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Thalassicolla nucleata, a solitary radiolarian, has been described as being parasitized by two dinoflagellates, Solenodinium (Syndiniales) and Caryotoma (Blastodiniales). Several T. nucleata were stripped of their extracapsular material and allowed to regenerate their rhizopodial structures without symbionts. Within a week, two were observed to disintegrate, leaving behind non-pigmented swimming dinoflagellate cells. Identical full-length ribosomal sequences were recovered from both samples. Upon alignment and phylogenetic analysis, it was determined that these putative parasite sequences were distinct from Scrippsiella nutricula (the dinoflagellate symbiont of the host), and also from all other dinoflagellate parasites sequenced to date.  相似文献   

For decades, myxobacteria have been spotlighted as exemplars of social “wolf‐pack” predation, communally secreting antimicrobial substances into the shared public milieu. This behavior has been described as cooperative, becoming more efficient if performed by more cells. However, laboratory evidence for cooperativity is limited and of little relevance to predation in a natural setting. In contrast, there is accumulating evidence for predatory mechanisms promoting “selfish” behavior during predation, which together with conflicting definitions of cooperativity, casts doubt on whether microbial “wolf‐pack” predation really is cooperative. Here, it is hypothesized that public‐goods‐mediated predation is not cooperative, and it is argued that a holistic model of microbial predation is needed, accounting for predator and prey relatedness, social phenotypes, spatial organization, activity/specificity/transport of secreted toxins, and prey resistance mechanisms. Filling such gaps in our knowledge is vital if the evolutionary benefits of potentially costly microbial behaviors mediated by public goods are to be properly understood.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat structure and time of day on predation success of Moses perch, Lutjanus russelli , and blue-spotted trevally, Caranx bucculentus , feeding on juvenile brown tiger prawn, Penaeus esculentus , were tested in the laboratory. Our experiments demonstrated that both softsubstratum, in which prawns can burrow, and seagrass habitats reduce predation rates by fish during daytime when compared to hard-substratum habitats. However, the protection offered by burrowing in a soft substratum during daytime disappears at night when prawns become active and are more available to fish. Seagrass structure offers the same protection during both night and day. This is attributed to the structural complexity of the seagrass habitat, as well as the behaviour and disruptive coloration of the prawns. The results suggest that fish predation on juvenile P. esculentus may not be very important in seagrass nurseries but could be very high in other habitats.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in predation risk may be an important determinant of prey antipredator behaviours. According to the risk allocation hypothesis, the strongest antipredator behaviours are expected when periods of high risk are short and infrequent. We tested this prediction in a laboratory experiment where common frog Rana temporaria tadpoles were raised form early larval stages until metamorphosis. We manipulated the time a predatory Aeshna dragonfly larva was present and recorded behavioural responses (activity) of the tadpoles at three different time points during the tadpoles' development. We also investigated how tadpole shape, size and age at metamorphosis were affected by temporal variation in predation risk. We found that during the two first time points activity was always lowest in the constant high-risk situation. However, antipredator response in the two treatments with brief high-risk situation increased as tadpoles developed, and by the third time point, when the tadpoles were close to metamorphosis, activity was as low as in the constant high-risk situation. Exposure to chemical cues of a predation event tended to reduce activity during the first time period, but caused no response later on. Induced morphological changes (deeper tail and shorter relative body length) were graded the response being stronger as the time spent in the proximity of predator increased. Tadpoles in the brief risk and chemical cue treatments showed intermediate responses. Modification of life history was only found in the constant high-risk treatment in which tadpoles had longer larval period and larger metamorphic size. Our results indicate that both behavioural and morphological defences were sensitive to temporal variation in predation risk, but behaviour did not respond in the manner predicted by the risk allocation model. We discuss the roles of concentration of predator chemical cues and prey stage-dependency in determining these responses.  相似文献   

Animals exhibit diel periodicity in their activity in part to meet energy requirements whilst evading predation. A competing hypothesis suggests that partitioning of diel activities is less important because animals capitalise on opportunity. To test these hypotheses we examined the diel activity patterns for two cyprinid minnows, chubbyhead barb Barbus anoplus and the Eastern Cape redfin minnow Pseudobarbus afer that both occur within headwater streams in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Chubbyhead barbs exhibited consistent nocturnal activity based on both field and laboratory observations. Due to the absence of fish predators within its habitat, its nocturnal behaviour suggests a response to the cost associated with diurnal activity, such as predation risk by diving and wading birds. In contrast, redfin minnows showed high diurnal activity and a shoaling behaviour in the wild, whereas, in the laboratory, they showed high refuge use during the diel cycle. Despite their preference for refuge in the laboratory, they were diurnally active, a behaviour that was consistent with observations in the wild. The diurnal activity of this species suggests a response to the cost associated with nocturnal activity. Such a cost could be inferred from the presence of the longfin eel, a native predator that was active at night, whereas the daytime shoaling behaviour suggests an anti-predator mechanism to diurnal visual predators. The implications of these findings relate to the impacts associated with the potential invasions by non-native piscivores that occur in the mainstem sections. Diurnal activity patterns for redfin minnows, that are IUCN-listed as endangered, may, in part, explain their susceptibility to high predation by visual non-native piscivores, such as bass and trout. In contrast, the nocturnal habits of chubbyhead barbs suggest a probable pre-adaptation to visual predation. The likelihood of invasion by nocturnally-active sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus, however, may compromise this prior advantage.  相似文献   

Invasion success and species coexistence are often mediated by species interactions across patchily distributed habitats and resources. The invasive mosquito Aedes japonicus japonicus has established in the North American range of the competitively superior resident congener, Aedes albopictus, and the predatory native mosquito Toxorhynchites rutilus. We tested predictions for two hypotheses of invasion success and species coexistence: keystone predation and spatial partitioning. We tested competition between A. japonicus japonicus and A. albopictus with or without T. rutilus in laboratory microcosms, and measured abundances of A. japonicus japonicus, A. albopictus, other resident competing mosquito species, and the presence of T. rutilus among tree holes and tires in metropolitan Washington, DC. In laboratory microcosms, A. albopictus was competitively dominant over A. japonicus japonicus, which is consistent with the few prior studies of competition between these two Aedes species. T. rutilus predation severely lowered performances of both Aedes species but more severely lowered A. japonicus japonicus performance than A. albopictus performance when all three species co-occurred, thus yielding no evidence for keystone predation. Consistent with the spatial partitioning hypothesis, A. japonicus japonicus was negatively correlated and independently aggregated with A. albopictus and all combined resident mosquito competitors and was not associated with T. rutilus among field containers. These results suggest that predation from T. rutilus and competition from A. albopictus are barriers to the spread of A. japonicus japonicus, but that A. japonicus japonicus may escape these interspecific effects by utilizing spatially partitioned container habitats.  相似文献   

Activity patterns in the foraging activity of two species of acmaeid limpets, Collisella limatula (Carpenter, 1864) and C. scabra) (Gould, 1846) were documented over the entire tidal cycle. C. limatula was found to be active only while awash by the tide and during night-time emergence; periods of inactivity were spent in crevices and on the undersides of boulders. C. scabra, which homes to a scar on the upper surfaces of rocks, foraged only while awash in daylight. The activity pattern of C. limatula was demonstrated to be an effective mechanism for avoiding predation by Octopus, a major visual predator of limpets, in both laboratory and field experiments. The homing habit of Collisella scabra was also shown to reduce the rate of predation in the laboratory. It is suggested that the observed activity patterns have evolved in response to predation pressure from swift-moving visual predators.  相似文献   

Natural enemies such as predators and parasites are known to shape intraspecific variability of behaviour and personality in natural populations, yet several key questions remain: (i) What is the relative importance of predation vs. parasitism in shaping intraspecific variation of behaviour across generations? (ii) What are the contributions of genetic and plastic effects to this behavioural divergence? (iii) And to what extent are responses to predation and parasitism repeatable across independent evolutionary lineages? We addressed these questions using Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) (i) varying in their exposure to dangerous fish predators and Gyrodactylus ectoparasites for (ii) both wild‐caught F0 and laboratory‐reared F2 individuals and coming from (iii) multiple independent evolutionary lineages (i.e. independent drainages). Several key findings emerged. First, a population's history of predation and parasitism influenced behavioural profiles, but to different extent depending on the behaviour considered (activity, shoaling or boldness). Second, we had evidence for some genetic effects of predation regime on behaviour, with differences in activity of F2 laboratory‐reared individuals, but not for parasitism, which had only plastic effects on the boldness of wild‐caught F0 individuals. Third, the two lineages showed a mixture of parallel and nonparallel responses to predation/parasitism, with parallel responses being stronger for predation than for parasitism and for activity and boldness than for shoaling. These findings suggest that different sets of behaviours provide different pay‐offs in alternative predation/parasitism environments and that parasitism has more transient effects in shaping intraspecific variation of behaviour than does predation.  相似文献   

The impact of crested newts (Triturus cristatus) on the smaller-bodied palmate and smooth newts (T helveticus and T vulgaris) was studied during the larval stages using a combination of field and laboratory experiments In pond enclosures T cristatus larvae had no effect on the two smaller species over the first four weeks of development By eight weeks, however. T cristatus had achieved a size advantage which enabled it to eliminate T helveticus and severely reduce T vulgaris by predation In laboratory trials under food-limited conditions, T helveticus and T vulgaris were slightly smaller when raised with T cristatus, suggesting that this predatory effect was complemented by interspecific competition during early development Predation of the smaller species started when T cristatus reached a threshold size of c 27 mm No reciprocal effects on T cristatus growth or survival were observed Although T cristatus may be a significant predator of congeneric species in natural ponds, other factors, such as differences in microhabitat selection, higher-order predator-prey interactions and the occasional desiccation of pond habitats may facilitate coexistence between the species  相似文献   

Although it is common for nestlings to exhibit a strong bias for fledging in the morning, the mechanisms underlying this behavior are not well understood. Avoiding predation risk has been proposed as a likely mechanism by a number of researchers. We used video surveillance records from studies of grassland birds nesting in North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin to determine the diel pattern of nest predation and fledging patterns of four ground‐nesting obligate grassland passerines (Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis), Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), and Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna)). We used the nest predation pattern as a surrogate for predation activity to test whether nestlings minimized predation risk by avoiding fledging when predation activity was high and preferentially fledging when predation risk was low. Predation activity was significantly lower starting 3 hr before sunrise and ending 3 hr after sunrise, followed by a transition to a period of significantly higher activity lasting for 4 hr, before declining to an average activity level for the rest of the diel period. There was little evidence that the four grassland bird species avoided fledging during the high‐risk period and Savannah Sparrow fledged at higher rates during that period. All four species had hours during the low‐risk period where they fledged at higher rates, but only Grasshopper Sparrow fledged preferentially during that period. Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark had multiple hours with high fledging rates throughout the daytime period, resulting in no relationship between probability of fledging and predation risk. Given the species variability in fledging pattern seen in our study, it is unlikely that there is a universal response to any driver that affects time of fledging. Further study is needed to understand the complex interplay between species ecology and drivers such as physiology, energetics, and predation in affecting grassland bird fledging behavior.  相似文献   

Studies on cannibalism in harpacticoid copepods are restricted to predation on naupliar larvae in rock-pool harpacticoids of the genus Tigriopus. An earlier experimental study on the Mediterranean copepod Tigriopus fulvus indicated that females recognized their own larvae and preferentially preyed on nauplii other than their own. In a series of laboratory experiments, we tested if there were differences in naupliar predation as a function of crowding, food level and sex in Tigriopus brevicornis and T. fulvus. Results show that cannibalism was restricted to the first larval stages (N1 and N2). Both food availability and adult density significantly affected the predation rate. Contrary to earlier suggestions, adult males also preyed on the nauplii. We found no evidence that adults spare their own offspring, for neither T. fulvus nor T. brevicornis.This is in accordance with what one would expect for species having the life history characteristics of Tigriopus, i.e.: multiple broods and large number of offspring. Earlier results indicating parental care in Tigriopus must be taken with caution.  相似文献   

Alexander Skutch predicted that nest predation will increase with activity at nests, and that predation should be greatest during the nestling stage when parents are feeding young. We tested this hypothesis using three ecologically similar grassland bird species nesting on the high altitude grasslands of Wakkerstroom, South Africa. Parental activity, measured as adult arrival and departure frequency from the nest, was greater during the nestling than incubation stage. Nest predation, however, did not increase with parental activity between these stages in all three study species. However, nest site effects could have confounded this result. We therefore conducted an experiment that controlled for parental activity (by reusing natural nests of the study species with artificial clutches) in order to test for nest site effects. Nests that had a high rate of predation when used by active parents had a correspondingly high rate of depredation when the same nests were reused with artificial clutches (i.e. after controlling for parental activity). This result supports the notion that variation in nest site quality is the primary factor affecting nest predation rate. We also tested whether high predation during incubation is related to nest site effects. Nest predation rates of experimental clutches placed in reused nests that had been originally (when active parents were present) depredated during incubation stage were significantly higher than those that were originally depredated during the nestling stage. Finally, once nest site effects were accounted for, nest predation showed a positive increase with parental activity during the nestling stage across species.  相似文献   

The ability to assign lethal traces left on prey to particular durophagous predators enhances our understanding of predation pressure in the fossil record. To determine whether stone crabs (Menippe mercenaria Say 1818) leave diagnostic traces in the act of feeding on hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus 1758), live clams were offered to crabs in laboratory aquaria over several months and the fragments produced during predation were examined for diagnostic breakage patterns. These fragments were then compared both macroscopically and using scanning electron microscopy to the fracture patterns produced by tumbling clams in a rock tumbler which simulated breakage during transport in the surf zone, and crushing clams using an Instron which simulated breakage resulting from sediment compaction. Fossil specimens of Mercenaria mercenaria were also examined to determine whether the criteria for recognizing predation traces generated experimentally could be recognized. While not all acts of predation produce diagnostic traces, when larger fragments (greater than 50% shell remaining) are produced during feeding, predatory-diagnostic breakage ranges from 70 to 80%. Macroscopic breakage patterns generated during the predation experiments were also present in fossil specimens. Damage caused by abiotic mechanisms (tumbling and crushing) is highly unlikely to be confused with damage produced by this predator.  相似文献   

Alexander Skutch hypothesized that increased parental activity can increase the risk of nest predation. We tested this hypothesis using ten open-nesting bird species in Arizona, USA. Parental activity was greater during the nestling than incubation stage because parents visited the nest frequently to feed their young during the nestling stage. However, nest predation did not generally increase with parental activity between nesting stages across the ten study species. Previous investigators have found similar results. We tested whether nest site effects might yield higher predation during incubation because the most obvious sites are depredated most rapidly. We conducted experiments using nest sites from the previous year to remove parental activity. Our results showed that nest sites have highly repeatable effects on nest predation risk; poor nest sites incurred rapid predation and caused predation rates to be greater during the incubation than nestling stage. This pattern also was exhibited in a bird species with similar (i.e. controlled) parental activity between nesting stages. Once nest site effects are taken into account, nest predation shows a strong proximate increase with parental activity during the nestling stage within and across species. Parental activity and nest sites exert antagonistic influences on current estimates of nest predation between nesting stages and both must be considered in order to understand current patterns of nest predation, which is an important source of natural selection.  相似文献   

有益真绥螨与巴氏新小绥螨的集团内捕食和同类相残作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】有益真绥螨Euseius utilis是北方地区广泛分布的一种多食性植绥螨,而巴氏新小绥螨Neoseiulus barkeri目前在我国广泛应用于农业害虫的生物防治中。本研究旨在对巴氏新小绥螨在本地的应用进行风险评估及为与有益真绥螨的联合释放提供依据。【方法】本研究在室内通过一系列实验,比较了实验室饲养的巴氏新小绥螨和采自内蒙古农业大学校园的有益真绥螨的雌成螨对同种或异种未成熟螨的捕食量、存活时间及产卵量的差异,检测了有益真绥螨与巴氏新小绥螨两种植绥螨相互之间的攻击强度以及种内和种间的相互作用。【结果】两种植绥螨都难以刺吸同种或异种植绥螨的卵,而对同种或异种植绥螨幼螨的捕食量最大,其次是对若螨。在无共同食物的情况下,有益真绥螨雌成螨对同种植绥螨幼螨的攻击性比对异种植绥螨幼螨的攻击性强(BreslowDay检验:χ~2=13.84,df=1,P0.001),且有益真绥螨对同种植绥螨幼螨的捕食量(9.10±1.65头)高于对异种植绥螨幼螨的捕食量(5.31±1.43头)(T检验:t=5.487,P0.001),巴氏新小绥螨对异种植绥螨幼螨的捕食量(7.48±0.75头)高于对同种植绥螨幼螨的捕食量(4.75±0.58头)(T检验:t=9.110,P0.05)。【结论】有益真绥螨更倾向于捕食同种幼螨而发生同类相残;巴氏新小绥螨更倾向于捕食异种幼螨而发生集团内捕食。  相似文献   

Abstract.— Incubation behavior is one component of reproductive effort and thus influences the evolution of life-history strategies. We examined the relative importance of body mass, frequency of mate feeding, food, nest predation, and ambient temperature to explain interspecific variation in incubation behavior (nest attentiveness, on- and off-bout durations, and nest trips per hour) using comparative analyses for North American passerines in which only females incubate. Body mass and frequency of mate feeding explained little variation in incubation behavior. We were also unable to detect any influence of food; diet and foraging strategy explained little interspecific variation in incubation behavior. However, the typical temperature encountered during reproduction explained significant variation in incubation behavior: Species breeding in colder environments take shorter bouts off the nest, which prevents eggs from cooling to temperatures below the physiological zero temperature. These species must compensate for shorter off-bouts by taking more of them (thus shorter on-bouts) to obtain needed energy for incubation. Nest predation also explains significant variation in incubation behavior among passerines: Species that endure high nest predation have evolved an incubation strategy (long on- and off-bouts) that minimizes activity that could attract predators. Nest substrate explained additional variation in incubation behavior (cavity-nesting birds have shorter on-bouts and make more frequent nest trips), presumably because nest predation and/or temperature varies among nest substrates. Thus, nest predation can influence reproductive effort in a way previously not demonstrated–by placing a constraint on parental activity at the nest. Incubating birds face an ecological cost associated with reproductive effort (predation of entire brood) that should be considered in future attempts to explain avian life-history evolution.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in natural mortality of phytophagous insects is determined by the relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors in agroecosystems. Knowledge regarding these factors throughout the year represents a key concern for IPM programmes. Seasonal population fluctuations of tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta, led to an investigation of its natural mortality factors during the rainy season when the population level is low and during the dry season when population peaks occur. The aim of this study was to verify the seasonal variation in T. absoluta mortality factors in tomato crops. Immature stages of T. absoluta were obtained from laboratory‐rearing in the laboratory. These were taken to the field and monitored over two years. The mortality causes for each stage of insect development from egg to adult were assessed daily. Multiple biotic and abiotic mortality factors affected the immature T. absoluta stages such as rainfall, physiological disturbances, diseases, parasitoids and predators. The key T. absoluta mortality factor during summer–spring was predation. In addition, larvae predation correlated positively with temperature, wind velocity, photoperiod and rainfall. Nevertheless, during winter–fall, the key mortality factor was parasitism. Therefore, the critical stage for mortality was 3rd‐ and 4th‐instar larvae, being more vulnerable to natural control factors. Finally, the results showed the importance of vertical and horizontal action on natural mortality factors.  相似文献   

Synopsis We studied Sacramento River white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in the laboratory to develop a conceptual model of ontogenetic behavior and provide insight into probable behavior of wild sturgeon. After hatching, free embryos initiated a low intensity, brief downstream dispersal during which fish swam near the bottom and were photonegative. The weak, short dispersal style and behavior of white sturgeon free embryos contrasts greatly with the intense, long dispersal style and behavior (photopositive and swimming far above the bottom) of dispersing free embryos of other sturgeon species. If spawned eggs are concentrated within a few kilometers downstream of a spawning site, the adaptive significance of the free embryo dispersal is likely to move fish away from the egg deposition site to avoid predation and reduce fish density prior to feeding. Larvae foraged on the open bottom, swam <1 m above the bottom, aggregated, but did not disperse. Early juveniles initiated a strong dispersal with fish strongly vigorously swimming downstream. Duration of the juvenile dispersal is unknown, but the strong swimming likely disperses fish many kilometers. Recruitment failure in white sturgeon populations may be a mis-match between the innate fish dispersal and post-dispersal rearing habitat, which is now highly altered by damming and reservoirs. Sacramento River white sturgeon has a two-step downstream dispersal by the free embryo and juvenile life intervals. Diel activity of all life intervals peaked at night, whether fish were dispersing or foraging. Nocturnal behavior is likely a response to predation, which occurs during both activities. An intense black-tail body color was present on foraging larvae, but was weak or absent on the two life intervals that disperse. Black-tail color may be an adaptation for avoiding predation, signaling among aggregated larvae, or both, but not for dispersal.  相似文献   

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