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Fissiparous strains of freshwater triclads of the Dugesia gonocephala group were collected from 12 localities in Sardinia all situated not more than 5 kilometers from the coast. Some environmental factors and the sexual status of the specimens were noted at the time of collection. During the laboratory rearing 30% of individuals of each strain became sexual (ex-fissiparous individuals). All the examined strains showed common karyological and morphological characteristics suggestive of the species Dugesia sicula Lepori. The chromosome complement, which was a constant 27+2–3 B chromosomes, was classified as aneutriploid, due to its clearly documented characteristics. The fissiparous populations of D. sicula appear to have a high degree of tolerance to variations in environmental factors, especially temperature. Within the D. gonocephala group this species has the broadest distribution in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Dugesia bengalensis was described by Kawakatsu (Kawakatsu et al., 1983) from specimens collected in West Bengal. We have been studying populations from many different localities in Santiniketan and adjoining areas of West Bengal and can provide additional biological information.The species is hermaphroditic, and its breeding season was found to occur usually between October and March when the winter temperature falls below 25 °C. Outside of the breeding season, D. bengalensis is capable of asexual reproduction by binary fission (Mahapatra et al., 1987).Development of the reproductive organs appeared to be from neoblasts and other mesenchymal cells and, therefore, to be like that typical of other triclads with the exception that some of the neoblasts used for the reproductive tissue appeared to be derived from the intestinal region (Ghosh, 1988; cf. Teshirogi, 1986).During copulation, the partners were oriented in the same direction and not in a head-to-tail position as has been reported (Hyman, 1945) for some planarians.The oval, stalked cocoons were laid in marshy places, and during the period of summer (usually from April to June) they lay dormant in the sandy soil until the onset of the monsoon rains. Then, typically three or four months after they were laid, the cocoons hatched to yield three or four young, a remarkably low number for freshwater triclads (cf Ball & Reynoldson, 1981).  相似文献   

Schürmann  Wolfgang  Peter  Roland 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):111-116
At a concentration of 0.2% (21 m M) in culture water, magnesium chloride impaired muscle contraction and completely inhibited head regeneration in specimens of Dugesia polychroa cut prepharyngeally. The wound stayed open for nine days, with neoblasts accumulating beneath the wound without any signs of differentiation. Extremely delayed wound closure occurred by spreading epithelial cells, and was completed after 30 days in the magnesium chloride solution. Histological examination confirmed the absence of any regenerated head structures. Interestingly, the inhibitory effect was removed when such headless fragments were cut once more and kept in normal culture water: complete head regeneration then occurred at a normal rate. Among several possible explanations for the failure to regenerate, the following hypothesis is an attractive alternative: direct contact between parenchyma and epithelial cells during the period following injury seems to be an essential stimulus for the start of cell differentiation within the blastema, and the lack of such contact as a result of the drug action prevents normal regeneration. When the wound has eventually closed, a continuous basement membrane separates epithelium from parenchyma. Thus a direct contact between these tissues is never established. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis was performed on the genera and subgenera within the freshwater triclad family Dugesiidae, based on 19 terminal taxa and 17 morphological characters. The phylogenetic tree proposed has length of 27 steps and consistency index of 0.66. This phylogenetic hypothesis implies that the current genus Dugesia is paraphyletic and that its subgenera Girardia, Schmidiea and Dugesia S.S. should be elevated to the rank of genus. The genera Cura, Spathula and Neppia are presumed monophyletic by default because the database was unable to provide autapomorphies for any of these genera. The genera Dugesia S.S. and Neppia share sistergroup relationship. Several characters are discussed which were previously considered to be of phylogenetic importance but were not included in the present analysis. It is emphasized that sensory organs form potentially useful set of phylogenetic characters for the Dugesiidae.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on freshwater planarians of the genus Dugesia from three localities in northern Tunisia: Joumine, Chiba, and Lebna. The three populations are fissiparous under field conditions and do not possess reproductive organs, except for some cases of hyperplastic ovaries in the Joumine population. After five months of breeding under laboratory conditions, with water temparature between 18 and 25?°C and under short photoperiod, 8.33 to 26% of specimens from the Joumine stream became sexualized, together with considerable increase of body length and width. For the other two populations the sexualization rate was very small. Extended period of darkness apparently played a positive role in this sexualization. The phenomenon of sexualization is discussed in the context of reproductive strategies. Histological and karyological studies of the sexualized animals allowed identification of these usually fissiparous planarians as representatives of Dugesia sicula Lepori, 1948. The species is here reported for the first time from Tunisia. The populations are restricted to permanent water basins resulting from the construction of dams in large rivers.  相似文献   

Pala  Maria  Casu  Salvatore  Stocchino  Giacinta 《Hydrobiologia》1999,392(2):113-120
Karyology and karyotype analysis were carried out on freshwater planarian populations of the Dugesia gonocephala group. The strains studied were all diploid with chromosomic number 2n = 16; n = 8. They came from 12 sites mainly localized on the west of the island of Sardinia. Three karyotypes indicated with the letters A, B and C were found in which eight homomorphic pairs of chromosomes were easily identified. In karyotype A all chromosomes are metacentric. Ten populations of the twelve examined showed this karyotype which appears to be the most common. In karyotype B the seventh pair of chromosomes is submetacentric. This karyotype is quite common having been previously found in another eight Sardinian localities. Karyotype C differs from the others in having submetacentric third and seventh pairs of the chromosome complement. It was found in only one locality. The differences observed between these three karyotypes could be interpreted either as sign of differentiation at species level, or as an intraspecific variation due to chromosome mutations (pericentric inversions). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although peptides similar to gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) peptides have been reported in various taxa of invertebrates, no such evidence has yet been identified for platyhelminths. Antibodies raised against mammalian GnRH were used to investigate the distribution of GnRH immunoreactivity in specimens of the triclad turbellarian Bdelloura candida (Maricola, Bdellouridae). While no GnRH immunoreactivity was detected in the brain and nerve cords, both the putative subepidermal and submuscular nerve plexuses appeared to be immunoreactive. GnRH immunoreactivity was also present in epidermal mucous cells, in parenchymal cells, including cells surrounding the branches of the intestine, in putative neuroendocrine cells associated with the testes, and in the vitellogenic gland cells associated with the oviduct. These observations suggest that the GnRH‐like material found in specimens of B. candida may be involved in a variety of functions, including a possible pheromone‐like role for mucous cells and the control of specific reproductive activities.  相似文献   

The taxonomic and distributional statuses of the freshwater planarians of South America are imperfectly understood, and a comprehensive review is sorely needed. The species known from the vicinity of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was first described by Böhmig (1902) under the name Planaria dubia Borelli, 1895. Subsequent authors (Kenk, 1930, 1974; Cazzaniga & Curino, 1987) have cast doubt on this assignation. Some have assigned it to Dugesia anceps Kenk; Hyman (1959) was inclined to regard the Buenos Aires planarian as a geographical variant of Dugesia sanchezi Hyman. A comparison of D. sanchezi from the mountainous region of central Chile with specimens from Buenos Aires confirms that the Argentinian material is a distinct species.The differences between the two species are subtle. The Argentinian specimens are distinctive in their possession of infranucleate epithelia of the atria, penis, and bursal canal, as well as in their penial structure. In both species, the epithelia of the atria and bursal canal are glandular. Those of D. sanchezi are nucleate and their secretions are cyanophilous. In the Argentinian specimens, these same epithelia are infranucleate; but while the secretion of the bursal canal is indeed cyanophilous, that of the atrium is erythrophilous. The presence, in these same specimens, of cyanophilous glands opening into the penial vesicles, and of erythrophilous glands whose secretions contribute to a viscous plug in the ejaculatory duct, suggests a difference in the physiology of copulation.It is apparent that the Argentinian specimens are distinct from D. sanchezi Hyman, and probably they represent a new species, one to be described in detail elsewhere. In any case, Hyman's (1959) suggestion that D. sanchezi occurs near Buenos Aires is mistaken; so also is Cazzaniga's & Curino's (1987) identification of specimens from Buenos Aires as D. anceps.  相似文献   

Wrona  Frederick J. 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):287-293
The ontogenetic changes in the distribution, abundance, and size of rhabdoids were examined in an undisturbed laboratory population of Dugesia polychroa. Irrespective of triclad age, rhabdoids in the epidermis and parenchyma were more abundant on the dorsal than the ventral side of the body. No significant differences were found in the abundance of epidermal or parenchymal rhabdoids among the anterior, medial, and posterior regions of the body. Rhabdoid number and size changed significantly with triclad age, with a marked depression coinciding with the onset of cocoon production. Rhabdoid discharge was correlated with physical and/or physiological disturbance and occurred in the absence of any overt environmental disturbance. Simple allometric relationships were observed between rhabdoid size and number on one hand and body plan area on the other. Different allometric trends were observed from field-collected individuals compared to the undisturbed laboratory population. The potential function of rhabdoids in the Tricladida is discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

In this paper we report a new species of Dugesia of the family Dugesiidae from Madagascar, representing the fourth species of freshwater planarian known from this global biodiversity hotspot. In some respects the new species is aberrant, when compared with its congeners, being characterized by a head with smoothly rounded auricles, a peculiar course of the oviducts, including the presence of a common posterior extension, and by the asymmetrical openings of the vasa deferentia at about halfway along the seminal vesicle. Further, it is characterized by a ventral course of the ejaculatory duct with a terminal opening, very long spermiducal vesicles and unstalked cocoons. Its diploid chromosome complement with 18 chromosomes represents an uncommon feature among fissiparous species of Dugesia.  相似文献   

Ronald  Sluys 《Journal of Zoology》1983,201(4):433-443
A new species of terrestrial planarian from Madeira, Kontikia bulbosa sp. nov. , is described. The genus Kontikia is redefined and its scope and status reviewed.  相似文献   

Theoretical models on the costs and benefits of sexual reproduction usually assume that sexual and parthenogenetic individuals coexist and are identical, except for their mode of reproduction. Empirical studies, however, show that conspecific sexuals and parthenogens can differ in ecological preferences and geographical distribution, which complicates the investigation of the costs and benefits of sex. The freshwater planarian Schmidtea polychroa exists in a sexual and a sperm-dependent, parthenogenetic form. The latter produce fertile sperm and mate, but received sperm is used only to induce parthenogenetic embryo development. We compared the spatial and ecological distribution between forms within a lake from which both had been reported. Forty samples showed large differences in the relative frequencies of sexuals and parthenogens. Nineteen samples contained both biotypes. All but one of the 13 ecological parameters that we measured, could not explain a significant part of the variance in relative abundance of each type. Only leech abundance had a significant, negative effect on the presence of sexual individuals. The causes of this effect remained unclear. We also estimated the amount of genetic isolation between sites and between reproductive modes, using body coloration as a genetic marker. Large differences were found between sites, suggesting isolation of local populations by migration barriers. There were smaller differences between sexuals and parthenogens within sites, suggesting that genetic exchange between biotypes may be limited. We conclude that there appears to be weak niche differentiation between sexuals and parthenogens in Lago di Caldonazzo in late summer. Fluctuations in relative frequency appears to be a consequence of low dispersal between local populations and stochastic effects within them. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Giemsa and quinacrine banding was routinely produced in metaphase spreads of the freshwater triclad Dugesia polychroa. The techniques reported here may help eliminate the problems in chromosome banding which have prevented the application of differential chromosome banding in karyological studies of this taxon. More detailed karyological and phylogenetic comparisons with other species now seems possible.  相似文献   

The results of the isolation of repetitive DNA elements in the genome of Dugesia etrusca, a species of the Dugesia gonocephala group, are reported. These sequences, about 1.4 kb long, represent only a part of longer interspersed genomic units (De1 family) and appear to be limited to the genome of some planarians of this group, as indicated by a Southern blot analysis performed in different species and populations. The genomic relationships among different species and populations of the D. gonocephala group are discussed in relation to the results obtained in the present work. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Prior to 1975 Dugesia tigrina , an Americati immigrant triclad, was known from only a few flowing water sites in Great Britain. Since then it has been found in a large number of lowland rivers and canals in England and Wales, and in 1985 it was reported from the lower reaches of the River Tweed in Scotland.
2. This note gives the recorded distribution of D. tigrina up to the end of 1985 (115 10 km squares now occupied) and summarizes the environmental conditions at a subset of twenty-five sites where D. tigrina occurs.
3. Information on the native triclads at sites recently colonized by D. tigrina is used as a basis for speculating on the rivers most vulnerable to the future spread of this species.
4. Possible methods of dispersal of D. tigrina and the features which make it a successful colonist are discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Using a serological technique, the extent of feeding upon snails by Polycelis tenuis was compared in habitats lacking and containing Dugesia polychroa which is the major triclad predator of snails. It was found that P. tenuis ate significantly more snails when D. polychroa was absent. It was concluded that in the field interspecific competition for snails between these two triclad species was a more powerful process than any social feeding by P. tenuis on snails captured by D. polychroa .
Feeding on snails as a group by P. tenuis and P. nigra in the habitat where the two triclads co-existed was of a similar magnitude and this was also true of their feeding on the common snail species and genera. Approximately 10% of the triclads gave a positive reaction to snail antisera.
Feeding on snails by P. nigra in the three habitats lacking D. polychroa was similar in extent and did not differ from that of P. tenuis . It was concluded that P. nigra would be similarly affected by the presence and absence of D. polychroa as shown for P. tenuis .
No definitive seasonal pattern was detected in the incidence of feeding upon snails by either Polycelis species but this may have been obscured by seasonal changes in the detection period of snail antigens due to temperature effects. There was some evidence that such feeding increased during the period when small snails were present in the population.  相似文献   

Weigela coraeensis var. coraeensis is a deciduous shrub species distributed in Japan on the mainland, Honshu, whereas its variety W. coraeensis var. fragrans is endemic to the Izu Islands located south of Honshu. We isolated eight polymorphic microsatellite loci from the species and characterized these loci for 20 individuals from a population in Honshu. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 7 to 15 and the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.60 to 0.90 and from 0.65 to 0.90, respectively. These eight polymorphic microsatellites will be useful for examining intraspecific genetic differentiation in W. coraeensis.  相似文献   

Primers for seven unlinked and highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for Corydalis ambigua to investigate its mating system and population genetics. This species can be used to explore the impact of an alien bumblebee on plant reproduction. Genetic diversity and other population genetic parameters were estimated in two populations with and without the alien bumblebee. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 20, and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.355 to 0.969. These markers can be applied to study mating systems and population genetics in C. ambigua.  相似文献   

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