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Evolutionary processes have shaped the vertebrate immune system over time, but proximal mechanisms control the onset, duration, and intensity of immune responses. Based on testing of the hygiene hypothesis, it is now well known that microbial exposure is important for proper development and regulation of the immune system. However, few studies have examined the differences between wild animals in their natural environments, in which they are typically exposed to a wide array of potential pathogens, and their conspecifics living in captivity. Wild spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) are regularly exposed to myriad pathogens, but there is little evidence of disease-induced mortality in wild hyena populations, suggesting that immune defenses are robust in this species. Here we assessed differences in immune defenses between wild spotted hyenas that inhabit their natural savanna environment and captive hyenas that inhabit a captive environment where pathogen control programs are implemented. Importantly, the captive population of spotted hyenas was derived directly from the wild population and has been in captivity for less than four generations. Our results show that wild hyenas have significantly higher serum antibody concentrations, including total IgG and IgM, natural antibodies, and autoantibodies than do captive hyenas; there was no difference in the bacterial killing capacity of sera collected from captive and wild hyenas. The striking differences in serum antibody concentrations observed here suggest that complementing traditional immunology studies, with comparative studies of wild animals in their natural environment may help to uncover links between environment and immune function, and facilitate progress towards answering immunological questions associated with the hygiene hypothesis.  相似文献   

For the purpose of improving the procedures of identification of leptospires, a set of 5 monoclonal antibodies with different serological reactivity against serovars of Leptospira interrogans Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup isolated in China was developed. One hundred and eight strains isolated from epidemic fields in 5 provinces in southern China were distinctly identified into 4 serovars of Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup by the monoclonal antibody procedure, i.e., 98 isolates were identified as serovar lai, 7 as icterohaemorrhagiae, 2 as copenhageni, and 1 as H2. Factor antiserum procedure was used at the same time as control for typing these strains and an identical result was obtained.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of the spatio-temporal variation in phenotypic traits in natural populations requires a combination long-term field studies with experiments using captive animals. Field studies allow the formulation of realistic hypotheses, but have the disadvantage that they do not allow the complete control of many potential confounding variables. Studies with captive animals allow tests of hypotheses that cannot be examined in the field, but have the disadvantage that artificial environments may provoke abnormal behaviour. Long-term studies that follow simultaneously captive and wild bird populations are rare. In a study lasting several years, we show here the unexpected patterns that two populations with a similar breeding time in the wild have non-overlapping breeding times in outdoor aviaries, and that two wild populations separated by a short geographical distance show differences in the expression of natural behaviour in captivity. The experimental design used is exceptional in the sense that the captive populations were held at similar latitudes and altitudes as the wild populations. Our case study shows that studies with captive animals can lead to wrong conclusions if they are carried out without population field studies, and without knowledge of the natural habits and habitats of the species involved. To examine the reliability of experiments with captive animals, comparisons with findings from population field studies are essential.  相似文献   

Eighteen serovars (19 strains) of serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae were serologically analyzed using 18 monoclonal antibodies against serovar copenhageni Shiromizu, M20 and serovar icterohaemorrhagiae RGA strains. The reaction patterns of the serovars against these monoclonal antibodies were different. According to these results, we divided the serovars, except for serovar tonkini, into the following three subgroups: Subgroup 1 reacted to many monoclonal antibodies including serovars icterohaemorrhagiae, copenhageni, hualien, monymusk, mankarso, and budapest. Subgroup 2 fell between subgroups 1 and 3 including serovars dakota, naam, bogvere, birkini, smithi, ndambari, gem, ndahambukuje and mwogolo. Subgroup 3 reacted to only a few monoclonal antibodies: serovars weaveri and sarmin. Serovar tonkini did not react to any of the monoclonal antibodies used. There is a possibility that serovar tonkini does not belong to serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae. Further studies on the serological reactions of each strain revealed that it was impossible to distinguish the RGA strain from the serovar hualien LT11-31 strain, indicating that they may be identical. It was also observed that serovar copenhageni and monymusk seemed to be closely related. Serovars birkini and smithi, and serovars ndambari and gem were alike in their serological reactivities. Among the 18 monoclonal antibodies, RGAMA-1 was a unique antibody which reacted only to serovar icterohaemorrhagiae and serovar hualien, indicating that it must be the serovar icterohaemorrhagiae specific antibody. On the other hand, SHIRMA-2, 5, 6 reacted to all the serovars except for serovars weaveri, sarmin, and tonkini. These antibodies exhibited a broad reaction spectrum.  相似文献   

Long-term captive breeding programs for endangered species generally aim to preserve the option of release back into the wild. However, the success of re-release programs will be jeopardized if there is significant genetic adaptation to the captive environment. Since it is difficult to study this problem in rare and endangered species, a convenient laboratory animal model is required. The reproductive fitness of a large population of Drosophila melanogaster maintained in captivity for 12 months was compared with that of a recently caught wild population from the same locality. The competitive index measure of reproductive fitness for the captive population was twice that of the recently caught wild population, the difference being highly significant. Natural selection over approximately eight generations in captivity has caused rapid genetic adaptation. Captive breeding strategies for endangered species should minimize adaptation to captivity in populations destined for reintroduction into the wild. A framework for predicting the impact of factors on the rate of genetic adaptation to captivity is suggested. Equalization of family sizes is predicted to approximately halve the rate of genetic adaptation. Introduction of genes from the wild, increasing the generation interval, using captive environments close to those in the wild and achieving low mortality rates are all expected to slow genetic adaptation to captivity. Many of these procedures are already recommended for other reasons. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is the most widespread zoonosis in the world and significant efforts have been made to determine and classify pathogenic Leptospira strains. This zoonosis is maintained in nature through chronic renal infections of carrier animals, with rodents and other small mammals serving as the most important reservoirs. Additionally, domestic animals, such as livestock and dogs, are significant sources of human infection. In this study, a multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) was applied to genotype 22 pathogenic Leptospira strains isolated from urban and periurban rodent populations from different regions of Argentina. Three MLVA profiles were identified in strains belonging to the species Leptospira interrogans (serovars Icterohaemorrhagiae and Canicola); one profile was observed in serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae and two MLVA profiles were observed in isolates of serovars Canicola and Portlandvere. All strains belonging to Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Castellonis exhibited the same MLVA profile. Four different genotypes were isolated from urban populations of rodents, including both mice and rats and two different genotypes were isolated from periurban populations.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is a common zoonotic disease in China. From 1991 to 2010, its average annual incidence was 0.70 cases per 100,000 population. During these two decades, three major outbreaks of leptospirosis occurred due to flooding and heavy rainfall. Leptospira interrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar Lai is the predominant leptospire responsible for at least 60% of Chinese cases, and Apodemus agrarius serves as the major animal host. Based on the differences in predominant leptospiral serovars, epidemic features and incidence, there are three leptospirosis-prevalent regions in China. However, the incidence has significantly decreased in the last ten years.  相似文献   

Woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha and L. flavicauda) are threatened species in the wild and in captivity. Numerous zoological institutions have historically kept Lagothrix lagotricha spp., but only a few of them have succeeded in breeding populations. Therefore the majority of institutions that formerly kept Lagothrix lagotricha are no longer able or willing to do so. Captive populations of the species have frequent health problems, most significantly hypertension and related disorders. Researchers have conducted free-ranging dietary and behavior studies with respect to woolly monkeys, but have established no concrete link between diet or nutrients and captive health problems. The available literature we discuss indicates that researchers need to examine the link further. In addition, it is critical to the survival of the primates to be able to keep breeding populations in captivity owing to increasing natural pressures such as deforestation and hunting. Therefore, better understanding of the captive and free-ranging behavior and health parameters of the species is vital to ensure their survival and to maintain forest health and diversity. Researchers need to conduct large-scale research studies comparing the health and complete diet of individuals in the wild and captivity to resolve health problems facing the species in captivity.  相似文献   

Pangolins are among the most critically endangered animals due to widespread poaching and worldwide trafficking. Captive breeding is considered to be one way to protect them and increase the sizes of their populations. However, comparative studies of captive and wild pangolins in the context of gut microbiota are rare. Here, the gut microbiome of captive and confiscated-rescued wild pangolins is compared, and the effects of different periods of captivity and captivity with and without antibiotic treatment are considered. We show that different diets and periods of captivity, as well as the application of antibiotic therapy, can alter gut community composition and abundance in pangolins. Compared to wild pangolins, captive pangolins have an increased capacity for chitin and cellulose/hemicellulose degradation, fatty acid metabolism, and short-chain fatty acid synthesis, but a reduced ability to metabolize exogenous substances. In addition to increasing the ability of the gut microbiota to metabolize nutrients in captivity, captive breeding imposes some risks for survival by resulting in a greater abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors in captive pangolins than in wild pangolins. Our study is important for the development of guidelines for pangolin conservation, including health assessment, disease prevention, and rehabilitation of wild pangolin populations.  相似文献   

The breeding of threatened species in captivity for release is a central tool in conservation biology. Given gloomy predictions for biodiversity trends in the Anthropocene, captive breeding will play an increasingly important role in preventing future extinctions. Relative to the wild, captive environments drastically alter selection pressures on animals. Phenotypic change in captive animals in response to these altered selection pressures can incur fitness costs post-release, jeopardising their potential contribution to population recovery. We explore the ways in which captive environments can hinder the expression of wild phenotypes. We also stress that the phenotypes of captive-bred animals differ from their wild counterparts in multiple ways that remain poorly understood. We propose five new research questions relating to the impact of captive phenotypes on reintroduction biology. With better use of monitoring and experimental reintroductions, a more robust evidence base should help inform adaptive management and minimise the phenotypic costs of captivity, improving the success of animal reintroductions.  相似文献   

Aims:  Leptospirosis is a public health problem worldwide. Traditionally, microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and cross-agglutinin absorption test (CAAT) are used to identify leptospires. However, these techniques are laborious and time-consuming, requiring the maintenance of a collection of more than 200 reference strains and correspondent rabbit antisera. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) method for discrimination of Leptospira serovars.
Methods and Results:  Fourteen clinical isolates of Leptospira spp. were analysed by MAT before being characterized by PFGE. The isolates were compared with a library of 206 different reference Leptospira serovars. All the isolates gave clear profiles with high resolution. PFGE and MAT results were in agreement for all clinical isolates evaluated. Twelve isolates were classified as serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae/Copenhageni by PFGE. By MAT, these isolates were classified as serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae with titres ranging from 3200 to 25 600. Two isolates were classified as serovar Canicola by PFGE, and as serogroup Canicola by MAT with titres higher than 3200.
Conclusions:  PFGE offers the advantages of simple, reliable and reproducible results.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  PFGE provides a convenient tool for the identification of clinical isolates.  相似文献   

Seasonality of reproduction is believed to be influenced by environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, and photoperiod. In primates, there has been much speculation about which environmental factors have the greatest influence on reproductive seasonality. To determine whether environmental factors affect seasonality of reproduction of squirrel monkeys in captivity, I used path analysis to compare number of births and matings per month with monkeys kept in indoor enclosures (maintained at optimal temperatures) and those kept in outdoor enclosures (exposed to the elements). Since a different pattern of seasonality was found to occur, I was able to test whether temperature, rainfall, or photoperiod could explain the temporal variation in reproduction. Squirrel monkeys raised in captivity displayed different patterns of seasonality of reproduction, depending on the conditions in which they are housed ( chi(2)3 25.12, P<0.001; G = 28.10, P<0.001). Temperature seemed to have a large impact on number of births and matings per month (matings: path coefficient = 0.799; births: path coefficient = -1.315). Understanding what factors regulate reproduction for animals and how these factors affect reproduction differently in wild versus captive populations are important to conservation and management of species.  相似文献   

Intestinal methanogenesis is one of the major pathways for consumption of hydrogen produced by bacterial fermentation and is considered to affect the efficiency of host energy harvest; however, little information is available regarding the hydrogenotrophic pathways of nonhuman primates in the wild, in general, and of howler monkeys, in particular. Microbial fermentation of plant structural carbohydrates is an important feature in wild howlers owing to the high fiber and low available energy content of leaves, which make up the primary component of their diet. In contrast, captive howlers may consume greater quantities of fruits and vegetables that are higher in water, lower in fiber, and, along with commercial monkey chow commonly added to captive monkey diets, more readily digestible than the natural diet. In this study, we analyzed the composition of methanogens and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) from fecal samples of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in the wild and in captivity. The hydrogenotrophic microbiota of three groups of monkeys was evaluated by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting, small clone library construction, and quantitative real-time PCR. Abundance of methanogens was lower than SRB in all howler monkey groups studied. DGGE banding patterns were highly similar within each wild and captive group but distinct among groups. Desulfovibrionales-enriched DGGE showed reduced microbial diversity in the captive animals compared with their wild counterparts. Taken together, the data demonstrate that environmental or dietary changes of the host imposed by captivity likely influence the composition of intestinal hydrogenotrophs in black howler monkeys.  相似文献   

The adjustment of captive‐reared and developmentally deprived ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) to supported release on St. Catherine's Island, Georgia, was studied over 7 years to examine if these animals developed behavior comparable to wild populations. Initial changes after release included decreased obesity and increased agility as well as foraging for appropriate novel plants. Ranging, daily behavior cycles, and vocalizations developed more slowly over 1–3 years, but eventually the behavior resembled that of wild groups. Group composition and social structure changed through conflict to resemble wild and captive troops in social organization, including the emergence of matrilineal dominance and male emigration. Since behavior eventually resembled that seen in the wild, some resilience of species‐typical wild behavior in captivity is supported. Am. J. Primatol. 47:15–28, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Host movements, including migrations or range expansions, are known to influence parasite communities. Transitions to captivity—a rarely studied yet widespread human‐driven host movement—can also change parasite communities, in some cases leading to pathogen spillover among wildlife species, or between wildlife and human hosts. We compared parasite species richness between wild and captive populations of 22 primate species, including macro‐ (helminths and arthropods) and micro‐parasites (viruses, protozoa, bacteria, and fungi). We predicted that captive primates would have only a subset of their native parasite community, and would possess fewer parasites with complex life cycles requiring intermediate hosts or vectors. We further predicted that captive primates would have parasites transmitted by close contact and environmentally—including those shared with humans and other animals, such as commensals and pests. We found that the composition of primate parasite communities shifted in captive populations, especially because of turnover (parasites detected in captivity but not reported in the wild), but with some evidence of nestedness (holdovers from the wild). Because of the high degree of turnover, we found no significant difference in overall parasite richness between captive and wild primates. Vector‐borne parasites were less likely to be found in captivity, whereas parasites transmitted through either close or non‐close contact, including through fecal‐oral transmission, were more likely to be newly detected in captivity. These findings identify parasites that require monitoring in captivity and raise concerns about the introduction of novel parasites to potentially susceptible wildlife populations during reintroduction programs.  相似文献   

The colony of free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, was surveyed for leptospiral agglutinins. Only 5 (3%) of 169 monkeys (25% of the population) were seropositive (titers of ? 1:100). An additional 29 animals (17%) had titers ?1:50. The proportions of seropositive males and females were 22% and 18%, respectively, and twice as many adult as immature animals (32% vs. 15%) were positive. In most seropositive monkeys a single serogroup predominated, Icterohaemorrhagiae being recorded in nearly 60% of these animals. In a follow-up survey conducted a year later, 4% of 158 of the original monkeys were seropositive, with titers of from 1:100 to 1:200. None of 22 Rattus rattus captured on Cayo Santiago had agglutinins to pathogenic serovars. Despite contact with rats and ingestion of stagnant water, the serological evidence, the excellent clinical condition, low mortality, and high reproductive rates of the Cayo Santiago macaques indicate that leptospirosis is not a health problem in this free ranging monkey colony.  相似文献   

Animals often exhibit distinct microbial communities when maintained in captivity as compared to when in the wild. Such differentiation may be significant in headstart and reintroduction programs where individuals spend some time in captivity before release into native habitats. Using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, we (i) assessed differences in gut microbial communities between captive and wild Fijian crested iguanas (Brachylophus vitiensis) and (ii) resampled gut microbiota in captive iguanas released onto a native island to monitor microbiome restructuring in the wild. We used both cloacal swabs and fecal samples to further increase our understanding of gut microbial ecology in this IUCN Critically Endangered species. We found significant differentiation in gut microbial community composition and structure between captive and wild iguanas in both sampling schemes. Approximately two months postrelease, microbial communities in cloacal samples from formerly captive iguanas closely resembled wild counterparts. Interestingly, microbial communities in fecal samples from these individuals remained significantly distinct from wild conspecifics. Our results indicate that captive upbringings can lead to differences in microbial assemblages in headstart iguanas as compared to wild individuals even after host reintroduction into native conditions. This investigation highlights the necessity of continuous monitoring of reintroduced animals in the wild to ensure successful acclimatization and release.  相似文献   

Recent efforts by North American zoos to establish a genetically viable captive population of Pallas' cats (Otocolobus manul) have been compromised by high newborn mortality (approximately 60%), primarily because of toxoplasmosis. The basis for this extreme susceptibility to toxoplasmosis is unknown. In the present study, the general health status of wild Pallas' cats in Mongolia was evaluated, including assessment of basal hematologic parameters and fecal corticoid metabolite concentrations. The prevalence of exposure to Toxoplasma gondii in Mongolian Pallas' cats, local domestic cats, and prey species also was determined based on serology and/or polymerase chain reaction analysis. Biologic samples (blood, feces, and/or brain tissue) were obtained from 15 wild Pallas' cats, 15 domestic cats, and 45 prey animals (rodents and pikas) captured in Mongolia during the summers of 2000 and 2001. Comparative data were obtained from nine captive Pallas' cats maintained in North American zoos. Based on physical examinations, complete blood counts, and blood chemistry analyses, only minor differences were observed in the general health status of wild and captive Pallas' cats. Fecal cortisol metabolite concentrations did not differ (P > 0.05) between populations, indicating that Pallas' cats in captivity and in the wild have similar basal adrenocortical activity. A pronounced difference (P < 0.01) in seroprevalence to T. gondii was observed between populations. Whereas all captive Pallas' cats exhibited elevated immunoglobulin titers (IgG > 2,048) to T. gondii, only two of 15 (13%) wild Pallas' cats were seropositive, with both cats having lower IgG titers (< 1,024). Furthermore, no evidence of exposure to this parasite was found in any of the Mongolian domestic cats or prey species. These findings suggest that wild Pallas' cats have minimal opportunity for exposure to T. gondii in their natural habitat and, typically, do not become infected with this parasite until being brought into captivity. Accordingly, maintenance of a viable captive population may require implementing effective strategies to prevent exposure of immunologically naive Pallas' cats to T. gondii and to reduce parasite transmission between seropositive females and their highly susceptible offspring.  相似文献   



Leptospirosis is one of the most important neglected tropical infectious diseases worldwide. Icterohaemorrhagiae has been throughout recent history, and still is, the predominant serogroup of this pathogen in China. However, very little in detail is known about the serovars or genotypes of this serogroup.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, 120 epidemic strains from five geographically diverse regions in China collected over a 50 year period (1958~2008), and 8 international reference strains characterized by 16S rRNA sequencing and MLST analysis. 115, 11 and 2 strains were identified as L. interrogans, L. borgpetersenii, and L. kirschneri, respectively. 17 different STs were identified including 69 ST1 strains, 18 ST17, 18 ST128, 9 ST143 and 2 ST209. The remaining 12 strains belonged to 12 different STs. eBURST analysis demonstrated that, among the clonal complexes isolated (CCs), CC1 accounted for 73.3% (88/120) strains representing three STs: ST1, ST128 and ST98. ST1 was the most likely ancestral strain of this CC, followed by singleton CC17 (17/120) and CC143 (11/120). Further analysis of adding 116 serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae strains in the MLST database and studies previously described using global eBURST analysis and MST dendrogram revealed relatively similar ST clustering patterns with five main CCs and 8 singletons among these 244 strains. CC17 was found to be the most prevalent clone of pathogenic Leptospira circulating worldwide. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that ST1 and ST17 strains were distributed among 4 distinct serovars, indicating a highly complicated relationship between serovars and STs.


Our studies demonstrated a high level of genetic diversity in the serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae strains. Distinct from ST17 or ST37 circulating elsewhere, ST1 included in CC1, has over the past 50 years or so, proven to be the most prevalent ST of pathogenic leptospires isolated in China. Moreover, the complicated relationship between STs and serovars indicates an urgent need to develop an improved scheme for Leptospira serotyping.  相似文献   

A small breeding colony of captive vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), consisting of ten single male harem groups, was established in Kenya. Vervets were extremely prone to stress after capture and manipulative procedures led to high mortalities. Six weeks were required for partial habituation, after which routine handling was not too problematic. However, complete adjustment to captivity took a minimum of one year. Establishment of stable breeding groups from adult animals initially proved difficult because of fighting among females. Once harem groups stabilized, reproductive rate was high with just under 90% pregnancies and 85% livebirths annually. Births exhibited a seasonal pattern similar to that reported from wild populations in Kenya.  相似文献   

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