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西花蓟马是近年来在我国局部地区暴发成灾的重要外来入侵害虫,有关西花蓟马入侵对本地蓟马种群动态、空间分布及优势种影响的报道较少。对云南省昆明市近郊蔬菜花期的蓟马种群动态和空间分布研究表明,蔬菜上的蓟马种类主要是西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)、花蓟马F.intonsa(Trybom)、棕榈蓟马T.palmi(Karny)和端大蓟马Megalurothrips distalis(Karny);不同蔬菜上的蓟马优势种存在一定差异,其中辣椒和茼蒿上的蓟马优势种为西花蓟马;韭菜、茄子和四季豆上的蓟马优势种分别为花蓟马、棕榈蓟马和端大蓟马。各蔬菜上的蓟马种群数量以花期为多,盛花期达最大值,其中茄子花上的蓟马成虫平均虫口密度最高,为14.93头/朵。利用聚集度指标进行空间分布检测表明,不同蔬菜上蓟马成虫的空间分布型均为聚集分布,且聚集程度随密度的增加而增大。本研究可为深入探讨西花蓟马对本地蓟马的竞争取代机制积累资料,同时为西花蓟马的综合治理奠定理论基础。 相似文献
西花蓟马在黄瓜和架豆上的空间分布型及理论抽样数 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)已在北京部分蔬菜园区成功定居,对蔬菜生产造成危害。为了解该虫在蔬菜田的种群空间分布型,指导田间取样,本文应用几种聚集度指标的计算公式以及Taylor、Iwao的回归方程式,分析和测定了西花蓟马的种群空间分布格局。结果表明:在黄瓜和架豆上西花蓟马的空间分布型一致,均为聚集分布型;该虫的空间分布型不受种群密度的影响,并且也不随取样时间的变化而变化。种群数量动态研究显示西花蓟马成虫和若虫在黄瓜植株的中部叶片分布较多(从顶部向下数第4叶至第17叶片上成、若虫的分布数量多于其他叶片上的数量),未展开的叶片、嫩叶和下部老叶危害较轻。用Iwao回归法中α、β参数计算出在允许误差范围内的理论抽样数。 相似文献
桑蓟马Pseudodendrothrips mori是桑树的一种主要害虫。它的寄生直接影响供桑叶的质量和产量。我们通过泰勒幂法则和Morisita的散度指标对桑树蓟马在植株和桑园内的空间分布进行检验,结果显示:P.mori种群在植株内和桑园里的分布都存在局部化。桑树中蓟马的分布在树内显示出幼虫蓟马位于低层(从上面叶子起5-10层),但成虫更喜欢上层(从上面叶子起1-5层)。同一植株叶子的不同方向上蓟马密度没有出现明显变化。桑园内蓟马主要分布在桑园东部、南部和北部的植株上,中部,西部植株上的蓟马密度较低。P.mori的成虫和幼虫在叶子上的分布呈现明显聚集化。 相似文献
应用一维空间序列方法研究空间分布型与时空相关 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
研究种九空间分布、种间人相关及种群与环境因子间空间相关的一维序列方法,包括一维序列抽样调查,单种群分布分析的方关菌和相关图方法及及时空相关分析的交叉相关图方法,提出了方向性和最大相关距离(平均聚集半径)两个描述空间分布和空间相关的特征量;第一次用数量方法建立了研究空间分布与建立空间预测模型的统一的分析模型,例1说明了传统判断分布型存在的缺陷和用一邓列方法解决的途径;例2包括分布的时序分布,不同虫态 相似文献
中华微刺盲蝽是-种重要的捕食性天敌,在华南地区分布极为普遍.本文通过计算1wao聚片回归、Taylor幂法则等聚集强度指数,结果表明中华微刺盲蝽在黄瓜植株上的分布属于聚集分布,基本成分是个体群.分布的聚集强度与密度有关,随种群密度的升高而增大.聚集原因分析表明:当种群密度不太大(m<1头.叶-1)时,聚集原因由环境因素引起,即由它的食物节瓜蓟马的聚集特性引起:当种群密度较大(m≥1头.叶-1)时,聚集原因由节瓜蓟马的聚集特性和它本身的聚集特性引起. 相似文献
榕管蓟马(Gynaikothrips uzeli)是观赏植物垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)的重要害虫。通过对垂叶榕不同方位和高度的随机取样,运用5种聚集度指标以及Taylor幂法和Iwao回归模型分析和测定了榕管蓟马的种群空间格局。结果表明:榕管蓟马虫瘿主要分布于垂叶榕的中、下层,且下层4个方位的虫口密度差异均不显著。榕管蓟马虫瘿在垂叶榕上的理论分布型符合负二项分布,各项聚集度指标均满足CA>1、IDM>0、m*/m>1,且0<K<8,表明该蓟马在垂叶榕上的空间分布型为聚集分布,其聚集分布的原因与自身营虫瘿生活及喜阴习性有关。应用Iwao理论抽样模型确定了榕管蓟马不同种群密度与不同精度要求下的理论抽样数。 相似文献
用凹玻片饲养棕榈蓟马 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
用 2 5.4 mm× 76.2 mm,凹面直径为 18mm的两片凹玻片 ,相对合在一起 ,使凹面相对合而形成一个封闭的空间 ,组成小型的饲养器 ,内放 10 mm× 10 mm新鲜的茄子叶片 ,供虫子取食并保湿。应用凹玻片饲养棕榈蓟马技术 ,具有装置简单、不易逃逸、操作方便以及便于在显微镜下连续观察等特点。在2 0 ,2 5,2 8,30和 32℃下 ,用凹玻片饲养 ,棕榈蓟马从初孵若虫到羽化成虫阶段的成活率分别为 77.78% ,65.96% ,82 .61% ,66.67%和 56.52 %。 相似文献
The test on the preference of Thrips palmi to eight color sticky cards was carried out in an eggplant field. The thrip had the strongest preference to blue sticky card (P<0.01), and its preference order to the other 7 color cards was as follows: blue, turguoise, yellow, deep blue, green, orange, red and black. Results on the trapping effect of blue sticky card from east, south, west and north directions show that most thrips were trapped from the north,which existed a significant difference with those from the other three directions (P<0.05). Five blue sticky cards were set up at the heights of 73.9,101.7,129.5,157.3 and 185.1 cm above the ground to trap thrips, when the average height of eggplant was approximately 70 cm. More thrips were trapped of 73.9 and 101.7 cm height, which existed significant difference with those at the other three heights. During 5 continuous 3 hour spans from 5 am to 8 pm, the numbers of female, male and total adult thrips trapped were not significantly different. 相似文献
山东百部种群的空间分布格局 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用扩散系数的t检验、Poisson分布的x^2拟合检验及Morisita指数的F检验研究了山东百部(Stemona shandongensis)种群的空间分布类型;用负二项参数(K)、Cassie指标(1/K)、Green指数(GI)和Lloyd的平均拥挤度(m^*)与聚块性指标(PAI)研究其聚集强度。同时利用上述指数研究了取样面积、苗龄对山东百部种群分布格局和聚集强度的影响,分析了分布格局形成的原因。结果表明,总体上山东百部种群的分布格局类型为集群分布,种群聚集尺度多为8m^2;当年生植株种群聚集强度高于多年生种群;整个种群分布格局的演化趋向于高聚集强度的集群分布。 相似文献
P. D. Cox L. Matthews R. J. Jacobson R. Cannon A. MacLeod K. F. A. Walters 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2006,16(9):871-891
Thrips palmi is a major pest of many crops in the tropics and sub-tropics, and is a serious threat within the protected horticulture industry in other parts of the world including the UK. Widespread use of insecticides against T. palmi throughout the world coupled with the restricted range of products available makes it essential to find alternative systems for control. The scattered information on its natural enemies, particularly predators and parasitoids, is reviewed and their potential for use in the control of T. palmi as part of IPM strategies in the UK is considered. Natural enemies selected for detailed examination include: Amblyseius spp., Anthocoris nemoralis, Atheta coriaria, Bilia spp., Campylomma spp., Ceranisus spp., Deraeocoris spp., Franklinothrips spp., Hypoaspis spp., Orius spp. and Phytoseius spp. Recommendations for further investigations are made, including screening and efficacy testing of candidate predators and parasitoids, using semiochemicals to enhance their effectiveness, and assessing the compatibility of chosen species with other components of an IPM system. 相似文献
子午岭油松林灌木层主要树种的空间分布格局和种间关联性研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对子午岭油松林的主要物种进行实地调查,并根据林下灌木层各物种的重要值确定主要树种,然后用聚集强度指数、x2值和关联度指数对林下灌木层主要树种的空间分布格局和种间关联性进行分析.结果显示:(1)13个主要树种中除辽东栎的K值和CA值小于0外,其余种群皆表现为K>0,C>1,CA>0,I>0,m*/m>0;(2)x2检验显示,大多数树种种间关联性不显著;(3)种间关联度分析显示,树种呈正联结的共计36对,呈负联结的也有36对,有6对是关联强度低的种对.结果表明,在子午岭油松林中辽东栎与其它树种相比,具有广泛均匀分布的倾向,与其它树种之间存在强烈的竞争关系,辽东栎树种具有一定的种间竞争扩张优势. 相似文献
Development of a sequence-specific real-time PCR to the melon thrips Thrips palmi (Thysan., Thripidae) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract: In recent years, the polyphagous pest Thrips palmi Karny has become a species of major quarantine concern, often intercepted on plant material in international trade. The ability to rapidly identify the species is a critical factor that will determine the success of any campaign to prevent its establishment in Europe or elsewhere. However, the immature stages cannot currently be identified to the species level with certainty by morphological methods. In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis was performed to identify putative markers, which were then screened by Southern blot analysis. One marker was sequenced and a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay developed. The assay was screened against 21 thrips species including 10 other species of the genus Thrips and were found to be specific to T. palmi . The assay is rapid, could be completed in as little as 45 min and can be used to aid the identification of T. palmi . 相似文献
Spatial patterns of Meloidogyne incognita, Tylenchorhynchus claytoni, Helicotylenchus dihystera, and Criconemella ornata were analyzed using Hill''s two-term local quadrat variance method (TTLQV), spectral analysis, and spatial correlation. Data were collected according to a systematic grid sampling plan from seven tobacco fields in North Carolina. Different estimates of nematode cluster size were obtained through TTLQV and spectral analysis. No relationship was observed between either estimate and nematode species, time of sampling (spring vs. fall), or mean density. Cluster size estimates obtained from spectral analysis depended on sampling block size. For each species examined, spatial correlations among nematode population densities were greater within plant rows than across rows, indicating that clusters were ellipsoidal with long axes oriented along plant rows. Analysis of mean square errors indicated that significant gains in sampling efficiency resulted from orienting the long axis of sampling blocks across plant rows. Spatial correlation was greater in the fall than in spring and was greater among 1 × 1-m quadrats than among 3 × 3-m quadrats. 相似文献
黄土高原丘陵沟壑区天然沙棘种群空间分布格局研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
经实地踏查,在黄土高原丘陵沟壑区陕西富县天然沙棘林区,设置10个10 m×10 m样地,采用离散分布理论拟合和聚集强度测定方法,对不同生境和年龄阶段的沙棘种群的空间分布格局及其动态进行了系统研究,以探讨沙棘种群分布格局动态特征.结果显示:(1)沙棘种群空间分布格局属聚集型,在6.25 m2面积上聚集强度较大.天然条件下,种群聚集强度最大的取样尺度,是其种群更新的最佳面积.(2)沙棘种群空间分布格局随海拔上升,聚集强度降低;阴坡的种群分布聚集强度总是大于阳坡.(3)随着种群年龄增加,分布格局由聚集型向随机型过渡,聚集强度减弱.在幼、老龄期聚集性最强的格局尺度为25.00 m2,中龄期为6.25 m2、25.00 m2.研究表明,天然沙棘种群的空间分布格局与其生物生态学特性、生长阶段以及生境条件关系密切,在保护与利用中应针对不同生境的差异以及不同生长阶段的特性进行适度人为干扰,促进种群的生长、更新和群落发育. 相似文献
塔里木河下游胡杨种群空间分布格局分析 总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33
在塔里木河下游胡杨分布集中的英苏、喀尔达依断面,设置了6条样带38块样地进行植被种类、高度、胸径、冠幅、株数等因子调查,研究了不同离河距离胡杨格局分布类型、聚集强度及其格局规模.结果表明:胡杨在不同离河距离大都表现为聚集分布,在离河最远的地方有扩散趋势,呈随机分布;不同离河距离的两断面均表现出随离河距离加大胡杨格局规模加大、聚集强度加强的趋势,同一离河距离喀尔达依断面比英苏断面胡杨格局规模小,这主要是地下水条件和当地地形不同所致.喀尔达依断面个别离河距离并未遵从随离河距离加大胡杨格局规模也随之加大的规律,则是胡杨种群对异质环境响应的表征. 相似文献