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How the ATPase activity of Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is coupled to client protein activation remains obscure. Using truncation and missense mutants of Hsp90, we analysed the structural implications of its ATPase cycle. C-terminal truncation mutants lacking inherent dimerization displayed reduced ATPase activity, but dimerized in the presence of 5'-adenylamido-diphosphate (AMP-PNP), and AMP-PNP- promoted association of N-termini in intact Hsp90 dimers was demonstrated. Recruitment of p23/Sba1 to C-terminal truncation mutants also required AMP-PNP-dependent dimerization. The temperature- sensitive (ts) mutant T101I had normal ATP affinity but reduced ATPase activity and AMP-PNP-dependent N-terminal association, whereas the ts mutant T22I displayed enhanced ATPase activity and AMP-PNP-dependent N-terminal dimerization, indicating a close correlation between these properties. The locations of these residues suggest that the conformation of the 'lid' segment (residues 100-121) couples ATP binding to N-terminal association. Consistent with this, a mutation designed to favour 'lid' closure (A107N) substantially enhanced ATPase activity and N-terminal dimerization. These data show that Hsp90 has a molecular 'clamp' mechanism, similar to DNA gyrase and MutL, whose opening and closing by transient N-terminal dimerization are directly coupled to the ATPase cycle.  相似文献   

Hsp90 is an abundant molecular chaperone involved in a variety of cellular processes ranging from signal transduction to viral replication. The function of Hsp90 has been shown to be dependent on its ability to hydrolyze ATP, and in vitro studies suggest that the dimeric nature of Hsp90 is critical for this activity. ATP binding occurs at the N-terminal domains of the Hsp90 dimer, whereas the main dimerization site resides in the very C-terminal domain. ATP hydrolysis is performed in a series of conformational changes. These include the association of the two N-terminal domains, which has been shown to stimulate the hydrolysis reaction. In this study, we set out to identify regions in the N-terminal domain that are important for this interaction. We show that N-terminal deletion variants of Hsp90 are severely impaired in their ability to hydrolyze ATP. However, nucleotide binding of these constructs is similar to that of the wild type protein. Heterodimers of the Hsp90 deletion mutants with wild type protein showed that the first 24 amino acids play a crucial role during the ATPase reaction, because their deletion abolishes the trans-activation between the two N-terminal domains. We propose that the turnover rate of Hsp90 is decisively controlled by intermolecular interactions between the N-terminal domains.  相似文献   

Hsp90 is an ATP-dependent molecular chaperone whose mechanism is not yet understood in detail. Here, we present the first ATPase cycle for the mitochondrial member of the Hsp90 family called Trap1 (tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1). Using biochemical, thermodynamic, and rapid kinetic methods we dissected the kinetics of the nucleotide-regulated rearrangements between the open and the closed conformations. Surprisingly, upon ATP binding, Trap1 shifts predominantly to the closed conformation (70%), but, unlike cytosolic Hsp90 from yeast, this process is rather slow at 0.076 s(-1). Because reopening (0.034 s(-1)) is about ten times faster than hydrolysis (k(hyd) = 0.0039 s(-1)), which is the rate-limiting step, Trap1 is not able to commit ATP to hydrolysis. The proposed ATPase cycle was further scrutinized by a global fitting procedure that utilizes all relevant experimental data simultaneously. This analysis corroborates our model of a two-step binding mechanism of ATP followed by irreversible ATP hydrolysis and a one-step product (ADP) release.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone Hsp90 mediates the ATP-dependent activation of a large number of proteins involved in signal transduction. During this process, Hsp90 was found to associate transiently with several accessory factors, such as p23/Sba1, Hop/Sti1, and prolyl isomerases. It has been shown that ATP hydrolysis triggers conformational changes within Hsp90, which in turn are thought to mediate conformational changes in the substrate proteins, thereby causing their activation. The specific role of the partner proteins in this process is unknown. Using proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we characterized the interaction of Hsp90 with its partner protein p23/Sba1. Our results show that the nucleotide-dependent N-terminal dimerization of Hsp90 is necessary for the binding of Sba1 to Hsp90 with an affinity in the nanomolar range. Two Sba1 molecules were found to bind per Hsp90 dimer. Sba1 binding to Hsp90 resulted in a decreased ATPase activity, presumably by trapping the hydrolysis state of Hsp90ATP. Ternary complexes of Hsp90Sba1 could be formed with the prolyl isomerase Cpr6, but not with Sti1. Based on these findings, we propose a model that correlates the ordered assembly of the Hsp90 co-chaperones with distinct steps of the ATP hydrolysis reaction during the chaperone cycle.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone Hsp (heat-shock protein) 90 is critical for the activity of diverse cellular client proteins. In a current model, client proteins are transferred from Hsp70 to Hsp90 in a process mediated by the co-chaperone Sti1/Hop, which may simultaneously interact with Hsp70 and Hsp90 via separate TPR (tetratricopeptide repeat) domains, but the mechanism and in vivo importance of this function is unclear. In the present study, we used truncated forms of Sti1 to determine the minimal regions required for the Hsp70 and Hsp90 interaction, as well as Sti1 dimerization. We found that both TPR1 and TPR2B contribute to the Hsp70 interaction in vivo and that mutations in both TPR1 and TPR2B were required to disrupt the in vitro interaction of Sti1 with the C-terminus of the Hsp70 Ssa1. The TPR2A domain was required for the Hsp90 interaction in vivo, but the isolated TPR2A domain was not sufficient for the Hsp90 interaction unless combined with the TPR2B domain. However, isolated TPR2A was both necessary and sufficient for purified Sti1 to migrate as a dimer in solution. The DP2 domain, which is essential for in vivo function, was dispensable for the Hsp70 and Hsp90 interaction, as well as Sti1 dimerization. As evidence for the role of Sti1 in mediating the interaction between Hsp70 and Hsp90 in vivo, we identified Sti1 mutants that result in reduced recovery of Hsp70 in Hsp90 complexes. We also identified two Hsp90 mutants that exhibit a reduced Hsp70 interaction, which may help clarify the mechanism of client transfer between the two molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, Hsp90 chaperones assist late folding steps of many regulatory protein clients by a complex ATPase cycle. Binding of clients to Hsp90 requires prior interaction with Hsp70 and a transfer reaction that is mediated by the co-chaperone Sti1/Hop. Sti1 furthers client transfer by inhibiting Hsp90's ATPase activity. To better understand how Sti1 prepares Hsp90 for client acceptance, we characterized the interacting domains and analysed how Hsp90 and Sti1 mutually influence their conformational dynamics using hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry. Sti1 stabilizes several regions in all three domains of Hsp90 and slows down dissociation of the Hsp90 dimer. Our data suggest that Sti1 inhibits Hsp90's ATPase activity by preventing N-terminal dimerization and docking of the N-terminal domain with the middle domain. Using crosslinking and mass spectrometry we identified Sti1 segments, which are in close vicinity of the N-terminal domain of Hsp90. We found that the length of the linker between C-terminal dimerization domain and the C-terminal MEEVD motif is important for Sti1 association rates and propose a kinetic model for Sti1 binding to Hsp90.  相似文献   

The heat shock protein 90 plays a pivotal role in the life cycle control of Leishmania donovani promoting the fast‐growing insect stage of this parasite. Equally important for insect stage growth is the co‐chaperone Sti1. We show that replacement of Sti1 is only feasible in the presence of additional Sti1 transgenes indicating an essential role. To better understand the impact of Sti1 and its interaction with Hsp90, we performed a mutational analysis of Hsp90. We established that a single amino acid exchange in the Leishmania Hsp90 renders that protein resistant to the inhibitor radicicol (RAD), yet does not interfere with its functionality. Based on this RAD‐resistant Hsp90, we established a combined chemical knockout/gene complementation (CKC) approach. We can show that Hsp90 function is required in both insect and mammalian life stages and that the Sti1‐binding motif of Hsp90 is crucial for proliferation of insect and mammalian stages of the parasite. The Sti1‐binding motif in Leishmania Hsp90 is suboptimal – optimizing the motif increased initial intracellular proliferation underscoring the importance of the Hsp90–Sti1 interaction for this important parasitic protozoan. The CKC strategy we developed will allow the future analysis of more Hsp90 domains and motifs in parasite viability and infectivity.  相似文献   

Hsp90 is an abundant molecular chaperone that functions in an ATP-dependent manner in vivo. The ATP-binding site is located in the N-terminal domain of Hsp90. Here, we dissect the ATPase cycle of Hsp90 kinetically. We find that Hsp90 binds ATP with a two-step mechanism. The rate-limiting step of the ATPase cycle is the hydrolysis of ATP. Importantly, ATP becomes trapped and committed to hydrolyze during the cycle. In the isolated ATP-binding domain of Hsp90, however, the bound ATP was not committed and the turnover numbers were markedly reduced. Analysis of a series of truncation mutants of Hsp90 showed that C-terminal regions far apart in sequence from the ATP-binding domain are essential for trapping the bound ATP and for maximum hydrolysis rates. Our results suggest that ATP binding and hydrolysis drive conformational changes that involve the entire molecule and lead to repositioning of the N and C-terminal domains of Hsp90.  相似文献   

ATP hydrolysis by the Hsp90 molecular chaperone requires a connected set of conformational switches triggered by ATP binding to the N-terminal domain in the Hsp90 dimer. Central to this is a segment of the structure, which closes like a "lid" over bound ATP, promoting N-terminal dimerization and assembly of a competent active site. Hsp90 mutants that influence these conformational switches have strong effects on ATPase activity. ATPase activity is specifically regulated by Hsp90 co-chaperones, which directly influence the conformational switches. Here we have analyzed the effect of Hsp90 mutations on binding (using isothermal titration calorimetry and difference circular dichroism) and ATPase regulation by the co-chaperones Aha1, Sti1 (Hop), and Sba1 (p23). The ability of Sti1 to bind Hsp90 and arrest its ATPase activity was not affected by any of the mutants screened. Sba1 bound in the presence of AMPPNP to wild-type and ATPase hyperactive mutants with similar affinity but only very weakly to hypoactive mutants despite their wild-type ATP affinity. Unexpectedly, in all cases Sba1 bound to Hsp90 with a 1:2 molar stoichiometry. Aha1 binding to mutants was similar to wild-type, but the -fold activation of their ATPase varied substantially between mutants. Analysis of complex formation with co-chaperone mixtures showed Aha1 and p50cdc37 able to bind Hsp90 simultaneously but without direct interaction. Sba1 and p50cdc37 bound independently to Hsp90-AMPPNP but not together. These data indicated that Sba1 and Aha1 regulate Hsp90 by influencing the conformational state of the "ATP lid" and consequent N-terminal dimerization, whereas Sti1 does not.  相似文献   

The dimeric molecular chaperone Hsp90 is required for the activation and stabilization of hundreds of substrate proteins, many of which participate in signal transduction pathways. The activation process depends on the hydrolysis of ATP by Hsp90. Hsp90 consists of a C-terminal dimerization domain, a middle domain, which may interact with substrate protein, and an N-terminal ATP-binding domain. A complex cycle of conformational changes has been proposed for the ATPase cycle of yeast Hsp90, where a critical step during the reaction requires the transient N-terminal dimerization of the two protomers. The ATPase cycle of human Hsp90 is less well understood, and significant differences have been proposed regarding key mechanistic aspects. ATP hydrolysis by human Hsp90alpha and Hsp90beta is 10-fold slower than that of yeast Hsp90. Despite these differences, our experiments suggest that the underlying enzymatic mechanisms are highly similar. In both cases, a concerted conformational rearrangement involving the N-terminal domains of both subunits is controlling the rate of ATP turnover, and N-terminal cross-talk determines the rate-limiting steps. Furthermore, similar to yeast Hsp90, the slow ATP hydrolysis by human Hsp90s can be stimulated up to over 100-fold by the addition of the co-chaperone Aha1 from either human or yeast origin. Together, our results show that the basic principles of the Hsp90 ATPase reaction are conserved between yeast and humans, including the dimerization of the N-terminal domains and its regulation by the repositioning of the ATP lid from its original position to a catalytically competent one.  相似文献   

In vivo analysis of the Hsp90 cochaperone Sti1 (p60).   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Hsp90 interacts with Sti1 (p60) in lysates of yeast and vertebrate cells. Here we provide the first analysis of their interaction in vivo. Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutations that eliminate Sti1 or reduce intracellular concentrations of Hsp90 individually have little or no effect on growth at normal temperatures. However, when combined, the mutations greatly reduce or eliminate growth. Furthermore, overexpression of Sti1 has allele-specific effects on cells carrying various hsp90ts point mutations. These genetic interactions provide strong evidence that Hsp90 and Sti1 interact in vivo and that their functions are closely allied. Indeed, deletion of STI1 reduces the in vivo activity of the Hsp90 target protein, glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Mutations in GR that eliminate interaction with Hsp90 also eliminate the effects of the sti1 deletion. Examination of GR protein complexes in the sti1 deletion mutant reveals a selective increase in the concentration of GR-Ydj1 complexes, supporting previous hypotheses that Ydj1 functions at an early step in the maturation of GR and that Sti1 acts at an intermediate step. Deletion of STI1 also reduces the in vivo activity of another, unrelated Hsp90 target protein, v-Src. Our data indicate that Sti1 is a general factor in the maturation of Hsp90 target proteins and support earlier suggestions that Hsp90 matures even very different target proteins by a similar mechanism.  相似文献   

Sti1/Hop is a modular protein required for the transfer of client proteins from the Hsp70 to the Hsp90 chaperone system in eukaryotes. It binds Hsp70 and Hsp90 simultaneously via TPR (tetratricopeptide repeat) domains. Sti1/Hop contains three TPR domains (TPR1, TPR2A and TPR2B) and two domains of unknown structure (DP1 and DP2). We show that TPR2A is the high affinity Hsp90-binding site and TPR1 and TPR2B bind Hsp70 with moderate affinity. The DP domains exhibit highly homologous α-helical folds as determined by NMR. These, and especially DP2, are important for client activation in vivo. The core module of Sti1 for Hsp90 inhibition is the TPR2A-TPR2B segment. In the crystal structure, the two TPR domains are connected via a rigid linker orienting their peptide-binding sites in opposite directions and allowing the simultaneous binding of TPR2A to the Hsp90 C-terminal domain and of TPR2B to Hsp70. Both domains also interact with the Hsp90 middle domain. The accessory TPR1-DP1 module may serve as an Hsp70-client delivery system for the TPR2A-TPR2B-DP2 segment, which is required for client activation in vivo.  相似文献   

The ATP-dependent molecular chaperone Hsp90 and partner cochaperone proteins are required for the folding and activity of diverse cellular client proteins, including steroid hormone receptors and multiple oncogenic kinases. Hsp90 undergoes nucleotide-dependent conformational changes, but little is known about how these changes are coupled to client protein activation. In order to clarify how nucleotides affect Hsp90 interactions with cochaperone proteins, we monitored assembly of wild-type and mutant Hsp90 with Sti1, Sba1, and Cpr6 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell extracts. Wild-type Hsp90 bound Sti1 in a nucleotide-independent manner, while Sba1 and Cpr6 specifically and independently interacted with Hsp90 in the presence of the nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP, AMP-PNP. Alterations in Hsp90 residues that contribute to ATP binding or hydrolysis prevented or altered Sba1 and Cpr6 interaction; additional alterations affected the specificity of Cpr6 interaction. Some mutant forms of Hsp90 also displayed reduced Sti1 interaction in the presence of a nucleotide. These studies indicate that cycling of Hsp90 between the nucleotide-free, open conformation and the ATP-bound, closed conformation is influenced by residues both within and outside the N-terminal ATPase domain and that these conformational changes have dramatic effects on interaction with cochaperone proteins.  相似文献   

Na+, K+-dependent ATPase [EC] was purified from porcine kidney by the method of Lane et al. [(1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 7197-7200] with slight modifications [Yamaguchi, M. & Tonomura, Y., (1979) J. Biochem. 86, 509-523]. The amounts of a phosphorylated intermediate (EP) and ouabain bound to the enzyme during the ATPase reaction were measured in 2.1 mM MgCl2 and various concentrations of NaCl and KCl at pH 7.5 and 20 degrees C. In presence of NaCl and the absence of KCl, the molar ratio of the amounts of EP and bound ouabain was 1 : 2. In the presence of both NaCl and KCl, it was 1 : 1. In both cases, the amount of bound ouabain was equal to that of EP in the absence of ouabain. These findings suggest that the functional unit of the transport ATPase is a dimer.  相似文献   

Binding of ADP and orthophosphate during the ATPase reaction of nitrogenase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pre-steady-state ATPase activity of nitrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii was investigated. By using a rapid-quench technique, it has been demonstrated that with the oxidized nitrogenase complex the same burst reaction of MgATP hydrolysis occurs as observed with the reduced complex, namely 6-8 mol orthophosphate released/mol MoFe protein. It is concluded that the pre-steady-state ATPase activity is independent of electron transfer from Fe protein to MoFe protein. Results obtained from gel centrifugation experiments showed that during the steady state of reductant-independent ATP hydrolysis there is a slow dissociation of one molecule of MgADP from the nitrogenase proteins (koff less than or equal to 0.2 s-1); the second MgADP molecule dissociates much faster (koff greater than or equal to 0.6 s-1). Under the same conditions orthophosphate was found to be associated with the nitrogenase proteins. The rate of dissociation of orthophosphate from the nitrogenase complex, as estimated from the gel centrifugation experiments, is in the same order of magnitude as the steady-state turnover rate of the reductant-independent ATPase activity (0.6 mol Pi formed X s-1 X mol Av2(-1) at 22 degrees C). These data are consistent with dissociation of orthophosphate or MgADP being rate-limiting during nitrogenase-catalyzed reductant-independent ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The velocity of ATP hydrolysis, catalyzed by purified F1ATPase from Micrococcus luteus, was decelerated on decreasing the temperature. At 13 degrees C one reaction cycle is completed after 20 s. Hydrolysis was triggered upon rapid mixing of the enzyme with ATP. During the first reaction cycle, succeeding structural alterations of the F1ATPase were traced by time resolved X-ray scattering. The scattering spectra obtained from consecutive intervals of 1 s, revealed the F1ATPase to pass a conformational state exhibiting an expanded (6%) molecular shape. The expanded state was observed between 45% and 65% of the time required to complete the reaction cycle. This points out a conformational pulsation during ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Sti1 is a novel activator of the Ssa proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The molecular chaperones Hsp70 and Hsp90 are involved in the folding and maturation of key regulatory proteins in eukaryotes. Of specific importance in this context is a ternary multichaperone complex in which Hsp70 and Hsp90 are connected by Hop. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae two components of the complex, yeast Hsp90 (yHsp90) and Sti1, the yeast homologue of Hop, had already been identified, but it remained to be shown which of the 14 different yeast Hsp70s are part of the Sti1 complex and what were the functional consequences resulting from this interaction. With a two-hybrid approach and co-immunoprecipitations, we show here that Sti1 specifically interacts with the Ssa group of the cytosolic yeast Hsp70 proteins. Using purified components, we reconstituted the dimeric Ssa1-Sti1 complex and the ternary Ssa1-Sti1-yHsp90 complex in vitro. The dissociation constant between Sti1 and Ssa1 was determined to be 2 orders of magnitude weaker than the affinity of Sti1 for yHsp90. Surprisingly, binding of Sti1 activates the ATPase of Ssa1 by a factor of about 200, which is in contrast to the behavior of Hop in the mammalian Hsp70 system. Analysis of the underlying activation mechanism revealed that ATP hydrolysis is rate-limiting in the Ssa1 ATPase cycle and that this step is accelerated by Sti1. Thus, Sti1 is a potent novel effector for the Hsp70 ATPase.  相似文献   

When microsomal membranes from maize (Zea mays L. cv. Clipper)coleoptiles were separated by isopyc-nic centrifugation on acontinuous 10–45% sucrose gradient, bafilomycin A1-inhibitedATPase activity co-localized with the activities of the tonoplastmarker-enzymes, nitrate-Inhibited ATPase and K+-dependent pyrophosphatase.Thus, bafilomycin A1 is a specific inhibitor of the vacuolarH+-ATPase of maize coleoptiles. Inhibition of the vacuolar H+-ATPaseby bafilomycin A1 was strictly dependent upon the concentrationof the enzyme present in the assay medium, suggesting a stoichiometricassociation between bafilomycin A1 and the vacuolar H+-ATPase.In tonoplast-enriched preparations, half-maximal inhibitionwas obtained at 43 pmol bafilomycin A1 mg–1 protein. BafilomycinA1 inhibited the vacuolar H+-ATPase in a simple non-competitivemanner: increasing bafilomycin A1 concentrations reduced theVmax, of the H+ -ATPase, but had no effect on its Km towardsATP. Key words: Bafilomycin A1, coleoptile, H+-ATPase (vacuolar), maize, Zea mays L  相似文献   

Ppt1 is the yeast member of a novel family of protein phosphatases, which is characterized by the presence of a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain. Ppt1 is known to bind to Hsp90, a molecular chaperone that performs essential functions in the folding and activation of a large number of client proteins. The function of Ppt1 in the Hsp90 chaperone cycle remained unknown. Here, we analyzed the function of Ppt1 in vivo and in vitro. We show that purified Ppt1 specifically dephosphorylates Hsp90. This activity requires Hsp90 to be directly attached to Ppt1 via its TPR domain. Deletion of the ppt1 gene leads to hyperphosphorylation of Hsp90 in vivo and an apparent decrease in the efficiency of the Hsp90 chaperone system. Interestingly, several Hsp90 client proteins were affected in a distinct manner. Our findings indicate that the Hsp90 multichaperone cycle is more complex than was previously thought. Besides its regulation via the Hsp90 ATPase activity and the sequential binding and release of cochaperones, with Ppt1, a specific phosphatase exists, which positively modulates the maturation of Hsp90 client proteins.  相似文献   

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