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Many alpine species are under threat from global climate change, as their geographic ranges become increasingly fragmented and unsuitable. Understanding rates and determinants of gene flow among such fragmented populations, over historical as well as recent timescales, can help to identify populations under threat. It is also important to clarify the degree to which loss of local populations reduces overall genetic diversity within the taxon. The endangered Blue Mountains Water Skink (Eulamprus leuraensis) is restricted to <40 small swamps in montane south‐eastern Australia. Our analyses of seven microsatellite loci of 241 animals from 13 populations show strong geographic structure, with major genetic divergence even between populations separated by <0.5 km. Dispersal between populations is scarce, and appears to involve mostly males. Our analyses suggest potential recent bottleneck events in all the identified populations, and lower genetic diversity and population size parameter at lower‐elevation sites than at higher‐elevation sites. Management of this endangered taxon thus needs to treat most populations separately, because of their genetic distinctiveness and low rates of genetic exchange.  相似文献   

Species with narrow environmental tolerances are often distributed within fragmented patches of suitable habitat, and dispersal among these subpopulations can be difficult to directly observe. Genetic data can help quantify gene flow between localities, which is especially important for vulnerable species with a disjunct range. The Shenandoah salamander (Plethodon shenandoah) is a federally endangered species known only from three mountaintops in Virginia, USA. To reconstruct the evolutionary history and population connectivity of this species, we generated both mitochondrial and nuclear data using sequence capture from individuals collected across all three mountaintops. Applying population and landscape genetic methods, we found strong population structure that was independent of geographic distance. Both the nuclear markers and mitochondrial genomes indicated a deep split between the most southern population and the genetically similar central and northern populations. Although there was some mitochondrial haplotype‐splitting between the central and northern populations, there was admixture in nuclear markers. This is indicative of either a recent split or current male‐biased dispersal among mountain isolates. Models of landscape resistance found that dispersal across north‐facing slopes at mid‐elevation levels best explain the observed genetic structure among populations. These unexpected results highlight the importance of incorporating landscape features in understanding and predicting the movement and fragmentation of this range‐restricted salamander species across space.  相似文献   

As two lineages diverge from one another, mitochondrial DNA should evolve fixed differences more rapidly than nuclear DNA due to its smaller effective population size and faster mutation rate. As a consequence, molecular systematists have focused on the criteria of reciprocal monophyly in mitochondrial DNA for delimiting species boundaries. However, mitochondrial gene trees do not necessarily reflect the evolutionary history of the taxa in question, and even mitochondrial loci are not expected to be reciprocally monophyletic when the speciation event happened very recently. The goal of this study was to examine mitochondrial paraphyly within the Orchard Oriole complex, which is composed of Icterus spurius (Orchard Oriole) and Icterus fuertesi (Fuertes' Oriole). We increased the geographic sampling, added four nuclear loci, and used a range of population genetic and coalescent methods to examine the divergence between the taxa. With increased taxon sampling, we found evidence of clear structure between the taxa for mitochondrial DNA. However, nuclear loci showed little evidence of population structure, indicating a very recent divergence between Ispurius and I. fuertesi. Another goal was to examine the genetic variation within each taxon to look for evidence of a past founder event within the I. fuertesi lineage. Based on the high amounts of genetic variation for all nuclear loci, we found no evidence of such an event – thus, we found no support for the possible founding of I. fuertesi through a change in migratory behavior, followed by peripheral isolates speciation. Our results demonstrate that these two taxa are in the earliest stages of speciation, at a point when they have fixed differences in plumage color that are not reflected in monophyly of the mitochondrial or nuclear DNA markers in this study. This very recent divergence makes them ideal for continued studies of species boundaries and the earliest stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Although studies of ancient lake fauna have provided important insights about speciation patterns and processes of organisms in heterogeneous benthic environments, evolutionary forces responsible for speciation in the relatively homogenous planktonic environment remain largely unexplored. In this study, we investigate possible mechanisms of speciation in zooplankton using the freshwater diaptomids of the ancient lakes of Sulawesi, Indonesia, as a model system. We integrate phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes with morphological and genome size data. Overall, our results support the conclusion that colonization order and local adaptation are dominant at the large, island scale, whereas at local and intralacustrine scales, speciation processes are regulated by gene flow among genetically differentiated and locally adapted populations. In the Malili lakes, the diaptomid populations are homogenous at nuclear loci, but show two highly divergent mitochondrial clades that are geographically restricted to single lakes despite the interconnectivity of the lake systems. Our study, based on coalescent simulations and population genetic analyses, indicates that unidirectional hybridization allows gene flow across the nuclear genome, but prevents the introgression of mitochondria into downstream populations. We suggest that hybridization and introgression between young lineages is a significant evolutionary force in freshwater plankton.  相似文献   

Many species have Holarctic distributions that extend across Europe, Asia and North America. Most genetics research on these species has examined only mitochondrial (mt) DNA, which has revealed wide variance in divergence between Old World (OW) and New World (NW) populations, ranging from shallow, unstructured genealogies to deeply divergent lineages. In this study, we sequenced 20 nuclear introns to test for concordant patterns of OW–NW differentiation between mtDNA and nuclear (nu) DNA for six lineages of Holarctic ducks (genus Anas). Genetic differentiation for both marker types varied widely among these lineages (idiosyncratic population histories), but mtDNA and nuDNA divergence within lineages was not significantly correlated. Moreover, compared with the association between mtDNA and nuDNA divergence observed among different species, OW–NW nuDNA differentiation was generally lower than mtDNA divergence, at least for lineages with deeply divergent mtDNA. Furthermore, coalescent estimates indicated significantly higher rates of gene flow for nuDNA than mtDNA for four of the six lineages. Thus, Holarctic ducks show prominent mito‐nuclear discord between OW and NW populations, and we reject differences in sorting rates as the sole cause of the within‐species discord. Male‐mediated intercontinental gene flow is likely a leading contributor to this discord, although selection could also cause increased mtDNA divergence relative to weak nuDNA differentiation. The population genetics of these ducks contribute to growing evidence that mtDNA can be an unreliable indicator of stage of speciation and that more holistic approaches are needed for species delimitation.  相似文献   

Aim Hypotheses proposed for lineage diversification of tropical montane species have rarely been tested within oceanic islands. Our goal was to understand how basin barriers and Pleistocene climatic fluctuations shaped the distribution of diversity in Eleutherodactylus portoricensis (Eleutherodactylidae), a frog endemic to the montane rain forests of Puerto Rico. Location The north‐eastern (Luquillo) and south‐eastern (Cayey) mountains of Puerto Rico. Methods We generated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences (c. 565 bp) from 144 individuals of E. portoricensis representing 16 localities, and sequenced 646 bp of cytochrome b and 596 bp of nuclear DNA (nDNA) rhodopsin exon and intron 1 from a subset of individuals. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis on the mtDNA sequence data and explored population substructure with maximum parsimony networks, a spatial analysis of molecular variance, and pairwise FST analysis. Coalescent simulations were performed to test alternative models of population divergence in response to late Pleistocene interglacial periods. Historical demography was assessed through coalescent analyses and Bayesian skyline plots. Results We found: (1) two highly divergent groups associated with the disjunct Luquillo and Cayey Mountains, respectively; (2) a shallow mtDNA genetic discontinuity across the La Plata Basin within the Cayey Mountains; (3) phylogeographic congruence between nDNA and mtDNA markers; (4) divergence dates for both mtDNA and nDNA pre‐dating the Holocene interglacial (c. 10 ka), and nDNA suggesting divergence in the penultimate interglacial (c. 245 ka); and (5) historical demographic stability in both lineages. Main conclusions The low‐elevation Caguas Basin is a long‐term barrier to gene flow between the two montane frog populations. Measures of genetic diversity for mtDNA were similar in both lineages, but lower nDNA diversity in the Luquillo Mountains lineage suggests infrequent dispersal between the two mountain ranges and colonization by a low‐diversity founder population. Population divergence began prior to the Holocene interglacial. Stable population sizes over time indicate a lack of demonstrable demographic response to climatic changes during the last glacial period. This study highlights the importance of topographic complexity in promoting within‐island vicariant speciation in the Greater Antilles, and indicates long‐term persistence and lineage diversification despite late Pleistocene climatic oscillations.  相似文献   

Sky islands provide ideal opportunities for understanding how climatic changes associated with Pleistocene glacial cycles influenced species distributions, genetic diversification, and demography. The salamander Plethodon ouachitae is largely restricted to high‐elevation, mesic forest on six major mountains in the Ouachita Mountains. Because these mountains are separated by more xeric, low‐elevation valleys, the salamanders appear to be isolated on sky islands where gene flow among populations on different mountains may be restricted. We used DNA sequence data along with ecological niche modelling and coalescent simulations to test several hypotheses related to diversifications in sky island habitats. Our results revealed that P. ouachitae is composed of seven well‐supported lineages structured across six major mountains. The species originated during the Late Pliocene, and lineage diversification occurred during the Middle Pleistocene in a stepping stone fashion with a cyclical pattern of dispersal to a new mountain followed by isolation and divergence. Diversification occurred primarily on an east–west axis, which is likely related to the east–west orientation of the Ouachita Mountains and the more favourable cooler and wetter environmental conditions on north slopes compared to south‐facing slopes and valleys. All non‐genealogical coalescent methods failed to detect significant population expansion in any lineages. Bayesian skyline plots showed relatively stable population sizes over time, but indicated a slight to moderate amount of population growth in all lineages starting approximately 10 000–12 000 years ago. Our results provide new insight into sky island diversifications from a previously unstudied region, and further demonstrate that climatic changes during the Pleistocene had profound effects on lineage diversification and demography, especially in species from environmentally sensitive habitats in montane regions.  相似文献   

Studies of biodiversity in the Maghreb have revealed high genetic diversity and divergent genetic lineages among many taxa including squamates. Geographic barriers such as the Atlas Mountains are one of the key factors promoting genetic differentiation and the high levels of endemism. The lizard-fingered gecko Saurodactylus brosseti is endemic to Morocco. Its range includes both sides of the Atlas Mountains, and although high diversity was previously identified within the species, much of the range was unsampled. To understand the evolutionary and biogeographical history of this species, we used mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data from 64 populations sampled across the entire species range. We employed phylogenetic methods based on gene trees and species trees as well as a time calibrated Bayesian genealogy and coalescent species delimitation approaches. We uncovered four highly divergent and allopatric mitochondrial lineages that did not share haplotypes at variable nuclear loci, suggesting the four groups have been evolving independently since the Miocene, according to our molecular dating estimates. These results coupled with the geographic pattern of genetic diversity suggest a possible role of the Atlas Mountains for the divergence observed between the four lineages of S. brosseti, while each lineage probably later underwent several episodes of fragmentation followed by (re-) expansion during Pleistocene climatic oscillations. Bayesian species delimitation analysis indicates that the four lineages may well be distinct species but we suggest that detailed morphological analyses are needed prior to taxonomic changes. The four lineages represent ancient independent evolutionary units, and deserve conservation management as distinct entities.  相似文献   

The process of discovering species is a fundamental responsibility of systematics. Recently, there has been a growing interest in coalescent‐based methods of species delimitation aimed at objectively identifying species early in the divergence process. However, few empirical studies have compared these new methods with character‐based approaches for discovering species. In this study, we applied both a character‐based and a coalescent‐based approaches to delimit species in a closely related avian complex, the light‐vented/Taiwan bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis/Pycnonotus taivanus). Population aggregation analyses of plumage, mitochondrial and 13 nuclear intron character data sets produced conflicting species hypotheses with plumage data suggesting three species, mitochondrial data suggesting two species, and nuclear intron data suggesting one species. Such conflict is expected among recently diverged species, and by integrating all sources of data, we delimited three species verified with independently congruent character evidence as well as a more weakly supported fourth species identified by a single character. Attempts to validate species hypothesis using Bayesian Phylogenetics and Phylogeography (BPP), a coalescent‐based method of species delimitation, revealed several issues that can seemingly affect statistical support for species recognition. We found that θ priors had a dramatic impact on speciation probabilities, with lower values consistently favouring splitting and higher values consistently favouring lumping. More resolved guide trees also resulted in overall higher speciation probabilities. Finally, we found suggestive evidence that BPP is sensitive to the divergent effects of nonrandom mating caused by intraspecific processes such as isolation‐with‐distance, and therefore, BPP may not be a conservative method for delimiting independently evolving population lineages. Based on these concerns, we questioned the reliability of BPP results and based our conclusions about species limits exclusively on character data.  相似文献   

Few genetic data are currently available to assess patterns of population differentiation and speciation in planktonic taxa that inhabit the open ocean. A phylogenetic study of the oceanic copepod family Eucalanidae was undertaken to develop a model zooplankton taxon in which speciation events can be confidently identified. A global survey of 20 described species (526 individuals) sampled from 88 locations worldwide found high levels of cryptic diversity at the species level. Mitochondrial (16S rRNA, CO1) and nuclear (ITS2) DNA sequence data support 12 new genetic lineages as highly distinct from other populations with which they are currently considered conspecific. Out of these 12, at least four are new species. The circumglobal, boundary current species Rhincalanus nasutus was found to be a cryptic species complex, with genetic divergence between populations unrelated to geographic distance. 'Conspecific' populations of seven species exhibited varying levels of genetic differentiation between Atlantic and Pacific basins, suggesting that continental landmasses form barriers to dispersal for a subset of circumglobal species. A molecular phylogeny of the family based on both mitochondrial (16S rRNA) and nuclear (ITS2, 18S rRNA) gene loci supports monophyly of the family Eucalanidae, all four eucalanid genera and the 'pileatus' and 'subtenuis' species groups.  相似文献   

The integration of ecological niche modelling into phylogeographic analyses has allowed for the identification and testing of potential refugia under a hypothesis‐based framework, where the expected patterns of higher genetic diversity in refugial populations and evidence of range expansion of nonrefugial populations are corroborated with empirical data. In this study, we focus on a montane‐restricted cryophilic harvestman, Sclerobunus robustus, distributed throughout the heterogeneous Southern Rocky Mountains and Intermontane Plateau of southwestern North America. We identified hypothetical refugia using ecological niche models (ENMs) across three time periods, corroborated these refugia with population genetic methods using double‐digest RAD‐seq data and conducted population‐level phylogenetic and divergence dating analyses. ENMs identify two large temporally persistent regions in the mid‐latitude highlands. Genetic patterns support these two hypothesized refugia with higher genetic diversity within refugial populations and evidence for range expansion in populations found outside hypothesized refugia. Phylogenetic analyses identify five to six genetically divergent, geographically cohesive clades of S. robustus. Divergence dating analyses suggest that these separate refugia date to the Pliocene and that divergence between clades pre‐dates the late Pleistocene glacial cycles, while diversification within clades was likely driven by these cycles. Population genetic analyses reveal effects of both isolation by distance (IBD) and isolation by environment (IBE), with IBD more important in the continuous mountainous portion of the distribution, while IBE was stronger in the populations inhabiting the isolated sky islands of the south. Using model‐based coalescent approaches, we find support for postdivergence migration between clades from separate refugia.  相似文献   

In the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, Goniurosaurus geckos are currently divided into six allopatric taxa among nearby islands. Recent studies suggested the occurrence of large genetic divergence within a single island and the possible non‐monophyly of a few taxa, but their species delimitation is not well resolved. We investigated the taxonomic relationships between the possibly geographically overlapped, highly diverged entities as well as other island populations via dense sampling. Our mitochondrial and nuclear DNA analyses showed that the two genetic groups were distributed in parapatry within Okinawajima Island and that they were hybridizing in narrow area around the contact zone. Geohistorical evidence suggests that the restricted gene flow has been caused by some intrinsic isolation mechanisms. Thus, we conclude that the two lineages represent full species. Mitochondrial analysis also showed that the genetic differences among other island populations were comparable to those between these species, thereby suggesting the presence of seven full species, including one unnamed taxon. We also discuss the possible cause of this divergence and why it has occurred at such a fine geographic scale.  相似文献   

Genealogical discordance, or when different genes tell distinct stories although they evolved under a shared history, often emerges from either coalescent stochasticity or introgression. In this study, we present a strong case of mito‐nuclear genealogical discordance in the Australian rainforest lizard species complex of Saproscincus basiliscus and S. lewisi. One of the lineages that comprises this complex, the Southern S. basiliscus lineage, is deeply divergent at the mitochondrial genome but shows markedly less divergence at the nuclear genome. By placing our results in a comparative context and reconstructing the lineages' demography via multilocus and coalescent‐based approximate Bayesian computation methods, we test hypotheses for how coalescent variance and introgression contribute to this pattern. These analyses suggest that the observed genealogical discordance likely results from introgression. Further, to generate such strong discordance, introgression probably acted in concert with other factors promoting asymmetric gene flow between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, such as selection or sex‐biased dispersal. This study offers a framework for testing sources of genealogical discordance and suggests that historical introgression can be an important force shaping the genetic diversity of species and their populations.  相似文献   

Climatic changes associated with Pleistocene glacial cycles profoundly affected species distributions, patterns of interpopulation gene flow, and demography. In species restricted to montane habitats, ranges may expand and contract along an elevational gradients in response to environmental fluctuations and create high levels of genetic variation among populations on different mountains. The salamander Plethodon fourchensis is restricted to high-elevation, mesic forest on five montane isolates in the Ouachita Mountains. We used DNA sequence data along with ecological niche modelling and coalescent simulations to test several hypotheses related to the effects of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations on species in montane habitats. Our results revealed that P. fourchensis is composed of four well-supported, geographically structured lineages. Geographic breaks between lineages occurred in the vicinity of major valleys and a narrow high-elevation pass. Ecological niche modelling predicted that environmental conditions in valleys separating most mountains are suitable; however, interglacial periods like the present are predicted to be times of range expansion in P. fourchensis . Divergence dating and coalescent simulations indicated that lineage diversification occurred during the Middle Pleistocene via the fragmentation of a wide-ranging ancestor. Bayesian skyline plots showed gradual decreases in population size in three of four lineages over the most recent glacial period and a slight to moderate amount of population growth during the Holocene. Our results not only demonstrate that climatic changes during the Pleistocene had profound effects on species restricted to montane habitats, but comparison of our results for P. fourchensis with its parapatric, sister taxon, P. ouachitae , also emphasizes how responses can vary substantially even among closely related, similarly distributed taxa.  相似文献   

We analysed 120 white‐tailed sea eagles Haliaeetus albicilla from eastern (Poland and Estonia) and southeastern (Serbian Danube population) Europe for genetic variability and structuring at the mitochondrial control region and seven nuclear microsatellite loci. We combined this new dataset with sequence and genotype data from previous analyses covering Greenland and Eurasia (total sample sizes of 420 and 186 individuals for mtDNA and microsatellites, respectively) to address the following questions: 1) does the large eastern population in Europe add significantly to the species‘ overall genetic diversity? 2) Do the new sequence data match the clinal distribution pattern (west to east) of the two major mtDNA lineages? 3) Does the preliminary hypothesis of two nuclear genetic clusters recently found in this species hold for the whole of Europe, and do these clusters show a geographic pattern? Our results confirmed Europe as a stronghold of genetic diversity in white‐tailed sea eagles, and the east of the continent contributed disproportionately to this, the reason being the admixture of eagles with different genetic background. As hypothesised, both mitochondrial lineages were recovered also in eastern Europe, but the globally more eastern lineage was dominant. The presence of two microsatellite clusters was also confirmed, and these groups, too, show a non‐random geographic distribution, with, except for Poland, a high proportion of ‘eastern‐type’ eagles in the populations of east–central and eastern Europe.  相似文献   

The last Pleistocene deglaciation shaped temperate and boreal communities in North America. Rapid northward expansion into high latitudes created distinctive spatial genetic patterns within species that include closely related groups of populations that are now widely spread across latitudes, while longitudinally adjacent populations, especially those near the southern periphery, often are distinctive due to long‐term disjunction. Across a spatial expanse that includes both recently colonized and long‐occupied regions, we analysed molecular variation in zapodid rodents to explore how past climate shifts influenced diversification in this group. By combining molecular analyses with species distribution modelling and tests of ecological interchangeability, we show that the lineage including the Preble's meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei), a US federally listed taxon of conservation concern, is not restricted to the southern Rocky Mountains. Rather, populations along the Front Range are part of a single lineage that is ecologically indistinct and extends to the far north. Of the 21 lineages identified, this Northern lineage has the largest geographical range and low measures of intralineage genetic differentiation, consistent with recent northward expansion. Comprehensive sampling combined with coalescent‐based analyses and niche modelling leads to a radically different view of geographical structure within jumping mice and indicates the need to re‐evaluate their taxonomy and management. This analysis highlights a premise in conservation biology that biogeographical history should play a central role in establishing conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Interspecific gene flow is pervasive throughout the tree of life. Although detecting gene flow between populations has been facilitated by new analytical approaches, determining the timing and geography of hybridization has remained difficult, particularly for historical gene flow. A geographically explicit phylogenetic approach is needed to determine the overlap of ancestral populations. In this study, we performed population genetic analyses, species delimitation, simulations and a recently developed approach of species tree diffusion to infer the phylogeographic history, timing and geographic extent of gene flow in lizards of the Sceloporus spinosus group. The two species in this group, S. spinosus and S. horridus, are distributed in eastern and western portions of Mexico, respectively, but populations of these species are sympatric in the southern Mexican highlands. We generated data consisting of three mitochondrial genes and eight nuclear loci for 148 and 68 individuals, respectively. We delimited six lineages in this group, but found strong evidence of mito‐nuclear discordance in sympatric populations of S. spinosus and S. horridus owing to mitochondrial introgression. We used coalescent simulations to differentiate ancestral gene flow from secondary contact, but found mixed support for these two models. Bayesian phylogeography indicated more than 60% range overlap between ancestral S. spinosus and S. horridus populations since the time of their divergence. Isolation–migration analyses, however, revealed near‐zero levels of gene flow between these ancestral populations. Interpreting results from both simulations and empirical data indicate that despite a long history of sympatry among these two species, gene flow in this group has only recently occurred.  相似文献   

A long‐standing goal of evolutionary biology is to understand how paleoclimatic and geological events shape the geographical distribution and genetic structure within and among species. Using a diverse set of markers (cuticular hydrocarbons, mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences, microsatellite loci), we studied Reticulitermes grassei and R. banyulensis, two closely related termite species in southwestern Europe. We sought to clarify the current genetic structure of populations that formed following postglacial dispersal from refugia in southern Spain and characterize the gene flow between the two lineages over the last several million years. Each marker type separately provided a fragmented picture of the evolutionary history at different timescales. Chemical analyses of cuticular hydrocarbons and phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes showed clear separation between the species, suggesting they diverged following vicariance events in the Late Miocene. However, the presence of intermediate chemical profiles and mtDNA introgression in some Spanish colonies suggests ongoing gene flow. The current genetic structure of Iberian populations is consistent with alternating isolation and dispersal events during Quaternary glacial periods. Analyses of population genetic structure revealed postglacial colonization routes from southern Spain to France, where populations underwent strong genetic bottlenecks after traversing the Pyrenees resulting in parapatric speciation.  相似文献   

This study represents a thorough analysis of Codoma, a monotypic genus endemic to north‐western Mexico. A previous morphological analysis of the species concluded that there exists several morphological groups in Codoma ornata, suggesting diversity in Codoma could be underestimated. No studies have examined the genetic diversity in Codoma ornata to test this hypothesis and identify independent lineages. We present a phylogeographic analysis using one mitochondrial and two nuclear genes, and specimens from across nine major drainages in both the Chihuahuan Desert and the Sierra Madre Occidental of western Mexico. All genes and analyses recovered populations of Codoma in a well‐supported clade and sister to Tampichthys, and this clade sister to Cyprinella. Analyses of both mitochondrial and nuclear genes indicated Codoma is not monotypic and recover more diversity in the genus than currently recognized. The four (mitochondrial) and five (nuclear) genetically distinct lineages are consistent with those groups outlined in the prior morphological study of the genus. Composition and distribution of these major lineages is also consistent with prior biogeographic hypothesis for other fishes in the region, supporting an ancestral Rio Grande system extending south towards central Mexico. Fragmentation of this paleosystem was followed by allopatric speciation in the Chihuahuan Desert. These results suggest a scenario of long‐term isolation in four major regions (upper Conchos, lower Conchos, Nazas, upper Mezquital). Resolution of the diversity and biogeography of these lineages has many implications for various biological disciplines, especially for evolutionary and conservation studies.  相似文献   

The cloud forests of Mesoamerica are highly endangered habitats and the existence of narrowly distributed cryptic endemics will increase the number of taxa at potential risk of extinction. Here, we investigate genetic divergence between populations of the azure‐crowned hummingbird (Amazilia cyanocephala), a species complex of endemic hummingbirds to the montane forests of Mesoamerica, by analysing DNA sequences of four mitochondrial markers, morphological data and ecological niche modelling. Our results revealed the presence of two mtDNA lineages corresponding to subspecies A. c. cyanocephala distributed from Tamaulipas to Chiapas in Mexico and Amazilia c. guatemalensis distributed from southern Chiapas to Guatemala. The lineage split can be explained as a consequence of relative isolation of the populations in the different mountain ranges separated by the Motagua‐Polochic‐Jocotán fault system and corresponds to differences in morphology and to the lack of overlap in environmental space between subspecies. The divergence time estimates do not support the proposed model of a highly constrained temporal window at the end of the Pliocene as divergence at this barrier between cyanocephala and guatemalensis and splits of other bird taxa occurred during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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