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Comment on: Rumpf C, et al. Cell Cycle 2010; 9:2657-62.  相似文献   

Yin S  Ai JS  Shi LH  Wei L  Yuan J  Ouyang YC  Hou Y  Chen DY  Schatten H  Sun QY 《PloS one》2008,3(10):e3516


Homologous chromosomes separate in meiosis I and sister chromatids separate in meiosis II, generating haploid gametes. To address the question why sister chromatids do not separate in meiosis I, we explored the roles of Shogoshin1 (Sgo1) in chromosome separation during oocyte meiosis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sgo1 function was evaluated by exogenous overexpression to enhance its roles and RNAi to suppress its roles during two meioses of mouse oocytes. Immunocytochemistry and chromosome spread were used to evaluate phenotypes. The exogenous Sgo1 overexpression kept homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids not to separate in meiosis I and meiosis II, respectively, while the Sgo1 RNAi promoted premature separation of sister chromatids.


Our results reveal that prevention of premature separation of sister chromatids in meiosis I requires the retention of centromeric Sgo1, while normal separation of sister chromatids in meiosis II requires loss of centromeric Sgo1.  相似文献   

During meiosis, sequential release of sister chromatid cohesion (SSC) during two successive nuclear divisions allows the production of haploid gametes from diploid progenitor cells. Release of SSC along chromosome arms allows first a reductional segregation of homologs, and, subsequently, release of centromeric cohesion at anaphase II allows the segregation of chromatids. The Shugoshin (SGO) protein family plays a major role in the protection of centromeric cohesion in Drosophila and yeast. We have isolated a maize mutant that displays premature loss of centromeric cohesion at anaphase I. We showed that this phenotype is due to the absence of ZmSGO1 protein, a maize shugoshin homolog. We also show that ZmSGO1 is localized to the centromeres. The ZmSGO1 protein is not found on mitotic chromosomes and has no obvious mitotic function. On the basis of these results, we propose that ZmSGO1 specifically maintains centromeric cohesion during meiosis I and therefore suggest that SGO1 core functions during meiosis are conserved across kingdoms and in large-genome species. However, in contrast to other Shugoshins, we observed an early and REC8-dependent recruitment of ZmSGO1 in maize, suggesting that control of SGO1 recruitment to chromosomes is different in plants than in other model organisms.  相似文献   

The mitotic exit network (MEN) is an essential GTPase signaling pathway that triggers exit from mitosis in budding yeast. We show here that during meiosis, the MEN is dispensable for exit from meiosis I but contributes to the timely exit from meiosis II. Consistent with a role for the MEN during meiosis II, we find that the signaling pathway is active only during meiosis II. Our analysis further shows that MEN signaling is modulated during meiosis in several key ways. Whereas binding of MEN components to spindle pole bodies (SPBs) is necessary for MEN signaling during mitosis, during meiosis MEN signaling occurs off SPBs and does not require the SPB recruitment factor Nud1. Furthermore, unlike during mitosis, MEN signaling is controlled through the regulated interaction between the MEN kinase Dbf20 and its activating subunit Mob1. Our data lead to the conclusion that a pathway essential for vegetative growth is largely dispensable for the specialized meiotic divisions and provide insights into how cell cycle regulatory pathways are modulated to accommodate different modes of cell division.  相似文献   

During early meiosis, chromosomes pair via their telomeres and centromeres. This pairing induces a conformational change which propagates from these regions along each chromosome, making the chromatin of the partners accessible for intimate pairing. In the present study, we show by exploiting wheat–rye hybrids that the signal is initiated in both the presence and absence of either the Ph1 or Ph2 locus. However, the chromatin change only continues to propagate through rye telomeric heterochromatin when Ph1 is absent. This failure to propagate the chromatin change through the rye heterochromatin in the absence of Ph2 correlates with a subsequent lack of wheat–rye chromosome association at metaphase I.  相似文献   

Colaiácovo MP 《Chromosoma》2006,115(3):195-211
Sexually reproducing organisms rely on meiosis for the formation of haploid gametes. This is achieved through two consecutive rounds of cell division (meiosis I and II) after one round of DNA replication. During the meiotic divisions, chromosomes face several challenges to ultimately ensure proper chromosome segregation. Unique events unfold during meiosis I to overcome these challenges. Homologous chromosomes pair, synapse, and recombine. A remarkable feature throughout this process is the formation of an evolutionarily conserved tripartite proteinaceous structure known as the synaptonemal complex (SC). It is comprised of two lateral elements, assembled along each axis of a pair of homologous chromosomes, and a central region consisting of transverse filaments bridging the gap between lateral elements. While the presence of the SC during meiosis has been appreciated now for 50 years (Moses, Biophys Biochem Cytol 2:215–218, 1956; Fawcett, J Biophys Biochem Cytol 2:403–406, 1956), its role(s) remain a matter of intense investigation. This review concentrates on studies performed in Caenorhabditis elegans, a powerful system for investigating meiosis. Studies in this organism are contributing to the unraveling of the various processes leading to the formation of the SC and the various facets of the functions it exerts throughout meiosis.The synaptonemal complex-50 years  相似文献   

Control of meiosis by respiration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cytoskeletal rearrangements were studied during meiotic telophase in a number of monocotyledonous plant species. Wild type and abnormal meiosis (in wide cereal hybrids, meiotic mutants and allolines) was analyzed. It was found that central spindle fibers that move centrifugally, along with newly-formed MTs, are the basis of phragmoplast formation and function in PMCs of monocotyledonous plant species with successive cytokinesis stages. A model for centrifugal movement of the meiotic phragmoplast is proposed; this model is a modification of the corresponding process during B-anaphase.  相似文献   

Cohesion between sister chromatids is essential for their bi-orientation on mitotic spindles. It is mediated by a multisubunit complex called cohesin. In yeast, proteolytic cleavage of cohesin's alpha kleisin subunit at the onset of anaphase removes cohesin from both centromeres and chromosome arms and thus triggers sister chromatid separation. In animal cells, most cohesin is removed from chromosome arms during prophase via a separase-independent pathway involving phosphorylation of its Scc3-SA1/2 subunits. Cohesin at centromeres is refractory to this process and persists until metaphase, whereupon its alpha kleisin subunit is cleaved by separase, which is thought to trigger anaphase. What protects centromeric cohesin from the prophase pathway? Potential candidates are proteins, known as shugoshins, that are homologous to Drosophila MEI-S332 and yeast Sgo1 proteins, which prevent removal of meiotic cohesin complexes from centromeres at the first meiotic division. A vertebrate shugoshin-like protein associates with centromeres during prophase and disappears at the onset of anaphase. Its depletion by RNA interference causes HeLa cells to arrest in mitosis. Most chromosomes bi-orient on a metaphase plate, but precocious loss of centromeric cohesin from chromosomes is accompanied by loss of all sister chromatid cohesion, the departure of individual chromatids from the metaphase plate, and a permanent cell cycle arrest, presumably due to activation of the spindle checkpoint. Remarkably, expression of a version of Scc3-SA2 whose mitotic phosphorylation sites have been mutated to alanine alleviates the precocious loss of sister chromatid cohesion and the mitotic arrest of cells lacking shugoshin. These data suggest that shugoshin prevents phosphorylation of cohesin's Scc3-SA2 subunit at centromeres during mitosis. This ensures that cohesin persists at centromeres until activation of separase causes cleavage of its alpha kleisin subunit. Centromeric cohesion is one of the hallmarks of mitotic chromosomes. Our results imply that it is not an intrinsically stable property, because it can easily be destroyed by mitotic kinases, which are kept in check by shugoshin.  相似文献   

B D McKee  G H Karpen 《Cell》1990,61(1):61-72
In Drosophila melanogaster males, the sex chromosomes pair during meiosis in the centric X heterochromatin and at the base of the short arm of the Y (YS), in the vicinity of the nucleolus organizers. X chromosomes deficient for the pairing region segregate randomly from the Y. In this report we show that a single ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene stimulates X-Y pairing and disjunction when inserted onto a heterochromatically deficient X chromosome by P element-mediated transformation. We also show that insert-containing X chromosomes pair at the site of insertion, that autosomal rDNA inserts do not affect X-Y pairing or disjunction, and that the strength of an X pairing site is proportional to the dose of ectopic rRNA genes. These results demonstrate that rRNA genes can promote X-Y pairing and disjunction and imply that the nucleolus organizers function as X-Y pairing sites in wild-type Drosophila males.  相似文献   

During mammalian mitosis, a proofreading network called the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is indispensable for ensuring the fidelity of chromosome segregation. An inhibitory SAC signal is deputed to inhibits mitotic cell-cycle progression in response to misaligned chromosomes until such imperfections are rectified thereby ensuring equitable chromosome partitioning to daughter cells. Amongst the cast of SAC proteins, mitotic arrest deficient 2 (Mad2) plays a leading role in transducing the SAC signal. The aneuploidy and cancer predispositions of individuals who harbour genetic mutations in SAC genes emphasise the in vivo significance of this surveillance mechanism. In humans, congenital aneuploidies such as Down's syndrome demonstrate an exponential increase with advancing female age. Although largely the result of female meiosis I errors, the molecular entities that succumb with age in oocytes remain elusive. Declining oocyte SAC function could plausibly contribute to such errors. Until recently however, convincing evidence for a functional SAC in mammalian oocytes during meiosis I was unforthcoming. Here I review the evidence regarding the SAC in female mammalian meiosis I and how our understanding of this system has evolved in recent years. This review will focus on Mad2 as this is the SAC protein that has been most comprehensively investigated.  相似文献   

1. Increased specific activities of cytochrome c oxidase, catalase, succinate dehydrogenase, succinate-cytochrome c oxidoreductase, NADH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase and malate dehydrogenase were observed during glucose de-repression of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. 2. The cell-cycle of this organism was analysed by three different methods: (a) harvesting of cells at intervals from a synchronous culture, (b) separation of cells by rate-zonal centrifugation into different size classes and (c) separation of cells by isopycnic-zonal centrifugation into different density classes. 3. Measurement of enzyme activities during the cell-cycle showed that all the enzymes assayed [cytochrome c oxidase, catalase, acid p-nitrophenylphosphatase, NADH-dehydrogenase, NADH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase, NADPH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase, succinate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP) and fumarate hydratase] show periodic expression as ;peaks'. 4. Cytochrome c oxidase shows a single maximum at 0.67 of a cycle, whereas succinate dehydrogenase exhibits two maxima separated by 0.5 of a cell-cycle. 5. All other enzymes assayed showed two distinct maxima per cell-cycle; for catalase, malate dehydrogenase and NADPH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase there is the possibility of multiple fluctuations. 6. The single maximum of cytochrome c oxidase appears at a similar time in the cycle to one maximum of each of the other enzymes studied, except for NADH dehydrogenase. 7. These results are discussed with reference to previous observations on the expression of enzyme activities during the cell-cycle of yeasts.  相似文献   

Meiosis divides the haploid and diploid portions of the life cycle in all sexual organisms. In angiosperms meiosis occurs during flower development, the duration of which varies widely among species and is affected by environmental conditions within species. For 36 species representing 13 angiosperm families, we determined the time at which meiosis ceased in the anthers as a fraction of the total time from floral primordium initiation (beginning of development) to flower opening (end). It was found that this fraction, rather than being continuously distributed among species, occurred in three discrete classes despite wide variations within and among species in absolute developmental durations. Each species was characterized by a single timing class. For all species within a given timing class, therefore, the durations before and after the end of microsporocyte meiosis existed in constant ratio. Each timing class was found in phylogenetically distant species; conversely, a plant family often contained more than one class. Timing class was not related to ploidy level, inflorescence architecture, pollination syndrome or mating system. These findings show that either the durations before and after microsporocyte meiosis are regulated by the same exogenous process, or one duration determines the other. They further imply that the underlying developmental processes have evolved in a limited number of ways among flowering plants.  相似文献   

The different regulation of sister chromatid cohesion at centromeres and along chromosome arms is obvious during meiosis, because centromeric cohesion, but not arm cohesion, persists throughout anaphase of the first division. A protein required to protect centromeric cohesin Rec8 from separase cleavage has been identified and named shugoshin (or Sgo1) after shugoshin ("guardian spirit" in Japanese). It has become apparent that shugoshin shows marginal homology with Drosophila Mei-S332 and several uncharacterized proteins in other eukaryotic organisms. Because Mei-S332 is a protein previously shown to be required for centromeric cohesion in meiosis, it is now established that shugoshin represents a conserved protein family defined as a centromeric protector of Rec8 cohesin complexes in meiosis. The regional difference of sister chromatid cohesion is also observed during mitosis in vertebrates; the cohesion is much more robust at the centromere at metaphase, where it antagonizes the pulling force of spindle microtubules that attach the kinetochores from opposite poles. The human shugoshin homologue (hSgo1) is required to protect the centromeric localization of the mitotic cohesin, Scc1, until metaphase. Bub1 plays a crucial role in the localization of shugoshin to centromeres in both fission yeast and humans.  相似文献   

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