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There is evidence of multiple copies of the FSHD Region Candidate Gene 1 (FRG1) in humans. Analysis of human FRG1 ESTs showed many of them to be non-processed pseudogenes dispersed throughout the genome. To determine when the amplification of FRG1 occurred, we used a PCR-based approach to identify FRG1 sequences from great apes, chimpanzee, gorilla and orang-utan, and an Old World monkey, Macaca mulatta. In common with humans, multiple copies of FRG1 were detected in the great apes. However, in Macaca mulatta, only two FRG1 loci were identified, one presumed to be the homologue of the human chromosome 4q gene. This is strikingly similar to the distribution of a dispersed 3.3-kb repeat family in primates. A member of this family, D4Z4, maps to the subtelomeric region of 4q, in close proximity to FRG1. We propose that an ancestral duplication of distal 4q included FRG1. This duplication is present in Macaca mulatta whose divergence from hominoids is thought to have occurred at least 33 million years ago. We propose that this telomeric region then underwent further amplification and dispersion events in the great ape lineage, with copies of FRG1 and the 3.3-kb repeats being localized in heterochromatic regions.  相似文献   

Remodeling of the involucrin gene during primate evolution   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
H Tseng  H Green 《Cell》1988,54(4):491-496
The protein involucrin is a product of terminal differentiation in the epidermal cell and related cell types. By comparing the nucleotide sequence of the involucrin gene of the lemur with that of the human, it is clear that the gene has undergone unusual evolution in the primates. The coding region of the gene contains an ancestral segment, most of which is common to the lemur and the human, and a species-specific segment of repeats derived from the ancestral segment. Instead of the modern segment of repeats found in the human gene, the lemur gene possesses repeats derived from another sequence at a different location in the ancestral segment. The two kinds of segments of repeats probably represent alternative ways of creating a repeat structure in the involucrin molecule. The modern segment of repeats must have been created after divergence of the higher primates from the prosimians.  相似文献   

In primates, the craniofacial skeleton and the dentition are marked by high levels of interspecific variation. Despite this, there are few comparative species studies conducted at the molecular level to investigate this functional diversity. We have determined nucleotide sequences of MSX1 and PAX9, two developmental genes, in a sample of 27 diverse primate species in order to identify coding or regulatory variation that may be associated with phenotypic diversity. Our analyses have identified four highly conserved noncoding sequences, including one that is conserved across primates and with dogs but not with mice. Although we find that substitution rates vary significantly across MSX1 exons, comparisons of nonsynonymous and synonymous substitution rates (dN/dS) suggest that, as a whole, MSX1 and PAX9 amino acid sequences have been under functional constraint throughout primate evolution. Compared to all other primates in our sample, our analysis of exon 1 in MSX1 finds an unusual pattern of amino acid substitution for Tarsius syrichta, a member of a lineage (tarsiers) that has many unique features among primates. For example, tarsiers are the only extant primates without deciduous incisors, and MSX1 is expressed exclusively in the incisor regions during the earliest stages of dental development. Our overall results provide insight into the utility of comparative species analyses of highly conserved developmental genes and their roles in the evolution of complex phenotypes.  相似文献   

Complexity analysis is capable of highlighting those gross evolutionary changes in gene promoter regions (loosely termed "promoter shuffling") that are undetectable by conventional DNA sequence alignment. Complexity analysis was therefore used here to identify the modular components (blocks) of the orthologous beta-globin gene promoter sequences of 22 vertebrate species, from zebrafish to humans. Considerable variation between the beta-globin gene promoters was apparent in terms of block presence/absence, copy number, and relative location. Some sequence blocks appear to be ubiquitous, whereas others are restricted to a specific taxon. Block similarities were also evident between the promoters of the paralogous human beta-like globin genes. It may be inferred that a wide variety of different mutational mechanisms have operated upon the beta-globin gene promoter over evolutionary time. Because these include gross changes such as deletion, duplication, amplification, elongation, contraction, and fusion, as well as the steady accumulation of single base-pair substitutions, it is clear that some redefinition of the term "promoter shuffling" is required. This notwithstanding, and as previously described for the vertebrate growth hormone gene promoter, the modular structure of the beta-globin promoter region and those of its paralogous counterparts have continually been rearranged into new combinations through the alteration, or shuffling, of preexisting blocks. Some of these changes may have had no influence on promoter function, but others could have altered either the level of gene expression or the responsiveness of the promoter to external stimuli. The comparative study of vertebrate beta-globin gene promoter regions described here confirms the generality of the phenomenon of sequence block shuffling and thus supports the view that it could have played an important role in the evolution of differential gene expression.  相似文献   

The cell cycle-dependent, ordered assembly of protein prereplicative complexes suggests that eukaryotic replication origins determine when genomic replication initiates. By comparison, the factors that determine where replication initiates relative to the sites of prereplicative complex formation are not known. In the human globin gene locus previous work showed that replication initiates at a single site 5′ to the β-globin gene when protein synthesis is inhibited by emetine. The present study has examined the pattern of initiation around the genetically defined β-globin replicator in logarithmically growing HeLa cells, using two PCR-based nascent strand assays. In contrast to the pattern of initiation detected in emetine-treated cells, analysis of the short nascent strands at five positions spanning a 40 kb globin gene region shows that replication initiates at more than one site in non-drug-treated cells. Quantitation of nascent DNA chains confirmed that replication begins at several locations in this domain, including one near the initiation region (IR) identified in emetine-treated cells. However, the abundance of short nascent strands at another initiation site ~20 kb upstream is ~4-fold as great as that at the IR. The latter site abuts an early S phase replicating fragment previously defined at low resolution in logarithmically dividing cells.  相似文献   

The delta globin gene in simian primates is either weakly expressed (in hominoids and New World monkeys) or silent (in Old World monkeys). In prosimian primates, however, an unequal homologous crossover between the psi eta and delta loci of lemurs produced a hybrid psi eta delta pseudogene locus, whereas in tarsier the delta locus encodes a beta-type chain found in 18% of adult tarsier hemoglobin molecules. In the present study, the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the galago delta and beta globin genes and their encoded peptides were determined, and evidence is provided showing that the galago delta locus encodes a beta-type chain (beta 2) found in 40% of the galago fetal and postnatal hemoglobin molecules, whereas the beta locus encodes the remaining 60% of the beta-type chain (beta 1). Galago beta 1 and beta 2 chains differ from each other by only one amino acid residue. The homology between the galago delta and beta loci extends from 800 base pairs 5' of the proximal CCAAT element to near the end of exon 3 as a result of a recombination event in which beta sequence replaced delta sequence. After this initial recombination event, concerted evolution between the loci continued over their conserved coding, intron 1, and promoter regions but failed to occur between the two loci in their intron 2 and distal 5'-flanking sequences where the two loci have now diverged by 20%. Calculations based on this divergence value and on a rate of noncoding sequence evolution of 4.2 x 10(-9) to 5.5 x 10(-9) substitutions/site/year for the lorisiform lineage to galago yielded a date of 18-24 million years ago for the initial recombination event. The fact that the promoter sequences of the galago delta locus are the same as that of the galago beta locus may account for the high level of expression of the galago delta gene.  相似文献   

Genomic clones which link the goat preadult (beta C) and adult (beta A) beta-globin genes have been isolated. These overlapping clones contain a previously unidentified embryonic like globin gene (epsilon III) and establish the following linkage map of eight genes in the goat beta-globin locus: epsilon I-epsilon II-psi beta X-beta C-epsilon III-epsilon IV-psi beta Z-beta A. This linkage map and the nucleotide sequence of the eight genes document a relatively recent duplication of a four-gene set: epsilon-epsilon-psi beta-beta. This duplication produced two genes (beta C and beta A) which are now expressed differentially during development. An embryonic like globin gene located downstream from beta A has also been isolated. The embryonic nature of this gene as well as the adult beta-like sequence of the goat fetal globin gene (gamma) suggest that a duplication of the four-gene set also produced the globin gene now expressed during fetal development.  相似文献   

Determination of L1 retrotransposition kinetics in cultured cells   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
L1 retrotransposons are autonomous retroelements that are active in the human and mouse genomes. Previously, we developed a cultured cell assay that uses a neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) retrotransposition cassette to determine relative retrotransposition frequencies among various L1 elements. Here, we describe a new retrotransposition assay that uses an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) retrotransposition cassette to determine retrotransposition kinetics in cultured cells. We show that retrotransposition is not detected in cultured cells during the first 48 h post-transfection, but then proceeds at a continuous high rate for at least 16 days. We also determine the relative retrotransposition rates of two similar human L1 retrotransposons, L1RP and L1.3. L1RP retrotransposed in the EGFP assay at a rate of ~0.5% of transfected cells/day, ~3-fold higher than the rate measured for L1.3. We conclude that the new assay detects near real time retrotransposition in a single cell and is sufficiently sensitive to differentiate retrotransposition rates among similar L1 elements. The EGFP assay exhibits improved speed and accuracy compared to the previous assay when used to determine relative retrotransposition frequencies. Furthermore, the EGFP cassette has an expanded range of experimental applications.  相似文献   

The localisation of tRNA(Asn) gene clusters in the karyotypes of primates has been studied by means of in situ hybridisation. In the human and orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) karyotypes there are two such gene clusters, one each on the long and short arms of chromosome 1. Old World monkeys, however, contain both gene clusters on their equivalent of the human chromosome 1 short arm, which can be explained by a pericentric inversion which (amongst other chromosome changes) distinguishes the human and Old World monkey chromosomes 1. The capuchin (Cebus appella), however, a New World monkey, has only one tRNA(Asn) gene cluster, at least on the elements equivalent to human chromosome 1. This cluster is located proximal to the centromere on a chromosome that has been tentatively identified (by others) as the equivalent of the long arm of human chromosome 1. Should this prove to be correct, it would indicate that the large primate metacentric came into being in the form found today in the great apes, rather than in the form currently found in Old World monkeys. These data further show that the tRNA(Asn) gene cluster has been split in two since before the Old World monkeys and hominids diverged, i.e., over 30 million years ago, and also that the original transfer of these genes from one arm of chromosome 1 to the other was unlikely to have involved a pericentric inversion but, rather, some form of replicative transposition.  相似文献   

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