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Myxococcus xanthus is a model bacterium to study social behavior. At the cellular level, the different social behaviors of M. xanthus involve extensive cell–cell contacts. Here, we used bioinformatics, genetics, heterologous expression and biochemical experiments to identify and characterize the key enzymes in M. xanthus implicated in O‐antigen and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis and examined the role of LPS O‐antigen in M. xanthus social behaviors. We identified WbaPMx (MXAN_2922) as the polyisoprenylphosphate hexose‐1‐phosphate transferase responsible for priming O‐antigen synthesis. In heterologous expression experiments, WbaPMx complemented a Salmonella enterica mutant lacking the endogenous WbaP that primes O‐antigen synthesis, indicating that WbaPMx transfers galactose‐1‐P to undecaprenyl‐phosphate. We also identified WaaLMx (MXAN_2919), as the O‐antigen ligase that joins O‐antigen to lipid A‐core. Our data also support the previous suggestion that WzmMx (MXAN_4622) and WztMx (MXAN_4623) form the Wzm/Wzt ABC transporter. We show that mutations that block different steps in LPS O‐antigen synthesis can cause pleiotropic phenotypes. Also, using a wbaPMx deletion mutant, we revisited the role of LPS O‐antigen and demonstrate that it is important for gliding motility, conditionally important for type IV pili‐dependent motility and required to complete the developmental program leading to the formation of spore‐filled fruiting bodies.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli O157 strains belonging to a distinct lineage and expressing different O‐antigen (Oag) lengths were isolated. Although the function of wzz in E. coli has not been adequately investigated, this gene is known to be associated with regulation of Oag length. Using E. coli O157:H7 ATCC43888 (wild‐type), several wzz mutants of E. coli O157, including a wzz deletion mutant, were generated and the relationship between the length of Oag modulated by the wzz gene and sensitivities to serum complement investigated. SDS–PAGE, immunoblot analyses and sensitivity tests to human serum complement were performed on these strains. The lengths of the O157‐antigen could be modulated by the wzz gene mutations and were classified into long, intermediate and short groups. The short chain mutant was more serum sensitive than the wild‐type strain and the other wzz mutants (P < 0.001). In conclusion, Oag chain length modulated by the wzz gene in E. coli O157 influences its sensitivities to serum complement. The present findings suggest that E. coli O157 strains with intermediate or long length Oag chains might show greater resistance to serum complement than those with short chains.  相似文献   

As natural killers of bacteria, bacteriophages have forced bacteria to develop a variety of defence mechanisms. The alteration of host receptors is one of the most common bacterial defence strategies against phage infection, which completely blocks phage attachment but comes at a potential fitness cost to the bacteria. Here, we report the cost‐free, transient emergence of phage resistance in Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium through a phase‐variable modification of the O‐antigen. Phage SPC35 typically requires BtuB as a host receptor but also uses the Salmonella O12‐antigen as an adsorption‐assisting apparatus for the successful infection of S. Typhimurium. The α‐1,4‐glucosylation of galactose residues in the O12‐antigen by phase variably expressed O‐antigen glucosylating genes, designated the LT 2 gtrABC1 cluster, blocks the adsorption‐assisting function of the O12‐antigen. Consequently, it confers transient SPC35 resistance to Salmonella without any mutations to the btuB gene. This temporal switch‐off of phage adsorption through phase‐variable antigenic modification may be widespread among Gram‐negative bacteria‐phage systems.  相似文献   

Wzz proteins regulate the degree of polymerization of the O antigen (Oag) subunits in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis. Although the pathogenic relevance of Oag is well recognized, the significance of Oag chain length regulation is not well defined. In this report, Salmonella typhimurium was shown to possess two functional wzz genes resulting in a bimodal Oag length distribution. In addition to the previously described wzzST that results in long (L) modal length LPS with 16-35 Oag repeat units (RUs), we now report that wzzfepE, a homologue of Escherichia coli fepE, is responsible for the production of very long (VL) modal length LPS Oag, estimated to contain> 100 Oag RUs. Analysis of a series of isogenic S. typhimurium C5 mutants found that the presence of either wzz gene (and hence either modal length) was sufficient for complement resistance and virulence in the mouse model of infection, suggesting a degree of redundancy in the role of these two wzz genes and their respective Oag modal lengths. In contrast, the wzzST/wzzfepE double mutant, with relatively short, random-length Oag, displayed enhanced susceptibility to complement and was highly attenuated in the mouse. This clearly demonstrates the molecular genetic basis for the longer LPS Oag chains previously identified as the basis of complement resistance in Salmonella. The presence of wzzfepE homologues in the genomic sequences of strains of Escherichia coli, Shigella flexneri and multiple serovars of Salmonella suggests that bimodality of LPS Oag is a common phenomenon in the Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

Sucrose non‐fermenting‐1‐related protein kinase‐1 (SnRK1) is an essential energy‐sensing regulator and plays a key role in the global control of carbohydrate metabolism. The SnRK1 gene has been found to increase starch accumulation in several plant species. However, its roles in improving starch quality have not been reported to date. In this study, we found that the IbSnRK1 gene was highly expressed in the storage roots of sweet potato and strongly induced by exogenous sucrose. Its expression followed the circandian rhythm. Its overexpression not only increased starch content, but also decreased proportion of amylose, enlarged granule size and improved degree of crystallinity and gelatinization in transgenic sweet potato, which revealed, for the first time, the important roles of SnRK1 in improving starch quality of plants. The genes involved in starch biosynthesis pathway were systematically up‐regulated, and the content of ADP‐glucose as an important precursor for starch biosynthesis and the activities of key enzymes were significantly increased in transgenic sweet potato. These findings indicate that IbSnRK1 improves starch content and quality through systematical up‐regulation of the genes and the increase in key enzyme activities involved in starch biosynthesis pathway in transgenic sweet potato. This gene has the potential to improve starch content and quality in sweet potato and other plants.  相似文献   

The anti‐feeding prophage (Afp), a phage‐tail‐like particle that causes cessation of feeding in the New Zealand grass grub, Costelytra zealandica, is encoded by 18 open reading frames (afp1–18). C‐terminal truncations of afp14 resulted in shortened Afp particles, suggesting that Afp14 is involved in Afp length determination. We constructed an Afp assembly system (afp1–18), wherein Afp14 was truncated after the N‐terminal 88 residues. This construct, when expressed in trans in Escherichia coli expressing a N‐terminal 98‐amino acid Afp14 construct, yielded fully assembled Afp but no assembled Afp was detected in the case of a N‐terminal 96‐amino acid Afp14 construct. These results suggested that the 98 N‐terminal, amino acid residues of Afp14 is crucial for the initiation of Afp assembly via baseplate formation. Trans‐based expression of wild‐type afp14 resulted in Afp particles of varying lengths, all of which were shorter than the wild‐type Afp particle. On the other hand, similar expression of Afp14 harboring a C‐terminal extension (KLLEH6) resulted in elongated Afp particles. This information, combined with bioinformatics data, allowed us to propose a model delineating the mechanism and role of Afp14 in the maturation of the Afp particle.  相似文献   



Non‐Helicobacter pylori helicobacters (NHPHs) besides H. pylori infect human stomachs and cause chronic gastritis and mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. Cholesteryl‐α‐glucosides have been identified as unique glycolipids present in H. pylori and some Helicobacter species. Cholesterol‐α‐glucosyltransferase (αCgT), a key enzyme for the biosynthesis of cholesteryl‐α‐glucosides, plays crucial roles in the pathogenicity of H. pylori. Therefore, it is important to examine αCgTs of NHPHs.

Materials and Methods

Six gastric NHPHs were isolated from Japanese patients and maintained in mouse stomachs. The αCgT genes were amplified by PCR and inverse PCR. We retrieved the αCgT genes of other Helicobacter species by BLAST searches in GenBank.


αCgT genes were present in most Helicobacter species and in all Japanese isolates examined. However, we could find no candidate gene for αCgT in the whole genome of Helicobacter cinaedi and several enterohepatic species. Phylogenic analysis demonstrated that the αCgT genes of all Japanese isolates show high similarities to that of a zoonotic group of gastric NHPHs including Helicobacter suis, Helicobacter heilmannii, and Helicobacter ailurogastricus. Of 6 Japanese isolates, the αCgT genes of 4 isolates were identical to that of H. suis, and that of another 2 isolates were similar to that of H. heilmannii and H. ailurogastricus.


All gastric NHPHs examined showed presence of αCgT genes, indicating that αCgT may be beneficial for these helicobacters to infect human and possibly animal stomachs. Our study indicated that NHPHs could be classified into 2 groups, NHPHs with αCgT genes and NHPHs without αCgT genes.  相似文献   

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is a process of considerable economic, ecological and scientific interest. The central enzyme nitrogenase reduces H+ alongside N2, and the evolving H2 allows a continuous and non‐invasive in vivo measurement of nitrogenase activity. The objective of this study was to show that an elaborated set‐up providing such measurements for periods as long as several weeks will produce specific insight into the nodule activity's dependence on environmental conditions and genotype features. A system was developed that allows the air‐proof separation of a root/nodule and a shoot compartment. H2 evolution in the root/nodule compartment can be monitored continuously. Nutrient solution composition, temperature, CO2 concentration and humidity around the shoots can concomitantly be maintained and manipulated. Medicago truncatula plants showed vigorous growth in the system when relying on nitrogen fixation. The set‐up was able to provide specific insights into nitrogen fixation. For example, nodule activity depended on the temperature in their surroundings, but not on temperature or light around shoots. Increased temperature around the nodules was able to induce higher nodule activity in darkness versus light around shoots for a period of as long as 8 h. Conditions that affected the N demand of the shoots (ammonium application, Mg or P depletion, super numeric nodules) induced consistent and complex daily rhythms in nodule activity. It was shown that long‐term continuous measurements of nodule activity could be useful for revealing special features in mutants and could be of importance when synchronizing nodule harvests for complex analysis of their metabolic status.  相似文献   

A panel of isogenic Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strains that vary only in the length of the O antigen was constructed through complementation of a wzz double mutant (displaying unregulated O-antigen length) with one of two homologous (wzzST and wzzfepE) or three heterologous (wzzO139 of Vibrio cholerae and wzzSF and wzzpHS-2 of Shigella flexneri) wzz genes. Each gene was functional in the S. enterica serovar Typhimurium host and specified production of O-antigen polymers with lengths typical of those synthesized by the donor bacteria (ranging from 2 to >100 O-antigen repeat units). By use of this panel of strains, it was found that O-antigen length influences invasion/uptake by macrophage cells; this is the first time this has been shown with Salmonella. O-antigen length was confirmed to be related to complement resistance, with a minimum protective length of >4 and <15 repeat units. O antigen of 16 to 35 repeat units was found to activate complement more efficiently than other lengths, but this was unrelated to complement resistance. No evidence was found to suggest that modifying the length of the O-antigen polymer affected expression of the O1, O4, or O5 antigenic factors.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of infection and extreme shedding patterns are common features of animal infectious diseases. Individual hosts that are super-shedders are key targets for control strategies. Nevertheless, the mechanisms associated with the emergence of super-shedders remain largely unknown. During chicken salmonellosis, a high heterogeneity of infection is observed when animal-to-animal cross-contaminations and reinfections are reduced. We hypothesized that unlike super-shedders, low-shedders would be able to block the first Salmonella colonization thanks to a different gut microbiota. The present study demonstrates that (i) axenic and antibiotic-treated chicks are more prone to become super-shedders; (ii) super or low-shedder phenotypes can be acquired through microbiota transfer; (iii) specific gut microbiota taxonomic features determine whether the chicks develop a low- and super-shedder phenotype after Salmonella infection in isolator; (iv) partial protection can be conferred by inoculation of four commensal bacteria prior to Salmonella infection. This study demonstrates the key role plays by gut microbiota composition in the heterogeneity of infection and pave the way for developing predictive biomarkers and protective probiotics.  相似文献   

Abstract Invasive species have been hypothesized to out‐compete natives though either a Jack‐of‐all‐trades strategy, where they are able to utilize resources effectively in unfavourable environments, a master‐of‐some, where resource utilization is greater than its competitors in favourable environments, or a combination of the two (Jack‐and‐master). We examined the invasive strategy of Berberis darwinii in New Zealand compared with four co‐occurring native species by examining germination, seedling survival, photosynthetic characteristics and water‐use efficiency of adult plants, in sun and shade environments. Berberis darwinii seeds germinated more in shady sites than the other natives, but survival was low. In contrast, while germination of B. darwinii was the same as the native species in sunny sites, seedling survival after 18 months was nearly twice that of the all native species. The maximum photosynthetic rate of B. darwinii was nearly double that of all native species in the sun, but was similar among all species in the shade. Other photosynthetic traits (quantum yield and stomatal conductance) did not generally differ between B. darwinii and the native species, regardless of light environment. Berberis darwinii had more positive values of δ13C than the four native species, suggesting that it gains more carbon per unit water transpired than the competing native species. These results suggest that the invasion success of B. darwinii may be partially explained by combination of a Jack‐of‐all‐trades scenario of widespread germination with a master‐of‐some scenario through its ability to photosynthesize at higher rates in the sun and, hence, gain a rapid height and biomass advantage over native species in favourable environments.  相似文献   

Substance use often starts in adolescence and poses a major problem for society and individual health. The dopamine system plays a role in substance use, and catechol‐O‐methyltransferase (COMT) is an important enzyme that degrades dopamine. The Val108/158Met polymorphism modulates COMT activity and thus dopamine levels, and has been linked to substance use. COMT gene methylation, on the other hand, may affect expression and thus indirectly COMT activity. We investigated whether methylation of the COMT gene was associated with adolescents' substance use. Furthermore, we explored whether the COMT Val108/158Met polymorphism interacts with COMT gene methylation in association with substance use. In 463 adolescents (mean age = 16, 50.8% girls), substance use (cigarette smoking, alcohol and cannabis use) was assessed with self‐report questionnaires. From blood samples, COMT Val108/158Met genotype and methylation rates of membrane bound (MB) and soluble (S) COMT promoters were assessed. MB‐COMT promoter methylation was associated with non‐daily smoking [odds ratio (OR) = 1.82, P = 0.03], but not with daily smoking (OR = 1.20, P = 0.34), MB‐COMT promoter methylation was not associated with alcohol use. Adolescents with the Met/Met genotype and high rates of MB‐COMT promoter methylation were less likely to be high‐frequent cannabis users than adolescents with the Val/Val or Val/Met genotype. S‐COMT promoter methylation was not associated with substance use. These results indicate that there is an association between substance use and COMT gene methylation. Although this association is complex, combining genetic and epigenetic variation of the COMT gene may be helpful in further elucidating the influence of the dopamine system on substance use in adolescence.  相似文献   

Virus‐inspired mimics for nucleic acid transportation have attracted much attention in the past decade, especially the derivative microenvironment stimuli‐responsive designs. In the present mini‐review, the smart designs of gene carriers that overcome biological barriers and realize an efficient delivery are categorized with respect to the different “triggers” provided by tumor cells, including pH, redox potentials, ATP, enzymes and reactive oxygen species. Some dual/multi‐responsive gene vectors have also been introduced that show a more precise and efficient delivery in the complicated environment of human body. In addition, inspired by the special recognition mechanisms and components of viruses, improvements in the design of carriers relating to targeting/penetration properties, as well as chemical component evolution, are also addressed.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a key innate immune response to intracellular parasites that promotes their delivery to degradative lysosomes following detection in the cytosol or within damaged vacuoles. Like Listeria and Shigella, which use specific mechanisms to avoid autophagic detection and capture, the bacterial pathogen Francisella tularensis proliferates within the cytosol of macrophages without demonstrable control by autophagy. To examine how Francisella evades autophagy, we screened a library of F. tularensis subsp. tularensis Schu S4 HimarFT transposon mutants in GFP‐LC3‐expressing murine macrophages by microscopy for clones localized within autophagic vacuoles after phagosomal escape. Eleven clones showed autophagic capture at 6 h post‐infection, whose HimarFT insertions clustered to fourgenetic loci involved in lipopolysaccharidic and capsular O‐antigen biosynthesis. Consistent with the HimarFT mutants, in‐frame deletion mutants of two representative loci, FTT1236 and FTT1448c (manC), lacking both LPS and capsular O‐antigen, underwent phagosomal escape but were cleared from the host cytosol. Unlike wild‐type Francisella, the O‐antigen deletion mutants were ubiquitinated, and recruited the autophagy adaptor p62/SQSTM1 and LC3 prior to cytosolic clearance. Autophagy‐deficient macrophages partially supported replication of both mutants, indicating that O‐antigen‐lacking Francisella are controlled by autophagy. These data demonstrate the intracellular protective role of this bacterial surface polysaccharide against autophagy.  相似文献   

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