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An ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatographic assay involving solid-phase scintillation detection was established for the rapid identification and determination of all major metabolites of tritium-labelled cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) in an in vitro system. In a single run of 50 min, Ara-C, Ara-CMP, Ara-CDP-choline, Ara-CDP, Ara-U, Ara-UMP, Ara-CTP, Ara-UDP can be measured. The method is fast, sensitive, with limits of detection ranging from 40 to 200 pg (absolute), and highly reproducible.  相似文献   

An original method for the separation and quantitation of doxorubicin (DOX) and its metabolites by high-pressure liquid chromatography and fluorometry is described. Doxorubicin and its derivatives are extracted from biological samples in a rapid, non-destructive manner, with a recovery close to 100%. The different compounds are rapidly separated by high-pressure liquid chromatography using an eluant system containing magnesium chloride, and detected quantitatively by fluorometry down to a concentration of 1.5 ng/ml in less than 5 min. Using this method, we have determined doxorubicin and its metabolites in plasma and urine, after an intravenous injection into DBA2 and NMRI mice.  相似文献   

1. [14C]Acetylcholine synthesis and 14CO2 production from [U-14C]glucose has been measured in tissue prism preparations from human neocortex. 2. Electron micrographs of prisms from human and rat neocortex show that both contain intact synaptic endings with evenly-distributed vesicles and normal-appearing mitochondria, but only poorly preserved cell body structure. 3. Synthesis of [14C]acetylcholine in prisms from rat neocortex is similar to estimates for turnover in vivo. Synthesis in prisms from human neocortex is 18% of that in rat tissue and 64% of that in tissue from baboon neocortex for incubations performed in 31 mM-K+. 4. Investigations of prisms prepared from rat brains stored at 37 degrees C after death revealed that synthesis of [14C]acetylcholine in the presence of 31 mM-K+ was greatly decreased within 30 min of post-mortem incubation, whereas synthesis at 5 mM-K+ and production of 14CO2 at both K+ concentrations were only significantly affected after longer periods. Changes were similar in neocortex and striatum. Thus human autopsy material is unlikely to be suitable for use with this system. 5. Investigations using animal models suggest that [14C]acetylcholine synthesis and 14CO2 production are not affected by surgical or anaesthetic procedures. 6. Neither [14C]acetylcholine synthesis nor 14CO2 production in human prisms was significantly changed with age between 15 and 68 years. 7. Samples from patients with the dementing condition Alzheimer's disease showed a significant decrease in [14C]acetylcholine synthesis to 47% of normal samples and a significant increase of 39% in production of 14CO2.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(1):33-40
Normal-phase and reversed-phase thin-layer chromatographic systems for the separation and analysis of [3H]metabolites of 20-hydroxyecdysone have been developed. These include separations involving multiple development (in one or more solvent systems), two dimensional techniques, reversed-phase and ion-pair chromatography. Using these systems, the resolution and identification of the major metabolites of 20-hydroxyecdysone, produced following the injection of tritiated hormone into adult male Locusta migratoria, have been demonstrated.  相似文献   

H M Garraffo  E G Gros 《Steroids》1986,48(3-4):251-257
[1,2-3H]Cholesterol, 5 beta-[21-14C]cholestan-3 beta-ol (coprostanol), and 3 beta-hydroxy-5 beta-[21-14C]pregnan-20-one were injected into intact Bufo arenarum toads. Arenobufagin, the main bufadienolide present in the venom of the mentioned toad, was isolated and purified by means of chromatographic procedures. The first two compounds, having an intact cholesterol side chain, were incorporated, at comparable levels, into the bufadienolide while the labeled pregnane derivative yielded non-radioactive arenobufagin. The above results support the hypothesis that cholesterol and those steroids having an intact cholesterol-type side chain are able to penetrate to the site of bufadienolide biosynthesis and are converted into bufadienolides by a still-unknown mechanism. On the other hand, those steroid derivatives bearing a degraded side chain, e.g., 20-keto-pregnanes, are not converted into bufadienolides because they are not incorporated into the bufadienolide-producing cells.  相似文献   

We developed a method to follow the metabolic fate of [(14)C]-labeled Euglena gracilis protein amino acids in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes under three different adult nutritional regimes. Quantitative analysis of blood meal protein amino acid metabolism showed that most of the carbon of the amino acids was either oxidized to CO(2) or excreted as waste. Under the three different adult nutritional regimes, no significant differences in the metabolism of amino acids were found, which indicated that the female A. aegypti mosquitoes possess a substantial capacity of maintaining metabolic homeostasis during a gonotrophic cycle. The amount of maternal glycogen and lipid after egg laying were significantly lower in the mosquitoes that underwent a partial starvation before a blood meal and/or starvation after the blood meal. The content of egg lipid or protein or the number of eggs laid did not show a significant difference among the three different regimes, which indicates that stable fecundity of A. aegypti under the partial starvation before a blood meal and/or starvation after the blood meal seemed to result from a trade-off between current fecundity and future survival after the eggs laid. The methods described in this paper can be applied to a wide range of questions about the effects of environmental conditions on the utilization of blood meal amino acids.  相似文献   

Specific methods are described for the enzymatic synthesis of each of the six possible 3H-labeled Ring-A reduced metabolites of aldosterone (5 alpha- and 5 beta-DHAldo; 3 alpha,5 alpha-THAldo; 3 beta,5 alpha-THAldo; 3 alpha,5 beta-THAldo; and 3 beta,5 beta-THAldo; see footnote 1 for full names). Use of heated jacketed columns (C8-reverse phase) and two HPLC solvent systems, with isocratic aqueous methanol or acetonitrile, respectively, have been developed which resolve all six Ring-A reduced metabolites of aldosterone. The relative retention times and elution order of each reduced metabolite are different with each solvent system and hence help confirm the identities of Ring-A reduced metabolites made in vivo from physiological quantities of [3H]aldosterone. The use of an on-line beta-radioactivity detector (Berthold LB-504) enhanced the sensitivity of detection and markedly improved the resolution of these metabolites, compared with that obtained by off-line scintillation counting. Thus, the use of increased temperature with these two solvent systems, together with an on-line radioactivity detector, provide a useful and efficient analytical tool for the separation and identification of each reduced metabolite of aldosterone.  相似文献   

Muscle and adipose tissue were obtained from steers and dairy cows following subcutaneous administration of [14C] progesterone. Following extraction, purification and separation by column, thin layer and gas-liquid chromatography, various radioactive residues from these tissues were identified by their Chromatographic mobility, crystallization to constant specific activity and mass spectra. Progesterone constituted 54% of free radioactivity extracted from muscle and 69 and 73% of radioactivity in the free and conjugated portions of extracts, respectively, from fat. Metabolites identified were: 5α-pregnane-3,20-dione, 9%, 0%, 0%, 20β-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one, 8%, 11%, 3%; 3α-hydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one, 13%, 2%, 2%; 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one, 3%, 3%, 6%; 20α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-3-one, 0%, 2%, 3%; of radioactivity in muscle (free) and fat (free and conjugated fractions), respectively. Tentatively identified in fat extracts by chromatographic mobility were: 20α-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one, 1%, 1% and 3β-hydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one, 0%, 2% of radioactivity in free and conjugated fractions, respectively. The average concentration of steroid in these animals due solely to treatment, calculated from the specific activity of the [14C] progesterone administered, was 3.4 and 18.1 ng/g in muscle and subcutaneous fat, respectively.  相似文献   

Cultures of Fusarium roseium 'Gibbosum' on rice were treated with [14C]zearalenone, alpha[14C]zearalenol, or beta-[14C]zearalenol to determine whether a precursor-product relationship exists among these closely related fungal metabolites. Culture extracts were purified by silica gel column chromatography and fractionated by high-pressure liquid chromatography, and the level of radioactivity was determined. Within 7 days, the beta-[14C]zearalenol was converted to zearalenone, and no residual beta-[14C]zearalenol was detectable. Most of the alpha-[14C]zearalenol added was also converted into zearalenone with 14 days. In cultures treated with [14C]zearalenone, no radioactivity was noted in any other components.  相似文献   

Determination of hydroxyproline by high pressure liquid chromatography.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A rapid, precise, and simple HPLC method provides an assay of hydroxyproline from tissue extracts or solutions of collagen. Samples are hydrolyzed with 6 N HCl, derivatized with phenyl isothiocyanate, and chromatographed on a small, C18 reverse-phase HPLC column. Hydroxyproline (Hyp) is separated from other amino acids and detected by absorption at 254 nm. The method detects 0.40 to 36 micrograms of Hyp with a linear response. Separation requires a total of 6 min, including column cleanup and reequilibration. All components are commercially available, making this a convenient method for routine measurement of collagen concentration.  相似文献   

To investigate the incorporation of essential fatty acids into myelin components, 24-day-old rabbits were injected intracerebrally with [14C]linoleate, [14C]linolenate, or [3H]Myristate for comparison. Animals were killed 22 hr later and myelin was isolated. [3H]myristate labeled all myelin lipids including monogalactosyl diglyceride, with the exception of sulfatides. With14C-essential fatty acids, only glycerophospholipids were efficiently labeled and their specific activities were in the following decreasing orders: PC>PI>PE>PS with [14C]linoleate, and PE>PC>PI=PS with [14C]linolenate. Among myelin proteins, PLP and DM-20 were labeled with all 3 precursors. PLP was purified from myelin labeled with14C-essential fatty acids. The label was then cleaved from the protein by alkaline methanolysis and was identified as a dienoic ([14C]linoleate) or a tetraenoic ([14C]linolenate) fatty acid. MBP was not labeled with [3H]myristate, but was slightly labeled with both14C-essential fatty acids. The signification of the latter result is discussed.Abbreviations FA fatty acid(s) - HPTLC high-performance thin-layer chromatography - MBP myelin basic protein - PLP proteolipid protein - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine and ethanolamine plasmalogens - PI phosphatidylinositol - PS phosphatidylserine - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of ethanol into the phospholipid pool of calf pulmonary artery endothelial cells was studied. [14C]-ethanol was incorporated into various endothelial cell phospholipids including phosphatidylethanol (PEth), which may represent a substantial fraction in microdomains of membrane phospholipids. The incorporation into phospholipids was reduced in the presence of pyrazole and cyanamide, inhibitors of ethanol metabolism. Wortmannin, the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor, increased [14C]-PEth formation. [3H]-acetate was also incorporated into endothelial cell phospholipids but in a different pattern. Distribution of [3H]-acetate and [14C]-ethanol into the fatty acyl moiety versus the glycerophosphoryl backbone of the phospholipids was also different. Stimulation of the endothelial cells with ATP increased [3H]-acetate incorporation into platelet-activating factor (PAF) and ethanol decreased it. Ethanol exposure increased ATP-stimulated [3H]-acetate incorporation into sphingomyelin. However, ATP had no effect on the incorporation of [14C]-ethanol into any phospholipids. The results suggest that the two precursors contribute to a separate acetate pool and that the sphingomyelin cycle may be sensitized in ethanol-treated cells. Thus, metabolic conversions of ethanol into lipids and the effect of ethanol on specific lipid mediators, e.g PAF, PEth and sphingomyelin, may be critical determinants in the altered responses of the endothelium in alcoholism.  相似文献   

D-Mannoheptulose was recently postulated to be transported into cells by GLUT2. The validity of such an hypothesis was assessed by comparing the uptake of tritiated D-mannoheptulose by pancreatic islets versus pieces of pancreas and, in the latter case, by comparing results obtained in control rats versus animals injected with streptozotocin (STZ). The uptake of D-[3H] mannoheptulose by islets represents a time-related and temperature-sensitive process, inhibited by cytochalasin B and enhanced by D-glucose. The uptake of the tritiated heptose was much lower in pieces of pancreatic tissue and inhibited by D-glucose, at least in the STZ rats. Whether in pieces of pancreas exposed in vitro to D-[3H] mannoheptulose or after intravenous injection of the tritiated heptose, the radioactive content of the pancreatic tissue was lower in STZ rats than in control animals. This contrasted with an unaltered radioactive content of liver and muscle in the STZ rats, at least when treated with insulin. Suitably radiolabelled D-mannoheptulose or an analogue of the heptose could thus conceivably be used for quantification of the endocrine pancreatic mass.  相似文献   

L Halmy  T Fehér 《Endokrinologie》1976,67(2):184-191
[4-14C]-Dehydroepiandrosterone and [7 alpha-3H]-Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate were injected simultaneously to normal and obese female subjects. The percentage recovery of 14C and 3H radioactivies in dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, androsterone sulphate, etiocholanolone sulphate, androsterone glucuronoside and etiocholanolone glucuronoside was determined in the day-to-day urine collections for 72 hr. Results showed a normal total 3H recovery and a poor 14C recovery in urinary conjugates of obese patients. The rate of appearance of 3H activity was not identical in the individual metabolites of normal subjects, and it was not normal in obesity. Overweight subjects exhibited an acceleration in [7 alpha-3H]-Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate metabolism to androsterone glucuronoside. The observation regarding the rate of appearance of urinary conjugates bearing 14C isotope correlate with our previous finding in which a glandular overproduction of free dehydroepiandrosterone was found and an uptake of this steroid by the adipose tissue was suggested. Our results showed that the poor recovery of 14C radioactivity in urine of obese female subjects was not an aspecific consequence of illness.  相似文献   

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