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Much of our current knowledge about the physiological and pathophysiological role of gap junctions is based on experiments where coupling has been reduced by either chemical agents or genetic modification. This has brought evidence that gap junctions are important in many physiological processes. In a number of cases, gap junctions have been implicated in the initiation and progress of disease, and experimental uncoupling has been used to investigate the exact role of coupling. The inverse approach, i.e., to increase coupling, has become possible in recent years and represents a new way of testing the role of gap junctions. The aim of this review is to summarize the current knowledge obtained with agents that selectively increase gap junctional intercellular coupling. Two approaches will be reviewed: increasing coupling by the use of antiarrhythmic peptide and its synthetic analogs and by interfering with the gating of gap junctional channels.  相似文献   

Recent developments in modern computational accelerators like Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and coprocessors provide great opportunities for making scientific applications run faster than ever before. However, efficient parallelization of scientific code using new programming tools like CUDA requires a high level of expertise that is not available to many scientists. This, plus the fact that parallelized code is usually not portable to different architectures, creates major challenges for exploiting the full capabilities of modern computational accelerators. In this work, we sought to overcome these challenges by studying how to achieve both automated parallelization using OpenACC and enhanced portability using OpenCL. We applied our parallelization schemes using GPUs as well as Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) coprocessor to reduce the run time of wave propagation simulations. We used a well-established 2D cardiac action potential model as a specific case-study. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study auto-parallelization of 2D cardiac wave propagation simulations using OpenACC. Our results identify several approaches that provide substantial speedups. The OpenACC-generated GPU code achieved more than speedup above the sequential implementation and required the addition of only a few OpenACC pragmas to the code. An OpenCL implementation provided speedups on GPUs of at least faster than the sequential implementation and faster than a parallelized OpenMP implementation. An implementation of OpenMP on Intel MIC coprocessor provided speedups of with only a few code changes to the sequential implementation. We highlight that OpenACC provides an automatic, efficient, and portable approach to achieve parallelization of 2D cardiac wave simulations on GPUs. Our approach of using OpenACC, OpenCL, and OpenMP to parallelize this particular model on modern computational accelerators should be applicable to other computational models of wave propagation in multi-dimensional media.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple dye transfer method, which allows the gap junction permeability of lens fiber cells to be quantified. Two fixable fluorescent dyes (Lucifer yellow and rhodamine-dextran) were introduced into peripheral lens fiber cells via mechanical damage induced by removing the lens capsule. After a defined incubation period, lenses were fixed, sectioned, and the distribution of the dye recorded using confocal microscopy. Rhodamine-dextran and Lucifer yellow both labeled the extracellular space between fiber cells and the cytoplasm of fiber cells that had been damaged by capsule removal. For the gap junctional permeable dye Lucifer yellow, however, labeling was not confined to the damaged cells and exhibited intercellular diffusion away from the damaged cells. The extent of dye diffusion was quantified by collecting radial dye intensity profiles from the confocal images. Effective diffusion coefficients (D eff ) for Lucifer yellow were then calculated by fitting the profiles to a series of model equations, which describe radial diffusion in a sphere. D eff is the combination of dye diffusion through the cytoplasm and through gap junction channels. To calculate the gap junctional permeability (P j ) an estimate of the cytoplasmic diffusion coefficient (D cyt = 0.7 × 10−6 cm2/sec) was obtained by observing the time course of dye diffusion in isolated elongated fiber cells loaded with Lucifer yellow via a patch pipette. Using this approach, we have obtained a value for P j of 31 × 10−5 cm/sec for fiber-fiber gap junctions. This value is significantly larger than the value of P j of 4.4 × 10−6 cm/sec reported by Rae and coworkers for epithelial-fiber junctions (Rae et al., 1996. J. Membrane Biol. 150:89–103), and most likely reflects the high abundance of gap junctions between lens fiber cells. Received: 1 December 1998/Revised: 22 February 1999  相似文献   

In this technique, cells are cultured on a glass slide that is partly coated with indium-tin oxide (ITO), a transparent, electrically conductive material. A variety of molecules, such as peptides or oligonucleotides can be introduced into essentially 100% of the cells in a non-traumatic manner.  Here, we describe how it can be used to study intercellular, gap junctional communication. Lucifer yellow penetrates into the cells when an electric pulse, applied to the conductive surface on which they are growing, causes pores to form through the cell membrane. This is electroporation. Cells growing on the nonconductive glass surface immediately adjacent to the electroporated region do not take up Lucifer yellow by electroporation but do acquire the fluorescent dye as it is passed to them via gap junctions that link them to the electroporated cells. The results of the transfer of dye from cell to cell can be observed microscopically under fluorescence illumination. This technique allows for precise quantitation of gap junctional communication. In addition, it can be used for the introduction of peptides or other non-permeant molecules, and the transfer of small electroporated peptides via gap junctions to inhibit the signal in the adjacent, non-electroporated cells is a powerful demonstration of signal inhibition.  相似文献   

Ferritin and Imferon molecules were introduced as tracers inside "skinned" muscle fibers to test which part of the triadic junction gap is freely exchangeable with the sarcoplasm. At least 50% of the T-system surface is freely accessible from the sarcoplasm. Of the remainder, 30% of the total T-system surface is covered by the junctional feet, and 20% in the center of the junction may or may not be accessible. The possibility is discussed that the triadic junction may not function as an electrical coupling.  相似文献   

The effect of macromolecular crowding on the rates of association reactions are investigated using theory and computer simulations. Reactants and crowding agents are both hard spheres, and when two reactants collide they form product with a reaction probability, prxn. A value of prxn < 1 crudely mimics the fact that proteins must be oriented properly for an association reaction to occur. The simulations show that the dependence of the reaction rate on the volume fraction of crowding agents varies with the reaction probability. For reaction probabilities close to unity where most of encounters between reactants lead to a reaction, the reaction rate always decreases as the volume fraction of crowding agents is increased due to the reduced diffusion coefficient of reactants. On the other hand, for very small reaction probabilities where, in most of encounters, the reaction does not occur, the reaction rate increases with the volume fraction of crowding agents—in this case, due to the increase probability of a recollision. The Smoluchowski theory refined with the radiation boundary condition and the radial distribution function at contact is in quantitative agreement with simulations for the reaction rate constant and allows the quantitative analysis of both effects separately.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell communication can be blocked by intracellular injections of antibodies raised against gap junction proteins, but the mechanism of channel obstruction is unknown. Binding to connexins could lead to a conformational change, interfere with regulatory domains or cause a steric hindrance. To address these questions, the effects on cell-to-cell communication of affinity purified polyclonal antibodies raised against peptides reproducing the intracellular sequences 5–17, 314–322 and 363–382 of rat connexin43 were investigated in cultured rat ventricular cells. The antibodies against sequence 363–382 were characterized by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry. Characterization of antibodies 5–17 and 314–322 has been previously reported. In a first series of experiments, the effect on gap junctional communication was assessed by injecting a junction-permeant fluorescent dye into cells adjacent to one cell previously microinjected with antibodies. In a second series, junctional permeability was quantitatively determined on records of fluorescence recovery after the photobleaching of 6-carboxyfluorescein-loaded cells. Antibodies 5–17 marked a 43 kDa band on immunoblots, but did not immunolabel gap junctions and had no functional effect. Antibodies 314–322 recognized the 43 kDa protein and labeled the intercalated disks, but failed to interfere with junctional permeability. Antibodies to the nearby sequence 363–382, for which all immunospecific tests had been positive, caused a delayed diffusional uncoupling in 50% of the microinjected cells. It is suggested that the blocking of junctional communication by antibodies results from interference with a regulatory domain of the connexin. Received: 25 July 1995/Revised: 21 December 1995  相似文献   


In an earlier communication (1) we have proposed a formalism which permitted a quantitative evaluation of the shrinkage and swelling of liposomes under osmotic-diffusional stress as inferred from spectrophotometric measurements. In this paper the formalism has been extended to examine the behaviour of proteoliposomes containing aqueous channels formed by intercalation of gap junctional proteins into the membrane bilayer. Subtle deviations elicited by the proteoliposomes from an idealized liposome are attributed to the heterogeneity in the preparations. With appropriate corrections spectrophotometric measurements permit a quantitative analysis of differential permeabilities of solutes.  相似文献   

The effects of turgor pressure-induced membrane tension on junctional coupling of Hensen cell isolates from the inner ear were evaluated by input capacitance or transjunctional conductance measurement techniques. Turgor pressure was altered by changing either pipette pressure or the osmolarities of extracellular solutions. Both positive pipette pressure and extracellular applications of hypotonic solutions, which caused cell size to concomitantly increase, uncoupled the cells as indicated by reduced input capacitance and transjunctional conductance. These changes were, in many cases, reversible and repeatable. Intracellular application of 50 μM H-7, a broad-based protein kinase inhibitor, and 10 mM BAPTA did not block the uncoupling effect of positive turgor pressure on inner ear gap junctions. The transjunctional conductance at a holding potential of −80 mV was 53.6 ± 5.8 nS (mean ± SEM, n = 9) and decreased ∼40% at a turgor pressure of 1.41 ± 0.05 kPa. Considering the coincident kinetics of cell deformation and uncoupling, we speculate that mechanical forces work directly on gap junctions of the inner ear. These results suggest that pathologies that induce imbalances in cochlear osmotic pressure regulation may compromise normal cochlear homeostasis.  相似文献   

In a computational model of spreading depression (SD), ionic movement through a neuronal syncytium of cells connected by gap junctions is described electrodiffusively. Simulations predict that SD will not occur unless cells are allowed to expand in response to osmotic pressure gradients and K+ is allowed to move through gap junctions. SD waves of [K+]out 25 to 60 mM moving at 2 to 18 mm/min are predicted over the range of parametric values reported in gray matter, with extracellular space decreasing up to 50%. Predicted waveform shape is qualitatively similar to laboratory reports. The delayed-rectifier, NMDA, BK, and Na+ currents are predicted to facilitate SD, while SK and A-type K+ currents and glial activity impede SD. These predictions are consonant with recent findings that gap junction poisons block SD and support the theories that cytosolic diffusion via gap junctions and osmotic forces are important mechanisms underlying SD.  相似文献   

17β-estradiol propionate was found to reduce the gap junctional communication in a concentration range similar to that of testosterone propionate, in primary cultures of rat Sertoli cells and cardiac myocytes. Uncoupling was reversible on washing out and occurred without concomitant rise in the intracellular calcium concentration. Esterification was a prerequisite for the activity of extracellularly applied steroid compounds (for example, testosterone was ineffective even at external concentrations up to 100 μm, whereas its intracellular application at 1 μm totally interrupted intercellular communication), but their uncoupling efficiency did not depend on the nature of the ester chain nor on its position on the steroid nucleus. The derivatives of two other androgen hormones (derivatives of the androstane nucleus) were also efficient as junctional uncouplers. Among five steroid molecules belonging to the pregnane family, only one (pregnanediol diacetate) interrupted the junctional communication. Neither cholic acid nor cholesteryl acetate or ouabain showed this effect. Altogether, no correlation with the presence or position of double bonds nor with the trans- or cis-fusion of the A and B rings could be recognized. These results suggest that this reversible, nondeleterious uncoupling effect of steroids is independent of the shape of the molecules and is more probably related to their size and liposolubility, that condition their insertion into the lipid bilayer. Their incorporation into the membrane could disturb the activity of the membrane proteins by a physical mechanism. Received: 10 April 1995/Revised: 27 October 1995  相似文献   



Computational models of calcium (Ca2+) signaling have been constructed for several cell types. There are, however, no such models for retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Our aim was to construct a Ca2+ signaling model for RPE based on our experimental data of mechanically induced Ca2+ wave in the in vitro model of RPE, the ARPE-19 monolayer.


We combined six essential Ca2+ signaling components into a model: stretch-sensitive Ca2+ channels (SSCCs), P2Y2 receptors, IP3 receptors, ryanodine receptors, Ca2+ pumps, and gap junctions. The cells in our epithelial model are connected to each other to enable transport of signaling molecules. Parameterization was done by tuning the above model components so that the simulated Ca2+ waves reproduced our control experimental data and data where gap junctions were blocked.


Our model was able to explain Ca2+ signaling in ARPE-19 cells, and the basic mechanism was found to be as follows: 1) Cells near the stimulus site are likely to conduct Ca2+ through plasma membrane SSCCs and gap junctions conduct the Ca2+ and IP3 between cells further away. 2) Most likely the stimulated cell secretes ligand to the extracellular space where the ligand diffusion mediates the Ca2+ signal so that the ligand concentration decreases with distance. 3) The phosphorylation of the IP3 receptor defines the cell’s sensitivity to the extracellular ligand attenuating the Ca2+ signal in the distance.


The developed model was able to simulate an array of experimental data including drug effects. Furthermore, our simulations predict that suramin may interfere ligand binding on P2Y2 receptors or accelerate P2Y2 receptor phosphorylation, which may partially be the reason for Ca2+ wave attenuation by suramin. Being the first RPE Ca2+ signaling model created based on experimental data on ARPE-19 cell line, the model offers a platform for further modeling of native RPE functions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Glucocorticoids and stress have deleterious effects on hippocampal cell morphology and survival. It has been hypothesized that these effects are mediated via an excitatory amino acid mechanism. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of acute stress on the extracellular levels of glutamate in the hippocampus and to determine if adrenalectomy modifies this response. Rats were adrenalectomized or sham-adrenalectomized and implanted with microdialysis probes in the CAS region of the hippocampus. Three days later rats were subjected to an acute 1 -h period of immobilization stress. Stress significantly increased extracellular glutamate levels in the sham-operated rats, which peaked at 20 min following the initiation of stress. Extracellular glutamate levels also increased immediately following the termination of stress. In the adrenalectomized rats there was a 30% decrease in basal extracellular concentrations of glutamate and a marked attenuation (-70%) of the stress-induced increase in extracellular glutamate levels. Extracellular concentrations of taurine were not modified by adrenalectomy and did not change in response to stress. These results suggest that glucocorticoid-in-duced elevations in extracellular glutamate concentrations may contribute to the deleterious effects of stress on hippocampal neurons.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine whether local arterial pulsations are sufficient to cause cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow along perivascular spaces (PVS) within the spinal cord. A theoretical model of the perivascular space surrounding a "typical" small artery was analysed using computational fluid dynamics. Systolic pulsations were modelled as travelling waves on the arterial wall. The effects of wave geometry and variable pressure conditions on fluid flow were investigated. Arterial pulsations induce fluid movement in the PVS in the direction of arterial wave travel. Perivascular flow continues even in the presence of adverse pressure gradients of a few kilopascals. Flow rates are greater with increasing pulse wave velocities and arterial deformation, as both an absolute amplitude and as a proportion of the PVS. The model suggests that arterial pulsations are sufficient to cause fluid flow in the perivascular space even against modest adverse pressure gradients. Local increases in flow in this perivascular pumping mechanism or reduction in outflow may be important in the etiology of syringomyelia.  相似文献   



Computational state space models (CSSMs) enable the knowledge-based construction of Bayesian filters for recognizing intentions and reconstructing activities of human protagonists in application domains such as smart environments, assisted living, or security. Computational, i. e., algorithmic, representations allow the construction of increasingly complex human behaviour models. However, the symbolic models used in CSSMs potentially suffer from combinatorial explosion, rendering inference intractable outside of the limited experimental settings investigated in present research. The objective of this study was to obtain data on the feasibility of CSSM-based inference in domains of realistic complexity.


A typical instrumental activity of daily living was used as a trial scenario. As primary sensor modality, wearable inertial measurement units were employed. The results achievable by CSSM methods were evaluated by comparison with those obtained from established training-based methods (hidden Markov models, HMMs) using Wilcoxon signed rank tests. The influence of modeling factors on CSSM performance was analyzed via repeated measures analysis of variance.


The symbolic domain model was found to have more than states, exceeding the complexity of models considered in previous research by at least three orders of magnitude. Nevertheless, if factors and procedures governing the inference process were suitably chosen, CSSMs outperformed HMMs. Specifically, inference methods used in previous studies (particle filters) were found to perform substantially inferior in comparison to a marginal filtering procedure.


Our results suggest that the combinatorial explosion caused by rich CSSM models does not inevitably lead to intractable inference or inferior performance. This means that the potential benefits of CSSM models (knowledge-based model construction, model reusability, reduced need for training data) are available without performance penalty. However, our results also show that research on CSSMs needs to consider sufficiently complex domains in order to understand the effects of design decisions such as choice of heuristics or inference procedure on performance.  相似文献   

为了探讨航天与常规诱变技术对MT工程菌株的影响,进行了HNO2.UV、γ-射线、LiCl及γ-射线 LiCl分别与航天共诱变对MT工程菌株活性的影响试验,并且就航天对MT工程菌株的致死作用及质粒的稳定性进行了研究。结果表明:MT工程菌株经航天处理后,活菌数降低,死亡率为34.59%,航天对MT工程菌株具有一定的致死作用;MT工程菌株经UV、γ-射线、LiCl及γ-射线 LiCl分别与航天共诱变处理后的生长活性没有改变,MT工程菌株经HNO2与航天共诱变处理后的生长速率减慢;在航天处理的作用下,MT工程菌株的质粒不易丢失,能够维持很好的稳定性,丢失率仅为8.26%,而置于地面的MT工程菌株的质粒易丢失,丢失率为83.51%。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a combined theoretical and experimental study of the propagation of calcium signals in multicellular structures composed of human endothelial cells. We consider multicellular structures composed of a single chain of cells as well as a chain of cells with a side branch, namely a “T” structure. In the experiments, we investigate the result of applying mechano-stimulation to induce signaling in the form of calcium waves along the chain and the effect of single and dual stimulation of the multicellular structure. The experimental results provide evidence of an effect of architecture on the propagation of calcium waves. Simulations based on a model of calcium-induced calcium release and cell-to-cell diffusion through gap junctions shows that the propagation of calcium waves is dependent upon the competition between intracellular calcium regulation and architecture-dependent intercellular diffusion.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels formed by connexin 50 (Cx50) are critical for maintenance of lens transparency. Because the C-terminus of Cx50 can be cleaved post-translationally, we hypothesized that channels formed by the truncated Cx50 exhibit altered properties or regulation. We used the dual whole-cell patch-clamp technique to investigate the macroscopic and single-channel properties of gap junctional channels formed by wild-type human Cx50 and a truncation mutant (Cx50A294stop) after transfection of N2A cells. Our results show that wild-type Cx50 formed functional gap junctional channels. The macroscopic Gjss-Vj relationship was well described by a Boltzmann equation with A of 0.10, V0 of 43.8 mV and Gjmin of 0.23. The single-channel conductance was 212 +/- 5 pS. Multiple long-lasting substates were observed with conductances ranging between 31 and 80 pS. Wild-type Cx50 gap junctional channels were reversibly blocked when pHi was reduced to 6.3. Truncating the C-terminus at amino acid 294 caused a loss of pHi sensitivity, but there were no significant changes in single-channel current amplitude or Gjss-Vj relationship. These results suggest that the C-terminus of human Cx50 is involved in pHi sensitivity, but has little influence over single-channel conductance, voltage dependence, or gating kinetics.  相似文献   

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