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The plastid and cytosolic isozymes of enolase from developing endosperm of castor oil seeds, Ricinus communis L. cv. Baker 296, were separated and partially purified. Each purified isozyme had a specific activity of approximately 200 μmol min?1 mg protein. The isozymes have similar pH optima for the forward reaction, but different optima for the reverse reaction. The divalent metal specificity is the same for both isozymes. In addition to differences in charge, the isozymes can be distinguished by their different kinetic constants, thermostability and sensitivity to fluoride inhibition. Antibodies against yeast enolase isozyme I cross-react with Ricinus plastid enolase but not with the cytosolic isozyme.  相似文献   

The activity of tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) was measured in the livers of rats which were entrained to eat for the first 2 hours of a daily 12 hour dark period (‘2+22’ schedule) and were treated with the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone and with glucagon at several times of day. TAT activity in untreated animals varies diurnally with a maximum 4 to 6 hours after the beginning of feeding. In both fed and fasted rats there was a small diurnal variation in inducibility by dexamethasone: in fed rats induction was greatest near the beginning of the dark period, shortly after feeding; in fasted rats induction increased towards the end of the dark period. Glucagon induction showed a marked diurnal variation in fed rats with a decrease coincident with the decline in control TAT activity after its food-induced peak. This variation did not appear to be depemdent on food intake, however, since the decline in inducibility occurred in fasted rats at the same time as in fed rats. Co-treatment with dexamethasone did not affect the decrease in glucagon inducibility. The diurnal variation in TAT induction may reflect a diurnal rhythm in the components of the enzyme synthesizing system (e.g. in the availability of mRNA or in enzyme degradation).  相似文献   

The ability of adenosine 3′:5′-cyclic phosphate (cyclic AMP) analogs to induce l-tyrosine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (EC; TAT) in a rat hepatoma (H35)-rat liver cell (BRL) hybrid (BF5) and a subclone which has lost 29 chromosomes (BF5-1-1) has been analyzed. Cyclic AMP analogs alone were unable to increase TAT activity in either hybrid cell line or in the “normal” liver cells despite three- to fivefold induction of this enzyme in the hepatoma parental cells. In contrast, dexamethasone by itself reproducibly increased TAT activity both in BF5-1-1 cells and in the parental H35 hepatoma cells. Pretreatment of the hybrid cells with dexamethasone revealed a synergistic increase in TAT activity when a cyclic AMP analog was added. From studies of the thermal stability and immunological inhibition of TAT activity, it is concluded that the low basal activity in BRL, BF5, and BF5-1-1 cells represents tyrosine transamination catalyzed by a different aminotransferase, whereas all the induced activity does represent bona fide TAT. The results suggest that functional TAT mRNA may not be present in significant quantities in the hybrid cells in the absence of adrenal steroids and that this could account for the inability of cyclic AMP analogs to exert their presumably translational effect on TAT synthesis.  相似文献   

Squalene epoxidase was purified from rat liver microsomes by DEAE-cellulose, alumina Cν gel, hydroxylapatite, CM-Sephadex C-50 and Cibacron Blue Sepharose 4B in the presence of Triton X-100. The specific activity was increased 50 fold with a yield of about 10%. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the preparation gave one major band and one minor band with apparent molecular weights of 47,000 and 27,000 daltons, respectively. The protein of 47,000 was the most probable candidate for squalene epoxidase. Squalene epoxidase activity could be reconstituted in the squalene epoxidase preparation with the addition of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, FAD, and Triton X-100.  相似文献   

G J Smith  P H Pearce  I T Oliver 《Life sciences》1976,19(11):1763-1775
A particulate factor of rat liver is described which interconverts three forms of rat liver cytosolic tyrosine aminotransferase invitro with no alteration of enzyme activity. The factor appears to be a heat- and pH-sensitive lysosomal protein. The interconversion process is stimulated invitro by 2.5 mM MgCl2 and 2.5 mM ATP. Asparate aminotransferase multiple forms are also susceptible to invitro interconversion by the lysosomal factor. The properties of the factor explain several anomalous effects of invitro manipulation on the tyrosine aminotransferase forms which have been reported in the literature and implicate the form interconversion in the degradation of tyrosine aminotransferase.  相似文献   

Livers isolated from control or turpentine-injected rats were perfused for 3 h with human red cells suspended in Krebs-Henseleit solution containing bovine serum albumin, dextran, glucose, heparin, cortisol, insulin, a mixture of 20 amino acids and [3H]leucine. Changes in the concentrations of antithrombin III and α-1-antitrypsin were evaluated by rocket immunoelectrophoresis using specific antisera, and incorporation of the 3H radioactivity into the total protein, albumin, antithrombin III and α-1-antitrypsin in the perfusate was measured. The results indicate that both antithrombin III and α-1-antitrypsin are synthesized in the liver. Local inflammation induced in the liver donors moderately stimulated the synthesis of α-1-antitrypsin but it affected only marginally that of antithrombin III.  相似文献   

Serine palmitoyltransferase [palmitoyl-CoA:L-serine C-palmitoyltransferase (decarboxylating) EC] catalyzes the initial and committed step in the biosynthesis of the long-chain bases of sphingolipids. A simple assay, based upon the incorporation of [3H]serine into the chloroform-soluble product 3-ketosphinganine, has been developed and demonstrated to be valid for analyzing this enzyme in rat liver microsomes. More than 75% of the serine palmitoyltransferase of rat liver was associated with the microsomal subfraction. The dependencies of activity on the incubation time, pH, temperature, other assay components (e.g., dithiothreitol, EDTA, and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate), and the concentrations of microsomal protein, L-serine, and palmitoyl-CoA were investigated. The requirement of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate for activity was established by formation of the apoenzyme by dialysis against cysteine, and recovery of full activity upon reconstitution with the coenzyme. Activities with fatty acyl-CoA's of varying alkyl chain length were distributed nearly symmetrically around a maximum at 16 carbons (palmitoyl-CoA) for the fully saturated substrates. Less activity was obtained with the CoA thioesters of cis-unsaturated fatty acids, but trans-9-hexadecenoyl-CoA yielded essentially the same activity as palmitoyl-CoA. Hence, this enzyme is capable of initiating the synthesis of the major long-chain bases, as well as compounds that may constitute the unidentified bases reported in analyses of mammalian sphingolipids.  相似文献   

When rat liver mitochondria were suspended in 0.15 m KCl, the cytochrome c appeared to be solubilized from the binding site on the outside of the inner membrane and trapped in the intermembrane space. When the outer membrane of these mitochondria was disrupted with digitonin at a digitonin concentration of 0.15 mg/mg of protein, the solubilized cytochrome c could be released from mitochondria along with adenylate kinase. When mitochondria were suspended in 0.15 m KCl instead of 0.33 m sucrose, the ADPO ratio observed with succinate, β-hydroxybutyrate, malate + pyruvate or glutamate as substrates was little affected. A number of cycles of State 4-State 3-State 4 with ADP was observed. The respiratory control ratios, however, were decreased, particularly when glutamate was used as the substrate. Cytochrome c oxidase activity was also decreased to 55% when assayed using ascorbate + N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylene-diamine (TMPD) as substrates. Suspension of mitochondria in 0.15 m KCl resulted in an enhancement of the very low NADH oxidation by intact mitochondria and a twofold enhancement of sulfite oxidation. Trapped cytochrome c in outer membrane vesicles prepared from untreated and trypsin-treated intact mitochondria was found to be readily reduced by NADH and suggests that some cytochrome b5 is located on the inner surface of the outer membrane. The enhanced NADH oxidase could therefore reflect the ability of cytochrome c to mediate intermembrane electron transport. The enhanced sulfite oxidase activity was sensitive to cyanide inhibition and coupled to oxidative phosphorylation (ADPO < 1) unlike the activity of mitochondria in sucrose medium. These results suggest that free cytochrome c in the intermembrane space can mediate electron transfer between the sulfite oxidase and the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Intact rat brain cells were dissociated and used to study the regulation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors upon exposure to muscarinic receptor agonists. Incubation of cells with carbamylcholine resulted in a time-dependent decrease in subsequent [3H]N-methylscopolamine specific binding, an effect which reached a steady state after 3 hr at 37 degrees C. This effect of carbamylcholine was dependent on the concentration of the agonist in the incubation medium and was due to a reduction in the maximal binding capacity of the receptor with no decrease in the affinity of the remaining receptors. This preparation might be useful in future studies to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the regulation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of transcobalamin II was investigated in primary cultures of adult rat liver parenchymal cells maintained in serum-free media. The data indicate that these hepatocytes secrete a vitamin B12-binding substance into the culture medium which is identical to rat serum transcobalamin II as judged by the following criteria: (i) gel filtration on columns of Sephadex G-200; (ii) ion-exchange chromatography on columns of diethyl aminoethyl cellulose and carboxymethyl cellulose; (iii) polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis at pH 9.5; and (iv) the ability to facilitate cellular vitamin B12 uptake by HeLa cells and mouse L-929 fibroblasts in culture. The secretion of transcobalamin II by the liver parenchymal cells was blocked by cycloheximide, puromycin, and p-fluorophenylalanine. The inhibition by cycloheximide, but not that of the other inhibitors, was partially reversed upon removal of the drug. The liver parenchymal cells incorporated radioactive amino acids into transcobalamin II which was absorbed from the growth medium using affinity chromatography on Sepharose containing covalently linked B12. Collectively, these data indicate that rat liver parenchymal cells, in culture, are capable of the biosynthesis de novo of transcobalamin II and the subsequent secretion of this protein into the culture media.  相似文献   

The effects of VirTis shearing on chromatin subunit structure were investigated by enzymatic digestion, thermal denaturation, and electron microscopy. While initial rates of micrococcal nuclease and DNase I digestion were greater postshearing, limit digest values were similar to those for unsheared chromatin. Fractionated chromatin digestion kinetics varied with sedimentation. Digestion of all chromatins produced monomer and dimer DNA fragment lengths, but only unsheared chromatins exhibited higher order nucleosome oligomer lengths. Mononucleosomes and core particles were resolved in digests of sheared and gradient fractions analyzed by electrophoresis. All chromatins exposed to DNase I showed discrete 10-base pair nicking patterns. The presence of nucleosomes was confirmed by electron microscopy. Electron microscopy and histone content of gradient fractions showed that nucleosome density along the chromatin axis increased in rapidly sedimenting fractions. Thermal denaturation detected no appreciable generation of protein-free DNA fragments as a result of shearing. The results indicate that VirTis blending conserves subunit structure with loss of less than 12–15% of nucleosome structure.  相似文献   

Studies are presented which demonstrate that the smooth and rough endoplasmic membranes of normal and neoplastic rat liver possess binding sites for cyclic nucleotides exhibiting a high degree of specificity. In contrast to normal liver, which has only a single binding site for cyclic AMP on membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, cyclic AMP binding to the intracellular membranes of hepatoma 5123C and 7777 exhibits two apparent binding sites. The binding constant for cyclic AMP of one site on the tumor membranes is comparable to that of the normal liver, whereas the value of the second intrinsic association constant is 4- to 40-fold greater than liver. The possibility that the presence of the second cyclic AMP binding site might be a function of the rapid growth of the tumors was unlikely since membrane preparations from neonatal rats showed a single affinity association constant which was similar to that of normal liver. In addition, membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum of the Morris hepatomas 5123C and 7777 exhibit a binding site for cyclic GMP which is absent from the intracellular membranes of liver.  相似文献   

A method is described for both visualization and quantification of the total complement of rat liver free and membrane-bound ribosomes, undegraded by nucleolysis and unaggregated by pelleting. The method involves: (a) differential centrifugation of liver homogenate which separates free and membrane-bound ribosomes; (b) treatment of the fractions with detergents to solubilize membranes and remove nuclei; (c) centrifugation of a portion of each fraction to remove all the ribosomes; (d) sedimentation of the samples and blanks on sucrose gradients; and (e) difference photometric scanning of the gradients, sample minus ribosome-free blank, to detect the ribosomes free of interference from nonribosomal materials. The use of the SW 56 rotor in the initial centrifugation and of a high Mg2+ concentration (20 mm) in the medium used to suspend the bound fraction prior to detergent treatment were found to be essential in obtaining bound polysomes of large size (~19-somes). The difference scanning technique is shown to be a sensitive, accurate, and reproducible means of eliminating interference from nonribosomal materials, principally detergents and protein, and of quantifying ribosomes in both fractions. The method is rapid (3.5 h), simple to perform, and well suited for the analysis of multiple liver samples. It can be used to assess the concentration, distribution, organization, and average size of the total complement of rat liver free and membrane-bound ribosomes in a single experiment.  相似文献   

The relative rates of ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) synthesis in vivo were studied by pulse-labeling rats with [4,5-3H]leucine, isolating the mitochondrial enzyme protein by immunoprecipitation with a monospecific antibody, dissociating the immunoprecipitates on sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gels, and determining the radioactivity in OAT. After 4 days of treatment with triiodothyronine (T3), both the enzyme activity level and the relative synthetic rate of OAT in rat kidney were elevated over twofold. The level of hepatic OAT activity was unaffected by this treatment. Thyroidectomy caused a 50% drop in the basal level of OAT activity and synthesis in kidney but not in liver. Although the basal levels of activity and synthesis of both renal and hepatic OAT were unaffected by adrenalectomy, the glucagon induction of the enzyme in liver was enhanced by about one-third and the T3 induction in kidney was suppressed 50% by this operation. After 4 days of treatment with estrogen, both the enzyme activity level and the relative synthetic rate of OAT in male rat kidney were elevated nearly 10-fold. Hepatic OAT activity and synthesis were unaffected by this regimen. Thyroidectomy almost completely abolished the estrogen induction of OAT in kidney. OAT induction by estrogen could be restored by treating thyroidectomized rats with T3. Simultaneous administration of T3 plus estrogen to intact rats produced a multiple effect, resulting in a striking 20-fold induction of renal OAT. Although administration of either T3 or estrogen causes an increase in the synthesis of immunoprecipitable OAT protein in rat kidney, each of these hormones may induce OAT by a different mechanism.  相似文献   

Rat liver was fractionated into template-active (euchromatin) and template-inactive (heterochromatin) fractions by controlled shearing and glycerol gradient centrifugation. The histone and nonhistone proteins associated with each fraction were compared. No qualitative differences in histone content were observed, but heterochromatin contained 1.5 times more histone protein than did euchromatin. The nonhistone proteins of each chromatin fraction were fractionated on the basis of salt solubility into loosely bound (those extracted by 0.35 m NaCl), tightly bound (those extracted by 2.0 m NaCl), and residual nonhistone proteins (those not extracted by 2.0 m NaCl). Euchromatin contained 3.7 times more loosely bound nonhistone proteins than did heterochromatin, while the latter contained twice as much residual nonhistone protein. Euchromatin was devoid of tightly bound nonhistone protein, a component of heterochromatin. Electrophoretic analysis of these nonhistone protein fractions revealed marked heterogeneity, with a number of bands unique to either eu- or heterochromatin.  相似文献   

The effects in kidney of streptozotocin-induced diabetes and of insulin supplementation to diabetic animals on glycogen-metabolizing enzymes were determined. Kidney glycogen levels were approximately 30-fold higher in diabetic animals than in control or insulintreated diabetic animals. The activities of glycogenolytic enzymes i.e., phosphorylase (both a and b), phosphorylase kinase, and protein kinase were not significantly altered in the diabetic animals. Glycogen synthase (I form) activity decreased in the diabetic animals whereas total glycogen synthase (I + D) activity significantly increased in these animals. The activities were restored to control values after insulin therapy. Diabetic animals also showed a 3-fold increase in glucose 6-phosphate levels. These data suggest that higher accumulation of glycogen in kidneys of diabetic animals is due to increased amounts of total glycogen synthase and its activator glucose 6-phosphate.  相似文献   

An improved method for the homogenization and the subsequent subcellular fractionation of hepatocytes isolated from adult rat liver is described.The homogenization procedure developed in the present study allows the preservation of the integrity of subcellular structures, as demonstrated by measurement of the activities of representative enzymes as well as by determination of their latency.The activities of representative marker enzymes, as calculated on subcellular fractions obtained by differential centrifugation of the homogenate, are identical whether the homogenate arises from isolated hepatocytes or from the whole liver.Moreover, there is a close similitude between the kinetic parameters (Km and V) of two microsomal cytochrome P450-dependent mixed-function oxidases, namely aniline hydroxylase and aminopyrine demethylase determined on microsomal preparations obtained either from isolated cells or from the whole liver.  相似文献   

Hydroxylation of 6-N-trimethyl-l-lysine(lys(Me3)) to 3-hydroxy-6-N-trimethyl-l-lysine(3-HO-lys(Me3)) by several rat tissues has been examined and compared. The kidney enzyme, which previously was shown to require molecular oxygen and α-ketoglutarate as cosubstrates, ferrous iron and ascorbate as cofactors, and to be stimulated by catalase, has a broad pH optimum ranging between 6.5 to 7.5 at 37 °C. As determined with crude tissue extracts from kidney, liver, heart, and skeletal muscle, similar apparent Km values were obtained for substrate, cosubstrates, and cofactors. In view of similar kinetic parameters among the several lys(Me3) hydroxylases examined in rat tissues, and the fact that the level of skeletal muscle lys(Me3) hydroxylase activity is comparable to that of heart, liver, and kidney, because of its large total mass, skeletal muscle may contribute significantly to the biosynthesis of l-carnitine from lys(Me3). The most effective inhibitors found, competitive with lys(Me3), were 2-N-acetyl-6-N-trimethyl-l-lysine, 6-N-monomethyl-l-lysine, and 6-N-dimethyl-l-lysine. l-2-Amino-6-N-trimethylammonium-4-hexynoate, d-2-amino-6-N-trimethylammonium-4-hexynoate, and dl2-amino-6-N-trimethylammonium-cis-4-hexenoate, also inhibited hydroxylase activity but by a yet undetermined mechanism. Oxalacetate, succinate, and citrate inhibited the hydroxylation reaction by competing with α-ketoglutarate. The binding of ferrous iron to the enzyme was competitively inhibited by ions of “soft metals” (e.g., Cd2+, Zn2+) but not by those of “hard metals” (e.g., Ca2+, Mg2+). Preincubation of the crude kidney enzyme for 15 min at 37 °C with mercuriphenylsulfonate, N-ethylmaleimide, iodoacetate, or iodoacetamide resulted in considerable inhibition of 3-HO-lys(Me3) formation. The degree of inhibition by N-ethylmaleimide could be reduced by including Zn (II) during preincubation of the enzyme. The effects of “soft” metals and sulfhydryl reagents on the enzyme suggest that sulfhydryl groups are required for ferrous iron binding in the active site.  相似文献   

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