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The solution structure, thermodynamic stability and hydrodynamic properties of the 55-residue C-terminal domain of UvrB that interacts with UvrC during excision repair in E. coli have been determined using a combination of high resolution NMR, ultracentrifugation, 15N NMR relaxation, gel permeation, NMR diffusion, circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetry. The subunit molecular weight is 7,438 kDa., compared with 14.5+/-1.0 kDa. determined by equilibrium sedimentation, indicating a dimeric structure. The structure determined from NMR showed a stable dimer of anti-parallel helical hairpins that associate in an unusual manner, with a small and hydrophobic interface. The Stokes radius of the protein decreases from a high plateau value (ca. 22 A) at protein concentrations greater than 4 microM to about 18 A at concentrations less than 0.1 microM. The concentration and temperature-dependence of the far UV circular dichroism show that the protein is thermally stable (Tm ca. 71.5 degrees C at 36 microM). The simplest model consistent with these data was a dimer dissociating into folded monomers that then unfolds co-operatively. The van't Hoff enthalpy and dissociation constant for both transition was derived by fitting, with deltaH1=23 kJ mol(-1). K1(298)=0.4 microM and deltaH2= 184 kJ mol(-1). This is in good agreement with direct calorimetric analysis of the thermal unfolding of the protein, which gave a calorimetric enthalpy change of 181 kJ mol(-1) and a van't Hoff enthalpy change of 354 kJ mol(-1), confirming the dimer to monomer unfolding. The thermodynamic data can be reconciled with the observed mode of dimerisation. 15N NMR relaxation measurements at 14.1 T and 11.75 T confirmed that the protein behaves as an asymmetric dimer at mM concentrations, with a flexible N-terminal linker for attachment to the remainder of the UvrB protein. The role of dimerisation of this domain in the excision repair mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteria respond to increasing medium osmolality by accumulating organic solutes that are compatible with cellular functions. Transporter ProP of Escherichia coli, a proton symporter and a member of the major facilitator superfamily, senses osmotic shifts and responds by importing osmolytes such as glycine betaine. ProP contains a cytoplasmic, C-terminal extension that is essential for its activity. A peptide corresponding to the C-terminal extension of ProP forms a homodimeric alpha-helical coiled-coil even though some of its heptad a positions are not occupied by hydrophobic amino acid residues. Unexpectedly, amino acid replacement R488I, occurring at a heptad a position, destabilized the coiled-coil formed by the ProP peptide and attenuated the response of the intact transporter to osmotic upshifts in vivo. Thus, ProP was proposed to dimerize via an antiparallel coiled-coil. We used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine the structure of the synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 468-497 of ProP. This region did form an antiparallel coil-coil in which critical residue R488 specifies the antiparallel coiled-coil orientation by forming stabilizing salt-bridges. Charged residues (both acidic and basic) are clustered on the c/g surface of the coiled-coil whereas polar residues are distributed on the b/e surface. This causes the structure to be bent, in contrast to other known antiparallel coiled-coils (those from the hepatitis delta antigen (PDB ID code 1A92) and the bovine F(1) ATPase inhibitor protein (PDB ID code 1HF9)). The coiled-coil and its possible importance for osmosensing are discussed.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is a highly conserved DNA repair mechanism. NER systems recognize the damaged DNA strand, cleave it on both sides of the lesion, remove and newly synthesize the fragment. UvrB is a central component of the bacterial NER system participating in damage recognition, strand excision and repair synthesis. We have solved the crystal structure of UvrB in the apo and the ATP-bound forms. UvrB contains two domains related in structure to helicases, and two additional domains unique to repair proteins. The structure contains all elements of an intact helicase, and is evidence that UvrB utilizes ATP hydrolysis to move along the DNA to probe for damage. The location of conserved residues and structural comparisons allow us to predict the path of the DNA and suggest that the tight pre-incision complex of UvrB and the damaged DNA is formed by insertion of a flexible beta-hairpin between the two DNA strands.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RNA chaperone Hfq is involved in riboregulation of target mRNAs by small trans-encoded non-coding (ncRNAs). Previous structural and genetic studies revealed a RNA-binding surface on either site of the Hfq-hexamer, which suggested that one hexamer can bring together two RNAs in a pairwise fashion. The Hfq proteins of different bacteria consist of an evolutionarily conserved core, whereas there is considerable variation at the C-terminus, with the γ- and β-proteobacteria possessing the longest C-terminal extension. Using different model systems, we show that a C-terminally truncated variant of Hfq (Hfq65), comprising the conserved hexameric core of Hfq, is defective in auto- and riboregulation. Although Hfq65 retained the capacity to bind ncRNAs, and, as evidenced by fluorescence resonance energy transfer assays, to induce structural changes in the ncRNA DsrA, the truncated variant was unable to accommodate two non-complementary RNA oligonucleotides, and was defective in mRNA binding. These studies indicate that the C-terminal extension of E. coli Hfq constitutes a hitherto unrecognized RNA interaction surface with specificity for mRNAs.  相似文献   

Autotransporters represent a large superfamily of known and putative virulence factors produced by Gram-negative bacteria. They consist of an N-terminal “passenger domain” responsible for the specific effector functions of the molecule and a C-terminal “β-domain” responsible for translocation of the passenger across the bacterial outer membrane. Here, we present the 2.5-Å crystal structure of the passenger domain of the extracellular serine protease EspP, produced by the pathogen Escherichia coli O157:H7 and a member of the serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs). Like the previously structurally characterized SPATE passenger domains, the EspP passenger domain contains an extended right-handed parallel β-helix preceded by an N-terminal globular domain housing the catalytic function of the protease. Of note, however, is the absence of a second globular domain protruding from this β-helix. We describe the structure of the EspP passenger domain in the context of previous results and provide an alternative hypothesis for the function of the β-helix within SPATEs.  相似文献   

Sau3AI is a type II restriction enzyme that recognizes the 5'-GATC-3' sequence in double-strand DNA and cleaves at 5' to the G residue. The C-terminal domain of Sau3AI (Sau3AI-C), which contains amino acids from 233 to 489, was crystallized and its structure was solved by using the Multi-wavelength Anomalous Diffraction method. The Sau3AI-C structure at 1.9 A resolution is similar to the structure of MutH, a DNA mismatch repair protein that shares high sequence similarity with the N-terminal Sau3AI domain. The functional analysis shows that Sau3AI-C can bind DNA with one recognition sequence but has no cleavage activity. These results indicate that Sau3AI is a pseudo-dimer belonging to the type IIe restriction enzymes and the Sau3AI-C is the allosteric effector domain that assists DNA binding and cleavage.  相似文献   

The hypothetical Escherichia coli protein YfhD has been identified as the archetype for the family 1B lytic transglycosylases despite a complete lack of experimental characterization. The yfhD gene was amplified from the genomic DNA of E. coli W3110 and cloned to encode a fusion protein with a C-terminal His(6) sequence. The enzyme was found to be localized to the outer membrane of E. coli, as would be expected for a lytic transglycosylase. Its gene was engineered for the production of a truncated soluble enzyme derivative lacking an N-terminal signal sequence and membrane anchor. The soluble YfhD derivative was purified to apparent homogeneity, and three separate in vitro assays involving high pressure liquid chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry were used to demonstrate the YfhD-catalyzed release of 1,6-anhydromuro-peptides from insoluble peptidoglycan. In addition, an in vivo bioassay developed using the bacteriophage lambda lysis system confirmed that the enzyme functions as an autolysin. Based on these data, the enzyme was renamed membrane-bound lytic transglycosylase F. The modular structure of MltF was investigated through genetic engineering for the separate production of identified N-terminal and C-terminal domains. The ability to bind peptidoglycan and lytic activity were only associated with the isolated C-terminal domain. The enzymatic properties of this lytic transglycosylase domain were found to be very similar to those of the wild-type enzyme. The one notable exception was that the N-terminal domain appears to modulate the lytic behavior of the C-terminal domain to permit continued lysis of insoluble peptidoglycan, a unique feature of MltF compared with other characterized lytic transglycosylases.  相似文献   

IscS is a widely distributed cysteine desulfurase that catalyzes the pyridoxal phosphate-dependent desulfuration of L-cysteine and plays a central role in the delivery of sulfur to a variety of metabolic pathways. We report the crystal structure of Escherichia coli IscS to a resolution of 2.1A. The crystals belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and have unit cell dimensions a=73.70A, b=101.97A, c=108.62A (alpha=beta=gamma=90 degrees ). Molecular replacement with the Thermotoga maritima NifS model was used to determine phasing, and the IscS model was refined to an R=20.6% (R(free)=23.6%) with two molecules per asymmetric unit. The structure of E.coli IscS is similar to that of T.maritima NifS with nearly identical secondary structure and an overall backbone r.m.s. difference of 1.4A. However, in contrast to NifS a peptide segment containing the catalytic cysteine residue (Cys328) is partially ordered in the IscS structure. This segment of IscS (residues 323-335) forms a surface loop directed away from the active site pocket. Cys328 is positioned greater than 17A from the pyridoxal phosphate cofactor, suggesting that a large conformational change must occur during catalysis in order for Cys328 to participate in nucleophilic attack of a pyridoxal phosphate-bound cysteine substrate. Modeling suggests that rotation of this loop may allow movement of Cys328 to within approximately 3A of the pyridoxal phosphate cofactor.  相似文献   

The nucleotide excision repair pathway corrects many structurally unrelated DNA lesions. Damage recognition in bacteria is performed by UvrA, a member of the ABC ATPase superfamily whose functional form is a dimer with four nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs), two per protomer. In the 3.2 A structure of UvrA from Bacillus stearothermophilus, we observe that the nucleotide-binding sites are formed in an intramolecular fashion and are not at the dimer interface as is typically found in other ABC ATPases. UvrA also harbors two unique domains; we show that one of these is required for interaction with UvrB, its partner in lesion recognition. In addition, UvrA contains three zinc modules, the number and ligand sphere of which differ from previously published models. Structural analysis, biochemical experiments, surface electrostatics, and sequence conservation form the basis for models of ATP-modulated dimerization, UvrA-UvrB interaction, and DNA binding during the search for lesions.  相似文献   

The Tol proteins are involved in the outer membrane stability of gram-negative bacteria. The C-terminal domain of TolA was mutagenized to identify residues important for its functions. The isolation of suppressor mutants of tolA mutations in the tolB gene confirmed an interaction between TolAIII and the N-terminal domain of TolB.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the lambda repressor C-terminal domain (CTD) has been determined at atomic resolution. In the crystal, the CTD forms a 2-fold symmetric tetramer that mediates cooperative binding of two repressor dimers to pairs of operator sites. Based upon this structure, a model was proposed for the structure of an octameric repressor that forms both in the presence and absence of DNA. Here, we have determined the structure of the lambda repressor CTD in three new crystal forms, under a wide variety of conditions. All crystals have essentially the same tetramer, confirming the results of the earlier study. One crystal form has two tetramers bound to form an octamer, which has the same overall architecture as the previously proposed model. An unexpected feature of the octamer in the crystal structure is a unique interaction at the tetramer-tetramer interface, formed by residues Gln209, Tyr210 and Pro211, which contact symmetry-equivalent residues from other subunits of the octamer. Interestingly, these residues are also located at the dimer-dimer interface, where the specific interactions are different. The structures thus indicate specific amino acid residues that, at least in principle, when altered could result in repressors that form tetramers but not octamers.  相似文献   

Serine dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli is a homotetrameric enzyme belonging to the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) family. This enzyme catalyses the NADP(+)-dependent oxidation of serine to 2-aminomalonate semialdehyde. The enzyme shows a stereospecificity for β-(3S)-hydroxy acid as a substrate; however, no stereospecificity was observed at the α-carbon. The structures of the ligand-free SerDH and SerDH-NADP(+)-phosphate complex were determined at 1.9 and 2.7 ? resolutions, respectively. The overall structure, including the catalytic tetrad of Asn106, Ser134, Tyr147 and Lys151, shows obvious relationships with other members of the SDR family. The structure of the substrate-binding loop and that of the C-terminal region were disordered in the ligand-free enzyme, whereas these structures were clearly defined in the SerDH-NADP(+) complex as a closed form. Interestingly, the C-terminal region was protruded from the main body and it formed an anti-parallel β-sheet with another C-terminal region on the subunit that is diagonally opposite to that in the tetramer. It is revealed that the C-terminal region possesses the important roles in substrate binding through the stabilization of the substrate-binding loop in the closed form complex. The roles of the C-terminal region along with those of the residues involved in substrate recognition were studied by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The TonB-dependent complex of Gram-negative bacteria couples the inner membrane proton motive force to the active transport of iron.siderophore and vitamin B(12) across the outer membrane. The structural basis of that process has not been described so far in full detail. The crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of TonB from Escherichia coli has now been solved by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction and refined at 1.55-A resolution, providing the first evidence that this region of TonB (residues 164-239) dimerizes. Moreover, the structure shows a novel architecture that has no structural homologs among any known proteins. The dimer of the C-terminal domain of TonB is cylinder-shaped with a length of 65 A and a diameter of 25 A. Each monomer contains three beta strands and a single alpha helix. The two monomers are intertwined with each other, and all six beta-strands of the dimer make a large antiparallel beta-sheet. We propose a plausible model of binding of TonB to FhuA and FepA, two TonB-dependent outer-membrane receptors.  相似文献   

NMR measurements can give important information on solution structure, without the necessity for a full-scale solution structure determination. The C-terminal protein binding domain of the ribosome-associated chaperone protein trigger factor is composed of non-contiguous parts of the polypeptide chain, with an interpolated prolyl isomerase domain. A construct of the C-terminal domain of Escherichia coli trigger factor containing residues 113–149 and 247–432, joined by a Gly-Ser-Gly-Ser linker, is well folded and gives excellent NMR spectra in solution. We have used NMR measurements on this construct, and on a longer construct that includes the prolyl isomerase domain, to distinguish between two possible structures for the C-terminal domain of trigger factor, and to assess the behavior of the trigger factor C-terminal domain in solution. Two X-ray crystal structures, of intact trigger factor from E. coli (Ferbitz et al., Nature 431:590–596, 2004), and of a truncated trigger factor from Vibrio cholerae (Ludlam et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101:13436–13441, 2004) showed significant differences in the structure of the C-terminal domain, such that the two structures could not be superimposed. We show using NMR chemical shifts and long range nuclear Overhauser effects that the secondary and tertiary structure of the E. coli C-terminal domain in solution is consistent with the crystal structure of the E. coli trigger factor and not with the V. cholerae protein. Given the similarity of the amino acid sequences of the E. coli and V. cholerae proteins, it appears likely that the structure of the V. cholerae protein has been distorted as a result of truncation of a 44-amino acid segment at the C-terminus. Analysis of residual dipolar coupling measurements shows that the overall topology of the solution structure is completely inconsistent with both structures. Dynamics analysis of the C-terminal domain using T1, T2 and heteronuclear NOE parameters show that the protein is overall rather flexible. These results indicate that the structure of this domain in solution resembles the X-ray crystal structure of the E. coli protein in secondary structure and at least some tertiary contacts, but that the overall topology differs in solution, probably due to structural fluctuation.  相似文献   

The chaperone SecB from Escherichia coli is primarily involved in passing precursor proteins into the Sec system via specific interactions with SecA. The crystal structure of SecB from E. coli has been solved to 2.35 A resolution. The structure shows flexibility in the crossover loop and the helix-connecting loop, regions that have been implicated to be part of the SecB substrate-binding site. Moreover conformational variability of Trp36 is observed as well as different loop conformations for the different monomers. Based on this, we speculate that SecB can regulate the access or extent of its hydrophobic substrate-binding site, by modulating the conformation of the crossover loop and the helix-connecting loop. The structure also clearly explains why the tetrameric equilibrium is shifted towards the dimeric state in the mutant SecBCys76Tyr. The buried cysteine residue is crucial for tight packing, and mutations are likely to disrupt the tetramer formation but not the dimer formation.  相似文献   

Hsc20 is a 20 kDa J-protein that regulates the ATPase activity and peptide-binding specificity of Hsc66, an hsp70-class molecular chaperone. We report herein the crystal structure of Hsc20 from Escherichia coli determined to a resolution of 1.8 A using a combination of single isomorphous replacement (SIR) and multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD). The overall structure of Hsc20 consists of two distinct domains, an N-terminal J-domain containing residues 1-75 connected by a short loop to a C-terminal domain containing residues 84-171. The structure of the J-domain, involved in interactions with Hsc66, resembles the alpha-topology of J-domain fragments of Escherichia coli DnaJ and human Hdj1 previously determined by solution NMR methods. The C-terminal domain, implicated in binding and targeting proteins to Hsc66, consists of a three-helix bundle in which two helices comprise an anti-parallel coiled-coil. The two domains make contact through an extensive hydrophobic interface ( approximately 650 A(2)) suggesting that their relative orientations are fixed. Thus, Hsc20, in addition to its role in the regulation of the ATPase activity of Hsc66, may also function as a rigid scaffold to facilitate positioning of the protein substrates targeted to Hsc66.  相似文献   

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