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Abstract Several species of Arctic mammals have brown hair in the summer and molt into a white pelage in the winter. It is unknown whether characteristics other than color of the hair also change during the color transition between seasons. We borrowed guard hair samples from museums to represent summer and winter pelages of five species: Alopex lagopus (Arctic fox), Lepus americanus (snowshoe hare), Lepus Arcticus (Arctic hare), Mustela erminea (ermine) and Mustela nivalis (least weasel). Micro-structural differences exist between the brown and white hairs. In general, white winter hairs had larger upper shaft medullas comprising more air-filled cells and smaller lower shafts. These structural changes may function in conservation of heat or in increasing light reflection to whiten the fur and aid as camouflage. © 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

How Arctic climate change might translate into alterations of biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) with respect to inorganic and organic N utilization is not well understood. This study combined 15N uptake rate measurements for ammonium, nitrate, and urea with 15N- and 13C-based DNA stable-isotope probing (SIP). The objective was to identify active bacterial and archeal plankton and their role in N and C uptake during the Arctic summer and winter seasons. We hypothesized that bacteria and archaea would successfully compete for nitrate and urea during the Arctic winter but not during the summer, when phytoplankton dominate the uptake of these nitrogen sources. Samples were collected at a coastal station near Barrow, AK, during August and January. During both seasons, ammonium uptake rates were greater than those for nitrate or urea, and nitrate uptake rates remained lower than those for ammonium or urea. SIP experiments indicated a strong seasonal shift of bacterial and archaeal N utilization from ammonium during the summer to urea during the winter but did not support a similar seasonal pattern of nitrate utilization. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from each SIP fraction implicated marine group I Crenarchaeota (MGIC) as well as Betaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, SAR11, and SAR324 in N uptake from urea during the winter. Similarly, 13C SIP data suggested dark carbon fixation for MGIC, as well as for several proteobacterial lineages and the Firmicutes. These data are consistent with urea-fueled nitrification by polar archaea and bacteria, which may be advantageous under dark conditions.  相似文献   

Potential for Mercury Reduction by Microbes in the High Arctic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The contamination of polar regions due to the global distribution of anthropogenic pollutants is of great concern because it leads to the bioaccumulation of toxic substances, methylmercury among them, in Arctic food chains. Here we present the first evidence that microbes in the high Arctic possess and express diverse merA genes, which specify the reduction of ionic mercury [Hg(II)] to the volatile elemental form [Hg(0)]. The sampled microbial biomass, collected from microbial mats in a coastal lagoon and from the surface of marine macroalgae, was comprised of bacteria that were most closely related to psychrophiles that had previously been described in polar environments. We used a kinetic redox model, taking into consideration photoredox reactions as well as mer-mediated reduction, to assess if the potential for Hg(II) reduction by Arctic microbes can affect the toxicity and environmental mobility of mercury in the high Arctic. Results suggested that mer-mediated Hg(II) reduction could account for most of the Hg(0) that is produced in high Arctic waters. At the surface, with only 5% metabolically active cells, up to 68% of the mercury pool was resolved by the model as biogenic Hg(0). At a greater depth, because of incident light attenuation, the significance of photoredox transformations declined and merA-mediated activity could account for up to 90% of Hg(0) production. These findings highlight the importance of microbial redox transformations in the biogeochemical cycling, and thus the toxicity and mobility, of mercury in polar regions.  相似文献   

In the Arctic, a clear temperature trend toward warming has been observed during the last two decades. The warming has led to a reduction in the area and thickness of the Arctic sea ice cover because of increased melting. Melt water is accumulated within the 0- to 30-m surface layer, markedly changing its hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics: this water is warmer and fresher, with lower nutrient concentrations. A stable thermocline at depths of 30–35 m weakens vertical mixing of water and hampers active exchange between nutrient-enriched water lying below the thermocline and nutrient-poor water under ice. This affects the qualitative and quantitative composition of upper-ocean phyto- and zooplankton. The changes in the climate and the ice environment cause marked alterations in the composition and structure of the biological communities of sea ice and under-ice surface water. Comparative analysis of materials collected in the anticyclonic Arctic Gyre at the ice stations Severnyi Polyus-22 (1975– 1981) and SHEBA (1997–1998) shows that over the last two decades the number of species of ice diatoms markedly decreased and the role of freshwater algae increased. The number of nematodes, copepods, amphipods, and turbellarians, which were the dominant groups in perennial ice, also declined sharply. The results suggest that the sea ice-upper ocean ecosystem is changing from typically marine to brackish-water. The main reason for these changes is probably global warming in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea in the Arctic Ocean and Antarctic coastal waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We compared abundance, distributions and phylogenetic composition of Crenarchaeota and ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (AOA) in samples collected from coastal waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula during the summers of 2005 and 2006, with samples from the central Arctic Ocean collected during the summer of 1997. Ammonia-oxidizing Archaea and Crenarchaeota abundances were estimated from quantitative PCR measurements of amoA and 16S rRNA gene abundances. Crenarchaeota and AOA were approximately fivefold more abundant at comparable depths in the Antarctic versus the Arctic Ocean. Crenarchaeota and AOA were essentially absent from the Antarctic Summer Surface Water (SSW) water mass (0–45 m depth). The ratio of Crenarchaeota 16S rRNA to archaeal amoA gene abundance in the Winter Water (WW) water mass (45–105 m depth) of the Southern Ocean was much lower (0.15) than expected and in sharp contrast to the ratio (2.0) in the Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) water mass (105–3500 m depth) immediately below it. We did not observe comparable segregation of this ratio by depth or water mass in Arctic Ocean samples. A ubiquitous, abundant and polar-specific crenarchaeote was the dominant ribotype in the WW and important in the upper halocline of the Arctic Ocean. Our data suggest that this organism does not contain an ammonia monooxygenase gene. In contrast to other studies where Crenarchaeota populations apparently lacking amoA genes are found in bathypelagic waters, this organism appears to dominate in well-defined, ammonium-rich, near-surface water masses in polar oceans.  相似文献   

Only about 10%–30% of the organic matter produced in the epipelagic layers reaches the dark ocean. Under these limiting conditions, reduced inorganic substrates might be used as an energy source to fuel prokaryotic chemoautotrophic and/or mixotrophic activity. The aprA gene encodes the alpha subunit of the adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (APS) reductase, present in sulfate-reducing (SRP) and sulfur-oxidizing prokaryotes (SOP). The sulfur-oxidizing pathway can be coupled to inorganic carbon fixation via the Calvin–Benson–Bassham cycle. The abundances of aprA and cbbM, encoding RuBisCO form II (the key CO2 fixing enzyme), were determined over the entire water column along a latitudinal transect in the Atlantic from 64°N to 50°S covering six oceanic provinces. The abundance of aprA and cbbM genes significantly increased with depth reaching the highest abundances in meso- and upper bathypelagic layers. The contribution of cells containing these genes also increased from mesotrophic towards oligotrophic provinces, suggesting that under nutrient limiting conditions alternative energy sources are advantageous. However, the aprA/cbbM ratios indicated that only a fraction of the SOP is associated with inorganic carbon fixation. The aprA harbouring prokaryotic community was dominated by Pelagibacterales in surface and mesopelagic waters, while Candidatus Thioglobus, Chromatiales and the Deltaproteobacterium_SCGC dominated the bathypelagic realm. Noticeably, the contribution of the SRP to the prokaryotic community harbouring aprA gene was low, suggesting a major utilization of inorganic sulfur compounds either as an energy source (occasionally coupled with inorganic carbon fixation) or in biosynthesis pathways.  相似文献   

Despite the important roles of shallow-water sediments in global biogeochemical cycling, the effects of ocean acidification on sedimentary processes have received relatively little attention. As high-latitude cold waters can absorb more CO2 and usually have a lower buffering capacity than warmer waters, acidification rates in these areas are faster than those in sub-tropical regions. The present study investigates the effects of ocean acidification on sediment composition, processes and sediment-water fluxes in an Arctic coastal system. Undisturbed sediment cores, exempt of large dwelling organisms, were collected, incubated for a period of 14 days, and subject to a gradient of pCO2 covering the range of values projected for the end of the century. On five occasions during the experimental period, the sediment cores were isolated for flux measurements (oxygen, alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate). At the end of the experimental period, denitrification rates were measured and sediment samples were taken at several depth intervals for solid-phase analyses. Most of the parameters and processes (i.e. mineralization, denitrification) investigated showed no relationship with the overlying seawater pH, suggesting that ocean acidification will have limited impacts on the microbial activity and associated sediment-water fluxes on Arctic shelves, in the absence of active bio-irrigating organisms. Only following a pH decrease of 1 pH unit, not foreseen in the coming 300 years, significant enhancements of calcium carbonate dissolution and anammox rates were observed. Longer-term experiments on different sediment types are still required to confirm the limited impact of ocean acidification on shallow Arctic sediment processes as observed in this study.  相似文献   

Aim The Arctic Ocean is one of the last near‐pristine regions on Earth, and, although human activities are expected to impact on Arctic ecosystems, we know very little about baseline patterns of Arctic Ocean biodiversity. This paper aims to describe Arctic Ocean‐wide patterns of benthic biodiversity and to explore factors related to the large‐scale species diversity patterns. Location Arctic Ocean. Methods We used large ostracode and foraminiferal datasets to describe the biodiversity patterns and applied comprehensive ecological modelling to test the degree to which these patterns are potentially governed by environmental factors, such as temperature, productivity, seasonality, ice cover and others. To test environmental control of the observed diversity patterns, subsets of samples for which all environmental parameters were available were analysed with multiple regression and model averaging. Results Well‐known negative latitudinal species diversity gradients (LSDGs) were found in metazoan Ostracoda, but the LSDGs were unimodal with an intermediate maximum with respect to latitude in protozoan foraminifera. Depth species diversity gradients were unimodal, with peaks in diversity shallower than those in other oceans. Our modelling results showed that several factors are significant predictors of diversity, but the significant predictors were different among shallow marine ostracodes, deep‐sea ostracodes and deep‐sea foraminifera. Main conclusions On the basis of these Arctic Ocean‐wide comprehensive datasets, we document large‐scale diversity patterns with respect to latitude and depth. Our modelling results suggest that the underlying mechanisms causing these species diversity patterns are unexpectedly complex. The environmental parameters of temperature, surface productivity, seasonality of productivity, salinity and ice cover can all play a role in shaping large‐scale diversity patterns, but their relative importance may depend on the ecological preferences of taxa and the oceanographic context of regions. These results suggest that a multiplicity of variables appear to be related to community structure in this system.  相似文献   

Nematode and macrofaunal diversity in central Arctic Ocean benthos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deep-sea diversity studies have revealed intriguing patterns on both local and regional scales, but there is insufficient evidence with which to evaluate these trends in the Arctic Ocean basin. We collected data on the diversity of benthic macrofauna and meiofaunal nematodes along two transects from the shelf margin to the North Pole. Contrary to prevailing paradigms, there was no change in diversity with depth between 1000 and 4273 m. There was a trend, however, toward reduced taxonomic richness for both macrofauna and nematodes with increasing latitude. Regional (β-) diversity differences were not observed for nematodes, but significant contrasts in Bray-Curtis similarity-based community structure of macrofauna were seen between the Eurasian and Amerasian Basins, as well as between the Lomonosov and Mendeleev Ridges. Since fauna within the deep Arctic Ocean appear to represent a single species pool, we suggest that both local (α-) and β-diversity may be determined by ecological processes in the Arctic, and are not the consequence of historical or evolutionary processes. Furthermore, insights gained from studies of benthic-pelagic coupling, known to play a significant role in determining benthic community structure and function at high latitudes, may also be useful in investigations of Arctic biodiversity. This model may be valuable in designing future studies of biodiversity, and for predicting potential impacts of climate change on diversity patterns.  相似文献   

With the aims of investigating the response of the smallest benthic biota to a strong ice-edge-related input of phytodetritus, and of registering supposed lateral transportation processes of phytodetrital matter with northerly direction under the ice, we analysed a number of abiotic and biotic parameters in surface sediments from the northern Fram Strait. Two transects of 14 stations in total were made. One transect, crossing the Fram Strait from the east to the west, followed mainly the ice edge. The second transect extended latitudinally in a northerly direction, starting in ice-free areas, passing the ice edge, and ending in heavy ice-covered areas, approximately 100 nm north of the ice edge. Stations along this transect were sampled at almost constant water depths to avoid depth-related influences in our investigations. Results showed the expected high phytodetritus concentrations in the ice-edge vicinity. Concentrations of sediment-bound plant pigments were approximately 5 times higher than in ice-covered areas, indicating a very strong phytodetritus input. With increasing distance from the highly productive areas at the ice edge, we found significantly decreasing concentrations of phytodetrital input to the seafloor in a northerly direction. Within the foraminiferans, generic diversity was clearly reduced in the area of strong phytodetritus deposition. Along the latitudinal transect, out of the direct ice-edge influence, foraminiferal diversities slowly increased within increasing distance from the ice edge. The integration of results from earlier foraminiferal investigations, from stations further to the north, indicates a once more decreasing diversity with continually decreasing food supply.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in surface sediments from the Pacific Arctic Ocean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In order to assess bacterial diversity within four surface sediment samples (0–5 cm) collected from the Pacific Arctic Ocean, 16S ribosomal DNA clone library analysis was performed. Near full length 16S rDNA sequences were obtained for 463 clones from four libraries and 13 distinct major lineages of Bacteria were identified (α, β, γ, δ and ε-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Spirochetes, and Verrucomicrobia). α, γ, and δ-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria were common phylogenetic groups from all the sediments. The γ-Proteobacteria were the dominant bacterial lineage, representing near or over 50% of the clones. Over 35% of γ-Proteobacteria clones of four clone library were closely related to cultured bacterial isolates with similarity values ranging from 94 to 100%. The community composition was different among sampling sites, which potentially was related to geochemical differences.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic composition of bacterioplankton assemblages from the Arctic Ocean   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We analyzed the phylogenetic composition of bacterioplankton assemblages in 11 Arctic Ocean samples collected over three seasons (winter-spring 1995, summer 1996, and summer-fall 1997) by sequencing cloned fragments of 16S rRNA genes. The sequencing effort was directed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) screening of samples and the clone libraries. Sequences of 88 clones fell into seven major lineages of the domain Bacteria: alpha(36%)-, gamma(32%)-, delta(14%)-, and epsilon(1%)-Proteobacteria; Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides spp. (9%); Verrucomicrobium spp. (6%); and green nonsulfur bacteria (2%). A total of 34% of the cloned sequences (excluding clones in the SAR11 and Roseobacter groups) had sequence similarities that were <94% compared to previously reported sequences, indicating the presence of novel sequences. DGGE fingerprints of the selected samples showed that most of the bands were common to all samples in all three seasons. However, additional bands representing sequences related to Cytophaga and Polaribacter species were found in samples collected during the summer and fall. Of the clones in a library generated from one sample collected in spring of 1995, 50% were the same and were most closely affiliated (99% similarity) with Alteromonas macleodii, while 50% of the clones in another sample were most closely affiliated (90 to 96% similarity) with Oceanospirillum sp. The majority of the cloned sequences were most closely related to uncultured, environmental sequences. Prominent among these were members of the SAR11 group. Differences between mixed-layer and halocline samples were apparent in DGGE fingerprints and clone libraries. Sequences related to alpha-Proteobacteria (dominated by SAR11) were abundant (52%) in samples from the mixed layer, while sequences related to gamma-proteobacteria were more abundant (44%) in halocline samples. Two bands corresponding to sequences related to SAR307 (common in deep water) and the high-G+C gram-positive bacteria were characteristic of the halocline samples.  相似文献   

Prokaryote communities were investigated on the seasonally stratified Alaska Beaufort Shelf (ABS). Water and sediment directly underlying water with origin in the Arctic, Pacific or Atlantic oceans were analyzed by pyrosequencing and length heterogeneity-PCR in conjunction with physicochemical and geographic distance data to determine what features structure ABS microbiomes. Distinct bacterial communities were evident in all water masses. Alphaproteobacteria explained similarity in Arctic surface water and Pacific derived water. Deltaproteobacteria were abundant in Atlantic origin water and drove similarity among samples. Most archaeal sequences in water were related to unclassified marine Euryarchaeota. Sediment communities influenced by Pacific and Atlantic water were distinct from each other and pelagic communities. Firmicutes and Chloroflexi were abundant in sediment, although their distribution varied in Atlantic and Pacific influenced sites. Thermoprotei dominated archaea in Pacific influenced sediments and Methanomicrobia dominated in methane-containing Atlantic influenced sediments. Length heterogeneity-PCR data from this study were analyzed with data from methane-containing sediments in other regions. Pacific influenced ABS sediments clustered with Pacific sites from New Zealand and Chilean coastal margins. Atlantic influenced ABS sediments formed another distinct cluster. Density and salinity were significant structuring features on pelagic communities. Porosity co-varied with benthic community structure across sites and methane did not. This study indicates that the origin of water overlying sediments shapes benthic communities locally and globally and that hydrography exerts greater influence on microbial community structure than the availability of methane.  相似文献   

The seasonal occurrence of picocyanobacteria in the Greenland Sea and Arctic Ocean was investigated during four expeditions in May–June 1987 and 1988, August–October 1991, and November–December 1988 by epifluorescence microscopy. In early summer, the abundance of picocyanobacteria was related to water masses: they were nearly absent in polar water, whereas they occurred in high concentrations (up to 5470 cells ml–1) in Atlantic Water. During autumn and beginning of winter, the abundances of picocyanobacteria remained around 103 cells ml–1. Their relative contribution to total picoplanktonic algal abundance increased from 0% during spring/summer to 70–80% in late autumn, as a result of a decrease in the abundance of eucaryotic picoalgae. Consequently, the impact of picocyanobacteria on Arctic epipelagic carbon and energy flow is of minor importance, and the strong contribution of picoplankton algae to biomass and primary productivity in Arctic seas has to be attributed to eucaryotic species.  相似文献   

北冰洋海域微食物环研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何剑锋  崔世开  张芳  何培民  林凌 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7279-7286
海洋微食物环在海洋生态系统中起着重要作用.北冰洋因常年为海冰所覆盖,对微食物环的研究较为有限.现有研究表明,微食物环在北冰洋生态系统中的作用与海域和季节相关.近年来环境的快速变化、特别是夏季海冰覆盖面积的迅速减少,会对微食物环的结构和功能产生重大影响,已有研究显示其生态作用有望进一步提高.综合近年来已有的研究成果,对北冰洋微食物环的主要类群:原核生物、真核浮游植物、原生动物和浮游病毒等的基本生态特征进行了概述,讨论了各类群间的相互关系,并对未来的研究重点进行了展望.  相似文献   

上海郊区冬夏季鸟类群落特征比较   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
2000年冬季和2001年夏季对上海郊区三种典型生境(农田居民区、湿地滩涂和丘陵林地)鸟类分别进行了调查,共记录到鸟类96种,隶属14目29科。本文重点探讨了冬夏两季鸟类群落的多样性、均匀度、优势度、生物量、重要值、种间相通机率、食性等群落特征。研究结果表明,上海郊区冬季鸟类种类、密度、多样性和生物量都明显高于夏季,而优势度则夏季高于冬季。不同生境中,湿地鸟类多样性和均匀度均最高,优势度农田居民区最高。密度冬季湿地最大,夏季农田居民区最大。改善环境的自然性、增加空间异质性、扩大保护区面积和减少人为干扰等可使鸟类群落的多样性和密度增加。  相似文献   

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