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Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a protein kinase that controls cell growth, proliferation, and survival. mTOR signaling is often upregulated in cancer and there is great interest in developing drugs that target this enzyme. Rapamycin and its analogs bind to a domain separate from the catalytic site to block a subset of mTOR functions. These drugs are extremely selective for mTOR and are already in clinical use for treating cancers, but they could potentially activate an mTOR-dependent survival pathway that could lead to treatment failure. By contrast, small molecules that compete with ATP in the catalytic site would inhibit all of the kinase-dependent functions of mTOR without activating the survival pathway. Several non-selective mTOR kinase inhibitors have been described and here we review their chemical and cellular properties. Further development of selective mTOR kinase inhibitors holds the promise of yielding potent anticancer drugs with a novel mechanism of action.  相似文献   

This article describes the syntheses and SAR of a series of imidazolopyrimidine derivatives, which are evaluated as inhibitors of PI3-Kinase (PI3 K) and mTOR. These compounds were found to be ATP competitive with good tumor cell growth inhibition, and suppression of pathway specific biomakers such as phosphorylation of Akt at T308.  相似文献   

A virtual screen of our in-house database using various fingerprint techniques returned several triazine hits which were found to be mTOR inhibitors with a slight selectivity over PI3Kα. Using structure-guided lead optimization the inhibitory activity towards mTOR and PI3Kα was increased to the low nanomolar range. Exploiting shape differences in the binding-site allowed for the design of mTOR selective inhibitors. Focus on ligand efficiency ensured the inhibitors retained a low molecular weight and desirable drug-like properties.  相似文献   



Target repurposing utilizes knowledge of “druggable” targets obtained in one organism and exploits this information to pursue new potential drug targets in other organisms. Here we describe such studies to evaluate whether inhibitors targeting the kinase domain of the mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) and human phosphoinositide-3-kinases (PI3Ks) show promise against the kinetoplastid parasites Trypanosoma brucei, T. cruzi, Leishmania major, and L. donovani. The genomes of trypanosomatids encode at least 12 proteins belonging to the PI3K protein superfamily, some of which are unique to parasites. Moreover, the shared PI3Ks differ greatly in sequence from those of the human host, thereby providing opportunities for selective inhibition.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We focused on 8 inhibitors targeting mTOR and/or PI3Ks selected from various stages of pre-clinical and clinical development, and tested them against in vitro parasite cultures and in vivo models of infection. Several inhibitors showed micromolar or better efficacy against these organisms in culture. One compound, NVP-BEZ235, displayed sub-nanomolar potency, efficacy against cultured parasites, and an ability to clear parasitemia in an animal model of T. brucei rhodesiense infection.


These studies strongly suggest that mammalian PI3/TOR kinase inhibitors are a productive starting point for anti-trypanosomal drug discovery. Our data suggest that NVP-BEZ235, an advanced clinical candidate against solid tumors, merits further investigation as an agent for treating African sleeping sickness.  相似文献   

G0/G1 switch gene 2 (G0S2) is a direct retinoic acid target implicated in cancer biology and therapy based on frequent methylation-mediated silencing in diverse solid tumors. We recently reported that low G0S2 expression in breast cancer, particularly estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer, correlates with increased rates of recurrence, indicating that G0S2 plays a role in breast cancer progression. However, the function(s) and mechanism(s) of G0S2 tumor suppression remain unclear. In order to determine potential mechanisms of G0S2 anti-oncogenic activity, we performed genome-wide expression analysis that revealed an enrichment of gene signatures related to PI3K/mTOR pathway activation in G0S2 null cells as compared to G0S2 wild-type cells. G0S2 null cells also exhibited a dramatic decreased sensitivity to PI3K/mTOR pathway inhibitors. Conversely, restoring G0S2 expression in human ER+ breast cancer cells decreased basal mTOR signaling and sensitized the cells to pharmacologic mTOR pathway inhibitors. Notably, we provide evidence here that the increase in recurrence seen with low G0S2 expression is especially prominent in patients who have undergone antiestrogen therapy. Further, ER+ breast cancer cells with restored G0S2 expression had a relative increased sensitivity to tamoxifen. These findings reveal that in breast cancer G0S2 functions as a tumor suppressor in part by repressing PI3K/mTOR activity, and that G0S2 enhances therapeutic responses to PI3K/mTOR inhibitors. Recent studies implicate hyperactivation of PI3K/mTOR signaling as promoting resistance to antiestrogen therapies in ER+ breast cancer. Our data establishes G0S2 as opposing this form of antiestrogen resistance. This promotes further investigation of the role of G0S2 as an antineoplastic breast cancer target and a biomarker for recurrence and therapy response.  相似文献   

Pteridinones were designed based on a non-selective kinase template. Because of the uniqueness of the PI3K and mTOR binding pockets, a methyl group was introduced to C-4 position of the peteridinone core to give compounds with excellent selectivity for PI3K and mTOR. This series of compounds were further optimized to improve their potency against PI3Kα and mTOR. Finally, orally active compounds with improved solubility and robust in vivo efficacy in tumor growth inhibition were identified as well.  相似文献   

Over the past few years a number of components of the PI3K/mTOR pathway have been the subject of intense drug discovery activities both in pharmaceutical companies and in academia. This review article summarizes progress made in the identification and development of allosteric and ATP-competitive kinase inhibitors of mTOR and their potential therapeutic use in oncology.  相似文献   

The 3-D structure of the human mTOR kinase domain was modeled based on the crystal structure of PI3Kγ using comparative modeling methods, and the ATP-binding site of mTOR was characterized. The mTOR kinase 3-D model structure is similar to the structure of the PI3Kγ kinase domain, and exhibits great similarity to PI3Kγ at the active site of the kinase. Pharmacophore generation, the docking of mTOR inhibitors, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of mTOR–inhibitor docked complexes were carried out in this work. The best pharmacophore model generated from 27 ATP-competitive mTOR inhibitors comprised two hydrogen-bond acceptors, one aromatic ring, and one hydrophobic feature. These 27 inhibitors were docked into the ATP-binding site comprising the DFG motif, and the interactions in each protein–inhibitor complex were characterized. Mapping the pharmacophore model onto the docked inhibitors explained the specificity of the features of the pharmacophore and how they were arranged inside the active site of mTOR kinase. MD studies revealed important structural features, such as the large hydrophobic pocket “HP” and hydrophilic pocket “A1,” and the solvent-exposed hydrophilic pocket “A2” at the active site of mTOR. Our results provide structural models of mTOR–inhibitor complexes and clues that should aid in the design of better mTOR kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Optimization of the cellular and pharmacological activity of a novel series of PI3 kinase inhibitors targeting multiple isoforms is described.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the syntheses of PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitors that have been reported outside of the patent literature in the last 5 years but is largely centered on synthetic work reported in 2011 and 2012. While focused on syntheses of inhibitors, some information on in vitro and in vivo testing of compounds is also included. Many of these reported compounds are reversible, competitive adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding inhibitors, so given the structural similarities of many of these compounds to the adenine core, this review presents recent work on inhibitors based on where the synthetic chemistry was started, that is, inhibitor syntheses which started with purines/pyrimidines are followed by inhibitor syntheses which began with pyridines, pyrazines, azoles, and triazines then moves to inhibitors which bear no structural resemblance to adenine: liphagal, wortmannin and quercetin analogs. The review then finishes with a short section on recent syntheses of phosphotidyl inositol (PI) analogs since competitive PI binding inhibitors represent an alternative to the competitive ATP binding inhibitors which have received the most attention.  相似文献   

Intra-molecular hydrogen bonding was introduced to the quinazoline motif to form a pseudo ring (intra-molecular H-bond scaffold, iMHBS) to mimic our previous published core structures, pyrido[2.3-D]pyrimidin-7-one and pteridinone, as PI3K/mTOR dual inhibitors. This design results in potent PI3K/mTOR dual inhibitors and the purposed intra-molecular hydrogen bonding structure is well supported by co-crystal structure in PI3Kγ enzyme. In addition, a novel synthetic route was developed for these analogs.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter ABCG2 plays an important role in tissue detoxification and confers multidrug resistance to cancer cells. Identification of expressional and functional cellular regulators of this multidrug transporter is therefore intensively pursued. The PI3-kinase/Akt signaling axis has been implicated as a key element in regulating various cellular functions, including the expression and plasma membrane localization of ABCG2. Here we demonstrate that besides inhibiting their respective target kinases, the pharmacological PI3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 and the downstream mTOR kinase inhibitor rapamycin also directly inhibit ABCG2 function. In contrast, wortmannin, another commonly used pharmacological inhibitor of PI3-kinase does not interact with the transporter. We suggest that direct functional modulation of ABCG2 should be taken into consideration when pharmacological agents are applied to dissect the specific role of PI3-kinase/Akt/mTOR signaling in cellular functions.  相似文献   

Aberrant regulation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) activity is implicated in various diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Thus, high-throughput screening (HTS) of small-molecule inhibitors for PI3 kinases is an appealing strategy for drug development. Despite the attractiveness of lipid kinases as drug targets, screening for inhibitors for PI3K activities has been hampered by limited assay formats adaptable for HTS. The authors describe a homogeneous, direct, and nonradioactive assay for highly sensitive detection of PI3Kalpha, beta, delta, and gamma activities, which is suitable for HTS. The assay is based on fluorescence superquenching of a conjugated polymer upon metal-ion-mediated association of phosphorylated and dye-labeled substrates. As a result of phosphorylation, quencher and polymer are brought into proximity, and fluorescent energy transfer occurs. This event can be monitored as either fluorescence quench of the polymer or as enhanced emission from the quencher. Ratiometric analysis of the wavelengths eliminates interferences from autofluorescing compounds, which are present in HTS libraries. The platform has been adapted for the 384-well microplate format and delivers Z factors of > 0.6 at substrate conversions as low as 7%. Using this assay platform, several unreported inhibitors and activators of PI3Ks were identified in an 84- compound screen.  相似文献   

Novel conformationally-restricted mTOR kinase inhibitors with cyclic sulfone scaffold were designed. Synthesis and structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies are described with emphasis on optimization of the mTOR potency and selectivity against class I PI3Kα kinase. PF-05139962 was identified with excellent mTOR biochemical inhibition, cellular potency, kinase selectivity and in vitro ADME properties.  相似文献   

Linking the molecular aberrations of cancer to drug responses could guide treatment choice and identify new therapeutic applications. However, there has been no systematic approach for analyzing gene-drug interactions in human cells. Here we establish a multiplexed assay to study the cellular fitness of a panel of engineered isogenic cancer cells in response to a collection of drugs, enabling the systematic analysis of thousands of gene-drug interactions. Applying this approach to breast cancer revealed various synthetic-lethal interactions and drug-resistance mechanisms, some of which were known, thereby validating the method. NOTCH pathway activation, which occurs frequently in breast cancer, unexpectedly conferred resistance to phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors, which are currently undergoing clinical trials in breast cancer patients. NOTCH1 and downstream induction of c-MYC over-rode the dependency of cells on the PI3K-mTOR pathway for proliferation. These data reveal a new mechanism of resistance to PI3K inhibitors with direct clinical implications.  相似文献   

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) originates in most of the cases from chronic inflammation of the mesothelium due to exposure to asbestos fibers. Given the limited effect of chemotherapy, a big effort is being made to find new treatment options. The PI3K/mTOR pathway was reported to be upregulated in MPM. We tested the cell growth inhibition properties of two dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitors NVP-BEZ235 and GDC-0980 on 19 MPM cell lines. We could identify resistant and sensitive lines; however, there was no correlation to the downregulation of PI3K/mTOR activity markers. As a result of mTOR inhibition, both drugs efficiently induced long-term autophagy but not cell death. Autophagy blockade by chloroquine in combination with the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitors significantly induced caspase-independent cell death involving RIP1 in the sensitive cell line SPC212. Cell death in the resistant cell line Mero-82 was less pronounced, and it was not induced via RIP1-dependent mechanism, suggesting the involvement of RIP1 downstream effectors. Cell death induction was confirmed in 3D systems. Based on these results, we identify autophagy as one of the main mechanisms of cell death resistance against dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitors in MPM. As PI3K/mTOR inhibitors are under investigation in clinical trials, these results may help interpreting their outcome and suggest ways for intervention.Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is sensitive to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin (PI3K/mTOR) signaling inhibitors due to the activation of PI3K/mTOR signaling.1, 2 The activation may result from inactivation of INP4A phosphatase, which is downregulated in 44% of MPM (presented at IMIG2014), or alterations in PI3K signaling components, which are mutated in 9% of MPM,3 while receptor tyrosine kinase mutations/amplifications have not been identified in two recent high-throughput studies.4, 5One of the tumor-suppressor genes frequently mutated in MPM is NF2 and NF2-null cells were shown to be sensitive to growth-inhibitory effects of rapamycin6 via mechanisms involving PI3K signaling-independent mTORC1 activation. However, the mTOR inhibitor, everolimus, showed no therapeutic benefit in unselected MPM patients.7 As mTORC1 inhibitors often lead to a feedback activation of PI3K activation in cancers,8, 9 we postulated that dual PI3K–mTOR inhibitors may yield greater therapeutic benefit. Furthermore, NF2 was also shown to inhibit PI3K activity by binding to PI3K enhancer-L (PIKE-L), which disrupts binding of PIKE-L to PI3K10 and loss of NF2 in schwannoma was shown to sensitize to PI3K inhibitors.11In a screen on the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235, within the Sanger Institute/MGH''s ‘Genomics of Drug Sensitivity'' screening panel,12 CDKN2A deletion was shown to be associated with increased sensitivity. Because NF2 and CDKN2A are indeed the genes most frequently mutated in MPM, blocking PI3K/mTOR signaling might be a valid approach to circumvent the difficulty of applying targeted therapy in the absence of an identified oncogene. The rationale for targeting the PI3K/mTOR pathway is also supported by the association of increased activity with a worse clinical outcome.13, 14NVP-BEZ235(ref15) and GDC-0980(ref16) are small-molecule inhibitors of class I PI3K and mTOR (mTORC1 and mTORC2). GDC-0980 has been tested in phase I studies where the phase I extension cohort showed two objective responses among 26 patients with mesothelioma.17 Despite these encouraging results, this drug will not be explored further because of side effects observed in another clinical trial.18 This, however, should not deter us for trying to find means to improve the antitumor effect of this class of agents. We have previously shown that PI3K/mTOR signaling inhibition sensitizes mesothelioma cells to drugs that are effluxed via ABCG2 transporter by inhibiting the function of ABCG2.19 In this study, we aimed at identifying the underlying mechanisms responsible for sensitivity versus resistance towards PI3K/mTOR inhibition in a large panel of mesothelioma cell lines. We observed that PI3K/mTOR inhibition increases autophagic rate, which constitutes an efficient mechanism of resistance by inducing growth arrest and survival. However, blocking autophagy, which per se affects cell growth, is synthetically lethal when combined with PI3K/mTOR inhibitors by a mechanism involving receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIP1)-dependent cell death.  相似文献   

The viridins like demethoxyviridin (Dmv) and wortmannin (Wm) are nanomolar inhibitors of the PI3 kinases, a family of enzymes that play key roles in a host of regulatory processes. Central to the use of these compounds to investigate the role of PI3 kinase in biological systems, or as scaffolds for drug development, are the interrelated issues of stability, chemical reactivity, and bioactivity as inhibitors of PI3 kinase. We found that Dmv was an even more potent inhibitor of PI3 kinase than Wm. However, Dmv was notably less stable than Wm in PBS, with a half-life of 26 min versus Wm’s half-life of 3470 min. Dmv, like Wm, disappeared in culture media with a half-life of less than 1 min. To overcome Dmv’s instability, it was esterified at the C1 position, and then reacted with glycine at the C20 position. The resulting Dmv derivative, termed SA–DmvC20-Gly had a half-life of 218 min in PBS and 64 min in culture media. SA–DmvC20-Gly underwent an exchange reaction at the C20 position with N-acetyl lysine in a manner similar to a WmC20 derivative, WmC20-Proline. SA–DmvC20-Gly inhibited PI3 kinase with an IC50 of 44 nM, compared to Wm’s IC50 of 12 nM. These results indicate that the stability of Dmv can be manipulated by reactions at the C1 and C20 positions, while substantially maintaining its ability to inhibit PI3 kinase. Our results indicate it may be possible to obtain stabilized Dmv derivatives for use as PI3 kinase inhibitors in biological systems.  相似文献   

The PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway is one of the most commonly disrupted signaling pathways that plays a role in the development and pathogenicity of multiple cancers. Therefore, the critical proteins of this pathway have been targeted for anticancer therapy. The scientific community has increasingly been realizing the anti-cancer therapeutic potential of naphthoquinone analogs. These compounds constitute a major class of diverse sets of plant metabolites, which include various natural products and synthetic compounds with proven anticancer activity. The current study involved structural computational biology approaches to explore compounds from a diverse pool of naphthoquinone analogs that can inhibit key cancer-signaling proteins phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase B, PKB (AKT), and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). The novel compound identified commonly among the top 10 dock score lists of PI3K, AKT, and mTOR was selected for further study and proposed as a potential inhibitor of the 3 cancer-signaling proteins and an anticancer agent. Further, to check the docking accuracy and potential of the compound, post docking analyses, namely, binding comparison with the native ligand, the role of the interacting residue role in binding, predicted binding energy and dissociation constant calculations, etc., were performed. All these measures showed good-quality binding, and thus provide weight to our prediction of the novel compound as a pan PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitor and an anticancer agent. Finally, to compare the binding and similarity in the active sites of the 3 protein kinases, a ligand-based active site alignment was performed and analyzed. Thus, the study proposed a novel naphthoquinone analog as a potential anticancer drug, and provided comparative structural insight into its binding to the 3 protein kinases.  相似文献   

A series of 5-ureidobenzofuran-3-one indoles as potent inhibitors of PI3Kα and mTOR has been developed. The best potency in cells was obtained when the urea group was extended to a 4-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]methylamino amidophenyl group. A 7-fluoro group on the indole ring also enhanced cellular potency. Compound 18i, incorporating the optimal functional groups, showed high potency in cellular lines and was further studied in vivo. It was able to inhibit the biomarker phosphorylation for 8 h when dosed at 25 mg/kg iv. In the MDA-MB-361 breast cancer model, it shrank the tumor size remarkably when dosed at 25 mg/kg iv on days 1, 5, and 9.  相似文献   

mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) forms two distinct types of complex, mTORC (mTOR complex) 1 and 2. Rapamycin inhibits some of the functions of mTORC1, whereas newly developed mTOR kinase inhibitors interfere with the actions of both types of complex. We have explored the effects of rapamycin and mTOR kinase inhibitors on general protein synthesis and, using a new stable isotope-labelling method, the synthesis of specific proteins. In HeLa cells, rapamycin only had a modest effect on total protein synthesis, whereas mTOR kinase inhibitors decreased protein synthesis by approx. 30%. This does not seem to be due to the ability of mTOR kinase inhibitors to block the binding of eIFs (eukaryotic initiation factors) eIF4G and eIF4E. Analysis of the effects of the inhibitors on the synthesis of specific proteins showed a spectrum of behaviours. As expected, synthesis of proteins encoded by mRNAs that contain a 5'-TOP (5'-terminal oligopyrimidine tract) was impaired by rapamycin, but more strongly by mTOR kinase inhibition. Several proteins not known to be encoded by 5'-TOP mRNAs also showed similar behaviour. Synthesis of proteins encoded by 'non-TOP' mRNAs was less inhibited by mTOR kinase inhibitors and especially by rapamycin. The implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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