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Radio-tagged smolts of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and sea trout Salmo trutta were predated heavily by sea birds after crossing the saline limit in the estuary of the River Skjern, Denmark. Most predation took place within the first 9 h after estuarine entry. The field data do not contradict the hypothesis of maladaptive anti-predatory behaviour.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) juveniles were electrofished along a 300-m stretch of a river to test for possible associations between genetic similarity and geographical distance between individuals. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting showed that genetically similar juveniles (1–4 years old) were found closer together in the river than less related individuals. However, the association between genetic similarity and geographical distance, although significant, was not strong. This may indicate that factors other than genetic relatedness influence the positioning in the river. A sex bias in the relationship between genetic similarity and geographical distance was caused by a difference between sexually mature and immature males. The study shows that sampling of salmon juveniles should be spread over a wide stretch of the river in order to avoid sampling relatives. Moreover, by including several year classes, the overall degree of genetic similarity is effectively reduced compared with sampling individuals of similar age.  相似文献   

Relationships between growth at sea, smolt size and age at sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were tested. The fish were offspring of brood stocks sampled in eight Norwegian rivers at latitudes between 59° and 70° N, hatchery reared and released at smolting at the mouth of the River Imsa (59° N). Smolt size influenced the subsequent growth rate of Atlantic salmon. The larger the fish were at release, the slower the yearly length increment at sea. Mean sea age at sexual maturity, measured as proportion of the returning adults attaining sexual maturity at sea age 2 years, was significantly correlated with mean growth rate during the first year at sea and mean smolt size ( r 2= 0·74, P < 0·001). Fish attaining maturity at a relatively high sea age were more fast growing during their first year at sea than those maturing at a younger age. The results indicate that high sea age at sexual maturation is a population-specific characteristic and associated with high early growth rate at sea.  相似文献   

In the Simojoki River in the northern Gulf of Bothnia, reared salmon stocked as smolts produced considerable numbers of ascending one‐sea‐winter (1 SW) males, whereas the proportion of male 1 SW salmon was low among spawning migrants of wild or reared parr origin. The sex ratio among ascending wild fish and reared salmon stocked as parr was similar, with females predominating, while reared salmon stocked as smolts were mainly males. The multi‐sea‐winter (MSW) salmon entered the river annually within a fairly short time period from the beginning of the migration season, independent of their sex or origin. 1 SW males migrated into the river significantly later in the season than MSW males. The results indicate that the delayed opening of the fishing season in the Gulf of Bothnia is effective in reducing the harvest of MSW salmon at sea. However, as the timing of the ascent may vary by several weeks from year to year, the effect of this regulation bound to certain calendar days may also vary considerably from year to year.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA variation was used to assess the outcome of stocking Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and migratory trout Salmo trutta in River Sävarå, N Sweden. No information on pre‐stocking genetic composition of S. salar and S. trutta in River Sävarå was available. In 2 year‐classes of S. salar smolt, microsatellite data indicated that post‐stocking genetic composition differed markedly (FST= 0·048) from the main donor strain, Byskeälven S. salar, and from other Gulf of Bothnia S. salar stocks (FST 0·047 and 0·132). The STRUCTURE programme failed to detect any substructuring within Sävarå salmon. It was concluded that only minor introgression estimated to a proportion of 0·11 (95% CI 0·07–0·16) has occurred in S. salar. Salmo trutta showed overall low differentiation among populations with maximum FST of 0·03 making analysis more cumbersome than in S. salar. Still, the SävaråS. trutta deviated significantly from potential donor populations, and STRUCTURE software supported that majority of trout in Sävarå formed a distinct genetic population. Admixture was more extensive in S. trutta and estimated to 0·17 (95% CI 0·10–0·25).  相似文献   

The 30 year time series analyses revealed large temporal variation in the return rates and a recent increase in abundance of previous spawning Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in the River Teno, northern Scandinavia. The mean proportion of repeat spawners was 7 and 4% in the total Atlantic salmon catch and 9 and 22% in multi‐sea‐winter (MSW) catch component for females and males, respectively. Previous spawners constituted on the average 7% of the catch in mass but up to 20%(31 t) and 30%(19 t) in 2003 and in 2004, respectively. In 1975–2000, the proportion of previous spawners varied between 1 and 6%(3–12% of MSW Atlantic salmon), whereas in 2001–2004, they accounted for 8–21%(16–35% of MSW Atlantic salmon) of the total Atlantic salmon catch. The number of previous spawners in the catch correlated significantly with the preceding numbers of respective 1–3 sea‐winter (SW) maiden Atlantic salmon 2 years earlier. The recent increase in the numbers of 1S1 and 2S1 (1 or 2 years at sea followed by first spawning and 1 year reconditioning period at sea) alternate spawning Atlantic salmon was a consequence of higher numbers of maiden 1SW and 2SW Atlantic salmon in the catches and increased sea temperatures. Similarly, the return rate of 1SW Atlantic salmon to second spawning has improved in recent years. Most previous spawners ascended and were captured early in the fishing season. The smolt and sea‐age combinations of repeat spawners comprised 68 age groups contributing with the annual mean of 15 age groups to the great diversity of the River Teno Atlantic salmon population complex.  相似文献   

Physiological impact of sea lice on swimming performance of Atlantic salmon   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were infected with two levels of sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis (0·13 ± 0·02 and 0·02 ± 0·00 sea lice g−1). Once sea lice became adults, the ventral aorta of each fish was fitted with a Doppler cuff to measure cardiac output ( ̇ ), heart rate ( f H) and stroke volume ( V S) during swimming. Critical swimming speeds ( U crit) of fish with higher sea lice numbers [2·1 ± 0·1 BL (body lengths) s−1] were significantly lower ( P  < 0·05) than fish with lower numbers (2·4 ± 0·1 BL s−1) and controls (sham infected, 2·6 ± 0·1 BL s−1). After swimming, chloride levels in fish with higher sea lice numbers (184·4 ± 11·3 mmol l−1) increased significantly (54%) from levels at rest and were significantly higher than fish with fewer lice (142·0 ± 3·7 mmol l−1) or control fish (159·5 ± 3·5 mmol l−1). The f H of fish with more lice was 9% slower than the other two groups at U crit. This decrease resulted in ̇ not increasing from resting levels. Sublethal infection by sea lice compromised the overall fitness of Atlantic salmon. The level of sea lice infection used in the present study was lower than has previously been reported to be detrimental to wild Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Tagging data were used to examine the relationships between smolt size, post-smolt growth and sea age at first maturity for the short-migrating Neva strain of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) ranched in the Bothnian Sea and the Gulf of Finland. The results provided evidence that post-smolt growth was influenced by both relative and absolute smolt size. For both sea-areas, 2-year smolts of small relative size within a release group grew more rapidly in the sea than did smolts of higher relative, but equivalent absolute size. The negative influence of increasing relative smolt size on marine growth was, however, outweighed by the stronger positive influence of increasing absolute smolt size. A 160-mm increase in smolt size (140–300 mm) resulted in an overall growth advantage of about 1 year. In the Bothnian Sea, the predicted mean length after 1 year in the sea was 288 ± 25 mm for 140-mm smolts and 560 ± 16 mm for 300-mm smolts. Under the more favourable conditions of the Gulf of Finland, the respective mean lengths were 369 ± 15 mm and 613 ± 12 mm. The sea age at first maturity was inversely related to both freshwater and marine growth rates. For both sea areas, large smolts yielded proportionately more grilse than did small ones. Smolt years with good post-smolt growth rates yielded more grilse than did years with poor growth rates. The overall level of grilsing was higher in the Gulf of Finland than in the Bothnian Sea. These results suggest that the relationships between smolt size, post-smolt growth and age at first maturity in the sea are influenced by the environmental conditions of the respective sea area. A framework explaining the links between smolt size, marine growth, survival and sea age at maturity in Neva salmon is presented for the Gulf of Finland and the Bothnian Sea.  相似文献   

Migrations of juvenile Atlantic salmon between habitats (both fluvial and lacustrine) were studied in a Newfoundland river system from May through September. Salmon parr showed poor site fidelity in fluvial habitats, and high rates of migration, especially in spring-early summer. Most habitat shifts were upstream from fluvial habitats to a lake at the head of a small tributary. In September, 10% of the salmon parr caught in the lake ( n =275) had been marked in the main stem of the river or in the tributary stream (total n =641). The abundance of parr in the lake increased in May-June, then declined gradually to September. Most of the lacustrine immigrants were 1+ parr. Mature males were found amongst the autumnal emigrants. Salmon parr in the lake grew larger than those in the river, and lacustrine smolts captured in the lake were larger than those caught at the mouth of the river.  相似文献   

The annual variation in sea-age of maturation for a hatchery dependent stock of Atlantic salmon was compared to variation in post-smolt growth as evidenced by circuli spacing patterns. The proportion of returns of 1-seawinter (1 SW) and 2 SW salmon and the fraction of the smolt year class or cohort that maturated as 1 SW fish, were compared to seasonal growth indices determined from circuli spacing on the scales of smolt class survivors returning as 1 SW and 2 SW spawners. Using image processing techniques, we extracted inter-circuli distances from scales from 2244 recaptured fish. Spacing data for the first year at sea were collected and then expressed as seasonal growth indices for the spring period, when post-smolts first enter the ocean; the summer, when growth appears maximal; and winter, when growth appears to be at a minimum. In general, circuli spacings were wider for 1 SW than for the 2 SW returns of the same smolt cohort. The 1 SW fraction was significantly and positively correlated with late summer growth, suggesting that growth during this season is pivotal in determining the proportion of a smolt class that matures early.  相似文献   

Many upland rivers in the Northern Hemisphere contain important habitat for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Owing to their sensitivity to environmental change, salmon are often used as bio-indicators. In Scotland, rivers containing potentially suitable habitat for salmon fry are often also regulated for hydropower. Regulated flow regimes can differ substantially spatially and temporally. Thus, where river management may be needed to maintain, restore, and protect their ecological functioning, this needs to be based on evidence of such spatio-temporal effects. This study investigated the effects of different types of river regulation on the hydraulic characteristics of downstream river reaches and the inferred consequences for salmon fry using hydraulic habitat quality models. The study focussed on the River Lyon (390 km2), a tributary of the Tay (4587 km2), Scotland, UK. Hydraulic habitat variability was assessed for three reach-scale sites with contrasting flow regimes characterised by (a) releases from hydropower generation, (b) compensation flow and (c) partly re-naturalised flow conditions. For each site, high resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) were developed from bathymetric surveys and 2D hydraulic models were used to assess hydraulic characteristics. Discharge time series were used to simulate hydraulic conditions for regulated and simulated natural flows. Depth and velocity data were extracted from the hydraulic models and used to infer habitat quality using a habitat model developed for Atlantic salmon fry in similar-sized Scottish rivers. Results showed the effects of regulation can vary substantially within reaches and between seasons. Comparison to natural flow regimes suggested that flow alteration has a variable influence on habitat quality depending on the type of regulation and time of year. This work has improved understanding of the effects of regulation on biophysical processes and may also be useful for managing trade-offs between management, restoration, and societal benefits.  相似文献   

The proportion of potential 1-year smolts, their mean length, the mean length of potential 2-year smolts, and the mortality rate in four half-sib families of Atlantic salmon, reared under four contrasted conditions of overhead cover, is shown to be inffuenced primarily by genetic factors (89.9%, 86.1 %, 82.7% and 80.2% of total variance respectively). Variation between families in smolting rate and mortality rate is influenced by both parents, but more by the male than the female. Variation in mean length is influenced almost entirely by the female parent. These results are discussed in relation to previous findings on bimodality of size distribution and inheritance of growth and mortality characteristics in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Co‐inheritance in life‐history traits may result in unpredictable evolutionary trajectories if not accounted for in life‐history models. Iteroparity (the reproductive strategy of reproducing more than once) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a fitness trait with substantial variation within and among populations. In the Teno River in northern Europe, iteroparous individuals constitute an important component of many populations and have experienced a sharp increase in abundance in the last 20 years, partly overlapping with a general decrease in age structure. The physiological basis of iteroparity bears similarities to that of age at first maturity, another life‐history trait with substantial fitness effects in salmon. Sea age at maturity in Atlantic salmon is controlled by a major locus around the vgll3 gene, and we used this opportunity demonstrate that these two traits are co‐inherited around this genome region. The odds ratio of survival until second reproduction was up to 2.4 (1.8–3.5 90% CI) times higher for fish with the early‐maturing vgll3 genotype (EE) compared to fish with the late‐maturing genotype (LL). The L allele was dominant in individuals remaining only one year at sea before maturation, but the dominance was reversed, with the E allele being dominant in individuals maturing after two or more years at sea. Post hoc analysis indicated that iteroparous fish with the EE genotype had accelerated growth prior to first reproduction compared to first‐time spawners, across all age groups, whereas this effect was not detected in fish with the LL genotype. These results broaden the functional link around the vgll3 genome region and help us understand constraints in the evolution of life‐history variation in salmon. Our results further highlight the need to account for genetic correlations between fitness traits when predicting demographic changes in changing environments.  相似文献   

As Atlantic salmon return from the ocean to undertake the anadromous spawning migration up the river of origin, profound changes in calcium metabolism and osmoregulation take place. Using tartrate resistant acid phosphatase as a marker, scale osteoclast activity was found to increase throughout sexual maturation and spawning migration. Thus, the participation of osteoclasts in the elevated scale resorption observed during this phase is established. As calcium was simultaneously accumulated in the female gonads, it is proposed that the scales are resorbed in order to provide calcium for the growing ovaries. Plasma oestradiol-17 β levels were elevated in females during sexual maturation, and had decreased at the time of spawning. Plasma testosterone levels were similar in males and females during the first part of the upriver migration, but had increased in males and decreased in females at spawning. In addition to the role of these sex steroids in the gonadal growth, their possible involvement in the increased scale resorption during this phase is discussed. Plasma growth hormone and thyroxine levels were elevated in both sexes at spawning, with the triiodothyronine/thyroxine (T3/T4) ratio declining sharply, indicating possible roles for these hormones in the maturational process. The relatively low gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity of salmon caught in the estuary implies that the fish had already adapted to a hypoosmotic environment. During the upriver migration, the gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity decreased further, indicating that the hypoosmoregulatory ability was suppressed further during sexual maturation and spawning migration.  相似文献   

River entry of adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar into the River Tornionjoki, monitored during three migration seasons (1997–1999) by horizontal split-beam hydroacoustics, started early in June when water temperature was c . 9° C and when the discharge varied between 1700 and 2000 m3 s−1. In 1997 and 1999, migration peaked during the latter half of June, 17 days after the peak flood, at water temperatures ranging from 11· 5 to 18·2° C. Few statistically significant correlations were observed between river entry and six measured environmental factors and those that were significant were not persistent over the years. The strongest correlation (  r  = −0·60) was between the number of upstream migrants and seawater level, with a time lag of 1 day in 1998. In 1998 and 1999, no clear diurnal migration pattern was observed, although in 1997 the intensity of midday migration was higher than that of the midnight migration. It is concluded that environmental factors have little effect on river entry of Atlantic salmon in a large pristine river located at high latitude.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar are often heavily infected by the gill maggot Salmincola salmoneus, but little information exists on the population dynamics of this parasite. Through a combination of in vivo field examination and laboratory analysis of gills from the Alta River S. salar population in northern Norway, we describe the population dynamics of the parasite and suggest a model for the host-parasite interactions. S. salar did not become infected with S. salmoneus until they returned to the river as first-time spawners. The infection increased rapidly until autumn, and just after spawning 96% of the spent fish (kelts) were infected with a mean intensity of 53 parasites per fish. In May, the prevalence of S. salmoneus on the descending kelts had increased to 100%, but the intensity exhibited little change. A small proportion of the adult S. salar population returned as immature to the river during autumn and had lower parasite intensities than the kelts the following spring. When the fish that had spawned previously (repeat spawners) returned from their second (or more) sea migration, they had an average infection rate of 36 S. salmoneus individuals per fish. The kelts seemed to be the main habitat for the parasite during winter and spring, and they stay long enough in the river to pass the infection to maiden S. salar that enter the river early in summer. These fish then became a source of infection for the maiden fish entering the river later. However, in years that have a possible mismatch between the opposite migration of kelts and maiden S. salar, the immature fall-running and returning repeat spawners will be crucial for maintaining the parasite population. We hypothesize that heavily infected S. salar may suffer reduced growth and survival at sea, potentially reducing the abundance of repeat spawners.  相似文献   

Standard metabolic rate ( R S), specific growth rate ( G ) and aggressiveness were investigated in three Finnish populations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (Neva, Saimaa and Teno), which were reared in identical hatchery conditions. The populations differed in their geographical origin and native habitat. There was a significant difference between populations in R S: the southernmost Neva population had higher values in R S than the northernmost Teno population. No difference was found in G or aggressiveness between the populations. G was found to have a significant positive association with aggressiveness and R S among the three populations, however, these results were not statistically significant after correction for multiple tests. There was no significant association between R S and aggressiveness. Higher metabolic rate of the most southern population Neva is suggested to be an adaptation to the more abundant food sources of the southern stream.  相似文献   

The seasonal growth trajectories of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar juveniles by age group within the Margaree River, Canada, are described. Circuli counts from scales were used to infer growth rates at different ages and these were used to predict the proportions of age 2‐ and 3‐year old smolts from different portions of the watershed. In the wild Atlantic salmon juveniles from the Margaree River, there was no bimodality in fork length frequencies and no 1 year old smolts were produced. Water temperature differences during the growing season were insufficient to explain the differences in growth rates and size at age among the sites sampled. There was a positive association between the growth rate in the first year and the subsequent age at smoltification. In the Margaree River, differences in tributary specific growth rates and size at age were expected to produce important differences in the relative ages at smoltification.  相似文献   

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