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COM1/SAE2 is a highly conserved gene from yeast to higher eukaryotes. Its orthologs, known to cooperate with the MRX complex (Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2), are required for meiotic DNA double‐strand break (DSB) ends resection and specific mitotic DSB repair events. Here, the rice (Oryza sativa, 2n = 2x = 24) COM1/SAE2 homolog was identified through positional cloning, termed OsCOM1. Four independent mutants of OsCOM1 were isolated and characterized. In Oscom1 mutants, synaptonemal complex (SC) formation, homologous pairing and recombination were severely inhibited, whereas aberrant non‐homologous chromosome entanglements occurred constantly. Several key meiotic proteins, including ZEP1 and OsMER3, were not loaded normally onto chromosomes in Oscom1 mutants, whereas the localization of OsREC8, PAIR2 and PAIR3 seemed to be normal. Moreover, OsCOM1 was loaded normally onto meiotic chromosomes in Osrec8, zep1 and Osmer3 mutants, but could not be properly loaded in Osam1, pair2 and OsSPO11‐1RNAi plants. These results provide direct evidence for the functions of OsCOM1 in promoting homologous synapsis and recombination in rice meiosis.  相似文献   



Pairing of homologous chromosomes at meiosis is an important requirement for recombination and balanced chromosome segregation among the products of meiotic division. Recombination is initiated by double strand breaks (DSBs) made by Spo11 followed by interaction of DSB sites with a homologous chromosome. This interaction requires the strand exchange proteins Rad51 and Dmc1 that bind to single stranded regions created by resection of ends at the site of DSBs and promote interactions with uncut DNA on the homologous partner. Recombination is also considered to be dependent on factors that stabilize interactions between homologous chromosomes. In budding yeast Hop2 and Mnd1 act as a complex to promote homologous pairing and recombination in conjunction with Rad51 and Dmc1.  相似文献   

The Spo11 protein initiates meiotic recombination by generating DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and is required for meiotic synapsis in S. cerevisiae. Surprisingly, Spo11 homologs are dispensable for synapsis in C. elegans and Drosophila yet required for meiotic recombination. Disruption of mouse Spo11 results in infertility. Spermatocytes arrest prior to pachytene with little or no synapsis and undergo apoptosis. We did not detect Rad51/Dmc1 foci in meiotic chromosome spreads, indicating DSBs are not formed. Cisplatin-induced DSBs restored Rad51/Dmc1 foci and promoted synapsis. Spo11 localizes to discrete foci during leptotene and to homologously synapsed chromosomes. Other mouse mutants that arrest during meiotic prophase (Atm -/-, Dmc1 -/-, mei1, and Morc(-/-)) showed altered Spo11 protein localization and expression. We speculate that there is an additional role for Spo11, after it generates DSBs, in synapsis.  相似文献   

During meiosis, the arrangement of homologous chromosomes is tightly regulated by the synaptonemal complex (SC). Each SC consists of two axial/lateral elements (AEs/LEs), and numerous transverse filaments. SC protein 2 (SYCP2) and SYCP3 are integral components of AEs/LEs in mammals. We find that SYCP2 forms heterodimers with SYCP3 both in vitro and in vivo. An evolutionarily conserved coiled coil domain in SYCP2 is required for binding to SYCP3. We generated a mutant Sycp2 allele in mice that lacks the coiled coil domain. The fertility of homozygous Sycp2 mutant mice is sexually dimorphic; males are sterile because of a block in meiosis, whereas females are subfertile with sharply reduced litter size. Sycp2 mutant spermatocytes exhibit failure in the formation of AEs and chromosomal synapsis. Strikingly, the mutant SYCP2 protein localizes to axial chromosomal cores in both spermatocytes and fetal oocytes, but SYCP3 does not, demonstrating that SYCP2 is a primary determinant of AEs/LEs and, thus, is required for the incorporation of SYCP3 into SCs.  相似文献   

During meiosis, homologues become juxtaposed and synapsed along their entire length. Mutations in the cohesin complex disrupt not only sister chromatid cohesion but also homologue pairing and synaptonemal complex formation. In this study, we report that Pds5, a cohesin-associated protein known to regulate sister chromatid cohesion, is required for homologue pairing and synapsis in budding yeast. Pds5 colocalizes with cohesin along the length of meiotic chromosomes. In the absence of Pds5, the meiotic cohesin subunit Rec8 remains bound to chromosomes with only minor defects in sister chromatid cohesion, but sister chromatids synapse instead of homologues. Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are formed but are not repaired efficiently. In addition, meiotic chromosomes undergo hypercondensation. When the mitotic cohesin subunit Mcd1 is substituted for Rec8 in Pds5-depleted cells, chromosomes still hypercondense, but synapsis of sister chromatids is abolished. These data suggest that Pds5 modulates the Rec8 activity to facilitate chromosome morphological changes required for homologue synapsis, DSB repair, and meiotic chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Homologous chromosome pairing and synapsis are prerequisite for accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis. Here, we show that a family of four related C2H2 zinc-finger proteins plays a central role in these events in C. elegans. These proteins are encoded within a tandem gene cluster. In addition to the X-specific HIM-8 protein, three additional paralogs collectively mediate the behavior of the five autosomes. Each chromosome relies on a specific member of the family to pair and synapse with its homolog. These "ZIM" proteins concentrate at special regions called meiotic pairing centers on the corresponding chromosomes. These sites are dispersed along the nuclear envelope during early meiotic prophase, suggesting a role analogous to the telomere-mediated meiotic bouquet in other organisms. To gain insight into the evolution of these components, we characterized homologs in C. briggsae and C. remanei, which revealed changes in copy number of this gene family within the nematode lineage.  相似文献   

The product of the Caenorhabditis elegans ORF F18E2.3 is homologous to the cohesin component Scc3p. By antibody staining the product of F18E2.3 is found in interphase and early meiotic nuclei. At pachytene it localizes to the axes of meiotic chromosomes but is no longer detectable on chromatin later in meiosis or in mitoses. Depletion of the gene product by RNAi results in aberrant mitoses and meioses. In meiosis, homologous pairing is defective during early meiotic prophase and at diakinesis there occur univalents consisting of loosely connected sister chromatids or completely separated sisters. The recombination protein RAD-51 accumulates in nuclear foci at higher numbers during meiotic prophase and disappears later than in wild-type worms, suggesting a defect in the repair of meiotic double-stranded DNA breaks. Embryos showing nuclei of variable size and anaphase bridges, indicative of mitotic segregation defects, are frequently observed. In the most severely affected gonads, nuclear morphology cannot be related to any specific stage. The cytological localization and the consequences of the lack of the protein indicate that C. elegans SCC-3 is essential for sister chromatid cohesion both in mitosis and in meiosis.  相似文献   

The checkpoint proteins, Rad9, Rad1, and Hus1 (9-1-1), form a complex which plays a central role in the DNA damage-induced checkpoint response. Previously, we demonstrated that Drosophila hus1 is essential for activation of the meiotic checkpoint elicited in double-strand DNA break (DSB) repair enzyme mutants. The hus1 mutant exhibits similar oocyte nuclear defects as those produced by mutations in these repair enzymes, suggesting that hus1 plays a role independent of its meiotic checkpoint activity. In this study, we further analyzed the function of hus1 during meiosis and discovered that the synaptonemal complex (SC) disassembles abnormally in hus1 mutants. Oocyte nuclear and SC defects of hus1 mutants can be suppressed by blocking the formation of DSBs, implying that the hus1 oocyte nuclear defects depend upon DSBs. Interestingly, eliminating checkpoint activity through mutations in DmChk2 but not mei-41 suppress the oocyte nucleus and SC defects of hus1, suggesting that these processes are dependent upon DmChk2 checkpoint activity. Moreover, we showed that in hus1, DSBs that form during meiosis are not processed efficiently, and that this defect is not suppressed by a mutation in DmChk2. We found a genetic interaction between hus1 and the Drosophila brca2 homologue, which was shown to participate in DNA repair during meiosis. Together, our results imply that hus1 is required for repair of DSBs during meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

Rice ( Oryza sativa L.) accumulates prolamines and glutelins as its major storage proteins. Glutelins are synthesized on rough endoplasmic reticulum as 57-kDa precursors; they are then sorted into protein storage vacuoles where they are processed into acidic and basic subunits. We report a novel rice glutelin mutant, W379 , which accumulates higher levels of the 57-kDa glutelin precursor. Genetic analysis revealed that the W379 phenotype is controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene. Using a map-based cloning strategy, we identified this gene, OsVPE1 , which is a homolog of the Arabidopsis βVPE gene. OsVPE1 encodes a 497-amino-acid polypeptide. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed a missense mutation in W379 that changes Cys269 to Gly. Like the wild-type protein, the mutant protein is sorted into vacuoles; however, the enzymatic activity of the mutant OsVPE1 is almost completely eliminated. Further, we show that OsVPE1 is incorrectly cleaved, resulting in a mature protein that is smaller than the wild-type mature protein. Taken together, these results demonstrate that OsVPE1 is a cysteine protease that plays a crucial role in the maturation of rice glutelins. Further, OsVPE1 Cys269 is a key residue for maintaining the Asn-specific cleavage activity of OsVPE1.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of pairing centers (PCs), cis-acting sites required for accurate segregation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis in C. elegans. We find that these sites play two distinct roles that contribute to proper segregation. Chromosomes lacking PCs usually fail to synapse and also lack a synapsis-independent stabilization activity. The presence of a PC on just one copy of a chromosome pair promotes synapsis but does not support synapsis-independent pairing stabilization, indicating that these functions are separable. Once initiated, synapsis is highly processive, even between nonhomologous chromosomes of disparate lengths, elucidating how translocations suppress meiotic recombination in C. elegans. These findings suggest a multistep pathway for chromosome synapsis in which PCs impart selectivity and efficiency through a "kinetic proofreading" mechanism. We speculate that concentration of these activities at one region per chromosome may have coevolved with the loss of a point centromere to safeguard karyotype stability.  相似文献   

The clustering of telomeres on the nuclear envelope (NE) during meiotic prophase to form the bouquet arrangement of chromosomes may facilitate homologous chromosome synapsis. The pam1 (plural abnormalities of meiosis 1) gene is the first maize gene that appears to be required for telomere clustering, and homologous synapsis is impaired in pam1. Telomere clustering on the NE is arrested or delayed at an intermediate stage in pam1. Telomeres associate with the NE during the leptotene-zygotene transition but cluster slowly if at all as meiosis proceeds. Intermediate stages in telomere clustering including miniclusters are observed in pam1 but not in wild-type meiocytes. The tight bouquet normally seen at zygotene is a rare event. In contrast, the polarization of centromeres vs. telomeres in the nucleus at the leptotene-zygotene transition is the same in mutant and wild-type cells. Defects in homologous chromosome synapsis include incomplete synapsis, nonhomologous synapsis, and unresolved interlocks. However, the number of RAD51 foci on chromosomes in pam1 is similar to that of wild type. We suggest that the defects in homologous synapsis and the retardation of prophase I arise from the irregularity of telomere clustering and propose that pam1 is involved in the control of bouquet formation and downstream meiotic prophase I events.  相似文献   

Programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are generated during meiosis to initiate homologous recombination. Various aspects of DSB formation, signaling, and repair are accomplished or governed by Mre11, a component of the MRN/MRX complex, partially in cooperation with Com1/Sae2/CtIP. We used Tetrahymena to study evolutionarily conserved and changed functions of Mre11 and Com1. There is a difference between organisms with respect to the dependency of meiotic DSB formation on Mre11. By cytology and an electrophoresis-based assay for DSBs, we found that in Tetrahymena Mre11p is not required for the formation and ATR-dependent signaling of DSBs. Its dispensability is also reflected by wild-type-like DSB-dependent reorganization of the meiotic nucleus and by the phosphorylation of H2A.X in mre11∆ mutant. However, mre11∆ and com1∆ mutants are unable to repair DSBs, and chromosome pairing is reduced. It is concluded that, while MRE11 has no universal role in DNA damage signaling, its requirement for DSB repair is conserved between evolutionarily distant organisms. Moreover, reduced chromosome pairing in repair-deficient mutants reveals the existence of two complementing pairing processes, one by the rough parallel arrangement of chromosomes imposed by the tubular shape of the meiotic nucleus and the other by repair-dependent precise sequence matching.  相似文献   

We identify a highly specific mutation (jf18) in the Caenorhabditis elegans nuclear envelope protein matefin MTF-1/SUN-1 that provides direct evidence for active involvement of the nuclear envelope in homologous chromosome pairing in C. elegans meiosis. The reorganization of chromatin in early meiosis is disrupted in mtf-1/sun-1(jf18) gonads, concomitant with the absence of presynaptic homolog alignment. Synapsis is established precociously and nonhomologously. Wild-type leptotene/zygotene nuclei show patch-like aggregations of the ZYG-12 protein, which fail to develop in mtf-1/sun-1(jf18) mutants. These patches remarkably colocalize with a component of the cis-acting chromosomal pairing center (HIM-8) rather than the centrosome. Our data on this mtf-1/sun-1 allele challenge the previously postulated role of the centrosome/spindle organizing center in chromosome pairing, and clearly support a role for MTF-1/SUN-1 in meiotic chromosome reorganization and in homolog recognition, possibly by mediating local aggregation of the ZYG-12 protein in meiotic nuclei.  相似文献   

SEC11 is required for signal peptide processing and yeast cell growth   总被引:26,自引:9,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Among the collection of temperature-sensitive secretion mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, sec11 mutant cells are uniquely defective in signal peptide processing of at least two different secretory proteins. At 37 degrees C, the restrictive growth temperature, sec11 cells accumulate core-glycosylated forms of invertase and acid phosphatase, each retaining an intact signal peptide. In contrast, other sec mutant strains in which transport of core-glycosylated molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum is blocked show no defect in signal peptide cleavage. A DNA fragment that complements the sec11-7 mutation has been cloned. Genetic analysis indicates that the complementing clone contains the authentic SEC11 gene, and that a null mutation at the SEC11 locus is lethal. The DNA sequence of SEC11 predicts a basic protein (estimated pI of 9.5) of 167 amino acids including an NH2-terminal hydrophobic region that may function as a signal and/or membrane anchor domain. One potential N-glycosylation site is found in the 18.8-kD (Sec 11p) predicted protein. The mass of the SEC11 protein is very close to that found for two of the subunits of the canine and hen oviduct signal peptidases. Furthermore, the chromatographic behavior of the hen oviduct enzyme indicates an overall basic charge comparable to the predicted pI of the Sec11p.  相似文献   

Partitioning of the genome in meiosis occurs through two highly specialized cell divisions, named meiosis I and meiosis II. Step‐wise cohesin removal is required for chromosome segregation in meiosis I, and sister chromatid segregation in meiosis II. In meiosis I, mono‐oriented sister kinetochores appear as fused together when examined by high‐resolution confocal microscopy, whereas they are clearly separated in meiosis II, when attachments are bipolar. It has been proposed that bipolar tension applied by the spindle is responsible for the physical separation of sister kinetochores, removal of cohesin protection, and chromatid separation in meiosis II. We show here that this is not the case, and initial separation of sister kinetochores occurs already in anaphase I independently of bipolar spindle forces applied on sister kinetochores, in mouse oocytes. This kinetochore individualization depends on separase cleavage activity. Crucially, without kinetochore individualization in meiosis I, bivalents when present in meiosis II oocytes separate into chromosomes and not sister chromatids. This shows that whether centromeric cohesin is removed or not is determined by the kinetochore structure prior to meiosis II.  相似文献   

Human MRE11 is inactivated in mismatch repair-deficient cancers   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Mutations of the ATM and NBS1 genes are responsible for the inherited Ataxia-Telangiectasia and Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome, both of which are associated with a predisposition to cancer. A related syndrome, the Ataxia-Telangiectasia-like disorder, is due to mutations of the MRE11 gene. However, the role of this gene in cancer development has not been established. Here we describe an often homozygous mutation of the poly(T)11 repeat within human MRE11 intron 4 that leads to aberrant splicing, impairment of wild-type MRE11 expression and generation of a truncated protein. This mutation is present in mismatch repair-deficient, but not proficient, colorectal cancer cell lines and primary tumours and is associated with reduced expression of the MRE11–NBS1–RAD50 complex, an impaired S-phase checkpoint and abrogation of MRE11 and NBS1 ionizing radiation-induced nuclear foci. Our findings identify MRE11 as a novel and major target for inactivation in mismatch repair-defective cells and suggest its impairment may contribute to the development of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Spo11 is a homolog of a subunit of archaebacterial topoisomerase, which catalyzes DNA double-strand breaks and initiates homologous chromosome recombination. In the present study, we silenced the SPO11-1 gene in rice (Oryza sativa) using RNAi. Rice plants with loss-of-function of OsSPO11-1 have no apparent growth defects during vegetative development, but homologous chromosome pairing and recombination are significantly obstructed. Telomeres can be assembled as bouquet during the zygotene stage of the OsSPO11-1-deficient plants, just as that in wild type. Although the two axial-associated proteins, REC8 and PAIR2, are loaded onto the chromosomes, the depletion of PAIR2 from the chromosomes is much later than in wild type. The central element of the synaptonemal complex (SC), ZEP1, does not load onto the chromosomes normally, implying that SC formation is disturbed severely. The crossover protein, MER3, isn't efficiently assembled onto chromosomes and the lack of bivalent suggests that crossovers are also affected in the absence of OsSPO11-1. Thus, OsSPO11-1 is essential for both homologous chromosomes pairing and crossover formation during meiosis in rice.  相似文献   

Septin 7 is a conserved GTP-binding protein. In this study, we examined the localization and functions of Septin 7 during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Immunofluorescent analysis showed that intrinsic Septin 7 localized to the spindles from the pro-MI stage to the MII stage. Knockdown of Septin 7 by siRNA microinjection caused abnormal spindles and affected extrusion of the first polar body. Septin 7 mRNA tagged with myc was injected into GV stage oocytes to overexpress Septin 7. Overexpressed Myc-Septin 7 localized to the spindle and beneath the plasma membrane displaying long filaments. Fluorescence intensity of spindle α-tubulin in myc-Septin 7-injected oocytes was weaker than that of the control group, demonstrating that Septin 7 may influence recruitment of α-tubulin to spindles. MII oocytes injected with myc-Septin 7 exhibited abnormal chromosome alignment, and parthenogenetic activation failed to allow extrusion of the second polar body, suggesting that overexpression of Septin 7 may affect extrusion of the polar body by disturbing the alignment of chromosomes and regulating α-tubulin recruitment to spindles. In summary, Septin 7 may regulate meiotic cell cycle progression by affecting microtubule cytoskeletal dynamics in mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

The Mre11 complex (consisting of MRE11, RAD50, and NBS1/Xrs2) is required for double-strand break (DSB) formation, processing, and checkpoint signaling during meiotic cell division in S. cerevisiae. Whereas studies of Mre11 complex mutants in S. pombe and A. thaliana indicate that the complex has other essential meiotic roles , relatively little is known regarding the functions of the complex downstream of meiotic break formation and processing or its role in meiosis in higher eukaryotes. We analyzed meiotic events in mice harboring hypomorphic Mre11 and Nbs1 mutations which, unlike null mutants, support viability . Our studies revealed defects in the temporal progression of meiotic prophase, incomplete and aberrant synapsis of homologous chromosomes, persistence of strand exchange proteins, and alterations in both the frequency and placement of MLH1 foci, a marker of crossovers. A unique sex-dependent effect on MLH1 foci and chiasmata numbers was observed: males exhibited an increase and females a decrease in recombination levels. Thus, our findings implicate the Mre11 complex in meiotic DNA repair and synapsis in mammals and indicate that the complex may contribute to the establishment of normal sex-specific differences in meiosis.  相似文献   

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