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  • 1 In Kenya, the aphid Cinara cupressi (Buckton) has an aggregated distribution across individuals of its host plant, the Mexican cypress, Cupressus lusitanica (Mill).
  • 2 There are significant differences in host plant quality: C.cupressi nymphs transplanted onto cypress trees with low aphid infestations are significantly less likely to establish than aphids transplanted onto trees with high aphid infestations.
  • 3 Given that some transplanted nymphs establish, the previous level of infestation does not influence aphid survival.
  • 4 Evidence for local adaptation to individual plants was not found: nymphs transplanted to the trees from which their parents were collected neither established more readily nor showed lower mortality than those transplanted to other trees with similar levels of infestation. Therefore the variation in host plant quality has not led to the development of local adaptation to particular host plants.

Cinara sp. nov., previously identified as Cinara cupressi (Buckton) (Homoptera: Aphididae), is an important alien aphid pest of cypresses and junipers, and invaded Africa in the late 1980s. The work reported here was carried out as part of a larger programme aimed at the classical biological control of the aphid in Africa. Basic life history attributes including life table statistics of the aphid were quantified in order to facilitate the development of efficient aphid culturing methods and essential baseline information necessary for the culturing of potential parasitoid biological agents prior to selection for introduction to Africa. Developmental rates and fecundity were studied under four constant temperatures (10 °C, 15 °C, 20 °C, and 25 °C). The effects of several plant nutrients (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) supplied at different dose levels on life history attributes of Cinara sp. nov. were also studied.Unlike most other aphids, the apterous morph of Cinara sp. nov. developed through only three instars, and the alate four instars. The aphid is highly aggregative and exploits a wide range of feeding sites from young green branches to woody stems. The developmental period of Cinara sp. nov. ranged from 9.3 days at 25 °C to 22.3 days at 10 °C and the developmental threshold was 0.61 °C. Reproduction was delayed, because of the longer duration of development, and nymph production decreased with decreasing temperature. The intrinsic rate of increase ranged between 0.117 at 25 °C and 0.060 at 10 °C. Aphid size increased significantly as temperature was lowered. Wing formation was not induced when apterae were reared for up to three generations at each constant temperature but continuous crowding in the supply cultures held at 21 °C resulted in a high number of alates being formed. No appreciable effects of the different plant nutrients, supplied either singly or in combination, on the duration of instars or overall survival could be detected.  相似文献   

Species richness and diversity and soil physical and chemical properties were compared between a mature lower montane rain forest (LMRF) and abandoned 21-year-old plantations of introduced Pinus patula and Cupressus lusitanica in the central Andes of Colombia (2000m). In 0.1ha plots, species richness (number of species) and diversity (Shannon and Simpson indexes) were higher in the LMRF, followed by P. patula and C. lusitanica plantations. There were 56species and 30families of higher plants in the LMRF, 26species and 15families in the P. patula plantation, and 18species and 10families in the C. lusitanica plantation. There were no statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in soil physical or chemical properties between P. patula, C. lusitanica and native LMRF. Nevertheless, soil carbon, the C/N ratio and total bases tended to be higher in the native forest than in the plantations. Available P tended to be higher in the P. patula plantation. These results show that, although abandoned plantations can support some native species, particularly in the understorey, species richness is far from that of the native forest.  相似文献   

我们研究了黑蚁 (Lasiusniger)如何开发距离其巢不同距离的多种食物资源 ,以及黑蚁的照看活动是否与雪松长足大蚜 (Cinaracedri)种群的增长有关 ,以及 /或者受空间分布的影响。笔者定期调查了Cinaracedri集群的空间分布 ,以及在雪松树枝上黑蚁取食的时间变化 ,发现只有 2 5 %的蚜虫集群在研究后数周内保持在同样的位置 ,这表明蚜虫集群的高度运动性迫使黑蚁改变活动路线以获取事物资源。实际上 ,黑蚁集群能选择最近的食物资源以及蚜虫数量最多的地点  相似文献   

地钱,肾蕨和中山柏的NADP硫氧还蛋白系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硫氧还蛋白(Td)是一类低分子量酸性蛋白,具有二硫键(-s-s-),通过氧化还原互变来参与很多反应(周志民等1986)。Td可被NADP-硫氧还蛋白还原酶(NTR)还原:  相似文献   

In common cypress, Cupressus sempervirens L., the megagametophyte persists in mature seeds as a polyploid endosperm containing cells with even and odd series of DNA contents: 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C etc., where C is the amount of DNA in the haploid genome. In this study, cytometrical, histological and cytochemical investigations were performed in order to determine the behavior of megagametophyte nuclei during the reproductive cycle. Unexpected nuclear alterations due to a continuous process of nuclear fusion were observed in the megagametophyte, leading to polyploidization and consequently to intense food-reserve synthesis. During the free nuclear stage, the megagametophyte exhibited only sporadic nuclear fusion and limited food-reserve production. When cellularization took place, multinucleated compartments were observed in which nuclei fused, producing odd and even series of DNA contents as proved by flow-cytometric analysis. This polyploidization process considerably increased after fertilization and during embryo development, and was accompanied by increased food-reserve synthesis. During these later stages, fusion mainly involved nuclei of contiguous cells and was preceded by the disintegration of their adjacent walls. Mitoses with incomplete phragmoplast differentiation were also observed to yield polyploid nuclei. Finally, in mature seeds the endosperm still exhibited multinucleate cells and fusion nuclei, and contained high amounts of storage products. The results are interpreted as an alteration of DNA contents in the megagametophyte cells in relation to specific metabolic activity during seed development. Received: 2 September 1998 / Accepted: 31 December 1998  相似文献   

Alate virginoparae of Cinara pinea occur on Scots pine trees only during June and early July, when population numbers are at their highest. Crowding experience during nymphal life promotes the development of winged adults, but only if the tree is in the stage of active shoot growth. Later in the season when shoots are mature, alatae are suppressed, irrespective of crowding. Changing daylength and temperature do not appear to influence alate production and maternal experience of crowding has no effect on the nymphal response. The possible nature of the host plant effect is discussed in the light of this and previous work.
Résumé Les virginipares ailés de Cinara pinea apparais sent sur Pinus sylvestris L. uniquement en juin et au début juillet, quand les effectifs de la population sont au plus haut. Des expériences de surpeuplement pendant le dernier stade larvaire n'induisent le développement d'adultes ailés que si l'arbre est au stade où la croissance des pousses est active. Plus tard dans la saison, quand les pousses sont mûres, les ailés sont réprimés, quel que soit le surpeuplement. Les modifications de la longueur du jour et de la température ne semblent pas influencer la production d'ailés et le surpeuplement subi par les mères n'a pas d'effet sur la réponse des larves âgées. La nature de cet effet de la plante-hôte est envisagée à la lumière de cette étude et de travaux précédents.

Oxidative stress is a common physiological stress that often challenges plants. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are major factors in oxidative stress that significantly affect plant cell growth and secondary metabolism. Here we used beta-thujaplicin production by Cupressus lusitanica cell culture as an example to demonstrate the common occurrence of oxidative stress in cultivated plant cells and its effect on multiple aspects of cell culture process. C. lusitanica cells cultivated under Fe(2+) stress generate a significant level of ROS, and oxidative stress also occurs at late stages of C. lusitanica cell cultures under normal conditions. ROS production inhibited cell growth, induced lipid peroxidation and cell death, and enhanced ethylene and beta-thujaplicin production. It is demonstrated that Fe(2+) stress enhances ROS production via the Fenton reaction and promotes beta-thujaplicin production via ROS-induced lipid peroxidation that may activate cyclic oxylipin and ethylene pathways. Results further indicate that H(2)O(2) is a positive signal for beta-thujaplicin production, whereas superoxide anion radical (O(2) (- )) negatively affects beta-thujaplicin induction and strongly induces cell death. The study suggests that evaluating the oxidative stress and plant responses in a cell culture process is very necessary and important for understanding biochemical processes and for gaining the maximal productivity of target secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Yamada J  Fujita K  Sakai K 《Phytochemistry》2002,60(5):447-450
Suspension cell cultures of Cupressus lusitanica produce beta-thujaplicin, a tropolone found mostly in Cupressaceae heartwood. The factors controlling beta-thujaplicin accumulation in this cell culture system were investigated. Initial cell density of the cultures did not affect beta-thujaplicin levels, though initial addition of beta-thujaplicin suppressed its de novo production. When beta-thujaplicin accumulation reached a certain level (ca. 40 mg/l) in the medium, the cultures seemed to cease beta-thujaplicin production. However, beta-thujaplicin productivity was restored when the beta-thujaplicin-containing medium was exchanged for fresh medium; the formation of 2-methoxy-6-(methylethyl)cyclohepta-2,4,6-trien-1-one, an isomer of methylated beta-thujaplicin, in medium was also observed. These results suggest that beta-thujaplicin synthesis was regulated by product feedback mechanism in this cell line, and that excess accumulation of beta-thujaplicin is relieved by conversion of beta-thujaplicin to its methyl ether.  相似文献   

棉蚜对吡虫啉的抗性选育和现实遗传力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为了评估棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover对吡虫啉的抗性风险,在室内进行了棉蚜对吡虫啉(imidacloprid)的抗性选育和抗性现实遗传力分析。【方法】采用单头反选育法和群体汰选法,分别得到了棉蚜对吡虫啉敏感品系(LC50为0.176 mg/L)和抗性品系(LC50为14.657 mg/L)。采用阈性状分析方法,获得棉蚜对吡虫啉的抗性现实遗传力(h2)。【结果】相对于田间原始种群(LC50为0.346 mg/L),吡虫啉敏感棉蚜品系对吡虫啉的LC50减少了2倍;获得的吡虫啉抗性棉蚜品系,经过40代的选育,得到抗性倍数为室内敏感品系的83.27倍的抗性品系。棉蚜对吡虫啉的抗性现实遗传力(h2)为0.1478。进一步预测其抗性发展速度,基于80%~90%的选择压力,预计抗性增长100倍时,吡虫啉可使用30.2~38.1代。【结论】这些研究说明棉蚜对吡虫啉存在抗性风险。  相似文献   

The inheritance of resistance to lettuce root aphid, Pemphigus bursarius, was studied in lettuce using the Wellesbourne cultivars Avondefiance and Avoncrisp as resistant parents and Borough Wonder and Webb's Wonderful as aphid-susceptible parents. All four cultivars were crossed in all possible combinations including reciprocals and the response to root aphid of plants in the P1F1F2 and BC generations was assessed using apterae of P. bursarius from the lettuce cv. Iceberg. Resistance to attack was clearly inherited and the parents appeared to be homozygous for their resistance or susceptibility. In the F1 generation, however, in all crosses between resistant and susceptible parents, segregation into susceptible, resistant and some slightly less resistant plants occurred. This and the highly significant differences in segregation between pairs of reciprocal crosses in the F1 and other generations indicate that the inheritance of resistance to root aphid is controlled by extra-nuclear factors. Modifying genes might also be involved but there appears to be no linkage of root aphid resistance with resistance to downy mildew, for which the Wellesbourne lettuces were bred.  相似文献   

麦蚜是危害我国小麦Triticum aestivum L.生产的主要害虫,具有分布广、数量大、繁殖力强以及远距离迁飞等特点,不仅直接吸食小麦汁液,还传播多种植物病毒,每年造成小麦减产10%~30%。目前对麦蚜的防控主要以化学防治为主,但由于化学杀虫剂长期或不合理的使用,多地麦蚜对常用杀虫剂产生了不同程度的抗性。本文从麦蚜抗药性测定方法、抗性水平及交互抗性、代谢和靶标抗性机制、以及麦蚜抗药性综合治理等方面进行了综述,以期为麦蚜的防治及杀虫剂的持续合理使用提供理论参考和依据。  相似文献   

朱砂叶螨对三种杀螨剂的抗性选育与抗性风险评估   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
为评价朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus对3种杀螨剂的抗性风险,在实验室抗性品系选育基础上,应用数量遗传学中的域性状分析法,研究了朱砂叶螨北碚种群对甲氰菊酯、阿维菌素和哒螨灵3种杀螨剂的抗性现实遗传力,并对3种药剂在不同杀死率下抗性发展的速率进行了预测。结果表明:分别单一连续汰选16代后,朱砂叶螨对甲氰菊酯、阿维菌素的抗性倍数分别达26.54和4.51倍,对哒螨灵表现为敏感性降低(抗性倍数为1.16倍);朱砂叶螨对甲氰菊酯、阿维菌素和哒螨灵的抗性现实遗传力分别为0.2472,0.1519和0.0160。在室内选择条件下,杀死率为50%~90%时,要获得10倍抗性,甲氰菊酯仅需要13~6代,阿维菌素需要约21~10代;哒螨灵需要约197~89代;在田间选择,三种药剂都将需要更长的时间。抗性筛选16代结果表明,抗性风险较高的是菊酯类的甲氰菊酯,其次是生物源农药阿维菌素,杂环类的哒螨灵抗性风险较小。试验结果可为朱砂叶螨抗性治理提供参考。  相似文献   

I n vitro and in vivo rehydration and germination in Cupressus arizonica pollen were examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. Shed pollen has 12.6% water content, which reduced to 8.2% after dispersal, and this latter pollen survived for some months at room temperature and for years at −10 °C. Rehydration requires breaking of the sporoderm walls and depends on the composition and pH of the rehydration medium. Acidity restrains the breakage, while alkalinity promotes it. Pollen division follows exine shedding and requires the persistence of the mucilaginous layer; hence, pH values countering these outcomes prevent division. Division results in a large and a small cell separated by a callosic wall. A pollen tube develops from the innermost intine of the large cell, which is callosic, and extends into the mucilaginous middle intine. The percentage germination never exceeded 17% in all tested media. In vivo , pollen rehydrates and casts off the exine in the micropylar drop. Drop withdrawal brings pollen to the apical nucellar cells that degenerate in the meantime, and it leaves a deposit on the surface of the micropylar canal. After contaction of the nucellar cells, the pollen flattens and its mucilaginous layer shrinks and disappears. This occurs simultaneously with sealing of the micropylar canal. During this time, pollen divides asymmetrically without the callosic wall, and the larger cell develops a tube in the interface with the nucellus. Only some pollen grains accomplish adhesion to the nucellus and germinate. The in vitro and in vivo developmental stages are discussed.  相似文献   

Seven polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized for golden‐striped salamander, Chioglossa lusitanica (Bocage 1864), a salamandrid endemic to the northwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula, from genomic libraries enriched for (GATA)8 (GACA)8 (ATG)9 and (CA)16. These loci were screened in 37–51 individuals from two populations. The number of alleles per locus ranged from five to 19. Heterozygosity ranged from 0.241 to 1.0. The high level of polymorphism revealed by these loci will be extremely useful for the study of population structure and evolutionary history of this species.  相似文献   

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