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The Phloem of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ESAU  KATHERINE 《Annals of botany》1975,39(4):901-913
In common with other aquatic angiosperms, Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.has a relatively strongly developed phloem tissue. The vascularsystem consists of discrete collateral bundles in which no cambiumdevelops and the phloem and xylem are separated by a narrowlayer of parenchyma cells. The phloem consists of sieve elements,companion cells, and phloem parenchyma cells. The sieve elementshave transverse end walls with simple sieve plates. The cellsattain considerable width in the late phloem (metaphloem). Thecompanion cells are in vertical strands. In the early phloem(protophloem) of large bundles the sieve tubes and companioncells are eventually obliterated. The parenchyma cells alsoform vertical strands which may contain tannin cells. Some parenchymacells and companion cells are binucleate. The sieve elementsshow ultrastructural features common for these cells in dicotyledons.At maturity, they lack nuclei, ribosomes, and tonoplasts, butretain a plasmalemma, mitochondria, and plastids. The latterare poorly differentiated and form starch. The endoplasmic reticulumis in part stacked, in part it forms a network next to the plasmalemma.The P-protein occurs in two forms. One consists of tubules notassembled in any specific type of array. The other, possiblycomposed of much extended tubules, is assembled in crystallineaggregates which are retained as such in mature cells. The sieveplate pores are lined with callose and plasmalemma. The lateralwalls are relatively thin and the nacreous layer varies in degreeof distinctness.  相似文献   

Alkaloids of Nelumbo nucifera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The alkaloids of leaves of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. were examined using combined GLC-MS. The occurrence of four new alkaloids, dehydroroemerine (XII), dehydronuciferine (XI), dehydroanonaine (XIII) and N-methylisococlaurine (III) were revealed, besides the known roemerine (V), nuciferine (VI), anonaine (VII), pronuciferine (IV), N-nornuciferine (VIII), nornuciferine (IX), amepavine (I) and N-methylcoclaurine (II).  相似文献   

本研究建立了中国莲偶线期染色体的核型,为研究莲的减数分裂过程及分子细胞遗传学研究提供基础。  相似文献   

A reanalysis of results from a recent paper on the effect of oscillation on gas exchange through leaves of cottonwood (Populus deltoides, Marsh) is presented. Mass flow of air through the leaf cannot account for the observed increase in gas exchange during oscillation in that experiment. Consideration of various published data shows that in the field, mass flow will not constitute more than a few per cent of the total exchange for most agricultural crops, but may be a significant part of the exchange for the leaves of tall trees, as they can be exposed to high winds.  相似文献   

以莲(Nelumbo nucifera)授粉后18天的莲子胚芽为外植体,通过初代培养、继代培养和炼苗移栽,建立了莲离体快速繁殖体系。结果表明,将胚芽外植体诱导出无菌苗的最适初代培养基为MS固体培养基添加0.5 mg·L–1 6-BA、0.5 mg·L–1NAA、30 g·L–1蔗糖、0.5 g·L–1活性炭和0.8 g...  相似文献   

The development of the embryo and endosperm of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn can be summarized as follows: 1. Embryogenesis of N. nucifera belongs to Solanad type; the 1st mitotic division of the zygote takes place later than that of the primary endosperm nucleus. 2. The development of endosperm basically conforms to the Helobial endosperm. After fertilization, the primary endosperm nucleus divides first transversely. This division results in the formation of two cells. The wall of this division is a little oblique to the longitudinal axis of the embryo sac. In accordance with the character of the endospermic development, it can be divided into, three stages: (1) two-celled endosperm stage, (2) multicellular endosperm stage, and (3) the stage of the endospermic nutrition being absorbed and cells atrophy. The developments of the embryo and endosperm are well correlated. This relation is relatively stable. 3. The cotyledons of the mature embryo are comparatively developed, but the radicle is extremely reduced. 4. As the seed is ripening, a thin membrane remains outside the plumule, which is the remainder of the endosperm. Therefore, the seed of N. nucifera is exalbuminous.  相似文献   

莲( Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)为莲科、莲属多年水生宿根草本植物。莲子生命力极强,在自然条件下的泥碳层中能存活千年,甚至在极端高温、高湿条件下仍能保持较高的萌发活力。随着莲基因组测序与基因注释的完善,莲子长寿机制的相关研究取得了一定进展。本文对莲子的结构形态、保护系统和基因组特性方面的研究进展进行了综述,阐明莲子的长寿机制,对后续研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

莲藕的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
1 植物名称 莲藕 (Nelumbonucifera)鄂莲 4号。2 材料类别 茎尖。3 培养条件  ( 1 )芽分化培养基 :MS 6 BA1 .0~ 2 .0mg·L- 1 (单位下同 ) NAA 0 .2 3.0 %蔗糖 ;( 2 )增殖培养基 :MS 6 BA 0 .5~ 1 .0 IBA0 .2 3.0 %蔗糖 ;( 3)生根培养基 :MS IBA 0 .5~1 .0 AC 1 50 0 蔗糖 5.0 %。以上各培养基加0 .6%琼脂 ,pH 5.8。 ( 4 )移栽用营养液 :1 /4MS。培养温度 2 5~ 2 8℃ ,每天光照 1 0h ,光照度 1 0 0 0~ 1 50 0lx。4 生长与分化情况4.1 茎尖的切取与分化 切取健康…  相似文献   

The Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapour through Stomata   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
An account is given of the diffusion of carbon dioxide and ofwater vapour through the stomata of leaves in the presence ofair. It shows that the argument given in K. J. Parkinson andH. L. Penman's paper (1970): ‘A Possible Source of Errorin the Estimation of Stomatal Resistance’ is substantiallyincorrect. However, the correction factors to the sugar beetdata presented in their paper are valid owing to a fortuitousset of circumstances including the similarity in magnitude oftwo mutual diffusion coefficients. The concept of stomatal resistanceis criticized.  相似文献   

莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)为莲科、莲属多年水生宿根草本植物。莲子生命力极强,在自然条件下的泥碳层中能存活千年,甚至在极端高温、高湿条件下仍能保持较高的萌发活力。随着莲基因组测序与基因注释的完善,莲子长寿机制的相关研究取得了一定进展。本文对莲子的结构形态、保护系统和基因组特性方面的研究进展进行了综述,阐明莲子的长寿机制,对后续研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

《Genome biology》2013,14(5):R41


Sacred lotus is a basal eudicot with agricultural, medicinal, cultural and religious importance. It was domesticated in Asia about 7,000 years ago, and cultivated for its rhizomes and seeds as a food crop. It is particularly noted for its 1,300-year seed longevity and exceptional water repellency, known as the lotus effect. The latter property is due to the nanoscopic closely packed protuberances of its self-cleaning leaf surface, which have been adapted for the manufacture of a self-cleaning industrial paint, Lotusan.


The genome of the China Antique variety of the sacred lotus was sequenced with Illumina and 454 technologies, at respective depths of 101× and 5.2×. The final assembly has a contig N50 of 38.8 kbp and a scaffold N50 of 3.4 Mbp, and covers 86.5% of the estimated 929 Mbp total genome size. The genome notably lacks the paleo-triplication observed in other eudicots, but reveals a lineage-specific duplication. The genome has evidence of slow evolution, with a 30% slower nucleotide mutation rate than observed in grape. Comparisons of the available sequenced genomes suggest a minimum gene set for vascular plants of 4,223 genes. Strikingly, the sacred lotus has 16 COG2132 multi-copper oxidase family proteins with root-specific expression; these are involved in root meristem phosphate starvation, reflecting adaptation to limited nutrient availability in an aquatic environment.


The slow nucleotide substitution rate makes the sacred lotus a better resource than the current standard, grape, for reconstructing the pan-eudicot genome, and should therefore accelerate comparative analysis between eudicots and monocots.  相似文献   

The sacred lotus Nelumbo nucifera (Gaertn.) possesses a complex system of gas canals that channel pressurized air from its leaves, down through its petioles and rhizomes, before venting this air back to the atmosphere through large stomata found in the centre of every lotus leaf. These central plate stomata (CPS) lie over a gas canal junction that connects with two‐thirds of the gas canals within the leaf blade and with the larger of two discrete pairs of gas canals within the petiole that join with those in the rhizome. It is hypothesized that the lotus actively regulates the pressure, direction and rate of airflow within its gas canals by opening and closing these stomata. Impression casting the CPS reveal that they are open in the morning, close at midday and reopen in the afternoon. The periodic closure of the CPS during the day coincides with a temporary reversal in airflow direction within the petiolar gas canals. Experiments show that the conductance of the CPS decreases in response to increasing light level. This behaviour ventilates the rhizome and possibly directs benthic CO2 towards photosynthesis in the leaves. These results demonstrate a novel function for stomata: the active regulation of convective airflow.  相似文献   

Nelumbo nucifera (Nn.) fiber is the isolated secondary wall of the Nn. leafstalk Tracheary elements which has a unique shape. As the shape of the fiber may strongly affect the industrial uses especially for textile usage, the morphology and structure of Nn. fiber at different growth stages were investigated by several techniques in the present work. The Nn. fiber has spriral morphology with cellulose I structure. The diameter of mature fiber is about 4 μm and the cross-section shows elliptical or slightly oval shape without lumen. These findings aim to deeply understand the structure of Nn. fiber which is expected to be helpful to bring Nn. fiber into industrial use.  相似文献   

The seedling of Nelurnbo nucifera is erect and its internodes are very short with four Alternately arranged floating leaves. During the juvenile stage, the shoot elongates remarkably and forms the horizontal rhizome. Each leaf grows out from the dorsal side of the node of the rhizome. There are two kinds of terminal buds in the juvenile shoot. (1) vegetative bud and (2) mixed bud. The axillary scale is the derivative part of the leaf. It forms an ochrea around the terminal bud. The winter buds on the annual shoot are all mixed buds. The vessels are absent in the rhizome and no cambium exists. During tile early growth of the rhizome, the rib meristems contribute mainly to the internode elongation. Later however, divisions are seen to commence in the parenchymatous tissue of the internode. As a result of these divisions the internode becomes elongated. The tuberization of the rhizome is built up from cell divisions of three kinds of tissues: (1) primary thickening meristems, (2) cells of the vascular bundles and (3) parenchyma of cortex. But, the growth in thickness of the rhizome seems to be chiefly due to the enlargement of parenchymatous cells.  相似文献   

对从国家种质资源圃中选取的40份花莲种质资源的19个形态性状进行了观察。结果发现花型、花瓣数、雌蕊是否瓣化、雌蕊瓣化程度和根茎颜色与花蕾形状呈显著正相关,其中花型、花瓣数和根茎颜色与花蕾形状呈极显著高度相关。通径分析表明现蕾期对花型有显著正向效应(0.552),其次是花瓣数(0.516)和根茎颜色(0.368)。与花型呈显著负相关的性状有花瓣长(-0.801)、现花期(-0.558)和叶宽(-0.451)。主成分分析显示前四个成分累计贡献率达65.68%。聚类分析将所有材料分为四组。  相似文献   

莲品种资源的SRAP遗传多样性分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用分子标记SRAP技术对国内广泛栽培以及新近育成的39个莲品种进行了DNA多态性分析。选取5对引物扩增基因组DNA,共获得101条带,其中88条为多态性条带,每对引物平均提供20个标记信息。由UPMGA方法得到的聚类分析结果表明了39个品种间的遗传关系,结果表明:花莲、籽莲和藕莲三大类群有明显的界限,花莲和籽莲的遗传距离较近,藕莲与它们的遗传距离较远。分子方差分析结果表明:莲品种间和品种内均存在遗传变异,藕莲品种内的遗传变异略低于品种间的遗传变异,而诱变籽莲、诱变花莲和常规籽莲品种内遗传变异均大于品种间的遗传变异,尤其是诱变籽莲、诱变花莲品种内遗传变异占总变异的分量分别超过了70%和60%,这种品种内的遗传变异,一方面对于莲的高产稳产具有重要的意义,另一方面也说明了从这些国内广泛栽培的品种以及新近育成的莲品种中可以直接进一步选育出更优良的新品种。  相似文献   

莲幼苗初生维管系统研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)幼苗属无根型。子叶片下部愈合呈筒状,并和子叶节区及其下部愈合为一体。子叶节区下部维管柱为χ形单中柱;子叶节区中部为周韧单中柱,子叶迹呈6束辐射均匀地进入子叶;子叶节区上部为散生中柱,其央的4-6个大维管束由子叶节区中部的单中柱分裂形成;周围的小维管束一部分由子叶迹分裂形成,一部分由周围薄壁细胞脱分化形成。  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of microsatellite primers for Nelumbo nucifera Gaerten. By screening genomic libraries enriched with 10 kinds of probes, Seventeen polymorphic loci were isolated and primers were designed. Polymorphism of these 17 loci was assessed in 24 individuals. All the 17 loci are polymorphic and the number of alleles ranged from two to seven. Observed heterozygosity and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.0000 to 0.9176 and from 0.2837 to 0.7917 respectively. These microsatellite loci should be useful for studying the genetic diversity of N. nucifera.  相似文献   

为了研究中国莲(Nelumbo nucifera)抗氧化系统对砷胁迫的响应,研究比较了两种不同价态无机砷As(Ⅲ)和砷As(V)对中国莲幼苗可溶性蛋白含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量以及抗氧化系统的影响。结果表明,中国莲幼苗中MDA和可溶性蛋白质含量随砷浓度的增加呈现先升高后降低的趋势。中国莲幼苗的MDA和蛋白质含量受As(V)的影响不如As(11])敏感。抗氧化系统酶中,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)对砷处理最敏感,当As(11I)浓度在2.5pmol/L和As(V)浓度在100μmol/L时,SOD酶活性显著高于对照组。过氧化物酶(POD)在As(Ⅲ)处理浓度为10umol/L时就出现显著上升,相对而言,过氧化氢酶(CAT)对As(V)比较敏感。实验结果表明,随着浓度的增加,砷对幼苗产生的氧化胁迫导致SOD、CAT和POD三种酶活性有所增加,以配合清除细胞内的活性氧自由基(ROS),维持细胞代谢的稳定。本研究为进一步研究砷胁迫下莲的生理和生长变化、以及莲的培育和移植提供了部分基础数据。  相似文献   

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