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Cyprichromis coloratus , a new cichlid species, is described based on 41 type specimens from the Zambian coast of Lake Tanganyika. It differs from Cyprichromis microlepidotus by having fewer scales in the longitudinal line (41–44 v . 59–70 in C. microlepidotus ) and upper lateral line (31–36 v . 47–59), from Cyprichromis leptosoma by more dorsal‐fin spines (14–15 v . 11–13 in C. leptosoma ) and longitudinal line scales (41–44 v . 38–40), from Cyprichromis pavo by fewer dorsal‐fin spines and soft rays (29–31, usually 30, in total v . 30–32, usually 31, in C. pavo ), and from Cyprichromis zonatus by shallower body depth [24·0–28·5 (26·4 ± 1·1)% of standard length v . 24·5–30·5 (28·4 ± 1·3)% in C. zonatus ] and smaller eye [eye length 25·2–30·9 (27·2 ± 1·1)% of head length v . 27·9–33·3 (30·2 ± 1·2)%]. The new species is also separable from C. microlepidotus , C. pavo and C. zonatus by absence of distinct small spots on the body ( v . pearl grey and yellowish small spots along scale rows on body at least in males of C. microlepidotus and C. pavo ), its distinct dichromatism (particularly on the caudal fin) between males of the same population ( v . dichromatism absent in C. zonatus ) and absence of vertical bands ( v . three or four distinct vertical bands beneath dorsal fin base in live males of C. zonatus ). Cyprichromis coloratus n. sp. also exhibits sexual dimorphism, females having a larger head and males having longer pelvic fin, differences which are discussed in relation to reproductive behaviour. A key to the five species of Cyprichromis is included. A lectotype is designated for Cyprichromis leptosoma .  相似文献   

Microdontochromis rotundiventralis, a new species of cichlid fish, is described on the basis of 13 specimens from Nkumbula Island, Lake Tanganyika (Zambia). It is distinct from its only congener,M. tenuidentatus, in having two (rarely one) rows of teeth on both jaws, a rounded distal margin on the pelvic fin, the outermost pelvic fin soft ray length 1.23–1.43 times the innermost ray, a deeper body (depth 26.8–29.1% standard length) and the anal fin with 9 (rarely 8 or 10) soft rays.  相似文献   

The examination of material representing one of Lake Tanganyika's six previously recognized endemic catfish lineages, has revealed the presence of an additional genus of clariid, described here as Pseudotanganikallabes new genus. This genus is represented by a single species, Pseudotanganikallabes prognatha sp. nov., which is distinguished from all other clariids by its lack of an infraorbital series, the presence of multiple osseous connections between the swim bladder capsules and elements of the neurocranium, the absence of an ethmoid notch, the presence of a very large, egg‐shaped occipital fontanelle and the extension of the lower lip beyond the margin of the upper jaw. A combination of additional external and molecular characters serves to further distinguish this taxon from all currently recognized clariid species. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial (cytb) and nuclear (18S‐ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2‐28S) sequence data supports the creation of a new genus for this species, as it appears to represent an independent, monophyletic lineage within the family Clariidae.  相似文献   

 Phylogenetic relationships among eight Trematocara species and a single Telotrematocara species included in the Tanganyikan cichlid tribe Trematocarini were investigated on the basis of morphological features. The monophyly of the tribe is supported by the presence of hypertrophied sensory pores on the head, tendon “c” of adductor mandibulae section 1, a single scale row between the upper lateral line and body axis, great depth of the anteriormost infraorbital (reversed in Trematocara caparti and T. stigmaticum), and the absence of a lower lateral line. Trematocara is paraphyletic unless Telotrematocara is treated as a junior synonym. Received: December 10, 2001 / Revised: March 18, 2002 / Accepted: April 4, 2002  相似文献   

Telmatochromis brachygnathus sp.n. is described from the southern and central parts of Lake Tanganyika. It can be distinguished from the similar T. temporalis mainly by its smaller mouth. Morphological distinct populations were found in both species.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of the nominal species Telmatochromis temporalis , T. lestradei , T. burgeoni and Julidochromis macrolepis has been reviewed. The synonymy of T. lestradei with T. temporalis is confirmed. A comparison of Telmatochromis burgeoni with Telmatochromis temporalis revealed no significant differences either. Hence T. burgeoni is considered synonymous with T. temporalis . Examination of the type of Julidochromis macrolepis showed it to be conspecific with Telmatochromis dhonti and not with T. temporalis , as had been suggested.  相似文献   

Two cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika,Xenotilapia sima Boulenger, 1899 andX. boulengeri (Poll, 1942) are often confused owing to insufficient information on the diagnostic morphological characters for each species. Morphological and morphometric analyses showed thatX. sima differs fromX. boulengeri in having a greater number of teeth and anal and pectoral fin soft rays, thicker caudal peduncle, larger eyes, and a shorter snout and anal fin base.  相似文献   

Neolamprologus cancellatus, a new cichlid species, is described on the basis of eight specimens from the Zambian coast of Lake Tanganyika. The new species is characterized by a subtruncate caudal fin and a body that is slender (depth 22.3–25.2% in standard length) and easily distinguishable from its congeners by having 7–8 anal fin spines, 34–37 scales in longitudinal line, 33 total vertebrae, and a gridlike body pattern on a pale brownish body color. This species is only known to inhabit the shallow (2–7 m depth), rocky bottom of Wonzye Point in the southern part of the lake.  相似文献   

Based on morphological and molecular analyses of a Petrochromis fish (Cichlidae) from the southern end of Lake Tanganyika, this fish is considered a taxonomic species distinct from the six known congeners. A new scientific name is proposed for this fish. A key to the seven Petrochromis species is included.  相似文献   

A new species of pelagic haplochromine cichlid of the genus Diplotaxodon is described from Lake Malawi, Africa. The species, which attains a size of 14cm s. L., feeds mainly on zooplankton, shows no sexual dimorphism in size or body proportions, breeds throughout the year and lives at depths of 20 to at least 120 m. Approximately 600 tonnes of the species were caught by trawlers in 1990–1991, in the south–eastern arm of the lake alone. It appears that this species is a major component of the pelagic community, and occupies an ecological role similar to that of the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon in Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   

Several lineages of cichlid fishes in the East African Great Lakes display stunning levels of morphological diversification. The rapid evolution of rock-dwelling polygynous mouthbrooders in Lake Malawi, for example, was in part ascribed to their allopatric distribution on disjunct stretches of rocky coast, where even short habitat discontinuities reduce gene flow effectively. However, as seen in other cichlids, ecological barriers do not always prevent gene flow, whereas genetic structure can develop along continuous habitat, and morphological diversification does not necessarily accompany genetic differentiation. The present study investigates the population structure of Variabilichromis moorii, a monogamous substrate-brooding lamprologine of rocky coasts in Lake Tanganyika, which occurs over about 1000 km of shoreline almost without phenotypic variation. Phylogeographic analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences indicated that dispersal is infrequent and generally occurs between adjacent locations only. Exceptions to this pattern are closely related haplotypes from certain locations on opposite lakeshores, a phenomenon which has been observed in other species and is thought to reflect lake crossing along an underwater ridge in times of low water level. Genetic population differentiation, estimated from mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite data in six adjacent populations, was equally high across localities separated by sandy shores and along uninterrupted stretches of rocky shore. Our results suggest that ecological barriers are not required to induce philopatric behavior in Variabilichromis, and that morphological stasis persists in the face of high levels of neutral genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

The infraorbitals (IOs) of four species endemic to Lake Tanganyika were examined and on the basis of this information and previous morphological and molecular studies, the tribe Greenwoodochromini is synonymized with the tribe Limnochromini and a new combination for Limnochromis abeelei and Limnochromis staneri is proposed: Greenwoodochromis abeelei and Greenwoodochromis staneri. The revised tribe Limnochromini, comprising 10 species belonging to seven genera, is characterized by IOs representing types G and I. The revised genus Greenwoodochromis, which consists of four species, is characterized by IOs representing type I.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of four species of Xenotilapia (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from Lake Tanganyika was investigated by examining their intestine contents in three different habitats from two 24-h catch cycles. The fish were caught in a sandy bay 4 km north-west of Bujumbura (Burundi) during the dry season, from August until October 1993. Three different habitats were sampled: an area 600 m offshore at a depth of 15 m, a littoral zone near a reed bed (depth, 0–5 m), and an area near a sandy beach (depth, 5 m). The fish were most active in the early morning and at night, except for X. caudafasciata which was the most diurnal. X. ochrogenys was confined to the vicinity of the reeds, where few individuals of the other species were found, and prey comprised mainly ostracods, copepods and chironomid larvae (Tanytarsini). X. ornatipinnis and X. longispinis occurred in large numbers both at a depth of 15 m and near the sandy beach. X. ornatipinnis preyed mainly on copepods, oligochaetes, diatoms and chironomid larvae. X. longispinis had a wider range of temporal and spatial distribution compared with the other species and fed on copepods, ostracods and chironomid larvae (mainly Microchironomus spp.). X. caudafasciata (only caught at 15 m) fed mostly on profundal chironomid larvae (Tanypodinae and Microchironomus spp.). Trophic niche overlap between X. longispinis and X. caudafasciata appeared to be reduced through different activity patterns. Few intraspecific differences in food diet were found between sex and age groups.  相似文献   

Tetracycline was used as a chemical tag in a mark‐recapture study to examine the pattern of increment formation in the otoliths of Tropheus moorii , a rock‐dwelling cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. A total of 256 fish were captured by divers and injected with tetracycline. Of these, nine were recaptured after either 1 or 2 years at liberty and eight retained tags within their otoliths. Comparison of the number of growth increments formed after the tag and the time at liberty demonstrated that increments were deposited on an annual basis in the otoliths of this species. Furthermore, there was a strong relationship between otolith mass and age suggesting that otoliths grew at a predictable rate throughout the life of the fish. Validation of an annual pattern of increment deposition allowed age and growth information to be derived from otoliths. This showed that T. moorii grew rapidly to attain adult size by 3 years of age. Males grew faster than females and also attained a larger size than females (8·74 v . 7·91 cm L S respectively). The longevity of some of these small freshwater fish was surprising; the oldest individual had an age of 10 years, while the average age of adults was 4 years.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among two Paracyprichromis and five Cyprichromis species, included in the Tanganyikan cichlid tribe Cyprichromini, were investigated using morphological features. The previously proposed diagnostic characters of Paracyprichromis are not synapomorphies, because the nonelongated swim bladder is plesiomorphic, the numbers of dorsal and anal fin rays and scales on longitudinal line and around the caudal peduncle overlap with those of Cyprichromis, and these counts and number of vertebrae are all included within the ranges of other Tanganyikan cichlids. The monophyly of Paracyprichromis is supported by a unique condition of infraorbitals to this genus. Additionally, the monophyly of Cyprichromis was reconfirmed by one of the previously proposed diagnostic characters, the presence of an elongated swim bladder.  相似文献   

Four new species of the ostracod genus Gomphocythere are described from Lake Tanganyika (East Africa): Gomphocythere downingi n. sp. G. coheni n. sp., G. wilsoni n. sp., and G. woutersi n. sp. All species are endemic to the lake and are found within a variety of substrates and depths. The addition of these four new species brings the total number of endemic Gomphocythere species in Lake Tanganyika to nine. Other Gomphocythere species are known from water bodies throughout East and South Africa and in the Levant. Brooding is an important, but not a unique, preadaptation for the persistence and taxic prolific speciation of this lineage in Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   

Systematics of Tanganyikan cichlid fishes (Teleostei: Perciformes)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The relationships among 53 genera of Tanganyikan cichlid fishes were analyzed based on internal and external morphological features. Comparison of the morphological cladistic tree with a previously proposed classification showed 5 of 12 tribes to be nonmonophyletic. Sixteen tribes were recognized, the changes in classification being that Trematocarini was treated as a junior synonym of Bathybatini; 5 new tribes were established for each of the following genera, Benthochromis, Boulengerochromis, Ctenochromis benthicola, Cyphotilapia, and Greenwoodochromis; Ctenochromis horei was transferred from Haplochromini to Tropheini; and Gnathochromis pfefferi was transferred from Limnochromini to Tropheini. The revised classification was supported by previously proposed molecular trees.  相似文献   

A new species of rotifer, Lecane tanganyikae n.sp., is described from the littoral of Lake Tanganyika and some water bodies in the plain of the Rusizi river near Lake Tanganyika, Bujumbura Province, Burundi. The affiliation of the new species, especially in relation to L. elsa Hauer, is discussed.  相似文献   

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