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Escherichia coli lethality by hydrogen peroxide is characterized by two modes of killing. In this paper we have found that hydroxyl radicals (OH -) generated by H2O2 and intracellular divalent iron are not involved in the induction of mode one lethality (i.e. cell killing produced by concentrations of H2O2 lower than 2.5 mM). In fact, the OH radical scavengers, thiourea, ethanol and dimethyl sulfoxide, and the iron chelator, desferrioxarnine, did not affect the survival of cells exposed to 2.5mM H2O2. In addition cell vulnerability to the same H2O2 concentration was independent on the intracellular iron content. In contrast, mode two lethality (i.e. cell killing generated by concentrations of H2O2 higher than 10mM) was markedly reduced by OH radical scavengers and desferrioxamine and was augmented by increasing the intracellular iron content.

It is concluded that OH. are required for mode two killing of E. coli by hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Tn5 transposase (Tnp) overproduction is lethal to Escherichia coli. The overproduction causes cell filamentation and abnormal chromosome segregation. Here we present three lines of evidence strongly suggesting that Tnp overproduction killing is due to titration of topoisomerase I. First, a suppressor mutation of transposase overproduction killing, stkD10, is localized in topA (the gene for topoisomerase I). The stkD10 mutant has the following characteristics: first, it has an increased abundance of topoisomerase I protein, the topoisomerase I is defective for the DNA relaxation activity, and DNA gyrase activity is reduced; second, the suppressor phenotype of a second mutation localized in rpoH, stkA14 (H. Yigit and W. S. Reznikoff, J. Bacteriol. 179:1704–1713, 1997), can be explained by an increase in topA expression; and third, overexpression of wild-type topA partially suppresses the killing. Finally, topoisomerase I was found to enhance Tn5 transposition up to 30-fold in vivo.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-5):13-18
A crossover study was performed for patients with RSD to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of the hydroxyl radical scavenger DMSO. All patients were given DMSO locally 5 times a day during one week, and a placebo during one week. Before and after each treatment, subjective evaluation was performed by both the patient and the examinor as to clinical activity of RSD, and measurement was performed of the range of motion (ROM) of all joints in the affected extremity.

DMSO was the most effective treatment as to improvement of ROM (p = 0.035) and as to overall improvement (p = 0.001). The efficacy of the hydroxyl radical scavenger DMSO indicates that RSD primarily involves an inflammatory process rather than a sympathetic reflex. As during the last 20 years no single report was published studying RSD in terms of inflammation, it is suggested that such studies are urgently needed to elucidate the real nature of RSD.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that light- and oxygen-induced proteolysis inchloroplasts is mediated by active oxygen species was examined.In order to determine whether or not H2O2 and/or {dot}OH radicalsare involved in these degradative processes we compared thedegradation of proteins in isolated oat chloroplasts exposedto white light at 80 W m-2 with that in chloroplasts incubatedin darkness in the absence or presence of H2O2 or a {dot}OH-generatingsystem composed by ascorbic acid, FeCl3 and H2O2 (Asc-Fe-H2O2).Light enhanced the rate of degradation of at least 18 polypeptides,while proteolysis was almost negligible in darkness in the abscenceof additives. H2O2 had a very small effect. However, Asc-Fe-H2O2-treatedchloroplasts in darkness showed a pattern of protein degradationalmost identical to that observed in the light. A thylakoid-boundendopeptidase (EP), the activity of which increased under photooxidativeenvironmental conditions and treatment with an {dot}OH-generatingsystem, was partially purified and characterized as a serinetypeprotease. Treatments with inhibitors of serine-type proteaseprevented both light- and Asc- Fe-H2O2-induced proteolysis.EP was more active against both soluble and membranous proteinsthat had been pretreated with Asc-Fe-H2O2 than against untreatedproteins. It is proposed that a high dose of light irradiationpromotes proteolysis by increasing the formation of {dot}OH,which may modify proteins such that they become more susceptibleto EP-catalyzed hydrolysis. 1Fisiología Vegetal, Dept. de Biología Vegetal,Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Present address: 28871Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), España.  相似文献   

Benzothiazinones (BTZs) are a new class of sulfur containing heterocyclic compounds that target DprE1, an oxidoreductase involved in the epimerization of decaprenyl-phosphoribose (DPR) to decaprenyl-phosphoarabinose (DPA) in the Corynebacterineae, such as Corynebacterium glutamicum and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. As a result, BTZ inhibition leads to inhibition of cell wall arabinan biosynthesis. Previous studies have demonstrated the essentiality of dprE1. In contrast, Cg-UbiA a ribosyltransferase, which catalyzes the first step of DPR biosynthesis prior to DprE1, when genetically disrupted, produced a viable mutant, suggesting that although BTZ biochemically targets DprE1, killing also occurs through chemical synthetic lethality, presumably through the lack of decaprenyl phosphate recycling. To test this hypothesis, a derivative of BTZ, BTZ043, was examined in detail against C. glutamicum and C. glutamicum::ubiA. The wild type strain was sensitive to BTZ043; however, C. glutamicum::ubiA was found to be resistant, despite possessing a functional DprE1. When the gene encoding C. glutamicum Z-decaprenyl-diphosphate synthase (NCgl2203) was overexpressed in wild type C. glutamicum, resistance to BTZ043 was further increased. This data demonstrates that in the presence of BTZ, the bacilli accumulate DPR and fail to recycle decaprenyl phosphate, which results in the depletion of decaprenyl phosphate and ultimately leads to cell death.  相似文献   

Loosening of cell walls is an important developmental process in key stages of the plant life cycle, including seed germination, elongation growth, and fruit ripening. Here, we report direct in vivo evidence for hydroxyl radical (·OH)-mediated cell wall loosening during plant seed germination and seedling growth. We used electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to show that ·OH is generated in the cell wall during radicle elongation and weakening of the endosperm of cress (Lepidium sativum; Brassicaceae) seeds. Endosperm weakening precedes radicle emergence, as demonstrated by direct biomechanical measurements. By 3H fingerprinting, we showed that wall polysaccharides are oxidized in vivo by the developmentally regulated action of apoplastic ·OH in radicles and endosperm caps: the production and action of ·OH increased during endosperm weakening and radicle elongation and were inhibited by the germination-inhibiting hormone abscisic acid. Both effects were reversed by gibberellin. Distinct and tissue-specific target sites of ·OH attack on polysaccharides were evident. In vivo ·OH attack on cell wall polysaccharides were evident not only in germinating seeds but also in elongating maize (Zea mays; Poaceae) seedling coleoptiles. We conclude that plant cell wall loosening by ·OH is a controlled action of this type of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a leading cause of traveler''s diarrhea worldwide. One major virulence factor released by this pathogen is the heat-labile enterotoxin LT, which upsets the balance of electrolytes in the intestine. After export, LT binds to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the bacterial surface. Although the residues responsible for LT''s binding to its host receptor are known, the portion of the toxin which mediates LPS binding has not been defined previously. Here, we describe mutations in LT that impair the binding of the toxin to the external surface of E. coli without altering holotoxin assembly. One mutation in particular, T47A, nearly abrogates surface binding without adversely affecting expression or secretion in ETEC. Interestingly, T47A is able to bind mutant E. coli expressing highly truncated forms of LPS, indicating that LT binding to wild-type LPS may be due primarily to association with an outer core sugar. Consequently, we have identified a region of LT distinct from the pocket involved in eukaryotic receptor binding that is responsible for binding to the surface of E. coli.Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), a common etiologic agent behind traveler''s diarrhea, is also a significant cause of mortality worldwide (38). Many strains of ETEC elaborate a virulence factor called heat-labile enterotoxin or LT (34). LT is an AB5 toxin, consisting of a single A subunit, LTA, and a ring of five B subunits, LTB (33). LTB mediates the toxin''s binding properties, and LTA ADP ribosylates host G proteins, increasing levels of cyclic AMP and causing the efflux of electrolytes and water into the intestinal lumen (27, 35). Each subunit of LT is translated separately from a bicistronic message and then transported to the periplasm, where holotoxin assembly spontaneously occurs (16). Subsequent export into the extracellular milieu is carried out by the main terminal branch of the general secretory pathway (31, 36).LT binds eukaryotic cells via an interaction between LTB and host gangliosides, primarily the monosialoganglioside GM1 (35). The binding site for GM1, situated at the interface of two B subunits, has been identified by crystallography (26). GM1 binding can be strongly impaired by a point mutation in LTB that converts Gly-33 to an aspartic acid residue (37). LT is highly homologous to cholera toxin (CT), both in sequence and structure (7, 35), contributing to ETEC''s potentially cholera-like symptoms (39).Previous work in our lab has demonstrated that LT possesses an additional binding capacity beyond its affinity for host glycolipids: the ability to associate with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the surface of E. coli (20). LPS, the major component of the outer leaflet of the gram-negative outer membrane, consists of a characteristic lipid moiety, lipid A, covalently linked to a chain of sugar residues (30). In bacteria like E. coli, this sugar chain can be further divided into an inner core oligosaccharide of around five sugars, an outer core of four to six additional sugars, and in some cases a series of oligosaccharide repeats known as the O antigen. Lipid A itself cannot inhibit binding of soluble LT to cells containing full-length or truncated LPS, indicating that the LT-LPS interaction involves sugar residues on the surface of E. coli (19). The addition of the inner core sugar 3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo) is the minimal lipid A modification required for LT binding, although longer oligosaccharide chains are preferred, and expression of a kinase that phosphorylates Kdo abrogates binding by LT (19). Competitive binding assays and microscopy with fluorescently labeled ETEC vesicles show that binding to GM1 and LPS can occur at the same time, revealing that the binding sites are distinct (20, 23). In contrast to LT''s ability to bind to the surface of ETEC, CT (or LT, when expressed heterologously) cannot bind Vibrio cells, presumably because Kdo is phosphorylated in Vibrio spp. (5).As a result of the LT-LPS surface interaction, over 95% of secreted LT is found associated with E. coli outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), rather than being secreted solubly (20). OMVs are spherical structures, 50 to 200 nm in diameter, that are derived from the outer membrane but also enclose periplasmic components (24). As such, active LT is found both on the surface of an OMV and within its lumen (21). ETEC releases a large amount of OMVs (40), and these vesicles may serve as vehicles for delivery of LT to host cells.Recent work by Holmner et al. has uncovered a third binding substrate for LT: human blood group A antigen (17, 18). This interaction was noted previously as a novel binding characteristic of artificially constructed CT-LT hybrid molecules, but it has now been shown to occur with wild-type LT as well (17, 18). LTB binding to sugar residues in the receptor molecule occurs at a site that is separate from the GM1-binding pocket, in the same region we proposed was involved in LPS binding (17, 19). While the severity of cholera disease symptoms has been linked to blood type (14), the effects of blood type on ETEC infection are less clear. However, it has been demonstrated that LT can use A antigen as a functional receptor in cultured human intestinal cells (11, 12), and one recent cohort study found an increased prevalence of ETEC-based diarrhea among children with A or AB blood type (29).We set out to generate a mutation in LT that reduces its LPS binding without adversely affecting its expression, secretion, or toxicity. In this work, we present the discovery of point mutations in LTB that impair its interactions with the bacterial surface. Examination of these mutations reveals an LPS binding pocket which shares residues with the blood sugar pocket. Binding studies of mutants to bacteria with truncated LPS provide a better understanding of the roles that inner and outer core sugars play in toxin binding, and expression, secretion, and toxicity studies demonstrate which mutant is a particularly good candidate for future research. These binding mutants may lead to further discovery of the role that surface binding plays in the pathogenesis associated with ETEC infection.  相似文献   

MSMEG_0220 from Mycobacterium smegmatis, the ortholog of the Rv0183 gene from M. tuberculosis, recently identified and characterized as encoding a monoacylglycerol lipase, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein (rMSMEG_0220), which exhibits 68% amino acid sequence identity with Rv0183, showed the same substrate specificity and similar patterns of pH-dependent activity and stability as the M. tuberculosis enzyme. rMSMEG_0220 was found to hydrolyze long-chain monoacylglycerol with a specific activity of 143 ± 6 U mg−1. Like Rv0183 in M. tuberculosis, MSMEG_0220 was found to be located in the cell wall. To assess the in vivo role of the homologous proteins, an MSMEG_0220 disrupted mutant of M. smegmatis (MsΔ0220) was produced. An intriguing change in the colony morphology and in the cell interaction, which were partly restored in the complemented mutant containing either an active (ComMsΔ0220) or an inactive (ComMsΔ0220S111A) enzyme, was observed. Growth studies performed in media supplemented with monoolein showed that the ability of both MsΔ0220 and ComMsΔ0220S111A to grow in the presence of this lipid was impaired. Moreover, studies of the antimicrobial susceptibility of the MsΔ0220 strain showed that this mutant is more sensitive to rifampin and more resistant to isoniazid than the wild-type strain, pointing to a critical structural role of this enzyme in mycobacterial physiology, in addition to its function in the hydrolysis of exogenous lipids.Tuberculosis, which is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a major public health issue worldwide. Because of the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strains and the high incidence of HIV and tuberculosis coinfection (16), it is becoming increasingly difficult to combat the spread of this disease, and the global health burden of tuberculosis is extremely heavy. The reasons for the persistence of the tubercle bacillus include not only its ability to enter into a state of dormancy in its host for decades, evading the immune system by forming structures called granulomas (17), but also its unique and complex cell wall composed of specific lipids (8). These characteristics are thought to be good focus points for drug development. In granulomas, during the nonreplicative stage, the bacteria have been found to accumulate lipids in the form of intracellular lipid inclusion bodies (LIBs) (13). These lipids are composed mainly of triacylglycerols (TAG) (9, 13) and may originate from the lipolysis of host lipids and/or fatty acid uptake. In fact, M. tuberculosis in the granuloma center can even accumulate lipids originating from the degradation of immune cells (20). In addition, it has been reported that M. tuberculosis internalized by foamy macrophages accumulated LIBs when it joined cell lipid droplets composed of neutral lipids (32). Lipid storage may provide the bacillus with energy via the β-oxidation pathway followed by the glyoxylate cycle, during the chronic phase and the reactivation step (3, 17). These lipids may also supply precursors for the synthesis of bacterial cell membrane lipids, which play a key role in the pathogenicity of M. tuberculosis (4, 23). To investigate the molecular basis of the virulence and pathogenicity of M. tuberculosis, it was therefore proposed to study the lipid metabolism and cell wall remodeling processes in this bacterium.The enzymes involved in the lipid degradation processes induced by this bacterium have attracted considerable attention during the last few years. Based on the complete M. tuberculosis H37Rv genome sequence (6), several open reading frames (ORFs) encoding proteins potentially involved in the lipid metabolism of this strain have been identified, among which are the two lipases from M. tuberculosis that have been purified and characterized so far. Deb et al. identified an enzyme, Rv3097c (LipY), belonging to the hormone-sensitive lipase family, which is able to hydrolyze long-chain TAG (10). A study of LIB mobilization in a lipY-deficient mutant has shown that LipY was involved in TAG hydrolysis under nutriment-deprived conditions (10). LipY may therefore be involved in the degradation of TAG stored during the dormant stage and the subsequent reactivation of the pathogen. In addition, electron microscopy immunolabeling studies of LipY clearly showed that the enzyme had a cell surface localization, thus in direct contact with the host immune system (28). The last identified lipase to date is a monoacylglycerol lipase annotated Rv0183 (7). Like LipY, Rv0183 is located in the cell wall, but its exact physiological function has not yet been elucidated. One hypothesis could be that, like some mammalian cells (e.g., adipocytes), M. tuberculosis expresses several lipolytic enzymes sequentially involved in the lipolysis of TAG (37). The Rv0183 enzyme is conserved in M. bovis (Mb0189) and M. leprae (ML2603), as well as in M. smegmatis (MSMEG_0220), a nonpathogenic mycobacterium which provides a useful model organism and a surrogate host for molecular analysis of M. tuberculosis (19). In order to decipher the cellular role of Rv0183 in M. tuberculosis H37Rv and its contribution to the lipid metabolism of this bacterium, biochemical studies were performed on the homologue MSMEG_0220. For this purpose, the MSMEG_0220 gene from M. smegmatis, encoding a protein showing 68% amino acid sequence identity with Rv0183, was cloned, and the recombinant MSMEG_0220 enzyme (rMSMEG_0220) was produced in Escherichia coli, purified, and biochemically characterized. An M. smegmatis mutant with an MSMEG_0220 disrupted gene was produced to investigate the physiological role of MSMEG_0220.  相似文献   

Members of the COG2244 protein family are integral membrane proteins involved in synthesis of a variety of extracellular polymers. In several cases, these proteins have been suggested to move lipid-linked oligomers across the membrane or, in the case of Escherichia coli MviN, to flip the lipid II peptidoglycan precursor. Bacillus subtilis SpoVB was the first member of this family implicated in peptidoglycan synthesis and is required for spore cortex polymerization. Three other COG2244 members with high similarity to SpoVB are encoded within the B. subtilis genome. Mutant strains lacking any or all of these genes (yabM, ykvU, and ytgP) in addition to spoVB are viable and produce apparently normal peptidoglycan, indicating that their function is not essential in B. subtilis. Phenotypic changes associated with loss of two of these genes suggest that they function in peptidoglycan synthesis. Mutants lacking YtgP produce long cells and chains of cells, suggesting a role in cell division. Mutants lacking YabM exhibit sensitivity to moenomycin, an antibiotic that blocks peptidoglycan polymerization by class A penicillin-binding proteins. This result suggests that YabM may function in a previously observed alternate pathway for peptidoglycan strand synthesis.The Bacillus subtilis spoVB gene was first identified as a locus in which a mutation could produce a block at a late stage of spore development (14, 30). Analysis of this locus revealed that it encoded an apparent integral membrane protein (33), and a detailed analysis of a spoVB null mutant demonstrated a block at a very early step in synthesis of the spore cortex peptidoglycan (PG) (40). The mutant synthesized essentially no cortex and accumulated cytoplasmic PG precursors, the same phenotype found in other mutant strains blocked in functions known to be directly involved in PG polymerization (40). These results suggested that SpoVB plays a direct role in assembly or function of the spore PG synthesis apparatus.PG synthesis is a highly conserved and complex process that must span the cell membrane (reviewed in reference 38). Soluble nucleotide-linked PG precursors are synthesized in the cytoplasm. N-Acetylmuramic acid with a pentapeptide side chain is then transferred to an undecaprenol lipid carrier to produce lipid I, with subsequent addition of N-acetylglucosamine to produce lipid II, undecaprenyl-pyrophosphoryl-N-acetylmuramic acid (pentapeptide)-N-acetylglucosamine. Lipid II is then flipped across the membrane via an unknown mechanism. Two families of proteins have been postulated to perform this function: the SEDS family of integral membrane proteins, including FtsW, RodA, and SpoVE (13), and, more recently, the COG2244 family (23), which includes SpoVB and the MviN (MurJ) protein of Escherichia coli (35). In both cases, loss of a protein within one of these families has been shown to result in a block in PG synthesis and the accumulation of lipid-linked and/or soluble PG precursors (16, 20, 35, 40).In the standard model of PG synthesis, flippase activity brings the disaccharide-pentapeptide moieties to the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), which polymerize the PG macromolecule on the outer surface of the membrane (39). The class A, high-molecular-weight PBPs possess an N-terminal glycosyl transferase domain that polymerizes the disaccharides into polysaccharide chains (38). These chains are cross-linked via the transpeptidase activity within the penicillin-binding, C-terminal domains of both the class A and the class B PBPs. The N-terminal domains of the class A PBPs and the closely related monofunctional glycosyl transferases found in some species are the only defined PG glycan strand polymerases, and in several species the presence of at least one of these enzymes is essential. However, in B. subtilis (26) and Enterococcus faecalis (3), strains lacking all of these known glycosyl transferases are viable and produce PG walls, indicating the presence of another glycosyl transferase capable of this activity. This alternate glycosyl transferase is distinct in that it is relatively resistant to moenomycin (3, 26), an inhibitor of the class A PBP glycosyl transferase activity (6).Given the strong and early block in cortex PG polymerization observed to occur in a spoVB mutant (40), we wished to further analyze the potential role of this class of protein. SpoVB is a member of a relatively large family of proteins, COG2244 (23), some of which are involved in polymerization of other polysaccharides in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. Bioinformatic analysis has generally predicted that these proteins span the membrane 12 to 14 times, and in some cases experimental evidence has supported this structure (7, 24). A role generally ascribed to these proteins is the flipping of lipid-linked oligosaccharides, produced on the inner face of a membrane, to the outside, where the oligosaccharides are then further polymerized or transferred to other substrates. Some prominent members of this family include Wzx, which functions in O-antigen synthesis in gram-negative bacteria (41); TuaB, which functions in teichuronic acid synthesis in B. subtilis (36); and Rft1, which functions in protein glycosylation in eukaryotes (12). MviN is essential in some gram-negative species, including Burkholderia pseudomallei, E. coli, and Sinorhizobium meliloti (22, 34), and has been shown to play a role in E. coli PG synthesis (16, 35). A Rhizobium tropici mutation that truncates mviN approximately 50% into the coding sequence was not lethal (29). However, it is not known whether this was the sole mviN homolog in the genome or whether the truncated gene product might be functional.We have analyzed the phenotypic properties of B. subtilis strains lacking other proteins within the COG2244 family that are most closely related to SpoVB. Results suggest that these proteins also play roles in PG synthesis and that, in one case, this role is in a synthetic system that is relatively moenomycin resistant. We postulate that these proteins function in an alternate pathway for PG synthesis that may involve the flipping of lipid-linked PG oligosaccharides rather than lipid II disaccharides.  相似文献   

Early reperfusion of an ischemic region can result in significant salvage of the area at risk. We show the presence of hydroxyl free radicals at the time of post ischemia reperfusion using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in a macaque model. These free radicals may be formed as a result of reperfusion or may be an un-involved bystander. It is possible that they may be involved in reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

Chumakov  M. I.  Dykman  L. A.  Bogatyrev  V. A.  Kurbanova  I. V. 《Microbiology》2001,70(2):232-238
Agrobacterial cells produced straight microfibrils not only when in contact with wheat seedling roots, but also when in contact with each other. After 2 h of incubation, agrobacterial cells were found to form aggregates, in which the cells were in contact either directly or through thick straight microfibrils (bridges) of an unknown composition. The majority of the microfibrils were susceptible to attack by cellulase, although some of them showed resistance to this enzyme. Like the wild-type flagellated agrobacteria, their bald mutants produced long straight microfibrils. The cell surface structures of agrobacteria were examined by labeling them immunocytochemically with colloidal gold–conjugated antibodies against O-specific lipopolysaccharides, Vir proteins, and cellulase. Agrobacterial cells treated with acetosyringone and brought into contact were found to contain subpolar and polar cell surface structures. Antibodies against the VirB2 protein were able to interact with a tuft of thin microfibrils located on one pole of the agrobacterial cell whose virgenes were induced by acetosyringone but were unable to interact with the surface structures of the agrobacterial cells aggregated in liquid medium in the absence of wheat seedlings.  相似文献   

比色法测定Fenton反应产生的羟自由基及其应用   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
Fenton反应产生的羟自由基与二甲亚砜反应,生成甲基亚磺酸,再与坚牢蓝BB盐反应生成偶氮砜,比色法测定其含量可间接测定OH·的生成量. 通过对测定条件的研究,得到最佳实验方案. 抗氧化剂药物硫脲和抗坏血酸与羟自由基清除率具有明显的量效关系. 测定了核桃、黑芝麻等几种天然食物的水提取物清除羟自由基的功能. 此法可用于羟自由基清除剂的筛选.  相似文献   

Oxygen free radical formation has been implicated in lesions caused by the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) and iron. Although MPTP produces a parkinsonian syndrome after its conversion to 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridine (MPP+) by type B monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the brain, the etiology of this disease remains obscure. This review focuses on the role of an environmental neurotoxin chemically related to MPP+-induced free radical generation in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Environmental-like chemicals, such as para-nonylphenol or bisphenol A, significantly stimulated hydroxyl radical (OH) formation in the striatum. Allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, prevents para-nonylphenol and MPP+-induced OH generation. Tamoxifen, a synthetic nonsteroidal antiestrogen, suppressed the OH generation via dopamine efflux induced by MPP+. These results confirm that free radical production might make a major contribution at certain stages in the progression of the injury. Such findings may be useful in elucidating the actual mechanism of free radical formation in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative brain disorders, including Parkinson's disease and traumatic brain injuries.  相似文献   

Cell reproduction is a complex process involving whole cell structures and machineries in space and time, resulting in regulated distribution of endomembranes, organelles, and genomes between daughter cells. Secretory pathways supported by the activity of the Golgi apparatus play a crucial role in cytokinesis in plants. From the onset of phragmoplast initiation to the maturation of the cell plate, delivery of secretory vesicles is necessary to sustain successful daughter cell separation. Tethering of secretory vesicles at the plasma membrane is mediated by the evolutionarily conserved octameric exocyst complex. Using proteomic and cytologic approaches, we show that EXO84b is a subunit of the plant exocyst. Arabidopsis thaliana mutants for EXO84b are severely dwarfed and have compromised leaf epidermal cell and guard cell division. During cytokinesis, green fluorescent protein–tagged exocyst subunits SEC6, SEC8, SEC15b, EXO70A1, and EXO84b exhibit distinctive localization maxima at cell plate initiation and cell plate maturation, stages with a high demand for vesicle fusion. Finally, we present data indicating a defect in cell plate assembly in the exo70A1 mutant. We conclude that the exocyst complex is involved in secretory processes during cytokinesis in Arabidopsis cells, notably in cell plate initiation, cell plate maturation, and formation of new primary cell wall.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4-6):279-284
The degradation of the nucleotides dAMP, dGMP, dCMP and dTMP and of calf thymus DNA by ozone was studied. In all cases both base and sugar moiety were degraded. Furthermore, strand breaks were induced in calf thymus DNA. Hydroxyl radicals were probably involved in the oxidation of the base in dAMP and of the deoxyribose ring, but not in the degradation of the other bases. This indicates that ozone-induced DNA damage proceeds both directly via ozone molecules and indirectly via hydroxyl radicals.  相似文献   

The degradation of the nucleotides dAMP, dGMP, dCMP and dTMP and of calf thymus DNA by ozone was studied. In all cases both base and sugar moiety were degraded. Furthermore, strand breaks were induced in calf thymus DNA. Hydroxyl radicals were probably involved in the oxidation of the base in dAMP and of the deoxyribose ring, but not in the degradation of the other bases. This indicates that ozone-induced DNA damage proceeds both directly via ozone molecules and indirectly via hydroxyl radicals.  相似文献   

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