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S-Adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferases (AdoMet-MTs) constitute a large family of enzymes specifically transferring a methyl group to a range of biologically active molecules. Mycobacterium tuberculosis produces a set of paralogous AdoMet-MTs responsible for introducing key chemical modifications at defined positions of mycolic acids, which are essential and specific components of the mycobacterial cell envelope. We investigated the inhibition of these mycolic acid methyltransferases (MA-MTs) by structural analogs of the AdoMet cofactor. We found that S-adenosyl-N-decyl-aminoethyl, a molecule in which the amino acid moiety of AdoMet is substituted by a lipid chain, inhibited MA-MTs from Mycobacterium smegmatis and M. tuberculosis strains, both in vitro and in vivo, with IC50 values in the submicromolar range. By contrast, S-adenosylhomocysteine, the demethylated reaction product, and sinefungin, a general AdoMet-MT inhibitor, did not inhibit MA-MTs. The interaction between Hma (MmaA4), which is strictly required for the biosynthesis of oxygenated mycolic acids in M. tuberculosis, and the three cofactor analogs was investigated by x-ray crystallography. The high resolution crystal structures obtained illustrate the bisubstrate nature of S-adenosyl-N-decyl-aminoethyl and provide insight into its mode of action in the inhibition of MA-MTs. This study has potential implications for the design of new drugs effective against multidrug-resistant and persistent tubercle bacilli.One-third of the world population is infected with the tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and tuberculosis kills one person every 20 s. The inhaled pathogenic bacilli are taken up by phagocytosis by pulmonary macrophages, which, together with lymphocytes and dendritic cells, form granulomas. The bacilli persist in the granuloma until their reactivation, dissemination into the lungs, and the triggering of disease. The natural resistance of persistent tubercle bacilli to drugs and the emergence of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant M. tuberculosis strains are two main concerns in the treatment of the disease. A survey carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization between 2000 and 2004 reported that 20% of 17,690 M. tuberculosis isolates from 49 countries were multidrug-resistant, and 2% were extensively drug-resistant (1). The development of new drugs effective against persistent and drug-resistant bacilli has therefore become a priority.The thick lipid-rich envelope of the Mycobacterium genus is characterized by the presence of mycolic acids (MAs),4 very long chain (C60–C90) α-alkylated β-hydroxylated fatty acids (2). MAs are the major components of the mycomembrane (3, 4) lipid bilayer, which plays a key role in both the architecture and permeability of the mycobacterial envelope. The MA biosynthetic pathway is essential for mycobacterial survival. MAs are generated by Claisen condensation between two fatty acyl chains as follows: the very long meromycoloyl chain (C40–C60) and a shorter saturated chain (C22–C26) (2). The different types of MAs are defined by the presence of decorations introduced at proximal and distal positions of the meromycolic chain (Fig. 1A) by a family of paralogous S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferases (AdoMet-MTs), the mycolic acid methyltransferases (MA-MTs). These chemical modifications are known to be important for the pathogenicity, virulence, and persistence of M. tuberculosis. For example, the cis-cyclopropane introduced at the proximal position of α-MAs by PcaA has an impact on the persistence of the tubercle bacillus within infected organisms (5). Furthermore, the keto and methoxy groups, with a vicinal methyl ramification at the distal position of oxygenated MAs, play a role in M. tuberculosis virulence in the mouse model of infection (6) and have recently been reported to be involved in host-pathogen interplay. Indeed, oxygenated MAs have been shown to modulate IL-12p40 production by macrophages (7) and to trigger the in vitro differentiation of monocyte-derived macrophages into foamy macrophages, which house the bacillus in a dormant state, within granulomas (8). Oxygenated MA biosynthesis requires the Hma (MmaA4) methyltransferase (Fig. 1B), as demonstrated by the absence of the oxygenated form in an M. tuberculosis hma knock-out mutant (6, 9). These results suggest that the enzymes responsible for adding the decorations to MAs, including oxygenated groups in particular, may be relevant pharmacological targets for the development of new antituberculous drugs (10).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.A, structures of MAs from M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis. D, distal position; P, proximal position. Enzymes involved in the introduction of decorations on the meromycolic chain are indicated. B, proposed reaction scheme for the introduction of oxygenated groups. m = 17, 19; n, unknown; X, unknown carrier.Based on the essential role played by MA-MTs in the physiopathology of tuberculosis, several studies have investigated the possible inhibition of this family of enzymes. A recent study revealed that the antituberculous drug thiacetazone and its chemical analogs inhibited MA cyclopropanation at concentrations in the micromolar range (11). Another study, based on mixtures of crude extracts of heat-inactivated mycobacteria and recombinant Escherichia coli overproducing MA-MTs, suggested that the incorporation of [3H]AdoMet into growing meromycolic chains is inhibited by a high concentration (1 mg/ml, i.e. 2.6 mm) of S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (AdoHcy) or sinefungin (12), the demethylated reaction product and a natural structural analog of AdoMet, respectively (Fig. 2). By contrast, AdoHcy and sinefungin are strong inhibitors of other AdoMet-MTs in vitro, including the cyclopropane fatty-acid synthase (CFAS) from E. coli (Ki of 30 and 0.22 μm, respectively) (13, 14). However, they are active only against the isolated enzyme, whereas S-adenosyl-N-decyl-aminoethyl (SADAE), a molecule in which the amino acid moiety of AdoMet is substituted by a lipid chain (Fig. 2), is active against CFAS both in vitro (Ki,app = 6 μm) and in vivo (complete inhibition at 150 μm) (15). The broad screening of possible inhibitors of MA-MTs with an in vitro mini-assay poses a major challenge, as these enzymes most likely use very long meromycolic chains as substrates. In this context, the similarity between CFAS and Hma in terms of their sequences (31% sequence identity) and substrates may be useful, as it suggests that SADAE may inhibit MA-MTs (15).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 2.Structure of AdoMet and of the AdoHcy, sinefungin, and SADAE analogs.We report here our investigations of the interactions between Hma and SADAE, as compared with those between Hma and AdoHcy or sinefungin, and the potential impact of these interactions on the activities of Hma and other MA-MTs and mycobacterial growth. Our high resolution crystallographic characterization of the Hma-SADAE interaction illustrates the bisubstrate nature of the ligand, which is strongly correlated with its strong inhibitory properties.  相似文献   

Isoxyl (ISO) and thiacetazone (TAC), two prodrugs once used in the clinical treatment of tuberculosis, have long been thought to abolish Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) growth through the inhibition of mycolic acid biosynthesis, but their respective targets in this pathway have remained elusive. Here we show that treating M. tuberculosis with ISO or TAC results in both cases in the accumulation of 3-hydroxy C18, C20, and C22 fatty acids, suggestive of an inhibition of the dehydratase step of the fatty-acid synthase type II elongation cycle. Consistently, overexpression of the essential hadABC genes encoding the (3R)-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratases resulted in more than a 16- and 80-fold increase in the resistance of M. tuberculosis to ISO and TAC, respectively. A missense mutation in the hadA gene of spontaneous ISO- and TAC-resistant mutants was sufficient to confer upon M. tuberculosis high level resistance to both drugs. Other mutations found in hypersusceptible or resistant M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium kansasii isolates mapped to hadC. Mutations affecting the non-essential mycolic acid methyltransferases MmaA4 and MmaA2 were also found in M. tuberculosis spontaneous ISO- and TAC-resistant mutants. That MmaA4, at least, participates in the activation of the two prodrugs as proposed earlier is not supported by our biochemical evidence. Instead and in light of the known interactions of both MmaA4 and MmaA2 with HadAB and HadBC, we propose that mutations affecting these enzymes may impact the binding of ISO and TAC to the dehydratases.  相似文献   

Bacterial cell wall lipids are recognized as immunostimulatory molecules which make an important component of vaccines against bacterial diseases. Even mycolic acids, forming the waxy outer layer of the bacilli which cause tuberculosis, have been shown to stimulate human CD4/8 double negative T-cells. The role of these cells in resistance to tuberculosis is currently still debated. In this work, a method is described to purify mycolic acids from bacterial crude extracts in a single step using countercurrent distribution. Mycolic acids obtained in this way approach 100% purity and stimulate both double negative and CD4 positive T-cells in peripheral blood leucocytes obtained from healthy human donors. Stimulation of CD4 cells by mycolic acid antigens has not been reported before, emphasizing the potential importance of mycolic acids in the context of the fight against tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism that controls space-time coordination of elongation and division of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB), is critical for fighting the tubercle bacillus. Most of the numerous enzymes involved in the synthesis of Mycolic acid - Arabinogalactan-Peptidoglycan complex (MAPc) in the cell wall are essential in vivo. Using a dynamic approach, we localized Mtb enzymes belonging to the fatty acid synthase-II (FAS-II) complexes and involved in mycolic acid (MA) biosynthesis in a mycobacterial model of Mtb: M. smegmatis. Results also showed that the MA transporter MmpL3 was present in the mycobacterial envelope and was specifically and dynamically accumulated at the poles and septa during bacterial growth. This localization was due to its C-terminal domain. Moreover, the FAS-II enzymes were co-localized at the poles and septum with Wag31, the protein responsible for the polar localization of mycobacterial peptidoglycan biosynthesis. The dynamic localization of FAS-II and of the MA transporter with Wag31, at the old-growing poles and at the septum suggests that the main components of the mycomembrane may potentially be synthesized at these precise foci. This finding highlights a major difference between mycobacteria and other rod-shaped bacteria studied to date. Based on the already known polar activities of envelope biosynthesis in mycobacteria, we propose the existence of complex polar machinery devoted to the biogenesis of the entire envelope. As a result, the mycobacterial pole would represent the Achilles'' heel of the bacillus at all its growing stages.  相似文献   

在厌氧条件下, Actinobacillus succinogenes能够利用单糖、双糖和糖醇等碳水化合物发酵生成丁二酸, 其中以山梨醇为碳源时丁二酸的产量最高。代谢流量分析结果表明: 与葡萄糖发酵相比较, 由于代谢系统中积累了更多的NADH, 使得代谢网络关键节点PYR和AcCoA处的代谢流量分配有了较大的变化, 导致更多的碳源流向丁二酸和乙醇, 而乙酸和甲酸的分泌相对减少。  相似文献   

基于结核分枝杆菌国际标准强毒株H37Rv菌株的基因组尺度代谢网络模型iNJ661进行分析,以寻找代谢网络中培养基的关键成分和必要基因.该研究在Matlab平台上利用COBRA工具箱,采用基于约束的建模方法进行动态生长模拟、解空间抽样在酶活性水平上的具体化和基因删除模拟实验.结果发现培养基成分中铵盐、三价铁盐、磷酸盐、硫酸盐、甘油等可影响H37Rv的生长;培养基中去除磷酸盐后十种酶均在不同程度上受到抑制,其中丙糖磷酸异构酶、3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶、磷酸甘油酸变位酶、烯醇酶受限明显.通过基因删除得出188个必要基因以及非必要基因中的16个致死基因对.基于约束建模分析可初步了解结核杆菌H37Rv菌株代谢网络的性质,可为后续相关研究提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

Primarily used for metabolic engineering and synthetic biology, genome-scale metabolic modeling shows tremendous potential as a tool for fundamental research and curation of metabolism. Through a novel integration of flux balance analysis and genetic algorithms, a strategy to curate metabolic networks and facilitate identification of metabolic pathways that may not be directly inferable solely from genome annotation was developed. Specifically, metabolites involved in unknown reactions can be determined, and potentially erroneous pathways can be identified. The procedure developed allows for new fundamental insight into metabolism, as well as acting as a semi-automated curation methodology for genome-scale metabolic modeling. To validate the methodology, a genome-scale metabolic model for the bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum was created. Several reactions not predicted by the genome annotation were postulated and validated via the literature. The model predicted an average growth rate of 0.358±0.12, closely matching the experimentally determined growth rate of M. gallisepticum of 0.244±0.03. This work presents a powerful algorithm for facilitating the identification and curation of previously known and new metabolic pathways, as well as presenting the first genome-scale reconstruction of M. gallisepticum.  相似文献   

在对产琥珀酸放线杆菌代谢分析的基础上选育出高产突变株对琥珀酸的工业生物转化有重要意义.在矩阵分析代谢通量基础上,围绕柔性节点下的副产物乙酸及乙醇的降低分别实施软X诱变及定点突变选育,并对比分析了突变株与出发株相关酶活及基因序列变化.针对出发株的流量分析显示产物琥珀酸的代谢通量为1.78(mmol/g/h),主要副产物乙酸与乙醇的代谢通量分别为(0.60mmol/g/h)和(1.04 mmol/g/h),并发现乙醇代谢加剧了琥珀酸合成中的H电子供体的不足;筛选出的氟乙酸抗性突变株S.JST1的乙酸代谢通量降低了96%,为0.024(mmol/g/h),酶活检测表明磷酸乙酰转移酶(Pta)的酶比活力从602降低到74,进一步的序列对比分析发现pta突变基因中产生了一个突变位点:adh定点复合突变株S.JST2的乙醇代谢通量降低了98%,为0.020(mmol/g/h),酶活检测表明Adh的酶比活力从585降低到62.最终突变株S.JST2琥珀酸累积产量达65.7 g/L.围绕产琥珀酸放线杆菌Pta及Adh酶活的降低实施定向选育,在降低副产物流量的同时,有助于改善细胞H供体代谢平衡进而提高琥珀酸的流量.所获突变株具有工业应用潜力.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae are the ethiological agents of tuberculosis and leprosy, respectively. After performing extensive comparisons between genes from these two GC-rich bacterial species, we were able to construct a set of 275 homologous genes. Since these two bacterial species also have a very low growth rate, translational selection could not be so determinant in their codon preferences as it is in other fast-growing bacteria. Indeed, principal-components analysis of codon usage from this set of homologous genes revealed that the codon choices in M. tuberculosis and M. leprae are correlated not only with compositional constraints and translational selection, but also with the degree of amino acid conservation and the hydrophobicity of the encoded proteins. Finally, significant correlations were found between GC3 and synonymous distances as well as between synonymous and nonsynonymous distances. Received: 30 October 1998 / Accepted: 16 August 1999  相似文献   

华南南亚热带植被第一性生产量的影响因素及预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管东生 《生态科学》2000,19(4):11-15
讨论植被类型、降雨、湿度、土壤条件对华南南亚热带植被第一性生产量的影响。比较各种预测第一性生产量的气候模型,为更好地预测和提高华南南亚热带植被第一性生产量提供依据。  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an established risk factor for tuberculosis but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. We examined the effects of hyperglycaemia, a hallmark of diabetes, on the cytokine response to and macrophage infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Increasing in vitro glucose concentrations from 5 to 25 mmol/L had marginal effects on cytokine production following stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) with M. tuberculosis lysate, LPS or Candida albicans, while 40 mmol/L glucose increased production of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10, but not of IFN-γ, IL-17A and IL-22. Macrophage differentiation under hyperglycaemic conditions of 25 mmol/L glucose was also associated with increased cytokine production upon stimulation with M. tuberculosis lysate and LPS but in infection experiments no differences in M. tuberculosis killing or outgrowth was observed. The phagocytic capacity of these hyperglycaemic macrophages also remained unaltered. The fact that only very high glucose concentrations were able to significantly influence cytokine production by macrophages suggests that hyperglycaemia alone cannot fully explain the increased susceptibility of diabetes mellitus patients to tuberculosis.  相似文献   

We describe the physiological function of heterologously expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis InhA during de novo lipoic acid synthesis in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mitochondria. InhA, representing 2-trans-enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase and the target for the front-line antituberculous drug isoniazid, is involved in the activity of dissociative type 2 fatty acid synthase (FASII) that extends associative type 1 fatty acid synthase (FASI)-derived C20 fatty acids to form C60-to-C90 mycolic acids. Mycolic acids are major constituents of the protective layer around the pathogen that contribute to virulence and resistance to certain antimicrobials. Unlike FASI, FASII is thought to be incapable of de novo biosynthesis of fatty acids. Here, the genes for InhA (Rv1484) and four similar proteins (Rv0927c, Rv3485c, Rv3530c, and Rv3559c) were expressed in S. cerevisiae etr1Δ cells lacking mitochondrial 2-trans-enoyl-thioester reductase activity. The phenotype of the yeast mutants includes the inability to produce sufficient levels of lipoic acid, form mitochondrial cytochromes, respire, or grow on nonfermentable carbon sources. Yeast etr1Δ cells expressing mitochondrial InhA were able to respire, grow on glycerol, and produce lipoic acid. Commensurate with a role in mitochondrial de novo fatty acid biosynthesis, InhA could accept in vivo much shorter acyl-thioesters (C4 to C8) than was previously thought (>C12). Moreover, InhA functioned in the absence of AcpM or protein-protein interactions with its native FASII partners KasA, KasB, FabD, and FabH. None of the four proteins similar to InhA complemented the yeast mutant phenotype. We discuss the implications of our findings with reference to lipoic acid synthesis in M. tuberculosis and the potential use of yeast FASII mutants for investigating the physiological function of drug-targeted pathogen enzymes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs) are found in many eukaryotic organisms, including humans, and have previously been identified in the prokaryote Salmonella typhimurium. NATs from many sources acetylate the antitubercular drug isoniazid and so inactivate it. nat genes were cloned from Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and expressed in Escherichia coli and M. smegmatis. The induced M. smegmatis NAT catalyzes the acetylation of isoniazid. A monospecific antiserum raised against pure NAT from S. typhimurium recognizes NAT from M. smegmatis and cross-reacts with recombinant NAT from M. tuberculosis. Overexpression of mycobacterial nat genes in E. coli results in predominantly insoluble recombinant protein; however, with M. smegmatis as the host using the vector pACE-1, NAT proteins from M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis are soluble. M. smegmatis transformants induced to express the M. tuberculosis nat gene in culture demonstrated a threefold higher resistance to isoniazid. We propose that NAT in mycobacteria could have a role in acetylating, and hence inactivating, isoniazid.  相似文献   

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