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During leaf senescence, resources are recycled by redistribution to younger leaves and reproductive organs. Candidate pathways for the regulation of onset and progression of leaf senescence include ubiquitin‐dependent turnover of key proteins. Here, we identified a novel plant U‐box E3 ubiquitin ligase that prevents premature senescence in Arabidopsis plants, and named it SENESCENCE‐ASSOCIATED E3 UBIQUITIN LIGASE 1 (SAUL1). Using in vitro ubiquitination assays, we show that SAUL1 has E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. We isolated two alleles of saul1 mutants that show premature senescence under low light conditions. The visible yellowing of leaves is accompanied by reduced chlorophyll content, decreased photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and increased expression of senescence genes. In addition, saul1 mutants exhibit enhanced abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis. We show that application of ABA to Arabidopsis is sufficient to trigger leaf senescence, and that this response is abolished in the ABA‐insensitive mutants abi1‐1 and abi2‐1, but enhanced in the ABA‐hypersensitive mutant era1‐3. We found that increased ABA levels coincide with enhanced activity of Arabidopsis aldehyde oxidase 3 (AAO3) and accumulation of AAO3 protein in saul1 mutants. Using label transfer experiments, we showed that interactions between SAUL1 and AAO3 occur. This suggests that SAUL1 participates in targeting AAO3 for ubiquitin‐dependent degradation via the 26S proteasome to prevent premature senescence.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence shows that proper degradation of proteins that affect defense responses in a positive or negative manner is critical in plant immunity. However, the role of plant degradation systems such as the 26S proteasome in plant immunity is not well understood. Loss‐of‐function mutations in EDR2 (ENHANCED DISEASE RESISTANCE 2) lead to increased resistance to the adapted biotrophic powdery mildew pathogen Golovinomyces cichoracearum. To study the molecular interactions between powdery mildew pathogen and Arabidopsis, we performed a screen for suppressors of edr2 and found that mutation in the gene that encodes RPN1a, a subunit of the 26S proteasome, suppressed edr2‐associated disease resistance phenotypes. In addition, RPN1a is required for edr1‐ and pmr4‐mediated powdery mildew resistance and mildew‐induced cell death. Furthermore, we show that rpn1a displayed enhanced susceptibility to the fungal pathogen G. cichoracearum and to virulent and avirulent bacterial Pto DC3000 strains, which indicated that rpn1a has defects in basal defense and resistance (R) protein‐mediated defense. RPN1a–GFP localizes to both the nucleus and cytoplasm. Accumulation of RPN1a is affected by salicylic acid (SA) and the rpn1a mutant has defects in SA accumulation upon Pto DC3000 infection. Further analysis revealed that two other subunits of the 26S proteasome, RPT2a and RPN8a are also involved in edr2‐mediated disease resistance. Based on these results, we conclude that RPN1a is required for basal defense and R protein‐mediated defense. Our data provide evidence that some subunits of the 26S proteasome are involved in innate immunity in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Rsp5p is a conserved HECT-domain ubiquitin ligase with diverse roles in cellular physiology. Here we report a previously unknown role of Rsp5p in facilitating the stability of the cytoplasmic ribosome pool in budding yeast. Yeast strains carrying temperature-sensitive mutations in RSP5 showed a progressive decline in levels of 18S and 25S rRNAs and accumulation of rRNA decay fragments when cells grown in rich medium were shifted to restrictive temperature. This was accompanied by a decreased number of translating ribosomes and the appearance of ribosomal subunits with an abnormally low sedimentation rate in polysome analysis. Abrogating Rsp5p function affected stability of other tested noncoding RNA species (tRNA and snoRNA), but to a lower extent than that of rRNA, and also inhibited processing of rRNA and tRNA precursors, in agreement with previous studies. The breakdown of cellular ribosomes was not affected by deletion of key genes involved in autophagy, previously implicated in ribosome turnover upon starvation. Our results suggest that functional Rsp5p is required to maintain the integrity of cytoplasmic ribosomes under rich nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

Mutations in PINK1 cause autosomal recessive Parkinson's disease (PD), a neurodegenerative movement disorder. PINK1 is a kinase that acts as a sensor of mitochondrial damage and initiates Parkin‐mediated clearance of the damaged organelle. PINK1 phosphorylates Ser65 in both ubiquitin and the ubiquitin‐like (Ubl) domain of Parkin, which stimulates its E3 ligase activity. Autophosphorylation of PINK1 is required for Parkin activation, but how this modulates the ubiquitin kinase activity is unclear. Here, we show that autophosphorylation of Tribolium castaneum PINK1 is required for substrate recognition. Using enzyme kinetics and NMR spectroscopy, we reveal that PINK1 binds the Parkin Ubl with a 10‐fold higher affinity than ubiquitin via a conserved interface that is also implicated in RING1 and SH3 binding. The interaction requires phosphorylation at Ser205, an invariant PINK1 residue (Ser228 in human). Using mass spectrometry, we demonstrate that PINK1 rapidly autophosphorylates in trans at Ser205. Small‐angle X‐ray scattering and hydrogen–deuterium exchange experiments provide insights into the structure of the PINK1 catalytic domain. Our findings suggest that multiple PINK1 molecules autophosphorylate first prior to binding and phosphorylating ubiquitin and Parkin.  相似文献   

固有免疫系统通过模式识别受体识别病原微生物表面的病原相关分子模式启动固有免疫反应,经级联信号转导,激活下游转录因子NF-κB和干扰素调节因子IRFs,进而产生炎性细胞因子以及Ⅰ型干扰素,抵抗病原微生物感染。TANK结合激酶1 (TANK binding kinase 1,TBK1) 作为一个中心节点蛋白,参与多条固有免疫信号通路的传导,可同时激活NF-κB和IRFs,是机体抗感染过程中关键的蛋白激酶。TBK1的精准调控对维持机体免疫稳态、抵抗病原体入侵至关重要。文中综述了TBK1在固有免疫应答中的作用及其泛素化调控机制,以期为病原体感染及自身免疫病的临床治疗提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The Ser/Thr protein kinase PINK1 phosphorylates the well‐folded, globular protein ubiquitin (Ub) at a relatively protected site, Ser65. We previously showed that Ser65 phosphorylation results in a conformational change in which Ub adopts a dynamic equilibrium between the known, common Ub conformation and a distinct, second conformation wherein the last β‐strand is retracted to extend the Ser65 loop and shorten the C‐terminal tail. We show using chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) nuclear magnetic resonance experiments that a similar, C‐terminally retracted (Ub‐CR) conformation also exists at low population in wild‐type Ub. Point mutations in the moving β5 and neighbouring β‐strands shift the Ub/Ub‐CR equilibrium. This enabled functional studies of the two states, and we show that while the Ub‐CR conformation is defective for conjugation, it demonstrates improved binding to PINK1 through its extended Ser65 loop, and is a superior PINK1 substrate. Together our data suggest that PINK1 utilises a lowly populated yet more suitable Ub‐CR conformation of Ub for efficient phosphorylation. Our findings could be relevant for many kinases that phosphorylate residues in folded protein domains.  相似文献   

Precursor forms of vacuolar proteins with transmembrane domains, such as the carboxypeptidase S Cps1p and the polyphosphatase Phm5p, are selectively sorted in endosomal compartments to vesicles that invaginate, budding into the lumen of the late endosomes, resulting in the formation of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). These proteins are then delivered to the vacuolar lumen following fusion of the MVBs with the vacuole. The sorting of Cps1p and Phm5p to these structures is mediated by ubiquitylation, and in doa4 mutant cells, which have reduced level of free ubiquitin, these proteins are missorted to the vacuolar membrane. A RING-finger ubiquitin ligase Tul1p has been shown to participate in the ubiquitylation of Cps1p and Phm5p. We show here that the HECT-ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p is also required for the ubiquitylation of these proteins, and therefore for their sorting to MVBs. Rsp5p is an essential ubiquitin ligase containing an N-terminal C2 domain followed by three WW domains, and a C-terminal catalytic HECT domain. In cells with low levels of Rsp5p (npi1 mutant cells), vacuolar hydrolases do not reach the vacuolar lumen and are instead missorted to the vacuolar membrane. The C2 domain and both the second and third WW domains of Rsp5p are important determinants for sorting to MVBs. Ubiquitylation of Cps1p was strongly reduced in the npi1 mutant strain and ubiquitylation was completely abolished in the npi1 tul1Delta double mutant. These data demonstrate that Rsp5p plays a novel and key role in intracellular trafficking, and extend the currently very short list of substrates ubiquitylated in vivo by several different ubiquitin ligases acting cooperatively.  相似文献   

The nuclear transport of both proteins and RNAs has attracted considerable interest in recent years. However, regulation pathways of the nuclear transport machineries are still not well characterized. Previous studies indicated that ubiquitination is involved in poly(A)+ RNA nuclear export. For this reason, we systematically investigated ubiquitin-protein ligasess from the homologous to E6-AP carboxy terminus (HECT) family for potential individual roles in nuclear transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Here we report that Rsp5, an essential yeast ubiquitin ligase involved in many cellular functions, when deleted or mutated in ligase activity, blocks the nuclear export of mRNAs. Affected messenger RNAs include both total poly(A)+ mRNA and heat-shock mRNAs. Mutation of Rsp5 does not affect nuclear protein import or export. Deletion of RSP5 blocks mRNA export, even under conditions where its essential role in unsaturated fatty acids biosynthesis is bypassed. Using domain mapping, we find that the ligase activity is required for proper mRNA export, indicating that ubiquitination by Rsp5 acts directly or indirectly to affect RNA export. The finding that Rsp5p ligase mutations cause a more pronounced defect at high temperatures suggests that ubiquitination of transport factors by Rsp5p may also be essential during stress conditions.  相似文献   

Reversible modifications of target proteins by small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteins are involved in many cellular processes in yeast and animals. Yet little is known about the function of sumoylation in plants. Here, we show that the SIZ1 gene, which encodes an Arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase, regulates innate immunity. Mutant siz1 plants exhibit constitutive systemic-acquired resistance (SAR) characterized by elevated accumulation of salicylic acid (SA), increased expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes, and increased resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000. Transfer of the NahG gene to siz1 plants results in reversal of these phenotypes back to wild-type. Analyses of the double mutants, npr1 siz1, pad4 siz1 and ndr1 siz1 revealed that SIZ1 controls SA signalling. SIZ1 interacts epistatically with PAD4 to regulate PR expression and disease resistance. Consistent with these observations, siz1 plants exhibited enhanced resistance to Pst DC3000 expressing avrRps4, a bacterial avirulence determinant that responds to the EDS1/PAD4-dependent TIR-NBS-type R gene. In contrast, siz1 plants were not resistant to Pst DC3000 expressing avrRpm1, a bacterial avirulence determinant that responds to the NDR1-dependent CC-NBS-type R gene. Jasmonic acid (JA)-induced PDF1.2 expression and susceptibility to Botrytis cinerea were unaltered in siz1 plants. Taken together, these results demonstrate that SIZ1 is required for SA and PAD4-mediated R gene signalling, which in turn confers innate immunity in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Jasmonates are a new class of plant hormones that play important roles in plant development and plant defense. The COI1 gene was previously shown to be required for jasmonate-regulated plant fertility and defense. We demonstrated for the first time that COI1 interacts with the Arabidopsis SKP1-LIKE1 (ASK1) to form a complex that is required for jasmonate action in planta. Functional analysis by antisense strategy showed that ASK1 is involved in male fertility.  相似文献   

SGT1 (Suppressor of G2 allele of skp1), a co-chaperone of HSP90 (Heat-shock protein 90), is required for innate immunity in plants and animals. Unveiling the cross talks between SGT1 and other co-chaperones such as p23, AHA1 (Activator of HSP90 ATPase 1) or RAR1 (Required for Mla12 resistance) is an important step towards understanding the HSP90 machinery. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mutational analyses of HSP90 revealed the nature of its binding with the CS domain of SGT1. Although CS is structurally similar to p23, these domains were found to non-competitively bind to various regions of HSP90; yet, unexpectedly, full-length SGT1 could displace p23 from HSP90. RAR1 partly shares the same binding site with HSP90 as the CS domain, whereas AHA1 does not. This analysis allowed us to build a structural model of the HSP90–SGT1 complex and to obtain a compensatory mutant pair between both partners that is able to restore virus resistance in vivo through Rx (Resistance to potato virus X) immune sensor stabilization.  相似文献   

The cellular DNA damage response (DDR) machinery that maintains genomic integrity and prevents severe pathologies, including cancer, is orchestrated by signaling through protein modifications. Protein ubiquitylation regulates repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), toxic lesions caused by various metabolic as well as environmental insults such as ionizing radiation (IR). Whereas several components of the DSB-evoked ubiquitylation cascade have been identified, including RNF168 and BRCA1 ubiquitin ligases, whose genetic defects predispose to a syndrome mimicking ataxia-telangiectasia and cancer, respectively, the identity of the apical E1 enzyme involved in DDR has not been established. Here, we identify ubiquitin-activating enzyme UBA1 as the E1 enzyme required for responses to IR and replication stress in human cells. We show that siRNA-mediated knockdown of UBA1, but not of another UBA family member UBA6, impaired formation of both ubiquitin conjugates at the sites of DNA damage and IR-induced foci (IRIF) by the downstream components of the DSB response pathway, 53BP1 and BRCA1. Furthermore, chemical inhibition of UBA1 prevented IRIF formation and severely impaired DSB repair and formation of 53BP1 bodies in G1, a marker of response to replication stress. In contrast, the upstream steps of DSB response, such as phosphorylation of histone H2AX and recruitment of MDC1, remained unaffected by UBA1 depletion. Overall, our data establish UBA1 as the apical enzyme critical for ubiquitylation-dependent signaling of both DSBs and replication stress in human cells, with implications for maintenance of genomic integrity, disease pathogenesis and cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The F-box protein Fbw7 (also known as Fbxw7, hCdc4 and Sel-10) functions as a substrate recognition component of a SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase. SCF(Fbw7) facilitates polyubiquitination and subsequent degradation of various proteins such as Notch, cyclin E, c-Myc and c-Jun. Fbw7 is highly expressed in the nervous system and controls neural stem cell differentiation and apoptosis via Notch and c-Jun during embryonic development (Hoeck et al., 2010). Fbw7 deletion in the neural lineage is perinatal lethal and thus prohibits studying the role of Fbw7 in the adult nervous system. fbw7 mRNA is highly expressed in the postnatal brain and to gain insights into the function of Fbw7 in postnatal neurogenesis we analysed Fbw7 function in the cerebellum. We generated conditional Fbw7-knockout mice (fbw7?Cb) by inactivating Fbw7 specifically in the cerebellar anlage. This resulted in decreased cerebellar size, reduced Purkinje cell number and defects in axonal arborisation. Moreover, Fbw7-deficient cerebella showed supranumeral fissures and aberrant progenitor cell migration. Protein levels of the Fbw7 substrates Notch1 and N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun were upregulated in fbw7?Cb mice. Concomitant deletion of c-Jun, and also the junAA knock-in mutation which specifically abrogates c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation, rescued Purkinje cell numbers and arborisation in the fbw7?Cb background. Taken together these data demonstrate that Fbw7 is essential during cerebellar development, and identify N-terminally phosphorylated c-Jun as an important substrate of SCF(Fbw7) during neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Calreticulin (CRT) is an endoplasmic reticulum-resident calcium-binding molecular chaperone that is highly conserved in multi-cellular eukaryotes. Higher plants contain two distinct groups of CRTs: CRT1/CRT2 and CRT3 isoforms. Previous studies have shown that bacterial elongation factor Tu receptor (EFR), a pattern-recognition receptor that is responsible for pathogen-associated molecular pattern-triggered immunity, is a substrate for Arabidopsis CRT3, suggesting a role for CRT3 in regulating plant defense against pathogens. Here we report that Arabidopsis CRT2 is another regulator of plant innate immunity. Despite significantly increased salicylic acid levels and constitutive expression of the systemic acquired resistance-associated marker genes PR1, PR2 and PR5, transgenic plants over-expressing CRT2 displayed reduced resistance to virulent Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (PstDC3000). A (45)Ca(2+) overlay assay and a domain-swapping experiment further demonstrated that the negatively charged C-terminal tail of CRT2 is responsible for its high calcium-binding capacity and function in regulating the endogenous salicylic acid level. In addition, over-expression of the His173 mutant of CRT2 greatly enhanced plant defense against PstDC3000, supporting the existence of a self-inhibition mechanism that can counteract the effects of salicylic acid-dependent immune responses. These results suggest that CRT2 functions through its N-terminal domain(s) as a self-modulator that can possibly prevent the salicylic acid-mediated runaway defense responses triggered by its C-terminal calcium-buffering activity in response to pathogen invasion.  相似文献   

Caspases have been extensively studied as critical initiators and executioners of cell death pathways. However, caspases also take part in non-apoptotic signalling events such as the regulation of innate immunity and activation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB). How caspases are activated under these conditions and process a selective set of substrates to allow NF-κB signalling without killing the cell remains largely unknown. Here, we show that stimulation of the Drosophila pattern recognition protein PGRP-LCx induces DIAP2-dependent polyubiquitylation of the initiator caspase DREDD. Signal-dependent ubiquitylation of DREDD is required for full processing of IMD, NF-κB/Relish and expression of antimicrobial peptide genes in response to infection with Gram-negative bacteria. Our results identify a mechanism that positively controls NF-κB signalling via ubiquitin-mediated activation of DREDD. The direct involvement of ubiquitylation in caspase activation represents a novel mechanism for non-apoptotic caspase-mediated signalling.  相似文献   

Casitas B-lineage lymphoma proto-oncogene-b (Cbl-b), a RING finger E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase, has been demonstrated to play a crucial role in establishing the threshold for T-cell activation and controlling peripheral T-cell tolerance via multiple mechanisms. Accumulating evidence suggests that Cbl-b also regulates innate immune responses and plays an important role in host defense to pathogens. Understanding the signaling pathways regulated by Cbl-b in innate and adaptive immune cells is therefore essential for efficient manipulation of Cbl-b in emerging immunotherapies for human disorders such as autoimmune diseases, allergic inflammation, infections, and cancer. In this article, we review the latest developments in the molecular structural basis of Cbl-b function, the regulation of Cbl-b expression, the signaling mechanisms of Cbl-b in immune cells, as well as the biological function of Cbl-b in physiological and pathological immune responses in animal models and human diseases.  相似文献   

Piriformospora indica is a root-colonizing basidiomycete that confers a wide range of beneficial traits to its host. The fungus shows a biotrophic growth phase in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) roots followed by a cell death-associated colonization phase, a colonization strategy that, to our knowledge, has not yet been reported for this plant. P. indica has evolved an extraordinary capacity for plant root colonization. Its broad host spectrum encompasses gymnosperms and monocotyledonous as well as dicotyledonous angiosperms, which suggests that it has an effective mechanism(s) for bypassing or suppressing host immunity. The results of our work argue that P. indica is confronted with a functional root immune system. Moreover, the fungus does not evade detection but rather suppresses immunity triggered by various microbe-associated molecular patterns. This ability to suppress host immunity is compromised in the jasmonate mutants jasmonate insensitive1-1 and jasmonate resistant1-1. A quintuple-DELLA mutant displaying constitutive gibberellin (GA) responses and the GA biosynthesis mutant ga1-6 (for GA requiring 1) showed higher and lower degrees of colonization, respectively, in the cell death-associated stage, suggesting that P. indica recruits GA signaling to help establish proapoptotic root cell colonization. Our study demonstrates that mutualists, like pathogens, are confronted with an effective innate immune system in roots and that colonization success essentially depends on the evolution of strategies for immunosuppression.  相似文献   

The amino acid proline accumulates in many plant species under abiotic stress conditions, and various protective functions have been proposed. During cold stress, however, proline content in Arabidopsis thaliana does not correlate with freezing tolerance. Freezing sensitivity of a starchless plastidic phosphoglucomutase mutant (pgm) indicated that localization of proline in the cytosol might stabilize the plasma membrane during freeze–thaw events. Here, we show that re-allocation of proline from cytosol to vacuole was similar in the pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase 2–1 (p5cs2–1) mutant and the pgm mutant and caused similar reduction of basal freezing tolerance. In contrast, the starch excess 1–1 mutant (sex1-1) had even lower freezing tolerance than pgm but did not affect sub-cellular localization of proline. Freezing sensitivity of sex1-1 mutants affected primarily the photosynthetic electron transport and was enhanced in a sex1-1::p5cs2–1 double mutant. These findings indicate that several independent factors determine basal freezing tolerance. In a pgm::p5cs2–1 double mutant, freezing sensitivity and proline allocation to the vacuole were the same as in the parental lines, indicating that the lack of cytosolic proline was the common cause of reduced basal freezing tolerance in both mutants. We conclude that cytosolic proline is an important factor in freezing tolerance of non-acclimated plants.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis COP1 is a negative regulator of photomorphogenesis, which targets HY5, a positive regulator of photomorphogenesis, for degradation via the proteasome pathway in the absence of light. COP1 and its interactive partner CIP8 both possess RING finger motifs, characteristic of some E3 ubiquitin ligases. Here we show that CIP8 promotes ubiquitin attachment to HY5 in E2-dependent fashion in vitro. CIP8 exhibits a strong interaction with the E2 enzyme AtUBC8 through its N-terminal domain. Phosphorylation of HY5 by casein kinase II requires the beta subunit 2, but does not affect HY5's susceptibility to ubiquitination. The RING domain of CIP8 is required but is not sufficient for ubiquitin ligase activity. Although the RING domain of CIP8 interacts with the RING domain of COP1, addition of recombinant COP1 fails to affect CIP8's ubiquitin ligase activity towards HY5 in vitro. However, recombinant COP1 can pull-down native CIP8 from the extract of dark-grown seedlings, but not from the extract of light-grown seedlings in a column-binding assay, implying a requirement for light-regulated modification in vivo. Our data suggest that CIP8 can form a minimal ubiquitin ligase in co-operation with the E2 enzyme AtUBC8. It is possible that the AtUBC8-CIP8 module might interact with COP1 in vivo, thereby participating in proteasome-mediated degradation of HY5.  相似文献   

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