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Kitahara R  Sareth S  Yamada H  Ohmae E  Gekko K  Akasaka K 《Biochemistry》2000,39(42):12789-12795
A high-pressure (15)N/(1)H two-dimensional NMR study has been carried out on folate-bound dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) from Escherichia coli in the pressure range between 30 and 2000 bar. Several cross-peaks in the (15)N/(1)H HSQC spectrum are split into two with increasing pressure, showing the presence of a second conformer in equilibrium with the first. Thermodynamic analysis of the pressure and temperature dependencies indicates that the second conformer is characterized by a smaller partial molar volume (DeltaV = -25 mL/mol at 15 degrees C) and smaller enthalpy and entropy values, suggesting that the second conformer is more open and hydrated than the first. The splittings of the cross-peaks (by approximately 1 ppm on (15)N axis at 2000 bar) arise from the hinges of the M20 loop, the C-helix, and the F-helix, all of which constitute the major binding site for the cofactor NADPH, suggesting that major differences in conformation occur in the orientations of the NADPH binding units. The Gibbs free energy of the second, open conformer is 5.2 kJ/mol above that of the first at 1 bar, giving an equilibrium population of about 10%. The second, open conformer is considered to be crucial for NADPH binding, and the NMR line width indicates that the upper limit for the rate of opening is 20 s(-)(1) at 2000 bar. These experiments show that high pressure NMR is a generally useful tool for detecting and analyzing "open" structures of a protein that may be directly involved in function.  相似文献   

Pressure-induced reversible conformational changes of sperm whale apomyoglobin have been studied between 30 bar and 3000 bar on individual residue basis by utilizing 1H/15N hetero nuclear single-quantum coherence two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy at pH 6.0 and 35 degrees C. Apomyoglobin showed a series of pressure-dependent NMR spectra as a function of pressure, assignable to the native (N), intermediates (I), molten globule (MG) and unfolded (U) conformers. At 30 bar, the native fold (N) shows disorder only in the F helix. Between 500 bar and 1200 bar, a series of locally disordered conformers I are produced, in which local disorder occurs in the C helix, the CD loop, the G helix and part of the H helix. At 2000 bar, most cross-peaks exhibit severe line-broadening, suggesting the formation of a molten globule, but at 3000 bar all the cross-peaks reappear, showing that the molten globule turns into a well-hydrated, mobile unfolded conformation U. Since all the spectral changes were reversible with pressure, apomyoglobin is considered to exist as an equilibrium mixture of the N, I, MG and U conformers at all pressures. MG is situated at 2.4+/-(0.1) kcal/mol above N at 1 bar and the unfolding transition from the combined N-I state to MG is accompanied by a loss of partial molar volume by 75+/-(3) ml/mol. On the basis of these observations, we postulate a theorem that the partial molar volume of a protein decreases in parallel with the loss of its conformational order.  相似文献   

The effect of pressure on the structure of gurmarin, a globular, 35-residue protein from Gymnema sylvestre, was studied in aqueous environment (95% 1H2O/5% 2H2O, pH 2.0) with an on-line variable pressure NMR system operating at 750 MHz. Two-dimensional TOCSY and NOESY spectra were measured as functions of pressure between 1 and 2000 bar at 40°C . Practically all the proton signals of gurmarin underwent some shifts with pressure, showing that the entire protein structure responds to, and is altered by, pressure. Most amide protons showed different degrees of low field shifts with pressure, namely 0–0.2 ppm with an average of 0.051 ppm at 2000 bar, showing that they are involved in hydrogen bonding and that these hydrogen bonds are shortened by pressure by different degrees. The tendency was also confirmed that the chemical shifts of the amide protons exposed to the solvent (water) are more sensitive to pressure than those internally hydrogen bonded with carbonyls. The pressure-induced shifts of the H signals of the residues in the -sheet showed a negative correlation with the folding shifts (difference between the shift at 1 bar and that of a random coil), suggesting that the main-chain torsion angles of the -sheet are slightly altered by pressure. Significant pressure-induced shifts were also observed for the side-chain protons (but no larger than 10% of the folding shifts), demonstrating that the tertiary structure of gurmarin is also affected by pressure. Finally, the linearity of the pressure-induced shifts suggests that the compressibility of gurmarin is invariant in the pressure range between 1 and 2000 bar.  相似文献   

Glutaredoxins (Grx) represent a large family of glutathione (GSH)-dependent oxidoreductases that catalyse the reduction of disulfides or glutathione mixed disulfide. Grx domains from pathogenic bacteria and plant Grxs have been recently reported to target specific peroxiredoxins (Prxs). The specificity that triggers the interaction between Grx and Prx is poorly understood and is only based on the structure of Haemophilus influenzae Prx-Grx hybrid (hyPrx5). We report here an NMR study of the Populus tremula Grx C4 that targets a P.tremula D-type II Prx. We show that Grx C4 specifically self-associates in a monomer-dimer equilibrium with an apparent K(d) of ca 2.6 mM. Grx C4 homodimer was docked under experimental restraints. The results reveal a novel Grx-Grx interface that is unrelated to the hyPrx5 Grx-Grx dimer interface. Chemical-shift perturbations and 15N spin-relaxation measurements show that the auto-association surface comprises both the active site and the GSH binding site. Reduced GSH is demonstrated to bind reduced Grx with a K(d) of ca 8.6 mM. The potential biological significance of the new Grx-Grx interaction interface is discussed.  相似文献   

R Kitahara  H Yamada  K Akasaka 《Biochemistry》2001,40(45):13556-13563
High-pressure 15N/1H two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy has been utilized to study conformational fluctuation of a 76-residue protein ubiquitin at pH 4.5 at 20 degrees C. The on-line variable pressure cell technique is used in conjunction with a high-field NMR spectrometer operating at 750 MHz for 1H in the pressure range between 30 and 3500 bar. Large, continuous and reversible pressure-induced 1H and 15N chemical shifts were observed for 68 backbone amide groups, including the 7.52 ppm 15N shift of Val70 at 3500 bar, indicating a large-scale conformational change of ubiquitin with pressure. On the basis of the analysis of sigmoid-shaped pressure shifts, we conclude that ubiquitin exists as an equilibrium mixture of two major folded conformers mutually converting at a rate exceeding approximately 10(4) s(-1) at 20 degrees C at 2000 bar. The second conformer exists at a population of approximately 15% (DeltaG(0) = 4.2 kJ/mol) and is characterized with a significantly smaller partial molar volume (DeltaV(0) = -24 mL/mol) than that of the well-known basic native conformer. The analysis of 1H and 15N pressure shifts of individual amide groups indicates that the second conformer has a loosened core structure with weakened hydrogen bonds in the five-stranded beta-sheet. Furthermore, hydrogen bonds of residues 67-72 belonging to beta5 are substantially weakened or partially broken, giving increased freedom of motion for the C-terminal segment. The latter is confirmed by the significant decrease in 15N[1H] nuclear Overhauser effect for residues beyond 70 at high pressure. Since the C-terminal carboxyl group constitutes the reactive site for producing a multi-ubiquitin structure, the finding of the second folded conformer with a substantially altered conformation and mobility in the C-terminal region will shed new light on the reaction mechanism of ubiquitin.  相似文献   

Many noncoding RNA molecules adopt alternative secondary and tertiary conformations that are critical for their roles in gene expression. Although many of these rearrangements are mediated by other biomolecular components, it is important to evaluate the equilibrium relationship of the conformers. To measure the spontaneous interconversion in a bi-stable RNA stem loop sequence into which a single 19F-uridine label was incorporated, a 19F–19F EXSY experiment was employed. The kinetic exchange rate measured from EXSY experiments for this system was 37.3 ± 2.8 s−1. The advantage of this approach is that exchange kinetics can be monitored in any RNA sequence into which a single 19F nucleotide is incorporated by commercial synthesis. This method is therefore suitable for application to biologically significant systems in which dynamic conformational rearrangement is important for function and may therefore facilitate studies of RNA structure–function relationships.  相似文献   

Zebrafish tissues and cell lines contain circadian clocks that respond directly to light. Using fluorescence-activated cell sorting, we have isolated clonal cell lines that contain the reporter construct, zfperiod4-luciferase. Bioluminescent assays show that oscillations within cell populations are dampened in constant darkness. However, single-cell imaging reveals that individual cells continue to oscillate, but with widely distributed phases and marked stochastic fluctuations in free-running period. Because these cells are directly light responsive, we can easily follow phase shifts to single light pulses. Here we show that light acts to reset desynchronous cellular oscillations to a common phase, as well as stabilize the subsequent free-running period.  相似文献   

The coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, uses −1 programmed ribosomal frameshifting (−1 PRF) to control the relative expression of viral proteins. As modulating −1 PRF can inhibit viral replication, the RNA pseudoknot stimulating −1 PRF may be a fruitful target for therapeutics treating COVID-19. We modeled the unusual 3-stem structure of the stimulatory pseudoknot of SARS-CoV-2 computationally, using multiple blind structural prediction tools followed by μs-long molecular dynamics simulations. The results were compared for consistency with nuclease-protection assays and single-molecule force spectroscopy measurements of the SARS-CoV-1 pseudoknot, to determine the most likely conformations. We found several possible conformations for the SARS-CoV-2 pseudoknot, all having an extended stem 3 but with different packing of stems 1 and 2. Several conformations featured rarely-seen threading of a single strand through junctions formed between two helices. These structural models may help interpret future experiments and support efforts to discover ligands inhibiting −1 PRF in SARS-CoV-2.  相似文献   

In the flagellum of mammalian spermatozoa, glutamylated and glycylated tubulin isoforms are detected according to longitudinal gradients and preferentially in axonemal doublets 1-5-6 and 3-8, respectively. This suggested a role for these tubulin isoforms in the regulation of flagellar beating. In the present work, using antibodies directed against various tubulin isoforms and quantitative immunogold analysis, we aimed at investigating whether the particular accessibility of tubulin isoforms in the mammalian sperm flagellum is restricted to this model of axoneme surrounded with periaxonemal structures or is also displayed in naked axonemes. In rodent lung ciliated cells, all studied tubulin isoforms are uniformly distributed in all axonemal microtubules with a unique deficiency of glutamylated tubulin in the transitional region. A similar distribution of tubulin isoforms is observed in cilia of Paramecium, except for a decreasing gradient of glutamylated tubulin labeling in the proximal part of axonemal microtubules. In the sea urchin sperm flagellum, predominant labeling of tyrosinated and detyrosinated tubulin in 1-5-6 and 3-8 doublets, respectively, were observed together with decreasing proximo-distal gradients of glutamylated and polyglycylated tubulin labeling and an increasing gradient of monoglycylated tubulin labeling. In flagella of Chlamydomonas, the glutamylated and glycylated tubulin isoforms are detected at low levels. Our results show a specific composition and organization of tubulin isoforms in different models of cilia and flagella, suggesting various models of functional organization and beating regulation of the axoneme.  相似文献   

Definitive secondary structural mapping of RNAs in vitro can be complicated by the presence of more than one structural conformer or multimerization of some of the molecules. Until now, probing a single structure of conformationally flexible RNA molecules has typically relied on introducing stabilizing mutations or adjusting buffer conditions or RNA concentration. Here, we present an in-gel SHAPE (selective 2′OH acylation analysed by primer extension) approach, where a mixed structural population of RNA molecules is separated by non-denaturing gel electrophoresis and the conformers are individually probed within the gel matrix. Validation of the technique using a well-characterized RNA stem-loop structure, the HIV-1 trans-activation response element, showed that authentic structure was maintained and that the method was accurate and highly reproducible. To further demonstrate the utility of in-gel SHAPE, we separated and examined monomeric and dimeric species of the HIV-1 packaging signal RNA. Extensive differences in acylation sensitivity were seen between monomer and dimer. The results support a recently proposed structural switch model of RNA genomic dimerization and packaging, and demonstrate the discriminatory power of in-gel SHAPE.  相似文献   

Conformational studies of enkephalins are hampered by their high flexibility which leads to mixtures of quasi-isoenergetic conformers in solution and makes NOEs very difficult to detect in NMR spectra. In order to improve the quality of the NMR data, Leu–enkephalin was synthesized with 15N-labelled uniformly on all amide nitrogens and examined in a viscous solvent medium at low temperature. HMQC NOESY spectra of the labelled Leu–enkephalin in a DMSOd6/H2O mixture at 275 K do show numerous NOEs, but these are not consistent with a single conformer and are only sufficient to describe the conformational state as a mixture of several conformers. Here a different approach to the structure–activity relationships of enkephalins is presented: it is possible to analyse the NMR data in terms of limiting canonical structures (i.e. β- and γ-turns) and finally to select only those consistent with the requirements of δ selective agonists and antagonists. This strategy results in the prediction of a family of conformers that may be useful in the design of new δ selective opioid peptides. © 1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The secondary structure in the molten globule state (an equilibrium analogue of a burst-phase folding intermediate) of equine beta-lactoglobulin was investigated by changes in the circular dichroic spectrum induced by a series of site-directed proline substitutions. The results challenge the structural picture obtained from previous hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments. A stable non-native alpha-helix was found to exist in the region corresponding to the eighth strand (H strand) in the native structure, where the backbone amide protons are the most strongly protected from exchange. Therefore, the backbone topology in the folding core is significantly different from that in the native structure. This indicates that the burst-phase folding intermediate of beta-lactoglobulin is a trapped species because of misfolded backbone topology.  相似文献   

Conformational fluctuation plays a key role in protein function, but we know little about the associated structural changes. Here we present a general method for elucidating, at the atomic level, a large-scale shape change of a protein molecule in solution undergoing conformational fluctuation. The method utilizes the intimate relationship between conformation and partial molar volume and determines three-dimensional structures of a protein at different pressures using variable pressure NMR technique, whereby NOE distance and torsion angle constraints are used to create average coordinates. Ubiquitin (pH 4.6 at 20 degrees C) was chosen as the first target, for which structures were determined at 30 bar and at 3 kbar, giving "NMR snapshots" of a fluctuating protein structure at atomic resolution. The result reveals that the helix swings in and out by >3 angstroms with a simultaneous reorientation of the C-terminal segment, providing an "open" conformer suitable for enzyme recognition. Spin relaxation analysis indicates that this fluctuation occurs in the ten microsecond time range with activation volumes -4.2(+/-3.2) and 18.5(+/-3.0) ml/mol for the "closed-to-open" and the "open-to-closed" transitions, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), defined as small random deviations from the ideal bilateral symmetry, has been hypothesized to increase in response to both genetic and environmental stress experienced by a population. We compared levels of FA in 12 bilateral meristic traits (viz. lateral-line system neuromasts and lateral plates), and heterozygosity in 23 microsatellite loci, among four marine (high piscine predation risk) and four pond (zero piscine predation risk) populations of nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius). RESULTS: Pond sticklebacks had on average three times higher levels of FA than marine fish and this difference was highly significant. Heterozygosity in microsatellite markers was on average two times lower in pond (HE [almost equal to] 0.3) than in marine (HE [almost equal to] 0.6) populations, and levels of FA and heterozygosity were negatively correlated across populations. However, after controlling for habitat effect on heterozygosity, levels of FA and heterozygosity were uncorrelated. CONCLUSIONS: The fact that levels of FA in traits likely to be important in the context of predator evasion were elevated in ponds compared to marine populations suggests that relaxed selection for homeostasis in ponds lacking predatory fish may be responsible for the observed habitat difference in levels of FA. This inference also aligns with the observation that the levels of genetic variability across the populations did not explain population differences in levels of FA after correcting for habitat effect. Hence, while differences in strength of selection, rather than in the degree of genetic stress could be argued to explain habitat differences in levels of FA, the hypothesis that increased FA in ponds is caused by genetic stress cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis involves a series of redox reactions and is the major source of reactive oxygen species in plant cells.Fluctuating light(FL) levels,which occur commonly in natural environments,affect photosynthesis;however,little is known about the specific effects of FL on the redox regulation of photosynthesis.Here,we performed global quantitative mapping of the Arabidopsis thaliana cysteine thiol redox proteome under constant light and FL conditions.We identified8857 redox-switched thiols in 4...  相似文献   

Proton NMR spectra for nitrosyl-, aquomet- and deoxy des-Arg(α141)-hemoglobin in H2O were studied at high pressures up to 1400 atm with attention to the exchangeable proton resonances due to the intra- and intersubunit hydrogen bonds. For aquomethemoglboin, the T state marker signal at 6.4 ppm is insensitive to pressure while the R state marker signal at 6.0 ppm exhibits progressive upfield shift upon pressurization. For nitrosylhemoglobin, the T state signals at 9.6 and 6.5 ppm decrease their intensities upon pressurization while the R state marker signal at 6.0ppm remains unchanged. Pressure-induced spectral changes for some of exchangeable resonances are also encountered for deoxy des-Arg(α141)-hemoglobin while the R and T quaternary structural indicators at 6.0 and 9.4 ppm are insensitive to pressure. These pressure-induced spectral changes for these hemoglobin derivatives are significantly distinguished from those associated with the R-T transition induced by addition of IHP or by variatiuon of pH. It is therefore concluded that pressure induces subtle quaternary structural changes in these hemoglobin derivatives without causing the R-T transition.  相似文献   

Seed predation, an omnipresent phenomenon in tropical rain forests, is an important determinant of plant recruitment and forest regeneration. Although seed predation destroys large amounts of the seed crop of numerous tropical species, in many cases individual seed damage is only partial. The extent to which partial seed predation affects the recruitment of new individuals in the population depends on the type and magnitude of alteration of the germination behavior of the damaged seeds. We analyzed the germination dynamics of 11 tropical woody species subject to increasing levels of simulated seed predation (0-10% seed mass removal). Germination response to seed damage varied considerably among species but could be grouped into four distinct types: (1) complete inability to germinate under damage ≥1%, (2) no effect on germination dynamics, (3) reduced germination with increasing damage, and (4) reduced final germination but faster germination with increasing damage. We conclude that partial seed predation is often nonlethal and argue that different responses to predation may represent different proximal mechanisms for coping with partial damage, with potential to shape, in the long run, morphological and physiological adaptations in tropical, large-seeded species.  相似文献   

The influence of pressure on the equilibrium between five‐(5c) and six‐coordination (6c) forms in neuroglobin (Ngb) and myoglobin (Mb) has been examined by means of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at normal and high pressure. The results show that the main effect of high pressure is to reduce the protein mobility without altering the structure in a significant manner. Moreover, our data suggest that the equilibrium between 5c and 6c states in globins is largely controlled by the structure and dynamics of the C‐D region. Finally, in agreement with the available experimental data, the free energy profiles obtained from steered MD for both proteins indicate that high pressure enhances hexacoordination. In Ngb, the shift in equilibrium is mainly related to an increase in the 6c→5c transition barrier, whereas in Mb such a shift is primarily due to a destabilization of the 5c state. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Solid-state 31P- and 13C-NMR spectra were recorded in melittin-lecithin vesicles composed of 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DLPC) or 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC). Highly ordered magnetic alignments were achieved with the membrane surface parallel to the magnetic field above the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition temperature (Tc). Using these magnetically oriented vesicle systems, dynamic structures of melittin bound to the vesicles were investigated by analyzing the 13C anisotropic and isotropic chemical shifts of selectively 13C-labeled carbonyl carbons of melittin under the static and magic-angle spinning conditions. These results indicate that melittin molecules adopt an alpha-helical structure and laterally diffuse to rotate rapidly around the membrane normal with tilt angles of the N-terminal helix being -33 degrees and -36 degrees and those of the C-terminal helix being 21 degrees and 25 degrees for DLPC and DPPC vesicles, respectively. The rotational-echo double-resonance method was used to measure the interatomic distance between [1-13C]Val8 and [15N]Leu13 to further identify the bending alpha-helical structure of melittin to possess the interhelical angles of 126 degrees and 119 degrees in DLPC and DPPC membranes, respectively. These analyses further lead to the conclusion that the alpha-helices of melittin molecules penetrate the hydrophobic cores of the bilayers incompletely as a pseudo-trans-membrane structure and induce fusion and disruption of vesicles.  相似文献   

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