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Ueda T  Naoi H  Arai R 《Genetica》2001,111(1-3):423-432
In bitterlings (Acheilognathinae) C- and Ag-banding karyotypes of 6 species-subspecies collected in China and South Korea were analyzed. The chromosomal constitution of 2n=46 (4SM+42ST) in Rhodeus atremius fangi was quite different from that of 2n=48 (8M+20SM+20ST) in other species-subspecies in Rhodeus. It was concluded from the analysis of banded chromosomes that the increase in number of ST during the karyotype change from 2n=48 to 2n=46 was achieved by a series of pericentric inversions from 24 M-SM to 24 ST, and the decrease in the diploid number was caused by an additional tandem fusion of 4 ST chromosomes, forming a new ST pair in the 2n=46 karyotype. The karyotype of Tanakia koreensis, T. signifer, and Acheilognathus macropterus is 2n=48 (8M+20SM+20ST), 2n=48 (8M+20SM+14–16ST+4–6 A), 2n=44 (14M+16SM+14ST), respectively. In R. ocellatus ocellatus, T. koreensis, T. signifer and A. macropterus, karyotype changes from 2n=48 to 2n=44 due to centric fusion and inversion have also been estimated. It was suggested that C-banding heterochromatin was greatly concerned with the karyotype evolution in bitterlings.  相似文献   

Salvadori S  Coluccia E  Cannas R  Cau A  Deiana AM 《Genetica》2003,119(3):253-258
Early and late replication bandings have been obtained by in vitro BrdU incorporation in the Mediterranean Muraenidae species Muraena helena and Gymnothorax unicolor, and used to characterize their karyotypes. A comparative analysis of the banding patterns allowed to point out high karyotype similarity as well as chromosome rearrangements that occurred in karyotype evolution between these species.  相似文献   

Over‐winter survival of salmonids in streams is thought to be an important population regulation mechanism. Yet because of the difficulty of conducting field studies due to adverse weather or ice conditions, compared to other seasons, salmonid ecology during winter is least understood. Consequently, we sought to examine interspecific feeding associations of an important salmonid stream assemblage in the Lake Ontario watershed during winter. The diets of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr, brown trout (S. trutta) parr, and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) parr were significantly different in February but not in March. Salmonid diets differed from the benthos and the drift during both months. Dipterans (chironomids, simuliids, and tipulids) and ephemerellids were the major prey taxa consumed. All three species fed more heavily on prey items from the benthos than from the drift. The diet of Atlantic salmon had the highest similarity to the benthos whereas the diet of brown trout had the lowest similarity to the drift. All three salmonid species generally selected ephemerellids, limnephilids, and chironomids and avoided elmids. These winter feeding observations are the first reported for this specific salmonid assemblage and will help managers better understand interspecific associations during this critical period.  相似文献   

The major histone cluster (hisDNA) was mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to mitotic chromosomes of Atlantic salmon, brown trout, and rainbow trout. The data reveal that in the three species hisDNA is tandemly repeated in a single locus. Southern blots of genomic DNA indicate that these clusters are representative of the vast majority of the histone genes in these species. Similar reiteration values were found among the three species. Genetic variability in the hisDNA was found only in brown trout for an EcoRI site.  相似文献   

Males are the heterogametic sex in salmonid fishes. In brown trout (Salmo trutta) the sex-determining locus, SEX, has been mapped to the end of linkage group BT-28, which corresponds to linkage group AS-8 and chromosome SSA15 in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). We set out to identify the sex chromosomes in brown trout. We isolated Atlantic salmon BAC clones containing microsatellite markers that are on BT-28 and also on AS-8, and used these BACs as probes for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. SEX is located on the short arm of a small subtelocentric/acrocentric chromosome in brown trout, which is consistent with linkage analysis. The acrocentric chromosome SSA15 in Atlantic salmon appears to have arisen by a centric fusion of 2 small acrocentric chromosomes in the common ancestor of Salmo sp. We speculate that the fusion process that produced Atlantic salmon chromosome SSA15 disrupted the ancestral sex-determining locus in the Atlantic salmon lineage, providing the impetus either for the relocation of SEX or selection pressure for a novel sex-determining gene to arise in this species. Thus, the sex-determining genes may differ in Atlantic salmon and brown trout.  相似文献   

In this work, we have analysed the karyotypes of six species of Timarcha for the first time and updated the cytological information for two additional taxa, for one of them confirming previous results ( Timarcha erosa vermiculata ), but not for the other ( T. scabripennis ). We describe the remarkable karyotype of T. aurichalcea , the lowest chromosome number in the genus (2 n  = 18), distinctive as well for the presence of an unusual chiasmatic sexual bivalent hitherto unreported for Timarcha . This study increases the number of species studied cytologically in this genus to forty. Additional cytogenetic analyses are performed on several species, including Ag-NOR staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) studies with ribosomal DNA probes. Karyotype evolution is analysed by tracing different karyotype coding strategies on a published independent phylogenetic hypothesis for Timarcha based on the study of three genetic markers. The implementation of a likelihood model of character change optimized onto the phylogeny is tentatively used to detect possible drifts in chromosome changes. These analyses show that karyotype is conservative in the evolution of the genus and that there is an apparent trend to reducing chromosome number. Cytological and phylogenetic data are used to explain the evolutionary origin of the karyotype of T. aurichalcea by two centric fusions involving one pair of acrocentric autosomes and the sexual chromosomes.  相似文献   

1. Reproduction between Atlantic salmon males and interspecific hybrid Salmo salar × Salmo trutta females was monitored in a controlled flow channel diverted from a south European river located at the edge of Atlantic salmon natural geographic distribution in Europe. 2. Post‐F1 hybrids were viable and survived in the wild, at least until dispersal from redds. After transfer to hatchery conditions, 67% survived into the second year. 3. The hybrids possessed 98 chromosomes: two sets of Atlantic salmon(2n = 58) and one set of brown trout (n = 40) chromosomes. 4. The existence of a low proportion of allotriploid individuals can be expected in rivers where Atlantic salmon and brown trout populations coexist.  相似文献   

Nucella lapillus appears to be unique within the Muricidae, and indeed the Mollusca, in exhibiting a Robertsonian chromosomal polymorphism. The recorded diploid values range from 2 n  = 26 to 2 n  = 36, putatively brought about by fusion of smaller chromosomes to form five pairs of large metacentrics in the 2 n  = 26 form. In this study, the karyotypes of the numerically extreme forms (2 n  = 26 and 2 n  = 36) have been illustrated and described in detail, and a new scheme of nomenclature is proposed for the chromosomal rearrangements observed in N. lapillus . Chromosome numbers and karyotypes were recorded and analysed from 70 sites throughout its wide geographical range, mainly from around the UK coasts but also from sites in Norway, France, Spain, Portugal and the USA, showing remarkable variation in both diploid number and karyotypic configuration. The results provide new evidence that seven chromosomes in the 2 n  = 26 form can be involved in the Robertsonian rearrangements, but the maximum recorded diploid number remains 2 n  = 36. Inversions were confirmed in three chromosomes and one population was found to exhibit aneuploidy. Possible explanations for the geographical trends in karyotypic variation are discussed, but despite the advances in the karyology of N. lapillus , a simple solution to this enigmatic phenomenon remains elusive.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 195–210.  相似文献   

Prey intake by Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta was measured across different riparian vegetation types: grassland, open canopy deciduous and closed canopy deciduous, in upland streams in County Mayo, Western Ireland. Fishes were collected by electrofishing while invertebrates were sampled from the benthos using a Surber sampler and drifting invertebrates collected in drift traps. Aquatic invertebrates dominated prey numbers in the diets of 0+ year Atlantic salmon and brown trout and 1+ year Atlantic salmon, whereas terrestrial invertebrates were of greater importance for diets of 1+ and 2+ year brown trout. Terrestrial prey biomass was generally greater than aquatic prey for 1+ and 2+ year brown trout across seasons and riparian types. Prey intake was greatest in spring and summer and least in autumn apart from 2+ year brown trout that sustained feeding into autumn. Total prey numbers captured tended to be greater for all age classes in streams with deciduous riparian canopy. Atlantic salmon consumed more aquatic prey and brown trout more terrestrial prey with an ontogenetic increase in prey species richness and diversity. Atlantic salmon and brown trout diets were most similar in summer. Terrestrial invertebrates provided an important energy subsidy particularly for brown trout. In grassland streams, each fish age class was strongly associated with aquatic, mainly benthic invertebrates. In streams with deciduous riparian canopy cover, diet composition partitioned between conspecifics with older brown trout associated with surface drifting terrestrial invertebrates and older Atlantic salmon associated with aquatic invertebrates with a high drift propensity in the water column and 0+ year fish feeding on benthic aquatic invertebrates. Deciduous riparian canopy cover may therefore facilitate vertical partitioning of feeding position within the water column between sympatric Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Implications for riparian management are discussed.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar to Myxobolus cerebralis, the causative agent of whirling disease, was compared in controlled laboratory exposures. A total of 450 (225 for each dose) fry for each species were exposed to a low (200 spores per fish) or high (2000 spores per fish) dose of the infective triactinomyxon. At 22 wk post-exposure, 60 fish from each group, as well as controls for each species, were examined for clinical signs (whirling behavior, blacktail, deformed heads and skeletal deformities), microscopic lesions, and presence of spores. Rainbow trout were highly susceptible to infection, with 100% being positive for spores and with microscopic pathological changes in both exposure groups. Rainbow trout were the only species to show whirling behavior and blacktail. Atlantic salmon were less susceptible, with only 44 and 61% being positive for spores, respectively, in the low and high dose groups, while 68 and 75%, respectively, had microscopic pathology associated with cartilage damage. Rainbow trout heads contained mean spore concentrations of 2.2 (low dose) or 4.0 (high dose) x 10(6) spores g tissue(-1). The means for positive Atlantic salmon (not including zero values) were 1.7 (low) and 7.4 (high) x 10(4) spores g tissue(-1). Lake trout showed no clinical signs of infection, were negative for spores in both groups and showed no histopathological signs of M. cerebralis infection.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are a class of genetic markers that are well suited to a broad range of research and management applications. Although advances in genotyping chemistries and analysis methods continue to increase the potential advantages of using SNPs to address molecular ecological questions, the scarcity of available DNA sequence data for most species has limited marker development. As the number and diversity of species being targeted for large-scale sequencing has increased, so has the potential for using sequence from sister taxa for marker development in species of interest. We evaluated the use of Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo salar sequence data to identify SNPs in three other species (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Oncorhynchus nerka and Oncorhynchus keta). Primers designed based on O. mykiss and S. salar alignments were more successful than primers designed based on Oncorhynchus-only alignments for sequencing target species, presumably due to the much larger number of potential targets available from the former alignments and possibly greater sequence conservation in those targets. In sequencing approximately 89 kb we observed a frequency of 4.30 x 10(-3) SNPs per base pair. Approximately half (53/101) of the subsequently designed validation assays resulted in high-throughput SNP genotyping markers. We speculate that this relatively low conversion rate may reflect the duplicated nature of the salmon genome. Our results suggest that a large number of SNPs could be developed for Pacific salmon using sequence data from other species. While the costs of DNA sequencing are still significant, these must be compared to the costs of using other marker classes for a given application.  相似文献   

Tandem arrays of TTAGG repeats show a highly conserved location at the telomeres across the phylogenetic tree of arthropods. In giant water bugs Belostoma, the chromosome number changed during speciation by fragmentation of the single ancestral X chromosome, resulting in a multiple sex chromosome system. Several autosome–autosome fusions and a fusion between the sex chromosome pair and an autosome pair resulted in the reduced number in several species. We mapped the distribution of telomeric sequences and interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs) in Belostoma candidulum (2n = 12 + XY/XX; male/female), B. dentatum (2n = 26 + X1X2Y/X1X1X2X2), B. elegans (2n = 26 + X1X2Y/X1X1X2X2), B. elongatum (2n = 26 + X1X2Y/X1X1X2X2), B. micantulum (2n = 14 + XY/XX), and B. oxyurum (2n = 6 + XY/XX) by FISH with the (TTAGG)n probes. Hybridization signals confirmed the presence of TTAGG repeats in the telomeres of all species examined. The three species with reduced chromosome numbers showed additional hybridization signals in interstitial positions, indicating the occurrence of ITS. From the comparison of all species here analyzed, we observed inverse relationships between chromosome number and chromosome size, and between presence/absence of ITS and chromosome number. The ITS distribution between these closely related species supports the hypothesis that several telomere–telomere fusions of the chromosomes from an ancestral diploid chromosome number 2n = 26 + XY/XX played a major role in the karyotype evolution of Belostoma. Consequently, our study provide valuable features that can be used to understand the karyotype evolution, may contribute to a better understanding of taxonomic relationships, and also elucidate the high plasticity of nuclear genomes at the chromosomal level during the speciation processes.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA contents (4C) were estimated by Feulgen microdensitometry in 27 species of slipper orchids. These data and recent information concerning the molecular systematics of Cypripedioideae allow an interesting re-evaluation of karyotype and genome size variation among slipper orchids in a phylogenetic context. DNA amounts differed 5.7-fold, from 24.4 pg in Phragmipedium longifolium to 138.1 pg in Paphiopedilum wardii. The most derived clades of the conduplicate-leaved slipper orchids have undergone a radical process of genome fragmentation that is most parsimoniously explained by Robertsonian changes involving centric fission. This process seems to have occurred independently of genome size variation. However, it may reflect environmental or selective pressures favoring higher numbers of linkage groups in the karyotype.  相似文献   

Hypervariable minisatellite DNA single-locus profiling and mitochondrial DNA analysis revealed that 18.48% of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in Troutbeck, a stream in the R. Leven catchment of the English Lake District, were hybrids between Atlantic salmon and brown trout S. trutta , and that hybridization was bidirectional.  相似文献   

The body composition of protein and fat in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta before and after winter was investigated in a temperate, small river, normally ice covered from the middle of November until the end of March. Fat, protein and specific energy declined greatly in winter but were replenished rapidly in spring. Rates of decline were slower for the smallest fish, which also had the lowest specific content of fat, protein, and energy, while the differences in absolute amounts were greatest for the largest fish. The mean specific fat content was reduced by 45–70% during winter, relative to the pre-winter period (September). Mean daily reductions in specific enegy of the larger size groups of brown trout (3·7 × 10−3 kJ g−1 day−1) were almost half of the corresponding values for the largest Atlantic salmon (6·3 × 10−3 kJ g−1 day−1) during winter. A minor reduction in protein content was found during winter, with mean reductions of 6–10% in comparison to those in September. During spring the fat content was replenished rapidly, particularly for the smallest salmon fry (a threefold increase from April to June). Fat content in the larger salmon and trout increased by about 1·8 times. Based on estimated metabolic rates, digested energy during wintertime may contribute about two-thirds of the brown trout fry's energy demand. For Atlantic salmon, the corresponding value is about 50%. The winter period put considerable stress on the young salmonids living in lotic environments, in particular for the smallest fry with the lowest energy content before winter and the largest losses during winter. This should make the fry more vulnerable to adverse abiotic and biotic factors.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The sizes of home ranges of juvenile Atlantic salmon (age 1 +) and brown trout (age 2+ to 9+) in a Norwegian coastal stream were estimated by local movements of batch-marked fish from 12.5 and 25 m long sections. Only recoveries made in the release section and in up-and downstream neighbouring sections were considered.
2. There was no significant difference in the average percentage of recaptures of salmon and trout between 12.5 and 25 m sections; a stream area of about 40–50 m2 defines the size of home range for stocks of both species.
3. The fraction of brown trout recaptured in release sections increased with increasing fish densities, indicating a smaller home range under these conditions.  相似文献   

Samples of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar 0+ year parr and brown trout Salmo trutta 1+ year juveniles, and 2+ and 3+ year sub‐adults were obtained from nine sites of the Nivelle River, France, located at the southern edge of the species distribution area. Fatty acid composition of the different samples were analysed. Within the same river basin, the fatty acid profiles appeared to vary among samples from different locations. Based on cluster analysis, fatty acid signatures of both species appeared to discriminate samples from different locations.  相似文献   

Movements of resident brown trout (age 2+ to 9+ years) and young Atlantic salmon (age 1+), stocked as fry, were studied in July, August and September in a coastal stream in northern Norway. Between 85 and 89% of the brown trout were recaptured in the study area (346m, 1326m2) within 45m of their release point throughout the investigation period. Most specimens had moved less than 150m. Trout movements were related to local variation in density. Trout occupying those sections of stream with the lowest fish densities (5.3–10.9 fish 100m?2) had a significantly lower movement rate than fish from sections with densities between 13.7 and 31.5 fish 100m?2. Trout that moved from their marking section were significantly larger than specimens that did not leave their original site. There was a significant correlation between permanence of station each month and the mean water level that month. The majority of the trout (47%) were caught at undercut stream banks or at sites in the proximity of these. A decrease in water level during the study period resulted in a high loss (36%) of such habitat, probably forcing some individuals to move. The recapture data indicate that the trout population consists of one small (c. 15–20%) mobile, and one large sedentary component. Young salmon displayed high station permanence in July and August (93% and 96%). However, in the autumn they exhibited a significant downstream movement, and only 73% were recaptured within their release section. This movement was significantly higher for larger specimens, and is thought to occur because of a pre-winter change in habitat, initiated by a decline in stream temperature. In contrast to trout, salmon in sections containing the lowest densities (22.0–25.0 fish 100m?2) did not show significantly lower movement rates when compared with salmon at higher densities (32.2–46.3 and 51.8–60.6 fish 100m?2). The spatial distribution of young salmon indicated the formation of territorial mosaics over the stream bed, which are thought to reduce intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

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