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Laboratory, pot and field experiments investigated the effects of the fungus Zygorrhynchus moelleri on the growth of potato and on the reproduction of the potato cyst nematodes (PCN), Globodera pallida and G rostochiensis. Preliminary laboratory tests showed that Z. moelleri growth was favoured by temperatures and pH ranges commonly present in field soils. The fungus colonised potato roots in vitro and in compost or field soil. It also stimulated in vitro root growth of three potato cultivars. In pot experiments Z. moelleri stimulated potato growth, particularly in the presence of PCN attack. In field plots infested with a mixture of G pallida and G. rostochiensis, tuber yields were not increased after application of the fungus but, in G pallida‐infested plots, yields were significantly increased after drills were inoculated with Z. moelleri. The application of Z. moelleri had no apparent effects on nematode reproduction. Factors influencing the interactions between Z. moelleri, potato and potato cyst nematodes are discussed and the potential role of the fungus as a plant growth promoter in organic potato production considered.  相似文献   

The hatching responses of Globodera rostochiensis (golden potato cyst nematode) to purified and partially-purified preparations of natural (including the potato glycoalkaloids solanine and α-chaconine) and artificial hatching factors (HFs) were bimodal. At least 10 HFs, mostly anionic, were resolved from potato root leachate by a combination of gel permeation and ion-exchange chromatography. Whereas potato roots were the principal source of HFs, haulm leachate also contained such chemicals. Root leachate from aseptically-grown potato plants lacked several HFs which were present in conventionally-produced leachate.  相似文献   

The probability of spreading cysts of Globodera rostochiensis on farming equipment and potato tubers was investigated in naturally infested field plots. The number of cysts recovered from soil that adhered to equipment differed significantly between different pieces of equipment. These differences were related to initial nematode density and, in most cases, to the volume of soil that adhered to the equipment. At an initial density of 0.04 egg/cm³ of soil, significantly more cysts were recovered from a potato digger than from a potato hiller, cultivator, or plow. At an initial density of 0.90 egg/cm³ of soil, significantly more cysts were recovered from the plow than from the other equipment. Although the population density was 22 times greater, only 10 times more cysts adhered 3 to equipment used in soil with a density of 0.90 egg/cm³ of soil than when used in soil infested at 0.04 egg/cm³. The number of potato tuber samples (4.5 kg) that contained cysts with viable eggs was positively correlated with the initial densities of G. rostochiensis in soil in which they were produced. The percentage of tuber samples with cysts containing viable eggs was 10-12% for tubers harvested from soil with densities less than 1 egg/cm³ and 30-76% for tubers harvested from soil with densities greater than 4 eggs/cm³ of soil.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of nematodes in two low rate percolating filter bed sewage treatment plants at Carnforth and Caton, Lancashire, were investigated. Nematodes were abundant reaching densities up to 900 cm−2 of media surface. Numbers decreased down the bed and species composition displayed spatial differences with bed depth. Eight orders of nematode were represented, members of the sub-family Diplogasterinae and Rhabditinae were particularly common. A seasonal pattern of abundance was clearly apparent; two peaks occurred, one in May and a second during the winter months. Lowest numbers corresponded with periods of highest temperature. The demise of the nematodes in the spring was related to the sloughing of the surface film on the media.  相似文献   

西沙群岛海域造礁石珊瑚物种多样性与分布特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2006年3-5月,采用国际通用的截线样带法对海南省西沙群岛主要珊瑚礁海域的18个岛礁造礁石珊瑚进行了实地调查,共记录13科45属188种,其中62个新记录种.整合文献资料,该海域共记录造礁石珊瑚13科50属204种,基本包括分布在我国(不含台湾省)的所有造礁石珊瑚科属和绝大多数种类.造礁石珊瑚以生长速度快的分枝状珊瑚为主.物种多样性最高的是华光礁海域、金银岛海域和永兴岛海域.聚类分析可以把18个调查岛礁分成3个类群:有人类居住的大型环礁群、独立岛礁群和无人居住的大型环礁群(华光礁).为了有效保护珍稀的造礁石珊瑚资源,按照其种类多样性和分布特点重点保护关键海域是十分必要的.  相似文献   

The ageing process is actively regulated throughout an organism''s life, but studying the rate of ageing in individuals is difficult with conventional methods. Consequently, ageing studies typically make biological inference based on population mortality rates, which often do not accurately reflect the probabilities of death at the individual level. To study the relationship between individual and population mortality rates, we integrated in vivo switch experiments with in silico stochastic simulations to elucidate how carefully designed experiments allow key aspects of individual ageing to be deduced from group mortality measurements. As our case study, we used the recent report demonstrating that pheromones of the opposite sex decrease lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster by reversibly increasing population mortality rates. We showed that the population mortality reversal following pheromone removal was almost surely occurring in individuals, albeit more slowly than suggested by population measures. Furthermore, heterogeneity among individuals due to the inherent stochasticity of behavioural interactions skewed population mortality rates in middle-age away from the individual-level trajectories of which they are comprised. This article exemplifies how computational models function as important predictive tools for designing wet-laboratory experiments to use population mortality rates to understand how genetic and environmental manipulations affect ageing in the individual.  相似文献   

Alexandrium tamarense is a cyst-forming dinoflagellate that can cause toxicity in shellfish. Belfast Lough, in northeast Ireland, has experienced toxicity events due to the presence of A. tamarense, which are monitored because of shellfish farms in the Lough. Since 1992 anthropogenic influences on the Lough have changed with the introduction of a ‘fast cat’ ferry service and an increase in mussel farming. In 2002 Belfast Lough was surveyed for A. tamarense cyst distribution in the sediments and the results are compared to a previous cyst survey carried out in the Lough in 1992. Cyst numbers were generally lower in 2002 than in 1992 (t-test, P < 0.01). The highest concentration found in 2002 was 1058 cysts g?1 dry sediment compared with 3330 in 1992. Although sediment disturbance increased in the period between the surveys and plays a role in cyst distribution, A. tamarense cysts are still present in the seabed of the Lough. These cysts remain an important repository of inoculating cells for A. tamarense blooms that have not been removed by the recent anthropogenic activity in the Lough and therefore the requirement for monitoring remains. Comparisons between cyst counts per volume of wet sediment and per weight of dry sediment were carried out, and although the first is needed for ecological studies allowing a deeper analysis, it is also recommended that cyst counts per dry weight of sediment are always reported for wider comparative purposes.  相似文献   

作者分别于2001年和2005年对海南中部鹦哥岭的鱼类进行了实地调查,记录到62种鱼类,其中23种为鹦哥岭地区新记录种.结合文献资料,该地区共记载有淡水鱼类7目20科59属75种(含亚种),占海南岛已知淡水鱼类的70.8%:海南特有种16个,占海南特有淡水鱼类的80.0%.鱼类群落中以山区溪流性小型鱼类为主.鹦哥岭南北两坡(南坡昌化江流域,北坡南渡江流域)共有的鱼类共36属42种,占鹦哥岭纯淡水鱼类总种数的60.0%.但两坡的鱼类组成存在一定差异:昌化江流域以山区溪流性鱼类为主,南渡江流域则较多平原江河性物种.利用多样性指数,得出鹦哥岭鱼类物种多样性最高的是南渡江流域的南开河和昌化江流域万冲河段的支流.鱼类的垂直分布集中在海拔200-600 m的中低海拔水体,海拔600 m以上鱼类稀少,而在900 m以上没有发现鱼类.有关部门近年已在鹦哥岭建立自然保护区,为有效保护珍贵的鱼类资源,按照当地鱼类水平和垂直分布特点划定鱼类重点保护河段是十分必要的.  相似文献   

Cyst and root‐knot nematodes are obligate parasites of economic importance with a remarkable ability to reprogram root cells into unique metabolically active feeding sites. Previous studies have suggested a role for cytokinin in feeding site formation induced by these two types of nematodes, but the mechanistic details have not yet been described. Using Arabidopsis as a host plant species, we conducted a comparative analysis of cytokinin genes in response to the beet cyst nematode (BCN), Heterodera schachtii, and the root‐knot nematode (RKN), Meloidogyne incognita. We identified distinct differences in the expression of cytokinin biosynthesis, catabolism and signaling genes in response to infection by BCN and RKN, suggesting differential manipulation of the cytokinin pathway by these two nematode species. Furthermore, we evaluated Arabidopsis histidine kinase receptor mutant lines ahk2/3, ahk2/4 and ahk3/4 in response to RKN infection. Similar to our previous studies with BCN, these lines were significantly less susceptible to RKN without compromising nematode penetration, suggesting a requirement of cytokinin signaling in RKN feeding site formation. Moreover, an analysis of ahk double mutants using CycB1;1:GUS/ahk introgressed lines revealed contrasting differences in the cytokinin receptors mediating cell cycle activation in feeding sites induced by BCN and RKN.  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998 the stimulation of hatch of potato cyst nematodes (PCN) by a trap crop was studied at various times during the growing season in a container and a field experiment. Solanum nigrum‘90‐4750‐188’was used as the trap crop in both experiments and was sown on 1 May, 16 June or 1 August in two successive years on different plots. Neither experiment revealed much seasonal variation in hatchability of PCN juveniles under a trap crop. In the container experiment, the hatch of the Globodera pallida Pa3 population was equally and strongly stimulated (89%) at all sowing dates in both years, except for the 1 August sowing in 1998 (when the hatch was 77% under extremely wet soil conditions). In the control treatment with non‐hosts (flax followed by barley) the total spontaneous hatch was 50% over 2 yr. In the field experiment, the hatch of PCN, averaged over the four populations, was also equally stimulated (71%) at all sowing dates in both years. In the control treatment with non‐hosts (flax‐barley) the total spontaneous hatch was 36% over 2 yr. Total hatch under the trap crop over 2 yr varied between the four PCN populations from 63% to 80%. In 1998 and 1999, control of potato cyst nematodes (PCN) by the potential trap crops Solanum sisymbriifolium and S. nigrum‘90‐4750‐188’was studied in the field. Potato was also included as a trap crop. In the 1998 experiment, potato, S. sisymbriifolium and S. nigrum strongly stimulated the hatch of PCN compared with the non‐host white mustard (Sinapis alba). Roots of potato and white mustard were mainly found in the top 10 cm of soil, whereas roots of S. sisymbriifolium and S. nigrum were also abundant at depths of 10–20 cm and 20–30 cm. In the 1999 experiment, soil infestation with PCN decreased markedly with potato and S. sisymbriifolium as trap crops. In plots moderately to severely infested with 2‐yr old cysts (2–29 juveniles ml?1 air dried soil), potato reduced soil infestation by 87% and S. sisymbriifolium by 77%. In plots moderately to severely infested with 1‐yr old cysts the reductions were 74% and 60%, respectively. The reduction was least on plots very severely infested with PCN (110–242 juveniles ml?1 soil): 69% and 52% for potato and S. sisymbriifolium, respectively. Soil infestations of plots that were initially slightly to severely infested with the root‐knot nematode Meloidogyne hapla were greatly reduced under fallow and S. sisymbriifolium but increased under potato. From these and previous experiments it was concluded that, for several reasons, S. sisymbriifolium is a promising trap crop.  相似文献   

This study describes a versatile computational method to determine the hydrophobicity of small peptides at the atomic level. Free energies of transfer for individual atoms in peptide structures were derived, utilising two specifically defined parameters: (i) the water-excluding distance to define the dynamic interface between a peptide solute and its surrounding solvent and (ii) the corresponding hydrophobicity index as a relative measure for water occlusion/repulsion. The method was tested on a range of small peptide models (Ac-X-NH2, G-X-G, Ac-WL-X-LL and Ac-GG-X-GG-NH2) and several derivatives of these structures, whereby X was any of the 20 most common amino acids that naturally occur in polypeptides or proteins. The advantage of this new method lies in its versatility, ease to implement and capability to provide information on the hydrophobicity characteristics at the atomic level. The approach also encapsulates the impact of factors that influence these properties, but which have hitherto been difficult to accurately quantify, e.g. steric hindrance or proximity effects due to nearby polarised atoms. The method is not conditional on the knowledge of hydrophobicity parameters from the literature and does not require a sophisticated computer software/hardware to enable the atomic solvent-accessible surface areas or other hydrophobicity parameters to be de novo obtained.  相似文献   

In a comparison of four potato varieties, in-soil hatch of the golden potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) was positively correlated to in vitro hatch in response to potato root leachate (PRL). The in-soil hatch of cysts of G. rostochiensis to two of the four varieties was significantly less than that of the control (cysts in gravel without potato plants) in the first 2 wk after plant emergence, suggesting the production of hatching inhibitors (HIs) by young potato plants. The hatching factor: hatching inhibitor ratio of PRL was positively associated with the net hatching activity of the PRL. Four zones of HI activity were resolved following gel permeation chromatography of PRL on Sephadex G-10. Hatch-inactive chemicals, which stimulated the activity of hatching factors (HFs) in PRL (hatching factor stimulants, HSs), were also isolated from PRL, hatch levels induced by individual HFs responding differently to the same HS preparation. The complex interactions between individual HFs and other hatching chemicals in PRL was illustrated when addition of the hatch-active potato glycoalkaloid α-solanine caused both inhibition and stimulation of PRL-induced hatch, depending on the α-solanine concentration.  相似文献   

Hatching of potato cyst nematodes is induced by root exudates of Solanaceae, such as Solanum sisymbriifolium, and is therefore related to root length distribution of this crop. A mathematical model was derived to relate the hatching potential to root length density (RLD). A series of field experiments was carried out to study actual root length distribution of S. sisymbriifolium in relation to shoot properties and to provide input into the model. Using a modified Poisson distribution formula for the three‐dimensional distribution of roots in a volume of soil, the relation between the zone of influence of hatching agents and the RLD could be derived. On this basis, the minimal RLD was estimated, which is needed to expose 75%, 90% or 95% of cysts to root exudates, as a function of the length of the zone of influence of hatching agents on cysts. The logarithm of the total root length showed a linear relation with the logarithms of above‐ground biomass and with leaf area index. Root diameter distribution was the same for all crops examined and independent of soil depth. Fine roots (<0.4 mm in diameter) constituted around 50% of total root length. Using a zone of influence of 1.00, 0.75 and 0.50 cm around the centre of each root, a minimal RLD for sufficient soil exploration (75%) was estimated. Depth at which that minimal RLD was exceeded was linearly related to total root length (km m?2) and to above‐ground crop biomass, enabling estimations being made of the potential hatching efficacy as related to measurable properties of S. sisymbriifolium crops. The proposed approach to derive potential hatching effects from crop properties needs further validation; particularly, the distance of influence of root exudates is a critical factor.  相似文献   

The snail faunas of the Napier and Oscar Ranges, Western Australia have two major components: large camaenid species which are restricted endemics, with tiny geographical distributions and a pattern of geographical replacement within the Ranges, and smaller species of wider distribution, most of which are found throughout the Ranges. Sampling of 55 similar sites, protected from fire, over the length of the Ranges reveals this pattern clearly, with γ diversities being far higher for camaenids than for others, in which there is no pattern of geographical replacement. This difference is not found in temperate and subtropical snail faunas from elsewhere, nor does the camaenid pattern occur in surveys of diversity in other organisms. These results are discussed in terms of dispersal and allopatric speciation related to demonstrable environmental fluctuation. An additional finding is that within one major taxonomic group (Gastropoda), a community may be partly structured by competition and exclusion and partly by accidents of colonization and accumulation: some, but not all niches may be full.  相似文献   

The biological control potential of Pochonia chlamydosporia against root-knot ( Meloidogyne spp.) and cyst-forming ( Heterodera and Globodera spp.) nematodes is widely appreciated. In spite of this, little has been undertaken to determine the compatibility of this fungus with modern fungicides. A series of experiments were undertaken to investigate the effect of azoxystrobin on P. chlamydosporia . Initial Petri dish experiments found a significant reduction in the growth of P. chlamydosporia . EC50 values were calculated at 7 and 14 mg L−1, respectively, for hyphal growth and chlamydospore germination. A microcosm experiment based on counts of the colony-forming units of the re-isolated fungus showed a reduction in EC50 values for azoxystrobin in soil after 12, 20 and 40 days incubation (1.25, 1.00 and 3.00 mg kg−1 soil, respectively). There was evidence the fungus recovered over time in response to azoxystrobin application. This was also demonstrated in a glasshouse experiment where EC50 values of 1.32 and 4.4 mg kg−1 soil were obtained for 35 and 49 days after planting (DAP), respectively.  相似文献   

Glyphosate, applied early or later or twice to genetically modified glyphosate‐tolerant sugar beet, gave excellent control of planted ‘volunteer’ potatoes growing within the crop compared to conventional herbicide programmes with or without clopyralid. In three out of four trials, this resulted in significant reductions in the numbers of eggs and cysts of potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida) where infestations were moderate (23–89 eggs g?1 soil). In the fourth trial, which had very high initial populations (130 eggs ?1 soil), none of the herbicide treatments had any significant effect on numbers of nematode eggs or cysts. This was probably due to competition for feeding sites, and the early death of the potatoes in all treatments caused by feeding damage by the nematodes and infection by blight, which prevented the nematodes from completing their life cycle. Glyphosate also significantly reduced the number and size of daughter tubers produced, thus helping to prevent a further volunteer problem in the next crop in the rotation. This was achieved by one or two applications of one chemical compared to 2–5 applications of cocktails of conventional herbicides.  相似文献   

海拔梯度综合了温度、降水等气候因子,是影响物种多样性分布格局的重要环境因子,两栖动物多样性及其海拔分布格局一直是生物地理学和生态学研究的重要内容。为了全面掌握云南澜沧县两栖动物多样性现状及海拔分布格局,在调查并掌握澜沧县两栖动物多样性本底数据的基础上,根据地形地貌和生境的不同,在澜沧县99个10km×10km有效网格中按照分层抽样的方法选取45个网格,每个网格设置3-5条样线,于2016-2017年开展野外调查。调查共发现两栖动物1842只,隶属于2目9科30属60种,以树蛙科为主,占两栖动物物种总数的28.3%,其中云南纤树蛙(Gracixalus yunnanensis)为新种,清迈泽陆蛙(Fejervarya qingmaiensis)为中国新纪录种;调查到中国特有种有15种,三有保护动物有25种,受威胁物种有19种,其中极危物种1种,濒危物种4种,易危物种14种;澜沧县两栖动物在海拔600-2400m范围内均有分布,其中,在海拔1800-2000m之间的范围内调查到的两栖动物物种数目和多度均较高,其次是在海拔1600-1800m和1200-1400m范围内;本次调查记录到的两栖动物物种数是历史记录物种数的3倍,属数比历史记录多了1倍,铃蟾科为新记录科;丰富度较高的网格尤其是丰富度在20以上的网格均处于中高海拔,海拔相对较低和较高的网格丰富度相对较低;两栖动物多样性科、属、种的丰富度在海拔梯度上分布格局不太一致,种丰富度的海拔分布格局大体呈双峰型,是由包括平均降水量、平均温度和植被覆盖指数等环境因子的综合作用,各因子与物种丰富度相关性从大到小依次为平均降水量 > 平均海拔=平均温度 > 植被覆盖指数 > 水网密度指数 > 样线距离水域的平均距离 > 植被类型数量。研究摸清了澜沧县两栖动物的多样性状况,分析了两栖动物多样性海拔分布格局,为澜沧县生物多样性保护提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Cyst nematodes are important agricultural pests responsible for billions of dollars of losses each year. Plant resistance is the most effective management tool, but it requires a close monitoring of population genetics. Current technologies for pathotyping and genotyping cyst nematodes are time‐consuming, expensive and imprecise. In this study, we capitalized on the reproduction mode of cyst nematodes to develop a simple population genetic analysis pipeline based on genotyping‐by‐sequencing and Pool‐Seq. This method yielded thousands of SNPs and allowed us to study the relationships between populations of different origins or pathotypes. Validation of the method on well‐characterized populations also demonstrated that it was a powerful and accurate tool for population genetics. The genomewide allele frequencies of 23 populations of golden nematode, from nine countries and representing the five known pathotypes, were compared. A clear separation of the pathotypes and fine genetic relationships between and among global populations were obtained using this method. In addition to being powerful, this tool has proven to be very time‐ and cost‐efficient and could be applied to other cyst nematode species.  相似文献   

Potato plants growing in soil heavily infested with potato cyst nematode (PCN) contained less N, P and K in their leaf dry matter than plants growing in the same soil treated with a nematicide. These differences were less in tolerant than intolerant cultivars. Applying additonal fertiliser increased the growth of untreated plants more than that of nematicide-treated plants and nematicides increased growth most in plots receiving the lowest rate of fertiliser. Overall, the results are consistent with the hypothesis that damage by invading juveniles of PCN decreases the effectiveness of the potato root system leading to a chronic deficiency of one or more nutrients and a consequential reduction in the rate of top growth.  相似文献   

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