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Adult males and females of Desmognathus ochrophaeus were tested in two-choice substrate discrimination trials in which salamanders were given a choice of the marked substrates of opposite-sex individuals from their own population and from a geographically distinct population. Females exhibited a significant preference for the marked substrates of extrapopulation males, whereas there was no evidence that males made any such discrimination of the marked substrates of females. We suggest that females may utilize substrate cues to make initial assessments of potential mates. We compared data from substrate discrimination trials to random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles generated for each individual. There was no evidence that females made any distinction of substrate odours based on our assessment of genetic similarity. The estimated genetic differences between the two populations were minimal.  相似文献   

An important dimension of adaptive radiation is the degree to which diversification rates fluctuate or remain constant through time. Focusing on plethodontid salamanders of the genus Desmognathus, we present a novel synthetic analysis of phylogeographic history, rates of ecomorphological evolution and species accumulation, and community assembly in an adaptive radiation. Dusky salamanders are highly variable in life history, body size, and ecology, with many endemic lineages in the southern Appalachian Highlands of eastern North America. Our results show that life-history evolution had important consequences for the buildup of plethodontid-salamander species richness and phenotypic disparity in eastern North America, a global hot spot of salamander biodiversity. The origin of Desmognathus species with aquatic larvae was followed by a high rate of lineage accumulation, which then gradually decreased toward the present time. The peak period of lineage accumulation in the group coincides with evolutionary partitioning of lineages with aquatic larvae into seepage, stream-edge, and stream microhabitats. Phylogenetic simulations demonstrate a strong correlation between morphology and microhabitat ecology independent of phylogenetic effects and suggest that ecomorphological changes are concentrated early in the radiation of Desmognathus. Deep phylogeographic fragmentation within many codistributed ecomorph clades suggests long-term persistence of ecomorphological features and stability of endemic lineages and communities through multiple climatic cycles. Phylogenetic analyses of community structure show that ecomorphological divergence promotes the coexistence of lineages and that repeated, independent evolution of microhabitat-associated ecomorphs has a limited role in the evolutionary assembly of Desmognathus communities. Comparing and contrasting our results to other adaptive radiations having different biogeographic histories, our results suggest that rates of diversification during adaptive radiation are intimately linked to the degree to which community structure persists over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

We analysed mitochondrial (cytochrome  b ) nucleotide sequences, nuclear allozyme markers, and morphometric characters to investigate species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships among dusky salamanders ( Desmognathus ) in the southern Blue Ridge and adjacent Piedmont Physiographic Provinces of Virginia and North Carolina. Our results revealed four distinct mitochondrial DNA clades that are also characterized by distinct allozyme markers. One clade consists of sequences derived from populations distributed from New England to south-western Virginia that are referable to Desmognathus fuscus Rafinesque, 1820, although there is considerable sequence and allozyme divergence within this clade. A second clade consists of sequences derived from populations referable to Desmognathus planiceps Newman, 1955, a form that we resurrect from its long synonymy under D. fuscus . Desmognathus planiceps and D. fuscus also differ in mandibular tooth shape. Two other cytochrome  b sequences recovered from populations along the Blue Ridge escarpment in southern Virginia are quite divergent from those of the previous two clades, and these populations may represent yet another distinct species. Sequences from a population in the Brushy Mountains in the Piedmont of northern North Carolina are similar to those of Desmognathus carolinensis . Population groupings indicated by allozyme data generally correspond to the cytochrome  b clades. Cryptic diversity in Appalachian desmognathan salamanders clearly requires further study. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 115–130.  相似文献   

Many seasonally breeding vertebrate species have an associated reproductive pattern: mating behavior, gonadal activity, and peak circulating androgen levels occur simultaneously. In these species, androgens influence the expression of male mating behavior. Other species have a dissociated reproductive pattern: mating behavior occurs at a different time than peak gonadal activity. In such species, it is hypothesized that mating behavior is not dependent on androgen levels [Crews, D., 1984. Gamete production, sex hormone secretion, and mating behavior uncoupled. Horm. Behav. 18, 22-28]. The salamander Desmognathus ochrophaeus mates in the spring and fall while spermatogenesis occurs during the summer, suggesting that it has a dissociated reproductive pattern and that androgens do not mediate mating behavior. To assess whether mating behavior is regulated by gonadal androgens, we castrated males to reduce endogenous androgens and implanted testosterone propionate (TP) to restore androgen levels. Castrated males mated significantly less than did control males. Castrated males given TP mated as much as control males. Compared to controls, circulating androgen levels (both testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT)) were reduced in castrated males and elevated in castrated males given TP implants. We also found that plasma corticosterone (CORT) levels were strongly and positively correlated with T levels. Together, these data indicate that, although spermatogenesis is dissociated in time from mating behavior, androgens are associated with the expression of mating. Thus, the associated-dissociated dichotomy does not adequately describe the reproductive pattern of D. ochrophaeus. We discuss the limitations of the associated-dissociated framework in clarifying hormone-behavior relationships in reptiles and amphibians.  相似文献   

The largest genus of salamanders, Bolitoglossa (Plethodontidae), is widespread in tropical America, where it occurs in diverse habitats and elevations, from high elevation grasslands to lowland rain forest . It has the most extensive geographical range of any salamander genus. While most species occur in Middle America, it ranges throughout most of tropical South America as well. Phylogenetic analysis of 1196 bp of two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b , 16S RNA) from 55 species offers strong support for the monophyly of the genus and sorts the species into a number of clades. Taking into account morphology, distribution, general ecology, and prior systematic and taxonomic studies, we recognize seven subgenera, four of them new: Bolitoglossa Duméril, Bibron et Duméril, 1854, Eladinea Miranda Ribeiro, 1937, Magnadigita Taylor, 1944, Mayamandra , Nanotriton , Oaxakia and Pachymandra . All South American and some lower Middle American species are included in a single well -supported clade, Eladinea . At the species level our analyses uncover the existence of large genetic diversity within morphologically homogeneous taxa. We propose the new combination: B. (Eladinea) paraensis (Unterstein, 1930) stat. nov. , for Brazilian salamanders previously included under B. altamazonica . We evaluate evidence for the multiple colonization of the tropical lowlands by morphologically derived species groups. South America was invaded by members of one clade, Eladinea , which we infer to have dispersed to South America prior to closure of the Panamanian Portal. Despite the relatively long history of salamanders in South America, that continent now accounts for a relatively small proportion of the lineages and species of neotropical salamanders.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 81 , 325–346.  相似文献   

Plethodontid salamanders of the genus Desmognathus exhibit varying levels of genetic differentiation among and within both allopatric and sympatric taxa. This provides excellent opportunities to study population differentiation and speciation. Two morphologically similar species in this genus, D. imitator and D. ochrophaeus, are genetically well-differentiated from one another and occur in sympatry with no evidence of hybridization and introgression. We report that the degree of sexual isolation between these two species is very high, regardless of whether the populations under comparison are allopatric or sympatric with one another. Neither reinforcement nor reproductive character displacement are required to explain the evolution of sexual incompatibility in sympatry. Sexual behaviour apparently diverges while populations are allopatric with one another. Preliminary study indicates that D. imitator consists of populations among which there may be significant sexual isolation in the absence of detectable genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The time until salamanders voluntarily abandoned foraging (the water time limit) and the amount of water lost when salamanders abandoned foraging (dehydration deficit) were determined for terrestrial plethodontid salamanders, Desmognathus ochrophaeus, foraging at various vapor pressure gradients in the laboratory. Salamander activity was correlated with the rate of water loss and was inversely related to the water time limit. Animals at 0.35–0.86 kPa vapor pressure gradients abandoned foraging and returned to moist retreats significantly sooner than animals in water-saturated air. The early retreat of animals in dry air was related in part to high rates of water loss and in part to the modest dehydration deficit (3.8%) at which animals abandoned foraging. Locomotor performance and foraging ability were unaffected by dehydration until dehydration deficits exceeded 12%. This suggests that salamanders in unsaturated air abandoned foraging at a low dehydration deficit to conserve and replenish water reserves rather than to avoid outright incapacitation or death. Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada  相似文献   

Plethodontid salamanders of genus Bolitoglossa constitute the largest and most diverse group of salamanders, including around 20% of living caudate species. Recent studies have indicated the occurrence of five recognized species in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. We present here the first cytogenetic data of a Brazilian salamander, which may prove to be a useful by contribution to the cytotaxonomy of the genus. Specimens were collected near the “type” locality (Utinga, Belém, PA, Brazil). Chromosomal preparations from duodenal epithelial cells and testes were subjected to Giemsa staining, C-banding and DAPI/CMA3 fluorochrome staining. All specimens showed a karyotype with 13 bi-armed chromosome pairs (2n = 26). Nucleolar Organizer Regions, evidenced by CMA3, were located distally on the long arm of pair 7 (7q). DAPI+ heterochromatin was predominantly centromeric, with some small pericentromeric bands. Although the C-banding patterns of other Bolitoglossa species are so far unknown, cytogenetic studies conducted in other Plethodontid salamanders have demonstrated that pericentromeric heterochromatin is a useful cytological marker for identifying interspecific homeologies. Species diversification is usually accompanied by chromosomal changes. Therefore, the cytogenetic characterization of Bolitoglossa populations from the middle and western Brazilian Amazon Basin could identify differences which may lead to the identification of new species.  相似文献   

Three nucleotide data sets, two nuclear (ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2, ITS1 and ITS2) and one mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1, CO1), were analysed using distance matrix and maximum likelihood methods to determine the inter-relationships amongst the four species attributed to the genus Ichthyocotylurus Odening, 1969. Sequence data obtained from all gene loci investigated supported the position of Ichthyocotylurus variegatus as a species discrete from Ichthyocotylurus platycephalus. Phylogenetic analyses yielded congruent trees, with I. variegatus isolates comprising a common clade to which I. platycephalus constitutes a sister taxon. Ichthyocotylurus erraticus and Ichthyocotylurus pileatus were found to demonstrate a similarly close inter-specific relationship. The greatest intra-generic divergence occurred in the CO1 region (16% variability), with resultant disparities in three to eight encoded amino acids. PCR amplification yielded multiple ITS1 products for all Ichthyocotylurus spp. Analyses of equivalent-sized amplicons showed 5.4% intra-generic variation and several point mutations between I. variegatus isolates from different geographical localities and from different piscine hosts. The ITS2 locus was extremely conserved, with less than 1% variation between species. No intra-specific variation was recorded for any CO1 or ITS2 sequences.  相似文献   

Patterns of growth and variation of the appendicular skeleton were examined in Thorius, a speciose genus of minute terrestrial plethodontid salamanders from southern Mexico. Observations were based primarily on ontogenetic series of each of five species that collectively span the range of adult body size in the genus; samples of adults of each of seven additional species provided supplemental estimates of the full range of variation of limb skeletal morphology. Limbs are generally reduced, i.e., pedomorphic, in both overall size and development, and they are characterized by a pattern of extreme variation in the composition of the limb skeleton, especially mesopodial elements, both within and between species. Fifteen different combinations of fused carpal or tarsal elements are variably present in the genus, producing at least 18 different overall carpal or tarsal arrangements, many of which occur in no other plethodontid genus. As many as four carpal or tarsal arrangements were observed in single population samples of each of several; five tarsal arrangements were observed in one population of T. minutissimus. Left-right asymmetry of mesopodial arrangement in a given specimen is also common. In contrast, several unique, nonpedomorphic features of the limb skeleton, including ossification of the typically cartilaginous adult mesopodial elements and ontogenetic increase in the degree of ossification of long bones, are characteristic of all species and distinguish Thorius from most related genera. They form part of a mechanism of determinate skeletal growth that restricts skeletal growth after sexual maturity. Interspecific differences in the timing of the processes of appendicular skeletal maturation relative to body size are well correlated with interspecific differences in mean adult size and size at sexual maturity, suggesting that shifts in the timing of skeletal maturation provide a mechanism of achieving adult size differentiation among species. Processes of skeletal maturation that confer determinate skeletal growth in Thorius are analogous to those typical of most amniotes – both groups exhibit ontogenetic reduction and eventual disappearance of the complex of stratified layers of proliferating and maturing cartilage in long bone epiphyses – but, unlike most amniotes, Thorius lacks secondary ossification centers. Thus, the presence of secondary ossification centers cannot be used as a criterion for establishing determinate skeletal growth in all vertebrates.  相似文献   

Macroderoides minutus n. sp. is described based on specimens collected from the Florida gar (Lepisosteus platyrhincus) from Orange Lake, Alachua County, Florida. The new species is the ninth recognized species of Macroderoides and is morphologically closest to Macroderoides flavus and Macroderoides typicus. It differs from both species in having a smaller body, ventral sucker larger than the oral sucker, substantially lower body length to width ratio, fewer and larger eggs, and other characters. A comparison of sequences of nuclear rDNA (partial 18S, complete ITS region, and partial 28S) of the new species, with sequences of 5 other Macroderoides, convincingly supports the status of M. minutus as a new species. Molecular phylogenetic analysis, including all North American Macroderoides species except for Macroderoides parvus, has demonstrated the presence of 2 distinct clades, 1 including Macroderoides spinifer + (Macroderoides minutus n. sp. + Macroderoides texanus) and the other including Macroderoides trilobatus + (M. typicus + M. flavus). The tree topology suggests that the similarity in body proportions among M. minutus n. sp., M. typicus + M. flavus is not a result of close phylogenetic relationship. It has also revealed for the first time the phylogenetic affinities of M. flavus, which is the only North American member of Macroderoides that switched from holostean fishes to teleosts.  相似文献   

Paul A.  Verrell 《Journal of Zoology》1995,235(3):515-523
The courtship behaviour of the North American southern dusky salamander, Desmognathus fuscus conanti (Plethodontidae), is described for the first time. The male is the most active participant, as is typical for caudate amphibians, and much of his behaviour can be understood in terms of orientation to and stimulation (or persuasion) of the female. The latter is largely accomplished by the transfer of courtship pheromones from the male's mental (chin) gland. The orientation and persuasion phases of courtship appear necessary if sperm transfer by means of a spermatophore deposited upon the substratum is to be successful. The courtship of D. fuscus conanti is qualitatively identical to that of D. santeetlah , with which it is sexually compatible in the laboratory and with which it may hybridize in nature. However, a broader comparison of species in the genus Desmognathus reveals that the greatest interspecific differences occur during the orientation and persuasion phases of courtship. A complete understanding of the evolution of courtship behaviour in desmognathine salamanders awaits availability of ethograms for all other taxa and a robust, independent phytogeny for the entire subfamily.  相似文献   

The hawkmoth genus Hyles is one of 15 genera in the subtribe Choerocampina of the subfamily Macroglossinae. Due to a remarkable uniformity, morphological characters usually used to identify and classify Lepidoptera at the species level cannot be used in this genus. Instead, we used DNA sequences comprising about 2300 bp derived from the mitochondrial genes COX I, COX II, and tRNA-leucine to elucidate the phylogeny of Hyles. The results corroborate the monophyly of Hyles but conflict with previous internal classifications of the genus based on morphology. Hyles seems to have evolved in the Neotropics during the Oligocene/Eocene epochs and the molecular data (which evolved clock-like) confirm the hypothesis that it is a very young genus that radiated on a global scale rather quickly. We hypothesize its sister group to be one of the genera Deilephila, Theretra or Xylophanes. The Nearctic may have been colonized rapidly by Hyles once the land bridge formed during the Pliocene, since within this same Epoch, the invasion of the Palaearctic appears to have proceeded from the East, via the Bering route. The colonization of Australia appears to have occurred rather early in Hyles radiation, although the route is not clear. We propose that the radiation of the Hyles euphorbiae-complex s. str. (HEC) occurred as recently as the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary and that its roots can still be reconstructed in Asia. Hyles dahlii is closely related to the HEC, but a sister group relationship to the HEC s. str. cannot be corroborated unequivocally. HEC population ranges appear to have tracked climate oscillations during the Pleistocene Ice Ages, resulting in hybridization around the Mediterranean Sea as they repeatedly intermingled. Comparison of the phylogeny with food plant affiliations leads us to hypothesize that Euphorbia monophagy evolved at least two times independently within Hyles.  相似文献   

Cranial skeletal morphology, ontogeny and variation are examined in five species of Thorius , a genus of diminutive plethodontid salamanders that are among the smallest, extant, tailed tetrapods. The skull of adull Thorius is characterized by: (1) limited development or absence of several ossified elements and dentition; (2) increased inter-and intraspecific variability; (3) novel morphological configurations of the braincase and jaw suspensorium. Posthatching cranial mineralization in all species of Thorius is truncated precociously with respect to that typical of larger and more generalized plethodontid genera, such as Pseudoeurycea. These features implicate paedomorphosis as a predominant mechanism responsible for the evolution of decreased size in Thorius from larger plethodontid ancestors. Interspecific differences in cranial morphology are evident; species may be characterized by greater or lesser degrees of truncated development. However, there is no consistent relationship between degree of paedomorphosis and mean adult body size in interspecific comparisons. Adult morphology of several individual elements represent potentially useful taxonomic characters for distinguishing species.
Reduction, increased variability, and morphological novelty are common to many lineages of dwarfed taxa. They represent a null hypothesis for examination of the developmental mechanisms and morphological consequences of miniaturization in other groups.  相似文献   

1. We examined the time courses of thermal acclimation for critical thermal minima (CTMin) in the salamanders Desmognathus quadramaculatus, D. monticola, D. ochrophaeus, and Plethodon jordani. 2. D. quadramaculatus showed no annual differences in their time courses, but we noted seasonal differences in the CTMin with these salamanders having lower CTMin in the spring. 3. Gain in CTMin (25 degrees C to 5 degrees C transfer) was faster than its corresponding loss (5 degrees C to 25 degrees C transfer) in D. quadramaculatus. 4. Comparison of all three Desmognathus species revealed no differences in the CTMin for the 5 degrees C to 25 degrees C time courses, but P. jordani had lower CTMin than corresponding D. quadramaculatus. 5. Our results indicate that the pattern of CTMin acclimation correlates with the constraints acting on salamanders in their natural environment.  相似文献   

The canal-bearing diatom genus Nagumoea, described based on only morphological evidence, was tentatively assigned to the order Bacillariales, although its phylogenetic position remained unclear. Because three isolates of Nagumoea (SK002, SK024 and SK053) were successfully established from Japanese coasts, we performed their morphological observations and molecular phylogenetic analyses to discuss the phylogeny and taxonomic position of this genus. Strains SK002 and SK024 were identified as Nagumoea africana, whereas SK053 conformed with Nagumoea serrata. There was high interspecific divergence between N. africana and N. serrata in the rbcL sequences (8.03–8.17%), indicating their distinctness. Furthermore, intraspecific variations were detected within N. africana (2.35%) in the rbcL, implying its cryptic diversity. The maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic trees inferred from the plastid rbcL, psbC and nuclear 18S rDNA genes recovered Nagumoea as monophyletic with strong statistical support and embedded within an unresolved, poorly supported lineage containing Achnanthes, Craspedostauros, Staurotropis and Undatella in the canal-bearing order Bacillariales (= the family Bacillariaceae). Although the constrained tree based on the monophyly of Nagumoea and the other canal-bearing clade (Surirellales and Rhopalodiales) was statistically rejected by the topology tests, the phylogenetic position of Nagumoea with other Bacillarialean members remains equivocal. The possession of two plastids positioned fore and aft, observed in the present study, and lack of keel, typical of the Bacillariales, indicate the possibility of Nagumoea being part of the ingroup of the Bacillariales or its closely related outgroup.  相似文献   

The alignment of sperm in a cloacal sperm storage gland, the spermatheca, was studied in female desmognathine salamanders by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Females representing nine species and collected in spring, late summer, and fall in the southern Appalachian Mountains contained abundant sperm in their spermathecae. The spermatheca is a compound tubuloalveolar gland connected by a single common tube to the middorsal wall of the cloaca. Sperm enter the common tube in small groups aligned in parallel along their axes, and continue in a straight course until encountering divisions of the common tube (neck tubules) or luminal borders of distal bulbs, which can act as barriers. Sperm may form tangles, in which small clusters retain their mutual alignment, at the branches of the neck tubules from the common tube, or in the lumen of the distal bulbs, where subsequent waves of sperm collide with sperm already present. The nuclei of some sperm from the initial group to encounter the walls of the distal bulbs appear to become embedded in secretory material on the luminal border or in the apical cytoplasm of the spermathecal epithelial cells. We propose that these sperm become trapped in the spermatheca and are ultimately degraded. J. Morphol. 238:143–155, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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