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Studies have been carried out on the effects of mutations in nine distinct genes which regulate ribosome biosynthesis in yeast. Although some mutants have more extensive effects than others, in each case there is an inhibition by 50 to 80% of the synthesis of ribosomal precursor RNA. In each case there is an inhibition of the processing of that RNA which is made, ranging from 80 to 95%. In each case there is degradation of 50 to 70% of that RNA which is processed. Much of the RNA which survives to become the mature 25 s and 18 s species is found in functioning polyribosomes.  相似文献   

Mutations have been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae glycine tRNA genes that result in suppression of +1 frameshift mutations in glycine codons. Wild-type and suppressor alleles of genes encoding the two major glycine tRNAs, tRNA(GCC) and tRNA(UCC), were examined in this study. The genes were identified by genetic complementation and by hybridization to a yeast genomic library using purified tRNA probes. tRNA(UCC) is encoded by three genes, whereas approximately 15 genes encode tRNA(GCC). The frameshift suppressor genes suf1+, suf4+ and suf6+ were shown to encode the wild-type tRNA(UCC) tRNA. The suf1+ and suf4+ genes were identical in DNA sequence, whereas the suf6+ gene, whose DNA sequence was not determined, was shown by a hybridization experiment to encode tRNA(UCC). The ultraviolet light-induced SU F1-1 and spontaneous SU F4-1 suppressor mutations were each shown to differ from wild-type at two positions in the anticodon, including a +1 base-pair insertion and a base-pair substitution. These changes resulted in a CCCC four-base anticodon rather than the CCU three-base anticodon found in wild-type. The RNA sequence of tRNA(UCC) was shown to contain a modified uridine in the wobble position. Mutant tRNA(CCCC) isolated from a SU F1-1 strain lacked this modification. Three unlinked genes that encode wild-type tRNA(GCC), suf20+, trn2, and suf17+, were identical in DNA sequence to the previously described suf16+ frameshift suppressor gene. Spontaneous suppressor mutations at the SU F20 and SU F17 loci were analyzed. The SU F20-2 suppressor allele contained a CCCC anticodon. This allele was derived in two serial selections through two independent mutational events, a +1 base insertion and a base substitution in the anticodon. Presumably, the original suppressor allele, SU F20-1, contained the single base insertion. The SU F17-1 suppressor allele also contained a CCCC anticodon resulting from two mutations, a +1 insertion and a base substitution. However, this allele contained an additional base substitution at position 33 adjacent to the 5' side of the four-base anticodon. The possible origin and significance of multiple mutations leading to frameshift suppression is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, known to produce multiple isoaccepting forms of several tRNA's which differ from a standard wild type strain, has been studied genetically. The multiple isoaccepting tRNA phenotype behaves as if it is caused by a single recessive mutation. Five tetrads were analyzed and all showed a 2:2 segregation of mutant to wild type profiles for Phe-tRNAPhe. Furthermore, the multiple isoacceptors for the other tRNA's in the mutant strain are probably caused by the same mutation, since Tyr-tRNATyr and Val-tRNAVal also exhibit 2:2 segregation for mutant versus wild type tRNA profiles and the segregation pattern is the same as that for Phe-tRNAPhe.  相似文献   

Using molecular genetic techniques, we have generated and characterized six temperature sensitive (ts) alleles of nop2. All failed to support growth at 37°C and one was also formamide sensitive (fs) and failed to grow on media containing 3% formamide. Conditional lethality is not due to rapid turnover of mutant Nop2p proteins at 37°C. Each allele contains between seven and 14 amino acid substitutions and one possesses a nonsense mutation near the C-terminus. Mapping experiments with one allele, nop2-4, revealed that a subset of the amino acid substitutions conferred the ts phenotype and that these mutations have an additive effect. All six mutants exhibited dramatic reductions in levels of 60S ribosome subunits under non-permissive conditions as well as some reduction at permissive temperature. Processing of 27S pre-rRNA to mature 25S rRNA was defective in all six mutants grown under non-permissive conditions. Levels of the 40S ribosomal subunit and 18S rRNA were not significantly affected. Amino acid substitutions in nop2 conditional alleles are discussed in the context of the hypothesis that Nop2p functions both as an RNA methyltransferase and a trans-acting factor in rRNA processing and large ribosomal subunit biogenesis.  相似文献   

A mitochondrially inherited temperature sensitive respiratory deficient mutant of yeast has been isolated. Detection of nuclear suppressor mutations indicates an interaction between the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. A preliminary biochemical characterization is presented.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the passive mechanisms involved in the response of a yeast to changes in medium concentration and osmotic pressure. The results presented here were collected in our laboratory during the last decade and are experimentally based on the measurement of cell volume variations in response to changes in the medium composition. In the presence of isoosmotic concentration gradients of solutes between intracellular and extracellular media, mass transfers were found to be governed by the diffusion rate of the solutes through the cell membrane and were achieved within a few seconds. In the presence of osmotic gradients, mass transfers mainly consisting in a water flow were found to be rate limited by the mixing systems used to generate a change in the medium osmotic pressure. The use of ultra-rapid mixing systems allowed us to show that yeast cells respond to osmotic upshifts within a few milliseconds and to determine a very high hydraulic permeability for yeast membrane (Lp>6.10(-11) m x sec)-1) x Pa(-1)). This value suggested that yeast membrane may contain facilitators for water transfers between intra and extracellular media, i.e. aquaporins. Cell volume variation in response to osmotic gradients was only observed for osmotic gradients that exceeded the cell turgor pressure and the maximum cell volume decrease, observed during an hyperosmotic stress, corresponded to 60% of the initial yeast volume. These results showed that yeast membrane is highly permeable to water and that an important fraction of the intracellular content was rapidly transferred between intracellular and extracellular media in order to restore water balance after hyperosmotic stresses. Mechanisms implied in cell death resulting from these stresses are then discussed.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial C1-tetrahydrofolate (THF) synthases. These trifunctional isozymes are central to single-carbon metabolism and are responsible for interconversion of the THF derivatives in the respective compartments. In the present work, we have used 13C NMR to study folate-mediated single-carbon metabolism in these two compartments, using glycine and serine synthesis as metabolic endpoints. The availability of yeast strains carrying deletions of cytoplasmic and/or mitochondrial C1-THF synthase allows a dissection of the role each compartment plays in this metabolism. When yeast are incubated with [13C]formate, 13C NMR spectra establish that production of [3-13C]serine is dependent on C1-THF synthase and occurs primarily in the cytosol. However, in a strain lacking cytoplasmic C1-THF synthase but possessing the mitochondrial isozyme, [13C]formate can be metabolized to [2-13C]glycine and [3-13C]serine. This provides in vivo evidence for the mitochondrial assimilation of formate, activation and conversion to [13C]CH2-THF via mitochondrial C1-THF synthase, and subsequent glycine synthesis via reversal of the glycine cleavage system. Additional supporting evidence of reversibility of GCV in vivo is the production of [2-13C]glycine and [2,3-13C]serine in yeast strains grown with [3-13C]serine. This metabolism is independent of C1-THF synthase since these products were observed in strains lacking both the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial isozymes. These results suggest that when formate is the one-carbon donor, assimilation is primarily cytoplasmic, whereas when serine serves as one-carbon donor, considerable metabolism occurs via mitochondrial pathways.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the enzymes which catalyse the synthesis of ethyl acetate, ethyl n-hexanoate and isoamyl acetate were partly resolved from a fraction containing slowly sedimenting lipoproteins released during cell disruption with glass beads. Solubilization with detergents and fractionation by affinity chromatography have demonstrated the presence of at least three, and probably four, ester synthases which differ in their catalytic properties. Isoamyl-acetate synthase was solubilized and extensively purified to apparent homogeneity by successive chromatographies on various columns. On the basis of its specific activity in cell-free extracts, the enzyme was purified 19,000-fold with a 5% activity yield. As judged by SDS/PAGE, it consists of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular mass of 57 +/- 3 kDa and its apparent pI is 5.5. The enzyme acetylates isoamyl alcohol, ethanol and 12-DL-hydroxystearic acid from acetyl-CoA but is unable to use n-hexanoyl-CoA as a cosubstrate. This enzyme, defined as an acetyl-CoA: O-alcohol acetyltransferase, could be the product of one of the anaerobically induced genes in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:67,自引:0,他引:67  

Lipid synthesis in inositol-starved Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lipid synthesis was analyzed in an inositol-requiring mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (MC13). Both rates and cellular amounts of [U-14C]acetate incorporation into phospholipids, triacylglycerols, free sterols and steryl esters were elevated in an inositol-starved culture compared to the supplemented control at a time when the deprived culture was losing viability (inositol-less death). The rates at a later time were greatly reduced. During the period when de novo lipid synthesis was high in the starved culture, phospholipid turnover and presumed conversion to triacylglycerols was also accelerated; no differences were apparent in the turnover of the sterol fractions between the two cultures. No change in the fractional percent of ergosterol or of the sterol precursors could be attributed to inositol starvation. The synthesis and maintenance of membrane lipids (phospholipids and free sterols) and their coupling in cellular metabolism are discussed in light of these results.  相似文献   

A recessive temperature sensitive mutant has been isolated that is defective in ribosomal RNA processing. By Northern analysis, this mutant was found to accumulate three novel rRNA species: 23S', 18S' and 7S', each of which contains sequences from the spacer region between 25S and 18S rRNA. 35S pre-rRNA accumulates, while the level of the 20S and 27S rRNA processing intermediates is depressed. Pulse-chase analysis demonstrates that the processing of 35S pre-rRNA is slowed. The defect in the mutant appears to be at the first processing step, which generates 20S and 27S rRNA. 7S' RNA is a form of 5.8S RNA whose 5' end is extended by 149 nucleotides to a position just 5 nucleotides downstream of the normal cleavage site that produces 20S and 27S rRNA. 7S' RNA can assemble into 60S ribosomal subunits, but such subunits are relatively ineffective in joining polyribosomes. A single lesion is responsible for the pre-rRNA processing defect and the temperature sensitivity. The affected gene is designated RRP2.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae growing under repressible conditions (1% of glucose or more) produces a burst of external invertase when shifted to higher temperatures. The secretion of this invertase requires protein synthesis, but was found to be independent of RNA formation. The level of mRNA accumulated and translated was inversely proportional to the glucose present in the growth medium. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that invertase is continuously synthesized both in the presence and absence of glucose, but under repressible conditions is degraded before secretion takes place.  相似文献   

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