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Abstract The management of wild canids (wild dogs/dingoes and foxes) presents a conservation dilemma for land managers across Australia. These canids are predators of wildlife and domestic stock but dingoes are considered native and anecdotal reports suggest that they may suppress foxes such that dingo/dog conservation may have a net benefit to wildlife. This study examines dietary and spatial interactions between wild dogs and foxes in the Greater Blue Mountains region of NSW to address the possibility of suppression through competitive exclusion by dogs on foxes. Predator diets were compared using faecal analysis as well as an analysis of 19 dietary studies from similar forest habitats in eastern Australia. Spatial relationships were examined using data from an extensive canid control programme. Diets of wild dogs and foxes showed a high degree of overlap in species taken, indicating potential for competition. But there was also evidence of resource partitioning with the size and arboreality of mammalian prey differing between the two predators. Wild dogs and foxes responded to different landscape‐scale variation in the physical environment, but there was no clear evidence of large‐scale differences in their distribution. At the fine scale there was a negative association between these predators that indicated possible temporal avoidance or localized habitat shifts. Therefore, there is evidence for dietary competition and fine‐scale exclusion, but no support for landscape‐scale exclusion of foxes by wild dogs in the Blue Mountains.  相似文献   

Oculocutaneous albinism type 4 (OCA4) in humans and similar phenotypes in many animal species are caused by variants in the SLC45A2 gene, encoding a putative sugar transporter. In dog, two independent SLC45A2 variants are known that cause oculocutaneous albinism in Doberman Pinschers and several small dog breeds respectively. For the present study, we investigated a Bullmastiff with oculocutaneous albinism. The affected dog was highly inbred and resulted from the mating of a sire to its own grandmother. We obtained whole genome sequence data from the affected dog and searched specifically for variants in candidate genes known to cause albinism. We detected a single base deletion in exon 6 of the SLC45A2 gene (NM_001037947.1:c.1287delC) that has not been reported thus far. This deletion is predicted to result in an early premature stop codon. It was confirmed by Sanger sequencing and perfectly co‐segregated with the phenotype in the available family members. We genotyped 174 unrelated dogs from diverse breeds, all of which were homozygous wildtype. We therefore suggest that SLC45A2:c.1287delC causes the observed oculocutaneous albinism in the affected Bullmastiff.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of 125 Norwegian Lundehund and 27 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever was analysed using a set of 26 microsatellite markers. In Lundehund, the average number of alleles per locus was 1.73, and average observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosity were 0.07. In Toller, all measures of genetic diversity were much higher than in Lundehund and similar to studies on other dog breeds. The cluster analysis correctly assigned individuals to their respective breed. The low genetic variability in Lundehund was not surprising, given the two strong bottlenecks in the 1940s and the 1960s. The relatedness of Lundehund to other Nordic small spitzes should be investigated in the view of possible outcrossing.  相似文献   


Humans differ in how they perceive, assess, and measure animal behaviour. This is problematic because strong observer bias can reduce statistical power, accuracy of scientific inference, and in the worst cases, lead to spurious results. Unfortunately, reports and studies of measurement reliability in animal behaviour studies are rare. Here, we investigated two aspects of measurement reliability in working dogs: inter‐observer agreement and criterion validity (comparing novice ratings with those given by experts). Here, we extend for the first time a powerful framework used in human psychological studies to investigate three potential aspects of (dis)agreement in nonhuman animal behaviour research: (a) that some behaviours are easier to observe than others; (b) that some subjects are easier to observe than others; and (c) that observers with different levels of experience with the subject animal give the same or different ratings. We found that novice observers with the same level of experience agreed upon measures of a wide range of behaviours. We found no evidence that age of the dogs affected agreement between these same novice observers. However, when observers with different levels of experience (i.e., novices vs. a working dog expert) assessed the same dogs, agreement appeared to be strongly affected by the measurement instrument used to assess behaviour. Given that animal behaviour research often utilizes different observers with different levels of experience, our results suggest that further tests of how different observers may measure behaviour in different ways are needed across a wider variety of organisms and measurement instruments.  相似文献   

Coat colour dilution may be the result of altered melanosome transport in melanocytes. Loss‐of‐function variants in the melanophilin gene (MLPH) cause a recessively inherited form of coat colour dilution in many mammalian and avian species including the dog. MLPH corresponds to the D locus in many domestic animals, and recessive alleles at this locus are frequently denoted with d. In this study, we investigated dilute coloured Chow Chows whose coat colour could not be explained by their genotype at the previously known MLPH:c.–22G>A variant. Whole genome sequencing of such a dilute Chow Chow revealed another variant in the MLPH gene: MLPH:c.705G>C. We propose to designate the corresponding mutant alleles at these two variants d1 and d2. We performed an association study in a cohort of 15 dilute and 28 non‐dilute Chow Chows. The dilute dogs were all either compound heterozygous d1/d2 or homozygous d2/d2, whereas the non‐dilute dogs carried at least one wildtype allele D. The d2 allele did not occur in 417 dogs from diverse other breeds. However, when we genotyped a Sloughi family, in which a dilute coloured puppy had been born out of non‐dilute parents, we again observed perfect co‐segregation of the newly discovered d2 allele with coat colour dilution. Finally, we identified a blue Thai Ridgeback with the d1/d2 genotype. Thus, our data identify the MLPH:c.705G>C as a variant explaining a second canine dilution allele. Although relatively rare overall, this d2 allele is segregating in at least three dog breeds, Chow Chows, Sloughis and Thai Ridgebacks.  相似文献   

Imprinted genes are epigenetically modified in a parent‐of‐origin dependent manner and as a consequence are differentially expressed, with one allele typically expressed while the other is repressed. In canine, the insulin like growth factor 2 receptor gene (IGF2R) is imprinted with predominant expression of the maternally inherited allele. Because imprinted genes usually occur in clusters, we examined the allelic expression pattern of the gene encoding the canine Mas receptor (MAS1), which is located upstream of IGF2R on canine chromosome 1 and is highly conserved in mammals. In this report we describe monoallelic expression of canine MAS1 in the neonatal umbilical cord of several individuals and we identify the expressed allele as maternally inherited. These data suggest that canine MAS1 is an imprinted gene.  相似文献   

Dingoes (Canis dingo) in the coastal lowlands of Australia's Wet Tropics are perceived as a major threat to biodiversity and subjected to broad‐spectrum lethal control. However, evidence of their impacts is equivocal, and control programmes generally ignore the ecological benefits that dingoes might provide. Previous diet analysis has shown that dingoes in the Wet Tropics primarily prey on common, terrestrial mammals. However, little is known of dingo habitat use or prey acquisition in the region despite these activities having major implications for biodiversity conservation. We investigated land use by dingoes in the lowland Wet Tropics to enable predictions of potential prey types, relative prey use and modes of prey acquisition. Nine dingoes were tracked for 3–6 months. Home ranges and resting areas were estimated using multiple estimators, and habitat use was analysed using compositional analysis of habitat use and generalized additive models. Dingo ranging behaviour suggested that anthropogenic food subsidies were infrequently used. Each territory comprised several sclerophyll forest rest areas with adjacent sugarcane‐grassland high activity areas. Individuals used each rest‐activity area for extended durations before moving on to another. Sclerophyll and rainforests, which contain the fauna species of primary conservation concern, were generally used for rest/sleep, or movement between rest‐activity areas. Activity patterns were consistent with dingoes hunting in open sugarcane‐grassland habitats during daylight hours. Dingo activity was low in areas where fauna species of conservation concern occur, which suggests that dingoes do not pose a threat to their survival. Consequently, current broad‐spectrum lethal control may have minimal benefits or even incur costs for biodiversity. Maximizing the ecosystem services provided by dingoes while simultaneously minimizing their negative impacts requires a more targeted location‐specific management approach, one that assesses and mitigates impacts specifically where background circumstances suggest particular packs may be either a conservation or economic threat.  相似文献   

Occasional crossbreeding between free-ranging domestic dogs and wild wolves (Canis lupus) has been detected in some European countries by mitochondrial DNA sequencing and genotyping unlinked microsatellite loci. Maternal and unlinked genomic markers, however, might underestimate the extent of introgressive hybridization, and their impacts on the preservation of wild wolf gene pools. In this study, we genotyped 220 presumed Italian wolves, 85 dogs and 7 known hybrids at 16 microsatellites belonging to four different linkage groups (plus four unlinked microsatellites). Population clustering and individual assignments were performed using a Bayesian procedure implemented in structure 2.1, which models the gametic disequilibrium arising between linked loci during admixtures, aiming to trace hybridization events further back in time and infer the population of origin of chromosomal blocks. Results indicate that (i) linkage disequilibrium was higher in wolves than in dogs; (ii) 11 out of 220 wolves (5.0%) were likely admixed, a proportion that is significantly higher than one admixed genotype in 107 wolves found previously in a study using unlinked markers; (iii) posterior maximum-likelihood estimates of the recombination parameter r revealed that introgression in Italian wolves is not recent, but could have continued for the last 70 (+/- 20) generations, corresponding to approximately 140-210 years. Bayesian clustering showed that, despite some admixture, wolf and dog gene pools remain sharply distinct (the average proportions of membership to wolf and dog clusters were Q(w) = 0.95 and Q(d) = 0.98, respectively), suggesting that hybridization was not frequent, and that introgression in nature is counteracted by behavioural or selective constraints.  相似文献   

Congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform nevus and limb defects syndrome in humans is a genodermatosis characterized by inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevi (ILVEN), often showing a striking lateralization pattern. It is caused by variants in the NSDHL gene encoding a 3β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase involved in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. In the present study, we investigated a female Chihuahua, which showed clinical and histological signs of ILVEN. We performed a candidate gene analysis in the affected animal. This analysis revealed a single missense variant in the NSDHL gene in the affected dog (XM_014111859.2:c.700G>A). The variant is predicted to cause a non‐conservative amino acid change from glycine to arginine, XP_013967334.1:p.(Gly234Arg). The mutant allele was absent from WGS data of 594 genetically diverse dogs and eight wolves. Sanger sequencing confirmed that the variant was heterozygous in the affected dog and absent from 22 control Chihuahuas. Based on the knowledge about the functional impact of NSDHL variants in dogs and other species, c.700G>A is probably pathogenic and a convincing candidate causative variant for the observed skin lesions in the affected Chihuahua.  相似文献   

Allee effects reduce the viability of small populations in many different ways, which act synergistically to lead populations towards extinction vortexes. The Sierra Morena wolf population, isolated in the south of the Iberian Peninsula and composed of just one or few packs for decades, represents a good example of how diverse threats act additively in very small populations. We sequenced the genome of one of the last wolves identified (and road‐killed) in Sierra Morena and that of another wolf in the Iberian Wolf Captive Breeding Program and compared them with other wolf and dog genomes from around the world (including two previously published genome sequences from northern Iberian wolves). The results showed relatively low overall genetic diversity in Iberian wolves, but diverse population histories including past introgression of dog genes. The Sierra Morena wolf had an extraordinarily high level of inbreeding and long runs of homozygosity, resulting from the long isolation. In addition, about one‐third of the genome was of dog origin. Despite the introgression of dog genes, heterozygosity remained low because of continued inbreeding after several hybridization events. The results thus illustrate the case of a small and isolated wolf population where the low population density may have favoured hybridization and introgression of dog alleles, but continued inbreeding may have resulted in large chromosomal fragments of wolf origin completely disappearing from the population, and being replaced by chromosomal fragments of dog origin. The latest population surveys suggest that this population may have gone extinct.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region from 112 southeastern US coyotes (Canis latrans) revealed 12 individuals with a haplotype closely related to those in domestic dogs. Phylogenetic analyses grouped this new haplotype in the dog/grey wolf (Canis familiaris/Canis lupus) clade with 98% bootstrap support. These results demonstrate that a male coyote hybridized with a female dog, and female hybrid offspring successfully integrated into the coyote population. The widespread distribution of this haplotype from Florida to West Virginia suggests that the hybridization event occurred long ago before the southeastern USA was colonized by coyotes. However, it could have occurred in the southeastern USA before the main front of coyotes arrived in the area between male coyotes released for sport and a local domestic dog. The introgression of domestic dog genes into the southeastern coyote population does not appear to have substantially affected the coyote's genetic, morphological, or behavioural integrity. However, our results suggest that, contrary to previous reports, hybridization can occur between domestic and wild canids, even when the latter is relatively abundant. Therefore, hybridization may be a greater threat to the persistence of wild canid populations than previously thought.  相似文献   

In Australia, dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) have been implicated in the decline and extinction of a number of vertebrate species. The lowland Wet Tropics of Queensland, Australia is a biologically rich area with many species of rainforest‐restricted vertebrates that could be threatened by dingoes; however, the ecological impacts of dingoes in this region are poorly understood. We determined the potential threat posed by dingoes to native vertebrates in the lowland Wet Tropics using dingo scat/stomach content and stable isotope analyses of hair from dingoes and potential prey species. Common mammals dominated dingo diets. We found no evidence of predation on threatened taxa or rainforest specialists within our study areas. The most significant prey species were northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus), canefield rats (Rattus sordidus), and agile wallabies (Macropus agilis). All are common species associated with relatively open grass/woodland habitats. Stable isotope analysis suggested that prey species sourced their nutrients primarily from open habitats and that prey choice, as identified by scat/stomach analysis alone, was a poor indicator of primary foraging habitats. In general, we find that prey use by dingoes in the lowland Wet Tropics does not pose a major threat to native and/or threatened fauna, including rainforest specialists. In fact, our results suggest that dingo predation on “pest” species may represent an important ecological service that outweighs potential biodiversity threats. A more targeted approach to managing wild canids is needed if the ecosystem services they provide in these contested landscapes are to be maintained, while simultaneously avoiding negative conservation or economic impacts.  相似文献   

Mammals are unable to synthesize cobalamin or vitamin B12 and rely on the uptake of dietary cobalamin. The cubam receptor expressed on the intestinal endothelium is required for the uptake of cobalamin from the gut. Cubam is composed of two protein subunits, amnionless and cubilin, which are encoded by the AMN and CUBN genes respectively. Loss‐of‐function mutations in either the AMN or the CUBN gene lead to hereditary selective cobalamin malabsorption or Imerslund–Gräsbeck syndrome (IGS). We investigated Beagles with IGS and resequenced the whole genome of one affected Beagle at 15× coverage. The analysis of the AMN and CUBN candidate genes revealed a homozygous deletion of a single cytosine in exon 8 of the CUBN gene (c.786delC). This deletion leads to a frameshift and early premature stop codon (p.Asp262Glufs*47) and is, thus, predicted to represent a complete loss‐of‐function allele. We tested three IGS‐affected and 89 control Beagles and found perfect association between the IGS phenotype and the CUBN:c.786delC variant. Given the known role of cubilin in cobalamin transport, which has been firmly established in humans and dogs, our data strongly suggest that the CUBN:c.786delC variant is causing IGS in the investigated Beagles.  相似文献   

Genetic admixture between wild and introduced populations is a rising concern for the management of endangered species. Here, we use a dual approach based on molecular analyses of samples collected before and after hatchery fish introduction in combination with a simulation study to obtain insight into the mechanisms of admixture in wild populations. Using 17 microsatellites, we genotyped pre‐ and post‐stocking samples from four Atlantic salmon populations supplemented with non‐native fish to estimate genetic admixture. We also used individual‐based temporally explicit simulations based on realistic demographic and stocking data to predict the extent of admixture. We found a low admixture by hatchery stocks within prestocking samples but moderate to high values in post‐stocking samples (from 12% to 60%). The simulation scenarios best fitting the real data suggested a 10–25 times lower survival of stocked fish relative to wild individuals. Simulations also suggested relatively high dispersal rates of stocked and wild fish, which may explain some high levels of admixture in weakly stocked populations and the persistence of indigenous genotypes in heavily stocked populations. This study overall demonstrates that combining genetic analyses with simulations can significantly improve the understanding of admixture mechanisms in wild populations.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2014,14(2):89-102
Canine reproductive physiology exhibits several unusual features. Among the most interesting of these are the lack of an acute luteolytic mechanism, coinciding with the apparent luteal independency of a uterine luteolysin in absence of pregnancy, contrasting with the acute prepartum luteolysis observed in pregnant animals. These features indicate the existence of mechanisms different from those in other species for regulating the extended luteal regression observed in non-pregnant dogs, and the actively regulated termination of luteal function observed prepartum as a prerequisite for parturition. Nevertheless, the supply of progesterone (P4) depends on corpora lutea (CL) as its primary source in both conditions, resulting in P4 levels that are similar in pregnant and non-pregnant bitches during almost the entire luteal life span prior to the prepartum luteolysis. Consequently, the duration of the prolonged luteal phase in non-pregnant bitches frequently exceeds that of pregnant ones, which is a peculiarity when compared with other domestic animal species. Both LH and prolactin (PRL) are endocrine luteotrophic factors in the dog, the latter being the predominant one. In spite of increased availability of these hormones, luteal regression/luteolysis still takes place. Recently, possible mechanisms regulating the expression and function of PRL receptor have been implicated in the local, i.e., intraluteal regulation of PRL bioavailability and thus its steroidogenic potential. Similar mechanisms may relate to the luteal LH receptor. Most recently, evidence has been provided for an autocrine/paracrine role of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) as a luteotrophic factor in the canine CL acting at the level of steroidogenic acute regulatory (STAR)-protein mediated supply of steroidogenic substrate, without having a significant impact on the enzymatic activity of the respective steroidogenic enzymes, 3β-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase (3βHSD, HSD3B2) and cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc, CYP11A1). Together with the strongly time-dependent expression of prostaglandin transporter, luteal prostaglandins seem to be involved more in the process of luteal formation than in termination of CL function in the dog. The possible roles of other factors such as vasoactive compounds, growth factors or cytokines have not been extensively studied but should not be neglected.  相似文献   

The Ehlers‐Danlos syndromes (EDSs) are a heterogeneous group of inherited connective tissue disorders characterized by skin hyperextensibility, joint hypermobility and tissue fragility. Inherited disorders similar to human EDS have been reported in different mammalian species. In the present study, we investigated a female mixed‐breed dog with clinical signs of EDS. Whole‐genome sequencing of the affected dog revealed two missense variants in the TNXB gene, encoding the extracellular matrix protein tenascin XB. In humans, TNXB genetic variants cause classical‐like EDS or the milder hypermobile EDS. The affected dog was heterozygous at both identified variants. Each variant allele was transmitted from one of the case's parents, consistent with compound heterozygosity. Although one of the variant alleles, XM_003431680.3:c.2012G>A, p.(Ser671Asn), was private to the family of the affected dog and absent from whole‐genome sequencing data of 599 control dogs, the second variant allele, XM_003431680.3:c.2900G>A, p.(Gly967Asp), is present at a low frequency in the Chihuahua and Poodle population. Given that TNXB is a functional candidate gene for EDS, we suggest that compound heterozygosity for the identified TNXB variants may have caused the EDS‐like phenotype in the affected dog. Chihuahuas and Poodles should be monitored for EDS cases, which might confirm the hypothesized pathogenic effect of the segregating TNXB variant.  相似文献   

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