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Reducing the blood supply of tumors is one modality to combat cancer. Monoclonal antibodies are now established as a key therapeutic approach for a range of diseases. Owing to the ability of antibodies to selectively target endothelial cells within the tumor vasculature, vascular targeting programs have become a mainstay in oncology drug development. However, the antitumor activity of single agent administration of conventional anti-angiogenic compounds is limited and the improvements in patient survival are most prominent in combinations with chemotherapy. Furthermore, prolonged treatment with conventional anti-angiogenic drugs is associated with toxicity and drug resistance. These circumstances provide a strong rationale for novel approaches to enhance the efficacy of mAbs targeting tumor vasculature such as antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). Here, we review trends in the development of ADCs targeting tumor vasculature with the aim of informing future research and development of this class of therapeutics.  相似文献   

Antibody-based targeting of the tumor vasculature   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Conventional cytotoxic therapies of cancer often suffer from a lack of specificity, leading to a poor therapeutic index and considerable toxicities to normal organs. An elegant way to overcome the disadvantages of conventional tumor therapy is the selective delivery of therapeutics to the tumor site by their conjugation to a carrier molecule specific for a tumor-associated molecular marker. Markers expressed on the tumor's vasculature represent particularly attractive targets for a site-specific pharmacodelivery due to their inherent accessibility for blood-borne agents and the various therapeutic options that they allow, ranging from intraluminal blood coagulation to the recruitment of immune cells. In this review, we will outline advances in the preclinical and clinical evaluation of antibody-based vascular targeting agents, describe technologies for the discovery of novel vascular targets and discuss future prospects for vascular targeting applications.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer (PC) is one of the most lethal malignancies, which is generally resistant to various treatments. Tumor angiogenesis is deemed to be a pivotal rate-determining step for tumor growth and metastasis. Therefore, anti-angiogenetic therapy is a rational strategy to treat various cancers. However, numerous clinical trials on anti-angiogenetic therapies for PC are overwhelmingly disappointing. The unique characteristics of tumor blood vessels in PC, which are desperately lacking and highly compressed by the dense desmoplastic stroma, are reconsidered to explore some optimized strategies. In this review, we mainly focus on its specific characteristics of tumor blood vessels, discuss the current dilemmas of anti-angiogenic therapy in PC and their underlying mechanisms. Furthermore, we point out the future directions, including remodeling the abnormal vasculature or even reshaping the whole tumor microenvironment in which they are embedded to improve tumor microcirculation, and then create therapeutic vulnerabilities to the current available therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Animal venom studies: Current benefits and future developments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poisonous organisms are represented in many taxa, including kingdom Animalia. During evolution, animals have developed special organs for production and injection of venoms. Animal venoms are complex mixtures, compositions of which depend on species producing venom. The most known and studied poisonous terrestrial animals are snakes, scorpions and spiders. Among marine animals, these are jellyfishes, anemones and cone snails. The toxic substances in the venom ofthese animals are mainly of protein and peptide origin. Recent studies have indicated that the single venom may contain up to several hundred different components producing diverse physiological effects. Bites or stings by certain poisonous species result in severe envenomations leading in some cases to death. This raises the problem of bite treatment. The most effective treatment so far is the application of antivenoms. To enhance the effectiveness of such treatments, the knowledge of venom composition is needed. On the other hand, venoms contain substances with unique biological properties, which can be used both in basic science and in clinical applications. The best example of toxin application in basic science is α-bungarotoxin the discovery of which made a big impact on the studies of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Today compositions of venom from many species have already been examined. Based on these data, one can conclude that venoms contain a large number of individual components belonging to a limited number of structural types. Often minor changes in the amino acid sequence give rise to new biological properties. Change in the living conditions of poisonous animals lead to alterations in the composition of venoms resulting in appearance of new toxins. At the same time introduction of new methods of proteomics and genomics lead to discoveries of new compounds, which may serve as research tools or as templates for the development of novel drugs. The application of these sensitive and comprehensive methods allows studying either of venoms available in tiny amounts or of low abundant components in already known venoms.  相似文献   

Single cell metabolomics is a rapidly advancing field of bio-analytical chemistry which aims to observe cellular biology with the greatest detail possible. Mass spectrometry imaging and selective cell sampling (e.g. using nanocapillaries) are two common approaches within the field. Recent achievements such as observation of cell–cell interactions, lipids determining cell states and rapid phenotypic identification demonstrate the efficacy of these approaches and the momentum of the field. However, single cell metabolomics can only continue with the same impetus if the universal challenges to the field are met, such as the lack of strategies for standardisation and quantification, and lack of specificity/sensitivity. Mass spectrometry imaging and selective cell sampling come with unique advantages and challenges which, in many cases are complementary to each other. We propose here that the challenges specific to each approach could be ameliorated with collaboration between the two communities driving these approaches.  相似文献   

Traditional therapies against cancer, chemo- and radiotherapy, have multiple limitations that lead to treatment failure and cancer recurrence. These limitations are related to systemic and local toxicity, while treatment failure and cancer relapse are due to drug resistance and self-renewal, properties of a small population of tumor cells called cancer stem cells (CSCs). These cells are involved in cancer initiation, maintenance, metastasis and recurrence. Therefore, in order to develop efficient treatments that can induce a long-lasting clinical response preventing tumor relapse it is important to develop drugs that can specifically target and eliminate CSCs. Recent identification of surface markers and understanding of molecular feature associated with CSC phenotype helped with the design of effective treatments. In this review we discuss targeting surface biomarkers, signaling pathways that regulate CSCs self-renewal and differentiation, drug-efflux pumps involved in apoptosis resistance, microenvironmental signals that sustain CSCs growth, manipulation of miRNA expression, and induction of CSCs apoptosis and differentiation, with specific aim to hamper CSCs regeneration and cancer relapse. Some of these agents are under evaluation in preclinical and clinical studies, most of them for using in combination with traditional therapies. The combined therapy using conventional anticancer drugs with CSCs-targeting agents, may offer a promising strategy for management and eradication of different types of cancers.  相似文献   

Antibody targeting of drug substances can improve the efficacy of the active molecule, improving distribution and concentration of the drug at the site of injury/disease. Encapsulation of drug substances into polymeric nanoparticles can also improve the therapeutic effects of such compounds by protecting the molecule until its action is required. In this current study, we have brought together these two rationales to develop a novel immuno-nanoparticle with improved therapeutic effect against colorectal tumor cells. This nanoparticle comprised a layer of peripheral antibodies (Ab) directed toward the Fas receptor (CD95/Apo-1) covalently attached to poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles (NP) loaded with camptothecin. Variations in surface carboxyl density permitted up to 48.5 microg coupled Ab per mg of NP and analysis of nanoparticulate cores showed efficient camptothecin loading. Fluorescence visualization studies confirmed internalization of nanoconstructs into endocytic compartments of HCT116 cells, an effect not evident in NP without superficial Ab. Cytotoxicity studies were then carried out against HCT116 cells. After 72 h, camptothecin solution resulted in an IC 50 of 21.8 ng mL (-1). Ab-directed delivery of NP-encapsulated camptothecin was shown to be considerably more effective with an IC 50 of 0.37 ng mL (-1). Calculation of synergistic ratios for these nanoconstructs demonstrated synergy of pharmacological relevance. Indeed, the results in this paper suggest that the attachment of anti-Fas antibodies to camptothecin-loaded nanoparticles may result in a therapeutic strategy that could have potential in the treatment of tumors expressing death receptors.  相似文献   

The integrins alpha vbeta3 and alpha vbeta5 and the membrane-spanning surface protein aminopeptidase N (APN) are highly expressed in tumor-induced angiogenesis, making them attractive targets for therapeutic intervention. Both integrins and APN recognize a broad range of peptides containing RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) and NGR (Asn-Gly-Arg) motifs, respectively. Here, we describe the design, synthesis, and characterization of a series of mono- and difunctionalized platinum(IV) complexes in which a conjugated peptide motif, containing RGD, (CRGDC)c, (RGDfK)c, or NGR, is appended as a "tumor-homing device" to target tumor endothelial cells selectively over healthy cells. Platinum(IV)-peptide complexes with nonspecific amino acids or peptide moieties were prepared as controls. Concentration-response curves of these compounds were evaluated against primary proliferating endothelial cells and tumor cell lines and compared to those of cisplatin, a well-described platinum-based chemotherapeutic agent. The Pt(IV)-RGD conjugates were highly and specifically cytotoxic to cell lines containing alpha vbeta3 and alpha vbeta5, approaching the activity of cisplatin. The Pt(IV)-NGR complexes were less active than Pt(IV)-RGD-containing compounds but more active than nonspecific Pt-peptide controls. Integrin alpha vbeta3 mediated, at least in part, the anti-proliferative effect of a Pt(IV)-RGD conjugate, as demonstrated by a decreased inhibitory response when endothelial cells were either (1) incubated with an excess of alpha vbeta3/alpha vbeta5-specific RGD pentapeptides or (2) transfected with RNAi for beta 3, but not beta 1, integrins. These results suggest a rational approach to improved chemotherapy with Pt(IV)-peptide conjugates by selective drug delivery to the tumor compartment.  相似文献   

Anthrax lethal toxin (LT), a virulence factor secreted by Bacillus anthracis, is selectively toxic to human melanomas with the BRAF V600E activating mutation because of its proteolytic activities toward the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (MEKs). To develop LT variants with lower in vivo toxicity and high tumor specificity, and therefore greater potential for clinical use, we generated a mutated LT that requires activation by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). This engineered toxin was less toxic than wild-type LT to mice because of the limited expression of MMPs by normal cells. Moreover, the systemically administered toxin produced greater anti-tumor effects than wild-type LT toward human xenografted tumors. This was shown to result from its greater bioavailability, a consequence of the limited uptake and clearance of the modified toxin by normal cells. Furthermore, the MMP-activated LT had very potent anti-tumor activity not only to human melanomas containing the BRAF mutation but also to other tumor types, including lung and colon carcinomas regardless of their BRAF status. Tumor histology and in vivo angiogenesis assays showed that this anti-tumor activity is due largely to the indirect targeting of tumor vasculature and angiogenic processes. Thus, even tumors genetically deficient in anthrax toxin receptors were still susceptible to the toxin therapy in vivo. Moreover, the modified toxin also displayed lower immunogenicity compared with the wild-type toxin. All these properties suggest that this MMP-activated anti-tumor toxin has potential for use in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The immunosuppressive features of tumor lesions participate not only as one of the major players inducing cancer progression but also a big challenge for effective immunotherapy. It has been found that immunosuppression associated with chronic inflammatory factors, such as growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines is generated by stroma and tumor cells. Chronic and exhaustive secretion of these mediators triggers the generation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) demonstrating one of the key players engaged in tumor immunosuppression. In point of fact, direct cell-to-cell contact is a prerequisite for immunosuppressive functions of MDSCs. From the clinical perspective, the frequency of peripheral blood MDSCs is correlated with clinical stage and therapeutic response in various cancers. Furthermore, MDSCs are involved in chemoresistant settings. Altogether, it is a rational therapeutic approach to block the fierce cycle in which MDSCs are developed and infiltrated to favor cancer progression. In this review, we will summarize recent findings of MDSCs in tumor progression and discuss potential therapeutic strategies that could be evaluated in future clinical trials.  相似文献   

Evolutionary and neural computation has been used widely in solving various problems in biological ecosystems. This paper reviews some of the recent work in evolutionary computation and neural network ensembles that could be explored further in the context of ecoinformatics. Although these bio-inspired techniques were not developed specifically for ecoinformatics, their successes in solving complex problems in other fields demonstrate how these techniques could be adapted and used for tackling difficult problems in ecoinformatics. Firstly, we will review our work in modelling and model calibration, which is an important topic in ecoinformatics. Secondly one example will be given to illustrate how coevolutionary algorithms could be used in problem-solving. Thirdly, we will describe our work on neural network ensembles, which can be used for various classification and prediction problems in ecoinformatics. Finally, we will discuss ecosystem-inspired computational models and algorithms that could be explored as directions of future research.  相似文献   

Mast cells (MCs) are crucial cells participating in both innate and adaptive immune processes that play important roles in protecting human health and in the pathophysiology of various diseases, such as allergies, cardiovascular diseases, and autoimmune diseases. In the context of tumors, MCs are a non-negligible population of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME). In most tumor types, MCs accumulate in both the tumor tissue and the surrounding tissue. MCs interact with multiple components of the TME, affecting TME remodeling and the tumor cell fate. However, controversy persists regarding whether MCs contribute to tumor progression or trigger an anti-tumor immune response. This review focuses on the context of the TME to explore the specific properties and functions of MCs and discusses the crosstalk that occurs between MCs and other components of the TME, which affect tumor angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, invasion and metastasis, and tumor immunity through different mechanisms. We also anticipate the potential role of MCs in cancer immunotherapy, which might expand upon the success achieved with existing cancer therapies.  相似文献   

Therapeutic mAbs that target tumor-associated Ags on the surface of malignant cells have proven to be an effective and specific option for the treatment of certain cancers. However, many of these protein markers of carcinogenesis are not expressed on the cells' surface. Instead these tumor-associated Ags are processed into peptides that are presented at the cell surface, in the context of MHC class I molecules, where they become targets for T cells. To tap this vast source of tumor Ags, we generated a murine IgG2a mAb, 3.2G1, endowed with TCR-like binding specificity for peptide-HLA-A*0201 (HLA-A2) complex and designated this class of Ab as TCR mimics (TCRm). The 3.2G1 TCRm recognizes the GVL peptide (GVLPALPQV) from human chorionic gonadotropin beta presented by the peptide-HLA-A*0201 complex. When used in immunofluorescent staining reactions using GVL peptide-loaded T2 cells, the 3.2G1 TCRm specifically stained the cells in a peptide and Ab concentration-dependent manner. Staining intensity correlated with the extent of cell lysis by complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), and a peptide concentration-dependent threshold level existed for the CDC reaction. Staining of human tumor lines demonstrated that 3.2G1 TCRm was able to recognize endogenously processed peptide and that the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 highly expressed the target epitope. The 3.2G1 TCRm-mediated CDC and Ab-dependent cellular cytotoxicity of a human breast carcinoma line in vitro and inhibited in vivo tumor implantation and growth in nude mice. These results provide validation for the development of novel TCRm therapeutic reagents that specifically target and kill tumors via recognition and binding to MHC-peptide epitopes.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune neurological disorder, is driven by self-reactive T helper (Th) cells. Research on the role of Th17 lymphocytes in MS pathogenesis has made significant progress in identifying various immunological as well as environmental factors that induce the differentiation and expansion of these cells, different subsets of Th17 cells with varying degrees of pathogenicity, and the role of the secreted effector cytokines. While approved therapies for MS offer significant benefit to patients, there remain unmet needs. Ongoing clinical trials aim to translate the advanced knowledge of Th17 cytokines to improved therapies. This review discusses the current status and future developments of research into the role of Th17 and related cytokines in MS pathogenesis and therapy.  相似文献   

Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) is rapidly becoming an alternative to surgery for the treatment of early-stage non-small cell lung cancer patients. Lung SBRT is administered in a hypo-fractionated, conformal manner, delivering high doses to the target. To avoid normal-tissue toxicity, it is crucial to limit the exposure of nearby healthy organs-at-risk (OAR).Current image-guided radiotherapy strategies for lung SBRT are mostly based on X-ray imaging modalities. Although still in its infancy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance for lung SBRT is not exposure-limited and MRI promises to improve crucial soft-tissue contrast. Looking beyond anatomical imaging, functional MRI is expected to inform treatment decisions and adaptations in the future.This review summarises and discusses how MRI could be advantageous to the different links of the radiotherapy treatment chain for lung SBRT: diagnosis and staging, tumour and OAR delineation, treatment planning, and inter- or intrafractional motion management. Special emphasis is placed on a new generation of hybrid MRI treatment devices and their potential for real-time adaptive radiotherapy.  相似文献   

The current state of research in the field of paleobotany is reviewed, with emphasis on those areas that deal with more biological approaches to paleobotany. These would include such subjects as the reproductive biology of fossil plants, pollination biology in selected groups, paleobiochemistry, and information on the interaction of plants with other organisms (plant/animal interactions) and their environment (paleoecology). Also discussed are some of the more recent contributions to our understanding of Precambrian paleobiology and early angiosperm reproduction and evolution. Finally, we offer some speculation on the contributions that various areas of paleobotany may provide in the future.  相似文献   

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