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Preparations of low molecular weight porcine heparin with an average specific anticoagulant activity of 94 units/mg were fractionated into "active" and "relatively inactive" forms of the mucopolysaccharide of approximately 6000 daltons each. The active fraction was further subdivided into various species with descending but significant affinities for the protease inhibitor as well as decreasing but substantial anticoagulatn potencies. "Highly active" heparin (approximately 8% of the low molecular weight pool) possesses a specific anticoagulant activity of 350 +/- 10 units/mg. The relatively inactive fraction (67% of the low molecular weight pool) exhibits a specific anticoagulant activity of 4 +/- 1 units/mg. The binding of highly active heparin to antithrombin is accurately described by a single-site binding model with a KHep-ATDISS of approximately 1 X 10(-7) M. Variations in this binding parameter secondary to changes in environmental variables indicate that charge-charge interactions as well as an increase in entropy are critical to the formation of the highly active heparin-antithrombin complex. The interaction of relatively inactive heparin with the protease inhibitor is characterized by an apparent KHep-ATDISS of 1 X 10(-4) M. In large measure, this is due to small amounts of residual active mucopolysaccharide (0.5%). The ability of the highly active heparin to accelerate the thrombin-antithrombin interaction was also examined. We were able to demonstrate that the mucopolysaccharide acts as a catalyst in this process and is able to initiate multiple rounds of enzyme-inhibitor complex formation. The rate of enzyme neutralization is increased to a maximum of 2300-fold as the concentration of heparin is raised until the inhibitor is saturated with mucopolysaccharide. Further increases in heparin concentration result in a reduction in the speed of enzyme neutralization. This appears to be due to the formation of thrombin-heparin complexes. A mathematical model is given which provides a relationship between the initial velocity of enzyme neutralization and reactant concentrations.  相似文献   

NMR based metabolic profiling of blood samples in epidemiological studies can be used for molecular phenotyping and biomarker discovery. Often metabolic changes in blood are more subtle and demand a high quality spectrum especially when looking at low molecular weight compounds. In order to improve 1H NMR spectroscopic data we compared different serum sample preparation methods. Application of phosphate buffer reduces chemical shift variation, enhances resolution of signal multiplicity, facilitates visual inspection of NMR spectra and annotation of signals compared to traditionally used saline. For analysis of low molecular weight compounds we found that standard 1D spectra of ultrafiltrated serum samples show enhanced spectral quality of small metabolites as compared to transverse relaxation edited spectra (also called Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill, CPMG) spectra of unfiltered serum samples due to improved signal-to-noise ratio. Thus, NMR signals attributable to different amino acids and other small metabolites could readily be detected in spectra of ultrafiltrated serum, but remained invisible in the corresponding CPMG spectra. An OPLS model of fasting blood glucose showed an increase of Q2 when using spectra from ultrafiltrated serum (Q2 = 0.261) compared to using CPMG spectra (Q2 = 0.173). Similar results were observed for OPLS models of BMI (Q2 = 0.253 and Q2 = 0.216, respectively). Furthermore, a reduction in model dimensionality was observed when using ultrafiltrated serum data. In conclusion we recommend sample preparation of serum samples in phosphate buffer instead of saline. Ultrafiltration of serum samples prior to NMR analysis is beneficial especially for low concentrated small metabolites.  相似文献   

1H NMR studies of lac-operator DNA fragments.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The hydrogen-bonded imino protons of a 14 base pair double-stranded DNA fragment comprising one half of the lac operator of E. coli were investigated by 360 MHz H NMR. From combined melting studies of this synthetic 14 b.p. fragment and its two constituent 7 b.p. fragments a nearly complete assignment for the low-field proton resonances was obtained. The experimental spectra are compared with calculated spectra and with the spectrum of a 51 b.p. DNA restriction fragment from E. coli containing the complete lac operator. Structural information on these oligonucleotides is presented. This study is a prerequisite for future 1H NMR investigations of the interaction of the lac operator with the lac repressor.  相似文献   

Yang Y  Bai G  Zhang X  Ye C  Liu M 《Analytical biochemistry》2004,324(2):292-297
Recent studies have suggested that ibuprofen inhibits low-density lipoprotein oxidation in a high dose-dependent manner and is a promising drug for treatment of the conditions associated with atherosclerosis. In this article, we present the NMR spectroscopic evidence for the interaction between ibuprofen and phospholipids in lipoprotein particles in intact human plasma. Ibuprofen caused chemical shift upfield drifts for the protons of -N(+)(CH(3))(3) moieties of phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, olefinic chains (-CH[double bond]CH[bond], [bond]CH[triple bond]CHCH(2)CH[triple bond]CH[bond], [bond](CH(2))(n)CH(2)CH[double bond]), and (CH(2))(n) and CH(3) groups, from unsaturated lipids in lipoprotein particles. The ibuprofen may interact directly with the above-mentioned groups of phospholipids or induce structural changes in the lipoproteins. This may shed light on the mechanism by which the drug protects against oxidative modification of lipoproteins.  相似文献   

P Gettins  E W Wooten 《Biochemistry》1987,26(14):4403-4408
The denaturation of human and bovine antithrombin III by guanidine hydrochloride has been followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The same unfolding transition seen previously from circular dichroism studies [Villanueva, G. B., & Allen, N. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 14048-14053] at low denaturant concentration was detected here by discontinuous changes in the chemical shifts of the C(2) protons of two of the five histidines in human antithrombin III and of three of the six histidines in bovine antithrombin III. These two histidines in human antithrombin III are assigned to residue 1 and, more tentatively, to residue 65. Two of the three histidines similarly affected in the bovine protein appear to be homologous to residues in the human protein. This supports the proposal of similar structures for the two proteins. In the presence of heparin, the discontinuous titration behavior of these histidine resonances is shifted to higher denaturant concentration, reflecting the stabilization of the easily unfolded first domain of the protein by bound heparin. From the tentative assignment of one of these resonances to histidine-1, it is proposed that the heparin binding site of antithrombin III is located in the N-terminal region and that this region forms a separate domain from the rest of the protein. The pattern of disulfide linkages is such that this domain may well extend from residue 1 to at least residue 128. Thermal denaturation also leads to major perturbation of these two histidine resonances in human antithrombin III, though stable intermediates in the unfolding were not detected.  相似文献   

Investigations of the conformations of carbohydrates, their analogues and their molecular mimics are described, with emphasis on structural and functional information that can be gained by NMR spectroscopic techniques in combination with molecular modeling. The transferred nuclear Overhauser effect (trNOE) has been employed to determine the bound conformations of carbohydrates and other bioactive molecules in complex with protein receptors. The corresponding experiments in the rotating frame (trROE) and selective editing experiments (e.g., QUIET-NOESY) are used to eliminate indirect cross-relaxation pathways (spin diffusion), thereby minimizing errors in the data used for calculation of conformations. Saturation transfer difference NMR experiments reveal detailed information about intermolecular contacts between ligand and protein. Computational techniques are integrated with NMR-derived information to construct structural models of these bioactive molecules and of their complexes with proteins. Recent investigations into the nature of molecular mimicry with regard to protein-ligand interactions are described, along with applications in determining the mode of action of enzyme inhibitors. The results are relevant for the design of the next generation of drug and vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

Heparin was fractionated by affinity chromatography on immobilized antithrombin III followed by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. Eighteen fractions were obtained ranging in molecular weight from 9,700 to 34,300 as determined by sedimentation equilibrium. The binding stoichiometries of antithrombin III and thrombin interactions with the heparin of these fractions were measured, using changes in intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescence. Catalytic activity also was measured for each of the heparin fractions. As the molecular weight of heparin varied from about 10,000 to 30,000, the average number of antithrombin and thrombin sites/heparin molecule varied from 1.0 to 2.1 and 2.4 to 6.8. In addition, the molar specific activity increased 5.7-fold, an increase which correlated directly with the product of the number of antithrombin III and thrombin molecules bound. Thus as the number of bound molecules increased with increased molecular weight, the rate of reaction/bound antithrombin III increased in proportion to the number of bound thrombin molecules and vice versa. This can be explained by assuming that heparin functions as a template for both proteins, that all bound thrombin and antithrombin III molecules are accessible to each other, and that the rate at which a bound molecule reacts is proportional to the number of molecules of its interacting counterpart bound. These observations and conclusions are similar to those of Hoylaerts et al. (Hoylaerts, M., Owen, W. G., and Collen, D. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 5670-5677), who demonstrated that the rate at which single molecules of antithrombin III, covalently attached to heparin, react increases as the thrombin binding capacity (chain length) of heparin increases.  相似文献   

Antithrombotic, haemorrhagic and anticoagulant effects of unfractionated heparin (UH) and the low molecular weight heparin fragment KABI 2165 were studied in rats. In stasis-induced venous thrombosis of the jugular vein intravenous injection of both, UH and KABI 2165, either reduced significantly the size of thrombi or completely prevented thrombus formation in a dose-dependent manner. The dose of KABI 2165 required for prevention of thrombus formation showed a marked anticoagulant activity measured by APTT which was in the same range as that of the equieffective dose of UH. After administration of antithrombotically effective doses only UH caused a significant prolongation of bleeding time after standardized incision of the tail. KABI 2165 produced haemorrhagic effects at about 4-fold higher doses only than those required for the antithrombotic action.  相似文献   

We previously reported a low molecular weight antiplasmin present in human platelets and plasma. This material as isolated by ultrafiltration was heterogeneous. The fraction showing maximum inhibition has been further purified by countercurrent distribution. The N-terminal residue of this purified inhibitor is alanine. Amino acid analysis showed glycine to be the predominant residue, and no basic amino acid was detected. Kinetic studies suggested a competitive inhibition of plasmin via enzyme-inhibitor complex formation. Carbohydrate and phosphate could not be detected. These data were similar for both platelet antiplasmin and serum antiplasmin. The relationship between the platelet and the serum inhibitor remains unclear. This low molecular weight antiplasmin may contribute to the consolidation of the thrombus.  相似文献   

The kinetics of inhibition of four hemostatic system enzymes by antithrombin were examined as a function of heparin concentration. Plots of the initial velocity of factor Xa-antithrombin or plasmin-antithrombin interaction versus the level of added mucopolysaccharide exhibit an ascending limb and subsequent plateau regions. In each case, the kinetic profile is closely correlated with the concentration of the heparin . antithrombin complex formed within the reaction mixture. A decrease in the velocity of inhibition is not observed at high levels of added mucopolysaccharide despite the generation of significant quantities of heparin-enzyme interaction products. The second-order rate constants for the neutralization of factor Xa or plasmin by the mucopolysaccharide . inhibitor complex are 2.4 x 10(8) M-1 min-1 and 4.0 x 10(6) M-1 min-1, respectively. These parameters must be contrasted with the similarly designated constants obtained in the absence of heparin which are 1.88 x 10(5) M-1 min-1 and 4.0 x 10(4) M-1 min-1, respectively. Plots of the initial velocity of the factor IXa-antithrombin or the thrombin-antithrombin interaction versus the level of added mucopolysaccharide exhibit an ascending limb, pseudoplateau, descending limb, and final plateau regions. In each case, the ascending limb and pseudoplateau are closely correlated with the concentration of heparin c antithrombin complex formed within the reaction mixture. Furthermore, the descending limb and final plateau of these two processes coincide with the generation of increasing amounts of the respective mucopolysaccharide-enzyme interaction products. The second-order rate constants for the neutralization of factor IXa or thrombin by the heparin . antithrombin complex are 3.0 x 10(8) M-1 min-1 and 1.7 x 10(9) M-1 min-1, respectively. The second-order rate constants for the inhibition of mucopolysaccharide-factor IXa or mucopolysaccharide-thrombin interaction products by the heparin . antithrombin complex are 2.0 x 10(7) M-1 min-1 and 3.0 x 10(8) M-1 min-1, respectively. These kinetic parameters must be contrasted with similarly designated constants obtained in the absence of mucopolysaccharide which are 2.94 x 10(4) M-1 min-1 and 4.25 x 10(5) M-1 min-1, respectively. Thus, our data demonstrate that binding of heparin to antithrombin is required for the mucopolysaccharide-dependent enhancement in the rates of neutralization of thrombin, factor IXa, factor Xa, or plasmin by the protease inhibitor. Furthermore, a careful comparison of the various constants suggests that the direct interaction between heparin and antithrombin may be largely responsible for the kinetic effect of this mucopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

Analysis of aged and cataract lenses shows the presence of increased amounts of crystallin fragments in the high molecular weight aggregates of water-soluble and water-insoluble fractions. However, the significance of accumulation and interaction of low molecular weight crystallin fragments in aging and cataract development is not clearly understood. In this study, 23 low molecular mass (<3.5-kDa) peptides in the urea-soluble fractions of young, aged, and aged cataract human lenses were identified by mass spectroscopy. Two peptides, alphaB-(1-18) (MDIAIHHPWIRRPFFPFH) and betaA3/A1-(59-74) (SD(N)AYHIERLMSFRPIC), present in aged and cataract lens but not young lens, and a third peptide, gammaS-(167-178) (SPAVQSFRRIVE) present in all three lens groups were synthesized to study the effects of interaction of these peptides with intact alpha-, beta-, and gamma-crystallins and alcohol dehydrogenase, a protein used in aggregation studies. Interaction of alphaB-(1-18) and betaA3/A1-(59-74) peptides increased the scattering of light by beta- and gamma-crystallin and alcohol dehydrogenase. The ability of alpha-crystallin subunits to function as molecular chaperones was significantly reduced by interaction with alphaB-(1-18) and betaA3/A1-(59-74) peptides, whereas gammaS peptide had no effect on chaperone-like activity of alpha-crystallin. The betaA3/A1-(59-74 peptide caused a 5.64-fold increase in alphaB-crystallin oligomeric mass and partial precipitation. Replacing hydrophobic residues in alphaB-(1-18) and betaA3/A1-(59-74) peptides abolished their ability to induce crystallin aggregation and light scattering. Our study suggests that interaction of crystallin-derived peptides with intact crystallins could be a key event in age-related protein aggregation in lens and cataractogenesis.  相似文献   

To probe the functional role of tryptophan 49 in human antithrombin III, a mutant antithrombin, W49K, has been expressed in baby hamster kidney cells. The mutation reduces the affinity for heparin pentasaccharide by 1.8 kcal mol-1 but does not alter the heparin enhancement of the rate of factor Xa inhibition. 1H NMR spectra of W49K antithrombin show that the structure of the protein and the mode of heparin binding appear to be unaltered by the mutation, although tryptophan 49 is perturbed by heparin binding. 19F NMR spectra of 6-fluorotryptophan-substituted antithrombin show that tryptophan 49 is in a solvent-exposed environment. The heparin-induced fluorescence enhancement of W49K antithrombin is significantly different from that of wild-type antithrombin. Pentasaccharide induces only a 24% enhancement of antithrombin fluorescence, while high affinity heparin induces an enhancement of 40%. The results indicate that tryptophan 49 is probably a heparin contact residue but can be mutated without altering the remaining heparin-antithrombin interactions or the heparin-induced conformational change and resultant activation toward Factor Xa. Hydrophobic as well as charge interactions are thus probably involved in the specificity of the antithrombin-heparin pentasaccharide interaction. The lower fluorescence enhancements suggest that the heparin-induced 40% fluorescence enhancement used as the hallmark of activating heparin species is not the best indicator of the structural change in antithrombin that results in enhancement of the rate of proteinase inhibition.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1987,219(1):239-243
Single-pulse and Hahn spin-echo 500 MHz 1H NMR spectra of human blood plasma and isolated chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL and HDL are reported. The comparison has enabled specific assignments to be made for the resonances of individual lipoproteins in the CH2 and CH3 (fatty acid), and NMe+3 (phospholipid choline head group) regions of the spectra of plasma (0.8–1.3 and ∼ 3.25 ppm, respectively). Fasting, and freeze-thawing of plasma samples led to marked changes in the intensities and linewidths of lipid resonances. Analysis of lipid resonances in the spectra of plasma in terms of individual lipoproteins may shed new light on many conditions of clinical and biochemical interest.  相似文献   

The matrix-degrading enzyme aggrecanase has been identified in cartilage and is largely responsible for cartilage breakdown. The present study determined the efficacy of different heparin molecular weight fractions (HMWFs) and low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) on aggrecanase activity. Aggrecanase activity was determined using biotinylated peptide substrate, which was immobilized onto streptavidin-coated 96-well plates; aggrecanase enzyme was then added. Proteolysis of the substrate at the specific amide bond was detected using specific antibody for the neoepitope generated. HMWFs ranging from 1,700 to 12,000 Da demonstrated a concentration-dependent inhibitory efficacy of aggrecanase activity, with a Ki ranging from 5,000 nM down to 1 nM as a function of the molecular weight. The higher the molecular weight distribution, the greater the inhibitory efficacy of the heparin fragments toward aggrecanase activity. The absence or presence of antithrombin did not alter the affinity of heparin in inhibiting aggrecanase. Additionally, tissue factor pathway inhibitor at various levels did not alter the activity of aggrecanase. LMWHs demonstrated different levels of potency in inhibiting aggrecanase activity as a function of their average molecular weight distribution. Tinzaparin (average molecular weight = 6,500 Da) and enoxaparin (average molecular weight = 4,500 Da) demonstrated a Ki of 20 and 80 nM, respectively. The aggrecanase inhibitory effect of LMWH might contribute to blocking inflammation and tumor invasion by inhibiting aggrecanase activity and maintaining an intact extracellular matrix barrier.  相似文献   

Plasma was adsorbed with Al(OH)3 in a ratio of 8 : 2. The gel was washed free of entrapped plasma and antithrombin III and α1-antitrypsin eluted by repeated washing with 0.36 M ammonium phosphate, pH 8.1. The crude inhibitor preparation was subjected to chromatography on QAE-Sephadex A-50 at pH 8.0, followed by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. In these two preparative steps the two inhibitors eluted together. However, they were separated by rechromatography on QAE-Sephadex at pH 7.4, following which they were recovered in highly purified form, α1-antitrypsin by passage through concanavalin-A-Sepharose and antithrombin III through heparin-Sepharose.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]heparin to human plasma lipoproteins was measured using a gel filtration assay on columns of Ultrogel AcA 54. [3H]Heparin formed a soluble complex with low density lipoprotein (LDL) as evidenced by the appearance of a new radioactive peak emerging at the void volume where the lipoproteins elute. Free heparin on the other hand was retarded on this column and eluted at a later volume. Heparin binding to LDL could also be demonstrated on columns of Sepharose 4B, in which case two included peaks of 3H were observed to elute in the area of LDL and of heparin. [3H]Heparin did not bind to either high or very low density lipoproteins as determined by the gel filtration assay. The binding of the [3H]heparin to LDL was proportional to both the concentration of LDL and of heparin and both showed saturation kinetics. Cations were not necessary for binding, nor was binding inhibited by EDTA. LDL showed a marked specificity for heparin. Thus, the binding of [3H]heparin to LDL was strongly inhibited by the addition of unlabeled heparin, while other glycosaminoglycans such as chondroitin sulfate, heparan sulfate, keratan sulfate, and dermatan sulfate were not effective inhibitors except at very high concentrations. Salts, especially K2HPO4 and (NH4)2SO4, also inhibited binding when added at concentrations of 10 mm or higher suggesting an ionic interaction between heparin and LDL. The pH optimum for binding was between 7.5 and 8.5 but binding fell off markedly above pH 9.0. The [3H]heparin was heterogeneous and could be separated into four fractions on columns of Sephadex G-75. When these fractions were tested for binding to LDL, only the high molecular weight fraction bound to any significant extent. LDL was treated with reagents used to selectively modify basic amino acid residues, and the effect of these treatments on heparin binding was examined. Thus, ethoxyformic anhydride was used for histidine modification, acetic anhydride and succinic anhydride for lysines and cyclohexanedione for arginine residues. In each case there was a significant loss in heparin binding suggesting that various basic amino acids are involved in binding and/or that basic amino acids are necessary to maintain the proper conformation of LDL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the efficacy and safety of two subcutaneous prophylactic regimens for postoperative deep vein thrombosis after total hip replacement. DESIGN--Prospective open randomised multicentre trial. SETTING--28 European departments of orthopaedic surgery. INTERVENTION--All patients had bilateral phlebography 10 days after surgery. 31 patients receiving low molecular weight heparin and 29 receiving unfractionated heparin were excluded from the efficacy analysis for various reasons. PATIENTS--349 patients undergoing total hip replacement between September 1988 and May 1989. 174 patients received subcutaneously a low molecular weight heparin (Fraxiparine) with anti-factor Xa activity of 41 IU/kg/day for three days, then 62 IU/kg/day from day 4 to day 10. 175 patients received subcutaneous unfractionated heparin at intervals of eight hours; doses were adjusted to maintain the activated thromboplastin time at two to five seconds above control values. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Total incidence of deep vein thrombosis and incidence of proximal deep vein thrombosis on bilateral phlebography. RESULTS--The total incidence of deep vein thrombosis was 16% in patients receiving unfractionated heparin and 12.6% in patients receiving low molecular weight heparin (p = 0.45), and the incidence of thrombosis of the proximal veins was 13.1% and 2.9% respectively (p less than 0.001). Four patients receiving unfractionated heparin and one receiving low molecular weight heparin developed pulmonary embolism. The incidence of bleeding complications was low and comparable in the two groups. CONCLUSION--Low molecular weight heparin is at least as effective as unfractionated heparin in preventing deep vein thrombosis and is more effective at preventing thrombosis of the proximal veins in patients undergoing hip replacement. Low molecular weight heparin is not more likely to cause bleeding complications and is simpler to give than unfractionated heparin.  相似文献   

Pink (reduced) uteroferrin exhibits well resolved paramagnetic NMR spectra with resonances ranging from 90 ppm downfield to 70 ppm upfield. The intensities of these signals depend on the degree of reduction and correlate well with the intensity of the EPR signals with gave = 1.74. Analyses of chemical shifts and the temperature dependence of the paramagnetically shifted resonances indicate that the Fe(III)-Fe(II) cluster in the reduced protein exhibits weak antiferromagnetic exchange coupling (-J approximately equal to 10 cm-1), in agreement with the estimate derived from the temperature dependence of the EPR signal intensity. Purple (oxidized) uteroferrin, on the other hand, exhibits no discernible paramagnetically shifted resonances, reflecting either strong antiferromagnetic coupling or an unfavorable electron spin-lattice relaxation time. Evans susceptibility comparisons between pink and purple uteroferrin show that the Fe(III)-Fe(III) cluster in the oxidized protein is more strongly coupled (-J greater than 40 cm-1). This value concurs with low temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements on both the porcine and splenic purple acid phosphatases. The isotropically shifted protons of tyrosine coordinated to the cluster are assigned by comparison with synthetic complexes. Tyrosine, earlier implicated as a ligand by resonance Raman spectroscopy, appears to coordinate only to the ferric site in pink uteroferrin. This is consistent with the relatively invariant extinction coefficients of uteroferrin in its oxidized and reduced forms and the ease of reduction of the nonchromophoric iron compared to its chromophoric partner. Other possible ligands to the cluster include histidine, suggested by the presence of downfield-shifted solvent-exchangeable resonances with appropriate isotropic shifts.  相似文献   

P Gettins 《Biochemistry》1987,26(5):1391-1398
1H NMR has been used to characterize and compare the structures of antithrombin III from human, bovine, and porcine plasma as well as to investigate the interactions of each of these proteins with heparin fragments of defined length. The amino acid compositions of the three proteins are very similar, which is reflected in the gross features of their 1H NMR spectra. In addition, aromatic and methyl proton resonances in upfield-shifted positions appear to be common to all three proteins and suggest similar tertiary structures. Human antithrombin III has five histidine residues, bovine has six, and porcine has five. The C(2) proton from each of these residues gives a narrow resonance and titrates with pH; the pKa's are in the range 5.15-7.25. It is concluded that all histidines in each protein are surface residues with considerable independent mobility. The carbohydrate chains in each protein also give sharp resonances consistent with a surface location and motional flexibility. The 1H spectra are sensitive to heparin binding. Although heparin resonances obscure protein resonances in the region 3.2-6.0 ppm, difference spectra between antithrombin III with and without heparin show clear perturbation of a small number of aromatic and aliphatic protein protons. These resonances include those of histidine C(2) and C(4) protons, of 10-20 other aromatic protons, of a methyl group, and also of protons with chemical shifts similar to those of lysine and/or arginine side chains. For human antithrombin III, it was shown that heparin fragments 8, 10, and 16 sugar residues in length result in almost identical perturbations to the protein. In contrast, tetrasaccharide results in fewer perturbations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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