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Taste-responsive cells in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) either project to the parabrachial nuclei (PbN) of the pons, through which taste information is transmitted to forebrain gustatory nuclei, or give rise to axons terminating locally within the medulla. Numerous anatomical studies clearly demonstrate a substantial projection from the rostral NST, where most taste-responsive cells are found, to the PbN. In contrast, previous electrophysiological studies in the rat have shown that only a small proportion (21-45%) of taste-responsive NST cells are antidromically activated from the PbN, suggesting that less than half the cells recorded from the NST are actually involved in forebrain processing of gustatory information. In the present experiment we investigated the projections from the NST to the PbN electrophysiologically in urethane anesthetized hamsters. Responses of 101 single neurons in the rostral NST were recorded extracellularly following lingual stimulation with 32 mM NaCl, sucrose and quinine hydrochloride (QHCl) and 3.2 mM citric acid. The taste-responsive region of the PbN was identified electrophysiologically and stimulated with a concentric bipolar electrode to antidromically activate each NST cell. Of the 101 taste-responsive NST cells, 81 (80.2%) were antidromically activated from the ipsilateral PbN. The mean firing rates to taste stimulation and the spontaneous activity of these projection neurons were significantly greater than those of non-projecting cells. Every sucrose-best neuron in the sample projected to the PbN. The mean conduction velocity of the 23 QHCl-best neurons was significantly lower than that of the other 58 PbN projection neurons, suggesting that the most QHCl-responsive cells are a subset of smaller neurons. These data show that a large majority of NST cells responsive to taste stimulation of the anterior tongue project to the gustatory subdivisions of the PbN and that these cells have the most robust responses to gustatory stimulation.  相似文献   

A brainstem slice preparation was used to investigate GABA-inducedresponses in the gustatory region of the nucleus of the solitarytract (NST) of the hamster. The baseline activities of 91 cellsin the rostral NST were examined extracellularly; 59 cells werelocated in the rostral central (RC), 21 in the rostral lateral(RL), six in the ventral (V) and five in the medial (M) subdivisionof the NST. Of the 80 cells in the gustatory region of the NST(RC and RL subdivisions), application of GABA produced dose-dependentinhibition in 55 (69%), excitation in 9 (11%) and no effectin 16 cells (22%). In contrast, only nine cells were responsiveto baclofen, a GABAB agonist. In all subdivision of the rostralNST, 57 cells were inhibited by GABA and the responses of 48of these were blocked by the specific GABAA antagonist, bicucullinemethiodide (BICM). Application of BICM alone often yielded anexcitatory burst of impulses; this effect was eliminated whensynaptic release was blocked by perfusion with a high magnesiumphysiological saline solution (PSS/Mg++). The GABAA-responsivecells were distributed predominantly within the RC subdivision,whereas the GABAB-responsive neurons were mostly in the RL subdivisionof the NST. The influences of GABA on the membrane properties of cells withinthe gustatory region (RC and RL subdivisions) of the NST wererecorded using conventional intracellular (16 cells) or whole-cellpatch (17 cells) recording methods. Intracellular recordingrevealed that GABA produced hyperpolarisation of the membrane,decreased the firing frequency, and increased the membrane conductance.In the patch-clamp experiments, the application of GABA evokedboth inward and outward currents, and an increase in membraneconductance. The reversal potential produced by GABA was closeto the Cl– equilibrium potential. The effects of GABAwere blocked by BICM. These results suggest that (i) GABA hasa strong inhibitory influence on rostral NST neurons, whichin the majority of cells is mediated through GABAA, receptors;and (ii) the gustatory region of the NST may contain a tonicallyactive GABAergic netw  相似文献   

Cho YK  Li CS  Smith DV 《Chemical senses》2003,28(2):155-171
The lateral hypothalamus (LH) and the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) exert an influence on many aspects of ingestive behavior. These nuclei receive projections from several areas carrying gustatory and viscerosensory information, and send axons to these nuclei as well, including the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST). Gustatory responses of NST neurons are modulated by stimulation of the LH and the CeA, and by several physiological factors related to ingestive behavior. We investigated the effect of both LH and CeA stimulation on the activity of 215 taste-responsive neurons in the hamster NST. More than half of these neurons (113/215) were modulated by electrical stimulation of the LH and/or CeA; of these, 52 cells were influenced by both areas, often bilaterally. The LH influenced more neurons than the CeA (101 versus 64 cells). Contralateral stimulation of these forebrain areas was more often effective (144 responses) than ipsilateral (74). Modulatory effects were mostly excitatory (102 cells); 11 cells were inhibited, mostly by ipsilateral LH stimulation. A subset of these cells (n = 25) was examined for the effects of microinjection of DL-homocysteic acid (DLH), a glutamate receptor agonist, into the LH and/or CeA. The effects of electrical stimulation were completely mimicked by DLH, indicating that cell somata in and around the stimulating sites were responsible for these effects. Other cells (n = 25) were tested for the effects of electrical stimulation of the LH and/or CeA on the responses to taste stimulation of the tongue (32 mM sucrose, NaCl and quinine hydrochloride, and 3.2 mM citric acid). Responses to taste stimuli were enhanced by the excitatory influence of the LH and/or CeA. These data demonstrate that descending influences from the LH and CeA reach many of the same cells in the gustatory NST and can modulate their responses to taste stimulation.  相似文献   

Smith DV  Ye MK  Li CS 《Chemical senses》2005,30(5):421-434
Previous studies have shown a modulatory influence of limbic forebrain areas, such as the central nucleus of the amygdala and lateral hypothalamus, on the activity of taste-responsive cells in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST). The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), which receives gustatory afferent information, also sends descending axons to the NST. The present studies were designed to investigate the role of the BST in the modulation of NST gustatory activity. Extracellular action potentials were recorded from 101 taste-responsive cells in the NST of urethane-anesthetized hamsters and analyzed for a change in excitability following bilateral electrical stimulation of the BST. The response of NST taste cells to stimulation of the BST was predominately inhibitory. Orthodromic inhibitory responses were observed in 29 of 101 (28.7%) NST taste-responsive cells, with four cells inhibited bilaterally. An increase in excitability was observed in seven of the 101 (6.9%) NST taste cells. Of the 34 cells showing these responses, 25 were modulated by the ipsilateral BST and 15 by the contralateral; four were inhibited bilaterally and two inhibited ipsilaterally and excited contralaterally. The duration of inhibitory responses (mean = 177.9 ms) was significantly longer than that of excitatory responses (35.4 ms). Application of subthreshold electrical stimulation to the BST during taste trials inhibited or excited the taste responses of every BST-responsive NST cell tested with this protocol. NST neurons that were most responsive to sucrose, NaCl, citric acid or quinine hydrochloride were all affected by BST stimulation, although citric acid-best cells were significantly more often modulated and NaCl-best less often modulated than expected by chance. These results combine with excitatory and inhibitory modulation of NST neurons by the insular cortex, lateral hypothalamus and central nucleus of the amygdala to demonstrate extensive centrifugal modulation of brainstem gustatory neurons.  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated Fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI) in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) after intraoral infusions of 0.1 M citric acid, 0.3 M NaCl, and 0.3-30 mM quinine monohydrochloride (QHCl) in awake, behaving rats. Increases in QHCl concentration produced increases in the numbers of FLI-labeled neurons in the rostral part of the intermediate (i(r)) and rostral (r) NST, but the topographic distribution of FLI was consistent across QHCl concentrations and distinctive compared with effects of citric acid. Quinine elicited FLI concentrated in the medial third of the nucleus; acid elicited more broadly distributed FLI concentrated farther laterally. Surprisingly, in contrast to QHCl and citric acid, NaCl produced FLI that was indistinguishable from that produced by water. Although the functional significance of these patterns is unknown, citric acid and QHCl are nonpreferred stimuli but produced different oromotor behaviors. QHCl (30 mM) elicited approximately 3.2 times as many gapes as citric acid (0.1 M), and acid elicited more ingestive responses. Parallel differences in FLI expression suggest that different NST regions may have distinctive roles in triggering oromotor behaviors.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that oral stimulation with quinine elicits Fos-like immunoreactivity in the first-order gustatory nucleus, the NST, with a different topographic distribution than sucrose or citric acid. However, it is unknown whether the quinine pattern is unique to this alkaloid or common across bitter stimuli with different chemical structures. Indeed, recent physiological experiments suggest that taste receptor cells and primary afferent neurons may exhibit selectivity for various bitter tastants. The present investigation compared the distribution of FLI in NST following stimulation with three bitter chemicals: QHCl, denatonium and propylthiouracil, stimuli that evoked Ca(2+) currents in almost entirely different sets of receptor cells. The results demonstrate that the quinine pattern is not idiosyncratic but instead generalizes to the other two tastants. Although it remains possible that intermingled but different NST neurons are activated by these stimuli, these data suggest that a specialized region in the NST is preferentially involved in processing a common aspect of bitter tastants. In contrast to citric acid, quinine, denatonium and propylthiouracil all elicited vigorous oromotor rejection responses, consistent with our earlier hypothesis that the medial third of the NST may be an afferent trigger zone for oromotor rejection.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the waist area (W) of the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) in conscious rats elicits stereotypical oromotor behaviors (Galvin et al. 2004). To identify neurons possibly involved in these behavioral responses, we used Fos immunohistochemistry to locate populations of neurons within central gustatory and oromotor centers activated by PBN stimulation. Dramatic increases in the numbers of Fos-like immunoreactive neurons were observed in the ipsilateral PBN, nucleus of the solitary tract (NST), and central amygdala. The increase in neurally-activated cells within the ventral subdivision (V) of the rostral NST is particularly noteworthy because of its projections to medullary oromotor centers. A modest increase in labeled neurons occurred bilaterally within the gustatory cortex. Although there were trends for an increase in Fos-labeled neurons in the gustatory thalamus and medullary reticular formation, most changes in labeled neurons in these areas were not statistically significant. Linear regression analysis revealed a relationship between the number of taste reactivity (TR) behaviors performed during PBN stimulation and the number of Fos-like immunoreactive neurons in the caudal PBN and V of the rostral NST. These data support a role for neurons in W of the PBN and the ventral rostral NST in the initiation of TR behaviors.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to map the multiunitresponsiveness of the gustatory portion of the nucleus of thesolitary tract (NTS) in the hamster, elicited by chemical stimulationof oral taste receptors. Neural responsiveness to four stimuli(0.1 M sucrose, 0.03 M NaCl, 0.003 M HCl, 0.001 M QHCl) deliveredto either the anterior tongue or other parts of the oral cavitywas examined at 37 NTS recording sites. Gustatory responseswere shown-to depend collectively upon the stimulus, the receptivearea being stimulated, and the location of the recording sitewithin the NTS. By comparing the proportional magnitudes ofintegrated responses across recording sites, unique topographicpatterns of responsiveness were demonstrated for sucrose, NaCIand QHCl. Responses to HCl and NaCl generated similar patterns.Further, the response patterns for each stimulus differed followingstimulation of the anterior tongue or posterior oral cavity.Spatial differences in NTS responsiveness arise as a resultof differences in peripheral gustatory nerve sensitivities andprovide a possible substrate for the coding of taste quality.  相似文献   

Taste receptors on the left and right sides of the anterior tongue are innervated by chorda tympani (CT) fibers, which carry taste information to the ipsilateral nucleus of the solitary tract (NST). Although the anterior tongue is essential for taste, patients with unilateral CT nerve damage often report no subjective change in their taste experience. The standing theory that explains the taste constancy is the "release of inhibition", which hypothesizes that within the NST there are inhibitory interactions between inputs from the CT and glossopharyngeal nerves and that the loss of taste information from the CT is compensated by a release of inhibition on the glossopharyngeal nerve input. However, the possibility of compensation by taste input from the other side of the tongue has never been investigated in rodents. We recorded from 95 taste-responsive neurons in the NST and examined their responsiveness to stimulation of the contralateral CT. Forty-six cells were activated, mostly with excitatory responses (42 cells). Activation of NST cells induced by contralateral CT stimulation was blocked by microinjection of lidocaine into the contralateral NST but was not affected by anesthetization of the contralateral parabrachial nuclei (PbN). In addition, the NST cells that were activated by contralateral CT stimulation showed reduced responsiveness to taste stimulation after microinjection of lidocaine into the contralateral NST. These results demonstrate that nearly half of the taste neurons in the NST receive gustatory information from both sides of the tongue. This "cross talk" between bilateral NST may also contribute to the "taste constancy".  相似文献   

Although the reciprocal projections between the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and the gustatory parabrachial nuclei (PbN) have been demonstrated neuroanatomically, there is no direct evidence showing that the projections from the PbN to the BNST carry taste information or that descending inputs from the BNST to the PbN modulate the activity of PbN gustatory neurons. A recent electrophysiological study has demonstrated that the BNST exerts modulatory influence on taste neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST), suggesting that the BNST may also modulate the activity of taste neurons in the PbN. In the present study, we recorded from 117 taste-responsive neurons in the PbN and examined their responsiveness to electrical stimulation of the BNST bilaterally. Thirteen neurons (11.1%) were antidromically invaded from the BNST, mostly from the ipsilateral side (12 cells), indicating that a subset of taste neurons in the PbN project their axons to the BNST. The BNST stimulation induced orthodromic responses on most of the PbN neurons: 115 out of 117 (98.3%), including all BNST projection units. This descending modulation on the PbN gustatory neurons was exclusively inhibitory. We also confirmed that activation of this efferent inhibitory projection from the BNST reduces taste responses of PbN neurons in all units tested. The BNST is part of the neural circuits that involve stress-associated feeding behavior. It is also known that brain stem gustatory nuclei, including the PbN, are associated with feeding behavior. Therefore, this neural substrate may be important in the stress-elicited alteration in ingestive behavior.  相似文献   

Distribution density of the taste disks of the fungiform papillae in the frog tongue was larger at the proximal portion than at the apical and middle portions. The number of myelinated afferent nerve fibres and taste cells per cm2 area of the tongue increased in the order of proximal greater than middle greater than apical portion. The amplitudes of gustatory neural responses for 0.5 M NaCl, 0.5 M KCl, 0.5 M NH4Cl, 0.05 M CaCl2, 1 mM acetic acid and 1 mM quinine-HCl (Q-HCl) were significantly larger with lingual stimulation of the proximal region than with the stimulation of the apical region. With these stimuli the mean ratio of the apical response to the proximal response was 1.00:1.54. On the other hand, this ration with deionized water was 1.00:5.00. The mean magnitudes of receptor potentials in taste cells for 1 mM acetic acid and 10 mM Q-HCl were the same among the apical, middle and proximal portions of the tongue. The mean magnitudes of receptor potentials for 0.5 M NaCl were significantly larger at the apical portion than at the other portions, whereas those for deionized water tended to be the largest at the proximal portion. It is concluded that the larger magnitude of the gustatory neural responses at the proximal portion of the tongue is due to morphological and physiological properties of the taste organ.  相似文献   

The present study describes the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and its antagonists, bicuculline and 2-hydroxysaclofen, on visual responses of neurons in the pigeon nucleus lentiformis mesencephali (nLM). The results indicate that GABA significantly reduces both spontaneous activity and visual responsiveness, and GABAA antagonist bicuculline but not GABAB antagonist 2-hydroxysaclofen enhances visual responses of nLM cells examined. Furthermore, inhibition produced by motion in the null-direction of pretectal neurons is diminished by bicuculline but not by 2-hydroxysaclofen. It is therefore concluded that the null-direction inhibition of directional cells in the pigeon nLM is predominantly mediated by GABA and GABAA receptors. This inhibition may at least in part underlie directional asymmetry of optokinetic responses.  相似文献   

The present study describes the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and itsantagonists, bicuculline and 2-hydroxysaclofen, on visual responses of neurons in the pigeon nucleuslentiformis mesencephali (nLM). The results indicate that GABA significantly reduces bothspontaneous activity and visual responsiveness, and GABAA antagonist bicuculline but not GABABantagonist 2-hydroxysaclofen enhances visual responses of nLM cells examined. Furthermore,inhibition produced by motion in the null-direction of pretectal neurons is diminished by bicucullinebut not by 2-hydroxysaclofen. It is therefore concluded that the null-direction inhibition of directionalcells in the pigeon nLM is predominantly mediated by GABA and GABAA receptors. This inhibitionmay at least in part underlie directional asymmetry of optokinetic responses.  相似文献   

Responses of neurons in the antennal lobe (AL) of the moth Manduca sexta to stimulation of the ipsilateral antenna by odors consist of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potentials. Stimulation of primary afferent fibers by electrical shock of the antennal nerve causes a characteristic IPSP-EPSP synaptic response in AL projection neurons. The IPSP in projection neurons reverses below the resting potential, is sensitive to changes in external and internal chloride concentration, and thus is apparently mediated by an increase in chloride conductance. The IPSP is reversibly blocked by 100 microM picrotoxin or bicuculline. Many AL neurons respond to application of GABA with a strong hyperpolarization and an inhibition of spontaneous spiking activity. GABA responses are associated with an increase in neuronal input conductance and a reversal potential below the resting potential. Application of GABA blocks inhibitory synaptic inputs and reduces or blocks excitatory inputs. EPSPs can be protected from depression by application of GABA. Muscimol, a GABA analog that mimics GABA responses at GABAA receptors but not at GABAB receptors in the vertebrate CNS, inhibits many AL neurons in the moth.  相似文献   

Responses in the frog glossopharyngeal nerve induced by electrical stimulation of the tongue were compared with those induced by chemical stimuli under various conditions. (a) Anodal stimulation induced much larger responses than cathodal stimulation, and anodal stimulation of the tongue adapted to 5 mM MgCl2 produced much larger responses than stimulation with the tongue adapted to 10 mM NaCl at equal current intensities, as chemical stimulation with MgCl2 produced much larger responses than stimulation with NaCl at equal concentration. (b) The enhansive and suppressive effects of 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate, NiCl2, and uranyl acetate on the responses to anodal current were similar to those on the responses to chemical stimulation. (c) Anodal stimulation of the tongue adapted to 50 mM CaCl2 resulted in a large response, whereas application of 1 M CaCl2 to the tongue adapted to 50 mM CaCl2 produced only a small response. This, together with theoretical considerations, suggested that the accumulation of salts on the tongue surface is not the cause of the generation of the response to anodal current. (d) Cathodal current suppressed the responses induced by 1 mM CaCl2, 0.3 M ethanol, and distilled water. (e) The addition of EGTA or Ca-channel blockers (CdCl2 and verapamil) to the perfusing solution of the lingual artery reversibly suppressed both the responses to chemical stimulus (NaCl) and to anodal current with 10 mM NaCl. (f) We assume from the results obtained that electrical current from the microvillus membrane of a taste cell to the synaptic area supplied by anodal stimulation or induced by chemical stimulation activates the voltage-dependent Ca channel at the synaptic area.  相似文献   

GABA参与兔杏仁体抑制内膝体神经元电活动   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Yang L  Dong XW  Feng MZ  Wu QY  Zhou SC 《生理学报》1998,50(3):257-262
本文采用多管微电极胞外记录技术观察了短纯音引起兔内膝神经元的声反应及刺激杏仁体对声反应的影响,并在此基础上观察电泳GABA及其拮抗剂Bicuculline的效应。实验结果表明:GABA可以抑制MGB神经元的声反应及自发放电活动,而GABAA拮抗剂Bicuculline的作用则相反;电泳GABA对MGB神经元产生同刺激杏仁体一样的抑制产应,并且这种影响可被Bicuculline翻转;嗅鼻沟后缘听区农  相似文献   

Lei Q  Yan JQ  Shi JH  Yang XJ  Chen K 《生理学报》2007,59(3):260-266
本研究以轻度麻醉的大鼠为对象,应用细胞外微电极记录技术,观察并分析了脑桥臂旁核抑制性味觉神经元的自发活动及其对NaCl、HCl、盐酸奎宁(quinine HCl,QHCl))和蔗糖等四种基本味觉刺激的反应。共分析了18个具有自发活动的抑制性味觉神经元,自发放电频率分布在0.2~5.5Hz之间,平均放电频率(2.15±0.31)Hz。18个神经元中,1个神经元对单一味觉刺激呈抑制性反应,其余17个神经元对两种或两种以上的基本味觉刺激发生抑制性反应,且抑制具有潜伏期短、持续时间较长等特征。抑制持续时间5~80S,部分神经元表现为后抑制效应。根据神经元对四种基本味觉刺激呈抑制性反应的程度,将其分为NaCl优势神经元(n=8),HCl优势神经元(n=3),QHCl优势神经元n=3)和蔗糖优势神经元n=4)。其中NaCl优势神经元的反应谐宽最高(0.945)。这些神经元对欣快或厌恶刺激的区别能力较低。结果提示,在脑桥臂旁核存在对味觉刺激起抑制性反应的神经元,这些味觉神经元可能在味觉的调制及对欣快和厌恶刺激的编码中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

The autonomic nervous system affects the gustatory responses in animals. Frog glossopharyngeal nerve (GPN) contains the parasympathetic nerve. We checked the effects of electrical stimulation (ES) of the parasympathetic nerves on the gustatory neural responses. The gustatory neural impulses of the GPNs were recorded using bipolar AgCl wires under normal blood circulation and integrated with a time constant of 1 s. Electrical stimuli were applied to the proximal side of the GPN with a pair of AgCl wires. The parasympathetic nerves of the GPN were strongly stimulated for 10 s with 6 V at 30 Hz before taste stimulation. The integrated neural responses to 0.5 M NaCl, 2.5 mM CaCl2, water, and 1 M sucrose were enhanced to 130–140% of the controls. On the other hand, the responses for 1 mM Q-HCl and 0.3 mM acetic acid were not changed by the preceding applied ES. After hexamethonium (a blocker of nicotinic ACh receptor) was intravenously injected, ES of the parasympathetic nerve did not modulate the responses for all six taste stimuli. The mechanism for enhancement of the gustatory neural responses is discussed.  相似文献   

Taste-evoked neural responses in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) are subject to both excitatory and inhibitory modulation by physiological conditions that influence ingestion. Treatments that induce sodium appetite predominantly reduce NST gustatory responsiveness to sapid stimuli. When sodium appetite is aroused with 10 mg of the diuretic furosemide (Furo), however, NST gustatory neurons exhibit an enhanced responsiveness to NaCl. In addition to inducing a sodium appetite, 10 mg Furo supports a conditioned taste aversion (CTA). A lower, 2-mg dose of Furo induces an equivalent sodium appetite, but not a CTA. To determine whether the anomalous electrophysiological results reflected the adverse effects of the 10-mg dose, we replicated the original experiment but instead used 2 mg of Furo. In chronically prepared, lightly anesthetized rats, the responses of 49 single NST neurons to 12 taste stimuli were recorded after subcutaneous injections of either 2 mg Furo or saline. There was no effect of treatment on NST neural responses to the four standard taste stimuli. In the NaCl concentration series, however, 2 mg Furo evoked significantly higher responses to the two highest concentrations of NaCl. There was no effect of treatment in the sucrose concentration series. Thus, unlike other methods that induce a sodium appetite, Furo increases NST neural responsiveness to NaCl. At least as far as the first central relay, sodium appetite apparently does not depend on specific changes in the sensory neural code for taste.  相似文献   

1. The effect of arginine vasopressin (AVP) on frog gustatory responses was investigated by recording integrated responses of the whole glossopharyngeal nerve by stimulation of the tongue with tastants. 2. After AVP (100 mUnits/ml) was perfused to the basolateral side of taste cells through the lingual artery, gustatory neural responses for NaCl and hydrochloric acid (HCl) stimuli were greatly enhanced, but the responses for CaCl2, quinine hydrochloride (Q-HCl) and galactose were not affected. 3. Three hours after the onset of AVP perfusion, the responses for NaCl and HCl increased to 260% and 270% of the respective controls. 4. The NaCl response which was insensitive to amiloride during normal saline perfusion became sensitive to amiloride during AVP perfusion. 5. When membrane-permeable 8-bromo-cyclic AMP (8-Br-cAMP, 0.1 mM) was perfused to the basolateral side of taste cells, the responses for NaCl and HCl decreased to 41 and 63% of the respective controls. 6. These results suggest that AVP may regulate the gustatory responses for monovalent salts and acids by a mechanism which is not necessary to activate adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

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