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Transepidermal water loss was studied in nestlings, fledglings and adults of the xerophylic Zebra Finch Poephila guttata. Nestlings lose little water (2–4 ppm/0–5 cm2/h) through the skin as compared to adults (60–70 ppm/0–5 cm2/h). Light and electron microscopic examination of the skin sections of both age classes revealed an abundance of lipids in the form of vacuoles and large multigranular bodies in the epidermis of nestlings, but few such lipid bodies in the epidermis of adults. Some of the disc-like contents of granular bodies appear to be extruded into the intercellular spaces. Based on earlier studies with mammals and reptiles, it is concluded that epidermal lipids are the basis of the integumentary permeability barrier in nestlings.  相似文献   

Changes in tissue masses associated with egg production were investigated in female Zebra Finches Taeniopygia gutatta using dietary and hormonal manipulations. We tested three hypotheses: that changes in organ masses, (a) reflect utilisation of endogenous nutrient stores due to inadequate daily dietary intake, (b) involve changes in organ structure or 'functional capacity', and (c) are initiated by onset of reproductive development (e.g. elevated plasma estrogen or yolk precursor levels, oviduct growth). Pectoral muscle lean dry mass was 18–22% lower in breeding females at the 1-egg stage compared to non-breeders, and this was independent of nutritional plane, i.e. similar changes occurred in birds provided with supplemental protein or egg food. Heart lean dry mass was also lower (16%) in breeding females, but only in birds on a low-quality seed diet, not in birds on supplemented diets. Decreases in total liver mass (14%) were due to changes in lipid content not lean dry mass, and were diet-dependent. These results demonstrate that changes in organ masses associated with egg production are complex, and do not simply reflect a general mobilisation of stored protein. We discuss why there is no hypertrophy of biosynthetic or metabolic 'machinery' associated with egg production in birds (cf. reproducing mammals). Exogenous 17β-estradiol induced plasma levels of yolk precursors typical of breeding birds, and initiated oviduct growth (to 31% of mature size). However, estradiol treatment caused no change in mass of pectoral muscle, heart or liver, demonstrating that there is no simple relationship between onset of reproductive development and associated tissue mass changes.  相似文献   

Pectoral muscle can be an important source of protein for birds. During egg formation Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata are able to compensate for nutritional inadequacies in their diet by utilization of the protein in their flight muscles. This analysis of flight muscle sarcoplasm supported earlier observations of protein depletion during egg production. However, SDS gel electrophoresis of the sarcoplasm produced no evidence to support a previous suggestion of the existence of a high molecular weight storage protein, and it is thought that the original observation may have arisen as an artefact of experimental methodology. During laying, protein removal from the sarcoplasm occurred over a range of different proteins and was not confined to any one specific protein band. Additionally, the protein band most reduced over the course of laying did not contain elevated levels of the amino acids most limiting to egg production. These results indicate that during laying, flight muscle sarcoplasm contributes towards the nutrient requirements of egg production from general protein reserves, rather than from a specific storage protein containing elevated levels of limiting amino acids.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed to account for the adaptive evolution of personality, defined as inter‐individual differences in behaviour that are consistent over time and across situations. For instance, the ‘pace‐of‐life syndrome’ hypothesis suggests that personality evolved as a behavioural correlate of life‐history trajectories that vary within populations. Thus, proactivity, corresponding to higher exploratory tendencies or higher boldness levels, has been linked to higher productivity or mortality rates. However, the extent to which proactivity is associated with a higher motivation to forage remains poorly understood. Moreover, although personality and its effects on foraging behaviour are usually considered to be independent of any motivational or nutritional state, few studies so far have challenged this. Here we show that personality traits, both individually or combined using a principal component analysis, and body condition have additive effects on latency to feed following food deprivation in the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata, with personality accounting for 41% and body condition for about 20% of the total variation in latency to feed. In accordance with the pace‐of‐life syndrome hypothesis, latency to feed was negatively related to the degree of proactivity and positively related to body condition. Thus, proactive individuals and individuals in poorer condition were quicker to start feeding after a period of food deprivation. The absence of a significant interaction between personality and body condition further suggests that the effect of personality was independent of body condition. We discuss the relevance of our results in relation to the different factors influencing foraging in birds. Moreover, we place our results within a life‐history framework by emphasizing the correlated evolution of life‐history traits and personality.  相似文献   

RICHARD ZANN  DAVID RUNCIMAN 《Ibis》1994,136(2):136-143
Membership of three permanent breeding colonies of Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata studied in farmland changed continually due to arrival and departure of birds from distant colonies. Sixty-six percent of adults stayed for less than 1 month, and many that stayed longer disappeared for extended periods. Over 78% of adults captured were hatched in other colonies and only 23% made a breeding attempt in their natal colony. There was no sex-biased natal dispersal or philopatry, but there were sex differences in the timing of dispersal. Sex ratios at the end of parental care were variable and may depend on food resources. Adult ratios were slightly male-biased. Annual losses of adults ranged from 72 to 82% across colonies, but mortalities and dispersal were heavily confounded by high adult mobility. The oldest bird was more than 5 years old. A total of 67% of young were lost between fledging and nutritional independence at 35 days of age, and only 20% of fledglings survived to day 80, the age of first breeding. Artificial supplies of seed at baited walk-in traps prolonged the stay of dispersing adults from other colonies, enhanced the survivorship of young hatched in the colony and possibly affected the secondary sex ratio. In this southeast part of their Australia-wide distribution, Zebra Finch populations appear to be highly mobile over a very large home range with extensive free interchange of members among a number of permanent breeding colonies. High mobility may be adaptive for exploiting patches of seed and water in a highly erratic environment.  相似文献   

D. C. Houston    D. Donnan    P. J. Jones 《Journal of Zoology》1995,235(3):469-483
The source of nutrients used for egg formation are poorly known for most bird species. This study of the zebra finch Poephila guttata showed that food intake did not increase during egg production, but the decline in female body reserves of protein and fat were sufficient to account for most of the nutrients in a clutch of four eggs. Female birds significantly reduced their activity levels during ova enlargement, which may play a role in diverting resources to egg production. Birds increased their intake of calcium-rich food items when eggs were being laid, and this intake accounted for all the calcium needed for eggshell formation. The zebra finch depends heavily on stored body reserves for egg formation, which is probably unusual in small passerines.  相似文献   

Where maternal condition affects condition and reproductive potential of offspring differentially with respect to sex, mothers in relatively good condition should produce more of the sex whose fitness is more dependent on condition. We experimentally manipulated body-condition in unmated zebra finches by feeding them for three months on high- or low-quality diets. Birds were then allowed to breed, while keeping the same diets. Females on the lower quality diet were in better condition and hatched significantly more males than females. Poorer condition females hatched an equal sex ratio. Chicks fed on the low-quality diet, but not on the high-quality diet, showed female-biased mortality. These results show that facultative sex ratio manipulation and sex-biased mortality can act together to produce extreme sex ratios in this vertebrate.  相似文献   

As female birds are able to lay no more than a single egg each day, in those species producing larger clutches the first laid eggs may get a developmental head‐start over later eggs in the clutch. All other things being equal, the differential pattern of development across the clutch may contribute to hatching asynchrony and subsequent inequity in the competition between brood mates, and ultimately increase variance in the quality and fitness of first‐ and last‐laid offspring. It has been suggested that females might allocate resources differently across the laying sequence to moderate the developmental rate and hatching time of different embryos. We tested this theory in the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata, a common model species for investigating maternal effects in birds. We removed 758 eggs from 160 nests shortly after they were laid and used artificial incubators to control for parental effects and monitor hatching times. Eggs from larger clutches consistently hatched sooner than those from average‐sized clutches, demonstrating that the intrinsic properties of an egg can alter the developmental time of embryos. There were also differences in the development time of eggs across the laying sequence, but these patterns were weaker, inconsistent and unrelated to sequential investment across the laying sequence in a straightforward way. This study indicates that maternal resource allocation to eggs across the laying sequence and across clutch sizes can influence development times and play a potentially important role in determining the competitive dynamics of broods.  相似文献   

Female Lesser black-backed gulls, culled from a moorland nesting site in Lancashire for public health reasons, were examined to compare their body condition with the number and quality of eggs that they would lay. The clutch size and stage of the laying cycle of each bird were determined by examining their ovaries. Fat condition was obtained by extraction of the whole carcass with chloroform and an index of protein condition was obtained from the lean dry weight of the flight muscles. Oviduct eggs were analysed for the amounts of fat and protein present in the yolk and albumen.
Lesser black-backed gulls are not fully indeterminate layers. Most females develop only enough enlarged ova to produce the normal clutch of three eggs, with some birds able to lay an additional one or two replacement eggs if necessary. The female's protein reserve, but not her fat reserve, declined during egg formation and was correlated with the total number of eggs she could potentially have laid. Similarly egg quality, as measured by yolk weight and protein content, was correlated with female condition but not her fat reserves. Albumen weight was not correlated with body condition.
It is shown that egg production is a demanding process in Lesser black-backed gulls and breeding success is influenced by the amount of the female's protein reserve both through its effect on egg quality and on her ability to lay replacement eggs if necessary.  相似文献   

1. The present study was carried out to investigate whether or not the rate of synthesis of total protein in various oviducal segments and ovalbumin, a major egg white protein, in the magnum fluctuated during the egg formation cycle in laying hens. 2. Synthesis of total protein and ovalbumin was measured in vivo by the incorporation of [15N]methionine after a primed continuous infusion of tracer for 3 hr. 3. Protein and ovalbumin contents in the magnum and the entire oviduct decreased sharply when an ovum moved down from the magnum to the isthmus, probably due to the secretion of egg white proteins. 4. In contrast, total protein and ovalbumin synthesis in the magnum was significantly higher when an ovum was in there than when it was in any other segments. Fluctuations of ovalbumin synthesis and total protein synthesis in the magnum were roughly parallel to those of total protein synthesis in the entire oviduct. 5. It was concluded, therefore, that the changes seen in total protein synthesis in the whole oviduct during the egg formation cycle were mainly attributable to those in magnum protein synthesis, of which a significant portion was accounted for by the synthesis of ovalbumin.  相似文献   

S. JAMES REYNOLDS 《Ibis》2001,143(2):205-215
Many small passerines forage intensively for calcium-rich foods during laying. Increased incidences of shell defects in eggs of small passerines have been reported, particularly in western Europe, and these have been explained in terms of declining calcium availability in soils, resulting from prolonged anthropogenic acid deposition. Studies in the field have provided laying birds, nesting in areas of low calcium availability, with calcium supplements. An alternative approach was adopted in this study by allowing captive Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata to lay first clutches on ad libitum calcium, switching them to a low calcium diet for 72 hours for the formation of all but the first egg of the second clutch and reinstating ad libitum calcium for the final clutch. Control females had access to ad libitum calcium for all three clutches. Clutch sizes did not vary significantly between birds on low calcium and controls. The former took over three days longer to lay clutch 3 than did controls but the difference was not statistically significant. Birds on low calcium laid eggs that declined in shell ash mass with laying sequence, indicating that birds may have been calcium-limited. Although not statistically significant, eggshell thickness also declined with laying sequence in clutches laid by females on low calcium. The remaining egg measurements (shell mass, shell surface area and volume] of clutches laid by birds on low calcium did not differ significantly from those of controls. Furthermore, females on low calcium did not resort to skeletal reserves to provide sufficient calcium for egg formation. Dietary calcium appears to be of paramount importance in providing sufficient calcium for clutch formation.  相似文献   

Young male zebra finches exposed to a series of adult males during their sensitive phase for song learning tended to learn from several of them, in contrast to those exposed to two or more tutors simultaneously. There is a tendency to learn more from later tutors, either because the memory of their elements over-writes that of earlier ones or because sensitivity is greater at this stage. No clear relation could be found between features of the song or behaviour of tutors and whether or not they were copied. In common with earlier studies, tutor song output, beyond a certain minimum was found to be unimportant.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of increased egg production on body condition as well as on measures of reproductive performance in great skuas, Stercorarius skua, over two subsequent years. We experimentally increased egg production from the normal two to six eggs. Six eggs might also be produced under natural circumstances after repeated clutch loss. After the production of the last egg we measured: (i) body mass, (ii) pectoral muscle, and (iii) haematocrit, total red blood cell count and mean corpuscular volume, as indicators of body condition. We took the same measurements of control females who had produced the normal clutch of two eggs. The measurements were repeated one year after the manipulation, and survival, laying dates, clutch sizes and hatching success were recorded for up to three consecutive years. After producing six eggs, females were lighter, had smaller pectoral muscles and lower haematological values than control females. Hatching success of eggs was significantly reduced. Even one year after the experiment there were still differences in body condition. Annual survival was not affected by the manipulations, although there was an indication that survival costs depended on whether chicks were raised after the increased egg production. While pair bonds and egg sizes were not affected in the post‐experimental year, females started breeding significantly later than in the previous year. Two years after the experiment laying dates had advanced again and were not different from those of control females. This pattern of maintaining survival and egg sizes, but delaying breeding in the post‐experimental year was found for two independent groups of females which had both been subjected to increased egg production. These results present evidence that increased egg production can have long‐term effects on female body condition and aspects of reproduction. However, although present, the costs of extra eggs appear to have been relatively small in the great skua in comparison to the two other bird species for which inter‐annual effects have been reported.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of parvalbumin (PV) within neurons of the vocal motor nucleus hyperstriatum ventralepars caudalis (HVc) was investigated in the forebrain of adult male zebra finches by means of light and electron microscopy using the indirect immunoperoxidase technique. Parvalbumin-reaction product was located in the amorphous material of perikarya, dendrites and nuclei, and associated to microtubuli, postsynaptic densities and intracellular membranes; it was found in some axons and Gray type-2 boutons, but rarely in type-1 boutons and never in the Golgi apparatus. These observations suggest that parvalbumin may regulate calcium-dependent processes at the postsynaptic membrane and in the cytosol. Furthermore, the partial association of parvalbumin to microtubuli points to an involvement in calcium-dependent tubular functions. Calcium currents and microtubular assembly or transport may be relevant for the known functions of HVc in song learning.  相似文献   

The levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and activities of adenylate cyclase and protein kinase have been examined in chick skeletal muscle tissue between the 7th and 15th day of its embryonic development. The tissue cAMP levels were found to increase in two main phases; from 8–10 days and from 12–15 days of development. Parallel increases between the 8th and 10th day of development were also found in the basal enzyme activities of both adenylate cyclase and protein kinase. The maximum values of all three parameters coincided with the onset of cell fusion in the tissue. The results are compared with the findings of a similar study carried out on differentiating myoblasts cultured in vitro, and are assessed in terms of the possibility that cAMP levels control the expression of myoblast differentiation.  相似文献   

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