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Proteins are dynamic molecules and often undergo conformational change upon ligand binding. It is widely accepted that flexible loop regions have a critical functional role in enzymes. Lack of consideration of binding site flexibility has led to failures in predicting protein functions and in successfully docking ligands with protein receptors. Here we address the question: which sequence and structural features distinguish the structurally flexible and rigid binding sites? We analyze high-resolution crystal structures of ligand bound (holo) and free (apo) forms of 41 proteins where no conformational change takes place upon ligand binding, 35 examples with moderate conformational change, and 22 cases where a large conformational change has been observed. We find that the number of residue-residue contacts observed per-residue (contact density) does not distinguish flexible and rigid binding sites, suggesting a role for specific interactions and amino acids in modulating the conformational changes. Examination of hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions reveals that cases that do not undergo conformational change have high polar interactions constituting the binding pockets. Intriguingly, the large, aromatic amino acid tryptophan has a high propensity to occur at the binding sites of examples where a large conformational change has been noted. Further, in large conformational change examples, hydrophobic-hydrophobic, aromatic-aromatic, and hydrophobic-polar residue pair interactions are dominant. Further analysis of the Ramachandran dihedral angles (phi, psi) reveals that the residues adopting disallowed conformations are found in both rigid and flexible cases. More importantly, the binding site residues adopting disallowed conformations clustered narrowly into two specific regions of the L-Ala Ramachandran map. Examination of the dihedral angles changes upon ligand binding shows that the magnitude of phi, psi changes are in general minimal, although some large changes particularly between right-handed alpha-helical and extended conformations are seen. Our work further provides an account of conformational changes in the dihedral angles space. The findings reported here are expected to assist in providing a framework for predicting protein-ligand complexes and for template-based prediction of protein function.  相似文献   

We selected 49 icosahedral virus capsids whose crystal structures are reported in the Protein Data Bank. They belong to the T=1, T=3, pseudo T=3 and other lattice types. We identified in them 779 unique interfaces between pairs of subunits, all repeated by icosahedral symmetry. We analyzed the geometric and physical chemical properties of these interfaces and compared with interfaces in protein-protein complexes and homodimeric proteins, and with crystal packing contacts. The capsids contain one to 16 subunits implicated in three to 66 unique interfaces. Each subunit loses 40-60% of its accessible surface in contacts with an average of 8.5 neighbors. Many of the interfaces are very large with a buried surface area (BSA) that can exceed 10,000 A(2), yet 39% are small with a BSA<800 A(2) comparable to crystal packing contacts. Pairwise capsid interfaces overlap, so that one-third of the residues are part of more than one interface. Those with a BSA>800 A(2) resemble homodimer interfaces in their chemical composition. Relative to the protein surface, they are non-polar, enriched in aliphatic residues and depleted of charged residues, but not of neutral polar residues. They contain one H-bond per about 200 A(2) BSA. Small capsid interfaces (BSA<800 A(2)) are only slightly more polar. They have a similar amino acid composition, but they bury fewer atoms and contain fewer H-bonds for their size. Geometric parameters that estimate the quality of the atomic packing suggest that the small capsid interfaces are loosely packed like crystal packing contacts, whereas the larger interfaces are close-packed as in protein-protein complexes and homodimers. We discuss implications of these findings on the mechanism of capsid assembly, assuming that the larger interfaces form first to yield stable oligomeric species (capsomeres), and that medium-size interfaces allow the stepwise addition of capsomeres to build larger intermediates.  相似文献   

The S100 family, with about 20 members in humans, is composed of EF-hand calcium-regulated proteins and is linked to a range of serious human diseases, including cancer and autoimmune and neurological disorders. The oldest S100 family members are found in teleosts (bony fish). The zebrafish, Danio rerio, was suggested as a promising model system for in vivo studies on S100 family functions, and we chose to investigate zebrafish S100Z as the closest homologue of the metastasis-promoting human S100A4. Here, we report the first crystal structure of an S100 protein from this organism, the calcium-bound state of S100Z to 2.03 Å resolution. Crystal packing suggests higher-order oligomerisation of S100Z dimers, with a tetramerisation interface very similar to, but even more extensive than, that reported for S100A4. The interactions are primarily through the C-terminal αIV helices from adjacent dimers in an antiparallel orientation. Structural comparisons between known S100 multimeric assemblies together with analysis of calcium-driven changes to the dimerisation cores suggest a mechanism for calcium-promoted oligomerisation of S100 proteins.  相似文献   

Cellular functions of an organism are maintained by protein-protein interactions. Those proteins that bind multiple partners asynchronously (date hub proteins) are important to make the interaction network coordinated. It is known that many date hub proteins bind different partners at overlapping (OV) interfaces. To understand how OV interfaces of date hub proteins can recognize multiple partners, we analyzed the difference between OV and non-overlapping (Non-OV) regions of interfaces involved in the binding of different partners. By using the structures of 16 date hub proteins with various interaction partners (ranging from 5 to 33), we compared buried surface area, compositions of amino acid residues and secondary structures, and side-chain orientations. It was found that buried interface residues are important for recognizing multiple partners, while exposed interface residues are important for determining specificity to a particular ligand. In addition, our analyses reveal that residue compositions in OV and Non-OV regions are different and that residues in OV region show diverse side-chain torsion angles to accommodate binding to multiple targets.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the cdk5/p25 complex has provided information on possible molecular mechanisms of the ligand binding, specificity, and regulation of the kinase. Comparative molecular dynamics simulations are reported here for physiological conditions. This study provides new insight on the mechanisms that modulate such processes, which may be exploited to control pathological activation by p25. The structural changes observed in the kinase are stabilized by a network of interactions involving highly conserved residues within the cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) family. Collective motions of the proteins (cdk5, p25, and CIP) and their complexes are identified by principal component analysis, revealing two conformational states of the activation loop upon p25 complexation, which are absent in the uncomplexed kinase and not apparent from the crystal. Simulations of the uncomplexed inhibitor CIP show structural rearrangements and increased flexibility of the interfacial loop containing the critical residue E240, which becomes fully hydrated and available for interactions with one of several positively charged residues in the kinase. These changes provide a rationale for the observed high affinity and enhanced inhibitory action of CIP when compared to either p25 or the physiological activators of cdk5.  相似文献   

Native states of proteins are flexible, populating more than just the unique native conformation. The energetics and dynamics resulting from this conformational ensemble are inherently linked to protein function and regulation. Proteolytic susceptibility is one feature determined by this conformational energy landscape. As an attempt to investigate energetics of proteins on a proteomic scale, we challenged the Escherichia coli proteome with extensive proteolysis and determined which proteins, if any, have optimized their energy landscape for resistance to proteolysis. To our surprise, multiple soluble proteins survived the challenge. Maltose binding protein, a survivor from thermolysin digestion, was characterized by in vitro biophysical studies to identify the physical origin of proteolytic resistance. This experimental characterization shows that kinetic stability is responsible for the unusual resistance in maltose binding protein. The biochemical functions of the identified survivors suggest that many of these proteins may have evolved extreme proteolytic resistance because of their critical roles under stressed conditions. Our results suggest that under functional selection proteins can evolve extreme proteolysis resistance by modulating their conformational energy landscapes without the need to invent new folds, and that proteins can be profiled on a proteomic scale according to their energetic properties by using proteolysis as a structural probe.  相似文献   

Analysis of proteins commonly requires the partition of their structure into regions such as the surface, interior, or interface. Despite the frequent use of such categorization, no consensus definition seems to exist. This study thus aims at providing a definition that is general, is simple to implement, and yields new biological insights. This analysis relies on 397, 196, and 701 protein structures from Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Homo sapiens, respectively, and the conclusions are consistent across all three species. A threshold of 25% relative accessible surface area best segregates amino acids at the interior and at the surface. This value is further used to extend the core-rim model of protein-protein interfaces and to introduce a third region called support. Interface core, rim, and support regions contain similar numbers of residues on average, but core residues contribute over two-thirds of the contact surface. The amino acid composition of each region remains similar across different organisms and interface types. The interface core composition is intermediate between the surface and the interior, but the compositions of the support and the rim are virtually identical with those of the interior and the surface, respectively. The support and rim could thus “preexist” in proteins, and evolving a new interaction could require mutations to form an interface core only. Using the interface regions defined, it is shown through simulations that only two substitutions are necessary to shift the average composition of a  1000-Å2 surface patch involving ∼ 28 residues to that of an equivalent interface. This analysis and conclusions will help understand the notion of promiscuity in protein-protein interaction networks.  相似文献   

Rath A  Deber CM 《FEBS letters》2007,581(7):1335-1341
Membrane proteins that regulate solute movement are often built from multiple copies of an identical polypeptide chain. These complexes represent striking examples of self-assembling systems that recruit monomers only until a prescribed level for function is reached. Here we report that three modes of assembly - distinguished by sequence and stoichiometry - describe all helical membrane protein complexes currently solved to high resolution. Using the 13 presently available non-redundant homo-oligomeric structures, we show that two of these types segregate with protein function: one produces energy-dependent transporters, while the other builds channels for passive diffusion. Given such limited routes to functional complexes, membrane proteins that self-assemble exist on the edge of aggregation, susceptible to mutations that may underlie human diseases.  相似文献   

Although being much smaller than the number of soluble proteins in the Protein Data Bank, the number of membrane proteins therein now approaches 700, and a statistical analysis becomes meaningful. Such an analysis showed that the conventional subdivision into monotopic, β-barrel and α-helical membrane proteins is appropriate but should be amended by a classification according to the detergent micelle structure in the crystal, which can be derived from the packing of the membrane-immersed parts of the proteins. The crystal packing density is specific for the three conventional types of membrane proteins and soluble proteins. It is also specific for three observed detergent arrangements that are micelle pockets, micelle filaments and micelle sheets, demonstrating that the detergent structure affects crystallization. The packing density distribution of crystals from integral membrane proteins has approximately the same shape as that of soluble proteins but is by a factor of two broader and shifted to lower density. It seems unlikely that the differences can be explained by a mere solvent expansion due to the required detergent. The crystallized membrane proteins were further analyzed with respect to protein mass, oligomerization and crystallographic asymmetric unit, space group, crystal ordering and symmetry. The results provide a new view on membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Isothermal titration calorimetry is able to provide accurate information on the thermodynamic contributions of enthalpy and entropy changes to free energies of binding. The Structure/Calorimetry of Reported Protein Interactions Online database of published isothermal titration calorimetry studies and structural information on the interactions between proteins and small-molecule ligands is used here to reveal general thermodynamic properties of protein-ligand interactions and to investigate correlations with changes in solvation. The overwhelming majority of interactions are found to be enthalpically favoured. Synthetic inhibitors and biological ligands form two distinct subpopulations in the data, with the former having greater average affinity due to more favourable entropy changes on binding. The greatest correlation is found between the binding free energy and apolar surface burial upon complex formation. However, the free-energy contribution per unit area buried is only 30-50% of that expected from earlier studies of transfer free energies of small molecules. A simple probability-based estimator for the maximal affinity of a binding site in terms of its apolar surface area is proposed. Polar surface area burial also contributes substantially to affinity but is difficult to express in terms of unit area due to the small variation in the amount of polar surface buried and a tendency for cancellation of its enthalpic and entropic contributions. Conventionally, the contribution of apolar desolvation to affinity is attributed to gain of entropy due to solvent release. Although data presented here are supportive of this notion, because the correlation of entropy change with apolar surface burial is relatively weak, it cannot, on present evidence, be confidently considered to be correct. Further, thermodynamic changes arising from small differences between ligands binding to individual proteins are relatively large and, in general, uncorrelated with changes in solvation, suggesting that trends identified across widely differing proteins are of limited use in explaining or predicting the effects of ligand modifications.  相似文献   

Phosphofructokinase-1 and -2 (Pfk-1 and Pfk-2, respectively) from Escherichia coli belong to different homologous superfamilies. However, in spite of the lack of a common ancestor, they share the ability to catalyze the same reaction and are inhibited by the substrate MgATP. Pfk-2, an ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase member of the ribokinase-like superfamily, is a homodimer of 66 kDa subunits whose oligomerization state is necessary for catalysis and stability. The presence of MgATP favors the tetrameric form of the enzyme. In this work, we describe the structure of Pfk-2 in its inhibited tetrameric form, with each subunit bound to two ATP molecules and two Mg ions. The present structure indicates that substrate inhibition occurs due to the sequential binding of two MgATP molecules per subunit, the first at the usual site occupied by the nucleotide in homologous enzymes and the second at the allosteric site, making a number of direct and Mg-mediated interactions with the first. Two configurations are observed for the second MgATP, one of which involves interactions with Tyr23 from the adjacent subunit in the dimer and the other making an unusual non-Watson-Crick base pairing with the adenine in the substrate ATP. The oligomeric state observed in the crystal is tetrameric, and some of the structural elements involved in the binding of the substrate and allosteric ATPs are also participating in the dimer-dimer interface. This structure also provides the grounds to compare analogous features of the nonhomologous phosphofructokinases from E. coli.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the interaction between the tumor suppressor protein p53 and its negative regulators MDM2 and MDMX is of great interest in cancer biology and drug design. We previously reported a potent duodecimal peptide inhibitor, termed PMI (TSFAEYWNLLSP), of the p53-MDM2 and -MDMX interactions. PMI competes with p53 for MDM2 and MDMX binding at an affinity roughly 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of 17-28p53 (ETFSDLWKLLPE) of the same length; both peptides adopt nearly identical α-helical conformations in the complexes, where the three highlighted hydrophobic residues Phe, Trp, and Leu dominate PMI or 17-28p53 binding to MDM2 and MDMX. To elucidate the molecular determinants for PMI activity and specificity, we performed a systematic Ala scanning mutational analysis of PMI and 17-28p53. The binding affinities for MDM2 and MDMX of a total of 35 peptides including 10 truncation analogs were quantified, affording a complete dissection of energetic contributions of individual residues of PMI and 17-28p53 to MDM2 and MDMX association. Importantly, the N8A mutation turned PMI into the most potent dual-specific antagonist of MDM2 and MDMX reported to date, registering respective Kd values of 490 pM and 2.4 nM. The co-crystal structure of N8A-PMI-25-109MDM2 was determined at 1.95 Å, affirming that high-affinity peptide binding to MDM2/MDMX necessitates, in addition to optimized intermolecular interactions, enhanced helix stability or propensity contributed by non-contact residues. The powerful empirical binding data and crystal structures present a unique opportunity for computational studies of peptide inhibition of the p53-MDM2/MDMX interactions.  相似文献   

We investigate the sequence and structural properties of RNA-protein interaction sites in 211 RNA-protein chain pairs, the largest set of RNA-protein complexes analyzed to date. Statistical analysis confirms and extends earlier analyses made on smaller data sets. There are 24.6% of hydrogen bonds between RNA and protein that are nucleobase specific, indicating the importance of both nucleobase-specific and -nonspecific interactions. While there is no significant difference between RNA base frequencies in protein-binding and non-binding regions, distinct preferences for RNA bases, RNA structural states, protein residues, and protein secondary structure emerge when nucleobase-specific and -nonspecific interactions are considered separately. Guanine nucleobase and unpaired RNA structural states are significantly preferred in nucleobase-specific interactions; however, nonspecific interactions disfavor guanine, while still favoring unpaired RNA structural states. The opposite preferences of nucleobase-specific and -nonspecific interactions for guanine may explain discrepancies between earlier studies with regard to base preferences in RNA-protein interaction regions. Preferences for amino acid residues differ significantly between nucleobase-specific and -nonspecific interactions, with nonspecific interactions showing the expected bias towards positively charged residues. Irregular protein structures are strongly favored in interactions with the protein backbone, whereas there is little preference for specific protein secondary structure in either nucleobase-specific interaction or -nonspecific interaction. Overall, this study shows strong preferences for both RNA bases and RNA structural states in protein-RNA interactions, indicating their mutual importance in protein recognition.  相似文献   

A novel LAGLIDADG-type homing endonuclease (HEase), I-Tsp061I, from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermoproteus sp. IC-061 16 S rRNA gene (rDNA) intron was characterized with respect to its structure, catalytic properties and thermostability. It was found that I-Tsp061I is a HEase isoschizomer of the previously described I-PogI and exhibits the highest thermostability among the known LAGLIDADG-type HEases. Determination of the crystal structure of I-Tsp061I at 2.1 A resolution using the multiple isomorphous replacement and anomalous scattering method revealed that the overall fold is similar to that of other known LAGLIDADG-type HEases, despite little sequence similarity between I-Tsp061I and those HEases. However, I-Tsp061I contains important cross-domain polar networks, unlike its mesophilic counterparts. Notably, the polar network Tyr6-Asp104-His180-107O-HOH12-104O-Asn177 exists across the two packed alpha-helices containing both the LAGLIDADG catalytic motif and the GxxxG hydrophobic helix bundle motif. Another important structural feature is the salt-bridge network Asp29-Arg31-Glu182 across N and C-terminal domain interface, which appears to contribute to the stability of the domain/domain packing. On the basis of these structural analyses and extensive mutational studies, we conclude that such cross-domain polar networks play key roles in stabilizing the catalytic center and domain packing, and underlie the hyperthermostability of I-Tsp061I.  相似文献   

The superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes are important antioxidant agents that protect cells from reactive oxygen species. The SOD family is responsible for catalyzing the disproportionation of superoxide radical to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. Manganese- and iron-containing SOD exhibit product inhibition whereas Cu/ZnSOD does not. Here, we report the crystal structure of Escherichia coli MnSOD with hydrogen peroxide cryotrapped in the active site. Crystallographic refinement to 1.55 Å and close inspection revealed electron density for hydrogen peroxide in three of the four active sites in the asymmetric unit. The hydrogen peroxide molecules are in the position opposite His26 that is normally assumed by water in the trigonal bipyramidal resting state of the enzyme. Hydrogen peroxide is present in active sites B, C, and D and is side-on coordinated to the active-site manganese. In chains B and D, the peroxide is oriented in the plane formed by manganese and ligands Asp167 and His26. In chain C, the peroxide is bound, making a 70° angle to the plane. Comparison of the peroxide-bound active site with the hydroxide-bound octahedral form shows a shifting of residue Tyr34 towards the active site when peroxide is bound. Comparison with peroxide-soaked Cu/ZnSOD indicates end-on binding of peroxide when the SOD does not exhibit inhibition by peroxide and side-on binding of peroxide in the product-inhibited state of MnSOD.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis can synthesize the compatible solute glycine betaine as an osmoprotectant from an exogenous supply of the precursor choline. Import of choline is mediated by two osmotically inducible ABC transport systems: OpuB and OpuC. OpuC catalyzes the import of various osmoprotectants, whereas OpuB is highly specific for choline. OpuBC is the substrate-binding protein of the OpuB transporter, and we have analyzed the affinity of the OpuBC/choline complex by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and determined a Kd value of about 30 μM. The X-ray crystal structure of the OpuBC/choline complex was solved at a resolution of 1.6 Å and revealed a fold typical of class II substrate-binding proteins. The positively charged trimethylammonium head group of choline is wedged into an aromatic cage formed by four tyrosine residues and is bound via cation-pi interactions. The hydroxyl group of choline protrudes out of this aromatic cage and makes a single interaction with residue Gln19. The substitution of this residue by Ala decreases choline binding affinity by approximately 15-fold. A water network stabilizes choline within its substrate-binding site and promotes indirect interactions between the two lobes of the OpuBC protein. Disruption of this intricate water network by site-directed mutagenesis of selected residues in OpuBC either strongly reduces choline binding affinity (between 18-fold and 25-fold) or abrogates ligand binding. The crystal structure of the OpuBC/choline complex provides a rational for the observed choline specificity of the OpuB ABC importer in vivo and explains its inability to catalyze the import of glycine betaine into osmotically stressed B. subtilis cells.  相似文献   

The recently reported crystal structures of the membrane-embedded proton-dependent c-ring rotors of a cyanobacterial F1Fo ATP synthase and a chloroplast F1Fo ATP synthase have provided new insights into the mechanism of this essential enzyme. While the overall features of these c-rings are similar, a discrepancy in the structure and hydrogen-bonding interaction network of the H+ sites suggests two distinct binding modes, potentially reflecting a mechanistic differentiation. Importantly, the conformation of the key glutamate side chain to which the proton binds is also altered. To investigate the nature of these differences, we use molecular dynamics simulations of both c-rings embedded in a phospholipid membrane. We observe that the structure of the c15 ring from Spirulina platensis is unequivocally stable within the simulation time. By contrast, the proposed structure of the H+ site in the chloroplast c14 ring changes rapidly and consistently into that reported for the c15 ring, indicating that the latter represents a common binding mode. To assess this hypothesis, we have remodeled the c14 ring by molecular replacement using the published structure factors. The resulting structure provides clear evidence in support of a common binding site conformation and is also considerably improved statistically. These findings, taken together with a sequence analysis of c-subunits in the ATP synthase family, indicate that the so-called proton-locked conformation observed in the c15 ring may be a common characteristic not only of light-driven systems such as chloroplasts and cyanobacteria but also of a selection of other bacterial species.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of a hook-capping protein FlgD from the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris (Xc) has been determined to a resolution of ca 2.5 Å using X-ray crystallography. The monomer of whole FlgD comprises 221 amino acids with a molecular mass of 22.7 kDa, but the flexible N-terminus is cleaved for up to 75 residues during crystallization. The final structure of the C-terminal domain reveals a novel hybrid comprising a tudor-like domain interdigitated with a fibronectin type III domain. The C-terminal domain of XcFlgD forms three types of dimers in the crystal. In agreement with this, analytical ultracentrifugation and gel filtration experiments reveal that they form a stable dimer in solution. From these results, we propose that the Xc flagellar hook cap protein FlgD comprises two individual domains, a flexible N-terminal domain that cannot be detected in the current study and a stable C-terminal domain that forms a stable dimer.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions are critical to most biological processes, and locating protein-protein interfaces on protein structures is an important task in molecular biology. We developed a new experimental strategy called the ‘absence of interference’ approach to determine surface residues involved in protein-protein interaction of established yeast two-hybrid pairs of interacting proteins. One of the proteins is subjected to high-level randomization by error-prone PCR. The resulting library is selected by yeast two-hybrid system for interacting clones that are isolated and sequenced. The interaction region can be identified by an absence or depletion of mutations. For data analysis and presentation, we developed a Web interface that analyzes the mutational spectrum and displays the mutational frequency on the surface of the structure (or a structural model) of the randomized protein†. Additionally, this interface might be of use for the display of mutational distributions determined by other types of random mutagenesis experiments. We applied the approach to map the interface of the catalytic domain of the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3a with its regulatory factor Dnmt3L. Dnmt3a was randomized with high mutational load. A total of 76 interacting clones were isolated and sequenced, and 648 mutations were identified. The mutational pattern allowed to identify a unique interaction region on the surface of Dnmt3a, which comprises about 500-600 Å2. The results were confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and structural analysis. The absence-of-interference approach will allow high-throughput mapping of protein interaction sites suitable for functional studies and protein docking.  相似文献   

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