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We describe the usage of the spatially modulated illumination (SMI) microscope to estimate the sizes (and/or positions) of fluorescently labeled cellular nanostructures, including a brief introduction to the instrument and its handling. The principle setup of the SMI microscope will be introduced to explain the measures necessary for a successful nanostructure analysis, before the steps for sample preparation, data acquisition and evaluation are given. The protocol starts with cells already attached to the cover glass. The protocol and duration outlined here are typical for fixed specimens; however, considerably faster data acquisition and in vivo measurements are possible.  相似文献   

Spatially modulated illumination fluorescence microscopy can in theory measure the sizes of objects with a diameter ranging between 10 and 200 nm and has allowed accurate size measurement of subresolution fluorescent beads ( approximately 40-100 nm). Biological structures in this size range have so far been measured by electron microscopy. Here, we have labeled sites containing the active, hyperphosphorylated form of RNA polymerase II in the nucleus of HeLa cells by using the antibody H5. The spatially modulated illumination-microscope was compared with confocal laser scanning and electron microscopes and found to be suitable for measuring the size of cellular nanostructures in a biological setting. The hyperphosphorylated form of polymerase II was found in structures with a diameter of approximately 70 nm, well below the 200-nm resolution limit of standard fluorescence microscopes.  相似文献   

A developed temporal focusing‐based multiphoton excitation microscope (TFMPEM) has a digital micromirror device (DMD) which is adopted not only as a blazed grating for light spatial dispersion but also for patterned illumination simultaneously. Herein, the TFMPEM has been extended to implement spatially modulated illumination at structured frequency and orientation to increase the beam coverage at the back‐focal aperture of the objective lens. The axial excitation confinement (AEC) of TFMPEM can be condensed from 3.0 μm to 1.5 μm for a 50 % improvement. By using the TFMPEM with HiLo technique as two structured illuminations at the same spatial frequency but different orientation, reconstructed biotissue images according to the condensed AEC structured illumination are shown obviously superior in contrast and better scattering suppression. Picture : TPEF images of the eosin‐stained mouse cerebellar cortex by conventional TFMPEM (left), and the TFMPEM with HiLo technique as 1.09 μm?1 spatially modulated illumination at 90° (center) and 0° (right) orientations.


Using a laser confocal microscope, chromatin arrangements in intact interphase nuclei were investigated in four plant species. Chromosomes in these plants have specific segments that can be stained with the fluorescent dye chromomycin A3 (CMA). We stained centromeres inHordeum vulgare, sub-telomeric regions inSecale cereale, satellites inChrysanthemum multicore, and the satellites and the short arms of chromosomes with satellites inHemerocallis middendorfii. The following points were shown: (1) In mitotic interphase nuclei, the centromere and the telomeres of both arms touched the nuclear membrane and had evident polarity. Some CMA-bodies in sub-telomeric regions do not contact the nuclear membrane. (2) Differentiated nuclei had a non-random construction. Polarity of chromosomes is maintained, however, the chromosomes are far apart from the nuclear membrane. (3) Associations in sub-telomeric regions in the interphase nuclei ofSecale cereale were probably due to the association of heterochromatic regions with identical repeated sequences rather than telomere associlations. (4) In interphase nuclei ofChrysanthemum multicore, satellites fused during interphase.  相似文献   

Due to diffraction, the resolution of imaging emitted light in a fluorescence microscope is limited to about 200 nm in the lateral direction. Resolution improvement by a factor of two can be achieved using structured illumination, where a fine grating is projected onto the sample, and the final image is reconstructed from a set of images taken at different grating positions. Here we demonstrate that with the help of a spatial light modulator, this technique can be used for imaging slowly moving structures in living cells. This article has been submitted as a contribution to the Festschrift entitled “Uncovering cellular sub-structures by light microscopy” in honour of Professor Cremer’s 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of human interphase nuclei   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Quantitative electron microscopy was used to analyze surface-spread, critical-point-dried human interphase nuclei and chromatin. The following information is presented: (1) Unstimulated interphase nuclei of lymphocytes from peripheral blood have a mean dry mass of 50.30×10?12 g. The mean dry mass of stimulated nuclei of lymphocytes was determined to be 59.34×10?12 g, a significant statistical difference from the unstimulated ones. (2) Mean diameter of chromatin fibers and mean fiber mass per micron were 199ű15% coefficient of variation (C.V.) and 5.95×10?16g×29% C.V., respectively. (3) A line of regression of fiber mass on fiber diameter for 83 fibers indicated that a 200-Å fiber has a mass of 5.86×10?16g/μ, or almost the same as the mean fiber mass of 5.95× 10?16g/μ. (4) With the value 7×10?12g for the DNA content of an unstimulated lymphocyte nucleus, a total length of 215 cm is calculated for the DNA double helix. When this length is compared to the mean length of chromatin fiber per nucleus (7.59 cm), a ratio of 28.3 to 1 results, which is called the DNA-packing ratio. (5) This DNA-packing ratio of 28.3 is reasonably close to the packing ratio of 26.9 suggested from model calculations for the second DNA supercoil in a 200-Å chromatin fiber.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation of a specific basic protein has been investigated in isolated intact bull testis nuclei incubated with NAD+. The electrophoretic mobility, molecular weight and amino-acid composition of the purified bull testis specific protein are similar to those of rat testis protein. About 1-5% of the total radioactivity incorporated in the 20% acid-insoluble fraction was associated with testis protein and was identified as ADP-ribose.  相似文献   

Biological samples are three dimensional and, therefore, optical sectioning is mandatory for microscopic images to precisely show the localization or function of structures within biological samples. Today, researchers can choose from a variety of methods to obtain optical sections. This article focuses on structured illumination microscopy, which is a group of techniques utilizing a combination of optics and mathematics to obtain optical sections: A structure is imaged onto the sample by optical means and the additional information thereby encoded in the image is used to calculate an optical section from several acquired images. Different methods of structured illumination microscopy (mainly grid projection and aperture correlation) are discussed from a practical point of view, concentrating on advantages, limitations and future prospects of these techniques and their use in cell biology. Structured illumination can also be used to obtain super-resolution information if structures of higher frequency are projected onto the sample. This promising approach to super-resolution microscopy is also briefly discussed from a user's perspective.  相似文献   

The phosphate content of the fast (LC2F) and two slow (LC2S and LC2S1) phosphorylatable light chains (P-light chains) in myosin isolated from biopsy samples of rested human vastus lateralis muscle averaged 0.21, 0.28 and 0.25 mol of phosphate per mol of P-light chain, respectively. Following a 10 s maximal contraction, phosphate content was increased by almost 2-fold in the fast and two slow P-light chains. After prolonged, moderate cycling activity phosphate content was only slightly increased in the three P-light chains. These data suggest that, unlike animal skeletal muscle, myosin light chain kinase and phosphatase activities are similar in human fast and slow muscle fibres.  相似文献   



DNA replication in human cells is performed in discrete sub-nuclear locations known as replication foci or factories. These factories form in the nucleus during S phase and are sites of DNA synthesis and high local concentrations of enzymes required for chromatin replication. Why these structures are required, and how they are organised internally has yet to be identified. It has been difficult to analyse the structure of these factories as they are small in size and thus below the resolution limit of the standard confocal microscope. We have used stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy, which improves on the resolving power of the confocal microscope, to probe the structure of these factories at sub-diffraction limit resolution.  相似文献   



Retinoid-inducible gene 1 (RIG1), also known as tazarotene-induced gene 3 or retinoic-acid receptor responder 3, is a growth regulator, which induces apoptosis and differentiation. RIG1 is classified into the NC protein family. This study investigated functional domains and critical amino acids associated with RIG1-mediated cell death and apoptosis.


Using enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP)-tagged RIG1 variants, RIG1 proteins with deletion at the NC domain significantly decreased cell death induced by RIG1, and fusion variants containing only the NC domain significantly induced apoptosis of HtTA cervical cancer cells. The EGFP-RIG1-induced apoptosis was significantly decreased in cells expressing N112C113 motif double- (NC→FG) or triple- (NCR→FGE) mutated RIG1 variants. Using dodecapeptides, nuclear localization and profound cell death was observed in HtTA cells expressing wild type RIG1111–123 or Leu121-mutated RIG1111–123:L→ C peptide, but peptides double- or triple-mutated at the NC motif alone, RIG1111–123:NC→FG or RIG1111–123:NCR→FGE, were cytoplasmically localized and did not induce apoptosis. The RIG1111–123 also induced apoptosis of A2058 melanoma cells but not normal human fibroblasts.


The NC domain, especially the NC motif, plays the major role in RIG1-mediated pro-apoptotic activity. The RIG1111–123 dodecapeptide exhibited strong pro-apoptotic activity and has potential as an anticancer drug.  相似文献   

Restriction analysis of DNA labelled with [32P]dCTP in an in vitro replication system with isolated nuclei from early S phase cells showed preferential labelling of restriction fragments derived from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) by a replication machinery distinct from that responsible for bulk nuclear DNA replication. Use of restriction nucleases with one recognition site in mtDNA gave rise to 16.5 kbp long fragments corresponding to full-length linearized mtDNA, indicating the presence of intact mtDNA in the isolated cell nuclei. Incorporation of dNTPs into mtDNA was not restricted to the S phase of the cell cycle. We were unable to increase the labelling of mtDNA by the addition of purified mitochondria or mtDNA to the nuclear replication system. These and other results presented is evidenced that the presence of mtDNA in the isolated nuclei was not due to uptake during preparation, thus indicating its presence in the cell nucleus in vivo.  相似文献   

X-ray scattering at very low angles has been applied to the study of chromatin structure in intact and lying nuclei. From maxima and minima in the very low angle range, higher order or very large structures could be deduced, the existence of which has not been found in isolated chromatin; up to now, such structures could be demonstrated only be electron-micrographs of whole nuclei. A strong maximum at 0.12 nm?1 or a shoulder at 0.08 nm?1 is interpreted as a hollow or solid cylinder with diameter ~ 70 nm; however, another possible explanation, a side by side packing of 30 nm solenoids1–4 with a distance of 52 nm, cannot be excluded. A shoulder at 0.033 nm?1 leads to the conclusion that an even larger structure exist in interphase nuclei. A slight minimum at 0.2 nm?1 is in the range where mildly isolated chromatin has its first order minimum. This accounts for a coil diameter ~ 30 nm. While in intact nuclei these characteristics of the scattering curve have only a low intensity (except the maximum at 0.12 nm?1 lysing nuclei exhibit much more pronounced maxima.  相似文献   

Scanning transmission electron microscopy of individual unfixed molecules of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase has been used to determine the molecular mass distribution of the protein. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, which has a subunit molecular mass of 77 kilodaltons, was found to exist predominantly as a dimer with an apparent molecular mass of 136 +/- 29 kilodaltons. The mass distribution of the enzyme molecules was unchanged in the presence of the allosteric inhibitor S-adenosylmethionine. Examination of negatively stained protein molecules suggested that each subunit of the dimer consists of two globular domains of approximately equal size. Limited proteolysis of the enzyme by trypsin gave results which were entirely consistent with the presence of two domains per subunit. In the presence of 1% trypsin, the enzyme was cleaved into two fragments. The masses of these fragments were 39 and 36 kilodaltons as assessed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Tryptic cleavage did not lead to loss of NADPH-menadione or NADPH-methylenetetrahydrofolate oxidoreductase activity, and the flavin prosthetic group remained bound to the protein. However, the cleaved protein was completely desensitized with respect to inhibition by S-adenosylmethionine. These results suggest that each subunit of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase contains two domains and that allosteric inhibition requires specific interactions between these domains. The region between these two domains appears to be very sensitive to proteolysis, while the domains themselves are relatively resistant to further degradation.  相似文献   

The discovery that the lipids constituting the plasma membrane are not randomly distributed, but instead are able to form laterally segregated lipid domains with different properties has given hints how the formation of such lipid domains influences and regulates many processes occurring at the plasma membrane. While in model systems these lipid domains can be easily accessed and their properties studied, it is still challenging to determine the properties of cholesterol rich lipid domains, the so called “Rafts”, in the plasma membrane of living cells due to their small size and transient nature. One promising technique to address such issues is fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) microscopy, as spatially resolved images make the visualization of the lateral lipid distribution possible, while at the same time the fluorescence lifetime of a membrane probe yields information about the bilayer structure and organization of the lipids in lipid domains and various properties like preferential protein-protein interactions or the enrichment of membrane probes. This review aims to give an overview of the techniques underlying FLIM probes which can be applied to investigate the formation of lipid domains and their respective properties in model membrane and biological systems. Also a short technical introduction into the techniques of a FLIM microscope is given.  相似文献   

Understanding the changes in collagen and proteoglycan content of cartilage due to physical forces is necessary for progress in treating joint disorders, including those due to overuse. Physical forces in the chondrocyte environment can affect the cellular processes involved in the biosynthesis of extracellular matrix. In turn, the biomechanical properties of cartilage depend on its collagen and proteoglycan content. To understand changes due to physical forces, this study examined the effect of 80 cumulative hours of in vivo cyclical joint loading on the cartilage content of proteoglycan and collagen in the rabbit metacarpophalangeal joint. The forepaw digits of six anesthetized New Zealand White adult female rabbits were repetitively flexed at 1 Hz with an estimated joint contact pressure of 1 to 2 MPa. Joints were collected from loaded and contralateral control specimens, fixed, decalcified, embedded, and thin-sectioned. Sections were examined under polarized light microscopy to identify and measure superficial and mid zone thicknesses of cartilage. Fourier Transform Infrared microspectroscopy was used to measure proteoglycan and collagen contents in the superficial, mid, and deep zones. Loading led to an increase in proteoglycan in the cartilage of all six rabbits. Specifically, there was a 46% increase in the cartilage deep zone (p = 0.003). The collagen content did not change with loading. Joint loading did not change the superficial and mid zone mean thicknesses. We conclude that long-term (80 cumulative hours) cyclical in vivo joint loading stimulates proteoglycan synthesis. Furthermore, stimulation is localized to cartilage regions of high hydrostatic pressure. These data may be useful in developing interventions to prevent overuse injuries or in developing therapies to improve joint function.  相似文献   

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