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It has recently become apparent that many strains ofE. coli contain nucleases encoded by themcrA andmcrB loci that, recognize the modified base 5-methylcytosine in DNA. Plant DNAs have particularly high levels of this modification and the activity of these 5-methylcytosine-specific nucleases is particularly relevant to cloning plant genomic DNAs. We show here that for preparing libraries in a λ replacement vector, the use of suitablemcr hosts andmcr packaging mixes can increase the efficiency of cloning of plant genomic DNAs by at least two orders of magnitude. We also provide evidence that the activity of themcr nucleases is probably a significant source of bias in the representation of sequences in plant genomic libraries.  相似文献   

lexA dependent recombination in uvrD strains of Escherichia coli   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Mutation of the uvrD gene of Escherichia coli is associated with an increased capacity for genetic recombination. The hyper-recombination effect is abolished by an additional mutation in lexA that limits synthesis of RecA protein and other gene products regulated by LexA repressor, and is not restored when increased synthesis of RecA protein is facilitated by a recAoc mutation. The viability of uvrD lexA strains is reduced and revertants selected on the basis of improved growth fall into three categories: those that are lexA+, or carry another mutation in lexA that directly suppresses the lexA defect; recA mutants that have lost the capacity for recombination altogether; and a third class which carry a mutation that is not in lexA or recA and which restores the hyper-rec phenotype but does not otherwise suppress the lexA defect. These results indicate that the hyper-recombination effect of a uvrD mutation is an induced response catalysed by RecA protein and at least one other lexA regulated activity.  相似文献   

Directed evolution relies on both random and site-directed mutagenesis of individual genes and regulatory elements to create variants with altered activity profiles for engineering applications. Central to these experiments is the construction of large libraries of related variants. However, a number of technical hurdles continue to limit routine construction of random mutagenesis libraries in Escherichia coli, in particular, inefficiencies during digestion and ligation steps. Here, we report a restriction enzyme-free approach to library generation using megaprimers termed MegAnneal. Target DNA is first exponentially amplified using error-prone polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and then linearly amplified with a single 3′ primer to generate long, randomly mutated, single-stranded megaprimers. These are annealed to single-stranded dUTP-containing template plasmid and extended with T7 polymerase to create a complementary strand, and the resulting termini are ligated with T4 DNA ligase. Using this approach, we are able to reliably generate libraries of approximately 107 colony-forming units (cfu)/μg DNA/transformation in a single day. We have created MegAnneal libraries based on three different single-chain antibodies and identified variants with enhanced expression and ligand-binding affinity. The key advantages of this approach include facile amplification, restriction enzyme-free library generation, and a significantly reduced risk of mutations outside the targeted region and wild-type contamination as compared with current methods.  相似文献   

RecA protein is essential for homologous recombination and the repair of DNA double-strand breaks in Escherichia coli. The protein binds DNA to form nucleoprotein filaments that promote joint molecule formation and strand exchange in vitro. RecA polymerises on ssDNA in the 5'-3' direction and catalyses strand exchange and branch migration with a 5'-3' polarity. It has been reported previously, using D-loop assays, in which ssDNA (containing a heterologous block at one end) invades supercoiled duplex DNA that 3'-homologous ends are reactive, whereas 5'-ends are inactive. This polarity bias was thought to be due to the polarity of RecA filament formation, which results in the 3'-ends being coated in RecA, whereas 5'-ends remain naked. Using a range of duplex substrates containing ssDNA tails of various lengths and polarities, we now demonstrate that when no heterologous block is imposed, 5'-ends are just as reactive as 3'-ends. Moreover, using short-tailed substrates, we find that 5'-ends form more stable D-loops than 3'-ends. This bias may be a consequence of the instability of short 3'-joints. With more physiological substrates containing long ssDNA tails, we find that RecA shows no intrinsic preference for 5' or 3'-ends and that both form D-loop complexes with high efficiency.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli alkA mutants, which are deficient for an inducible DNA glycosylase, 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase II, are sensitive to mutagenesis by low doses of the alkylating agent N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). As many as 90% of the alkA-dependent mutations induced by MNNG are also umuC+ dependent and thus are due to DNA lesions that are substrates for the mutagenic functions of the SOS response. A great number of these mutations are base substitutions at A . T sites, particularly A . T transversions. We discuss which DNA lesions may be responsible for these mutations. Our results show that the induction of 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase II, which occurs as part of the adaptive response to alkylating agents such as MNNG, significantly reduces the mutagenicity as well as the lethality of alkylation damage.  相似文献   

The involvement of the Escherichia coli rep protein in the replication of M13 chimeric deoxyribonucleic acids (DNAs) carrying the E. coli chromosomal DNA replication origin (oriC) has been examined. Previous studies indicate that the cloning of a 3,550-base-pair sequence of chromosomal DNA containing oriC into an M13 vector allows extensive replication of the M13 oriC chimeric DNA in an E. coli rep-3 mutant. We have extended these studies by preparing a 330-base-pair deletion that specifically deletes the oriC sequence in the M13 oriC DNAs, to demonstrate that the replication observed in the rep-3 host is dependent on the cloned origin. Thus, a DNA-unwinding enzyme other than the rep protein may be involved in the strand separation process accompanying replication which initiates at oriC in the M13 oriC chimeric DNAs and in the E. coli chromosome. The rep assay used for assessing the functionality of the cloned oriC is useful for analysis of any rep-independent origin of replication functional in E. coli. A direct selection for a cloned origin of replication is possible in the rep-3 recA56 host. Since the cloned origin is nonessential for propagation of the M13 chimeric phage in a rep+ host, mutations in the cloned origin may be constructed, and the mutant phage may be examined by a simple transductional analysis of the rep-3 recA56 mutant strain.  相似文献   

Cell elongation in strains of Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  

Various streptomyces strains [Streptomyces lividans 66, Streptomyces vinaceus, and Strepotmyces coelicolor A3 (2)] acquired the ability to utilize crystalline cellulose (Avicel) after transformation with a multicopy vector containing the cel-1 gene from Streptomyces reticuli. The expression level in these hosts was two to three times lower than in S. reticuli, indicating the absence of positive regulatory elements. Like S. reticuli, they processed the Avicelase to its catalytic domain and to an enzymatically inactive part. The cel-1 gene with its original upstream region was not expressed within Escherichia coli. When cel-1 had been fused in phase with the lacZ gene, large quantities of the fusion protein were produced in E. coli. However, this protein was enzymatically inactive and proteolytically degraded to a series of truncated forms. As the cellulase (Avicelase) synthesized by S. reticuli is not cleaved by the E. coli proteases, its posttranslational modification is proposed. With Bacillus subtilis as host, the cel-1 gene was expressed neither under its own promoter nor under the control of a strong Bacillus promoter.  相似文献   

In the present study, we measured the accumulation of glutamate after hyperosmotic shock in Escherichia coli growing in synthetic medium. The accumulation was high in the medium containing sucrose at a pH above 8 and decreased with decreases in the medium pH. The same results were obtained when the hyperosmotic shock was carried out with sodium chloride. The internal level of potassium ions in cells growing at a high pH was higher than that in cells growing in a neutral medium. A mutant deficient in transport systems for potassium ions accumulated glutamate upon hyperosmotic stress at a high pH without a significant increase in the internal level of potassium ions. When the medium osmolarity was moderate at a pH below 8, E. coli accumulated gamma-aminobutyrate and the accumulation of glutamate was low. These data suggest that E. coli uses different osmolytes for hyperosmotic adaptation at different environmental pHs.  相似文献   

The CpxA-CpxR two-component signal transduction pathway of Escherichia coli was studied in a mutant (pss-93) lacking phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Several properties of this mutant are comparable to phenotypes of cpxA point mutants, indicating that this two-component pathway is activated in PE-deficient cells. In contrast to point mutants, cpx operon null mutants have a wild-type phenotype. By use of this information, a cpx operon null allele was introduced into a pss-93 mutant. Certain altered properties of PE-deficient mutants, which were consistent with activation of the Cpx pathway, returned to the wild-type phenotype, namely, active accumulation of proline and thiomethyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside was partially restored to wild-type levels, increased resistance to amikacin returned to wild-type sensitivity, and high levels of degP expression returned to repressed wild-type levels. Elevated levels of acetyl phosphate and nlpE gene product can result in activation of the Cpx pathway. However, inactivation of the nlpE gene or mutations eliminating the ability to make acetyl phosphate did not alter the high level of degP expression in pss-93 mutants. We propose that the lack of PE results in an alteration in cell envelope structure or physical properties, leading to direct activation of the Cpx pathway.  相似文献   

The penicillin tolerance of amino acid-deprived relA+ Escherichia coli is attributed to the stringent response; i.e., relaxation of the stringent response suppresses penicillin tolerance. The beta-lactam-induced lysis of amino acid-deprived bacteria resulting from relaxation of the stringent response was inhibited by cerulenin, or by glycerol deprivation in the case of a gpsA mutant (defective in the biosynthetic sn-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase). Therefore, beta-lactam-induced lysis of amino acid-deprived cells was dependent on phospholipid synthesis. The lysis process during amino acid deprivation can be experimentally dissociated into two stages designated the priming stage (during which the interaction between the beta-lactam and the penicillin-binding proteins occurs) and the beta-lactam-independent lysis induction stage. Both stages were shown to require phospholipid synthesis. It has been known for some time that the inhibition of phospholipid synthesis is among the plethora of physiological changes resulting from the stringent response. These results indicate that the inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis and the penicillin tolerance associated with the stringent response are both secondary consequences of the inhibition of phospholipid synthesis.  相似文献   

A 205bp DNA fragment from the Streptomyces multi-copy plasmid pIJ101 has in vivo terminator activity both in Streptomyces lividans and in Escherichia coli. Termination of RNA synthesis, detected by high-resolution S1 nuclease mapping, occurs at precisely the same nucleotides in both organisms. This suggests that the E. coli RNA polymerase recognizes the same sequence elements and chooses the point(s) of termination in the same way as the corresponding S. lividans enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant of Escherichia coli B has been isolated which shows a novel phenotype of spectinomycin dependence. The mutant, termed RD, needs spectinomycin to grow at temperatures of 37° or below; it is unable to grow at 42° in either the presence or absence of spectinomycin. Secondary mutants which grow well in the absence of spectinomycin can be isolated spontaneously at a frequency of about 10-6. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of ribosomal proteins from 25 of these revertants showed that two revertants had an alteration in S4; one other showed an alteration in L5, and one showed an apparent absence of L1. Mutant RD itself had an altered less basic S5, which was maintained in all the revertants that were checked.Genetic analysis indicated that RD was a double mutant: one mutation, which alone conferred a spectinomycin resistant phenotype on the strain, was located in the strA region of the E. coli chromosome and was represented by the mutation in S5. The other mutation, which conferred the dependence on spectinomycin, mapped close to the rif locus.  相似文献   

A gene required for growth and viability in recA mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 was identified. This gene, rdgB (for Rec-dependent growth), mapped near 64 min on the E. coli genetic map. In a strain carrying a temperature-sensitive recA allele, recA200, and an rdgB mutation, DNA synthesis but not protein synthesis ceased after 80 min of incubation at 42 degrees C, and there was extensive DNA degradation. The rdgB mutation alone had no apparent effect on DNA synthesis or growth; however, mutant strains did show enhanced intrachromosomal recombination and induction of the SOS regulon. The rdgB gene was cloned and its-gene product identified through the construction and analysis of deletion and insertion mutations of rdgB-containing plasmids. The ability of a plasmid to complement an rdgB recA mutant was correlated with its ability to produce a 25-kilodalton polypeptide as detected by the maxicell technique.  相似文献   

AI-3 synthesis is not dependent on luxS in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The quorum-sensing (QS) signal autoinducer-2 (AI-2) has been proposed to promote interspecies signaling in a broad range of bacterial species. AI-2 is spontaneously derived from 4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione that, along with homocysteine, is produced by cleavage of S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) and S-ribosylhomocysteine by the Pfs and LuxS enzymes. Numerous phenotypes have been attributed to AI-2 QS signaling using luxS mutants. We have previously reported that the luxS mutation also affects the synthesis of the AI-3 autoinducer that activates enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli virulence genes. Here we show that several species of bacteria synthesize AI-3, suggesting a possible role in interspecies bacterial communication. The luxS mutation leaves the cell with only one pathway, involving oxaloacetate and l-glutamate, for de novo synthesis of homocysteine. The exclusive use of this pathway for homocysteine production appears to alter metabolism in the luxS mutant, leading to decreased levels of AI-3. The addition of aspartate and expression of an aromatic amino acid transporter, as well as a tyrosine-specific transporter, restored AI-3-dependent phenotypes in an luxS mutant. The defect in AI-3 production, but not in AI-2 production, in the luxS mutant was restored by expressing the Pseudomonas aeruginosa S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase that synthesizes homocysteine directly from SAH. Furthermore, phenotype microarrays revealed that the luxS mutation caused numerous metabolic deficiencies, while AI-3 signaling had little effect on metabolism. This study examines how AI-3 production is affected by the luxS mutation and explores the roles of the LuxS/AI-2 system in metabolism and QS.  相似文献   

Three independent parameters (eclipse and latent periods, and rate of ripening during the rise period) are essential and sufficient to describe bacteriophage development in its bacterial host. A general model to describe the classical "one-step growth" experiment [Rabinovitch et al. (1999a) J. Bacteriol.181, 1687-1683] allowed their calculations from experimental results obtained with T4 in Escherichia coli B/r under different growth conditions [Hadas et al. (1997) Microbiology143, 179-185]. It is found that all three parameters could be described by their dependence solely on the culture doubling time tau before infection. Their functional dependence on tau, derived by a best-fit analysis, was used to calculate burst size values. The latter agree well with the experimental results. The dependence of the derived parameters on growth conditions can be used to predict phage development under other experimental manipulations.  相似文献   

S Wold  K Skarstad  H B Steen  T Stokke    E Boye 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(9):2097-2102
It is widely accepted that the initiation mass of Escherichia coli is constant and independent of growth rate, and therefore is an important parameter in the regulation of initiation of DNA replication. We have used flow cytometry to measure the initiation mass of E. coli K-12 cells as a function of growth rate. The average initiation mass was determined by two methods: (i) from a mathematical relationship between average cell mass, cell age at initiation and number of origins present in the cells, and (ii) directly from the cell mass distribution. The light scattering signal from individual cells and the protein content per cell were employed as measures of cell mass. The initiation mass was found to increase monotonically with decreasing growth rate, being 1.6 times higher (light scattering) or 2.1 times higher (protein content) at 0.3 than at 2.5 doublings per hour. We conclude that the initiation mass is dependent on growth rate. This finding indicates that the control for timing of initiation is not governed by a direct connection between mass accumulation and the molecule(s) determining initiation of replication.  相似文献   

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