squirrels in seven counties in peninsular Florida. Hundreds of gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) with multiple cutaneous tumors were submitted or reported to biologists, veterinary hospitals, and private wildlife rehabilitators. Most squirrels died or were euthanized soon after submission. Twenty squirrels were submitted for necropsy. The majority of the squirrels examined were adults (12/20) and male (15/20). The number and location of tumors varied widely among the affected squirrels; however, a consistent finding was involvement of the eyelids (20/20). Histopathology revealed a proliferative population of mesenchymal cells within the dermis and marked ballooning degeneration of keratinocytes in the overlying epidermis. Intracytoplasmic viral inclusions were present in the neoplastic mesenchymal cell population and the degenerating keratinocytes. Ulceration and necrosis of the surface of the tumors or associated tissues was present in 14 of the 20 squirrels. Virions consistent with poxvirus were observed via electron microscopy in samples collected from a representative tumor. Death of the squirrels was attributed to emaciation, tissue damage, and severe negative energy balance associated with poxvirus infection and massive tumor growth. The underlying cause of this unusual epizootic of fibromatosis in gray squirrels remains unknown.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine whether a thermocline may constitute a barrier discouraging vertical migration of water mites. The research was carried out in May, June, July, and August 1999 in Lake Lubie, and a total of 3252 water mites (1880 females and 1178 males) belonging to 29 species were collected. A strong negative correlation was observed between the drop in temperature in the thermocline and the abundance and number of water mite species living beneath the thermocline. The negative correlation resulted from a considerable limitation of vertical migration of water mites by factors such as: low temperature below the thermocline, large difference between temperatures above and below the thermocline, and considerable thickness of the thermocline. During summer season, lower layers of the lake were increasingly penetrated by water mites as the temperatures above and below the thermocline were becoming more uniform. Lake species displayed the greatest ability to penetrate lower water layers and were present below the thermocline during the whole study period; moreover, their numbers were quite steady. On the contrary, the species, which are characteristic for small water bodies, crossed the thermocline in comparatively large numbers in June when the thermocline was of the lowest thickness.  相似文献   

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