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Let ${\mathcal {S}}$ denote the set of (possibly noncanonical) base pairs {i, j} of an RNA tertiary structure; i.e. ${\{i, j\} \in \mathcal {S}}$ if there is a hydrogen bond between the ith and jth nucleotide. The page number of ${\mathcal {S}}$ , denoted ${\pi(\mathcal {S})}$ , is the minimum number k such that ${\mathcal {S}}$ can be decomposed into a disjoint union of k secondary structures. Here, we show that computing the page number is NP-complete; we describe an exact computation of page number, using constraint programming, and determine the page number of a collection of RNA tertiary structures, for which the topological genus is known. We describe an approximation algorithm from which it follows that ${\omega(\mathcal {S}) \leq \pi(\mathcal {S}) \leq \omega(\mathcal {S}) \cdot \log n}$ , where the clique number of ${\mathcal {S}, \omega(\mathcal {S})}$ , denotes the maximum number of base pairs that pairwise cross each other.  相似文献   

The basic reproductive number, $\mathcal {R}_{0}$ , provides a foundation for evaluating how various factors affect the incidence of infectious diseases. Recently, it has been suggested that, particularly for vector-transmitted diseases, $\mathcal {R}_{0}$ should be modified to account for the effects of finite host population within a single disease transmission generation. Here, we use a transmission factor approach to calculate such “finite-population reproductive numbers,” under the assumption of homogeneous mixing, for both vector-borne and directly transmitted diseases. In the case of vector-borne diseases, we estimate finitepopulation reproductive numbers for both host-to-host and vector-to-vector generations, assuming that the vector population is effectively infinite. We find simple, interpretable formulas for all three of these quantities. In the direct case, we find that finite-population reproductive numbers diverge from $\mathcal {R}_{0}$ before $\mathcal {R}_{0}$ reaches half of the population size. In the vector-transmitted case, we find that the host-to-host number diverges at even lower values of $\mathcal {R}_{0}$ , while the vector-to-vector number diverges very little over realistic parameter ranges.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of edge removal on the basic reproduction number ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ for disease spread on contact networks is important for disease management. The formula for the basic reproduction number ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ in random network SIR models of configuration type suggests that for degree distributions with large variance, a reduction of the average degree may actually increase ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ . To understand this phenomenon, we develop a dynamical model for the evolution of the degree distribution under random edge removal, and show that truly random removal always reduces ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ . The discrepancy implies that any increase in ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ must result from edge removal changing the network type, invalidating the use of the basic reproduction number formula for a random contact network. We further develop an epidemic model incorporating a contact network consisting of two groups of nodes with random intra- and inter-group connections, and derive its basic reproduction number. We then prove that random edge removal within either group, and between groups, always decreases the appropriately defined ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ . Our models also allow an estimation of the number of edges that need to be removed in order to curtail an epidemic.  相似文献   

The data warehouse technology has become the incontestable tool for businesses and organizations to make strategic decisions to ensure their competitively. The construction of a data warehouse ( $\mathcal{D}\mathcal{W}$ ) passes by selecting relevant information sources, extracting relevant data and loading them into the $\mathcal{D}\mathcal{W}$ . These processes require a precise expertise from designers related to logical and physical implementations of information sources, which is not usually an easy task. The diversity and heterogeneity of information sources makes the construction process of the $\mathcal{D}\mathcal{W}$ complex and time consuming. Domain ontologies have been proposed to reduce heterogeneity between sources, platforms, services, etc. They resolve syntax and semantic conflicts. The phenomenon of adopting domain ontologies by organizations creates a new type of databases, called semantic databases ( $\mathcal{S}\mathcal{D}\mathcal{B}$ ). As a consequence, they become a candidate for building the semantic $\mathcal{D}\mathcal{W}$ ( $\mathcal{S}\mathcal{D}\mathcal{W}$ ). To handle the diversity of information sources and hide the implementations aspects of sources, proposing a generic framework for constructing $\mathcal{D}\mathcal{W}$ becomes a necessity. In this paper, we first proposed an ontology-based approach for designing $\mathcal{S}\mathcal {D}\mathcal{B}$ . Secondly, ETL phases are defined at ontological level to hide the implementation details. Thirdly, a storage service for ontologies and its associated data is given. Finally, our proposal is validated through a case study and a tool.  相似文献   

Bovine Babesiosis (BB) is a tick borne parasitic disease with worldwide over 1.3 billion bovines at potential risk of being infected. The disease, also called tick fever, causes significant mortality from infection by the protozoa upon exposure to infected ticks. An important factor in the spread of the disease is the dispersion or migration of cattle as well as ticks. In this paper, we study the effect of this factor. We introduce a number, $\mathcal{P}$ , a “proliferation index,” which plays the same role as the basic reproduction number $\mathcal{R}_{0}$ with respect to the stability/instability of the disease-free equilibrium, and observe that $\mathcal{P}$ decreases as the dispersion coefficients increase. We prove, mathematically, that if $\mathcal{P}>1$ then the tick fever will remain endemic. We also consider the case where the birth rate of ticks undergoes seasonal oscillations. Based on data from Colombia, South Africa, and Brazil, we use the model to determine the effectiveness of several intervention schemes to control the progression of BB.  相似文献   

Recently, we have shown that calculating the minimum–temporal-hybridization number for a set ${\mathcal{P}}$ of rooted binary phylogenetic trees is NP-hard and have characterized this minimum number when ${\mathcal{P}}$ consists of exactly two trees. In this paper, we give the first characterization of the problem for ${\mathcal{P}}$ being arbitrarily large. The characterization is in terms of cherries and the existence of a particular type of sequence. Furthermore, in an online appendix to the paper, we show that this new characterization can be used to show that computing the minimum–temporal hybridization number for two trees is fixed-parameter tractable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive and analyze an infectious disease model containing a fixed latency and non-local infection caused by the mobility of the latent individuals in a continuous bounded domain. The model is given by a spatially non-local reaction–diffusion system carrying a discrete delay associated with the zero-flux condition on the boundary. By applying some existing abstract results in dynamical systems theory, we prove the existence of a global attractor for the model system. By appealing to the theory of monotone dynamical systems and uniform persistence, we show that the model has the global threshold dynamics which can be described either by the principal eigenvalue of a linear non-local scalar reaction diffusion equation or equivalently by the basic reproduction number ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ for the model. Such threshold dynamics predicts whether the disease will die out or persist. We identify the next generation operator, the spectral radius of which defines basic reproduction number. When all model parameters are constants, we are able to find explicitly the principal eigenvalue and ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ . In addition to computing the spectral radius of the next generation operator, we also discuss an alternative way to compute ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ .  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the investigation of the effects of periodic drug treatment on a standard within-host virus model. We first introduce the basic reproduction ratio for the model, and then show that the infection free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable, and the disease eventually disappears if $\mathcal{R}_{0} < 1$ , while there exists at least one positive periodic state and the disease persists when $\mathcal{R}_{0}>1$ . We also consider an optimization problem by shifting the phase of these drug efficacy functions. It turns out that shifting the phase can certainly affect the stability of the infection free steady state. A numerical study is performed to illustrate our analytic results.  相似文献   

Pathogen evolution towards the largest basic reproductive number, $\mathcal R _0$ , has been observed in many theoretical models, but this conclusion does not hold universally. Previous studies of host–pathogen systems have defined general conditions under which $\mathcal R _0$ maximization occurs in terms of $\mathcal R _0$ itself. However, it is unclear what constraints these conditions impose on the functional forms of pathogen related processes (e.g. transmission, recover, or mortality) and how those constraints relate to the characteristics of natural systems. Here we focus on well-mixed SIR-type host–pathogen systems and, via a synthesis of results from the literature, we present a set of sufficient mathematical conditions under which evolution maximizes $\mathcal R _0$ . Our conditions are in terms of the functional responses of the system and yield three general biological constraints on when $\mathcal R _0$ maximization will occur. First, there are no genotype-by-environment interactions. Second, the pathogen utilizes a single transmission pathway (i.e. either horizontal, vertical, or vector transmission). Third, when mortality is density dependent: (i) there is a single infectious class that individuals cannot recover from, (ii) mortality in the infectious class is entirely density dependent, and (iii) the rates of recovery, infection progression, and mortality in the exposed classes are independent of the pathogen trait. We discuss how this approach identifies the biological mechanisms that increase the dimension of the environmental feedback and prevent $\mathcal R _0$ maximization.  相似文献   

In this paper, a mathematical model is derived to describe the transmission and spread of vector-borne diseases over a patchy environment. The model incorporates into the classic Ross–MacDonald model two factors: disease latencies in both hosts and vectors, and dispersal of hosts between patches. The basic reproduction number \(\mathcal{R }_0\) is identified by the theory of the next generation operator for structured disease models. The dynamics of the model is investigated in terms of \(\mathcal{R }_0\) . It is shown that the disease free equilibrium is asymptotically stable if \(\mathcal{R }_0<1\) , and it is unstable if \(\mathcal{R }_0>1\) ; in the latter case, the disease is endemic in the sense that the variables for the infected compartments are uniformly persistent. For the case of two patches, more explicit formulas for \(\mathcal{R }_0\) are derived by which, impacts of the dispersal rates on disease dynamics are also explored. Some numerical computations for \(\mathcal{R }_0\) in terms of dispersal rates are performed which show visually that the impacts could be very complicated: in certain range of the parameters, \(\mathcal{R }_0\) is increasing with respect to a dispersal rate while in some other range, it can be decreasing with respect to the same dispersal rate. The results can be useful to health organizations at various levels for setting guidelines or making policies for travels, as far as malaria epidemics is concerned.  相似文献   

One of the first quantities to be estimated at the start of an epidemic is the basic reproduction number, ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ . The progress of an epidemic is sensitive to the value of ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ , hence we need methods for exploring the consequences of uncertainty in the estimate. We begin with an analysis of the SIR model, with ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ specified by a probability distribution instead of a single value. We derive probability distributions for the prevalence and incidence of infection during the initial exponential phase, the peaks in prevalence and incidence and their timing, and the final size of the epidemic. Then, by expanding the state variables in orthogonal polynomials in uncertainty space, we construct a set of deterministic equations for the distribution of the solution throughout the time-course of the epidemic. The resulting dynamical system need only be solved once to produce a deterministic stochastic solution. The method is illustrated with ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ specified by uniform, beta and normal distributions. We then apply the method to data from the New Zealand epidemic of H1N1 influenza in 2009. We apply the polynomial expansion method to a Kermack–McKendrick model, to simulate a forecasting system that could be used in real time. The results demonstrate the level of uncertainty when making parameter estimates and projections based on a limited amount of data, as would be the case during the initial stages of an epidemic. In solving both problems we demonstrate how the dynamical system is derived automatically via recurrence relationships, then solved numerically.  相似文献   

We consider an excitatory population of subthreshold Izhikevich neurons which exhibit noise-induced firings. By varying the coupling strength J, we investigate population synchronization between the noise-induced firings which may be used for efficient cognitive processing such as sensory perception, multisensory binding, selective attention, and memory formation. As J is increased, rich types of population synchronization (e.g., spike, burst, and fast spike synchronization) are found to occur. Transitions between population synchronization and incoherence are well described in terms of an order parameter $\mathcal{O}$ . As a final step, the coupling induces oscillator death (quenching of noise-induced spikings) because each neuron is attracted to a noisy equilibrium state. The oscillator death leads to a transition from firing to non-firing states at the population level, which may be well described in terms of the time-averaged population spike rate $\overline{R}$ . In addition to the statistical-mechanical analysis using $\mathcal{O}$ and $\overline{R}$ , each population and individual state are also characterized by using the techniques of nonlinear dynamics such as the raster plot of neural spikes, the time series of the membrane potential, and the phase portrait. We note that population synchronization of noise-induced firings may lead to emergence of synchronous brain rhythms in a noisy environment, associated with diverse cognitive functions.  相似文献   

Bone remodelling is carried out by ‘bone multicellular units’ ( $\text{ BMU }$ s) in which active osteoclasts and active osteoblasts are spatially and temporally coupled. The refilling of new bone by osteoblasts towards the back of the $\text{ BMU }$ occurs at a rate that depends both on the number of osteoblasts and on their secretory activity. In cortical bone, a linear phenomenological relationship between matrix apposition rate and $\text{ BMU }$ cavity radius is found experimentally. How this relationship emerges from the combination of complex, nonlinear regulations of osteoblast number and secretory activity is unknown. Here, we extend our previous mathematical model of cell development within a single cortical $\text{ BMU }$ to investigate how osteoblast number and osteoblast secretory activity vary along the $\text{ BMU }$ ’s closing cone. The mathematical model is based on biochemical coupling between osteoclasts and osteoblasts of various maturity and includes the differentiation of osteoblasts into osteocytes and bone lining cells, as well as the influence of $\text{ BMU }$ cavity shrinkage on osteoblast development and activity. Matrix apposition rates predicted by the model are compared with data from tetracycline double labelling experiments. We find that the linear phenomenological relationship observed in these experiments between matrix apposition rate and $\text{ BMU }$ cavity radius holds for most of the refilling phase simulated by our model, but not near the start and end of refilling. This suggests that at a particular bone site undergoing remodelling, bone formation starts and ends rapidly, supporting the hypothesis that osteoblasts behave synchronously. Our model also suggests that part of the observed cross-sectional variability in tetracycline data may be due to different bone sites being refilled by $\text{ BMU }$ s at different stages of their lifetime. The different stages of a $\text{ BMU }$ ’s lifetime (such as initiation stage, progression stage, and termination stage) depend on whether the cell populations within the $\text{ BMU }$ are still developing or have reached a quasi-steady state whilst travelling through bone. We find that due to their longer lifespan, active osteoblasts reach a quasi-steady distribution more slowly than active osteoclasts. We suggest that this fact may locally enlarge the Haversian canal diameter (due to a local lack of osteoblasts compared to osteoclasts) near the $\text{ BMU }$ ’s point of origin.  相似文献   

The regulatory impact of the mitochondria spatial distribution and enlargement in their oxidative power $q_{O_2 } $ on tissue oxygenation of skeletal muscle during hypoxia were studied. Investigations were performed by mathematical modeling of 3D O2 diffusion-reaction in muscle fiber. The oxygen consumption rate $V_{O_2 } $ and tissue $p_{O_2 } $ were analyzed in response to a decrease in arterial blood oxygen concentration from 19.5 to 10 vol % at moderate load. Cells with evenly (case 1) and unevenly (case 2) distributed mitochondria were considered. According to calculations, owing to a rise in mitochondria oxidative power from 3.5 to 6.5 mL/min per 100 g of tissue it is possible to maintain muscle oxygen $V_{O_2 } $ at a constant level of 3.5 mL/min per 100 g despite a decrease in O2 delivery. The minimum value of tissue $p_{O_2 } $ was about 0 and an area of hypoxia appeared inside the cell in case 1. Whereas hypoxia disappeared and minimum value of $p_{O_2 } $ increased from 0 to 4 mmHg if mitochondria were distributed unevenly (case 2). The possibilities of such regulation depended on the relationship “the degree of hypoxemia — the level of oxygen delivery.” It was assumed that an increase in mitochondrial enzyme activity and their migration to places of the greatest oxygen consumption rate can improve the oxygen regime in the cell as it adapts to hypoxia.  相似文献   

A continuum mixture model with distinct collagen (COL) and glycosaminoglycan elastic constituents was developed for the solid matrix of immature bovine articular cartilage. A continuous COL fiber volume fraction distribution function and a true COL fiber elastic modulus ( $E^\mathrm{f})$ were used. Quantitative polarized light microscopy (qPLM) methods were developed to account for the relatively high cell density of immature articular cartilage and used with a novel algorithm that constructs a 3D distribution function from 2D qPLM data. For specimens untreated and cultured in vitro, most model parameters were specified from qPLM analysis and biochemical assay results; consequently, $E^\mathrm{f}$ was predicted using an optimization to measured mechanical properties in uniaxial tension and unconfined compression. Analysis of qPLM data revealed a highly anisotropic fiber distribution, with principal fiber orientation parallel to the surface layer. For untreated samples, predicted $E^\mathrm{f}$ values were 175 and 422 MPa for superficial (S) and middle (M) zone layers, respectively. TGF- $\upbeta $ 1 treatment was predicted to increase and decrease $E^\mathrm{f}$ values for the S and M layers to 281 and 309 MPa, respectively. IGF-1 treatment was predicted to decrease $E^\mathrm{f}$ values for the S and M layers to 22 and 26 MPa, respectively. A novel finding was that distinct native depth-dependent fiber modulus properties were modulated to nearly homogeneous values by TGF- $\upbeta $ 1 and IGF-1 treatments, with modulated values strongly dependent on treatment.  相似文献   

Proximal pulmonary artery (PA) stiffening is a strong predictor of mortality in pulmonary hypertension. Collagen accumulation is mainly responsible for PA stiffening in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension (HPH) in mouse models. We hypothesized that collagen cross-linking and the type I isoform are the main determinants of large PA mechanical changes during HPH, which we tested by exposing mice that resist type I collagen degradation (Col1a1 $^\mathrm{R/R})$ and littermate controls (Col1a1 $^{+/+})$ to hypoxia for 10 days with or without $\beta $ -aminopropionitrile (BAPN) treatment to prevent cross-link formation. Static and dynamic mechanical tests were performed on isolated PAs with smooth muscle cells (SMC) in passive and active states. Percentages of type I and III collagen were quantified by histology; total collagen content and cross-linking were measured biochemically. In the SMC passive state, for both genotypes, hypoxia tended to increase PA stiffness and damping capacity, and BAPN treatment limited these increases. These changes were correlated with collagen cross-linking ( $p<0.05$ ). In the SMC active state, hypoxia increased PA dynamic stiffness and BAPN had no effect in Col1a1 $^{+/+}$ mice ( $p<0.05$ ). PA stiffness did not change in Col1a1 $^\mathrm{R/R}$ mice. Similarly, damping capacity did not change for either genotype. Type I collagen accumulated more in Col1a1 $^{+/+}$ mice, whereas type III collagen increased more in Col1a1 $^\mathrm{R/R}$ mice during HPH. In summary, PA passive mechanical properties (both static and dynamic) are related to collagen cross-linking. Type I collagen turnover is critical to large PA remodeling during HPH when collagen metabolism is not mutated and type III collagen may serve as a reserve.  相似文献   

Mass attenuation coefficient, $ \mu_{m} $ , atomic cross-section, $ \sigma_{i} $ , electronic cross-section, $ \sigma_{e} $ , effective atomic number, $ Z_{\text{eff}} $ and effective electron density, $ N_{\text{el}} $ , were determined experimentally and theoretically for some vitamins (retinol, beta-carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacinamide, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, ascorbic acid, cholecalciferol, alpha-tocopherol, ketamine, hesperidin) at 30.82, 59.54, 80.99, 356.61, 661.66 and 1,408.01?keV photon energies using a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector. The theoretical mass attenuation coefficients were estimated using mixture rules. The calculated values were compared with the experimental values for all vitamins.  相似文献   

Mammalian glycosylated rhesus (Rh) proteins include the erythroid RhAG and the nonerythroid RhBG and RhCG. RhBG and RhCG are expressed in multiple tissues, including hepatocytes and the collecting duct (CD) of the kidney. Here, we expressed human RhAG, RhBG and RhCG in Xenopus oocytes (vs. H2O-injected control oocytes) and used microelectrodes to monitor the maximum transient change in surface pH (ΔpHS) caused by exposing the same oocyte to 5 % CO2/33 mM HCO3 ? (an increase) or 0.5 mM NH3/NH4 + (a decrease). Subtracting the respective values for day-matched, H2O-injected control oocytes yielded channel-specific values (*). $({\Updelta {\text{pH}}_{\text{S}}^{*} })_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }}$ and $({ - \Updelta {\text{pH}}_{\text{S}}^{*} })_{{{\text{NH}}_{ 3} }}$ were each significantly >0 for all channels, indicating that RhBG and RhCG—like RhAG—can carry CO2 and NH3. We also investigated the role of a conserved aspartate residue, which was reported to inhibit NH3 transport. However, surface biotinylation experiments indicate the mutants RhBGD178N and RhCGD177N have at most a very low abundance in the oocyte plasma membrane. We demonstrate for the first time that RhBG and RhCG—like RhAG—have significant CO2 permeability, and we confirm that RhAG, RhBG and RhCG all have significant NH3 permeability. However, as evidenced by $({\Updelta {\text{pH}}_{\text{S}}^{*} })_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} /({ - \Updelta {\text{pH}}_{\text{S}}^{*} })_{{{\text{NH}}_{ 3} }}$ values, we could not distinguish among the CO2/NH3 permeability ratios for RhAG, RhBG and RhCG. Finally, we propose a mechanism whereby RhBG and RhCG contribute to acid secretion in the CD by enhancing the transport of not only NH3 but also CO2 across the membranes of CD cells.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) retention by tree canopies is believed to be an important process for tree nutrient uptake, and its quantification is a key issue in determining the impact of atmospheric N deposition on forest ecosystems. Due to dry deposition and retention by other canopy elements, the actual uptake and assimilation by the tree canopy is often obscured in throughfall studies. In this study, 15N-labeled solutions ( $ ^{15} {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } $ and $ ^{15} {\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - } $ ) were used to assess dissolved inorganic N retention by leaves/needles and twigs of European beech, pedunculate oak, silver birch, and Scots pine saplings. The effects of N form, tree species, leaf phenology, and applied $ {\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - } $ to $ {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } $ ratio on the N retention were assessed. Retention patterns were mainly determined by foliar uptake, except for Scots pine. In twigs, a small but significant 15N enrichment was detected for $ {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } $ , which was found to be mainly due to physicochemical adsorption to the woody plant surface. The mean $ {{^{15} {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{^{15} {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } } {^{15} {\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - } }}} \right. \kern-0em} {^{15} {\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - } }} $ retention ratio varied considerably among species and phenological stadia, which indicates that the use of a fixed ratio in the canopy budget model could lead to an over- or underestimation of the total N retention. In addition, throughfall water under each branch was collected and analyzed for $ ^{15} {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } $ , $ ^{15} {\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - } $ , and all major ions. Net throughfall of $ ^{15} {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } $ was, on average, 20 times higher than the actual retention of $ ^{15} {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } $ by the plant material. This difference in $ ^{15} {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } $ retention could not be attributed to pools and fluxes measured in this study. The retention of $ ^{15} {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } $ was correlated with the net throughfall of K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and weak acids during leaf development and the fully leafed period, while no significant relationships were found for $ ^{15} {\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - } $ retention. This suggests that the main driving factors for $ {\text{NH}}_{4}^{ + } $ retention might be ion exchange processes during the start and middle of the growing season and passive diffusion at leaf senescence. Actual assimilation or abiotic uptake of N through leaves and twigs was small in this study, for example, 1–5% of the applied dissolved 15N, indicating that the impact of canopy N retention from wet deposition on forest productivity and carbon sequestration is likely limited.  相似文献   

To an RNA pseudoknot structure is naturally associated a topological surface, which has its associated genus, and structures can thus be classified by the genus. Based on earlier work of Harer–Zagier, we compute the generating function $\mathbf{D}_{g,\sigma }(z)=\sum _{n}\mathbf{d}_{g,\sigma }(n)z^n$ for the number $\mathbf{d}_{g,\sigma }(n)$ of those structures of fixed genus $g$ and minimum stack size $\sigma $ with $n$ nucleotides so that no two consecutive nucleotides are basepaired and show that $\mathbf{D}_{g,\sigma }(z)$ is algebraic. In particular, we prove that $\mathbf{d}_{g,2}(n)\sim k_g\,n^{3(g-\frac{1}{2})} \gamma _2^n$ , where $\gamma _2\approx 1.9685$ . Thus, for stack size at least two, the genus only enters through the sub-exponential factor, and the slow growth rate compared to the number of RNA molecules implies the existence of neutral networks of distinct molecules with the same structure of any genus. Certain RNA structures called shapes are shown to be in natural one-to-one correspondence with the cells in the Penner–Strebel decomposition of Riemann’s moduli space of a surface of genus $g$ with one boundary component, thus providing a link between RNA enumerative problems and the geometry of Riemann’s moduli space.  相似文献   

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