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我国热带地区是外来入侵物种发生与危害的重灾区,近年来外来有害昆虫入侵所引发的生物灾害及生态安全问题日趋严峻。在海南省、广东省、广西壮族自治区、云南省、福建省外来入侵昆虫的调查结果及文献资料的基础上,整理分析了中国热带地区外来入侵昆虫的种类构成、分布、原产地及首次发现地。据统计,2000-2014年我国热带地区的外来入侵昆虫种类共计23种,隶属于6目11科,数量最多的为半翅目(13种,56.52%),其中以粉蚧科和粉虱科居多;热带地区的外来入侵昆虫在不同地区之间的物种数量差异较大,其中海南省最多(19种,82.61%),其后依次为广东省(16种,69.57%)、云南省(14种,60.87%)、广西壮族自治区(12种,52.17%),而福建省最少(9种,占39.13%);在入侵我国热带地区的外来有害昆虫中,原产于亚洲、北美洲的种类最多均为6种,占26.09%,南美洲占21.74%,而从非洲、大洋洲、欧洲传入的分别占8.70%、4.35%、4.35%;外来入侵昆虫的首次发现地位于广东省的有9种,占39.13%,出现在海南省和云南省的各占30.43%、21.74%,出现在广西壮族自治区的为8.70%。阐明我国热带地区外来有害昆虫的种类特征及入侵现状,可为该地区外来入侵昆虫的监测与防控提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

【背景】广东省是中国外来物种入侵最严重的地区之一,入侵昆虫引发的生物灾害日趋严重。【方法】根据广东省各地区的野外调查结果及国内外的相关文献,汇总分析了广东省外来入侵昆虫的种类、原产地、入侵地、地理分布格局。【结果】据统计,在广东省造成一定程度危害的外来入侵昆虫种类共计30种,以蚧类最多,占30.00%;在广东省的外来入侵昆虫中,原产于亚洲的种类最多,为12种,占40.00%,其中东盟8种,北美洲、南美洲各占20.00%、16.67%,从非洲、欧洲和大洋洲传入的分别占10.00%、3.33%和3.33%;外来入侵昆虫的首次发现地位于广东省的有17种,占56.67%,且全部位于珠三角地区,海南省的占20.00%,云南省的占10.00%,出现在广西壮族自治区、北京市、上海市的均为3.33%;广东省外来入侵昆虫的地理分布存在较大的空间差异,珠三角地区外来入侵昆虫物种数量较多,粤西地区相对次之,粤北和粤东地区相对较少。【结论与意义】明确广东省外来有害昆虫的入侵现状及地理分布格局,可为广东省外来入侵昆虫的监测和防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以河南省鸡公山国家级自然保护区外来入侵植物为研究对象,对该地区1994 -2014年间外来入侵植物的变化进行了研究。结果显示,1951 -2010年信阳市每5年的平均温度明显上升、降水量年际间的波动较大;1994 -2014年的20年间,该保护区外来入侵植物从49种增加到60种,增长了22.4%,增加的11种外来入侵植物分别为:菊科4种,豆科2种,苋科、十字花科、大戟科、酢浆草科和雨久花科各1种;该保护区外来入侵植物主要来源于美洲、欧洲、亚洲和非洲,1994 -2014年间来自美洲的入侵植物共33种(其中新增加的有6种),占2014年外来入侵物种的50.0%以上;从生活型来看,外来入侵植物主要为陆生植物,占总数的95%以上,其中,一年生植物>一、二年生植物>多年生草本植物;从入侵途径来看,有意引进>无意引入>自然扩散;新增的入侵植物以种子作为主要繁殖方式的有9种。因此,对该保护区生物多样性保护和引种过程中,要加强对来自美洲的以种子作为主要繁殖方式的陆生草本植物的入侵风险进行监控和管理。  相似文献   

基于野外调查及文献资料及标本信息查阅,基本查清海口市外来入侵植物的种类组成、原产地、生活型、入侵途径,并对外来入侵植物在海口市的入侵危害进行等级划分。结果表明,海口市目前发现外来入侵植物115种,隶属于32科83属,其中菊科种数最多,有23种,占海口外来入侵植物总种数的20.0%;有92种原产地为美洲,占80.0%;有84种为草本植物,占73.0%;有111种为人类有意或无意引入,占96.5%;入侵植物中严重危害类(1级)有12种,一般危害类(2级)有24种,潜在危害类(3级)有25种,一般外来类(4级)有22种,32种还有待观察(5级)。文中提出对海口外来植物入侵的防控及管理对策。  相似文献   

黑龙江省外来入侵植物的种类组成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑宝江  潘磊 《生物多样性》2012,20(2):231-234
近年来,黑龙江省外来入侵植物种类呈逐渐增多趋势。为摸清本地区外来入侵植物状况,我们于2008年6月至2010年10月对原产地在国外、已经在黑龙江省内自然或半自然生态系统建立种群、威胁或者破坏当地经济和生态环境的植物种类(包括种下分类单位)进行了全面调查。根据实地调查和文献资料,我们给出了目前黑龙江省外来入侵植物名录,对它们的原产地、引入途径以及区系成分等进行了分析。黑龙江省目前共有外来入侵植物41种,隶属于17科35属,以菊科种类为最多,有12种,占外来入侵植物总种数的29.3%,并且它们以草本植物为主,共39种,占95.1%。从来源地来看,来自美洲、欧洲的种类分别为22种和14种,占外来入侵植物总种数的53.7%和34.2%。从传入途径看,基本上为有意或无意引入(40种,占97.6%)。本区外来入侵植物属的区系成分共包括9个分布区类型,其中温带成分占明显优势,共17属,占68.0%。根据对黑龙江省外来植物的入侵现状及有效防治进行的探讨,我们建议实行具有地域特色的外来物种引进风险评估制度。  相似文献   

外来生物入侵是当今世界的热点问题之一,对生态环境、人类健康和农林业生产构成巨大的威胁。热带地区因其优越的自然气候条件,成为我国外来入侵生物发生与危害的重灾区。本文以外来入侵昆虫为研究对象,通过文献调研和数据库资料查询,对外来入侵昆虫在我国热带区域的分布、种类、原产地、入侵地等进行综述。我国热带区域外来入侵昆虫种类共计72种,主要集中在云南(51种,占70.83%)、海南(46种,占63.89%)、广东(45种,占62.5%)、广西(39种,占54.17%)等省,其中以半翅目(24种,33.33%)、鞘翅目(21种,占29.17%)昆虫为主。亚洲和南美洲是我国热带地区外来入侵昆虫的主要来源地,分别有26种(占36.11%)和12种(占16.67%)。这些分析结果可为我国热带地区外来入侵昆虫的综合防控及相关政策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】近年来,湖北省外来入侵植物数目和种类都呈现上升趋势,但该地区外来入侵植物编目的研究相对滞后,本研究试图填补这项空白,为湖北省外来入侵植物的防治和生态环境保护提供比较全面和准确的数据。【方法】通过查阅文献资料和个人观察,初步确定湖北省外来入侵植物的种类,再根据相关文献和实际野外调查排除不符合外来入侵植物定义的物种,最后确定湖北省外来入侵植物的原产地、生活型、引入途径等。【结果】湖北省外来入侵植物共有145种,隶属于41科,以菊科、豆科、苋科、茄科为主。原产地有8种来源,大部分外来入侵物种原产于北美洲(85种;占全部外来入侵物种的35.6%)。生活型以草本植物为主(134种;占全部外来入侵物种的75.3%)。引入途径有意引入、无意引入、自然传入,占比分别为56.0%、36.7%、7.3%。【结论】研究结果可用于湖北省外来入侵植物的防治,但是为了保证数据的准确性,应定期对湖北省外来入侵植物名录进行更新,以反映实际情况。  相似文献   

生物入侵是当今世界各国发展的一大挑战。外来入侵物种已对各国经济造成了不同程度的影响, 中国也未能幸免。为了防止外来物种入侵, 减轻其对我国造成的影响, 国家环保总局先后于2003 年、2010 年及2014 年公布了3 批中国外来入侵物种名单。据统计, 中国公布的3 批外来物种名单中的外来入侵植物共29 种, 占半数以上, 其中菊科和禾本科植物合计20 种, 约占3 批外来入侵植物总种数的68.96%; 生活型为草本的植物最多, 占96.55%; 原产地为美洲的占93.10%。3 批外来入侵植物中62.07%的植物是非有意引入的, 现今已全部建立种群, 且在全国各地大范围扩散。  相似文献   

[目的] 了解洞庭湖区入侵植物分布规律及其危害,对洞庭湖区入侵植物区系、种类组成、类型、生活型和原产地进行较为深入的研究。[方法] 通过实地调查、采集标本、查阅资料进行统计分析。[结果] 洞庭湖区外来入侵植物共有86种,隶属于24科64属,原产于美洲的有51种,占总数的58.6%,双子叶植物有21科53属73种,单子叶植物仅有5科12属13种,草本植物共84种,占97.6%,洞庭湖区入侵植物科的区系类型主要为世界广布;入侵植物属的区系类型以泛热带分布和世界广布为主。[结论] 洞庭湖区入侵植物种类较多、适应性强、繁殖速度快、繁殖能力强、传播途径多样、区系成分复杂且危害严重,应根据入侵现状对洞庭湖区外来入侵植物采取相应的的防治措施。  相似文献   

[目的] 了解福州市公园的外来入侵植物种类组成,分析其原产地及入侵等级等情况,能够为福州外来入侵植物的扩散、防控以及生物多样性保护提供参考依据。[方法] 对福州市4个区49个公园的外来入侵植物种类、原产地、生活型、入侵频度、危害程度(入侵等级)等进行调查和分析。[结果] 在调查的福州市所有公园内均有入侵植物分布,目前有入侵植物66种,隶属25科,其中菊科、豆科、苋科3个科为优势科,共计33种(占50.00%);从来源上看,大多数原产于美洲,其次是非洲、欧洲、亚洲;以草本植物为主,共有55种(占83.30%);从入侵频度看,入侵频度超过50%的入侵植物有7种,其中小蓬草的频度最高,为87.76%;从入侵等级来看,其中恶性(1级)入侵植物16种,严重(2级)入侵植物14种,局部(3级)入侵植物12种,一般(4级)入侵植物11种,有待观察类(5级)13种。[结论] 当前福州市公园内的外来植物入侵现象比较严重,应当加强该区域的入侵植物监测与预警,防止入侵植物扩散从而造成重大生态危害。  相似文献   

Raymond JA  Knight CA 《Cryobiology》2003,46(2):174-181
Extracellular macromolecules associated with Antarctic sea ice diatoms were previously shown to have ice-binding activities. The function of these ice-active substances (IASs) has not been identified. Here we show that two of the IASs have a strong ability to inhibit the recrystallization of ice, possibly signifying a cryoprotectant function. To test this possibility, two species of marine diatom (one Antarctic and one temperate) were subjected to a single freeze-thaw cycle (approximately 20h at -4 or -5 degrees C) in the presence or absence of IAS. Viability, based on a double staining technique, was 15-29% higher in the presence of IAS. Etching of single crystal ice hemispheres grown from dilute IAS solutions indicated that the IASs bind to specific faces of ice and are incorporated into the ice lattice. Together, these results suggest that the IASs acts as a cryoprotectant, probably through some ice-binding mechanism.  相似文献   

Ice-active substances (IASs), i.e., macromolecular substances that modify the shape of growing ice crystals, were previously found to be associated with various terrestrial and aquatic photosynthetic organisms from Antarctica, but their chemical nature and function are unknown. In this study, we used the ice-binding properties of the IASs to semipurify IASs from a cyanobacterial mat, a eukaryotic green alga (Prasiola sp.), and a moss (Bryum sp.) and examined the ice recrystallization inhibition (RI) activities of the semipure materials. The semipure materials contain both protein and carbohydrate in which the carbohydrate accounted for 73, 52, and 37%, respectively, of the total carbohydrate + protein. The IASs had RI activity at concentrations of 1.4, 0.05, and 0.01 microg ml-1, respectively. RI activity was greatly reduced by heat treatment, suggesting that the IASs inhibit recrystallization through a specific interaction with ice. These results raise the possibility that the IASs increase freezing tolerance of their respective organisms by preventing the recrystallization of ice.  相似文献   

The dioecious plant Silene latifolia has large, heteromorphic X and Y sex chromosomes that are thought to be derived from rearrangements of autosomes. To reveal the origin of the sex chromosomes in S. latifolia, we isolated and characterized telomere-homologous sequences from intra-chromosomal regions (interstitial telomere-like repeats; ITRs) and ITR-adjacent sequences (IASs). Nine genomic DNA fragments with degenerate 84- to 175-bp ITRs were isolated from a genomic library and total genome of male plants. Comparing the nucleotide sequences, the IASs of the nine ITRs were classified into seven elements (IAS-a, IAS-b, IAS-c, IAS-d, IAS-e, IAS-f, and IAS-g) by sequence similarity. The ITRs were grouped into two classes (class-I and -II ITRs) according to the classification of IASs. The class-I ITRs were sub-grouped into three subclasses (subclasses-IA, -IB, and -IC ITRs) based on the arrangement of IAS elements. By contrast, the class-II ITR was located between two different IASs (IAS-f and IAS-g). Genomic Southern analyses showed that both the male and female genomes contained six (IAS-f) to 153 (IAS-d) copies of each IAS per haploid genome. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses showed that one IAS element, IAS-d, was distributed in the interstitial and proximal regions of the sex chromosomes of S. latifolia. The distribution of IAS-d is important evidence for past telomere-mediated chromosome rearrangements during the evolution of the sex chromosomes of S. latifolia.  相似文献   

Macromolecular ice-active substances (IASs) that cause pitting of ice-crystal surfaces were previously shown to be associated with two species of Antarctic sea-ice diatom. Here it is shown that IASs are associated with many, if not all, sea-ice diatoms of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, are present in the bottom layer of sea ice in rough proportion to the density of cells, and exist in winter-grown, algae-containing sea ice in different parts of the Southern Ocean and in at least one location in the Arctic. The IASs are retained to varying degrees by dialysis tubing with 50-, 100- and 300-kDa molecular weight cut-offs, suggesting a large molecular weight range, and have a solute requirement (∼≥200 mOsm/kg) for activity. The IASs occur as smears on both native and denaturing electrophoretic gels, which further suggests a heterogeneous nature. One apparently pure sample contained carbohydrate and protein (at an approximate 3:2 ratio on a weight basis), suggesting that the IASs are glycoproteins. The IASs preferentially bind to ice crystals, as they are concentrated in the ice phase of partially frozen solutions. Accepted: 25 April 2000  相似文献   

Recent increases in international trade have increased the cost to control and eradicate exotic species. Although many species are under quarantine control for agriculture, forestry, and public health, most species invisible to the naked eye are ignored because of the lack of both specialized assessors and risk assessments. We developed a species risk assessment particularly adapted to fungi, nematodes, and mites, that might be unintentionally introduced with exotic forest products and become threats to terrestrial ecosystems. We developed our assessment with reference to existing risk assessments for exotic organisms, including their ecological features such as phoresy and parasitism. We then tested our assessment with well-known organisms and assessed the risks of organisms unintentionally introduced into Japan. The assessment demonstrated scientifically acceptable scores for each organism. We suggest quarantine control of risk pathways as a practical approach for controlling unintentionally introduced organisms that are invisible to the naked eye.  相似文献   

Transgenes engineered into annual crops could be unintentionally introduced into the genomes of their free-living wild relatives. The fear is that these transgenes might persist in the environment and have negative ecological consequences. Are some crops or transgenic traits of more concern than others? Are there natural genetic barriers to minimize gene escape? Can the genetic transformation process be exploited to produce new barriers to gene flow? Questions abound, but luckily so do answers.  相似文献   

The status and causes of alien species invasion in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Data of classification, origin, pathway and environmental impacts of invasive alien micro-organisms, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, weeds, trees, and marine organisms in terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems of China, were analyzed, based on literature retrieval, field survey and consultation. Some 283 invasive alien species were recorded in China, including 19 invasive alien micro-organisms, 18 aquatic plants, 170 terrestrial plants, 25 aquatic invertebrates, 33 terrestrial invertebrates, 3 amphibians and reptiles, 10 fish, and 5 mammals. Of the invasive alien species, 55.1% originated from North and South America, 21.7% from Europe, 9.9% from Asia, 8.1% from Africa and 0.6% from Oceania. Many institutions and individuals in China lack adequate knowledge of ecological and environmental consequences caused by invasive alien species, with some ignorance of the dangerous invasion in the introduction of alien species. For instance, 50.0% of invasive alien plants were intentionally introduced as pasture, feedingstuff, ornamental plants, textile plants, medicinal plants, vegetables, or lawn plants, 25% of alien invasive animals were intentionally introduced for cultivation, ornament, or biological control, In addition, more efforts are being made in the introduction of alien species, and little attention is paid on the management of introduced alien species, which may cause their escape into natural environment and potential threats to the environment. There were also gaps in quarantine system in China. All microorganisms were unintentionally introduced, through timber, seedling, flowerpot, or soil; 76.3% of alien invasive animals invaded through commodity or transportation facility because of the failure of quarantine. Therefore, quarantine measures should be strictly implemented; and meanwhile the intentional introduction of alien species should be strictly managed and a system of risk assessment should be implemented.  相似文献   

Huang D  Zhang R  Kim KC  Suarez AV 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31734


The unintentional transport of species as a result of human activities has reached unprecedented rates. Once established, introduced species can be nearly impossible to eradicate. It is therefore essential to identify and monitor locations where invaders are most likely to establish new populations. Despite the obvious value of early detection, how does an agency identify areas that are most vulnerable to new invaders? Here we propose a novel approach by using the “first detection location” (FDL) of introduced species in China to quantify characteristics of areas where introduced species are first reported.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We obtained FDLs for 166 species (primarily agricultural and forestry pests) that were unintentionally introduced into China prior to 2008 from literature searches. The spatial pattern and determinants of FDLs were examined at the provincial level. The spatial pattern of FDLs varied among provinces with more commerce and trade and economically developed provinces in coastal regions having more FDLs than interior provinces. For example, 74.6% of FDLs were distributed in coastal regions despite that they only cover 15.6% of the total area in China. Variables that may be indicators of “introduction pressure” (e.g. the amount of received commerce) had an overwhelming effect on the number of FDLs in each province (R 2 = 0.760).


Our results suggest that “introduction pressure” may be one of the most important factors that determine the locations where newly-introduced species are first detected, and that open and developed provinces in China should be prioritized when developing monitoring programs that focus on locating and managing new introductions. Our study illustrates that FDL approaches can contribute to the study and management of biological invasions not only for China but also for elsewhere.  相似文献   

Recent collections of tetrasporangiate “Heterosiphonia” japonica Yendo from Watch Hill to Point Judith, Rhode Island, represent the first report of this nonnative alga in the western Atlantic. Native to the Pacific Ocean, this species was unintentionally introduced into European waters by 1984 and has subsequently invaded the eastern Atlantic Ocean widely from France to Norway and south into the Mediterranean Sea. Thus far, all western Atlantic collections of this species are confined to the outer coast of Rhode Island, and at present are not found in Narragansett Bay or in Long Island Sound along the Connecticut coast. Molecular and morphological studies confirm the identity of this newly introduced invasive species.  相似文献   

Pyšek P  Jarošík V  Pergl J 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24890


Understanding the dimensions of pathways of introduction of alien plants is important for regulating species invasions, but how particular pathways differ in terms of post-invasion success of species they deliver has never been rigorously tested. We asked whether invasion status, distribution and habitat range of 1,007 alien plant species introduced after 1500 A.D. to the Czech Republic differ among four basic pathways of introduction recognized for plants.

Principal Findings

Pathways introducing alien species deliberately as commodities (direct release into the wild; escape from cultivation) result in easier naturalization and invasion than pathways of unintentional introduction (contaminant of a commodity; stowaway arriving without association with it). The proportion of naturalized and invasive species among all introductions delivered by a particular pathway decreases with a decreasing level of direct assistance from humans associated with that pathway, from release and escape to contaminant and stowaway. However, those species that are introduced via unintentional pathways and become invasive are as widely distributed as deliberately introduced species, and those introduced as contaminants invade an even wider range of seminatural habitats.


Pathways associated with deliberate species introductions with commodities and pathways whereby species are unintentionally introduced are contrasting modes of introductions in terms of invasion success. However, various measures of the outcome of the invasion process, in terms of species'' invasion success, need to be considered to accurately evaluate the role of and threat imposed by individual pathways. By employing various measures we show that invasions by unintentionally introduced plant species need to be considered by management as seriously as those introduced by horticulture, because they invade a wide range of seminatural habitats, hence representing even a greater threat to natural areas.  相似文献   

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