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This investigation provides direct evidence that rat pineal gland contains ATP:L-methionine S-adenosyltransferase. The specific activity of the enzyme is about 25 times greater than that of hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase, the unique marker enzyme in this tissue. The major product of the reaction catalyzed by ATP:L-methionine S-adenosyltransferase has been identified as S-adenosyl-methionine which can function as a methyl group donor for the formation of melatonin. The specific activity of pineal ATP:L-methionine S-adenosyltransferase is at least eight times greater than that of brain, and one-half that of the liver enzyme.  相似文献   

The pineal body of white normal rats, 1.5 to 3 months old, was studied under the electron microscope. A single type of parenchymal cell—the pinealocyte—is recognized as the main component of the tissue, and some of the structural characteristics of the nucleus and cytoplasm are described. The main morphological characteristic of the pinealocytes is represented by club-shaped perivascular expansions connected to the cell by thin pedicles. They are found lying in a large, clear space surrounding the blood capillaries. The name plurivesicular secretory processes is proposed, to emphasize the main structural feature and the probable function of these cellular expansions. A tubulofibrillar component is mainly found in the pedicle, and within the expansion there are numerous small mitochondria and densily packed vesicles of about 425 A. Two types of vesicles, one with a homogeneous content and another with a very dense osmium deposit, are described. Between the two types there are intermediary forms. In these processes, mitochondria show profound changes which may lead to complete vacuolization. The significance of this plurivesicular secretory component is discussed in the light of recent work on the biogenic amines of the pineal body and preliminary experiments showing the release of the vesicles containing dense granules after treatment with reserpine. These vesicles are interpreted as the site of storage of some of the biogenic amines. Bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers and endings on large blood vessels which also contain a plurivesicular content are described and tentatively interpreted as adrenergic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lithium chloride (2 m m ) significantly inhibited the increases in cyclic AMP and in cyclic GMP caused by norepinephrine or high concentrations of potassium in intact rat pineal glands. Adenylyl cyclase activity in homogenates and its stimulation by isoproterenol, a β-adrenergic agonist, were also inhibited. Lithium reduced the apparent V max of isoproterenol-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity without significantly affecting the apparent affinity for isoproterenol. There was no effect on the binding of the antagonist [3H]dihydroalprenolol to the β-adrenergic receptors, nor on the competition for binding sites by isoproterenol. Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity by lithium was inversely related to the magnesium concentration in the reaction mixture. There was no differential effect of lithium on adenylyl cyclase activity from supersensitive vs subsensitive glands. Lithium may inhibit cyclic nucleotide synthesis by interfering with the role of divalent cations.  相似文献   

Abstract— The distribution of tryptophan hydroxylase in the cat brain was investigated and found to parallel roughly the distribution of serotonin. The most active areas are the caudate nucleus, septal area, anterior perforating substance, hypothalamus, amygdala and various areas of the midbrain.  相似文献   

Tryptophan hydroxylase in young chicken brain had a pH optimum of 7.5–8, depending on the buffer used. It had apparent Km values for tryptophan and tetrahydrobiopterin of 49 μM and 32 μM respectively. The enzyme in chicken brain, but not rat brain, was cold-shock labile but was stable for up to 4 days at — 20°C. Lability was observed both in tissues and homogenates of these tissues subjected to cold shock, but the extent of loss of activity varied between brain regions. Supernatant fractions did not lose activity after cold shock. The highest level of tryptophan hydroxylase was found in the rostral region of the chicken brainstem. High levels were also found in the caudal region of the brainstem, the midbrain, thalamus, caudate and cerebral cortex. The cerebellum and optic chiasma contained only traces of activity.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9-10):1697-1714
In Atlantic salmon, the preadaptation to a marine life, i.e., parr-smolt transformation, and melatonin production in the pineal gland are regulated by the photoperiod. However, the clock genes have never been studied in the pineal gland of this species. The aim of the present study was to describe the diurnal expression of clock genes (Per1-like, Cry2, and Clock) in the pineal gland and brain of Atlantic salmon parr and smolts in freshwater, as well as plasma levels of melatonin and cortisol. By employing an out-of-season smolt production model, the parr-smolt transformation was induced by subjecting triplicate groups of parr to 6 wks (wks 0 to 6) under a 12?h:12?h light-dark (LD) regime followed by 6 wks (wks 6 to 12) of continuous light (LL). The measured clock genes in both pineal gland and brain and the plasma levels of melatonin and cortisol showed significant daily variations in parr under LD in wk 6, whereas these rhythms were abolished in smolts under LL in wk 12. In parr, the pineal Per1-like and Cry2 expression peaked in the dark phase, whereas the pineal Clock expression was elevated during the light phase. Although this study presents novel findings on the clock gene system in the teleost pineal gland, the role of this system in the regulation of smoltification needs to be studied in more detail. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Abstract— A total of ten electroshock seizures (two seizures per day) were induced in rats beginning 3 days after an injection of [U-14C]glucose. Despite the intense stimulation, the labelling of the protein and nucleic acid fractions in the brains of convulsed animals decreased only slightly and not significantly. During the first 2 days after administration of [14C]glucose to untreated animals, there was a slight decrease in the specific activity of protein-bound glutamic acid relative to that of aspartic acid and the total protein fraction, suggesting the presence of a protein with a high content of glutamic acid and a rapid turnover.  相似文献   

Amphetamine, a potent sympathomimetic amine, has powerful stimulant actions in the central nervous system. These actions are believed to be related to the influence of amphetamine on release and uptake of catecholamine neurotransmitters. The [14C]deoxyglucose method makes it possible to study changes in cerebral metabolic rate in different areas of gray and white matter. Because of the close relationship between metabolic rate and functional activity, this method may be used to identify specific structures in the brain in which functional activity is altered. The [14C]deoxyglucose method was used to explore for changes in metabolic rate produced by d-and l-amphetamine (5 mg/kg) in forty gray and four white matter structures in normal conscious rats. d-Amphetamine produced increases in local cerebral glucose utilization in a number of components of the extrapyramidal motor system, as well as in some other structures known to contain dopamine-producing and/or dopaminoceptive cells. The largest increases after d-amphetamine administration occurred in the subthalamic nucleus and the zona reticulata of the substantia nigra. l-Amphetamine produced increases in some but not all of these same structures, and these were generally smaller than those observed with d-amphetamine. Decreases in local cerebral glucose utilization after either d- or l-amphetamine administration were found in the habenula and the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus. The effects in the suprachiasmatic nuclei may reflect their normal diurnal rhythm in metabolic rate. These results indicate that amphetamines may influence behavior through effects on specific regions of the brain. Only some of these regions have previously been studied as possible sites of action of amphetamine.  相似文献   

Abstract— The activity of tryptophan hydroxylase was measured in whole homogenates of midbrain and forebrain areas of the rat brain. A significant elevation of tryptophan hydroxylase in midbrain and forebrain was found within 1 h after injection of corticosterone hemisuccinate Na salt (10mg/kg) into normal rats. A further elevation of tryptophan hydroxylase at 4 h after injection occurred only in the midbrain region. A rapid alteration of tryptophan hydroxylase was also observed following intracistemal injection of a protein synthesis inhibitor, cydoheximide. A significant depression of 50% of normal levels occurred both in midbrain and forebrain regions within 1 h. However. 4 h after injection only the midbrain tryptophan hydroxylase level was depressed, and this depression was 16% of normal levels. This temporal and spatial pattern following cydoheximide injection was not the result of changes in the ability of cydoheximide to inhibit in vivo protein synthesis since [3H]valine incorporation into protein was shown to be equally depressed at both 1 and 5 h in both the midbrain and forebrain. Puromycin blocked [3H]valine incorporation into proteins in the midbrain and forebrain. but only caused a depression of 16% of tryptophan hydroxylase in the midbrain at 4 h. The aminonucleoside derivative of puromycin has no effect on protein synthesis or on tryptophan hydroxylase. Cydoheximide had no effect on tryptophan hydroxylase in vitro. The data suggest that cydoheximide and corticosterone produce an early (1 h) effect on tryptophan hydroxylase unrelated to de novo protein synthesis in regions known to contain perikaryon (midbrain) and axon terminals (forebrain) of 5-HT-containing neurons. The later (4h) effects of these two compounds and puromycin on tryptophan hydroxylase in the perikaryon (midbrain) region of 5-HT-containing neurons probably result from alteration in de novo protein synthesis. The half time of tryptophan hydroxylase in midbrain region is calculated to be 12 h.  相似文献   

Abstract— The activity of soluble tryptophan hydroxylase from rat brain stem was increased in presence of mm concentrations of calcium. Similarly to that observed by treating the enzyme with sodium dodecyl sulphate or trypsin, this activation resulted mainly from an increased affinity of tryptophan hydroxylase for both its substrate, tryptophan, and the cofactor 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropteridine (6-MPH4). In addition, the optimal pH for the enzymic activity was shifted from 7.6 to 7.9 following activation by calcium, sodium dodecyl sulphate or trypsin.
Under the assay conditions used for measuring tryptophan hydroxylase activity, calcium also stimulated a neutral proteinase. This latter enzyme could be eliminated from the solution of tryptophan hydroxylase by filtration through Sephadex G 200. The resulting partially purified tryptophan hydroxylase could be activated by calcium only when the neutral proteinase was included in the assay mixture. In support of this conclusion, the effect of calcium on tryptophan hydroxylase was very small in the new born rat when the activity of the neutral proteinase was low. In addition, the activating effect of Ca2+ could be antagonized not only by a chelating agent like EGTA but also (partially) by specific inhibitors of proteinases such as benzethonium and PMSF.
These results strongly suggest that the activation of tryptophan hydroxylase by calcium is the consequence of a partial proteolysis of the enzyme by the calcium-dependent neutral proteinase. Therefore, the physiological significance of this irreversible effect is doubtful.  相似文献   

Abstract— The monoamine oxidases (MAO) of rat pineal gland and superior cervical ganglion were compared and found to have different characteristics. The predominant enzyme in the ganglion was inhibited by low concentrations of clorgyline (0.1 μM), exhibited a lower apparent Km for tyramine than the enzyme in the pineal, was readily inactivated by trypsin, and was relatively heat-stable. In contrast, the MAO of the pineal was inhibited by 0.1 m m clorgyline, was not readily inactivated by trypsin, and was heat-labile. Moreover, these enzymes appeared to have different substrate specificities. Our results are consistent with the view that there may be multiple forms of MAO and that these forms may be associated with specific cell types.  相似文献   

Abstract— Pineal serotonin N -acetyltransferase (EC is a neurally regulated enzyme. It is detectable in the rat as early as 4 days prior to birth. A circadian rhythm in enzyme activity appears on the fourth day after birth. It develops most rapidly during the second week and achieves an adult magnitude by the end of the third week at which time nocturnal values are more than 30-fold greater than daytime values. Norepinephrine, which appears to be the neurotransmitter regulating this enzyme, can cause a 2- to 3-fold stimulation of N -acetyltransferase in organ cultures of pineal glands from 4-day-old animals and a 17-fold increase in the activity of glands from 15-day-old animals. Apparently the norepinephrinesensitive system controlling pineal N -acetyltransferase activity also develops most rapidly during the first few weeks of life. The circadian rhythm in the activity of serotonin N -acetyltransferase develops in the pineal glands of both male and female rats at the same rate. A similar rhythm for the enzyme was not observed in twelve other tissues of the rat.  相似文献   

Axonal transport and turnover rate of proteins in the supraoptico-neurohypo-physial tract were studied after injection of 35S cysteine into the region of the supraoptic nucleus. The proximo-distal migration of labelled proteins from the nerve cell bodies to the axon terminals in the neurohypophysis was followed by measuring the radioactivity of neurohypophysial proteins at various time intervals (4 h to 30 days) after isotope injection. A rapidly transported phase of proteins with a minimal transport rate of approximately 60 mm/day was demonstrated. An accumulation of protein-bound radioactivity was also observed in the neural lobe at 9 days after isotope injection, representing slowly transported proteins (0-5 mm/day). In addition, an intermediate phase of axonal transport (1-5 mm/day) was found. Fractionation of neurohypophysial proteins by polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis revealed that a predominating portion of the radioactivity was recovered in a single protein component (fraction A) at 4 h as well as at 30 days after isotope injection. This protein component was shown to be a constituent both of the rapid and the slow phase of axonal transport. With time an increasing amount of radioactivity was found in another protein component (fraction B), which reached a maximum at 14 days after injection and then remained fairly constant up to 30 days. When the turnover rates of neurohypophysial proteins were estimated, a half-life of 1-2 days and 8 days was calculated for the rapidly and slowly transported proteins, respectively.  相似文献   

—The relationships between plasma tryptophan and 5-HT metabolism in the CNS were studied in newborn rats and compared with adults. Both the concentration of free tryptophan in plasma and that of the amino-acid in brain were much higher immediately after birth than later on. Drugs such as salicylate and chlordiazepoxide, which increased brain tryptophan concentrations in adults by displacing the plasma amino acid bound to serum albumin, were ineffective in newborn rats: most of the amino acid being already free in their plasma. The study of 5-HT metabolism in brain stem slices revealed that the affinity of the uptake process for tryptophan was higher in newborn than in adult animals, whereas the reverse situation was observed for the enzyme complex involved in 5-HT synthesis (lower apparent Km in adults). In addition, the catabolism of newly synthesized 5-HT was more rapid in newborn than in adult tissues. Finally, the free state of tryptophan in plasma of newborn animals induced in brain both a high amino acid concentration and, in contrast to the situation observed in adults, a synthesis rate of 5-HT very near its maximal value.  相似文献   

松果体及其褪黑素对大鼠胸腺细胞凋亡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨松果体及其褪黑素对胸腺细胞凋亡的影响以及Caspase-3的表达。方法选用清洁级SD大鼠,分为正常对照组、假手术对照组、松果体摘除组、松果体摘除 褪黑素腹腔注射7.5mg/kg/d组和松果体摘除 褪黑素腹腔注射15mg/kg/d组。术后4、8周取材。运用TUNEL法检测胸腺细胞的凋亡程度,用ABC法染胸腺Caspase-3阳性细胞,计算机图像分析仪测量阳性细胞面积及其染色强度。以RT-PCR法检测褪黑素干预原代培养胸腺细胞Caspase-3的表达。结果松果体摘除后8周时胸腺细胞凋亡显著增加,补充褪黑素则能明显减少胸腺细胞的凋亡。Caspase-3阳性细胞主要见于胸腺皮质,松果体摘除后胸腺皮质Caspase-3阳性细胞面积增加明显,补充褪黑素则使其下降。褪黑素能上调培养胸腺细胞Caspase-3的表达水平。结论松果体能调控大鼠胸腺细胞的凋亡,松果体摘除促进胸腺细胞的凋亡,补充褪黑素能缓解相关影响。  相似文献   

Abstract— The turnover of the different histone components from brain nuclei was studied after the administration of l -[3H]lysine and l -[14C-methyl]methionine to newborn rats. The radioactivities of the different histone subfractions as well as other proteins were determined over a 280-day period. Biphasic type decay curves (3H and 14C) were obtained for total brain histones and all the subfractions. From 6 to 40 days of age the half life of total brain histones was 19 days. After reaching brain maturity the half life was 132 days. The lysine rich histone (F1) was found to turnover the fastest of all the histones, having half lives of 13 and 112 days, respectively. The decay curve for the slightly lysine rich histones (F2a2, F2b) gave half lives of 25 days up to 40 days of age and 189 days after reaching brain maturity. The arginine rich histones (F2a1, F3) gave a half life of 32 days up to 40 days of age, while no turnover was observed after maturity. The turnover rates of the methyl groups and/or methionyl residues did not vary significantly from the turnover rates of the lysyl residues in the F2 and F3 histones. The lysine-rich histones did not contain significant amounts of methionyl residues or methyl groups.
Amino acid analysis of the brain histones revealed that about 3·6 per cent of the lysyl residues in the slightly lysine rich histones were methylated, mainly as ε-N-dimethyllysine. About 13 per cent of the lysyl residues in the arginine rich histones were methylated, mainly as ε-N-monomethyllysine and ε-N-dimethyllysine.  相似文献   

Abstract— The incubation of brain stem slices from adult rats in a K+-enriched medium containing a 5-HT uptake inhibitor (fluoxetine) significantly increased their capacity to synthesize 5-HT from tryptophan. The K+-induced stimulation of 5-HT synthesis was at least partly dependent on the depletion of the indoleamine in tissues since: (1) a good correlation was found between the respective changes in 5-HT release and synthesis evoked by high K+ concentrations in the presence of various 5-HT uptake inhibitors; (2) the modifications in endogenous 5-HT levels produced by in vim treatments with drugs (reserpine, pargyline) or by incubating slices with 5-HT altered the stimulating effect of high K+ concentrations and fluoxetine on 5-HT synthesis; (3) the replacement of Ca2+ by Co2+ (4 mM) or EGTA (0.1 mM) in the incubating medium completely prevented the increased 5-HT release and synthesis evoked by high K+ concentrations and fluoxetine. The extraction of tryptophan hydroxylase from incubated tissues revealed that the increased 5-HT synthesis occurring in K+-enriched medium was associated with an activation of this enzyme. Kinetic analyses indicated that this activation resulted from an increase in the Vmax of tryptophan hydroxylase, its apparent affinities for both tryptophan and 6-MPH4 being not significantly affected. In contrast to the tryptophan hydroxylase from tissues incubated in normal physiological medium, the activated enzyme from tissues depolarized by K+ was hardly stimulated by Ca2+-mediated phosphorylating conditions. This led to the proposition of a hypothetical model by which the Ca2+ influx produced by the neuronal depolarization would trigger the activity of a Ca2+-dependent protein kinase capable of activating tryptophan hydroxylase. Although this sequence is still largely speculative it must be emphasized that, as expected from such a model, the regional differences in the K+-evoked activation of tryptophan hydroxylase in slices (cerebral cortex > brain stem > spinal cord) were parallel to those of the Ca2+-dependent protein phosphorylation (r= 0.92) and those of the activating effect of phosphorylating conditions on soluble tryptophan hydroxylase (r= 0.96).  相似文献   

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