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Synopsis The northern pipefish, Syngnathus fuscus, and the dusky pipefish, S. floridae, co-exist in eelgrass beds in the lower York River. To compare the trophic ecology of both pipefishes, gut contents of 3488 northern pipefish, and 1422 dusky pipefish were examined and quantified by dry weight. Samples were taken with a dip net from May through November 1992. Syngnathus fuscus fed mainly on amphipods (Gammarus mucronatus, Amphithoe longimana, and Caprella penantis), and to a lesser degree on copepods, and isopods (Edotea spp. and Erichsonella attenuata). Syngnathus floridae fed mainly on grass shrimps (Palaemonetes pugio, P. vulgaris, and Palaemonetes eggs), and to a lesser degree on copepods, isopods, and mysids (Mysidopsis bigelowi). No seasonal trends were observed in the feeding habits of these pipefishes. Specimens of both species smaller than 100 mm TL fed mainly on copepods. Larger S. fuscus fed on amphipods, while larger S. floridae fed on grass shrimps. Schoener's diet overlap index revealed high consumption of the same prey type by both pipefish species only in July, but only for those specimens smaller than 110 mm TL. Food partitioning between both pipefish was associated with different snout sizes and shapes.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of 372 specimens of Aspitrigla obscura (collected at quarterly intervals) have been analyzed to determine diet according to fish size and season. The results show that crustaceans (%No = 96%, %Weight = 76%) are the basic food. For all sizes, half of diet is assured by necto-benthic crustaceans. In smaller sizes, the remaining half is formed by planktonic species, whilst in larger sizes they are substituted by nycthemeral migrators. The importance of planktonic prey is greater in the winter sample than in the other samples. In every size, the feeding intensity is greater in the midday sample than in the morning one.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 193 specimens of the fish Aspitrigla cuculus (collected at quarterly intervals) are analyzed to determine diet, and variations in diet according to size and season. Crustaceans (% No = 93 %, % Weight = 63 %) and teleostean fish (% N = 6 %, % W = 30 %) constitute the basic food. Feeding habits change at c. 85 mm and again at c. 140 mm (size of sexual maturity) total length. The importance of nycthemeral migrators decreases with size, while the circalitoral benthos increase inversely. In adults, the seasonal variations show only substitutions between benthic prey types.  相似文献   

B. Azoulay  M. Gophen 《Hydrobiologia》1992,246(3):251-258
Interactions between the larvae of Mirogrex terraesanctae (Steinitz, 1952) in Lake Kinneret, Israel, and their zooplankton prey were studied experimentally. Prey species preference and size selectivities were measured. Larvae were hatched in the lab from eggs collected in the field, and fed different food items in various concentrations. The food items included lake zooplankton, algae, and commercial pellets. It was shown that small, first feeding larvae (7–8.5 mm SL) prefer small bodied zooplankters (< 180 µ). The effect of these food sources on larval growth was measured. It was found that larval Mirogrex grew at a higher rate when fed zooplankton prey sized from 63 µ–250 µ. Food items smaller than 63 µ, larger than 250 µ and Scenedesmus sp., produced less than optimal growth rates. The importance of Mirogrex feeding habits and their potential influence on the Kinneret ecosystem is considered.  相似文献   

B. Azoulay  M. Gophen 《Hydrobiologia》1992,246(3):243-249
Analysis of the food composition, distribution, lengths and dry weights of larval bleak, Mirogrex terraesanctae (Steinitz, 1952) in Lake Kinneret, Israel was conducted. Indices of electivity of ingested prey organisms were also determined. Larvae were surveyed throughout the 1989–90 reproductive seasons (Dec–Mar). Small larvae (<10.28 mm SL) preferentially select prey items smaller than 180 µ. Dominant zooplankters in the larval guts included: Bosmina longirostris, Ceriodaphnia reticulata and C. rigaudi, Asplanchna priodonita, Synchaeta oblonga, S. pectinata and juvenile cyclopoid copepods. Diaphanosoma brachiurum was rarely found (instars only) and no adult copepods were observed in larval guts. Some larvae specimens were found with up to 500 undigested (intact) accidentally ingested cells of Peridinium spp. per gut.  相似文献   

Between September 1987 and May 1988, the time budgets of two groups of rhesus monkeys were investigated. One group inhabited an old Observatory which is now a tourist attraction in the center of Jaipur, India. The other group lived in a hilly forest/temple complex on the outskirts of Jaipur known as Galta. Because it was believed that the monkeys of these two different areas ate different proportions of natural and provisioned food, it was expected that they would have different time budgets. To determine differences in time budgets, a combination of census taking and 10-minute interval scan samples were used to collect comparative data. The analysis of the data revealed that there were differences in the time budgets of the two groups — the Observatory monkeys foraged more, moved less, engaged in fewer aggressive acts, and slept less during the day than the Galta group. These differences are mainly attributed to the 1984–1987 drought, site differences in the variety of natural food resources, and the manner in which the monkeys are provisioned.  相似文献   

The stomach content of 589 specimens of Eutrigla gurnardus (collected at quarterly intervals) have been analyzed to determine diet according to fish size and season. The results show that crustaceans (% No = 93%, %Weight = 81%) are the basic food and that teleostean fishes are quite important in the adult diet. The importance of nycthemeral migrators decreases significantly as size increases, whilst the importance of benthic prey increases inversely. In every size, the feeding intensity is greater at midday than in the morning. Larger prey are eaten in winter than in summer although feeding intensity is lower in winter.  相似文献   

Phytophilous macroinvertebrates (PMI) were sampled from the surfaces and surrounding water of two aquatic plant species, Vallisneria americana and Trapa natans, which have substantially different morphologies. It was expected that the plants would harbor invertebrate communities of different structure. Total density of PMI was consistently greater in Vallisneria than inTrapa, e.g. 6× greater per m3 water and 21× greater per m2 leaf surface in August. Each macrophyte harbored taxa that were either significantly more abundant or present only with that macrophyte; the herbivore Galerucella nymphaceae (Coleptera: Chrysomelidae) was abundant on Trapa. Vallisneria harbored 34 taxa vs. 40 taxa in Trapa, but similarity was low (Morisita's C=0.55–0.66). Predaceous invertebrates were more prevalent in Trapa than in Vallisneria, as were larger individuals. Both PMI communities exhibited shifts in size distribution between July and August. Standing crop of Trapa was 3× greater than forVallisneria. These two macrophyte beds clearly support PMI communities of different taxonomic and size structure, which is believed to be related to the differences in macrophyte morphology.  相似文献   

Habitat preference of juveniles ofLates angustifrons andLates mariae, endemic fish species in Lake Tanganyika, was investigated in the field and in the laboratory. Both species settle on the grass bed after the post-larval pelagic phase.L. angustifrons preferred the short grass bed composed ofVallismeria sp., whileL. mariae preferred the tall grass bed composed ofPotamogeton schweinfurthii. L. angustifrons always rested near the root, keeping a position parallel to the bottom; dark cross bands on the body may be advantageous as camouflage in the short grass bed. On the other hand,L. mariae always stayed in mid-water, keeping a head-down position parallel to a leaf or stem of grass; such posture and longitudinal stripes on the body may be advantageous as camouflage in the tall grass bed. Both species were more active at night, and fed mainly on atyid shrimps.Lates angustifrons shifted its main food from shrimps to fish with growth, as was suggested inL. mariae. Difference in the habitat preference may play an important role in their coexistence.  相似文献   

5 new taxa ofHabenaria, namelyH. bougainvillae, H. elongata R. Br. var.leptophylla, H. ensigera, H. rechingeri andH. trichoglossa, are described and illustrated, with reference to affinities to related Australian and Indo-malayan species. The occurrence in New Guinea of severalHabenaria spp. typical for a savanna-like vegetation, led to look more thoroughly at these taxa:H. elongata R. Br. andH. ochroleuca R. Br., considered so far to be endemic in Northern Australia, andH. khasiana Hook. f., hitherto only known from southeastern Asia.Studies in the subtribeHabenariinae Bentham (Orchidaceae), 2.—Part 1: Candollea34, 357 (1979).Dedicated to Hofrat Prof. DrKarl Heinz Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday. — On April 30, in the year 1927, the author and his brotherOtto Renz metKarl Heinz Rechinger on a small steam-boat in a stormy Aegaen Sea, travelling from Piraeus to the Northern Sporades Islands:Karl Heinz with destination to Chelidromia, the author andO. Renz to Skopelos. By this lucky chance a lasting friendship began.  相似文献   

Xiphinema specimens were collected from orchards in southeastern, northeastern, and western New York. Total length, distance of vulva from anterior end, spear length (odontostyle plus odontophore), body diameter at vulva, tail length, anal body diameter, and length and diameter of hyaline tail tip were measured on fixed, glycerol-infiltrated adult females. Most specimens were identified as X. americanum or X. rivesi, but one western New York population was identified as X. californicum (a new record for New York). Multivariate analyses indicated that, with one exception, western New York populations of both X. americanum and X. rivesi were smaller and slimmer than their eastern counterparts. Regional differences were generally larger than differences attributed to host species.  相似文献   

The food habits of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on Mt. Goyo, northern Honshu (the main island of Japan), were studied. Among 88 plant species found in surveys, 36 species (40.9%) were eaten by the deer. The percentage frequency of feeding (F) was highest for graminoids (59.6%), followed by browses (16.6%) and ferns (7.7%) and lowest for forbs (5.4%). Though various kinds of plants were eaten, only limited species formed the bulk of the deer dietary composition.Sasa nipponica, in particular, was the most important constituent, ranking highest inF value (80.3%) and being the dominant component of feces. Fecal analyses revealed that, 1) in areas lower than 900 m in altitude,Sasa nipponica accounted for between 20 and 60% of the content and that pasture grasses were also important, and 2)S. nipponica occupied more than 50% in montane areas higher than 900 m, and even more than 80% in winter. The utilization ofS. nipponica as a forage for Sika deer was discussed. This plant can be a key forage species because it meets all the necessary conditions: abundance and stability of supply, palatability, nutritive quality and tolerance to grazing.  相似文献   

Synopsis The 96 h LC50 tests were conducted with chum, coho and chinook salmon alevins caught in the Avacha River (Kamchatka) estuary. Coho and chinook alevins exhibited very low seawater a adaptability when compared with chum. It is likely that coho and chinook young were pulled downstream by high velocity flow during the summer freshets.  相似文献   

Four distinct species ofCortinarius referable to subg.Dermocybe are described from the Cooloola Sand-Mass, Queensland; two are formally recognized asC. alkalivirens, spec. nova andC. chromobasis, spec. nova, whilst notes are provided for the other two. Chemical methods and cladistic studies are applied and indicate a new section of the subgenus is required.Australodermocybe sect. nova is proposed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Stomach contents of anadromous alewives, Alosa pseudoharengus and blueback herring, A. aestivalis, obtained from brush weir and drift net collections in Minas Basin, N.S., were examined. Diets showed much overlap in terms of resource use, but the dietary importance of major prey categories differed substantially between species. Alewives favoured larger, more benthic prey (e.g. amphipods, mysids and crangonids), while blueback herring appeared to concentrate their feeding on microzooplankters (e.g. calanoid copepods, cypris larvae and molluscan veligers). Interspecific differences in diet composition are largely attributed to the planktivorous feeding habits of small (81–155 mm fork length) blueback herring. Differences in prey suggest that alewives utilize a particulate feeding strategy while blueback herring are predominantly filter-feeders. Although competition for food in the Basin seems unlikely since high secondary production yields a superabundance of prey, differences in feeding behaviour between younger, smaller individuals of both species could be a means of avoiding competitive interactions in an environment where there are space/access limitations imposed by the tidal cycle.  相似文献   

The larval head widths at each instar, life cycles, and food habits of late instars were determined for five species of Rhyacophila from two Appalachian mountain streams in South Carolina, U.S.A. Rhyacophila acutiloba Morse & Ross was univoltine with two cohorts, one emerging in the spring and another presumably emerging in early autumn. Rhyacophila fuscula (Walker), R. nigrita Banks, and R. carolina Banks were apparently multicohort, univoltine species with extended flight periods. Rhyacophila minor Banks was univoltine with a spring emergence. All species were predaceous and consumed mainly Plecoptera nymphs and Trichoptera larvae.  相似文献   

Synopsis Suwannee bass,Micropterus notius, and largemouth bass,Micropterus salmoides, were collected by electrofishing in six habitats in the lower Santa Fe River, Florida during May 1981–March 1982. Both bass species were collected concomitantly in all habitats and habitat segregation was not evident. Crayfish (Procambarus spp.) were the primary food of Suwannee bass. Fish were the primary food of largemouth bass, but crayfish were common in the diet of largemouth bass ≥300 mm long. Suwannee bass have a greater throat width and consumed longer and wider forage than did largemouth bass of equal length. Available evidence suggests that Suwannee bass exhibit a positive selection for crayfish and a diverse forage resource, including abundant crayfish, is necessary for a Suwannee bass to coexist with a largemouth bass. This is Journal Series Number 6034 of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

The encapsulation of eggs ofMetaphycus swirskii Annecke &; Mynhardt (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) by the pyriform scale,Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Coccidae), collected in the coastal plain of Israel, was determined during April 1986 to May 1987. The rates of encapsulation were low in November (13.0%) and relatively high in April, May, August and September (32.0–89.0%). The seasonal variations in the encapsulation of eggs ofM. stanleyi Compere and/orM. swirskii byP. pyriformis infesting avocado (Persea americana) and jambolan (Syzygium cumini) were studied at Miqwe Yisra'el (coastal plain) during October 1986 to February 1988. Encapsulation rates were similar in scales infesting either of the two host plants. They were highest during July to August (49.0–75.0%) and lowest during December to February (0.9–10.0%). Encapsulation incidence at Miqwe Yisra'el was correlated with the ambient temperatures (r=0.89). The rate of encapsulation of parasitoid eggs (M. stanleyi and/orM. galbus Annecke) recorded inP. pyriformis sent to Israel from Spain in September 1987 was 42.2%. The high rates of encapsulation ofMetaphycus spp. eggs byP. pyriformis during the summer, may interfere with efficient biological control of the pest.  相似文献   

Studies on the food and feeding habits of Eutropius niloticus in Lake Kainji, Nigeria revealed that the fish is omnivorous but fed more on insects than on any other food. The most important insects were Povilla adusta Navas nymphs and imagos and adults of the common grasshoppers. Fish, particularly the clupeids Sierrathrissa leonensis Thys Van den Audernaerde and Pellonula afzeliusi Johnels, also formed an important part of the diet. There was seasonal variation of organisms selected for food and there were variations in the dietary items selected by different age groups. Accumulation of fat was found to correlate with seasonal feeding intensity. E. niloticus serves as food for other fishes.  相似文献   

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