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We report methods for (a) transforming a three-dimensional geometry acquired by magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in vivo, or by imaging a model cast, into a computational surface representation, (b) use of this to construct a three dimensional numerical grid for computational fluid dynamic (CFD) studies, and (c) use of the surface representation to produce a stereo-lithographic replica of the real detailed geometry, at a scale convenient for detailed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) flow studies. This is applied to assess the local flow field in realistic geometry arterial bypass grafts. Results from a parallel numerical simulation and MRI measurement of flow in an aorto-coronary bypass graft with various inlet flow conditions demonstrate the strong influence of the graft inlet waveform on the perianastomotic flow field. A sinusoidal and a multi harmonic coronary flow waveform both with a mean Reynolds number (Re) of 100 and a Womersley parameter of 2.7 were applied at the graft inlet. A weak axial flow separation region just distal to the toe was found in sinusoidal flow near end deceleration (Re = 25). At the same location and approximately the same point in the cycle (Re = 30) but in coronary flow, the axial flow separation was stronger and more spatially pronounced. No axial flow separation occurred in steady flow for Re = 100. Numerical predictions indicate a region in the vicinity of the suture line (where there is a local narrowing of the graft) with a wall shear magnitude in excess of five times that associated with fully developed flow at the graft inlet.  相似文献   

A pulsatile flow in vitro model of the distal end-to-side anastomosis of an arterial bypass graft was used to examine the effects that different flow ratios between the proximal outlet segment (POS) and the distal outlet segment (DOS) have on the flow patterns and the distributions of hemodynamic factors in the anastomosis. Amberlite particles were tracked by flow visualization to determine overall flow patterns and velocity measurements were made with Laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) to obtain detailed hemodynamic factors along the artery floor and the graft hood regions. These factors included wall shear stress (WSS), spatial wall shear stress gradient (WSSG), and oscillatory index (OSI). Statistical analysis was used to compare these hemodynamic factors between cases having different POS:DOS flow ratios (Case 1-0:100, Case 2-25:75, Case 3-50:50). The results showed that changes in POS:DOS flow ratios had a great influence on the flow patterns in the anastomosis. With an increase in proximal outlet flow, the range of location of the stagnation point along the artery floor decreased, while the extent of flow separation along the graft hood increased. The statistical results showed that there were significant differences (p<0.05) for the mean WSS between cases along the graft hood, but no significant differences were detected along the artery floor. There were no significant differences for the spatial WSSG along both the artery floor and the graft hood. However, there were significant differences (p<0.05) in the mean OSI between Cases 1 and 2 and between Cases 1 and 3 both along the artery floor and along the graft hood. Comparing these mechanical factors with histological findings of intimal hyperplasia formation obtained by previous canine studies, the results of the statistical analysis suggest that regions exposed to a combination of low mean WSS and high OSI may be most prone to the formation of intimal hyperplasia.  相似文献   



This paper presents calculations of the temperature distribution in an atherosclerotic plaque experiencing an inflammatory process; it analyzes the presence of hot spots in the plaque region and their relationship to blood flow, arterial geometry, and inflammatory cell distribution. Determination of the plaque temperature has become an important topic because plaques showing a temperature inhomogeneity have a higher likelihood of rupture. As a result, monitoring plaque temperature and knowing the factors affecting it can help in the prevention of sudden rupture.  相似文献   

Outflow distribution at the distal anastomosis of infrainguinal bypass grafts remains unquantified in vivo, but is likely to influence flow patterns and haemodynamics, thereby impacting upon graft patency. This study measured the ratio of distal to proximal outflow in 30 patients undergoing infrainguinal bypass for lower limb ischaemia, using a flow probe and a transit-time ultrasonic flow meter. The mean outflow distribution was approximately 75% distal to 25% proximal, with above knee anastomoses having a greater proportion of distal flow (84%) compared to below knee grafts (73%). These in vivo flow characteristics differ significantly from those used in theoretical models studying flow phenomena (50:50 and/or 100:0), and should be incorporated into future research.  相似文献   

M Gaur  A Rai 《Biofizika》1989,34(2):310-317
The behaviour of a small disturbance in an arterial blood flow has been studied analytically. The growth equation governing growth or decay of a disturbance has been obtained and solved. The behaviour of wave amplitude has been investigated as the wave propagates in time. The application of results to the human arterial system shows that the shock waves are not expected under normal physiological conditions. In the case of a pathologically increased pressure rise at the root of aorta, shock-like transitions may develop in the periphery. It is observed that the friction effects are to resist the tendency of shock formation in arteries.  相似文献   

The formation of distal anastomotic intimal hyperplasia (IH), one common mode of bypass graft failure, has been shown to occur in the areas of disturbed flow particular to this site. The nature of theflow in the segment of artery proximal to the distal anastomosis varies from case to case depending on the clinical situation presented. A partial stenosis of a bypassed arterial segment may allow residual prograde flow through the proximal artery entering the distal anastomosis of the graft. A complete stenosis may allow for zero flow in the proximal artery segment or retrograde flow due to the presence of small collateral vessels upstream. Although a number of investigations on the hemodynamics at the distal anastomosis of an end-to-side bypass graft have been conducted, there has not been a uniform treatment of the proximal artery flow condition. As a result, direct comparison of results from study to study may not be appropriate. The purpose of this work was to perform a three-dimensional computational investigation to study the effect of the proximal artery flow condition (i.e., prograde, zero, and retrograde flow) on the hemodynamics at the distal end-to-side anastomosis. We used the finite volume method to solve the full Navier-Stokes equations for steady flow through an idealized geometry of the distal anastomosis. We calculated the flow field and local wall shear stress (WSS) and WSS gradient (WSSG) everywhere in the domain. We also calculated the severity parameter (SP), a quantification of hemodynamic variation, at the anastomosis. Our model showed a marked difference in both the magnitude and spatial distribution of WSS and WSSG. For example, the maximum WSS magnitude on the floor of the artery proximal to the anastomosis for the prograde and zero flow cases is 1.8 and 3.9 dynes/cm2, respectively, while it is increased to 10.3 dynes/cm2 in the retrograde flow case. Similarly, the maximum value of WSSG magnitude on thefloor of the artery proximal to the anastomosis for the prograde flow case is 4.9 dynes/cm3, while it is increased to 13.6 and 24.2 dynes/cm3, respectively, in the zero and retrograde flow cases. The value of SP is highest for the retrograde flow case (13.7 dynes/cm3) and 8.1 and 12.1 percent lower than this for the prograde (12.6 dynes/cm3) and zero (12.0 dynes/cm3) flow cases, respectively. Our model results suggest that the flow condition in the proximal artery is an important determinant of the hemodynamics at the distal anastomosis of end-to-side vascular bypass grafts. Because hemodynamic forces affect the response of vascular endothelial cells, the flow situation in the proximal artery may affect IH formation and, therefore, long-term graft patency. Since surgeons have some control over the flow condition in the proximal artery, results from this study could help determine which flow condition is clinically optimal.  相似文献   

A potential interaction between the local hemodynamics and the artery wall response has been suggested for vascular graft failure by intimal hyperplasia (IH). Among the various hemodynamic factors, wall shear stress has been implicated as the primary factor responsible for the development of IH. In order to explore the role of hemodynamics in the formation of IH in end-to-side anastomosis, computational fluid dynamics is employed. To validate the numerical simulations, comparisons with existing experimental data are performed for both steady and pulsatile flows. Generally, good agreement is observed with the velocity profiles whereas some discrepancies are found in wall shear stress (WSS) distributions. Using the same end-to-side anastomosis geometry, numerical simulations are extended using a femoral artery waveform to identify the possible role of unsteady hemodynamics. In the current simulations, Carreau-Yasuda model is used to account for the non-Newtonian nature of blood. Computations indicated a disturbed flow field at the artery-graft junction leading to locally elevated shear stresses on the vascular wall. Furthermore, the shear stress distribution followed the same behavior with oscillating magnitude over the entire flow cycle. Thus, distal IH observed in end-to-side artery-graft models may be caused by the fluctuations in WSS's along the wall.  相似文献   

M C Shu  G P Noon  N H Hwang 《Biorheology》1987,24(6):711-722
A phase-by-phase analysis of local flow patterns at the venous anastomosis of an arteriovenous hemodialysis angioaccess loop graft (AVLG) was made. The study was carried out in an elastic, transparent Silastic in vitro flow model, which duplicates the detail geometry of the AVLG obtained from an animal model (30+ kg dogs with 12 weeks bilateral femoral AVLG implantation). The flow model was installed in a mock pulsatile flow loop system designed to simulate physiological conditions. Flow visualization was made in laser-illuminated flow fields using a high-speed cine camera. Analysis of the high-speed cine indicates there is a distinct separation region downstream of the anastomotic toe in the median plane and a stagnation region that oscillates along the opposite wall. During inward motion of the vessel wall, accumulation of particles in the separation region and the nearby stagnation region is observed. A large swirl appears in the distal vein during end-systolic period. A double-helical flow pattern occurs further down in the distal vein. Retrograde flow in the distal vein occurs in an "oscillating" manner following each cardiac cycle.  相似文献   

Based on literature data and own results, the author describes the morphological peculiarities of arterial blood flow regulators. Terminology and opinions concerning these structures are discussed. Also pointed out is the importance of axially disposed smooth muscle cells, which --- together with the two lamina of internal elastic membrane, and the adventitia --- form a functional flow modulating system. Author concludes that the endothelial cushions are not pathological formations, but normal structural variations appearing during embryonal and perinatal life, as consequences of certain hemodynamic circumstances with local characteristics. Suggestions are given for re-estimation of classical data concerning the supposed blood flow regulating function of the embryo-fetal obliterated cords attached to vessels. New arguments are brought in support of the contribution of the close relations between large arteries and the surrounding osseous, muscular and fibrous structures to the control and modulation of the blood stream.  相似文献   

在微观尺度上建立实体肿瘤组织内单根毛细血管—跨毛细血管壁—组织间质内流体的不定常耦合流动模型,求解析解。模型中假设毛细血管为一可渗透刚性圆柱管,周围组织为各向同性多孔弹性介质。毛细血管内流动遵循Navier—Stokes方程,跨血管壁和间质内组织液流动采用Starling定律和Davy定律。所得解析解结果显示①微观尺度上可忽略毛细血管内液体渗出量,管内流动可视为Poiseuille流动;②肿瘤组织间质压分布平坦,组织液流动缓慢,物质对流扩散困难。同时不定常解析解的取得也为今后肿瘤药物施药方案的进一步研究提供了数学上的准备。  相似文献   

The dynamic characteristics of the proximal arterial system are studied by solving the nonlinear momentum and mass conservation equations for pressure and flow. The equations are solved for a model systemic arterial system that includes the aorta, common iliacs, and the internal and external iliac arteries. The model includes geometric and elastic taper of the aorta, nonlinearly elastic arteries, side flows, and a complex distal impedance. The model pressure wave shape, inlet and outlet impedance, wave travel, and apparent wave velocity compare favorably with the values measured on humans. Calculations indicate that: (i) reflections are the major factor determining the shape and distal amplification of the pressure wave in the arterial tree; (ii) although important in attenuating the proximal transmission of reflecting waves, geometric taper is not the major cause of the distal pressure wave amplification; (iii) the dicrotic wave is a result of peripheral reflection and is not due to the sudden change in flow at the end of systole; (iv) the elastic taper and nonlinearity of the wall elasticity are of minor significance in determining the flow and pressure profiles; and (v) in spite of numerous nonlinearities, the system behaves in a somewhat linear fashion for the lower frequency components.  相似文献   

Attenuation of flow disturbances in tapered arterial grafts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flow disturbances in tapered arterial grafts of angles of taper between 0.5 and 1.0 deg were measured in vitro using a pulsed ultrasound Doppler velocimeter. The increase in transition Reynolds numbers with angle of taper and axial distance was determined for steady flow. The instantaneous centerline velocities were measured distal to a 50 percent area stenosis (as a model of a proximal anastomosis), in steady and pulsatile flow, from which the disturbance intensities were calculated. A significant reduction in post-stenotic disturbance intensity was recorded in the tapered grafts, relative to a conventional cylindrical graft. In pulsatile flow with a large backflow component, however, there was an increase in disturbance intensity due to diverging flow during flow reversal. This was observed only in the 1.0 deg tapered graft. These findings indicate that taper is an important consideration in the design of vascular prostheses.  相似文献   

A simple model of, water flow through deformable porous media has been developed with emphasis on application to arterial walls. The model incorporates a strain-dependent permeability function into Darcy's Law which is coupled, to the force balance for the bulk material. A simple analytical expression relating water flux (volume flux) to pressure differential is developed which shows how strain-dependent permeability can lead to a reduction in hydraulic conductivity with increasing differential pressure as observed in experiments with arteries. The variation of permeability with position in the wall, which may influence the convective diffusion of macromolecules, is determined for both cylindrical and planar segments and a marked influence of geometry is noted.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - It is known that rice roots take up cadmium (Cd) via the symplastic route mediated by membrane-bound mineral transporters. Here we provide evidence that apoplastic...  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to measure the flow in coronary artery bypass grafts and to compare the flow between two groups of patients. In group A the arterial revascularization was performed with both internal thoracic arteries using as a Y graft and in group B conventional revascularization using left internal thoracic artery (ITA) attached to the left anterior descending artery (LAD) and venous grafts to the other branches of the left coronary artery was performed. The flow in all grafts was measured at six time points during the operation. The cumulative flow at the end of the operation in the group A (arterial Y graft) was 51.8 +/- 24.5 ml/min and in group B (conventional technique) it was 96.8 +/- 41.1 ml/min (p < 0.05). The flow in left ITA to LAD was similar in both groups (27.3 +/- 15.9 ml/min and 26.3 +/- 16.1 ml/min in group A and B). The flow in right ITA (25.2 +/- 18.4 ml/min) was significantly lower than in venous grafts (72.5 +/- 45.5 ml/min). The calculated flow reserve was 2.2 in group A and 2.1 in group B. We found that the cumulative flow in arterial Y graft was lower in comparison with conventional revascularization. This is due to the lower flow in the right ITA branch of the Y graft compared to venous grafts. However based on clinical results, we can postulate that the flow in the Y graft is sufficient to meet the demand of the myocardium originally supplied by the left coronary artery.  相似文献   

Fluid flow and plaque formation in an aortic bifurcation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Considering steady laminar flow in a two-dimensional symmetric branching channel with local occlusions, a finite element model has been developed to study velocity fields including reverse flow regions, pressure profiles and wall shear stress distributions for different Reynolds numbers, bifurcation angles and lumen reductions. The flow analysis has been extended to include a new submodel for the pseudo-transient formation of plaque at sites and deposition rates defined by the physical characteristics of the flow. Specifically, simulating the onset of atherosclerotic lesions, sinusoidal plaque layers have been placed in areas of critically low wall shear stresses, and simulating the growth of particle depositions, plaque layers have been added in a stepwise fashion in regions of critically high and low shear. Thus two somewhat conflicting hypothetical correlations between critical wall shear stress levels and atheroma have been tested and a solution has been postulated. The validated computer simulation model is a predictive tool for analyzing the effects of local changes in wall curvature due to surgical reconstruction and/or atherosclerotic lesions, and for investigating the design of aortic bifurcations which mitigate plaque formation.  相似文献   

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