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Results are presented from experimental studies of coagulation of dust grains of different sizes injected into a low-temperature plasma of an RF discharge in argon. A theoretical model describing the formation of dust clusters in a low-temperature plasma is developed and applied to interpret the results of experiments on the coagulation of dust grains having large negative charges. The grain size at which coagulation under the given plasma conditions is possible is estimated using the developed theory. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Results are presented from the experimental studies and numerical simulations of the behavior of dust grains in the plasma of an inductive RF discharge. The experiments were carried out with neon at a pressure of 25–500 Pa and with 1.87-μm melamine formaldehyde grains. The discharge was excited by a ring inductor supplied from a generator operating at a 100-MHz frequency. The effective dust-grain interaction potential used in numerical simulations involved the spatial dependence of the grain charge on the plasma floating potential, grain-interaction anisotropy resulting from the focusing of the drift ion current by the negatively charged grains, and specific features of the shielding of the dust grains by the plasma electrons and ions recombining both in the plasma bulk and on the grain surface. The results of Monte Carlo simulations show that the dust grains form specific filament structures observed experimentally in the plasma of an inductive electrodeless discharge. __________ Translated from Fizika Plazmy, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2000, pp. 445–454. Original Russian Text Copyright ? 2000 by Zobnin, Nefedov, Sinel’shchikov, Sinkevich, Usachev, Filinov, Fortov.  相似文献   

The plasma parameters in the electrode sheath of an RF discharge were studied experimentally under the conditions of dust monolayer levitation. A new method is proposed for determining the plasma parameters, such as the average electric field, ion density, and ion velocity. The screening parameter and the dust grain charge are estimated. The criteria of stable levitation of a dust monolayer are considered. The obtained results are compared with the available theoretical and numerical data, as well as with the results obtained using other diagnostic methods.  相似文献   

The process of decay of dust structures formed of polydisperse grains injected into an RF discharge is investigated. The dust grain velocities after switching-off of the discharge are measured. The number density, dimensions, and residual charges of dust grains are estimated from the balance of forces acting on the grains after discharge is switched off.  相似文献   

The zone of macroparticle accumulation was revealed based on laser radiation scattering at copper vapor in the plasma of an RF glow discharge upon sputtering of multicomponent nanosize ferroelectric films. This zone was detected at the interface between the negative glow and the dark cathode space of the glow discharge. It is supposed that these particles are charged products of ferroelectric target sputtering.  相似文献   

Results of an experimental study of the helicon discharge plasma parameters in a prototype of a hybrid RF plasma system equipped with a solenoidal antenna are described. It is shown that an increase in the external magnetic field leads to the formation of a plasma column and a shift of the maximum ion current along the discharge axis toward the bottom flange of the system. The shape of the plasma column can be controlled via varying the configuration of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the behavior of dust grains in a track plasma produced by an accelerated proton beam. Dynamic dust structures in such a plasma are obtained for the first time, and their spatiotemporal evolution is thoroughly investigated. The structures develop from a dust spiral, which abruptly transforms with increasing dust density into a differentially rotating dust cloud across which dust-sound waves (including spiral waves generated by the dense central core) propagate. As time elapses, the dust cloud loses its fragments and gradually vanishes. At constant experimental conditions, the lifetime of the structures attains a few minutes.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental and theoretical investigations of the behavior of dust grains in a track plasma produced by a beam of accelerated protons. The dynamic ordered dust structures in a proton-beam-produced plasma are obtained for the first time. The processes leading to the formation of such structures are simulated numerically. The experimentally obtained dynamic vortex dust structures in a track plasma of a proton beam are explained theoretically, and the theoretical model developed to describe such a plasma is verified experimentally. Numerical investigations carried out by the method of Brownian dynamics made it possible to qualitatively explain the characteristic features of the formation of vortex dust structures.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is presented that describes the charging of dust grains in the positive plasma column of a stratified glow dc discharge in argon. A one-dimensional self-consistent model is used to obtain axial profiles of the electric field, as well as the electron energy distribution function along the axis of the discharge tube. Radial profiles of the electric field are determined in the ambipolar diffusion approximation. It is assumed that, in the radial direction, the electron distribution function depends only on the total electron energy. Two-dimensional distributions of the discharge plasma parameters are calculated and used to determine the potential and charge of a test dust grain at a certain point within the discharge and the electrostatic forces acting on it. It is shown that the grain charge distribution depends strongly on the nonequilibrium electron distribution function and on the nonuniform distribution of the electric field in a stratified glow discharge. A discussion is presented on the suspension of dust grains, the separation of grains by size in the discharge striations, and a possible mechanism for the onset of vortex dust motion at the edge of a dust cloud.  相似文献   

A study is made of the generation of ion-acoustic and magnetoacoustic waves in a discharge excited in an external magnetic field by an electromagnetic wave in the whistler frequency range (ωLH ? ω ? ωHe, where ωLH = $\sqrt {\omega _{He} \omega _{Hi} } $ and ωHe and ωHi are the electron and ion gyrofrequencies, respectively). The excitation of acoustic waves is attributed to the decay of a high-frequency hybrid mode forming a plasma waveguide into low-frequency acoustic waves and new high-frequency waves that satisfy both the decay conditions and the waveguide dispersion relations. The excitation of acoustic waves is resonant in character because the conditions for the generation of waveguide modes and for the occurrence of the corresponding nonlinear wave processes should be satisfied simultaneously. An unexpected effect is the generation of magnetoacoustic waves by whistlers. A diagnostic technique is proposed that allows one to determine the thermal electron velocity by analyzing decay conditions and dispersion relations for waves in the discharge channel.  相似文献   

The generation of ion-cyclotron radiation in a plasma resonator formed by an RF discharge in a linear mirror magnetic confinement system is revealed and investigated. It is shown that the experimental setup makes it possible to study the composition of a multicomponent discharge plasma and to detect multiply charged ions. Collisional losses in such a resonator are estimated, and the pressure range within which the growth rate of the ion-cyclotron instability substantially exceeds the collisional damping rate is determined.  相似文献   

Conditions are considered under which quasi-two-dimensional extended structures are formed consisting of charged dust grains that are suspended in a gravitational field by an external electric field. Formulas are derived that describe the relationships between the parameters of the intergrain interaction potential, the number of dust grains, and the gradients of the linear electric field of the device. A criterion is proposed that determines the onset of a new dust layer in a quasi-two-dimensional dust system.  相似文献   

A theory is developed that makes it possible to calculate RF power absorption in an inductive plasma source. Conditions are determined under which most of the power is deposited in the plasma. It is shown that these conditions correspond to the excitation of spatial waves (an oblique Langmuir wave and a helicon wave). A simple self-consistent model of a plasma source is proposed that describes all of the experimentally observed distinctive properties of plasma sources well.  相似文献   

Effect of dust electrical charge fluctuations on the nature of dust acoustic solitary waves (DASWs) in a four-species magnetized dusty plasma containing nonextensive electrons and two-temperature isothermal ions has been investigated. In this model, the negative dust electric charge is considered to be proportional to the plasma space potential. The nonlinear Zakharov–Kuznetsov (ZK) and modified Zakharov–Kuznetsov (mZK) equations are derived for DASWs by using the standard reductive perturbation method. The combined effects of electron nonextensivity and dust charge fluctuations on the DASW profile are analyzed. The different ranges of the nonextensive q-parameter are considered. The results show that solitary waves the amplitude and width of which depend sensitively on the nonextensive q-parameter can exist. Due to the electron nonextensivity and dust charge fluctuation rate, our dusty plasma model can admit both positive and negative potential solitons. The results show that the amplitude of the soliton increases with increasing electron nonextensivity, but its width decreases. Increasing the electrical charge fluctuations leads to a decrease in both the amplitude and width of DASWs.  相似文献   

The effect of an RF field on a steady-state beam-plasma discharge with a plane electrode placed parallel to a sheetlike electron beam is studied experimentally. The plasma parameters were measured by a single probe, and the electron distribution function was determined with the use of an electrostatic analyzer. The energy and current of the electron beam were E B=2.5 keV and J B=0.05–1.5 A, respectively. The working pressure was p=2×10?5–10?3 torr. The frequency of the external RF field was 13.56 MHz. Both the steady-state regimes in which the RF field had no effect on the plasma parameters and regimes with a pronounced effect of the RF field were observed. The experiments show that the regime of the discharge depends strongly on the plasma density and the magnetic field. The parametric instability is studied theoretically in the weak-turbulence approximation. It is shown that, due to the decay nature of the spectrum of plasma oscillations, the onset of instability is accompanied by the transfer of the energy of fluctuations over the spectrum, from the pump frequency toward its harmonics.  相似文献   

Distributions of the dusty plasma parameters (electron, ion, and dust densities; dust grain charge; and ion drift velocity) in quasineutral dust structures whose dimensions are much greater than the mean free path of the ions in their interactions with neutral particles are calculated numerically under conditions such that ionization sources are located outside the structures. Planar, cylindrical, and spherical structures are investigated. It is shown that static equilibrium structures are governed by a single (basic) parameter: the electrostatic potential drop between the center of the structure and its boundary. It is found that the maximum value of the basic parameter (in energy units) does not exceed the electron temperature. The basic parameter also determines the total number of dust grains in the structure and the power of external ionization sources that are necessary to sustain this structure. The fact that the basic parameter varies within a limited range allows one to consider all the possible structures with a given dimensionality (planar, cylindrical, and spherical).  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental and theoretical studies of the production of singlet delta oxygen in a pulsed electron-beam-sustained discharge ignited in a large (~18-1) volume at a total gas mixture pressure of up to 210 Torr. The measured yield of singlet oxygen reaches 10.5%. It is found that varying the reduced electric field from ~2 to ~11 kV/(cm atm) slightly affects singlet oxygen production. It is shown experimentally that an increase in the gas mixture pressure or the specific input energy reduces the duration of singlet oxygen luminescence. The calculated time evolution of the singlet oxygen concentration is compared with experimental results.  相似文献   

The second part of the review on dust structures (the first part was published in Plasma Phys. Rep. 39, 515 (2013)) is devoted to experimental and theoretical studies on the stability of structures and their formation from the initially uniform dusty plasma components. The applicability limits of theoretical results and the role played by nonlinearity in the screening of dust grains are considered. The importance of nonlinearity is demonstrated by using numerous laboratory observations of planar clusters and volumetric dust structures. The simplest compact agglomerates of dust grains in the form of stable planar clusters are discussed. The universal character of instability resulting in the structurization of an initially uniform dusty plasma is shown. The fundamental correlations described in the first part of the review, supplemented with effects of dust inertia and dust friction by the neutral gas, are use to analyze structurization instability. The history of the development of theoretical ideas on the physics of the cluster formation for different types of interaction between dust grains is described.  相似文献   

Results are presented from Monte Carlo calculations of the electric charge of dust grains in a plasma produced during the slowing down of the radioactive decay products of californium nuclei in neon. The dust grain charging is explained for the first time as being due to the drift of electrons and ions in an external electric field. It is shown that the charges of the grains depend on their coordinates and strongly fluctuate with time. The time-averaged grain charges agree with the experimental data obtained on ordered liquidlike dust structures in a nuclear-track plasma. The time-averaged dust grain charges are used to carry out computer modeling of the formation of dynamic vortex structures observed in experiments. Evidence is obtained of the fact that the electrostatic forces experienced by the dust grains are potential in character.  相似文献   

An injector of hydrogen atoms for plasma diagnostics in modern tokamaks has been developed at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk). The ion source of the injector produces a proton (helium ion) beam with a current of up to 2 A (1 A), an ion energy of up to 55 keV, a beam divergence of ~0.6\deg, and a pulse duration of up to 10 s. An RF discharge-based plasma emitter, which is one of the main parts of the ion source, is described. The emitter diameter is 72 mm, the ion current density is 120 mA/cm2, and the inhomogeneity of the current density is ±6%. The beam is formed by a four-electrode ionoptical system with 163 round apertures. At a current of 2 A, the ion beam consists of 67% protons, 18% H 2 + ions, and 15% H 3 + ions, the total content of heavier ions in the beam being no higher than 2–3%.  相似文献   

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