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Eight men aged 60–65 years and six men aged 20–25 years, wearing only swimming trunks, were exposed to an air temperature of 17° C and 45% R.H. in each of the four seasons. The increase in the rate of metabolic heat production for the older group in the cold test was significantly higher in summer and autumn than in winter and spring (P<0.05), but did not differ in the young group between seasons. Compared to the young group the was significantly greater for the older group (due to a marked increase in four individuals) in summer and autumn (P<0.04). At the end of the period of cold exposure, the decrements of rectal temperature (T re), mean skin temperature ( ; due to a marked decrease in four individuals) and foot skin temperature (T foot) were significantly greater for the older group compared to the young group at all times of the year (P<0.003). Seasonal variations in the two groups were similar, e.g., theTre gradually became smaller from summer to winter (P<0.05) and then increased slightly in the spring (P=0.07).T foot for both groups decreased from summer to autumn (P<0.01) and remained unchanged subsequently. No seasonal variations were observed for in either group. The increase in diastolic blood pressure (BPd) during the test was significantly smaller in winter in both groups (P<0.05). BPd became larger again during spring in the older group (P<0.01), but remained low in the young group. The BPd was significantly greater for the older group than the young group in winter and spring (P<0.05). Compared to young men these results suggest that older men may lose the tolerance acquired by earlier cold acclimatization as seen by the BPd responses, and have a somewhat lower thermoregulatory capability in coping with mild cold air in all seasons.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses during heat acclimation were compared between nine young (mean age 21.2 yr) and nine middle-aged men (mean age 46.4 yr) who were matched (P greater than 0.05) for body weight, surface area, surface area-to-weight ratio, percent body fat, and maximal aerobic power. After evaluation in a comfortable environment (22 degrees C, 50% relative humidity), the men were heat acclimated by treadmill walking (1.56 m/s, 5% grade) for two 50-min exercise bouts separated by 10 min of rest for 10 consecutive days in a hot dry (49 degrees C ambient temperature, 20% relative humidity) environment. During the first day of heat exposure performance time was 27 min longer (P less than 0.05) for the middle-aged men, whereas final rectal and skin temperatures and heart rate were lower, and final total body sweat loss was higher (P less than 0.05) compared with the young men. These thermoregulatory advantages for the middle-aged men persisted for the first few days of exercise-heat acclimation (P less than 0.05). After acclimation no thermoregulatory or performance time differences were observed between groups (P greater than 0.05). Sweating sensitivity, esophageal temperature at sweating onset, and the sweating onset time did not differ (P greater than 0.05) between groups either pre- or postacclimatization. Plasma osmolality and sodium concentration were slightly lower for the young men both pre- and postacclimatization; however, both groups had a similar percent change in plasma volume from rest to exercise during these tests.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study examined how time of day affects thermoregulation during cold-water immersion (CWI). It was hypothesized that the shivering and vasoconstrictor responses to CWI would differ at 0700 vs. 1500 because of lower initial core temperatures (T(core)) at 0700. Nine men were immersed (20 degrees C, 2 h) at 0700 and 1500 on 2 days. No differences (P > 0.05) between times were observed for metabolic heat production (M, 150 W. m(-2)), heat flow (250 W. m(-2)), mean skin temperature (T(sk), 21 degrees C), and the mean body temperature-change in M (DeltaM) relationship. Rectal temperature (T(re)) was higher (P < 0.05) before (Delta = 0.4 degrees C) and throughout CWI during 1500. The change in T(re) was greater (P < 0. 05) at 1500 (-1.4 degrees C) vs. 0700 (-1.2 degrees C), likely because of the higher T(re)-T(sk) gradient (0.3 degrees C) at 1500. These data indicate that shivering and vasoconstriction are not affected by time of day. These observations raise the possibility that CWI may increase the risk of hypothermia in the early morning because of a lower initial T(core).  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory and thermal subjective responses were studied in ten male, clothed subjects during continuous (C) and intermittent (I) exercise at the same average level of oxygen consumption. The subjects performed both I and C twice, dressed in two different three-layer cold-protective clothing ensembles of two thermal insulation levels [total clothing insulation = 2.59 clo (L) and 3.20 clo (H)]. Experiments were carried out at an ambient temperature of -10 degrees C. Rectal temperatures increased similarly in both types of exercise. Mean skin temperature (Tsk) was lower in I compared to C with both levels of clothing insulation. Over the last 0.5 h of the experiment Tsk was approximately 1.3 degrees C lower in I than in C for clothing L. The skin evaporation rate was higher in clothing H than L but did not differ between I and C. Subjective ratings for thermal sensations of the whole body (BTS) and hands were close to neutral in I and around slightly warm in C. The BTS was lower in I than in C and was lower in L compared to H. It was concluded that, at equal average energy expenditure, thermal responses to intermittent and continuous exercise in the cold differ in clothed subjects, principally as a result of different patterns of heat exchange.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of aging and endurance training on the metabolic responses of trained and sedentary young (age 20-32 yr) and older (age 60-70 yr) men to exercise at the same relative exercise stress (70% of maximal O2 consumption). Plasma growth hormone concentrations at rest were similar in all four groups, but both older groups had an attenuated response to exercise. The older trained men appeared to have avoided the age-associated changes that were evident in their sedentary peers with respect to resting plasma insulin, C-peptide, and norepinephrine concentrations. Plasma glucagon concentrations were lower in both older subject groups at rest. Both sedentary groups decreased their plasma glucose concentrations and increased their plasma glucagon concentrations during exercise, whereas the trained groups had increases in their plasma glucose concentrations but had no change in their glucagon concentrations. Thus, although the concentrations of some hormones at rest and during submaximal exercise are unaffected by aging or by training, others are markedly altered by aging, training, or the interaction of the two. However, it appears that older healthy sedentary men undergo less physiological stress than young untrained men during submaximal exercise at the same relative exercise intensity, and they have no responses that would contraindicate their participation in exercise of the duration and intensity usually prescribed in exercise-training programs.  相似文献   

The influence of moderate cold exposure on the hormonal responses of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), arginine vasopressin (AVP), catecholamines, and plasma renin activity (PRA) after exhaustive exercise was studied in 9 young and 10 middle-aged subjects. Exercise tests were randomly performed in temperate (30 degrees C) and cold (10 degrees C) environments. Heart rate, oxygen consumption, and peripheral arterial blood pressure were measured at regular intervals. Blood samples were collected before and immediately after exercise at 30 or 10 degrees C. Plasma sodium and potassium concentrations as well as hemoglobin and hematocrit were measured, and the change in plasma volume was calculated. At rest and during exercise, oxygen consumption was similar during exposure to both temperate and cold temperatures. During submaximal exercise intensities, the rise in heart rate was blunted while the increase in systolic blood pressure was significantly greater at 10 than at 30 degrees C. The increases in plasma sodium and potassium concentrations after exhaustion were similar between environments, as was the decrease in plasma volume. In both groups, all plasma hormones were significantly elevated postexercise, with the AVP response similar at 10 and 30 degrees C. However, the norepinephrine and ANF responses were significantly greater while the PRA response was significantly reduced at 10 degrees C. In the middle-aged subjects the epinephrine response to exercise was higher at 10 than at 30 degrees C. The greater ANF and reduced PRA responses to exercise in the cold may have resulted from central hemodynamic changes caused by cold-induced cutaneous vasoconstriction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


1. 1. Thermoregulatory respones to gradual rise and fall in the ambient temperature (Ta) were compared between 8 old (68–78 years) and 8 younger (20–25 years) male subjects.

2. 2. Starting at Ta of 31.5°C (r.h. 40%), Ta was raised to 39.5°C, then lowered to 21.5°C, and raised back to 31.5°C at a constant rate of 0.3°C/min.

3. 3. Noticeable differences in responses between the age groups were as follows: decline of sweating rate and reduction of acral blood flow during room cooling were retarded in the aged group, with wider variations among individuals, compared with those in the younger group; the tympanic and oesophageal temperatures fell considerably during cooling in the elderly group, failing to return to the level at start during the rewarming of the room, in contrast to the younger group.

4. 4. Such sluggish responses may be attributed largely to reduced cutaneous thermal perception with advancing age.

Author Keywords: Ageing; thermoregulation; sweating; skin blood flow; thermal perception  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the isometric endurance response and the heart rate and blood pressure responses to isometric exercise in two muscle groups in ten young (age 23–29 years) and seven older (age 54–59 years) physically active men with similar estimated forearm and thigh muscle masses. Isometric contractions were held until fatigue using the finger flexor muscles (handgrip) and with the quadriceps muscle (one-legged knee extension) at 20%, 40%, and 60% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Heart rate and arterial pressure were related to the the individual's contraction times. The isometric endurance response was longer with handgrip than with one-legged knee extension, but no significant difference was observed between the age groups. The isometric endurance response averaged 542 (SEM 57), 153 (SEM 14), and 59 (SEM 5) s for the handgrip, and 276 (SEM 35), 94 (SEM 10) and 48 (SEM 5) s for the knee extension at the three MVC levels, respectively. Heart rate and blood pressure became higher during one-legged knee extension than during handgrip, and with increasing level of contraction. The older subjects had a lower heart rate and a higher blood pressure response than their younger counterparts, and the differences were more apparent at a higher force level. The results would indicate that increasing age is associated with an altered heart rate and blood pressure response to isometric exercise although it does not affect isometric endurance. Accepted: 23 October 1997  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess our hypothesis that the release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), the renal concentrating response to ADH, or both is decreased by prolonged cold exposure. Six groups (n = 6/group) of rats were used. Three groups were exposed to cold (5 degrees C), whilethe remaining three groups were kept at room temperature (25 degrees C). It was found that urine osmolality decreased significantly and serum osmolality increased significantly during cold exposure. The ratio of water/food intake was not affected by prolonged cold exposure. However, prolonged cold exposure increased the ratio of urine output/food intake in the cold-exposed rats, indicating that more urine flow is required by the cold-exposed rats to excrete the osmotic substance at a given food intake. The difference between water intake and urine output decreased significantly in the cold-exposed rats. Thus, prolonged cold exposure increases water loss from excretion. Renal concentrating responses to 24-h dehydration and Pitressin were decreased significantly in the cold-exposed rats. Plasma ADH levels remained unchanged, but renal ADH receptor (V2 receptor) mRNA was decreased significantly in the cold-exposed rats. The results strongly support the conclusion that cold exposure increases excretive water loss, and this may be due to suppression of renal V2 receptors rather than inhibition of ADH release.  相似文献   

Ten young (aged 23–30 years) and nine older (aged 54–59 years) healthy men with a similar size of limb muscle mass performed arm crank and leg cycle exercise for 30 min at relative exercise intensities of 50% and 75% of maximal oxygen uptake for the corresponding muscle group. In the tests, heart rate, blood pressure, gas exchange variables, rating of perceived exertion and blood lactate concentration were measured. The limb muscle mass was determined by anthropometric measurements. At the 75% target exercise level, four of the older men and two of the young men could not complete the arm-cranking test, and one of the older men and two of the young men could not complete the leg-cycle test. During arm-cranking the absolute exercise intensity was similar for the young and older men because of similar maximal values during arm-cranking. But during leg-cycling the absolute excercise intensity was higher for the young men than for the older men due to the difference in corresponding maximal values. During arm-cranking there were no significant differences in the physiological responses between the age groups except that a higher ventilatory response was noted among the older compared to the young men. During leg-cycling the heart rate values were higher among the young compared to the older men. But, when the heart rate values were expressed as a percentage of maximal heart rate in the corresponding maximal tests, no significant differences between the age groups were found. The results indicated that 30-min of arm or leg exercise at the same relative submaximal excercise intensity produces a similar degree of physiological strain in healthy older compared to young men. During arm-cranking, the young and the older men exercised at the same external intensity, indicating a similar ability to perform prolonged excercise using smaller muscle groups expressed both in absolute and relative terms. Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

Effects of themenstrual cycle on heat loss and heat production(M) and core and skin temperatureresponses to cold were studied in six unacclimatized female nonsmokers(18-29 yr of age). Each woman, resting supine, was exposed to acold transient (ambient temperature = mean radiant temperature = 20 to5°C at 0.32°C/min, relative humidity = 50 ± 2%, wind speed = 1 m/s) in the follicular (F) phase(days 2-6) and midluteal (L)phase (days 19-23) of her menstrual cycle. Clothed in each of two ensembles with different thermal resistances, women performed multiple experiments in the F andL phases. Thermal resistance was 0.2 and 0.4 m2 · K · W1for ensembles A andB, respectively. Esophagealtemperature (Tes), mean weightedskin temperature(sk),finger temperature (Tfing), andarea-weighted heat flux were recorded continuously. Rate of heat debt(S) and integrated mean bodytemperature(b,i)were calculated by partitional calorimetry throughout the cold ramp. Extensive peripheral vasoconstriction in the F phase during early periods of the ramp elevated Tesabove thermoneutral levels. Shivering thermogenesis(M = M  Mbasal,W /m2) was highly correlated withdeclines insk andTfing(P <0.0001). There was a reducedslope in M as a function ofb,i inthe L phase with ensembles A(P < 0.02) andB (P < 0.01). Heat flux was higher andS was less in the L phases withensemble A(P < 0.05). An analytic modelrevealed thatsk andTes contribute as additive inputsand Tfing has a multiplicativeeffect on the total control of Mduring cold transients(R2 = 0.9).Endogenous hormonal levels at each menstrual cycle phase, coretemperature andskinputs, vascular responses, and variations in body heat balance must beconsidered in quantifying thermoregulatory responses in women duringcold stress.


Endurance training of older men: responses to submaximal exercise.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study was to quantify the exercise response of older subjects on a time-to-fatigue (TTF) submaximal performance test before and after a training program. Eight older men (67.4 +/- 4.8 yr) performed two maximal treadmill tests to determine maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) and ventilation threshold (TVE) and a constant-load submaximal exercise treadmill test that required an oxygen uptake (VO2) between TVE and VO2max. The submaximal test, performed at the same absolute work rate before and after the training program, was performed to volitional fatigue to measure endurance time. The men trained under supervision at an individualized pace representing approximately 70% of VO2max (80% maximum heart rate) for 1 h, four times per week for 9 wk. Significant increases were demonstrated for VO2max (ml.kg-1.min-1; 10.6%); maximal ventilation (VE, l/min; 11.6%), and TVE (l/min; 9.8%). Weight decreased 2.1%. Performance time on the TTF test increased by 180% (7.3 +/- 3.0 to 20.4 +/- 13.5 min). The similar end points for VO2, VE, and heart rate during the TTF and maximal treadmill tests established that the TTF test was stopped because of physiological limitations. The increase in performance time among the subjects was significantly correlated with improvements in VO2max and TVE, with the submaximal work rate representing a VO2 above TVE by 88% of the difference between TVE and VO2max pretraining and 73% of this difference on posttraining values.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses to an acute heat load with intraperitoneal heating (IH) or indirect external warming (EW) by increasing ambient temperature (Ta) were investigated with direct and indirect calorimetry in rats acclimated to environments of 24.0 degrees C (Cn), 29.4 degrees C (H1), and 32.8 degrees C (H2) for greater than 15 days. The rats were placed in a direct calorimeter where the air temperature was maintained at 24 degrees C for the initial 3 h. IH was then made for 30 min through an electric heater implanted chronically (6.5 W.kg-1) in the peritoneal cavity, and EW was performed by raising the jacket water temperature surrounding the calorimeter from 24 to 39 degrees C (0.19 degrees C.min-1). Hypothalamic (Thy) and colonic temperature immediately before the start of the heat load tended to be higher as the acclimation temperature increased. During IH, the threshold Thy for the tail skin vasodilation (Tth) was significantly higher in H2 than in Cn rats. During EW, however, there was no difference in Tth between the groups. Metabolic heat production (M) was slightly suppressed during IH and significantly depressed only in H2 rats. During EW, M was suppressed in all the groups. The magnitude and duration of suppression were greater in H2 rats than in the other two groups. The responses in nonevaporative heat loss and thermal conductance (C) to the rise in Thy did not differ among the three groups during IH. According to the rise in Thy, however, there was a greater C increase in H2 than in Cn and H1 rats during EW.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two types of cold pressor tests were used to study gender differences in cardiovascular and plasma catecholamine responses. Ten male and ten female, young, healthy Caucasian subjects participated. The tests consisted of (1) 5 degrees C air blown at 3.5-4 m/s onto part of the face for 4 min and (2) the open right hand immersed to the wrist in water at 5 degrees C for 4 min. Heart rate, blood pressure (BP), and venous plasma norepinephrine were collected before, during, and 5 min after the 4 min of cold exposures. Test order was decided by a Latin square design, and the subjects rested in a quiet room for 30 min between the two tests. All parameters demonstrated significant (p less than 0.01) increases from rest during the cold tests. Gender differences were significant (p less than 0.01) in diastolic and systolic BP in each test with the males having a greater response, but gender differences were not found in heart rate or norepinephrine concentration. The study demonstrated that gender differences exist in the blood pressure responses to local cold, but that the mechanisms involved do not include a parallel difference in heart rate or venous plasma norepinephrine concentration.  相似文献   

The effects after exposure to two different light intensities (dim, 50 lx and bright, 5000 lx) on thermoregulatory responses during exercise in a climatic chamber (27 degrees C, 60% relative humidity) were studied in nine untrained female subjects, aged 19-22 years. The subjects were in either the dim or bright light intensities from 0600 hours to 1200 hours. They were then instructed to exercise on a cycle ergometer at an intensity of 60% maximal oxygen uptake from 1200 hours to 1300 hours in a light intensity of 500 Ix. The main results can be summarized as follows. Firstly, exercise-induced increases of core temperature were significantly smaller, after exposure to the bright than after the dim light intensities, although both tests were performed in the same light intensity. Secondly, body mass loss after exercise was significantly greater after exposure to the bright light intensity. Thirdly, an increase in salivary lactic acid during exercise was significantly lower after the bright intensity. Fourthly although the salivary melatonin level was not different between the two light intensities both before and after the exercise, it increased significantly during exercise only after the bright intensity. These results are discussed in terms of the establishment of a lower set-point in the core temperature after exposure to a bright light intensity.  相似文献   

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