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Elevated levels of the second messenger cyclic dimeric GMP, c‐di‐GMP, promote transition of bacteria from single motile cells to surface‐attached multicellular communities. Here we describe a post‐translational mechanism by which c‐di‐GMP initiates this transition in enteric bacteria. High levels of c‐di‐GMP induce the counterclockwise bias in Escherichia coli flagellar rotation, which results in smooth swimming. Based on co‐immunoprecipitation, two‐hybrid and mutational analyses, the E. coli c‐di‐GMP receptor YcgR binds to the FliG subunit of the flagellum switch complex, and the YcgR–FliG interaction is strengthened by c‐di‐GMP. The central fragment of FliG binds to YcgR as well as to FliM, suggesting that YcgR–c‐di‐GMP biases flagellum rotation by altering FliG‐FliM interactions. The c‐di‐GMP‐induced smooth swimming promotes trapping of motile bacteria in semi‐solid media and attachment of liquid‐grown bacteria to solid surfaces, whereas c‐di‐GMP‐dependent mechanisms not involving YcgR further facilitate surface attachment. The YcgR–FliG interaction is conserved in the enteric bacteria, and the N‐terminal YcgR/PilZN domain of YcgR is required for this interaction. YcgR joins a growing list of proteins that regulate motility via the FliG subunit of the flagellum switch complex, which suggests that FliG is a common regulatory entryway that operates in parallel with the chemotaxis that utilizes the FliM‐entryway.  相似文献   

Cyclic diadenosine monophosphate (c‐di‐AMP) is a conserved nucleotide second messenger critical for bacterial growth and resistance to cell wall‐active antibiotics. In Listeria monocytogenes, the sole diadenylate cyclase, DacA, is essential in rich, but not synthetic media and ΔdacA mutants are highly sensitive to the β‐lactam antibiotic cefuroxime. In this study, loss of function mutations in the oligopeptide importer (oppABCDF) and glycine betaine importer (gbuABC) allowed ΔdacA mutants to grow in rich medium. Since oligopeptides were sufficient to inhibit growth of the ΔdacA mutant we hypothesized that oligopeptides act as osmolytes, similar to glycine betaine, to disrupt intracellular osmotic pressure. Supplementation with salt stabilized the ΔdacA mutant in rich medium and restored cefuroxime resistance. Additional suppressor mutations in the acetyl‐CoA binding site of pyruvate carboxylase (PycA) rescued cefuroxime resistance and resulted in a 100‐fold increase in virulence of the ΔdacA mutant. PycA is inhibited by c‐di‐AMP and these mutations prompted us to examine the role of TCA cycle enzymes. Inactivation of citrate synthase, but not down‐stream enzymes suppressed ΔdacA phenotypes. These data suggested that c‐di‐AMP modulates central metabolism at the pyruvate node to moderate citrate production and indeed, the ΔdacA mutant accumulated six times the concentration of citrate present in wild‐type bacteria.  相似文献   

In contrast to numerous enzymes involved in c‐di‐GMP synthesis and degradation in enterobacteria, only a handful of c‐di‐GMP receptors/effectors have been identified. In search of new c‐di‐GMP receptors, we screened the Escherichia coli ASKA overexpression gene library using the Differential Radial Capillary Action of Ligand Assay (DRaCALA) with fluorescently and radioisotope‐labelled c‐di‐GMP. We uncovered three new candidate c‐di‐GMP receptors in E. coli and characterized one of them, BcsE. The bcsE gene is encoded in cellulose synthase operons in representatives of Gammaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria. The purified BcsE proteins from E. coli, Salmonella enterica and Klebsiella pneumoniae bind c‐di‐GMP via the domain of unknown function, DUF2819, which is hereby designated GIL, G GDEF I ‐site l ike domain. The RxGD motif of the GIL domain is required for c‐di‐GMP binding, similar to the c‐di‐GMP‐binding I‐site of the diguanylate cyclase GGDEF domain. Thus, GIL is the second protein domain, after PilZ, dedicated to c‐di‐GMP‐binding. We show that in S. enterica, BcsE is not essential for cellulose synthesis but is required for maximal cellulose production, and that c‐di‐GMP binding is critical for BcsE function. It appears that cellulose production in enterobacteria is controlled by a two‐tiered c‐di‐GMP‐dependent system involving BcsE and the PilZ domain containing glycosyltransferase BcsA.  相似文献   

In many bacterial pathogens, the second messenger c‐di‐GMP stimulates the production of an exopolysaccharide (EPS) matrix to shield bacteria from assaults of the immune system. How c‐di‐GMP induces EPS biogenesis is largely unknown. Here, we show that c‐di‐GMP allosterically activates the synthesis of poly‐β‐1,6‐N‐acetylglucosamine (poly‐GlcNAc), a major extracellular matrix component of Escherichia coli biofilms. C‐di‐GMP binds directly to both PgaC and PgaD, the two inner membrane components of the poly‐GlcNAc synthesis machinery to stimulate their glycosyltransferase activity. We demonstrate that the PgaCD machinery is a novel type c‐di‐GMP receptor, where ligand binding to two proteins stabilizes their interaction and promotes enzyme activity. This is the first example of a c‐di‐GMP‐mediated process that relies on protein–protein interaction. At low c‐di‐GMP concentrations, PgaD fails to interact with PgaC and is rapidly degraded. Thus, when cells experience a c‐di‐GMP trough, PgaD turnover facilitates the irreversible inactivation of the Pga machinery, thereby temporarily uncoupling it from c‐di‐GMP signalling. These data uncover a mechanism of c‐di‐GMP‐mediated EPS control and provide a frame for c‐di‐GMP signalling specificity in pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Haem Nitric oxide/OXygen (H‐NOX) binding domains are a family of haemoprotein sensors that are widespread in bacterial genomes, but limited information is available on their function. Legionella pneumophila is the only prokaryote found, thus far, to encode two H‐NOX proteins. This paper presents data supporting a role for one of the L. pneumophila H‐NOXs in the regulation of biofilm formation. In summary: (i) unmarked deletions in the hnox1 gene do not affect growth rate in liquid culture or replication in permissive macrophages; (ii) the Δhnox1 strain displays a hyper‐biofilm phenotype; (iii) the gene adjacent to hnox1 is a GGDEF‐EAL protein, lpg1057, and overexpression in L. pneumophila of this protein, or the well‐studied diguanylate cyclase, vca0956, results in a hyper‐biofilm phenotype; (iv) the Lpg1057 protein displays diguanylate cyclase activity in vitro and this activity is inhibited by the Hnox1 protein in the Fe(II)‐NO ligation state, but not the Fe(II) unligated state; and (v) consistent with the Hnox1 regulation of Lpg1057, unmarked deletions of lpg1057 in the Δhnox1 background results in reversion of the hyper‐biofilm phenotype back to wild‐type biofilm levels. Taken together, these results suggest a role for hnox1 in regulating c‐di‐GMP production by lpg1057 and biofilm formation in response to NO.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of XC1028 from Xanthomonas campestris has been determined to a resolution of 2.15 Å using the multiple anomalous dispersion approach. It bears significant sequence identity and similarity values of 64.10% and 70.09%, respectively, with PA2960, a protein indispensable for type IV pilus‐mediated twitching motility, after which the PilZ motif was first named. However, both XC1028 and PA2960 lack detectable c‐di‐GMP binding capability. Although XC1028 adopts a structure comprising a five‐stranded β‐barrel core similar to other canonical PilZ domains with robust c‐di‐GMP binding ability, considerable differences are observed in the N‐terminal motif; XC1028 assumes a compact five‐stranded β‐barrel without an extra long N‐terminal motif, whereas other canonical PilZ domains contain a long N‐terminal sequence embedded with an essential “c‐di‐GMP switch” motif. In addition, a β‐strand (β1) in the N‐terminal motif, running in exactly opposite polarity to that of XC1028, is found inserted into the parallel β3/β1′ strands, forming a completely antiparallel β4↓β3↑β1↓β1′↑ sheet in the canonical PilZ domains. Such dramatic structural differences at the N‐terminus may account for the diminished c‐di‐GMP binding capability of XC1028, and suggest that interactions with additional proteins are necessary to bind c‐di‐GMP for type IV fimbriae assembly. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes and other pathogenic bacteria modify their peptidoglycan to protect it against enzymatic attack through the host innate immune system, such as the cell wall hydrolase lysozyme. During our studies on GpsB, a late cell division protein that controls activity of the bi‐functional penicillin binding protein PBP A1, we discovered that GpsB influences lysozyme resistance of L. monocytogenes as mutant strains lacking gpsB showed an increased lysozyme resistance. Deletion of pbpA1 corrected this effect, demonstrating that PBP A1 is also involved in this. Susceptibility to lysozyme mainly depends on two peptidoglycan modifying enzymes: The peptidoglycan N‐deacetylase PgdA and the peptidoglycan O‐acetyltransferase OatA. Genetic and biochemical experiments consistently demonstrated that the increased lysozyme resistance of the ΔgpsB mutant was PgdA‐dependent and OatA‐independent. Protein‐protein interaction studies supported the idea that GpsB, PBP A1 and PgdA form a complex in L. monocytogenes and identified the regions in PBP A1 and PgdA required for complex formation. These results establish a physiological connection between GpsB, PBP A1 and the peptidoglycan modifying enzyme PgdA. To our knowledge, this is the first reported link between a GpsB‐like cell division protein and factors important for escape from the host immune system.  相似文献   

The nucleotide second messenger c‐di‐GMP nearly ubiquitously promotes bacterial biofilm formation, with enzymes that synthesize and degrade c‐di‐GMP being controlled by diverse N‐terminal sensor domains. Here, we describe a novel class of widely occurring c‐di‐GMP phosphodiesterases (PDE) that feature a periplasmic “CSS domain” with two highly conserved cysteines that is flanked by two transmembrane regions (TM1 and TM2) and followed by a cytoplasmic EAL domain with PDE activity. Using PdeC, one of the five CSS domain PDEs of Escherichia coli K‐12, we show that DsbA/DsbB‐promoted disulfide bond formation in the CSS domain reduces PDE activity. By contrast, the free thiol form is enzymatically highly active, with the TM2 region promoting dimerization. Moreover, this form is processed by periplasmic proteases DegP and DegQ, yielding a highly active TM2 + EAL fragment that is slowly removed by further proteolysis. Similar redox control and proteolysis was also observed for a second CSS domain PDE, PdeB. At the physiological level, CSS domain PDEs modulate production and supracellular architecture of extracellular matrix polymers in the deeper layers of mature E. coli biofilms.  相似文献   

Production of cellulose, a stress response‐mediated process in enterobacteria, is modulated in Escherichia coli by the activity of the two pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthetic pathways, namely, the de novo biosynthetic pathway and the salvage pathway, which relies on the environmental availability of pyrimidine nitrogenous bases. We had previously reported that prevalence of the salvage over the de novo pathway triggers cellulose production via synthesis of the second messenger c‐di‐GMP by the DgcQ (YedQ) diguanylate cyclase. In this work, we show that DgcQ enzymatic activity is enhanced by UTP, whilst being inhibited by N‐carbamoyl‐aspartate, an intermediate of the de novo pathway. Thus, direct allosteric control by these ligands allows full DgcQ activity exclusively in cells actively synthesizing pyrimidine nucleotides via the salvage pathway. Inhibition of DgcQ activity by N‐carbamoyl‐aspartate appears to be favoured by protein‐protein interaction between DgcQ and PyrB, a subunit of aspartate transcarbamylase, which synthesizes N‐carbamoyl‐aspartate. Our results suggest that availability of pyrimidine bases might be sensed, somehow paradoxically, as an environmental stress by E. coli. We hypothesize that this link might have evolved since stress events, leading to extensive DNA/RNA degradation or lysis of neighbouring cells, can result in increased pyrimidine concentrations and activation of the salvage pathway.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a gram‐positive facultative intracellular bacterium, which replicates in the cytoplasm of myeloid cells. Interferon β (IFNβ) has been reported to play an important role in the mechanisms underlying Listeria disease. Although studies in murine cells have proposed the bacteria‐derived cyclic‐di‐AMP to be the key bacterial immunostimulatory molecule, the mechanism for IFNβ expression during L. monocytogenes infection in human myeloid cells remains unknown. Here we report that in human macrophages, Listeria DNA rather than cyclic‐di‐AMP is stimulating the IFN response via a pathway dependent on the DNA sensors IFI16 and cGAS as well as the signalling adaptor molecule STING. Thus, Listeria DNA is a major trigger of IFNβ expression in human myeloid cells and is sensed to activate a pathway dependent on IFI16, cGAS and STING.  相似文献   

Many bacterial pathogens that invade non-phagocytic cells first interact with host cell surface receptors. Adhesion to the host cell is followed by the activation of specific host signalling pathways that mediate bacterial internalization. The food-borne Gram-positive bacterium Listeria monocytogenes makes use of two surface proteins, internalin (InlA) and InlB to engage in a species-specific manner the adhesion molecule E-cadherin and the hepatocyte growth factor receptor Met, respectively, to induce its internalization. After entry, Listeria has the capacity to spread from cell to cell and disseminate to its target organs after breaching the intestinal, blood–brain and placental barriers in human. InlA but not InlB is critical for the crossing of the intestinal barrier, whereas the conjugated action of both InlA and InlB mediates the crossing of the placental barrier. Here we review the InlA–E-cadherin interaction, the signalling downstream of this interaction, the molecular mechanisms involved in bacterial internalization and the role of InlA–E-cadherin interaction in the breaching of host barriers and the progression to listeriosis. Together, this review illustrates how in vitro data were validated by epidemiological approaches and in vivo studies using both natural hosts and genetically engineered animal models, thereby elucidating key issues of listeriosis pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Since cell migration plays critical roles in development and homeostasis of the body, artificial control of cell migration would be promising for the treatment of various diseases related to migration. To this end, we previously developed single‐chain Fv (scFv)/receptor chimeras, named signalobodies, which can control cell fates via a specific antigen that is different from natural cytokines. Although a conventional chemotaxis chamber assay revealed that several signalobodies based on receptor tyrosine kinases transduced antigen‐dependent migration signals, we have never performed direct observation of the cells to obtain more information on overall properties of cell motility and migration. In this study, we utilized murine pro‐B Ba/F3 cells expressing either a scFv‐Fms or scFv‐Mpl signalobody, and compared their migratory characteristics. We employed a lipid–polyethylene glycol conjugate to softly immobilize the suspension cells on a slide, which facilitated direct observation of chemokinetic activity of the cells. Consequently, both cells markedly exhibited chemokinesis in response to a specific antigen. In addition, the cells were subjected to a stable antigen‐concentration gradient to observe horizontal directional cell migration in real time. The results showed that the cells expressing scFv‐Fms underwent directional migration toward a positive antigen‐concentration gradient. Taken together, we successfully demonstrated antigen‐responsive regulation of cell motility and migration via the signalobodies. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:411–417, 2014  相似文献   

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