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In Europe, brown bear Ursus arctos habitats frequently overlap with human settlements and infrastructure. We tested whether anthropogenic structures played an important role in habitat selection by brown bears in the Bieszczady Mountains, Poland. We analysed 668 signs of brown bear presence recorded during 6 counts along 246 km of transects (total 1,476 km) in spring, summer and autumn of 1993 and 1994. Habitat selection of bears was more related to habitat and altitude than to human factors. Avoidance of roads, settlements and forest clearings influenced habitat selection by brown bears in spring but less in summer and autumn.  相似文献   

Parasites in grizzly bears from the central Canadian Arctic.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Standardized flotation techniques were used to survey 56 grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) fecal samples for parasites. The samples were collected during the spring and autumn of 1995 and 1996 in the central Arctic of the Northwest Territories (Canada). Parasites of the genera Nematodirus, gastrointestinal coccidia, and an unidentified first stage protostrongylid larva are reported for the first time from grizzly bear feces in North America. Parasites of the genera Diphyllobothrium and Baylisascaris also were collected. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites were significantly different between the spring and autumn seasons (31% and 58% respectively). Thus, we provide evidence supporting the theory that bears void gastrointestinal parasites before hibernation.  相似文献   

青海省人与藏棕熊冲突现状、特点与解决对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人与野生动物冲突会造成重大经济损失,甚至造成人员伤亡,不利于野生动物的保护。藏棕熊主要分布于我国西部地区,与当地居民的冲突具有与大型食肉动物冲突的典型特点。2012-2015年我们对青海省人与藏棕熊冲突172起案件进行了统计分析,同时采用分层访谈法对86户牧民做了人与藏棕熊冲突调查,以期了解该省人与藏棕熊冲突现状,掌握冲突发生的特点和规律,探讨冲突发生的内在原因。研究结果显示:(1) 全省人与藏棕熊冲突案件集中发生在玉树州和海西州,其中玉树州治多县和曲麻莱县冲突最为严重;(2) 每年6-9月为冲突高发期,藏棕熊冬睡期的2月及11月也有发生;(3) 藏棕熊伤害类型主要表现为损毁房屋构件、取食房屋内储存的粮食以及造成人身伤亡;(4) 大部分受访者认为当地人与藏棕熊冲突事件严重,政府应以货币的形式对野生动物伤害给予适当补偿;(5) 目前牧民普遍采取的防熊措施效果并不理想。我们建议加强牧民游牧期间对房屋巡护、加固工作,建议撤户并村,妥善安置过冬食物与饲料,积极开展野生动物伤害补偿工作;同时建议进一步加强对藏棕熊的科学研究,为缓解人熊冲突现象提供科学理论依据。  相似文献   

Fatty acid metabolism and triacylglycerol synthesis are critical processes for the survival of hibernating mammals that undergo a prolonged fasting period. Fatty acid synthase, fatty-acid-CoA ligase, diacylglycerol acyltransferase, and monoacylglycerol acyltransferase activities were measured in liver and in white and brown adipose tissue, in order to determine whether enzymes of lipogenesis and triacylglycerol synthesis vary seasonally during hibernation in the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris). Compared with mid-winter hibernation, fatty acid synthase activity was higher in all three tissues during early spring when marmots emerged from hibernation and in mid-summer when they were feeding, consistent with the synthesis of fatty acids from the carbohydrate-rich summer diet. Fatty-acid-CoA ligase and diacylglycerol acyltransferase activities were highest in summer in white adipose tissue when triacylglycerol synthesis would be expected to be high; diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity was also high in brown adipose tissue during spring and summer. In liver, however, diacylglycerol acyltransferase specific activity was highest during hibernation, suggesting that triacylglycerol synthesis may be prominent in liver in winter. Monoacylglycerol acyltransferase activity, which may aid in the retention of essential fatty-acids, was 80-fold higher in liver than in white or brown adipose tissue, but did not vary seasonally. Its dependence on palmitoyl-CoA suggests that a divalent cation might play a role in enzyme activation. The high hepatic diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity during hibernation suggests that the metabolism of very low density lipoprotein may be important in the movement of adipose fatty acids to brown adipose tissue and muscle during the rewarming that occurs periodically during hibernation. These studies suggest that enzymes of lipid metabolism vary seasonally in the marmot, consistent with requirements of this hibernator for triacylglycerol synthesis and metabolism.Abbreviations BAT brown adipose tissue - DGAT diacylglycerol acyltransferase - FAS fatty acid synthase - K m Michaelis constant - MGAT monoacylglycerol acyltransferase - RQ respiratory quotiant - VLDL very low density lipoprotein - WAT white adipose tissue  相似文献   

Reproductive physiology in North American ursids is characterized by mating from spring to early summer, delayed implantation, and birth during hibernation. During spring 2008, a captive adult female brown bear was mated with two adult males. Pregnancy was determined by elevated progesterone concentrations during late fall before hibernation. Two male cubs were born on December 31, 2008, and a third female cub was born 17 days later on January 16. All were successfully raised and all were confirmed to have identical paternity. When normalized to age, cub growth rates did not differ. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of markedly different birth dates in a single litter of brown bear cubs.  相似文献   

Evidence of non-hibernation in brown bears Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758 on the Iberian Peninsula has existed since the Middle Ages. We systematically monitored brown bears in the Cantabrian Mountains (Northern Spain) by recording tracks and sightings from 1998 to 2007 to document hibernation behaviour. Our results indicate that females with yearlings and solitary yearlings were more active in winter than bears over two years old. Intensive snow tracking and direct observations of five family groups indicated that they travelled, fed and defecated in winter, which are activities not compatible with the physiological state of hibernation. Also, based on tracking data, the maximum period between two consecutive locations of active family groups in winter was less than that needed by bears to emerge from a state of hibernation (6 days). We conclude that the family groups which we monitored in winter did not hibernate.  相似文献   

In sub-Arctic and north-temperate ecosystems, opportunistic carnivores, such as black bears (Ursus americanus) and brown bears (Ursus arctos), are active on the landscape for a shorter period annually than sympatric gray wolves (Canis lupus). Therefore, bear movement patterns and habitat use might be expected to be more deliberate and of greater consequence, in terms of energy acquisition, than those of predators not undergoing hibernation. Habitat choices concerning feeding, bedding, and denning grounds made by black bears therefore should reflect seasonal abundance and distribution of vegetation and key prey items as these are sites where bears remain and forage for prolonged periods of time. We recorded the movement patterns of 6 GPS-collared black bears from den emergence to onset of moose (Alces alces) parturition in 2003. Over approximately 3 weeks prior to parturition, results from average distance calculations suggest that black bears moved closer to probable moose calving-site habitat. Additionally, the seasonal habitat use by black bears surrounding dens reflected the same trend for areas where cow moose gave birth in spring 2003, with a propensity to use needleleaf forest more than any other habitat.  相似文献   

黑龙江省10年来熊类资源的分布及变动趋势   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
熊类是大型动物,其毛皮、油脂以及胆、掌、肉等都有很高的利用价值,因此,在黑龙江省林区,熊类历来是重要的狩猎对象。然而,熊是大型猛兽,每被击伤或受惊扰,常凶猛袭人,故猎熊并非易事。历史文献中曾记载:“熊矫捷而罴憨猛,皆兽之绝有力者”,又说,“刺虎者,不过五人一排…刺熊罴,非十人不能胜。盖其力倍于虎也”(《满洲源流考》)。现在,黑龙江省的猎人,通常是在冬季待熊在树洞或地穴中冬眠时进行猎杀,即猎取洞中冬眠的熊,俗称“掏仓子”,或在春季捕捉刚出洞的幼熊,故每年都有一定的猎取量。  相似文献   

  1. Hibernation represents an adaptation for coping with unfavorable environmental conditions. For brown bears Ursus arctos, hibernation is a critical period as pronounced temporal reductions in several physiological functions occur.
  2. Here, we review the three main aspects of brown bear denning: (1) den chronology, (2) den characteristics, and (3) hibernation physiology in order to identify (a) proximate and ultimate factors of hibernation as well as (b) research gaps and conservation priorities.
  3. Den chronology, which varies by sex and reproductive status, depends on environmental factors, such as snow, temperature, food availability, and den altitude. Significant variation in hibernation across latitudes occurs for both den entry and exit.
  4. The choice of a den and its surroundings may affect individual fitness, for example, loss of offspring and excessive energy consumption. Den selection is the result of broad‐ and fine‐scale habitat selection, mainly linked to den insulation, remoteness, and availability of food in the surroundings of the den location.
  5. Hibernation is a metabolic challenge for the brown bears, in which a series of physiological adaptations in tissues and organs enable survival under nutritional deprivation, maintain high levels of lipids, preserve muscle, and bone and prevent cardiovascular pathologies such as atherosclerosis.
It is important to understand: (a) proximate and ultimate factors in denning behavior and the difference between actual drivers of hibernation (i.e., factors to which bears directly respond) and their correlates; (b) how changes in climatic factors might affect the ability of bears to face global climate change and the human‐mediated changes in food availability; (c) hyperphagia (period in which brown bears accumulate fat reserves), predenning and denning periods, including for those populations in which bears do not hibernate every year; and (d) how to approach the study of bear denning merging insights from different perspectives, that is, physiology, ecology, and behavior.  相似文献   

Despite extensive genetic analysis, the evolutionary relationship between polar bears (Ursus maritimus) and brown bears (U. arctos) remains unclear. The two most recent comprehensive reports indicate a recent divergence with little subsequent admixture or a much more ancient divergence followed by extensive admixture. At the center of this controversy are the Alaskan ABC Islands brown bears that show evidence of shared ancestry with polar bears. We present an analysis of genome-wide sequence data for seven polar bears, one ABC Islands brown bear, one mainland Alaskan brown bear, and a black bear (U. americanus), plus recently published datasets from other bears. Surprisingly, we find clear evidence for gene flow from polar bears into ABC Islands brown bears but no evidence of gene flow from brown bears into polar bears. Importantly, while polar bears contributed <1% of the autosomal genome of the ABC Islands brown bear, they contributed 6.5% of the X chromosome. The magnitude of sex-biased polar bear ancestry and the clear direction of gene flow suggest a model wherein the enigmatic ABC Island brown bears are the descendants of a polar bear population that was gradually converted into brown bears via male-dominated brown bear admixture. We present a model that reconciles heretofore conflicting genetic observations. We posit that the enigmatic ABC Islands brown bears derive from a population of polar bears likely stranded by the receding ice at the end of the last glacial period. Since then, male brown bear migration onto the island has gradually converted these bears into an admixed population whose phenotype and genotype are principally brown bear, except at mtDNA and X-linked loci. This process of genome erosion and conversion may be a common outcome when climate change or other forces cause a population to become isolated and then overrun by species with which it can hybridize.  相似文献   

The behaviour of a female and a male bear hybrid (brown bear Ursus arctos x polar bear Ursus maritimus) was studied. Behavioural and morphological comparisons between the hybrids and the two parent-species were made.The observation period covered July to November 2007. Different objects were offered to the bears to evoke new patterns of behaviour. While manipulating the offered objects, both bears showed elements of behaviour also found in polar bears, though the male performed those to a larger extend. Not only in the way of manipulating objects but also in the male's type of stereotype parallels to polar bears can be drawn. Phenotypically both bears possess features of both species, brown bear and polar bear. Concerning it lighter colour of fur and the structure of hair the female hybrid resembles more a polar bear than the male. Summarising, the female appears phenotypically more like a polar bear, the male with respect to the behaviour.  相似文献   

In spring and autumn, the ground squirrel Citellus citellus is awake and active but in winter it usually hibernates. Reawakening from hibernation involves intense metabolic activity in the interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT). The IBAT of hibernation animals showed significant increases in the activities of superoxide dismutase (both copper-zinc and manganese-containing enzymes), glutathione peroxidase, and in the amount of ascorbate present. Glutathione peroxidase also increased in the liver, as did ascorbate in the plasma. These changes were not merely a consequence of exposure to low environmental temperatures. It is proposed that antioxidant defenses are increased in the IBAT of ground squirrels at the onset of hibernation in order to protect the tissue from reactive oxygen species generated as a result of the intense metabolic activity sustained by this tissue during reawakening.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the dietary habits of an endangered species is essential to its management and conservation. The brown bear (Ursus arctos) exists in two isolated population in Greece, but only initial management actions have been taken to improve the habitat of this species. To improve our understanding of the ecology and habitat requirements of this species, we examined the dietary habits of the brown bear in the Panagia-Grevena region, of Macedonia, Greece. In total, 360 scats of brown bear were collected between 2002 and 2004 during spring, summer and autumn months. Scats were analyzed by their frequency of occurrence, volumetric and dry weights, and their importance values. Microhistological analysis was applied to estimate the proportion of wild and cultivated plants in the diet. The most important type of food in the spring was green vegetation, while, in the summer, fruits of Pyrus sp., Morus sp., Prunus sp. and Rubus sp. were important food items. In autumn, hard masts, mainly oak (Quercus sp.), were essential foods for the brown bear. The frequency of vertebrates in the diet was higher in the summer and autumn while that of invertebrates was higher in the spring. In summary, the brown bear is an omnivorous species that lives in Greece and adapts its diet according to food availability and human activities in its habitat. For this reason, human activities in the study area must take the needs and requirement of brown bears into consideration.  相似文献   



For brown bears (Ursus arctos), hibernation is a critical part of the annual life cycle because energy savings during hibernation can be crucial for overwintering, and females give birth to cubs at that time. For hibernation to be a useful strategy, timing is critical. However, environmental conditions vary greatly, which might have a negative effect on the functionality of the evolved biological time-keeping. Here, we used a long-term dataset (69 years) on brown bear denning phenology recorded in 12 Russian protected areas and quantified the phenological responses to variation in temperature and snow depth. Previous studies analyzing the relationship between climate and denning behavior did not consider that the brown bear response to variation in climatic factors might vary through a period preceding den entry and exit. We hypothesized that there is a seasonal sensitivity pattern of bear denning phenology in response to variation in climatic conditions, such that the effect of climatic variability will be pronounced only when it occurs close to den exit and entry dates.


We found that brown bears are most sensitive to climatic variations around the observed first den exit and last entry dates, such that an increase/decrease in temperature in the periods closer to the first den exit and last entry dates have a greater influence on the denning dates than in other periods.


Our study shows that climatic factors are modulating brown bear hibernation phenology and provide a further structuring of this modulation. The sensitivity of brown bears to changes in climatic factors during hibernation might affect their ability to cope with global climate change. Therefore, understanding these processes will be essential for informed management of biodiversity in a changing world.

The presence of or induction of an active glyoxylate cycle (GC) in the dormant black bear whose sole source of energy is body fat is an attractive concept which would allow lipid (acetate) to be directed from oxidation via the tricarboxylic acid cycle to many biosynthetic pathways. However, in spite of earlier claims, the present report establishes that isocitrate lyase and malate synthetase, GC marker enzymes, could not be detected in liver or kidney of active or dormant bears; liver peroxisome numbers were similar. The absence of brown fat (by light microscopy) and of the GC enzymes in the dormant bear raises questions about the prior report.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin (Hp), a hemoglobin-binding protein, is known as an acute phase protein and increases during the acute phase of inflammation in most mammals. We reported previously in brown bears that the mean Hp concentrations were higher in blood samples obtained in winter than those in spring. To examine a possible relation of the seasonal variations of Hp to hibernation, in the present study, we measured the plasma concentrations of Hp as well as some other acute phase proteins (alpha(2)-macroglobulin, alpha(1)-antitrypsin, C-reactive protein) in 6 European brown bears (Ursus arctos), from which blood samples were obtained at 5-6 different months of year including February, the time of hibernation. The Hp concentrations showed clear seasonal variations, being highest in February. The alpha(2)-macroglobulin concentrations also showed a similar but much smaller rise in February, but those of alpha(1)-antitrypsin and C-reactive protein did not show any seasonal variations. Our results suggest that the seasonal variation of plasma Hp concentration in brown bears is associated with a hibernation-specific mechanism more than that of acute phase response.  相似文献   

Knowledge of factors influencing the timing of reproduction is important for animal conservation and management. Brown bears (Ursus arctos) are able to vary the birth date of their cubs in response to their fat stores, but little information is available about the timing of implantation and parturition in free-ranging brown bears. Body temperature and activity of pregnant brown bears is higher during the gestation period than during the rest of hibernation and drops at parturition. We compared mean daily body temperature and activity levels of pregnant and nonpregnant females during preimplantation, gestation, and lactation. Additionally we tested whether age, litter size, primiparity, environmental conditions, and the start of hibernation influence the timing of parturition. The mean date of implantation was 1 December (SD = 12), the mean date of parturition was 26 January (SD = 12), and the mean duration of the gestation period was 56 days (SD = 2). The body temperature of pregnant females was higher during the gestation and lactation periods than that of nonpregnant bears. The body temperature of pregnant females decreased during the gestation period. Activity recordings were also used to determine the date of parturition. The parturition dates calculated with activity and body temperature data did not differ significantly and were the same in 50% of the females. Older females started hibernation earlier. The start of hibernation was earlier during years with favorable environmental conditions. Dates of parturition were later during years with good environmental conditions which was unexpected. We suggest that free-ranging pregnant brown bears in areas with high levels of human activities at the beginning of the denning period, as in our study area, might prioritize investing energy in early denning than in early parturition during years with favorable environmental conditions, as a strategy to prevent disturbances caused by human.  相似文献   

Cave bears (Ursus spelaeus) existed in Europe and western Asiauntil the end of the last glaciation some 10,000 years ago.To investigate the genetic diversity, population history, andrelationship among different cave bear populations, we havedetermined mitochondrial DNA sequences from 12 cave bears thatrange in age from about 26,500 to at least 49,000 years andoriginate from nine caves. The samples include one individualfrom the type specimen population, as well as two small-sizedhigh-Alpine bears. The results show that about 49,000 yearsago, the mtDNA diversity among cave bears was about 1.8-foldlower than the current species-wide diversity of brown bears(Ursus arctos). However, the current brown bear mtDNA gene poolconsists of three clades, and cave bear mtDNA diversity is similarto the diversity observed within each of these clades. The resultsalso show that geographically separated populations of the high-Alpinecave bear form were polyphyletic with respect to their mtDNA.This suggests that small size may have been an ancestral traitin cave bears and that large size evolved at least twice independently.  相似文献   

We conducted thirteen immobilizations of previously collared hibernating two- to four-year-old brown bears (Ursus arctos) weighing 21-66 kg in central Sweden in winter 2010 and 2011 for comparative physiology research. Here we report, for the first time, an effective protocol for the capture and anesthesia of free-ranging brown bears during hibernation and an assessment of the disturbance the captures caused. Bears were darted in anthill, soil, or uprooted tree dens on eleven occasions, but two bears in rock dens fled and were darted outside the den. We used medetomidine at 0.02-0.06 mg/kg and zolazepam-tiletamine at 0.9-2.8 mg/kg for anesthesia. In addition, ketamine at 1.5 mg/kg was hand-injected intramuscularly in four bears and in six it was included in the dart at 1.1-3.0 mg/kg. Once anesthetized, bears were removed from the dens. In nine bears, arterial blood samples were analyzed immediately with a portable blood gas analyzer. We corrected hypoxemia in seven bears (PaO(2) 57-74 mmHg) with supplemental oxygen. We placed the bears back into the dens and antagonized the effect of medetomidine with atipamezole. Capturing bears in the den significantly increased the risk of den abandonment. One of twelve collared bears that were captured remained at the original den until spring, and eleven, left their dens (mean ± standard deviation) 3.2±3.6 (range 0.5-10.5) days after capture. They used 1.9±0.9 intermediate resting sites, during 6.2±7.8 days before entering a new permanent den. The eleven new permanent dens were located 730±589 m from the original dens. We documented that it was feasible and safe to capture hibernating brown bears, although they behaved differently than black bears. When doing so, researchers should use 25% of the doses used for helicopter darting during the active period and should consider increased energetic costs associated with den abandonment.  相似文献   

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