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Acquired resistance in hypersensitive tobacco plants against tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was induced by components occurring in the intercellular fluid (IV) obtained from virus-infected plants or by plant cell wall components. Induced resistance could be transmitted through seed to the progeny. Lesion size and number were reduced significantly when the progeny was tested by TMV-inoculation. IV was extracted from the upper uninoculated leaves of four times TMV-inoculated Nicotiana tabacum cv. ‘Xanthi’ nc plants. Injection of IV from induction-inoculated plants (SAR-IV) into leaves of healthy plants followed by TMV-infection reduced lesion size significantly. A concentration of 5 × 10?7 g SAR-IV/ml was still active. IV from healthy plants was inactive. The IV's were partly purified by gel filtration on a Sephadex G-50 column. Some fractions were active in inducing resistance as expressed in reduction of lesion size. Fractions of control-IV were inactive. It is still unknown whether the active substances in SAR-IV are in fact cell wall fragments acting as regulatory molecules in disease resistance.  相似文献   

Local infections of either TMV or TNV in tobacco plants cv. Havana 425 (hypersensitive to TMV) proved effective in inducing systemic resistance to subsequent inoculation with the powdery mildew fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. The proportion of leaf surface invaded by this pathogen and the amount of conidia it produced were both significantly lower in virus inoculated plants than in non-inoculated controls. However, the decrease in sporulation rate was less regularly observed than the reduction in leaf area infected. TMV was more effective than TNV in protecting tobacco plants from powdery mildew. E. cichoracearum is thus added to the list of challenge pathogens to which TMV or TNV are known to induce resistance in the host plants. Necrotic lesions caused to the leaves by local treatment with Ethephon (an ethylene-releasing compound) also conferred to tobacco some degree of systemic resistance to the same fungal pathogen, more frequently visible as a reduction of leaf area invaded. The protection due to the Ethephon lesions was in present experiments less marked than that of TMV. No effects against subsequent powdery mildew infection were obtained when point freeze necrotic lesions were provoked on the plants.  相似文献   

烟草花叶病毒(Tobaccomosaicvirus,TMV)为Tobamovirus代表成员,以此病毒介导的外源蛋白在植物中表达,经过了十几年的研究和不断完善,已被证实为一种有效的表达外源蛋白的途径.这项技术已经在医用活性多肽以及疫苗的研制、功能基因的鉴定、植物体内生物合成途径的研究等方面发挥越来越重要的作用.重点阐述了TMV基因组RNA的结构和分子生物学特征,并着重对重组载体的构建及其利用加以了论述.  相似文献   

In vivo uncoating of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was studied. As Shaw had reported, initiation of uncoating reaction takes place very efficiently. Coat protein is removed from the virus as a peptide which is precipitable with trichloroacetic acid. Short rod particles with partly exposed RNA are thus formed. Further uncoating to coat protein-free TMV-RNA (28S) seems to take place with very low efficiency which is comparable to that of formation of local lesions on the inoculated leaf. From the data on the intracellular distribution of these products of uncoating reaction, mechanisms and significance of these reactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA) is a signal in systemic acquired resistance and an inducer of the alternative oxidase protein in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv Xanthi nc) cell suspensions and during thermogenesis in aroid spadices. The effects of SA on the levels of alternative oxidase protein and the pathogenesis-related 1a mRNA (a marker for systemic acquired resistance), and on the partitioning of electrons between the Cyt and alternative pathways were investigated in tobacco. Leaves were treated with 1.0 mM SA and mitochondria isolated at times between 1 h and 3 d after treatment. Alternative oxidase protein increased 2.5-fold within 5 h, reached a maximum (9-fold) after 12 h, and remained at twice the level of control plants after 3 d. Measurements of isotope fractionation of 18O by intact leaf tissue gave a value of 23% at all times, identical to that of control plants, indicating a constant 27 to 30% of electron-flow partitioning to the alternative oxidase independent of treatment with SA. Transgenic NahG tobacco plants that express bacterial salicylate hydroxylase and possess very low levels of SA gave a fractionation of 23% and showed control levels of alternative oxidase protein, suggesting that steady-state alternative oxidase accumulates in an SA-independent manner. Infection of plants with tobacco mosaic virus resulted in an increase in alternative oxidase protein in both infected and systemic leaves, but no increase was observed in comparably infected NahG plants. Total respiration rate and partitioning of electrons to the alternative pathway in virus-infected plants was comparable to that in uninfected controls.  相似文献   

A major commercial cultivar of tobacco was transformed via Agrobacterium mediated procedure. Tobacco leaves started to form shoots on shoot inducing medium containing kanamycin after infected by Agrobacterium containing the plasmid with PVX CP gene. Regenerated plants were obtained in two weeks on hormone-free MS medium containing kanamycin. The transgenic tobacco plants were identified with nopaline detection,enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and western blot analysis, symptom appearance was significantly delayed and virus accumulation was either absent or reduced in PVX CP gene transformed plants. Progenies of transgenic tobacco plants also gained resistance to PVX infection to a certain degree. These experiments demonstrate that CP protection is effective against PVX.  相似文献   

Jia H  Pang Y  Chen X  Fang R 《Transgenic research》2006,15(3):375-384
Selection markers are often indispensable during the process of plant transformation, but dispensable once transgenic plants have been established. The Cre/lox site-specific recombination system has been employed to eliminate selectable marker genes from transgenic plants. Here we describe the use of a movement function-improved Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) vector, m30B, to express Cre recombinase for elimination of the selectable marker gene nptII from transgenic tobacco plants. The transgenic tobacco plants were produced by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with a specially designed binary vector pGNG which contained in its T-DNA region a sequence complex of 35S promoter-lox-the gfp coding sequence-rbcS terminator-Nos promoter-nptII-Nos terminator-lox-the gus coding region-Nos terminator. The expression of the recombinant viral vector m30B:Cre in plant cells was achieved by placing the viral vector under the control of the 35S promoter and through agroinoculation. After co-cultivating the pGNG-leaf discs with agro35S-m30B:Cre followed by shoot regeneration without any selection, plants devoid of the lox-flanked sequences including nptII were obtained with an efficiency of about 34% as revealed by histochemical GUS assay of the regenerants. Three of 11 GUS expressing regenerants, derived from two independent transgenic lines containing single copy of the pGNG T-DNA, proved to be free of the lox-flanked sequences by Southern blot analysis. Excision of the lox-flanked sequences in the three plants could be attributed to transient expression of Cre from the viral vector at the early stage of co-cultivation, since the cre sequence could not be detected in the viral RNA molecules accumulated in the plants, nor in their genomic DNA. The parental marker-free genotype was inherited in their selfed progeny, and all of the progeny were virus-free, apparently because TMV is not seed-transmissible. Therefore, expression of Cre from a TMV-based vector could be used to eliminate selectable marker genes from transgenic tobacco plants without sexual crossing and segregation, and this strategy could be extended to other TMV-infected plant species and applicable to other compatible virus–host plant systems.  相似文献   

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