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ABSTRACT. Pentrich ciliates attached to small stones from the beds of two streams, one large with hard water, the other small with soft water, were enumerated throughout an annual cycle. Throughout the year, Platycola was the dominant peritrich in both streams, except for a brief period during the spring when Vorticella and Carchesium predominated. Vorticella reached peak levels of 89 ciliates cm2 of stone surface, and up to 102 Platycola per cm2 of stone surface were found. Mean volumes of samples of the main species were calculated, and used to estimate the standing stock biomasses. using a standard value of dry weight per unit volume. Published values of the growth rates of representatives of the main genera were used to estimate production values, which totalled about 6.5 g dry weight of peritrich cytoplasm/m2 of stream bed per annum in the large stream (mean annual density = 8.3 peritrichs/cm2 of stone surface), and 33 g dry weight/m2 of stream bed per annum in the small stream (mean annual density = 47 peritrichs/cm2 of stone surface). Food supply, temperature and predation were the primary factors determining peritrich abundance  相似文献   

The role of species of ciliate Protozoa in trickling filterwaste treatment processes awaits redefinition. Using the smallfresh-water Salt Fork stream for our study, a stream which receivesall of the discharge from the Champaign-Urbana Waste TreatmentPlant in east-central Illinois, analyses of samples of carefullyidentified ciliates taken from selected sites over a three-yearperiod yielded some interesting results. Four specific situationswere noted: (1) free-swimming microphagous forms feeding selectivelyon primarily attached bacteria, and, in turn, being fed on bycarnivorous ciliates; (2) sessile ciliates (peritrichs) feedingon non-attached bacterial species, but with high selectivity;(3) free-swimming carnivorous gymnostomes feeding on the sessileperitrichs but, again in turn, serving as prey themselves tostalked suctorian species attached to the peduncles of the peritrichs;(4) attached peritrichs and suctorians both serving as foodfor several groups of small invertebrates frequenting the stream.With respect to numbers and diversity of ciliates found, some155 different species, belonging to 93 genera, were identified(including several to be described elsewhere as new species)in the stream and/or the trickling filter settling basin. Thehighest populations and greatest diversity were found at sitesclosest to the waste water influx; such protozoan populationsmight thus be considered as a form of tertiary treatment inthe drainage basin.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in invertebrate assemblages at two sites (upstream and downstream) on six central Florida headwater streams were compared by sampling at quarterly intervals with core and dip net samplers. Two of the streams were reclaimed following phosphate mining (~6 yr prior to this study), two received runoff from mined lands, and two were disturbed by agriculture and/or residential developments. Physical and chemical characteristics of the reclaimed streams differed markedly from those of the non-reclaimed streams; principal differences between the streams were in current velocity, percent organic matter (POM), Mn, conductivity and alkalinity. Annual mean densities of meiofauna and smaller macrofauna for the 12 stream sites ranged from 20?896 to 175?212 m?2 and the mean for all sites was 56?492 m?2. The reclaimed streams and one of the streams influenced by agriculture had annual means of less than 40?000 m?2, 3- to 5-fold lower than the other streams. Fall and winter core densities were ~2.4-fold greater than those for spring or summer when drought and low dissolved oxygen prevailed. Meiofauna comprised 68–91% of the core sample invertebrates in reclaimed streams but only 43–62% in the non-reclaimed streams; principal functional groups were: gathering collectors – 61.5%, predators – 19.3% and filtering collectors – 15%. The taxonomic composition of the reclaimed streams was predominated by crustaceans (60–71%) while chironomids and annelids were more abundant (71–92%) in the non-reclaimed streams. Dip net sampling added 21 larger macrofauna species (Odonata, Hemiptera and Coleoptera) to our list of taxa, producing a total of 209 species. Species richness and diversity (H′ and N 2) indices were lower in the reclaimed streams, but evenness was more variable. The Czekanowski–Dice–Sørensen similarity index showed that the reclaimed stream sites were quite similar to each other, but differed markedly from the other stream types; there was large variation both within and between seasons. For central Florida headwater streams, drought appears to have a larger influence on invertebrates than the type of land use, however this relationship should be confirmed using streams of similar hydrology.  相似文献   

1. During the past two decades, understanding of the structure and function of glacier‐fed stream ecosystems at temperate latitudes has increased substantially. In contrast, information on their tropical counterparts is very limited. We studied three neighbouring glacier‐fed streams in the tropical Andes of Ecuador. Our main goals were (i) to determine overall longitudinal patterns in density, taxon richness and the composition of macroinvertebrate assemblages and driving factors in equatorial glacial streams and (ii) to examine variability among replicate streams in faunal metrics and assemblages, and stream‐specific effects of supposed environmental key factors. 2. We measured four geographical and 17 environmental factors and collected five Surber samples (500 cm2) of macroinvertebrates at each of nine sites, three sites along three streams. The streams were located 1–5 km apart. In each stream, the three sites were placed at comparable distances from the glacier and were grouped as ‘upper’ (50–200 m), ‘middle’ (1.5 km) and ‘lower’ sites (3.5–5.6 km). 3. In total, 2200 individuals (64% chironomids) were collected and 47 taxa (30 dipterans, 18 of these Chironomidae) identified. Density ranged from 176 to 372 ind. m?2, and the number of taxa ranged from 2 to 6 at the upper sites and 868–3044 ind. m?2 and 21–27 taxa at the lower sites. Density, number of taxa, rarefied richness and axis‐1 coordinates from a MDS ordination increased logarithmically with distance from the glacier. These faunal metrics were equally related to altitude and glacier per cent of catchment and correlated with maximum conductivity, mean temperature, mean daily maximum temperature and a channel stability index. As expected, the mean difference in distance decay in similarity was higher at the upper (47% km?1) than at the lower reaches (20% km?1) of the streams. 4. The number of taxa varied among sites within the upper and middle groups, but not among the lower sites. In contrast, but in accordance with our expectation, assemblage composition did not differ among upper sites but did so at middle and lower sites, following a supposed decrease in environmental harshness along the streams. Relationships between faunal metrics and the four environmental variables mean temperature, the stability index, chlorophyll a and coarse particulate organic matter also varied among the three streams. Generalised linear model analyses revealed that temperature interacted with stream on macroinvertebrate density, while chlorophyll a had a significant effect on the number of taxa in interaction with stream and stability. 5. The basic predictions of the Milner et al. (2001a) , model regarding longitudinal faunal patterns and temperature and stability as main driving factors were met by our three replicate equatorial glacial streams. Qualitative departures from the model were mainly because of zoogeographical differences. We demonstrated that variability in assemblages between comparable sites in closely situated streams was considerable, and the effect of key environmental factors varied among streams and interacted with other factors. Quantifying spatial variation in benthic assemblages may help us foresee possible consequences for biodiversity as a result of glacial retreat.  相似文献   

Headwater streams represent the key sites of nutrient retention, but little is known about temporal variation in this important process. We used monthly measurements over 2 years to examine variation in retention of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and ammonium (NH4+) in two Mediterranean headwater streams with contrasting hydrological regimes (that is, perennial versus intermittent). Differences in retention between streams were more evident for NH4+, likely due to strong differences in the potential for nitrogen limitation. In both streams, nutrient-retention efficiency was negatively influenced by abrupt discharge changes, whereas gradual seasonal changes in SRP demand were partially controlled by riparian vegetation dynamics through changes in organic matter and light availability. Nutrient concentrations were below saturation in the two streams; however, SRP demand increased relative to NH4+ demand in the intermittent stream as the potential for phosphorus limitation increased (that is, higher dissolved inorganic nitrogen:SRP ratio). Unexpectedly, variability in nutrient retention was not greater in the intermittent stream, suggesting high resilience of biological communities responsible for nutrient uptake. Within-stream variability of all retention metrics, however, increased with increasing time scale. A review of studies addressing temporal variation of nutrient retention at different time scales supports this finding, indicating increasing variability of nutrient retention with concomitant increases in the variability of environmental factors from the diurnal to the inter-annual scale. Overall, this study emphasizes the significance of local climate conditions in regulating nutrient retention and points to potential effects of changes in land use and climate regimes on the functioning of stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of planktonic protozoa of Esthwaite, a eutrophic lake, was investigated at 7–10 day intervals between February to October 1988. Sarcodine protozoa were of little significance, the plankton was dominated by ciliates and flagellates. Ciliate density peaked in late May to early June with densities reaching 9.2 × 103 1-1. There was considerable variation in spatial distribution and greatest species diversity occurred in March/April. After the establishment of summer stratification the planktonic ciliates were confined to water of >25% oxygen saturation in the water column. Oligotrichs, particularly the genus Strombidium and tintinnids, and peritrichs dominated the ciliate assemblages. There was no correlation between chlorophyll a concentrations and ciliate numbers, but a correlation was apparent between ciliate numbers and flagellate density. There were significant differences between the protozooplankton communities at the different sampling sites in the lake.  相似文献   

Salinization of freshwater ecosystems as a result of human activities has markedly increased in recent years. Much attention is currently directed at evaluating the effects of increased salinity on freshwater biota. In the Central Appalachian region of the eastern United States, specific conductance from alkaline discharges associated with mountain top mining practices has been implicated in macroinvertebrate community declines in streams receiving coal mining discharges. Whole effluent toxicity testing of receiving stream water was used to test the hypothesis that mine discharges are toxic to laboratory test organisms and further, that toxicity is related to ionic concentrations as indicated by conductivity. Chronic toxicity testing using Ceriodaphnia dubia was conducted by contract laboratories at 72 sites with a total of 129 tests over a 3.5 year period. The database was evaluated to determine the ionic composition of mine effluent dominated streams and whether discharge constituents were related to toxicity in C. dubia. As expected, sulfate was found to be the dominant anion in streams receiving mining discharges with bicarbonate variable and sometimes a substantial component of the dissolved solids. Overall, the temporal variability in conductance was low at each site which would indicate fairly stable water quality conditions. Results of the toxicity tests show no relationship between conductance and survival of C. dubia in the mining influenced streams with the traditional toxicity test endpoints. However, consideration of the entire dataset revealed a significant inverse relationship between conductivity and neonate production. While conductivity explained very little of the high variability in the offspring production (r2 = 0.1304), the average numbers of offspring were consistently less than 20 neonates at the highest conductivities.  相似文献   

The life history traits of the caddisfly, Psilotreta locumtenens Botosaneanu (Odontoceridae), were studied in two stream reaches with different thermal ranges (main and branch streams) of the Gapyeong Stream, a typical mountain stream located in the central Korean Peninsula. Psilotreta locumtenens larvae were quantitatively sampled monthly from November 2008 to July 2010, and biweekly during the emergence period (late April to early July), using a Surber sampler (30 × 30 cm). Adults were quantitatively sampled with a sweep net. Larval density in the main stream (324.21 ± 38.59 m?2) was higher than that in the branch stream (60.48 ± 10.86 m?2). The larvae hatched in the early summer and overwintered as 5th and 3rd instars in the main and branch streams, respectively. The emergence peak at the main stream was approximately 2 weeks earlier. The sex ratio at both sites was approximately 0.3. The life history in both streams was univoltine. Secondary production in the main stream was much higher than in the branch stream, owing to high larval densities, and the P/B ratios at the two sites were similar. This study demonstrated remarkable differences in larval growth patterns and emergence peaks in P. locumtenens between the two stream reaches due to differences in accumulated degree days (230.30 DD) and other phenological cues such as daily mean threshold water temperature (9°C) during the ascending phase, despite their relatively small mean annual water temperature difference of 0.58°C.  相似文献   

Fishes often exhibit phenotypic divergence across gradients of abiotic and biotic selective pressures. In streams, many of the known selective pressures driving phenotypic differentiation are largely influenced by hydrologic regimes. Because flow regimes drive so many attributes of lotic systems, we hypothesized fish exhibit phenotypic divergence among streams with different flow regimes. We used a comparative field study to investigate the morphological divergence of Campostoma anomalom (central stonerollers) among streams characterized by highly variable, intermittent flow regimes and streams characterized by relatively stable, groundwater flow regimes. We also conducted a mesocosm experiment to compare the plastic effects of one component of flow regimes, water velocity, on morphology of fish from different flow regimes. We observed differences in shape between flow regimes likely driven by differences in allometric growth patterns. Although we observed differences in morphology across flow regimes in the field, C. anomalum did not exhibit morphologic plasticity in response to water velocity alone. This study contributes to the understanding of how complex environmental factors drive phenotypic divergence and may provide insight into the evolutionary consequences of disrupting natural hydrologic patterns, which are increasingly threatened by climate change and anthropogenic alterations.  相似文献   

Theo Light 《Freshwater Biology》2003,48(10):1886-1897
1. This paper examines the distribution, habitat relationships, and potential for spread of non‐native signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in streams of the Truckee River catchment, California, U.S.A. Crayfish associations with natural features and with impoundments and flow alteration were examined in a survey of 33 streams. Abundance changes were followed over 5 years, which included some of the highest and lowest flows on record, in three streams, two unregulated and one regulated. Movement of marked crayfish was studied in one 0.5 km stream reach just upstream from a reservoir. 2. Signal crayfish were most abundant in low‐gradient streams and were positively associated with proximity to reservoirs (both upstream and downstream). Crayfish were more likely to be found in regulated than unregulated sites, and did not occur in sites upstream of barriers, such as culverts, that separated them from reservoirs or lakes. 3. Crayfish declined in abundance in years following particularly intense and prolonged wet‐season spates, leading to a negative association between crayfish abundance and both peak discharge and duration of bankfull flows. 4. Crayfish moved distances of up to 277 m, and at rates of up to 120 m day?1, suggesting significant dispersal ability. Larger crayfish moved greater distances and were more likely to move downstream. Female crayfish showed a pattern of upstream movement in early summer and downstream movement late in the summer, opposite the pattern found in two other studies. 5. These results suggest that natural or artificial gradient barriers and, in regulated systems, management of flow regimes to include bankfull or greater flows may help to control invasive crayfish in streams.  相似文献   

Since terrestrial invertebrates are often consumed by stream fishes, land-use practices that influence the input of terrestrial invertebrates to streams are predicted to have consequences for fish production. We studied the effect of riparian land-use regime on terrestrial invertebrate inputs by estimating the biomass, abundance and taxonomic richness of terrestrial invertebrate drift from 15 streams draining catchments with three different riparian land-use regimes and vegetation types: intensive grazing — exotic pasture grasses (4 streams), extensive grazing — native tussock grasses (6 streams), reserve — native forest (5 streams). Terrestrial invertebrate drift was sampled from replicated stream reaches enclosed by two 1 mm mesh drift nets that spanned the entire channel. The mean biomass of terrestrial invertebrates that entered tussock grassland (12 mg ash-free dry mass m–2 d–1) and forest streams (6 mg AFDM m–2 d–1) was not significantly different (p > 0.05). However, biomass estimated for tussock grassland and forest streams was significantly higher than biomass that entered pasture streams (1 mg AFDM m–2 d–1). Mean abundance and richness of drifting terrestrial invertebrates was not significantly different among land-use types. Winged insects contributed more biomass than wingless invertebrates to both pasture and tussock grassland streams. Winged and wingless invertebrates contributed equally to biomass entering forest streams. Land use was a useful variable explaining landscape-level patterns of terrestrial invertebrate input for New Zealand streams. Evidence from this study suggests that riparian land-use regime will have important influences on the availability of terrestrial invertebrates to stream fishes.  相似文献   

In lowland areas, such as the glacial landscapes of eastern Germany, sand‐bed streams are the most common stream type. They have low gradients and their hydrological regime is often subdued due to the frequent interruption by lakes. Very few is known about the influence of woody debris in these streams, since nearly all previous studies are from high‐gradient conditions, where streams have coarse bed sediments and harsh hydrological regimes. The research objectives of this study were first to assess the quasi‐natural quantity and quality of wood in a lowland sand‐bed stream and second to understand the influence of wood on the channel morphology and the flow patterns at base‐flow. The three‐dimensional stream bed relief was surveyed by electronic distance measurement. The position and the size of large woody debris was assessed by close‐up photography. An acoustic Doppler velocimeter was used to record the patterns of flow velocity and turbulence. Overlay and analysis of the spatial data was done using a Geographic Information System. The standing stock of wood was 1.9 m3 and 39 woody elements per 100 m2 of stream bed. The flow pattern was clearly controlled by the wood. Woody elements elevated above the stream bed deflected flow and locally caused strong secondary current, high turbulence, and scour of the stream bed at baseflow. Wood resting directly on the stream bed, which contributed the majority of the wood inside the bank‐full channel, determined the roughness of the stream bed. Near‐bed flow patterns observed were isolated roughness flow and wake interference flow, which was registered inside the accumulations of wood. 68% of the stream bed had shear stress above critical. Hence, the secondary morphological structures of the sand‐bed were controlled at base‐flow by the flow which was determined by the woody debris distribution.  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrates were collected and physico‐chemical variables measured at 16 stream sites in Western Greenland during July 1999. Eight sites were located on Disko Island in an arctic oceanic climate and eight sites in the Kangerlussuaq area close to the icecap where the climate is arctic continental. The streams had different water sources (glacial, groundwater, snowmelt and lake water). 2. The streams showed pronounced differences in water temperature (2.2–17.3 °C), concentrations of suspended solids (0–2400 mg L?1), and conductivity (10–109 μS cm?1). Principal component analysis (PCA) analysis of the physico‐chemical variables separated the Disko Island sites into a distinct group, whereas the sites in the Kangerlussuaq area were more dispersed. 3. A total of 56 macroinvertebrate species were found, including 31 species of Chironomidae, the most abundant of which was Orthocladius thienemanni. Diamesa sp. was only the sixth most abundant chironomid taxon. Species composition varied between sites, and abundance varied from about 20 individuals m?2 in a glacier fed stream to more than 16 000 m?2 in a lake outlet. 4. The macroinvertebrate communities of the 16 streams were separated into five TWINSPAN groups reflecting water source, irrespective of region. Lake outlets and ground‐water‐fed streams had the highest species richness and abundance, temperature and bed stability, while glacier‐fed streams were characterized by low species richness, abundance, temperature, bed stability and high concentrations of suspended solids. Macroinvertebrate species richness was positively correlated with water temperature and negatively with bed stability. Conductivity was positively correlated with invertebrate abundance. 5. The results of this study suggest that the source of stream water can be used to predict invertebrate community composition in Greenlandic streams and thus the effects of changes in water balance and flow regime, and to identify sites of special conservation interest.  相似文献   

Summarized here are ten investigations concerning the volume of coarse woody debris (CWD) in Central European streams. Altogether, 69 stream sections were examined ranging from Northern German lowland streams to brooks in alpine regions. Most of the study streams are according to Central European standards quasi‐natural and are bordered by deciduous forest. The geometric mean of CWD volume related to stream length is 1.44 m3 /100 meter reach. Related to stream bottom area, the geometric mean of CWD volume is 0.202 m3 /100 m2 . The mean number of logs (≥10 cm diameter) is 12.5 logs/100 meter reach, and 3.01/100 m2 bottom area (geometric means). Regarding only quasi‐natural stream sections (riparian forest currently unmanaged and no removal of CWD for at least 10 years), the geometric mean of CWD standing stock is 0.45 m3 /100 m2 for lowland streams, 0.38 m3/100 m2 for streams in lower mountainous areas and 0.02 m3 /100 m2 for alpine floodplains. From the distribution of size classes and comparison with other studies it is likely, that the current CWD standing stock is considerably less than the potential amount of CWD. For centuries all of the streams have been influenced by man. Historic alterations of the stream, its floodplain and the riparian vegetation may still affect CWD supply and standing stock. We conclude that virtually all streams in Central Europe are highly altered with respect to the amount of CWD, and that the importance of CWD is under‐represented in recent assessment principles for streams in Germany.  相似文献   

The operation of small hydroelectric dams built on mountain streams induce changes in stream flow regimes that are manifested not only in the intensity of flow events, but also in the variability and frequency of high- and low-flow episodes. Former studies have shown the influence of flow variability upon the dynamics of a resident brown trout population, especially that related to the stream flow regime during spawning, incubation and emerging periods. As these life-stages are known to determine the population dynamics in further ages, stream flow variability appears to be a major influence on the regulation of a wild brown trout population. Thus, mean flow discharge should not be the only parameter taken into account when establishing ecological flow regimes to support rehabilitation of degraded trout populations in mountain streams. Ecological stream flow regime characteristics are proposed as a basis for the design of environmental flow regimes in mountain reaches downstream of hydroelectric or water supply dams. Case studies were conducted in a high mountain basin in Central Spain (River Tormes) for a period of 5 years showing that relationship between duration and frequency of high and low flow episodes during egg incubation could be linked to young-of-the-year recruitment and quantified in terms of flow management units. Duration and frequency of flow discharges could be manipulated so as to create favourable hydrological conditions for restoring sustainable populations of brown trout in rivers affected by flow regulation Guest editors: R. L. Welcomme & G. Marmulla Hydropower, Flood Control and Water Abstraction: Implications for Fish and Fisheries  相似文献   

Tropical stream food webs are thought to be based primarily on terrestrial resources (leaf litter) in small forested headwater streams and algal resources in larger, wider streams. In tropical island streams, the dominant consumers are often omnivorous freshwater shrimps that consume algae, leaf litter, insects, and other shrimps. We used stable isotope analysis to examine (1) the relative importance of terrestrial and algal‐based food resources to shrimps and other consumers and determine (2) if the relative importance of these food resources changed along the stream continuum. We examined δ15N and δ13C signatures of leaves, algae, macrophytes, biofilm, insects, snails, fishes, and shrimps at three sites (300, 90, and 10 m elev.) along the Río Espíritu Santo, which drains the Caribbean National Forest, Puerto Rico. Isotope signatures of basal resources were distinct at all sites. Results of two‐source δ13C mixing models suggest that shrimps relied more on algal‐based carbon resources than terrestrially derived resources at all three sites along the continuum. This study supports other recent findings in tropical streams, demonstrating that algal‐based resources are very important to stream consumers, even in small forested headwater streams. This study also demonstrates the importance of doing assimilation‐based analysis (i.e., stable isotope or trophic basis of production) when studying food webs.  相似文献   

Longitudinal succession of stream fish faunas is commonly related to increasing stream size and stability. However, effects of succession on assemblage morphology are seldom quantified. We used an ecomorphological approach to determine differences in faunal structure among distinct stream types of the Cheyenne River drainage in South Dakota, USA. During May–October 2004 we collected fishes monthly from five streams. We examined 28 morphological traits of the dominant fish species and compared morphological structure among faunas using univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests and multivariate ordination and distance calculation techniques. Species richness and composition varied between smaller creeks and larger rivers. Morphological diversity increased with richness, but richer assemblages were also more tightly packed in morphospace, partly because of increased cyprinid richness. Some morphological differences were predicted by variation in mean discharge and discharge flashiness (flow stability). Fishes of more stable or larger river stations characteristically had smaller heads and mouths and longer intestines. Larger mean standard length was also associated with less flashy flow regimes and higher mean discharge. All assemblages were hyperdispersed in morphological space, consistent with the harsh zoogeographical history of the region and suggesting the presence of open niches. Increasing species and morphological diversity despite increasing discharge flashiness suggests higher niche diversity in Great Plains rivers compared to adjacent creeks. Handling editor: J. A. Cambray  相似文献   

Introduced submerged macrophytes have come to dominate many shallow water bodies in New Zealand, and are a common component of many lowland streams. We investigated the seasonal variation of macrophyte abundance, its influence on flow and channel volume, and the implications of this on stream habitat and functioning in Whakapipi Stream, a typical lowland stream draining a predominantly agricultural catchment.Abundance of macrophytes over the summer was primarily controlled by the phenological cycles of the two dominant species. Mean minimum total macrophyte biomass (36 g m–2) and cover (7%) occurred in winter (June and August, respectively), and mean maximum biomass (324 g m–2), and cover (79%) occurred in late summer (March and February respectively). Egeria densa comprised the majority of both cover and biomass during the study period, except early summer (December) when Potamogeton crispus was prevalent in the shallow stream reaches.Macrophyte beds had a major impact on summer stream velocities, reducing average velocities by an estimated 41%. Stream cross-sectional area was maintained at relatively stable levels similar to that recorded over winter, when stream discharge was in the order of seven times greater. The mean velocity distribution coefficient (), and Manning's roughness coefficient (n) were dependent on and displayed a positive linear relationship with macrophyte abundance. The velocity distribution coefficient is recommended as a better indicator of macrophyte effects on velocity in natural streams, as it does not assume uniform velocity, channel depth and slope within the stream reach.Our study shows that submerged macrophytes play an important structuring role within the stream during the summer period, where macrophyte beds act as semi-permeable dams, retarding flow velocities and increasing stream depth and cross-sectional area. This promotes habitat heterogeneity by creating a greater range of flow velocity variation, and also provides large stable low-flow areas. Other likely ecosystem effects resulting from macrophyte/velocity interactions include increased sedimentation, potential for nutrient processing and increased primary production, both by macrophytes and attached epiphyton. The complex architecture of submerged macrophytes and their influence on stream flow may also provide an increased diversity of habitat for other aquatic biota. We propose that management of degraded lowland streams such as the Whakapipi Stream to maintain stretches with moderate quantities of submerged macrophytes interspersed with shaded areas would optimise stream health during low summer flows.  相似文献   

Walters  D. M.  Leigh  D. S.  Bearden  A. B. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):5-10
We tested the hypothesis that urbanization alters stream sediment regimes and homogenizes fish assemblages in 30 sub-basins of the Etowah River. Sediment variables included average particle size (mean phi) of the stream bed, percent fines (<2 mm) in riffles, and baseflow turbidity (NTU). Homogenization was quantified as ratios of endemic to cosmopolitan species richness (Er:Cr) and abundance (Ea:Ca). High NTU and fine stream beds were associated with homogenized assemblages (i.e., lower E:C ratios). Mean phi and NTU were significantly correlated with E:C ratios (r = –0.74 to –0.76) and, when combined using multiple regression, accounted for 73% of the variance in ratios. Stream slope strongly covaried with mean phi (r = –0.92) and percent fines in riffles (r = –0.79), but multiple regression models showed that urbanized sites had finer beds and riffles than predicted by slope alone. Urban land cover was the primary predictor of NTU (r 2 = 0.42) and, combined with slope in multiple regression, explained 51% of the variance in NTU. Our results indicate that stream slope is a background variable predicting particle size and E:C ratios in these streams. Urbanization disrupts these relationships by transforming clear streams with coarse beds into turbid streams with finer beds. These conditions favor cosmopolitan species, ultimately homogenizing fish assemblages. Bed texture was linked to urbanization; however, NTU was the best indicator of urban impacts because it was statistically independent from slope.  相似文献   

1. The ciliate and metazoan meiofaunal assemblages of two contrasting lowland streams in south‐east England were examined over the period of a year, using a high taxonomic resolution. Monthly samples were taken from an oligotrophic, acid stream (Lone Oak) and a circumneutral, nutrient‐rich stream (Pant) between March 2003 and February 2004. 2. We assessed the relative importance of ciliates and rotifers within the small‐sized benthic assemblage with respect to their abundance, biomass and species richness. In addition, we examined the influence of abiotic and biotic parameters and season on the assemblage composition at two levels of taxonomic resolution (species and groups). 3. Ciliates dominated the assemblages numerically, with maximum densities of over 900 000 and 6 000 000 ind. m?2 in Lone Oak and Pant respectively. Rotifers and nematodes dominated meiofaunal densities, although their contribution to total meiofaunal biomass (maxima of 71.9 mgC m?2 in Lone Oak and of 646.8 mgC m?2 in the Pant) was low and rotifer biomass equalled that of ciliates. 4. Although the two streams differed in terms of total abundance of ciliates and meiofauna and shared only 7% of species, the relative proportion of groups was similar. Sediment grain size distribution (the percentile representing the 0.5–1 mm fraction) was correlated with assemblage structure at the species level, revealing the tight coupling between these small organisms and their physical environment. Seasonal changes in the relative abundance of groups followed similar patterns in both streams, and were correlated with the abundance of cyclopoid copepods and temperature. 5. Information on these highly abundant but often overlooked faunal groups is essential for estimates of overall abundance, biomass, species richness and productivity in the benthos, and as such has important implications for several areas of aquatic research, e.g. for those dealing with trophic dynamics.  相似文献   

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